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ckauhaus|away is now known as ckauhaus
<ckauhaus> andi-: PR for poppler submitted (#45916)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45916 (by ckauhaus, 32 seconds ago, open): poppler 0.61: patch against CVE-2018-13988
<andi-> Nice, just got home to resume in things
<andi-> I have prepared an update to hdf5 but the rebuilds failed due to out of disk space (tmpfs).. I'll try to build less things at the same time and see how that behaves
<ckauhaus> or put /tmp on a real disk?
<andi-> 128GB of space should be enough? :)
<ckauhaus> should do it
<andi-> as long as it doesn't rebuild multiple firefox/chrome versions...
<ckauhaus> heh
ckauhaus has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0]