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<gchristensen> disasm: 'round to help a networking noob?
<cransom> depending on your particular networking quirk, i may know a thing or 3.
<gchristensen> I'm heading out for a bit (30min-1hr) but I'm trying to setup NAT port forwarding
<gchristensen> forwardPorts = [
<gchristensen> { destination = ""; proto = "tcp"; sourcePort = 32400; }
<gchristensen> ];
<gchristensen> but it doesn't work :) despite working inside the network, and 32400 is open in allowedTCPPorts on the router
<cransom> where are you testing from?
<cransom> if you are checking from the inside on the same network, you don't flow the forwarding table like you would if you were from a public address