to update your declarative pinnings, there could be also a website that prints git ref + hash.
this a bit less annyoing.
oooh and have nur = let result = tryEval (import <nur> { pkgs = self; }); in if result.success then result.value else throw "Please add NUR channel bla bla bla";
I personally like the idea of using increasing integers to do the pinning, it's a bit unconventional but would be pretty cool
And seems to be the only way for having NUR properly work in nixpkgs, with pinning support
infinisil: maybe a web service that redirects a revision number to the git commit?
this should work because we never change history.
or we need a svn mirror :)
Hmm maybe
But then NUR would rely on that web service to work, which I'm not a fan of
I am still hoping the webservice is github.
maybe they have some sort of api for that
travis could add tags ...
So how would `nur = ???` look like then in nixpkgs?
haha, though those discussions might have been held before or during the month of may
Oh and how about that (not sure if you meant that samueldr): When nixpkgs gets branched off for release, we change the nur definition to `nur = { tag ? "2018-09-01" }: if tag == "2018-09-01" then builtins.fetchTarball { url = ".../${tag}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "..."; } else builtins.fetchTarball "../${tag}.tar.gz";`
Such that stable releases have a non-master version as default, so people get a stable version automatically
(and I just blindly trusted the answers of "tags don't scale")
infinisil: what if we get the tag from the nixpkgs version?
is this possible?
Much better
Could even do it automatically based on .version-prefix
.version-suffix I mean
also only because nixpkgs and nur are forcely kept in sync does not mean they work together.
it could be that a later version of nur fixes the evaluation with the current nixpkgs revision.
That's beeing that, having an option for users to pin a revision they are happy with is a good idea, but not pinning by default might be a sensible default.
After all I don't see how we could support stable without support from the individual repo maintainers.
They would need to commit on what they want to support.
Supporting stable releases is however probably something we need support, if we want to be in nixpkgs.
or else we would not include nixpkgs in any release.
An alternative would be to lock the nixpkgs revision in nur instead of the other way around.
at the price of more expansive evaluation.
Mic92: Good point
actually you know what, I think the status quo is fine :')
We could also tell users who want to use NUR in stable to import unstable channel as pkgs = source.
sphalerite: Meh
I think the tags is something we could add anyway, because there are handy - independently how we use them.
It would be cool to be able to do `(import <nixpkgs/lib>).nur.paul.foo` to get `nur.repos.paul.lib.foo`
People could then easily distribute library functions usable in nixos modules
that seems confusing. Why not just use (import <nixpkgs>).nur.paul.lib.foo?
whoops plus a {}
sphalerite: Because that won't work with nixos modules and stuff
Infinite recursion and such
Ah wait
Please no dependency on NIX_PATH :/
there is no dependencies, but you have to supply an additional argument then.