ChanServ changed the topic of #nixos-nur to: Nix User Repository || ||
<Mic92_> those are quite tricky to come up on your own.
<Mic92_> infinisil: do we have an IRC bot that could log here?
<Mic92_> would be great to review changes at least a bit.
<Mic92_> or did you run the irc bot in nixos samueldr ?
<infinisil> Mic92_: i do not, gchristensen could probably set it up for here as well though
<infinisil> And samueldr for the messages themselves i think
<samueldr> I run nothing from {^_^}
<samueldr> I made the github-to-irc bridge, it uses the rabbitmq queue setup by gchristensen for IRC, and the other for github webhooks
<samueldr> but it's ran by gchristensen
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