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<tilpner> Mic92_ - What's up with this build log? manverus and your repo fail to update?
<tilpner> Not sure that the issue with servo-latest is either. Why would mesa not be available?
<Mic92_> I fixed my repository. manveru did not responed to the pull request I send him. Also he has still packages that do not pass the evaluation
<tilpner> Mic92_ - So does this block addition of new repos?
<Mic92_> no
<Mic92_> updates of existing repositories are ignored
<Mic92_> only if newly added repositories fail to evaluate.
<tilpner> Oh, good
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<Mic92_> mesa is missing
<tilpner> Right. Ideally, I would fix evaluation upstream, but can we alternatively ignore that evaluation failure?
<tilpner> There're still a few useful packages in there, and I don't really care about servo
<tilpner> "servo" hasn't been changed in 2 years. If it was my decision, I'd just remove it
<tilpner> Mic92_ - ^?
<Mic92_> tilpner: What if you only export valid packages instead?
<tilpner> Mic92_ - nbp wanted no changes to the overlay mechanism
<tilpner> And providing a different set of packages than the overlay would... is confusing
<Mic92_> breaking evaluation is annoying
<tilpner> I agree, but it's going to happen again and again (though not necessarily during repo addition)
<tilpner> (And who knows what else doesn't eval in that repo)
<Mic92_> repositories with evaluation errors are not included.
<Mic92_> or updated
<Mic92_> I removed the rust overlay also again from my NIX_PATH because it broke other tools that evaluate packages.
<tilpner> Huh, it does? I saw your rust-nightly package
<Mic92_> it works differently
<Mic92_> It is similar to how the bootstrap binary is packaged.
<Mic92_> I wanted to avoid daily recompilation because of rustc nightly
<tilpner> nixpkgs-mozilla doesn't require daily recompilation!
<tilpner> You can use rustChannelOf { channel = "nightly"; date = "2018-07-16"; }
<Mic92_> Do they still have there nix toml parser that consumes memory?
<tilpner> They still have a toml parser in nix
<tilpner> But I don't know how much memory it eats
<tilpner> Last commit says they switched from builtins.match to split
<tilpner> Thanks
<Mic92_> I would like keep the evaluation checks as safety measure, in case people doing mistakes.
<tilpner> By default, sure. But maybe with exceptions?
<tilpner> Limiting package-set.nix to only provide stuff that evals should work, eventually
<tilpner> But I was hoping to get rust-overlay into NUR quickly, as I was hoping to use it for another thing :/
<Mic92_> for what?
<tilpner> I'll use the rust-overlay directly for now, and switch to NUR when ready
<tilpner> A little qemu+nix sandbox toy
<Mic92_> I hope nobody is trying to reference other nur repositories from there own. Cycles would be terrible to debug.
<Mic92_> *their
<tilpner> You mean I couldn't have an NUR package that uses nightly from the mozilla NUR repo?
<Mic92_> I would not suggest to pull it from nur but rather import it yourself. We would need a better explicit interface to handle dependencies on other repositories.
<Mic92_> nix is not really a constraint solver.
<tilpner> I don't think it would have to be, for this. There is only one version of each repo, and nixpkgs does the "tying the knot" dance all the time
<infinisil> Might be interesting to write one in Nix :P
<tilpner> :c
<Mic92_> infinisil: well, carnix tried that.
<Mic92_> it can become very complex and maybe slow.
<Mic92_> I am not sure how haskell handle this.
<infinisil> Tried means it didn't work out and isn't used?
<Mic92_> it does not work in all cases.
<infinisil> Huh
<Mic92_> and the expressions are rather large, but this is probably more specific to rust.
<tilpner> Doesn't carnix do the dependency solving in Rust, and then output the resolved Nix expression?
<Mic92_> only the crate versions are resolved.
<tilpner> Oh, okay