garbas: I don't anymore, but I wrote a module to mirror NixOS channels, which relies on store-paths.xz. I sent that module to monokrome after they expressed an interest in doing the same, and we noticed it no loner works because store-paths.xz no longer exists
tilpner: is the mirror code somewhere public?
I would very much like to avoid using lambda
me too, but i don't see the eaier solution then this
how about "not doing it"
is it possible to not do it?
it is a bit weird that we only redirect some parts of the url but not others. i think this is where confusion is.
we can leave it as it is and just explain how things work
and how to work around them
or solve the problem differently, like opening an issue with netlify, or maybe something other than netlify
this is not a netlify issue.
it is about nix-channels s3 bucket
netlify redirects correctly nixos.org/channels/:splat to channels.nixos.org/:splat
but aws s3 does not support this kind of redirects. you can only create objects in s3 cache to redirect
we used s3 bucket (for channels.nixos.org) out of convinience since channel script already knew how to handle s3 buckets
gchristensen: out of curiosity, why are you against aws lamda@edge?
it adds so much complication, and moves us to spooky action at a distance. everything about how the bucket and the cache works is so clear and easy to follow, and this takes it a step beyond I think
and s3-likes no longer become viable alternatives
what's the issue with that redirection? can't we redirect it like we do other elements of the bucket?
garbas: That's a workaround, and yes, it might work
garbas: I'm just reporting breakage of a URL that worked before, assuming it would need fixing
garbas: How does https://channels.nixos.org/nixos-19.09 work? It redirects to releases.n.o, but applying the same rewrite to the full URL doesn't work?
(I'll note again that this is a module I no longer use, I'm not looking to fix it)