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<nikola_i> hi how do i intall emacs-overlay package from nix-shell. i cannot use nixos-rebuild atm
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<nikola_i> how do i get emacs 27 as a user package in nixos?
<alexarice[m]> nikola_i: You can add overlays in `~/.config/nix/overlays` I think
<alexarice[m]> sorry `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix`
<alexarice[m]> Once you've added the overlay, emacs 27 should be available as emacsGit
<nikola_i> alexarice: which is a better approach- overlay.nix file or emacs.nix in overlays folder?
<alexarice[m]> I don't think it matters
<alexarice[m]> just personal preference
<nikola_i> also do i need homemanager for overlays to work as in this config
<nikola_i> which one do you suggest plain overlay or the above config
<nikola_i> sry it doesnt use homemanager but nixos-nur
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<nikola_i> alexarice: can you point out a working overlay config for emacs. i cant seem to get it to work
<alexarice[m]> You don't need homemanager for overlays to work
<alexarice[m]> I recommend homemanager but it's not necessary
<alexarice[m]> Having an `overlay.nix` file containing something like `self: super: { inherit ((import (builtins.fetchTarball { ... })) self super) emacsGit; }` should work I think? I'm not really sure tbh
<nikola_i> alexarice: can you point out a working dotfile for this
<alexarice[m]> I do not have one
<alexarice[m]> I just use home-manager
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