worldofpeace changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | NixOS 20.09 Nightingale ✨ | | | 20.09 RMs: worldofpeace, jonringer |
<qyliss> Ericson2314: that was a fun PR. Thanks a lot. :)
<Ericson2314> np!
<qyliss> Ericson2314: hmm, the switch to bsdsetuphook seems to have broken netbsd.libterminfo
<Ericson2314> qyliss: left a comment for libm and opened up for the second commit
<{^_^}> #120283 (by Ericson2314, 25 seconds ago, open): netbsd: Remove some env vars that are probably not needed.
<Ericson2314> (which i kicked off a fresh build for)
<qyliss> (just noticed it didn't build even though I fixed it earlier today)
<qyliss> Ericson2314: did we just break staging?
<qyliss> "The branch this PR will merge in to does not cleanly evaluate, and so this PR cannot be checked."
<Ericson2314> Oops was that not happy with ofborg?
<qyliss> while evaluating the attribute 'propagatedBuildInputs' of the derivation 'yarGen-0.23.4' at /var/lib/ofborg/checkout/repo/38dca4e3aa6bca43ea96d2fcc04e8229/mr-est/ofborg-evaluator-0/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:197:11:
<Ericson2314> Peril of being trigger happy from my phone after eating
<qyliss> maybe it wasn't us
<Ericson2314> I'll go take a look
<Ericson2314> acrue some karma for other times i did break things :D
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<qyliss> oh, it's from staging-next being merged into staging
<qyliss> looks like staging-next is also broken
<qyliss> least it wasn't us :P
<qyliss> I'll let somebody else figure out what to do about that :P
<Ericson2314> staging + master change contradicted
<qyliss> fun problem
<qyliss> I think it's funny how several people seem to have independently noticed *immediately*
<qyliss> even though it's late for most of the community (going by when there's normally IRC traffic), and even though it's only staging and staging-next that are broken
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<qyliss> that's enough excitement. night everyone. :)
<Ericson2314> goodnight!
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<eyJhb> Only seen positive things with lukegb++
<{^_^}> lukegb's karma got increased to 20
<lukegb> nixos-unstable is stuck because the closure is too big for the Amazon image, heh
<samueldr> lukegb: was it creeping up along the way or did something big end up in the closure?
<lukegb> samueldr: I'm not sure, actually
<lukegb> (should be a prometheus metric if we don't have it already)
<sterni> can't you just increase the size of the amazon image
<samueldr> we probably can't shove all derivation closure sizes into prometheus
<lukegb> Right but the "final" build outputs probably can
<samueldr> hmm
<samueldr> we'd need the intermediary build closure size
<samueldr> to see
<samueldr> the one for the failing build
<lukegb> hmm, the closure-info has the total NAR size in it, which isn't the _same_ but is probably a good approximation for growth
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<samueldr> ??????
<samueldr> but ah!
<samueldr> I can see how it fails
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<samueldr> it shouldn't be a static amount
<samueldr> but grow according to the filesystem
<lukegb> iiinteresting
<samueldr> since the bigger ext4 is, the more reserved space there will be
<samueldr> every unique snowflake fs/image builder we have should be replaced with a common tooling :|
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<samueldr> before someone writes a new one, again, I volunteer my approache, but I'm biased :) (it was partly written with the goal to replace the image/fs writers I know of in Nixpkgs)
<samueldr> or at the very least a similar interface
<samueldr> ah, no, not exactly, let me retract, and explain
<samueldr> it needs to be done through the NixOS modules, for better composition :)
<samueldr> but the interface is basically the same
<lukegb> why is the auto size calculation wrong, though; fwict it picks 1382MB and there's no way there's 512M of ext4 overhead in a 1382MB disk
<lukegb> (or is additionalSpace set to something else for ec2 images)
<samueldr> lukegb: 1382MB is the size of the data?
<lukegb> 1382M is the size of the disk image it's putting the data into
<samueldr> yeah
<samueldr> we don't log useful data points like the size we want
<lukegb> oh, that's also drastically smaller than the last successful build
<samueldr> lukegb: can you copy the current failure log?
<samueldr> I'll restart the job
<lukegb> I already did that once
<lukegb> but sure, sec
<samueldr> ah, nah, if you did there's no need to
<samueldr> didn't realize you had some hydra rights
<lukegb> just restart-job
<samueldr> some
<lukegb> so the disk size we compute dropped from 2147MB to 1382MB for some reason
<lukegb> f3aa040bcbf39935e7e9ac7a7296eac9da7623ec
<lukegb> ah
<samueldr> --apparent-size is missing
<samueldr> ah, it's a recent change
<samueldr> lassulus will have some 'splaining to do ;)
<samueldr> #107212
<{^_^}> (by Lassulus, 17 weeks ago, merged): treewide: use auto diskSize for make-disk-image
<lukegb> hmm, doesn't apparent-size make the number go _down_ usually
<samueldr> it's uh, cargo culted from the sd image, to be honest
<samueldr> but it's more subtle
<lassulus> ohoh
<samueldr> print apparent sizes, rather than disk usage; although the apparent size is usually smaller, it may be larger due to holes in ('sparse') files, internal fragmentation, indirect blocks, and the like
<samueldr> I trusted the previous implemented chose --apparent-size *and* --block-size for a reason
<samueldr> reading the du manpage
* lukegb nods
<samueldr> lassulus: hopefully you understand I was saying that playfully :)
<symphorien[m]> maybe take the max between the two :þ
<lassulus> ah, I'm just in a meeting right now, will catch up later, hopefully I didn't break anything
<samueldr> ah, something broke, now to be determined if it was really _you_ :)
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<lukegb> 20.09 is also stuck but for a different reason (the chromium test can't find the "Web Store" text, even though it does seem to be there when I run it locally)
<samueldr> the amazon disk image built locally here
<lukegb> hrm
<lukegb> at d7abcef1e50?
<samueldr> nope
<samueldr> that's one variable
<samueldr> it was on whatever master was at
<samueldr> but nothing in between that looks like it would fix that
<samueldr> Disk /build/nixos.raw: 2403MB
<lukegb> yeah, built here too
<lukegb> Thought: does this get impacted by the partitioning scheme of the hydra workers without apparent-size?
<samueldr> good question
<samueldr> that's kind of my assumption
<samueldr> what _is_ apparent_size doing
<samueldr> and how can it be impacted by things like optimized store
<samueldr> use the apparent size (a la stat.st_size). */
<samueldr> static bool apparent_size = false;
<samueldr> blah
<samueldr> /* If true, rather than using the disk usage of each file,
<samueldr> that was the first line, but IRC ate it
<lukegb> aha!
<lukegb> yes, if I run the build on a ZFS machine it fails
<samueldr> that was the other thing I had in mind, not optimized store, but FS shenanigans
<samueldr> ambiant impurities!
<lukegb> wait, hm, these are both zfs machines
<samueldr> plausible
<samueldr> wait, yours or hydra?
<lukegb> mine
<samueldr> oh, I wouldn't know
<lukegb> one generated: Disk /build/nixos.raw: 1235MB
<lukegb> the other generated: Disk /build/nixos.raw: 1866MB
<samueldr> sounds to me like one might have either compression, or dedup, the other not?
<samueldr> OR that one dedup'd while the other had no chance?
<samueldr> grasping at straws
<samueldr> I don't _know_ what `du` does with ZFS
<lukegb> yeah, weird; not sure, both have compression==lz4, and I don't think either are deduped. how interesting.
<samueldr> Disk /build/nixos.raw: 2403MB
<samueldr> this is what I get with the actual commit
<samueldr> 1891 is likely the closure size
<samueldr> (2403-512)
<samueldr> so looks like it's undershooting on the one that worked
<samueldr> ah!
<samueldr> something else
<samueldr> unrelated to the actual crux of the issue
<samueldr> size=$(find . ! -type d -exec 'du' '--apparent-size' '--block-size' "$blockSize" '{}' ';' | cut -f1 | sum-lines)
<samueldr> if you look closely: it run `du` on every file
<samueldr> with block-size set to the underlying fs block size
<samueldr> so 1000 1 byte files gets treated as 1000 $blockSize entries
<samueldr> I think
<samueldr> oh duh, I wrote it in the comments on top of it
<lukegb> past samueldr++
<{^_^}> samueldr's karma got increased to 337, that's Numberwang!
<samueldr> it'll pay dividends to future me, one day
<samueldr> so I have something that would technically be incomplete, if we actually cared about the actual space taken on the disk
<samueldr> but already this should allow us to test things out
<samueldr> the first commit adds logging, and works with bytes, the following one adds --apparent-size
<samueldr> so you could easily see how --apparent-size affects your build on ZFS
<samueldr> on my end with --apparent-size it's 16 more bytes
<samueldr> but I'm on boring ext4
<samueldr> and maybe those 16 bytes are a rounding error coming from how the closure is put together
<samueldr> anyway, I'll be off, it's uh... way past my bed time :)
<samueldr> but I'm curious what this will look like on ZFS
<lassulus> hmm, yeah, I didn't really thought about different filesystems having an impact on du and how image generation could be affected by it. maybe its better to pin the disk size for some images and have the auto size as an opt-in?
<lukegb> I think in general the autosize thing is possibly better
<lukegb> I get a final size of 1706558274 vs 1709206019 bytes
<lukegb> which is... closer
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<nixuser> What should I do to get this documentation merged before the 21.05 cutoff?
<{^_^}> #118993 (by tomfitzhenry, 1 week ago, open): nixos/manual: document how to install over a serial port
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<devhell> lukegb: did you have issues with rgw?
<devhell> lukegb: also, hi! :D
<lukegb> devhell: with the new thingy?
<lukegb> or just with the standard ceph deployment
<devhell> lukegb: which new thingy?
<devhell> lukegb: yeah, radosgw daemon won't start
<lukegb> ah, there's an outstanding PR for bumping ceph to... pacific? the new release
<devhell> ah! no, still on octopus
<devhell> I wondered if you might be able to walk me through your process of getting rgw up and running, everything else is working fine, all OSDs, all MONs and MGRs are fine
<qyliss> I don't need to go through a PR to merge staging-next into staging, right?
<qyliss> staging still has the eval error and I'd like to get rid of it
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<sterni> it should be merged automatically by the action we have
<sterni> but you can probably also do it manually
<qyliss> doesn't seem to have been
<qyliss> action is supposed to be every six hours, and it's been almost 12
<qyliss> that's a long time to have eval broken
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<sterni> hm was there a conflict?
<qyliss> nope
<qyliss> not when I tried anyway
<LinuxHackerman> samueldr: AFAICT the ext4 tools can't currently do this, but mkfs.btrfs can create a filesystem image from a directory, determining the image's size automatically
<qyliss> sterni: ah, it looks like the action is getting stuck merging master into staging
<qyliss> staging-next rather
<qyliss> so it didn't even get to trying to staging-next -> staging
<qyliss> I'll try merging that manually too
<LinuxHackerman> samueldr: and on zfs it'll be totally unpredictable since it depends on settings like compression
<qyliss> merged master into staging-next too
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<sterni> qyliss++
<{^_^}> qyliss's karma got increased to 131
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<lukegb> qyliss++
<{^_^}> qyliss's karma got increased to 132, that's Numberwang!
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<lukegb> Hmm, can we replace the OCR that we do for things like the Chromium tests with use of the accessibility APIs instead?
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<lukegb> I guess it's not... quite as end to end
<devhell> lukegb: sorry, I had to restart irssi, was that last message directed at me?
<devhell> lukegb: never mind, found it on the other channel :)
<sterni> lukegb: have ever had failures in this style in nixpkgs?
<lukegb> sterni: chromium test is currently broken like that
<lukegb> actually, worse, because nothing recognisable as anything close to "Web Store" is there
<sterni> that's annoying
<sterni> are these caused by updates to the OCR software or just general flakiness?
<lukegb> in this case, chrome updated (cc primeos because it's 20.09 that's wedged)
<lukegb> after post-processing, it looks like
<lukegb> clearly that says "Web Store"
<lukegb> it can read "Add shortcut" fine, but not "Web Store" (unless you fiddle with the tesseract parameters a bit)
<devhell> lukegb: so, the Ceph manual for nautilus doesn't have a section describing how to manually deploy the RGW, however, I did find one from RedHat that seems to be up-to-date, I've created the directories, and added the keys, but when I start the service I get 'monclient(hunting): handle_auth_bad_method server allowed_methods [2] but i only support [2]
<lukegb> -> #nixos :P
<devhell> yeah
<devhell> my allows are the same now as yours
<devhell> mon just needed an extra x
<devhell> but still, no dice
<devhell> the RH documentation states that one is to add a [client.rgw.<obj_gw_hostname] in the global configuration, but services.ceph.rgw doesn't have an extraConfig
<devhell> ah
<devhell> I see, there is no need for this as the assumption is that rados stuff will end up in [global]
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<rsynnest> i just submitted some new packages in my first PR, and there are some fixes needed. Should I rebase my fork to keep the package init commits clean? or should I make the necessary changes as separate commits?
<qyliss> rsynnest: rebase
<qyliss> but don't change the base, just amend your commits
<qyliss> that way github can show us what changed between force pushes
<rsynnest> thanks qyliss, not quite sure what "don't change the base" means. does that mean I should git rebase, edit an old commit and then use "git commit --amend"?
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<qyliss> rsynnest: yes, but don't rebase onto the latest master/staging, rebase onto the commit before yours
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<samueldr> LinuxHackerman: it's the other way around, not making a ZFS image, but using data about file size from a ZFS image
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<samueldr> and for ext4, I don't remember for sure, but IIRC make_ext4fs in #67744 can
<{^_^}> (by samueldr, 1 year ago, open): make_ext4fs: init at unstable-2017-05-21
<samueldr> but "upstream" doesn't exactly exist in a way where I can send patches
<samueldr> tried to get info about where to send patchs
<samueldr> and never got a reply
<samueldr> (the PR comments do not include the information about how I tried getting in touch with openwrt and got no response)
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<primeos> lukegb: thanks for noticing the Chromium test failure on 20.09 :) Are you working on it or should I send a patch?
<lukegb> primeos: I'm working on it but my approach is mostly trying to make the test less sensitive
<lukegb> If you know anything about it from the chromium side that'd be great :p
<lukegb> Well, less sensitive => change the test framework to try harder at finding text
<primeos> not sure but it's possible that the "Web Store" text got a bit smaller (or a different font?) during the last major Chromium update
<primeos> might be best to match for "Search Google or type a URL" or simply "Google" instead
<lukegb> it's frustrating that the text directly next to it gets recognised perfectly :P
<primeos> yeah :D
<LinuxHackerman> samueldr: yeah, but I mean that the btrfs thing allows avoiding needing to compute sizes ourselves
<samueldr> yep
<LinuxHackerman> And yeah I get the zfs thing, du --apparent-size will still give the same results
<samueldr> hm?
<samueldr> it seemd to be better for lukegb
<LinuxHackerman> Just without --apparent-size it will vary wildly depending on the dataset config
<lukegb> Now it only seems to vary a little bit based on the host (^:
<samueldr> lukegb: I'll rewrite the branch soon with the `find` based approach
<lukegb> SG; then we can unblock nixos-unstable \o/
<samueldr> and will keep the verboselier output because... it's annoying to have no information in the logs!
<LinuxHackerman> I definitely wouldn't expect useful results from du without --apparent-size on zfs, is my point
<samueldr> >> will still give the same results
<samueldr> that confused me
<samueldr> I thought you meant it would still give wrong results, as it does without :)
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<qyliss> wow, staging next has a conflict again already
<qyliss> is it usually like this?
<lukegb> I think if it's not been merged back into master for a while
<qyliss> every so often I realise how much I take staging commits ending up in master for granted
<lukegb> samueldr: fwiw will you have time to update your branch ~today?
<samueldr> ~today is vague, but I intend to do it before going to bed
<samueldr> not "right before", hopefully
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<lukegb> fwiw I like the idea of switching to make_ext4fs but... yeah
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<hexa-> qyliss: yeah, daily
<hexa-> its worse this time because of the python-unstable bump
<hexa-> staging-next is usually < 300 commits, this time ~730
<qyliss> hexa-: wow, well thanks for being a part of taking care of this so well
<qyliss> hexa-++
<{^_^}> hexa-'s karma got increased to 32
<hexa-> this is new :D
<hexa-> qyliss: we all do our part
<hexa-> nixpkgs:staging-next:python38Packages.slicer.x86_64-linux
* lukegb guesses which machine it was built on
<hexa-> please do :D
<hexa-> there are four of these jobs that all ended with sigill
<hexa-> is it wendy?
<lukegb> that was my guess
<lukegb> I thought wendy was disabled
<hexa-> to nixos-infra we go!
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<evils> i'm trying to figure out why the `i7core_edac` module isn't being loaded automatically on nixos (it apparently is on arch linux) (#85039)
<{^_^}> (by evils, 1 year ago, open): Rasdaemon: init at v0.6.6-21-gb4764d4
<qyliss> Ericson2314: I'm stuck on pkgs.x86_64-netbsd.netbsd.tic, and pkgs.x86_64-netbsd.netbsd.compat, in case you feel like having a look at either
<qyliss> *pkgsCross
<qyliss> I have a fix for, but won't get it finished tonight
<Ericson2314> i think compat isn't supposed to be built on netbsd?
<qyliss> Ericson2314: it should, I checked with developer friend
<qyliss> because one thing it can be used for is building new NetBSD from old NetBSD
<qyliss> and I suspect tic might actually depend on it in some weird way but not sure
<Ericson2314> oh hmm
<Ericson2314> this one i think is ready
<Ericson2314> good call making it it's own PR
<Ericson2314> i did remove too many
<Ericson2314> just checking the kernel now, which wasn't building right before
<Ericson2314> the deleted vars I am sure are overridden in the wrapper setup hooks so this more of a sanity-check
<qyliss> looking
<qyliss> Ericson2314: could you look at #119833 again? Once it's in I can add aarch64-netbsd
<{^_^}> (by alyssais, 4 days ago, open): reorganize
<Ericson2314> qyliss: sure
<Ericson2314> merged
<qyliss> :)
<Ericson2314> qyliss: i think the tic failure might have to do with ?
<Ericson2314> is this something that wouldn't be cross compiled normally?
<qyliss> Ericson2314: it would be cross-compiled -- that's what the Makefile in tools is for
<qyliss> that (AIUI) is where they put Makefiles that can be built from other OSes
<qyliss> they usually extend the usr.bin Makefiles
<Ericson2314> qyliss: i thought the `.host` means `HOST_` things which means native
<Ericson2314> (like `HOST_CC` somewhere else)
<qyliss> oh sorry
<qyliss> yes possibly we should be building the usr.bin version for NetBSD
<Ericson2314> the usr.bin src is in there too huhu
<Ericson2314> *huh
<Ericson2314> but good idea I'll check that
<qyliss> yeah, look at what's in tools/tic
<qyliss> it's just a few overrides
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