let's make /bin/sh on NixOS a really crappy one
(ie: not featureful like bash)
dash is a good solution, yes. But it might end in chaos. Is an extremely intrusive change, because lots of downstream people are probably already depending on implicit features of NixOS /bin/sh.
yeah. it'd be worth looking at how Debian made the switch
it'd be wicked hard for sure
yeah, it's a good way to break everybody's scripts
so let's not :-)
I had an annoying fixed-output build failure because /bin/sh 's echo on macOS inside a single-user nix install's nix-shell doesn't support -n
timokau[m]: running took almost 5 hours on that speed demon, here's the log; can I let you analyze and see if it gives the same errors? I'm running it again now to see if the same issues arise https://gist.github.com/9d1e41821402e447b33616e364ed58ce
gchristensen: But exactly that would happen to all our users if we moved to dash …
right, 4/4 of my builds would have failed instead of 1/4 builds (and I wouldn't have even had 4/4 fail because I wouldn't have been tricked in to thinking -n worked locally)
samueldr: Wow, thanks! That is the exact same set of errors, looks very promising. Especially if its reliable.
Are you using multithreading? Even on a older core duo, 5h seems a bit excessive
only two cores
and yes
both were pegged
probably thermal throttling
Okay makes sense I guess. Takes around 1h on my 4 cores @ 3.2GhZ and should scale pretty much linearly
I say only probably because I didn't look at the speed values
but the temps values were ~95°C
it has terrible thermals
samueldr: I'm currently testing sage in a loop on my laptop as well in hopes of reproducing something, but I haven't hit an issue yet
I'm thinking that if I want to use it as a feature-less CPU to repro things, that I might want to rip it from its laptop chassis... it already lacks a screen anyway
timokau[m]: since at first run it failed, I'm hopeful, in ~5 hours we probably will know
Usage is `nix-rebuild sage.tests` in a nixpkgs checkout
oh, I didn't find in the ~10s I took how to run only the tests :)
otherwise I'd have --check'd the build
Yeah its a bit of an annoying consequence of wrappers
though that's a lovely hack timokau[m] :)
I use the nix-rebuild script instead of `--check` because `--check` doesn't work on the first build, doesn't keep individual logs and IIRC gives an exit code of 1 if the build succeeded but wasn't reproducible
So the script is more convenient for hunting down transient errors
samueldr: Do you have nixos running on that machine or some other distro?
samueldr: Okay. I ask because it may be useful to try to reproduce this with sage's own build system, but that is kind of a pain on nixos. I have used it in the past with `buildFHSUserEnv`, but it always had some issues (problems with compilers/stdlibs etc)
though AFAIUI virtualization would show the same issues, meaning that it'd be fine in a VM on _that_ machine
Also that would probably take forever anyways, since it builds up all the dependencies from scratch. I think that takes ~4h even on my desktop
(and thankfully it has VT-x through a bios mod)
I wonder if a full sage build on that platform would exhibit the same issues, rather than a build from whatever hydra machine running the tests on that platform
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samueldr: Good idea. sage itself is defined in `sagelib.nix`. Changing anything in `sage-src.nix` will force a rebuild of all components
first I'm running the tests again to see how they might differ
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samueldr: And the tests take the longest to build, sagelib takes 20-30 mins on my machine and doesn't scale as well on multiple cpus, so probably shouldn't take that long on your laptop
ah, good to know (still checking if failures are stable as they are)
samueldr: Yeah thats a good idea. Feel free to send me a private message when you have news, we probably shouldn't monopolize -dev for this issue :) Won't be available in 5hrs though
should nix-community be part of search.nix.gsc.io?
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opensuse might have a GCC-repro patch for us
Hm, why does `derivation { …; builder = "/bin/sh" }` work but `derivation { …; builder = /bin/sh; }` doesn’t?
"/bin/sh" is a sandbox-path
But it looks like sh is moved to the store.
And also referenced multiple times in the .drv file
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you mean if builder = /bin/sh ?
hmm it might have to do with some POLA enforcement, that you have to produce proof you know how to construct /bin/sh before you can refer to it by path
gchristensen: Was that an answer to why "/bin/sh" works?
I don’t understand that.
Is “builder is a string” special cased?
"/bin/sh" is included in the "sandbox-paths" setting, so the Nix daemon, when setting up the chroot includes /bin/sh in the build sandbox
but when it does that, it examines /bin/sh to see if it in the nix store, and yes,
all of its runtime dependencies
“Depending on how Nix was built, the default value for this option may be empty or provide /bin/sh as a bind-mount of bash”
So I’ve used the one special case :P
Why not use a statically built sh tho …
patchelf#123 (by lheckemann, 1 year ago, merged): Allow multiple filenames to patch
aszlig: had no issues packaging gn, but gn needs a file called .gn, not BUILD.gn, and thats made by depot-tools, which is having trouble fetching things purely
aszlig: i'm guessing chromium may also use depot-tools normally, so how does nixpkgs fetch chromium source?
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infinisil: i've added the links to the issues and changes to the reddit thread
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clever: they don't use depot-tools but fetch the source tarball
s/they/in nixpkgs we/
aszlig: do you know if a source for electron+chromium exists?
clever: no idea, chromium has been several years for me since i was involved with anything related
and it takes 3+ hours to process on my laptop
aszlig: hmmm, looking at what `gclient config` did, all it did was create a `.gclient` file, which refers to the electron repo, and the DEPS file in it
and i'm guessing it will recursively chase the DEPS files on each repo