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<cole-h> gchristensen: Seems like eval-2 is in a bad state: "error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:"
<cole-h> When you have a moment
<gchristensen> thanks
<cole-h> gchristensen: "Failed at step CHDIR spawning /nix/store/ll59lrcc7igwv7mva18raq87hyzwbxlz-unit-script-ofborg-evaluator-start: No such file or directory" -- same for builder
<cole-h> Very confuzzle
<gchristensen> whooooops
<cole-h> "ofborg-evaluator.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 6017." 👀‼️
<cole-h> Nani?
<gchristensen> uhoh
<cole-h> Looks good now
<gchristensen> good
<cole-h> tyty
<cole-h> <3 gchristensen
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 368
<gchristensen> I rm -rf'd /var/lib/ofborg and didn't recreate it :P
<gchristensen> thanks!
<cole-h> Hahaha
<cole-h> Yeah, all's good now.
<LnL> I think we could make that a bit less problematic by using worktrees
<gchristensen> yea
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<LnL> cole-h: I haven't really worked out where the eval stuff should go
<LnL> so I was thinking to instead break up the types up in small steps so the tests can use a trait at some point
<cole-h> How do you mean "tests can use a trait"? I haven't run into that before.
<cole-h> btw, I came across octocrab a while back -- I wonder how it compares to hubcaps
<LnL> well the github'y stuff interacts with the api so those need to be mocked to test the rest
<cole-h> Oh, OK
<LnL> I see open issues for stuff like add gist api, which we use, so probably not yet :)
<cole-h> Yeah, I noticed the same
<cole-h> As well as the Actions API
<LnL> the hubcaps version is also pretty old, I think at this point updating is also pretty much a different library
<cole-h> Yeah. That's kinda why I was contemplating octocrab (after it grows some missing features) -- either way, there would be a lot of legwork to be done updating.
<cole-h> It would be nice to track an upstream again, rather than "maintaining" our own fork (and not even well, at that :P)
<LnL> definitely, depending on where this goes it probably also results in a nice boundary to make updating or switching a bit simpler
<LnL> similar to what I did with lapin, hiding the futures behind the trait
<cole-h> +1