gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-borg to: https://www.patreon.com/ofborg https://monitoring.nix.ci/dashboard/db/ofborg?refresh=10s&orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now "I get to skip reviewing the PHP code and just wait until it is rewritten in something sane, like POSIX shell. || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-borg
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<cole-h> gchristensen: If we do get another darwin builder, it would be nice to have all the dirty little details of adding it written up somewhere
<gchristensen> yeah
<cole-h> <3
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<cole-h> Some day I'd like to fix the issue where PRs that fix eval errors persist that eval error
* cole-h sighs and adds that to the TODO list as well
<LnL> you mean the target branch that fails?
<cole-h> Yeah
<cole-h> So that this comment https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/102539#issuecomment-720760160 would no longer hold true
<LnL> I took a stab at that at some point, but it isn't in the "this compiles" type of code
<LnL> the change was pretty straightforward but not sure what the side effects are, since a bunch of stuff later on expects the previous eval to be there for diffing and such
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<cole-h> Hmm...
<cole-h> Maybe if the target branch fails to eval, we only eval the PR and drop some of the other statistics/checks that rely on the target branch's successful eval?
* cole-h is just spitballing
<LnL> yeah, there's no way to check those if eval is failing
<LnL> but the code uses things like Option<Stdenvs> which get filled in and the later code assumes it's Some
<cole-h> Hm
<LnL> so the type checking doesn't help much, needs proper testing
<gchristensen> yeah that code is nasty
<gchristensen> I'm sosorry
<LnL> (or fails if it's None)
<cole-h> ofborg 2.0 Eventually™
<gchristensen> ofborg 2.0 one deployed patch at a time
<cole-h> Does RiiR apply even if the base project is already written in Rust? 🤔
<gchristensen> RiiGR
<cole-h> "Rewrite it in Gooder Rust"
<gchristensen> exactly
<cole-h> Love it
<LnL> if that had some tests it would be relatively fun to refactor into more of a statemachine
<LnL> but currently it's kind of the most scary part for me
<cole-h> The entire codebase is scary to me x)
<LnL> heh :)
<gchristensen> make changes, push it live, see what happens
<cole-h> `rm -rf * && git commit -am ':)' && git push` :O
<LnL> hggggg
<cole-h> I wonder what would happen
<gchristensen> I can think of one thing
<cole-h> CI would always be red :D No more PRs merged! No more changes!
<cole-h> "We want stability!"
<gchristensen> nixos-verystable
<andi-> I heard 17.09 is pretty much not moving anymore. Is that stable yet? :)
<gchristensen> yes
* andi- ponders about the stale but, maybe that is what we need for stability
<andi-> Ensuring things go stale
<gchristensen> 17.09 is still 7 years ahead of the tools in rhel's current release
<andi-> WTB: NixOS RHEL Edition
<gchristensen> lol
<andi-> Should pitch that to the marketing team ;)
<LnL> :D
<cole-h> Hahaha
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