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orivej has joined #nixos-aarch64
<das_j> sphalerite: My nix doesn't find the version from the hydra
<sphalerite> das_j: nix build --argstr system aarch64-linux nixpkgs.linux
<sphalerite> this works for me on an x86_64 machine which woulnd't even be able to build it…
<das_j> :O
<sphalerite> that's on 18.09, just trying with nixos-unstable…
<sphalerite> ah yes, unstable doesn't have it in the cache :/
<das_j> I'm on 18.09 though…
<das_j> sphalerite: If I run that nix build command on my local machine, it just fetches the file from the cache
<sphalerite> maybe the cache is configured wrong then?
<sphalerite> `grep -E 'cache|subst' /etc/nix/nix.conf` ?
<sphalerite> no output = correct
<sphalerite> extra-substituters or extra-binary-caches defined = correct
<sphalerite> substituters or binary-caches defined without explicit https://cache.nixos.org = might break
<sphalerite> s/might break/won't use the official binary cache/
<das_j> sphalerite: On which system would I try that? It's a bit unclear. I'm currently using nixos-rebuild with --target-host
<das_j> It's also not clear which nixpkgs are used. Does it use my local nixpkgs and channels and then copies the drv files over?
<sphalerite> das_j: hm, not sure exaclty but I think the one on the aarch64 system is relevant
<das_j> sphalerite: Strange. I updated to the latest version before running
<samueldr> it could happen that the channel will update before aarch64 is finished building, and that's not a bug
<samueldr> (an annoyance, though!)
<das_j> oh boy
<das_j> I'll try it once I get enough motivation to reconnect my pi
<samueldr> I wonder why there's no actual "aarch64" channels, since anyways we have a jobset for it
<samueldr> (and I could be mixing up hydra terms)
<das_j> I'd tell you if I understood the Hydra ;)
<das_j> But I mean why would there be one? Both the x86 and the aarch64 packages can coexist in the same channel, can't they?
<sphalerite> current nixos-18.09 has aarch64 linux for me too though
<sphalerite> das_j: but the nixos-18.09 channel doesn't block on aarch64 stuff being built
<das_j> aahh
<das_j> So a second channel would be useful, wouldn't it? So the x86 folks don't have to wait for aarch64
<samueldr> das_j: t'as exactly the reason
<samueldr> if anything blocking failed on aarch64, it would be annoying for x86_64 users
<samueldr> (and conversely)
<das_j> So why isn't there one? Is it a huge effort or did nobody do it yet?
<samueldr> they can and most likely will eventually point to the same release (IIUC)
<samueldr> das_j: I'd guess the most likely explanation is: nobody did it
<samueldr> aarch64 as a first-class citizen is still recent
<samueldr> (and let's say 1¼-class citizen ;))
<das_j> So does Eelco need to do it or can another person do it?
<samueldr> not entirely sure
<samueldr> another person probably can do it
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samrose has joined #nixos-aarch64
<samrose> so, opinions sought: if I am performing dd if=my.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8 onto an sdcard with the sd-image-aarch64-linux.img on it, once tthat operation is complete, if I mount the partition, I am not seeing my.bin anywhere in there
<samrose> although dd reports it wrote the files onto there, and strace dd also appears to show that it did
<samrose> hmm, it must be there, because when I leave out the step, the machine doesn't even try to boot at all
<samrose> i think my issue is a u-boot issue, because I see "cannot setup simplefb node not found" and "EHCI failed to shut down host controller."
<samrose> samueldr: you ever run into any of this with the pine64 board?
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<Dezgeg> it's not supposed to show up in the filesystem
orivej has joined #nixos-aarch64
<samrose> Dezgeg: got it. I was wrong on that. The dd if=my.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8 is definitely working, my problem has something to do with u-boot
<Dezgeg> yes, sounds like it
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