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<gchristensen> so maybe instead of a rock64 or rpi https://blog.alexellis.io/iot-nodemcu-sensor-bme280/ would do the trick
<gchristensen> less nice deployment story
<Dezgeg> what do you actually need? just wifi?
<gchristensen> a small, cheap device to take regular readings and send them back to a central location. zigbee or zwave would be fine, wifi would be fine. ideally something I could update without reaching them physically -- they're going to be tough to get to
<Dezgeg> something like micropython on ESP8266 should have that support
<Dezgeg> without much effort
<gchristensen> $7! great
<Dezgeg> yes they go quite cheap
<Dezgeg> should go even cheaper than the nodemcu one if you find something without the USB-to-serial converter included
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