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<bhipple_> It looks like the NixOps build has been heavily revamped, and there is no longer any documentation on how to build plugins. Does anyone know how this is done?
<{^_^}> nixops#1324 (by jhillyerd, 1 week ago, open): Unclear how to install plugins
<bhipple_> Oh I see, it's buried down in a subdir. What are the odds this works with nixops-aws?
<bhipple_> I guess I'll give it a try ...
<cole-h> Yeah, there's been some restructuring going on with docs and stuff IIRC.
<cole-h> I don't think nixops-aws has been updated yet (or at least completely)
<{^_^}> nixops-aws#101 (by tewfik-ghariani, 2 days ago, open): Poetry2nixify nixops_aws
<cole-h> No guarantees, but I think gchr*stensen and ad*sbladis expressed interest in taking a look at that PR tomorrow
<bhipple_> That diff is hundreds of lines :'( I guess for some reason we had to rename the modules?
<bhipple_> I'll just sit tight for a few days until everything's put back together
<cole-h> Big kahunas would know more than I, but that did indeed happen.
<cole-h> Sorry (:
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