What is the policy for taking patches to improve packages on darwin? For example, gpg-agent today cannot be launched on demand by launchd - would a patch to support that functionality be taken?
bpye: Build fixes are always welcome. I don't think Nixpkgs currently has launchd services. Or did you mean as nix-darwin modules? Afaiui darwin modules haven't really been settled on.
So, it wouldn't be to add a service itself - that would be useful too, but I think something that home-manager probably needs to figure out for user specific services. I was more thinking about socket activation - https://github.com/gpg/gnupg/blob/master/agent/gpg-agent.c#L655 there is currently support for the systemd style socket activation but
launchd has it's own API which is relatively straightforward. I think the other alternative would be to have another binary that could call gpg-agent with the systemd semantics, which I don't hate, but we would need to pass in the list of sockets becuase you can't enumerate them for launchd, you have to know ahead of time
Essentially launchd requires you enumerate the sockets you require and call `launch_activate_socket` to get the fds
Sounds like an interesting contribution. I'm not sure where or whether it fits in. I'm sure someone'll chime in : )
Makes sense - I guess either I carry the patch forever or I try and submit a PR, doesn't sound like it's a loss to try :)