rycee changed the topic of #home-manager to: Support and discussion around the Home Manager project (https://github.com/rycee/home-manager) | Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/home-manager
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<leex> Quick question, how do tell home-manager to pick packages from either 19.09 or nixpkgs-unstable? I added the master channel and installed home-manager from there but it seems to install packages from 19.09, so I am a little confused, but I might be missing something here.
<Dandellion[m]> what is your main nixpkgs channel?
<Dandellion[m]> it will install things from that
<Dandellion[m]> if you want to use other packages you have to import the channel somewhere in your config
<leex> Oh I think I know what I did wrong here. I only follow nixpkgs-unstable for my user, but my system is 19.09. I guess I didn't specify unstable when I installed home-manager but used the system default of 19.09
<leex> can I just uninstall home-manager and install it form unstable and it should work?
<leex> Does home-manager have a way of getting meta information about what it follows? --help doesn't give me a good idea of how to get that information
<Dandellion[m]> from where you install home-manage doesn't matter
<Dandellion[m]> it will still use your nixpkgs
<leex> so only the home-manager https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz matters?
<Dandellion[m]> it matters insofar as it needs to be the same as your nixpkgs
<Dandellion[m]> modules and whatever probably need to be synced
<leex> So what is the correct way of setting it up if my NixOS follows 19.09 but I would like my user env to follow nixpkgs-unstable https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable ?
<Dandellion[m]> I do this
<Dandellion[m]> in my config.nix
<Dandellion[m]> then in home.packages put unstable.someprogram
<Dandellion[m]> if your user's nixpkgs channel is unstable I dont really know what happens, how much the system nixpkgs actually matters
<leex> cool thanks, I will experiment :)
<leex> cool that worked, maybe I just need to overwrite all pkgs to be unstable :) or at least the ones I care about.
<Dandellion[m]> if you want all you can just do `home.packages = with pkgs.unstable; []`
<Dandellion[m]> of course anything that's `program.enable` won't be unstable using this
<leex> but there I could still say package = unstable.foo right?
<leex> ah yeah that seems to work :) nice thanks
<Dandellion[m]> if the nix expression supports that yes
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