rycee: Hi! Since Nixpkgs https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/71095, gpg-agent is broken. I'm working on a fix, but I need to ask: Is there any way to see the user's xserver config and intelligently make a default decision, or is it sanest to just stick to gnome3 as default?
nixpkgs#71095 (by flokli, 11 weeks ago, merged): Split pinentry flavors and enable udisks2 on install media again
I just created a PR for adding `home.stateVersion` to the configuration generated by the installation script. If anybody wants to comment on the phrasing then please have a look: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/pull/966/files
My hope is that the comment I included will be helpful for new users :-)