rycee changed the topic of #home-manager to: Support and discussion around the Home Manager project (https://github.com/rycee/home-manager) | Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/home-manager
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<jollyjester> how can i split my configuration into multiple pieces
<jollyjester> how can i import other files?
<infinisil> jollyjester: You can assign `imports = [ ./path/to/other/file.nix ]` to add additional modules, which are treated like home.nix itself
<jollyjester> error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end, at /home/eon/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix:3:11
<jollyjester> line 3 is imports = [
<infinisil> jollyjester: Show the file
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<jollyjester> it's mostly just imports = [ ./packages.nix ];
<jollyjester> that's all i used
<jollyjester> every curly brace and brackets is closed with ;
<jollyjester> weirddd
<infinisil> Well I can't help without seeing the context
<jollyjester> here
<jollyjester> infinisil:
<infinisil> jollyjester: There's a "{" missing on the first line
<infinisil> `{ pkgs, ... }: {`
<jollyjester> ...
<jollyjester> i added it
<jollyjester> does nothing
<jollyjester> still get an error
<infinisil> What is the error..?
<infinisil> I can't see your screen you know :)
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<jollyjester> fixed it
<jollyjester> error: The option `Home' defined in `/home/eon/.config/nixpkgs/packages.nix' does not exist.
<jollyjester> now i get this
<jollyjester> it's probably reffering to Home.Packages
<jollyjester> since I added that to packages.nix
<jollyjester> nevermind
<jollyjester> for some reason Home and Packages was capitalized
<jollyjester> jeez spelling errors huh
<jollyjester> guess that got resolved quickly
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<jollyjester> infinisil: do you know how i can use patchelf to run a binary
<infinisil> jollyjester: patchelf doesn't run binaries, it patches them
<jollyjester> yeah well i just want to run a binary
<jollyjester> what's the easiest way to do it
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<infinisil> Well you just execute it
<infinisil> And fix it if there's an error
<jollyjester> well i just get "no such file or directory"
<infinisil> Then you need to patchelf it, I suggest doing that in a Nix file. You'll want to change the elf interpreter with `patchelf --set-interpreter $(cat ${stdenv.cc}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)`
<infinisil> There's plenty examples of this in the nixpkgs repo
<jollyjester> hmmmmm
<jollyjester> i can't find any actually
<infinisil> just grep for `patchelf --set-interpreter`
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<jollyjester> infinisil: yeah but it also needs to link libraries
<jollyjester> patchelf --print-needed gives me a lot of libraries
<infinisil> jollyjester: That's done with `--set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ ... ]}"`
<infinisil> And you put the libraries needed in ...
<infinisil> There's also examples of this in nixpkgs
<jollyjester> and how would i put all of this in one nix file
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<infinisil> jollyjester: You could do something like `let patchedBinary = pkgs.runCommand "patched-foo" {} "mkdir -p $out/bin; cp ${./binary} $out/bin; patchelf ..."`
<infinisil> `; in { < your config > }`
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