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<michaelpj> hexagoxel: you probably want`collectComponents`
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<ptitfred> Hi ; I have a test suite depending on an non-haskell executable, what would be the preferred way to make it work? I've looked at the documentation with no success, but it's maybe a nix thing rather than a haskell.nix thing and I couldn't tell :)
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<michaelpj> ptitfred: this is a bit awkward, since there's no cabal configuration for something like "run-tool-depends", which is what this is. At the moment the best solution is to extend `PATH` in `preCheck`. This is ugly, but nobody has implemented a nicer way yet. Exampel:
<hhefesto> Kind and knowledgeable nix gurus: hello :) good morning from Querétaro, México.
<hhefesto> In my work (an open source project) we are trying to refactor to use haskell.nix (
<hhefesto> but I'm days worth of trouble trying to get the overlay correct
<hhefesto> The previous working shell.nix (we didn't have a default.nix) is:
<hhefesto> this is my new default.nix using haskell-nix:
<hhefesto> but I get `error: attribute 'gc' missing, at /home/hhefesto/src/telomare/default.nix:50:36` after I try to build (nix-build -A telomare.components.library)
<hhefesto> if anyone has any sugestion, I would be very greatful
<michaelpj> hhefesto: so it looks like what you're trying to do is add a new mapping to the *system* package mapping. `pkg-def-extras` is for *Haskell* packages, so that won't work (you don't want a Haskell package called `gc!). Try reading this and see if it helps:
<michaelpj> it even looks like you have a nixpkgs overlay commented out above, which should be the thing that you need
<hhefesto> I have plenty
<hhefesto> lol
<hhefesto> let me read what you sent and hopefully I can come back with good news
<hhefesto> thanks you!
<hhefesto> oh! I have read that
<hhefesto> the commented overlay, I have it at the top too
<hhefesto> in a let bind
<hhefesto> a bit reduced (withouth `jumper`)
<hhefesto> And I try to apply the overlay to `haskellNix ? import (builtins.fetchTarball "") { overlays = [ gcOverlay ]; }`
<hhefesto> on line 10 of the gist
<michaelpj> hhefesto: ah, you're using a mix of the old and new ways of importing haskell.nix. Now it's just an attrset with bits in it, not a nixpkgs itself. So passing in overlays at the top does nothing, you want to pass it in the place where you actually import your nixpkgs, i.e. line 28
<hhefesto> this: `pkgs = (import nixpkgsSrc nixpkgsArgs) // { overlays = [ gcOverlay ]; };` errored similarly
<hhefesto> `error: The Nixpkgs package set does not contain the package: gc (system dependency).`
<hhefesto> between: `pkg-def-extras = [ (hkg : { packages = { gc = pkgs.boehmgc; }; }) ];` and `pkg-def-extras = [ (hkg : { gc = pkgs.gc; }) ];` is there a better one? I get similar but different errors with that
<michaelpj> `pkgs = (import nixpkgsSrc ( nixpkgsArgs // { overlays = [ gcOverlay ]; });`
<michaelpj> overlays are part of the arguments to nixpkgs
<hhefesto> ohh!
<hhefesto> thanks!
<michaelpj> what you did was add an attribute "overlays" to your final package set there ;)
<hhefesto> interesting!
<hhefesto> `pkgs = (import nixpkgsSrc ( nixpkgsArgs // { overlays = [ gcOverlay ]; }));` gave me `error: attribute 'haskell-nix' missing, at /home/hhefesto/src/telomare/default.nix:38:1`
<michaelpj> hhefesto: er yes, you need to merge it. Something like `nixpkgsArgs // { overlays = nixpkgsArgs.overlays ++ [gcOverlay];}` otherwise you're overwriting the overlays in `nixpkgsArgs`
<hhefesto> yei!!!
<hhefesto> Thank you very very much!
<hhefesto> definitely going to brag that MPJ helped me <3
<michaelpj> lol I need a pseudonym
<hhefesto> meant it as a good thing, but I guess privacy is also a good thing
<hhefesto> anyways, much love to all nix guru's
<hhefesto> I hope I'll be able to call myself one in some time
<michaelpj> the more the merrier :)
<michaelpj> I swear half of it is just remembering the types of common stuff so you can run the typechecker in your head D:
<hhefesto> lol
<hhefesto> hopefully type errors will improve in nix
<hhefesto> to not run it in your head
<michaelpj> well, it's never going to have a typechecker I fear, so you do kind of just have to remember stuff...
<michaelpj> when we really get a viable Nix successor lang that's statically typed I'll be there like a flash
<hhefesto> x2
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