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1) Haven't looked into it at all, but is there a branch that has a cabal-3.4 (pre-release) derivation?
2) Does there exist a "linkfarm" expression over all components of a package already? Just for testing if they all build.
ptitfred has joined #haskell.nix
Hello everybody!
I'm coming back to haskell.nix after giving it a try 6 months ago. In my views, it's the more promising Nix toolchain for haskell especially when you don't want all of your team to commit to Nix. We use stack for the curation feature it offers, and I was very happy to see that haskell.nix is capable of taking those curation files as an input for nix derivation (correct me if I'm wrong). My primary goal is to
improve our CI times by caching effectively dependencies building, especially across projects sharing those ; and my secondary goal is to provide such caching to developers willing to us Nix. In that perspective I might ask some questions from time to time. Please bear with me if my questions are very noobies ones :)
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