angerman changed the topic of #haskell.nix to: - alternative haskell infrastructure for nix; logs at
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<michaelpj> __monty__: if you're feeling a testing urge come over you, what *would* really help is
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<hexaglow> Hi, I'm trying to build a haskell project with haskell.nix. I'm using LiquidHaskell, which requires one of z3, cvc4 or mathsat to be available on the PATH during build. I can't figure out how to specify this, so my build fails when trying to build liquid-ghc-prim-0.6.1 because it can't find the executable it needs. Anyone know how to make this work?
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<angerman> hexaglow: they should be build-depends in the cabal file then, no?
<hexaglow> correct me if I'm wrong, but build-depends is for haskell library dependencies, right? z3, cvc4 and mathsat are programs that liquidhaskell expects to be on the PATH so it can launch processes
<hexaglow> building my project with just cabal or stack works fine because I have z3 installed on my system, but of course nix builds in an isolated environment where it's not available
<angerman> hexaglow: sorry , build-tool-depends. You can also export them to the path during preBuild
<hexaglow> I've tried it with preBuild but it didn't seem to help, although based on what preBuild does it seems like it should. I'm going to do some more digging on this
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<tnks> Has anyone taken a haskell.nix project and used it to create a TAGS file of transitive dependencies pointing to source in Nix store?
<tnks> I wonder if this helps with that...
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<tnks> Actually, I've never even thought about compiler plugins with Nix... not sure what the state of the art is.
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