
<tertle||eltret> maybe i should just use the stack overflow method and make something
<simpson> Then don't go with Haskell. Try something else. Python is popular and widely-available, with a gentle learning curve and lots of good docs.


<sphalerite_> Odays: something like boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackagesFor (pkgs.linux_latest.override {extraConfig = ''BCACHEFS_FS y''; kernelPatches = [./superrice.patch];})
<earldouglas> symphorien: Thanks for the help. I think something is broken with the gnuradio-with-packages derivation. I see no results with grep osmo $(which gnuradio-companion)
<fragamus> clever: i tried something else like creating a project from a template but no workie; i updated the gist to show you
<simpson> Is that something that's fixed upstream? Could I just bump the version and be happy?
<yonk_> hey, i wanted to try to run something in wine quickly and dropped into a nix-shell with it (`nix-shell -p wine`), but for some reason the wine I got was 32 bit and I cannot execute it. I am not sure what to do, this never happened to me before. It seems to me that all hydra builds for wine are 32 bit (https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-17.09/nixpkgs.wine.x86_64-linux), but is there some way to just
<sphalerite_> hask_bee_3: unless you're using nix-shell with the channel URL or something
<magnetophon> samueldr: it went from 9b25b9347d9 to something else and back
<cinimod_> I think cabal allows you say relax upper bound or something like that
<steveeJ> otherwise it would also be interesting to just write something to /any/path/script.sh
<sphalerite_> clever: I think it's more likely that servant-client-core is marked not to build on hydra because it's broken, or something like that
<clever> sphalerite_: so anything that is indirectly referenced, via something in the pkgs. set has to pull it in
<sphalerite_> something that could diff multiple nix-store --exports would be neat
<clever> as for just running random garbage, chances are, its going to try to address something outside the mappings and cause a page fault
<i-am-the-slime> I had it as caps:hyper or something and naively changed it to caps:ctrl
<sphalerite_> Havvy: yeah if it behaved differently between a fresh install and a preexisting one it would probably be a bug in the sandboxing or something
<Ralith> srhb: note that LLVM is a huge build; be sure you passed --cores 0 and/or go have something to eat
<srhb> I feel like I had something like this at one point, but I can't quite remember...
<elvishjerricco> I think this might have something to do with it going full screen.
<Havvy> Can somebody do me a favor and take https://github.com/havvy/nixpkgs/tree/mdbook and get it working? I'm running into compilation issues on my end about running out of jobserver tokens or something, and I'm hoping that it doesn't happen on others' machines.
<srhb> Oh, something like compton that allows for transparency etc. between windows
<Ralith> except that some component of one of them has something to say about libGL
<elvishjerricco> But I'm guessing it's something unnecessary like the steam overlay
<elvishjerricco> Well *something* definitely did :P
<Ralith> (just go find something free like tf2)
<lejonet> I had a gateway, with systemd, that had 2 bonded interfaces, which one had 5 vlans attached to it, I think I in total had 20 or something files for that setup... which always lead to you opening atleast 3 files when trying to find where the hell to add or change an option
<infinisil> tertleeltret: note that it will probably say something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root, which is a symlink to somewhere in /nix/store/...
<tertleeltret> but it says i need to alter the path or something right?
<clever> infinisil: yeah, i dont know of any way to rename something as its being imported like that
<infinisil> I understand why that happens, but i don't understand why nobody did something to make it work
<ertes> no, i must be doing something wrong
<clever> ottidmes: so if you posted something like this symlink, i could trivially track it down to the secret keys
<clever> bhipple[m]: it would need to be something like squid, that can proxy requests and cache the responses
<shlevy> Hmm is there a better way to track work than github milestones? We need a trello or something.
<infinisil> Can you show me an example where "${./.}/foo" produces something different than ./. + "/foo"?


<srk> sucks you can't just do something like nixops modifynode privateIpv4 bla bla
<ambro718> already got it, privateKey something
<Dezgeg> I hear some ECC ram needs every single byte written at boot, or something
<sphalerite_> like is it really so hard to initialise hardware that it takes 10 (or 180 for some servers) seconds before it can hand over to something the user controls
<clever> ottidmes: its mostly about chance, was something writing at that moment
<garbas> Neo--: you might need to do something similar as i did for python-ldap -> https://github.com/garbas/pypi2nix/blob/master/examples/Makefile#L232
<samueldr> hyper_ch: a more regular way to do this is to use something like `bash -l -c "whatever"` AFAIK, but login shells aren't really a discoverable feature :|
<samueldr> other than using something else to verify the crontab line runs successfully (like a script that date > ~hyper/some_file.txt) then no, sorry
<samueldr> I'm thinking something like environment variables, as it's well probable that the invocation isn't with a login shell, thus rules differ
<samueldr> hyper_ch: I don't know how r2e / rss2email works, but could it be succesfully "doing nothing"? as in it wants something in its environment but can't get it under cron?
<Profpatsch> hyper_ch: Just create a simple systemd service and put something in startAt
<sphalerite_> Myrl-saki: yeah then getting /nix set up for you, or enabling user namespaces, or something like that which all requires admin, will be necessary
<archaeron> this is the ad-hoc way to isntall something, right?
<archaeron> hi :) I read somewhere that not all installed programs should go into `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` wich sounds good since you need root for that. But I don't get (and can't find in the manual) how one would install something for a single user.
<wzy8L-B2[m]> Is it possible to use '.config/nixpkgs/config.nix' or something similar to declaratively install local packages like what is normally done in 'environment.system packages'?
<dgpratt> sphalerite_: nothing beyond what I see in the output of the rebuild command -- it does mention something like "failed to connect to the guest property service"
<sphalerite_> troydm: so something like boot.extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages ; [ rtl8812au ];
<srhb> Fare: Something else must differ.
<Fare> cc -v returns the same on both machines, but your command returns something different. I'm so confused.
<gchristensen> Anyone available to setup a tunnel for me to test something?
<sphalerite_> yeah something like systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment.TMPDIR = "/path/to/alternative/dir"
<sphalerite_> troydm: yes, they are related. Modules have a specific version they're built against in their header or something, and the kernel will refuse to load them if the versions don't match
<ottidmes> infinisil: I am getting the help message of znapzendzetup during znapzend-pre-start. I copied over your service from master, and lib/types.nix, since you used the ints type, might I be missing something else? I checked the znapzend package itself, but I have the same as is on master, any idea?
<sphalerite_> (I prefer to have the mtime reflect when I downloaded something, not when it was uploaded)
<jluttine> something like: foobar.preStart = mkPrepend "i want this in the beginning"
<jluttine> hmm.. one derivation sets preStart. how can i prepend something to this in my configuration.nix? if i just define something it is appended, if i understand correctly
<sphalerite_> mkaito: something like systemd.timers.foo = {timer config}; systemd.services.foo = {script = ''script goes here''; path = with pkgs; [dependencies of foo]};
<DavidEGrayson> However, I do want to query hundreds of derivations at a time. Maybe I'll make a pull request to add 'nix-store --query --built' or something.
<joepie91> I bet that's something to do with vendor branding actually
<infinisil> should say efi something


<infinisil> Ah yeah, forgot to mention something
<infinisil> clever: But but but then I'll have to change something in emacs to make it work
<Lisanna> something not getting cleaned up
<clever> could be something else then
<jmorriss[m]> is there something I can do if I forget my login password?
<infinisil> Wait no, something is off, one entry and still different results
<dex1983> hmm for example when I want google golang install or something elese
<prooftechnique> Trying to figure out if I'm missing something obvious or if something's broken
<Lisanna> dnovosel not that I know of. the closest thing to the way that would be implemented if it did exist would be a programs.<browser>.proxy setting or something
<hyper_ch> infinisil: shouldn't you rather be celebrating and drinking beer instead of learning something new so short before the restart?
<lejonet> hyper_ch: with real application I mean something that isn't meant to be used as a script, but the application, i.e. anything that is supposed to be interactive with the user
<sphalerite_> clever: was it hamachi? I seem to remember something like that
<clever> lejonet: something else ive seen used by a vpn program ages ago, was a way to get a /dev/tun handle, without ever aquaring root directly
<infinisil> something like that
<infinisil> hyper_ch: I think something can be added if it's usage is flexible enough, has been thought out well, has a readme and a page online, and it work for the near future, including potential maintenance
<hyper_ch> but is something like that even possible?
<ToxicFrog> Even if I delete it completely. Did I leave a cron running that runs `nix-channel --update` or something?
<clever> also, if your writing the .drv file, your doing something very wrong
<ToxicFrog> (specifically, it's checking each directory in $PATH to see if ${dir}/perl exists and is executable rather than just running `type -p` or something)
<hakujin> I'm using a pinned nixpkgs via `fetchFromGitHub`; how can I replicate the behavior of `import <nixpkgs/nixos>`? something like `pkgs.nixos` doesn't work.
<ToxicFrog> Possibly I should just `alias python2='nix-shell -p python27Packages.{...} --run python2'` in my zshrc or something.
<sphalerite_> ToxicFrog: you can of course do something like the manual mentions there, but the idiomatic nix way is to package the software that uses these libraries, and to use nix-shell when you're developing the software and don't want to build a new package on every one-line change
<sphalerite_> alternatviely maybe you could just build it in a nixos vm or something
<rardiol[m]> sphalerite_: a game I'm tryint to package: https://github.com/thebracket/bgame . it gets to the end of the build and when linking says there's an impurity (/usr/lib/liblua something)
<sphalerite_> but it might also be calling the interpreter through libpython or something
<sphalerite_> lejonet: it should always propagate — only reason it wouldn't is if it explicitly gets unset by something along the call chain
<sphalerite_> flox: this isn't normal behaviour. Do you have "cd" in your .bashrc or something?
<lejonet> I guess the pythonhome thing didn't propagate or something?
<clever> ottidmes: you would need to do something like (sleep $((60 * 15)); reboot ; ) & to fork it into the background, then find a way to kill that sub-shell if you change your mind
<clever> WilliamHamilton: its not listed as something it needs
<Lisanna> ...what is it about a derivation such that when it's referenced in a string it is added to the string's context? Doing a deep copy of a derivation to a new attrset produces something which passes isDerivation, but which apparently fails to add the appropriate context to a string it's ${used} in
<etu> Isn't there something like "nix rebuild" or something when using nix 2.0? instead of nixos-rubild?
<WilliamHamilton> right, could it have something to do with the layers of patchelf I did before?
<WilliamHamilton> sphalerite_: sphalerite_ would you benefit from the entire output, or is there something I should grep for?
<Lisanna> Dezgeg yeah... I can't really imagine any valuable usecases where you would want to check if something is not a primop
<Lisanna> how am I supposed to check if something is a function if primops and primop-apps don't count as functions?
<clever> sphalerite_: previously, i had seen something about using a linux syscall subsystem on a sun kernel, just to dtrace linux-elf files, lol


<gchristensen> sphalerite_: something something foss
<WilliamHamilton> sphalerite_: the dmix stuff would explain something for sure, ok the rebuild has finished
<ottidmes-laptop> mai_at_saturn: Personally I only use nix-env when I want to use something for a short time (test, one time usage, etc.)
<ottidmes-laptop> __monty__: If you use something like home-manager, then even $HOME could be declerative as well
<mai_at_saturn> Let me make sure I understand this conceptually: if I want something to be part of my "system", so that I can always "count" on it being that way, it goes in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. As long as I do this, by backing up /etc/nixos/configuration.nix I always get the same "system" as defined earlier.
<__monty__> A Type can never be equal to something that's not a type : p
<sphalerite_> that's not something the installer will do.
<sphalerite_> assuming it's grub. Something like that.
<sphalerite_> nhill: and again, your system should not be bricked unless *you* bricked it by running commands that brick it from the installer system or something
<arianvp2> I guess something with patchelf?
<troydm> sphalerite_: that is something that I haven't noticed on other setups
<sphalerite_> troydm: easiest thing to do is probably to just use gnome-terminal or something instead
<arianvp2> but there I am running against walls as well. Probably something wrong in the MESA package though can't figure out what
<digitalmentat> grahamc, I saw something on twitter you posted about Terraform and NixOS; do you have anything that is working that I could look at / hopefully use?
<mai_at_saturn> so whenever I want something to be replicated whenever I reinstall I can just make sure I'm managing it through nix... that would make sense
<sphalerite_> mai_at_saturn: you can edit things without nixos managing them for you, but if you edit something nixos is managing your changes will be lost on the next update
<mai_at_saturn> And this is how everything I can configure system wide works in nixOS, I assume, so I can't edit something without nixOS "managing" it for me?
<mai_at_saturn> I guess my doubt is, if I change something like /etc/sudoers, does nix help me have it any time I want to reinstall my system (provided I backup nix config stuff)?
<srk> nvm, I'll try to cook something
<dhess> PR #35000. That should win some kind of prize or something
<srhb> pjan: Do you mean something like nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' --eval -A haskellPackages.ghc.version
<dhess> gchristensen: adisbladis[m]: mostly agree, however there is something to be said for something that speaks Nix natively so that you can do everything in one language and is conceptually unified
<dhess> samueldr: I think you're on to something though. For example, a lot of the recent nixops commits have been dealing with AWS route53 stuff. It does feel like everything more than the basic "provision a VPS" stuff could be better left to things like terraform
<gchristensen> dhess: I'd suggest you'd get better value out of something other than nixops (say: terraform) + a thin connector to nixops
<adisbladis[m]> I think gchristensen is on to something big. Mixing terraform and nixops sounds like a dream :)
<once_upon_a_nixo> clever: That works. I guess you could have a user per application though too if you wanted to isolate things or something. Maybe if you have an experimental build process where your home is going to be a mess from things and then another environment for your standard stuff?
<clever> jmc: line 115 deals with `callPackage lambda` vs `callPackage ./default.nix`, and then i believe line 75 deals with the default.nix containing either a lambda, or something else
<once_upon_a_nixo> LnL: fair. When you install something with nix, are there patches applied that are Nix specific? such as getting aronud the absence of FHS or is there support for that which needs no patching?
<samueldr> (that's something that's being worked on!)
<nhill> I'll go with ext4 for familiarity, unless you guys all use something else


<Baughn> All in order to read the size of a file. If I try that again, I'll patch nix-build or something.
<Lisanna> maybe nix copy has something in it to make it refuse to use swap? (if that's possible?)
<troydm> infinisil: I did something different using nix-store I think, but can't remember exact command, well back to my main pain
<infinisil> troydm: You can get systemPackages with something like this: https://git.io/vAGAn
<nhill> why not a more generic 'crypto' or something
<catern> gchristensen: well, I'm willing to consider that maybe being in this situation at all (push deployment, maybe old versions being used) is a sign of doing something wrong
<dtz> hmm looks like they were restarted or something, LnL, I don't see them anymore either. Or maybe I was looking at the wrong eval, but don't think so.
<samueldr> I maybe had something similar happen when enabling powertop; usb devices would power down rapidly
<aminechikhaoui> so probably something from Google, I guess a more recent kernel should work, I'll try with latest
<Dezgeg> maybe something changed on the gcp side then?
<aminechikhaoui> I didn't do any big change in my config so I suspect something from nixpkgs is causing this ?
<ij> Could I use overlays to have something from the unstable channel?
<sphalerite_> It doesn't look to me like this is something that makes sense to put on your NIX_PATH.
<sphalerite_> nflores: if you add "options" to your list of params at the top of your file I think you can do something like nix.nixPath = options.nix.nixPath.default ++ ["foo"];
<ivanivan> clever: glad I asked. i had a sneaking suspicion something like that might happen
<infinisil> I should probably test this with a blank config too, because it might be something in there that does this
<infinisil> leons: while you're still on your mac, can you test something?


<lejonet> sphalerite_: hahaha, I guess I ate him or something? ;)
<Lisanna> Myrl-saki IMO there should be a NixOS module which lets you give a list of drvs to register as roots or something
<clever> romildo: you can only do { eog, evince }: if your file is loaded via something like gnome3.callPackage
<infinisil> clever: i think something is preventing mine from going to sleep when closing the lid when an external screen is plugged it
<srhb> infinisil: Presumably, but I'm not sure if it's fine grained enough to not take something else with it. The righter approach would be to ensure that that wakeup is disabled.
<infinisil> Btw, there's something similar to hibernation, but on a per-application basis: https://criu.org/Main_Page
<srhb> But something can probably be hacked out
<mpickering> srhb: Yes essentially but I feel like it is such an important thing to do in projects that it should be a very very easy thing to do. With special syntax or support via config files or something to make it specifying a point in time you knew your environment worked as painless as possible.
<romildo> Is there a function in nixpkgs to get the major version of a version string? Something like getMajorVersion "1.20.4" would give "1.20" ?
<eacameron> On my new install of nixos for some reason vim doesn't accept the `End` key or the `Delete` key. It either does nothing or does something else.
<hodapp> their bloody JAR file already packages most of the universe, you'd think they could at least package some fonts or something
<clever> chreekat: the entire mkDerivation call returns something that is both an attrset, and a derivation, and you can index into the .overrideAttrs attribute to override things
<clever> wait, i think i misread something, let me test some more...
<samueldr> yeah, had a play in nix-repl and it's... not what you'd generally expect, but probably not something that needs fixing
<srhb> pietranera: You can test that it works easily with something like: nix-shell -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz -p 'python.withPackages (ps: [ ps.pandas ])'
<pietranera> OK, I am clearly doing something wrong then because I end up with the wrong version of pandas :(
<Rovanion> So I installed xarchiver, by adding it to systemPackages, but its unable to open zip files due to it not finding zipinfo. So my question is: Is it so that packages in nixos has optional dependencies like on debian systems and I need to do something special in order to install them?
<Myrl-saki> symphorien: It uses cmake or something. I have no idea how to do this.
<adfaure> Hello, is someone familliar with the buildRustPackage please. The registry doest not find one of my dep, I have to use the unstable channel. It is not something that I want to do. Do you know if I have another solution please? I hope my question is clear. Thx in advance.
<hyper_ch2> that's something for the weekend to do :)
<sphalerite_> I'd like something I can run in my terminal
<hyper_ch2> but I wish there was a rss readers that stores the feeds in maildir format or something and not just one big database file
<hyper_ch2> it just something that strikes me as odd... there's probably a good reason for that default behaviour - I just don't see it
<sphalerite_> oahong: as in a broken link? It's probably because you haven't got anything in your user profile yet. If you install something using nix-env it will create the first generation of your profile and "unbreak" the link
<hyper_ch2> bachelor thesis... it's been over a decade since I had to do something like that
<infinisil> So if you want to do something like this, use the commands nix-store, etc. to do the logic
<adisbladis> bhipple[m]: Something like https://ptpb.pw/foWH/nix
<infinisil> bhipple[m]: if so, you can just do something like `let src = fetchurl { ... }; in runCommand "foo" {} ''cp -r ${src} $out''`
<infinisil> bhipple[m]: you want to run some command with something from fetchurl?
<petersjt014[m]> I broke something between configs and I'm trying to do a diff somehow to see what
<gchristensen> maybe overlay-module.nix or something
<clever> Ralith: ah, i can think of something better, one minute
<fresheyeball> I am on generation 112 or something


<hakujin> vcanadi: something like this, I think: https://gist.github.com/hakujin/a5c61cb69fe6c8aa187f6c527aad9417
<sphalerite_> srid: something something agent on, default-agent, something like that
<ndrei> actually, this seems to be something else..hmm
<chreekat> So I guess that's the 'plumbing' way of setting my env back to the standard -- would 'nix-env -S /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profile' be the 'porcelain' way? Or is there something more ergonomic?
<wzy8L-B2[m]> I've been using Nixos for a while but I'm not getting any updates. I'm on the unstable channel but Firefox is still on version 55. Am I missing something?
<chreekat> Wait, I *did* do something "weird" that might have caused it.
<TimePath> sphalerite_: or plugging it with something that isn't ethernet - did you know USB cables will happily fit in there? :)
<infinisil> And if you were able to use the whole networking attrset to declare more options, it might not work, because you could define a new option in networking.* that reuses the options of networking itself, which is something like infinite recursion
<sphalerite_> lluchs: this is from reading gtk source code, goodness knows if there's something in layers above it (GNOME? Evince itself) that changes that
<ottidmes> srhb: I am afraid in other to solve this, I would need to have a deep understanding of the internals of NixOS modules, something I might look at, at some point, but for now I will just copy the networking options that are relevant to me.
<srhb> Am I missing something, attrValues takes a set, right?
<infinisil> Ah, that can be obtained by something like options.foo.type
<srhb> ottidmes: I wonder if you need to do something like mkAliasDefinitions. Do you have something like a test case? I'm not sure exactly why this is...
<Sonarpulse> i think there might be something readable there already?
<sphalerite_> ndrei: there's also nix-darwin which gives you something like nixos config for macos
<sphalerite_> Anyway, my best guess at this point is you're editing the wrong file, forgetting to save, or something
<sphalerite_> Sonarpulse: awesome! So would I be able to get, say, a compiler for MIPS with musl or something easily now? Or is it only platforms nixpkgs actively targets?
<sphalerite_> you could also alias nix-shell (or something shorter) to nix-shell --run 'exec fish' if you don't want to type it out every time
<sphalerite_> I don't know enough about fish to tell you that. But in zsh you'd add something like [[ -n "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ]] && printf "(%s)" "$name" somewhere in your prompt function
<Yaniel> alternatively can I have an unpack hook for something that is not "src"
<ottidmes> Can you refer to the options of other modules? Something like this: type = with types; listOf (submodule options.networking);
<infinisil> ottidmes: or actually, the *right* way to do something like what you want, is to declare an option in networking.nix that defines your data, then put this into imports, then use config.your.option to refer to the data
<ottidmes> infinisil: Yeah that would make import work, but I was just wondering, is there something out there I am missing that would allow me to keep the arguments
<ottidmes> infinisil: I am probably forgetting something or doing something stupid, but I have a module file called networking.nix which I also want to import as part of my other systems to generate things like ssh hosts, so I want to import those module files and use the attribute set it contains as regular data to define some attributes
<clever> freeman42x[NixOS: something that just halts the virtual cpu, without saving the state anywhere, with the option to resume it shortly after
<dmj`> well, its doing something
<infinisil> shouldn't it be something like availablePlugins // { python = pythonWithPackages ...; } instead?
<tanonym> It used to work in 17.09 so something changed with the upgrade to nixos-unstable channel.
<Profpatsch> Something like that.
<tanonym> Or something like that.
<sphalerite> wait no isn't that the one that opens the nixos manual in w3m on tty6 or something?
<sphalerite> You can pass -I nixpkgs=path/to/nixpkgs to build from something other than the current nixos channel
<infinisil> tanonym: a functional language can be seen as "a language that allows you to pass functions around as normal values", which a lot of languages can do actually, but a *purely* functional language means something like "no side effects, functions return the same thing for the same inputs every time"
<tanonym> Right now I'm kind of trying to wrap my head around what the differences are. One of those people that I have a better chance of grokking something if I understand the why rather than just the how.
<tanonym> I evaluate 2+2 to equal 4 in my head. And when I write that down on the paper I've evaluated it with side-effect of having made marks on a sheet of paper. Something like that?
<Lisanna_> side effect is like this: printf returns a value (an int), but also has the *side effect* of printing something to stdout
<tanonym> When you say no side-effects you mean like having nix evaluate something doesn't result in things like privelege escalations or similar exploits? Where making a different language do something could have other effects.
<Lisanna_> the "correct" solution to this is to use a CI system like Hydra or something as simple as a bash script which updates the sha256 of the fetchgit or w/e
<ArdaXi[m]> If you're quickly prototyping stuff, interpreted is great. If you want something high-performance that you'll run a lot, go compiled
<ArdaXi[m]> This is somewhat on the tier of the whole "pointless use of cat" thing. Like, yeah, you can do things slightly more efficiently, but it rarely matters. If you need something fancier than what bash does you generally want something other than a shell.
<Li[m]> well, youre showing something much bigger than a 4mb shell binary
<georgew> How would I go about using that to test something?
<samueldr> (nix-env -if. failed, something with cargo failing)
<samueldr> (I had to checkout the previous commit to the last one, something didn't work on my 17.09 install)


<LnL> yeah you want echo 'foo '\''$PWD'\''' or something similar
<MichaelRaskin> Yatekii: NixOS is actually relatively good in shielding you from telling systemd something
<pie___> Yatekii, well in that case the thing is more that sshd is a service, so something something systemd
<dhess> so that could probably be adpated to something Hydra-friendly
<LnL> pie___: what does the wrapper look like? maybe there's too much quoting going on or something
<LnL> usually you'd do something like HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP
<nahamu> something just broke my brain though.
<nahamu> oh, I may have been mistaken... let me try something
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: Lisanna_: I'd think something like this should work: "^(.*)substring.*" and then count the length of the result to get the index
<nahamu> Is there a way to do something like overlay, but for nixos modules rather than just nixpkgs?
<MichaelRaskin> srk: I expect you would eventually have to change something in the expression. Probably, a large part of the expression could still be reused.
<MichaelRaskin> -iA nixos.vimHugeX or something like that depending on what nix-channel --list says
<simpson> How would I cross-compile something which runs configuration tests to see what features the CPU supports? I want to compile an RPython app to run on ARM but I'm on my amd64 laptop.
<FRidh> something wrong in the wrappers in /bin ?
<troydm> clever: hmm, let me check what this nix-shell thing is as I'm pretty much noob, but I understand something like that is needed when you have plethora of symlinks across tons of folders instead of single /usr/lib
<troydm> anyone could suggest me something, I have fonts in my local home ~/.fonts but apparently default font configuration doesn't loads them, what can I do?
<Ankhers_> I also have a VM setup if it is easy enough to just setup some env vars or something.
<Ankhers_> Could anyone point me to something that explains the easiest way to setup a remote builder on a mac? I looked at https://github.com/holidaycheck/nix-remote-builder but that gives me an issue at the `source` stage.
<FRidh> or something else?
<sphalerite> if it's something mathematical there are frameworks out there that can do that sort of thing if you hook them into your code.
<sphalerite> razzy: there's a huge amount of logistics involved in that kind of thing and is something you'd typically do on a per-workload basis.
<razzy> something like map aditional networked rapsbery pi CPU to your own and let linux scheduler distribute loads.
<niksnut> not something that should be relied on though...
<vcunat> I thought Hydra might be explicitly passing some options to nix or something.
<abathur> I suppose another worthwhile question is whether there's some better pattern/idiom for defining something like xorgxrdp for flexible overriding in cases like this? (if patching it for myself is 90% of the way to patching it for the community, I'm interested in picking up the experience)
<abathur> ok, just making sure I wasn't missing something
<elvishjerricco> I don't know why that would be happening, but I'll try reducing the release.nix to something simpler
<M-Dan> schlevy: is that just `nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable` (on 17.09) or do I need to do something more?
<elvishjerricco> dhess: IFD means `import (stdenv.mkDerivation { /* something whose build output is a nix file */ })`
<dhess> But maybe we mean something different by "import from derivation"
<elvishjerricco> Does Hydra build IFDs on localhost? One of my jobs is also an input to something that gets IFD'd, and its "build steps" say it was built on localhost... Even though localhost is not in my `nix.buildMachines`. And nothing else is building on the remote machines.
<Quickshot> infinisil, Poking around, I'm not sure it will actually help. Using it atleast failed to properly reset the monitor. Though I didn't test all to indepth. Also I didn't immediately see something that would make it reapply at each monitor turn on


<Quickshot> Though I might have missed something in both...
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: so it would only work if your user has less than 3 characters lol ( because you want to use something like "/home/ab/n" instead of "/nix/store" )
<genesis> infinisil : oki but i've 9 i though i can write something smarter :)
<genesis> something that find symlink and rewrite them.
<JosW> abathur: there is something like x2go in nixpkgs
<abathur> hyper_ch: and I eventually found a recent github issue (https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/issues/960) on xrdp where they make it pretty clear that xrdp can only support connecting to the local desktop session by proxying something like x11vnc
<azdle> vcunat, yeah, I assumed it would fetch the file and fail the hash check rather than using something from a local cache.
<azdle> Ooohh, so it's using something from a cache?
<MichaelRaskin> hask_bee_3: well, if something always breaks things, it is probably patched out. If a program does a stupid thing with manual search of program binaries to launch which falls back to PATH — well, that may go unnoticed for some time, and unfixed for some more time
<srhb> ottidmes: Aren't you missing a mkIf or something to lazify the module?
<ottidmes> I just tried to write an assertion for the first time in NixOS, but it did not work the way I expected it to. I get an error for a missing attribute, something I check for in my assertion, but since apparently the assertion is run afterwards, I get that error instead of the assertion failing. How should I work around this?
<LnL> unless there was an incompatible configuration change in the new version or something like that
<LnL> I think you want something like this https://gist.github.com/LnL7/e645b9075933417e7fd8f93207787581
<sphalerite_> typetetris: I think hnix might have something for it
<infinisil> hyper_ch: finally something useful to do with all my wet strings
<kiloreux> That's something I didn't I know about caching. So the read operations are cached ?
<infinisil> mojjo: I've been wanting to do something like this, would be really useful. don't think there's an easy way for now
<kiloreux> A static cache (like something on S3) would be better.
<nico202> Hi, is there an helper to create a default.nix to dev on a package based on the expresion in nixpkgs? Right now I'm going to nixpkgs, finding the default.nix of the program I want to work, clone the repository, copy the default inside, replacing src with ./.; and adding the small changes needed. Something a computer can do better than me
<dhess> adisbladis: I think container deployments are still broken, because there is some code in there that overrides nixpkgs.system or something like that. There's an issue on the tracker about that, I think it's being addressed.
<delta_> clever: Am I missing something else?
<srid> why can't I install certain fonts like dejavu-fonts? Did something change?
<samueldr> probably something to do with the use of the whole block device instead of a partition
<samueldr> good, it would have returned something if, for any reason, you had something else still mounted there
<samueldr> okay, probably something like mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb
<genesis> if you don't see it, Gparted -> refresh devices (something like that)
<sphalerite_> but you get the idea. Much less code, can still be overridden not to use the libs by doing something like squashfuse.override { zstd = null; }
<dhess> so this is something that Nix maintainers should get consistent about.
<simpson> Profpatsch: It still sounds overengineered TBH. Even if something replaced one of those system libraries, it'd hopefully still be API-compatible. Using the names as the interface sounds fine.
<samueldr> (I was checking just in case something broke)


<MichaelRaskin> jsgrant: well, there are people who are interested in trying to do at least something.
<gchristensen> oh I have something like this, you might want it
<Lisanna> I think nixpkgs needs a general-purpose "editDerivation" function. I'm sure most of us have written something like this at some point - where you just want to do a runCommand on a derivation but otherwise keep everything else the same
<jsgrant> So, webkitgtk is breaking my attempts to rebuild; Looking for reverse-depends with '''nix-store --query --referrers $(which webkitgtk)''' and nothing; Am I missing something obvious?
<LnL> anybody familiar with kernel config stuff, I'm having trouble figuring out why something is not showing up in kallsyms
<duncan^> simpson: It is far worse than that - the AppImage is in a weird format that is a combination of ISO CD format and something else. And it bundles *everything*. And then they manipulate the binary header to make it appear as an executable
<genesis> i think about something to bundle between appiamge and nix-bundle
<LnL> I made something that does that in a regular build, but that's for a weird reason. A nixos test is the correct way to solve that
<woffs> manveru: even rather old nixpkgs revisions show x86_64-linux there, so it must be something different
<Ulrar> Might be something to do with the docker image I'm using to run nix-build or something
<joepie91> I vaguely recall something like this