
<clever> also, nixpkgs has something similar


<tomberek> Did something change with vpcSubnets?
<jxf> symphorien: OK, so I did `nix-env -f '.nix-defexpr' -iA spotify`, but received `attribute 'spotify' in selection path 'spotify' not found`. I feel like I'm badly misunderstanding something about how packages work.
<ottidmes> blankhart: scroll up :P whenever I have that it is something else going bad further back
<rawtaz> must be something in some log somewhere
<mounty_> #hydra is something else.
<mfiano> Something is wrong with my mime types. All files in pcmanfm or thunar are either text or octet streams. file associations are screwed because I can only associate applications from amoung those 2 types. Anyone know what could cause this?
<tnks> like something is not hashing right?
<infinisil> ottidmes: was just trying to confirm that its a nixos submodule and not something else
<infinisil> clever: I think a good solution to this would be to have a nixops module, which stands above the nixos module, so that the declaration can be something like { machines = { a = ...; b = ..; }; } with the option machines of type `attrsOf nixosConfig`
<infinisil> clever: Something I don't get: "Note that using a distinct version of Nixpkgs with NixOS may be an unexpected source of problems" Why are these different? Shouldn't everything use this pkgs set in this option?
<infinisil> Wouldn't have thought I'd learn something about the Nix language today
<infinisil> clever: I always thought `let a=1; b=2; in` was just sugar for `let a=1; in let b=2; in` but apparently it's desugared to something like `with rec { a=1; b=2; };`
<clever> i almost never see a path starting with something other then ./ or /
<mog> yes thats where i would expect to see errors about not being able to cat to a file or something, but im just seeing it add the keyboard to xinput
<clever> mog: ah, i think there was something to auto-detect running things not in the default PATH
<Dezgeg> is it actually ATTRS{name} and not something else?
<infinisil> mpickering: With nix, if something in $out refers to another /nix/store path then this becomes a dependency of it, nothing bad about that
<infinisil> mpickering: Yeah that might be something for qt to work properly, lots of packages have something in its $out/lib folder
<infinisil> But maybe it's not too bad actually, i think their dart version is the normal dart, not something special
<clever> greglearns: i heard something about the auto-resize not supporting nvme drives at the moment
<greglearns> for NixOps, there is something wrong with nixos-17.09.2681.59661f21be6-x86_64-hvm-ebs (ami-3eb40346) image (?). The `ebsInitialRootDiskSize = 20` (20 GB) but the instance only gets a 2GB main partition:
<jwynn6> clever: nope, didn't work, just tried manually selecting each drive and still in the boot loop. could i be something about using an mdadm array to mirror the boot partitions?
<clever> jwynn6: try using something like f12 to manually boot from each drive
<clever> jwynn6: if you run something like this against the bios boot partition, do you see a string like 00000120 6e 67 00 2e 00 0d 0a 00 47 65 6f 6d 00 52 65 61 |ng......Geom.Rea|
<nick_l> ottidmes: then there is something to compare.
<BlessJah> +sshfs or something
<clever> rawtaz: just because something is downloaded into the store doesnt mean it gets added to $PATH
<nick_l> You can use GHC if you want; I will even use your programs. Just don't expect me to cheer for something I don't think is very good.
<shikiryogy> Hi guys, I can't connect from a docker container to the host, I tried several ways (192.168..., 172....) doesn't seems to work, should I do something additional on Nixos?
<mbrock> ah, false alarm, there was something weird about my git state
<rawtaz> very general question: for something like astroid, what other toolkits would be proper stuff to use? qt?
<rawtaz> bdimcheff: yeah.. broken in what way? you mean that it depends on that old webkit and using a newer one is something that astroid (completely isolated from nix) has to be updated to support?
<vil> the only mention of it I found is one line in the docs that says something to the effect of "anything that depends on a python interpreter will be added"


<tazjin> gonna dig around a bit in logs to see if I can find something more useful
<ottidmes> tazjin: If you are using grub, you can define to which configuration you want to boot the next boot, maybe something like that is still there and it now keeps loading that particular generation
<sonarpulse> something tells me whatever perl thing we were running is not the 2.0 way
<MichaelRaskin> logzet: that doesn't sound too good, actually, but maybe I miss something about channels
<logzet> MichaelRaskin: Anyway, I'm going to finally go to eat something ;)
<sonarpulse> and something you'd use for ofborg too?
<ottidmes> __monty__: Well... I should not have said many, I remember I found examples for many distributions, for me there are only 3 interesting distributions, NixOS (obviously), Arch Linux (my second choice), and Ubuntu (if I want something complete out of the box)
<snajpa-> symphorien: we'll see when I get to my first PR with something tangible for a first package
<greglearns> when I nix-build a rust project, it is always using an OLD rust registry (/nix/store/vz1s9v4k0cypr7y6w10qwcmy202k9iwp-rustRegistry-2017-08-27) How do I update things to use something recent?
<pxc> MichaelRaskin: haha you got me. I shoulda typed something shorter :-)
<ottidmes> __monty__: Let me check, I believe I did something like that on one of my USB sticks
<snajpa-> symphorien: so stdenv.config.enableDtraceProbes or something like that would be a-okay?
<snajpa-> I sometimes wish there was something like STDPROGRESS :D
<snajpa-> MichaelRaskin: to see the build progress, will it require a --verbose or something similar? or will the progressbar be redrawn on the last line?
<nico202> if you think of something missing let me know
<BlessJah> gchristensen: I think there is something very wrong with my server (the one I try to debug)
<infinisil> nico202: Unfortunately I have no idea how to reset the nix database or something of that sort
<gchristensen> yeah something is very weird there
<infinisil> nico202: did you update from some ancient nix version or something like that?
<infinisil> or something other suspicious
<LnL> mpickering: what about something like -DCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH=${qwt}/lib
<garbas> LnL: is it something I can help clean it up?
<mpickering> gdal is defined but I assumed the GDAL framework was something different
<mpickering> Is that already defined in nixpkgs? I couldn't find something like it.
<mpickering> clang is trying to link some libraries by passing the -framework flag, (-framework GDAL specifically). I am assuming now that as GDAL is not in the CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH that I need to do something different to set up a framework or build gdal differently somehow, can you give me any pointers?
<mpickering> I guess the CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH is something to do with it..
<halfbit> does fetchFromGitHub remove the .git directory or something? not sure where the source for that function is
<nick_l> gchristensen: is there something documented about that?
<nick_l> gchristensen: how slow? I also have something in that domain.
<nick_l> gchristensen: and for my main system I wanted something stable.
<infinisil> mfiano: huh, isn't git terribly inefficient? Or are git packfiles something special?
<infinisil> thoughtpolice: With zfs it's also rather simple to just copy something over with zfs send/recv
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: Borg works pretty well, it does have some overlapping features with ZFS in a sense. Things like encryption are maybe a bit better in Borg (e.g. no LVM setup due to lack of native encryption on the block device, portable), and Borg also dedupes (resource intensive in ZFS) while something like compression might be better in ZFS (block vs file encryption). Might just have to try a few workloads!
<srk> something with how nix store is populated before vm is created?
<johnw> i never know when I'll be on a trip without Internet, and suddenly need to pull in some strange new package to get something done
<Synthetica> I mostly just put something like
<LnL> clever: hmm, something related to compression but it's not exactly clear what the value means
<gchristensen> clever: my postgresql-in-nix-shell has just received hall-of-fame worthy feedback from Fuuzetsu: "do you ever wish you didn't click something because I just did"
<srk> do I have to switch something on master so nix2 recognizes my nixpkgs? NIX_PATH="/etc:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix"
<ij> clever, Ha, that's right! So /u/guibou's solution doesn't do quite the same thing! I felt something was off about it. https://redd.it/824xg0
<infinisil> risci: My reasonning is that one always wants to keep their system deterministic. Because if something breaks it, you can just check out an older commit and figure out what broke it, which is only possible if you check out the updated hashes every time
<infinisil> risci: The goal of nix is to make everything pure and reproducible, and the only way to have something that constantly updates while still maintaining this is to have something update the expressions (or something the expressions import, like with nix-prefetch-git)
<etu> risci: Could probably be done as a "service" like "networking.hostsBlacklisting.enable = true;" or something. I'm not sure how to actually build this.
<mfiano> Thanks, looks like I was doing something wrong before. Works great now and this simplifies my config greatly
<elvishjerricco> eacameron: NixOS makes dangerous things safe... or something :P
<elvishjerricco> eacameron: Like if you can find a related etc file or something, you can probably track down which NixOS module generated that file
<elvishjerricco> I guess I need to custom generate the haddocks or something?
<eacameron> elvishjerricco: I assume it's my nixops config, but it must be pulling in some defaults or something elsewhere and I don't know where to look.
<elvishjerricco> dalaing: You said something about hosting haddocks on NixOS once, didn't you?
<abathur> does the droplet eventually boot to something you can use?
<eacameron> When I reboot my NixOS DigitalOcean droplet it spends 1.5 minutes trying to start a service named something like esn01 network or somesuch.
<ottidmes> clever: Is there some hook that is called when something is about to be added to the nix store, would be nice if there was, then you could create a blacklist of things you definitely do not want there by accident, like private keys
<abathur> clever: is there a better pattern/example I should crib from to set up something complex-ish that depends on multiple running services configured in a specific way?


<dtz> until you run it non-dry or with nix-build or something so the derivation is created (.drv) and then it works
<catern> hello worked, but I guess something slightly bigger didn't
<MP2E> hello, does anyone here have an example of how I could use a remote NixOS machine as a binary cache with Nix 2.0 and ssh-ng? Before, I used sshServe on my remote NixOS machine, and simply used 'nix-env -iA package -option ssh-substituter-hosts nix-ssh@example.ddns.net' and it worked as long as I had the SSH key added to my ssh-agent. Now if I do something similar it doesn't seem to work
<vcunat> Ah, I thought you linked to something completely different :-)
<srhb> How do you debug something when the logs aren't written to disk because... The disk is probably done working for this power cycle.
<srhb> Quickshot: Logically it goes something like this: xserver.conf = config + fonts
<Quickshot> Right, something one might do in the real world if one leave the computer for a long time
<Baughn> Would be nice. There's a system for profiles like that, but nobody's created a 'desktop' profile yet. Let alone something like that.
<Quickshot> Anyway, I was looking for something possibly a bit like this, https://pastebin.com/Y97DfdZt ; and these are the various things I've tried https://pastebin.com/Wpv9PDRg
<edef> Sonarpulse: i'm trying to remember what it was, something osdev i think?
<TweyII> liminal18: It sounds like you're building something. I'd suggest making a nix-shell (and maybe a derivation) for that thing instead of trying to install its dependencies into your user environment
<nick_l> gchristensen: I don't know everything, which is why I asked, but do people need a manual step or not? If the solution involves seeing 'nix-shell' in their screen and then typing something, it changes their workflow and doesn't count as a solution.
<nick_l> How can I make something like this work? #! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=./nixpkgs --pure -i sh -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (((terraform_0_10.withPlugins (p: [ p.aws ])).withPlugins (p: [ p.azurerm p.google ])).overrideAttrs (orig: { name = orig.name + \"foo\"; })).withPlugins (p: [ p.kubernetes ])'
<archaeron__> symphorien: how does it work? I mean how do I build something? or use utop with it? utop crashes for me
<niksnut> clefru: that's fine for people who get paid to work on something, not volunteers doing this in their spare time
<clefru> Having something that breaks the tree for that long for a large portion of users isn't really hitting my expectations. Even for HEAD I would rush to a fix or if none is easily available for a rollback.
<nixer101> hyper_ch: something similar to this: https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested but for nixos-unstable.
<jtojnar> edef: is not there something like python.withPackages for perl?
<gay> see then there is something else other than 'configuration.nix' which was incharge of it, since i never said it in my configuration to turn it to false or true ever
<Lisanna> so, maybe there's a bug in one of them where it doesn't clean up everything perfectly or something... no direct proof yet, I'll have to do some experimenting
<Lisanna> ran out of disk space during a write or something ):
<Lisanna> elvishjerricco not sure that that would matter to something like nix copy... otherwise, recompile nix with the path prefix set to whatever you changed it to as a configure option
<jtojnar> I use something like this https://paste.gnome.org/ppmmpt1yu
<tnks> I'm not sure what the problem is with localhost... something involving DNS resolution?
<clever> ultimate is also something the client provided
<Ralith> Lisanna: that made the build fail with something about an erroneous dependency on perl o_O
<Lisanna> nix might be doing something special there... not sure. But either way, you won't be able ot get the source code unless you do something special
<Lisanna> clever okay, deletion aside, what about adding to a binary cache, with nix copy --to file://? Is that safe? (i.e., could a client come along and think something is available when it's not since it's not done being added?)
<clever> Lisanna: you may want to analyze the access.logs and see when something was recently used
<clever> Lisanna: with `nix-store -r /nix/store/foo` you can forcibly download something from a cache
<Lisanna> hmm, is there any way *at all*, either in 1.11 or 2.0, to delete something from a binary cache?


<clever> tnks: you can either patch it to use bzip2 -1 which is faster, or just change out the entire compression algo for something faster
<zandy[m]> am i doing something obviously wrong? i'm very new to nix
<clever> gchristensen: something ive been wanting, is a way to dedup objects between git repos
<clever> lexwhere: i'm actually working on something just like that, that uses namespaces to put it at ~/nix/
<makefu> you can also try to find binaries with 'ls /nix/store/*/bin/nox-store' or something
<clever> 2017-10-18 16:07:40< tnks> clever: when you say "nix copy" it sounds like something new, not "nix-copy-closure".
<ottidmes> mfiano: I was wondering something similar, haven't tried it yet, but I guess we should be able to get it to work with the GlobalKnownHostsFile ssh option in programs.ssh.extraConfig and assign it: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts /etc/ssh/github_known_hosts, for example
<symphorien> michas_: I don't know anything about rkt but I seems like something requiring a service, so a module : https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#rkt so they probably should recommend to enable the service instead
<nick_l> Are aws instance profiles supposed to work on nixops deployed machines? Do I need to install something to make them work? I can see that the instance has an instance role associated with it, but it doesn't seem to have any impact.
<sphalerite> lejonet: so you'd just generate logstash's config using nix, and stick translations: ${pkgs.writeText "translations.yaml" ''contents go here''} in it or something
<sphalerite> or maybe you can make dhcpcd set a static IP address until it gets DHCP… or something… idk
<sphalerite> you'd need to make dhcpcd running conditional on the network that you're on or something, and I don't know how you'd fetch that information
<sphalerit> You need to enable networking.wireless.userControlled or something to make wpa_CLI work
<ixxie> sphalerite: if I recall, it should have been at /dev/nvm0e1 or something like that
<ixxie> do I need to boot from usb or something?
<ixxie> it looks something like https://imgur.com/4OibsIt
<sphalerite> or something like that
<mfiano> something happened. my /home is now empty...and it's not even another partiiton
<mfiano> Yeah something is suspicious about that /root/ directory prepended
<mfiano> Something in nixos is overriding the alias I have for `ls` in environment.shellAliases. It's setting `alias ls='ls --color=tty'` and that's not what I have in my config. Anyone know what/where that could be happening?
<abathur> doxygen changed make process back in 1.8.10, but nix stable is on at least 1.8.11, so the underlying process should be the same for my fork at .13, but not getting something hooked up right
<abathur> removing that filterSource line for one more run before I make the paste in case there's something there
<Mic92> ryantm: What was the substitute you have used before? Maybe there should be a fallback in case an older nix was used, something like builtins.splitVersion ? <fallback-expression>
<Profpatsch> Ah! Maybe something in the commits that I rebased on.
<gchristensen> I've never used nix-env, so this isn't really something I'm aware of
<Fare> do I use unstable-2017-08-09-2 or something ?
<nick_l> No, but I am saying that I would like to have something like that.
<ottidmes> tnks: Hopefully I have just missed something
<tnks> I did a "nix copy-sigs -s https://cache.nixos.org --all" and it did something, but didn't seem to help with all paths.


<Dezgeg> there's windowManager.default and desktopManager.default or something under services.x11
<manveru> anyway, just keep in mind if someone tells you to do something like `bundle exec foo`, just run `foo` instead :)
<clever> sphalerite: maybe a different thread used something bad at the same time
<blonkhart> i am learning nix and was trying to go by analogy to something in the miso repo
<nick_l> clever: I was just wondering whether I missed something.
<Judson> There was an issue on nixpkgs (I think) about "too many wiki pages about language packaging" (or something like) Does that strike anyone's recollection?
<clever> nick_l: can you gist the output of it before and after the change?, i suspect something else is being missed
<nick_l> clever: and what determines whether something is of type 'ec2' then?
<clever> nick_l: did you set the targetEnv to something?
<Dezgeg> I suppose 'sudo udevadm info /dev/mmcblk0p1 -a | grep DRIVERS' or something might discover the correct driver
<Dezgeg> I think it's enough to have the script look at parent devices of all block devices (and recursive all the way up the tree) but would be useful to use something that other distros use as well
<blonkhart> thanks. beginner using it for haskell. nix-build keeps rebuilding cabal from source and i was wondering if i was doing something wrong
<nixer101> sphalerite: please don't see my questions as some kind of demands for changes or something.
<LnL> something like requiring an active maintainer for a package to be in nixpkgs would be one way of improving the general quality of things
<simpson> (1+2) is something that can only be achieved if software in general makes massive improvements in quality in many different ways; I doubt it'll ever happen.
<LnL> nixer101: for something with a subtle bug that have a lot of dependencies we might not want to do it to avoid breaking more (or more important things) then it would fix
<simpson> nixer101: (1) on its own is something we care about and generally something we try to fix even on unstable. (1+2+3) doesn't exist in any distro I've ever used or seen, but it can be aspired to.
<LnL> nixer101: yes definitively, there's no point in keeping something on an old version if it doesn't work
<LnL> nixer101: what you're running into is something that should get fixed on stable, however there's a _lot_ of software in nixpkgs so in practice this won't always happen for things that are not used by many people
<LnL> I'm using networking.localCommands for something similar :/
<ottidmes> clever: Unless I can make it to only generate the extlinux config file, I will just generate something myself
<ottidmes> infinisil: I had it working by just parsing /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but apparently it was not resistant enough, it stopped working because probably one of my greps got different results than I assumed, so I want to use something less hacky instead
<ottidmes> infinisil: just went through all options on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html and cannot find it either, might have been confused, thought I remember seeing such an option being mentioned once, but I can just (mis)use boot.loader.grub.extraPrepareConfig for now since I am using grub, and I am actually using it for something related
<neonfuz> something to do with bios / uefi? I'm pretty sure I'm booting through uefi but not 100% sure, any way to check on a booted system if it's been booted from uefi?
<ottidmes> What was the option again to run something only at rebuild (so not at start, i.e. activationScripts)
<ottidmes> I am getting this warning: substituter 'ssh://root@server' does not have a valid signature for path, I have set secret-key-files and trusted-public-keys to what I have generated with nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key, is there something else that I need to do to make it a valid substitutor?
<manveru> something like this is my configuration.nix :)
<srhb> fyuuri: They do not interfere with each other. The sharable way is to use configuration.nix or something similar. nix-env is very ad-hoc and imperative (install this package now, with no record of it)
<sphalerite> I've found that sometimes plugging something in and unplugging it helps
<Dezgeg> read requests need to be signed with a private key with a nonce from the device or something to counter replay protection
<mfiano> sphalerite: i did something bad
<MichaelRaskin> robstr: activationCommands or something like that
<mfiano> samueldr: Is there a way to find out what modules the initrd has after nixos-install before I reboot? I'm not actually seeing the eMMC module being loaded at boot, so wondering if nixos is not regenerating the initrd or something
<neonfuz> this sounds like something to do with meltdown / spectre fix
<clever> i think its just something that has to be setup manually
<adelbertc> is this something that just has to be setup as aprt of the Docker env or is there some Nix install that will do it
<halfbit> so is there a way to make like the equivalent of a PKGBUILD for archlinux or.spec file for rpm or something
<MichaelRaskin> (and store enumeration is just something I hope nobody ever tries to do automatically)


<MichaelRaskin> If a future release is likely, I put 0.0.pre.2018.03.01 or something
<clever> ottidmes: and then if i need to undo something, i have history in the store
<ottidmes> clever: Am I missing something, you mean if you forgot to commit something? If you always committed everything before building wouldn't git diff <commit>...<commit> just work?
<clever> matt_r_: i recently had to fix something with `nixops deploy --allow-recreate --include HOST -d cluster --check`
<matt_r_> I hate systems that fall apart when I add something.
<ottidmes> sphalerit: It is to easily share two folder between two servers, so I do not have the moving network effect, but still, something to keep in mind
<drdaeman> I need to check how this maps in the service definition, though. But I think it all defaulted to common cfg.keyFile or something like that...
<drdaeman> srhb: thank you for your help! Maybe I should try to switch to something else than 17.09 on my side (master or some other tag) and try with that?
<drdaeman> kube-apiserver mentions something about "Unable to authenticate the request due to an error: [invalid bearer token, [invalid bearer token, crypto/rsa: verification error]]"
<phdoerfler_> clever: ok. So as an example, say I want to call `rsnapshot configtest` to check if the config my nix file just made is syntactically valid. I'd do `something = pkgs.runCommand "configtest" { buildInputs = [rsnapshot]; }; ''rsnapshot configtest'';` ?
<clever> symphorien: there is something in nixos to handle that, at nixos-rebuild, it will generate a secondary initrd, and cat the 2 together
<phdoerfler_> can I write this more concise? lib.optional (something != null) bla;
<pmade> I'm using nix as a build tool with `src = ./.` but if I have a dirty working tree nix-build will copy it into the store. Is there something like fetchGit that works from ./git and doesn't require a SHA?
<deanman> goibhniu, is that supposed to set unstable channel by default or did i mess up somehow my previous installation by trying something that i don't recall ?
<phdoerfler_> BlessJah: that's basically what I got so far, too. I was hoping for something less hacky
<clever> TonyTheLion: thats also something you usually can only change at install time
<disasm> chpatrick: an example would be something like nixos/modules/services/audio/ympd.nix. services.ympd.port defaults to the port set for services.mpd.network.port: default = config.services.mpd.network.port;
<srhb> I must have misunderstood something here
<matt_r_> clever: so, what do I need to pass as a concrete value to something which expects a list of those "ids"?
<electrocat> clever: something with name collisions
<viric> gchristensen: why brotli and not something else?
<mt_caret_> sphalerite: Thanks! I'll take a look. Well, I'm not sure how exactly how for example python.withPackages works (as in how Nix wires python so it knows where each package is), so I peeked in the source to find something that looks like a terrible hack; I'm sure a language designed to be Nix-friendly will be much easier to integrate.
<infinisil> something with systemd handling timers
<viric> I just wanted to know if there is something just on top of your head
<sphalerite> you can probably do something like nix run --store ~/nix '((import ./shell.nix).buildInputs)'
<sphalerite> although I think many of the more nixy people use zfs and zfs's snapshot feature instead of something like borg
<sphalerite> rauno: idk really, all I can think of is something hacky like adding a oneshot systemd service for setting them
<sphalerite> BlessJah: it's still a maintenance burden — since dependencies get upgraded as well which may introduce incompatibliites. Plus with nixpkgs you can just check out an older version of nixpkgs to get something that's known to work
<ij> So do I, but I don't have it, so it can't source it and $PATH's not set. How did you get it, I wonder? I've just set users.extraUsers.ij.shell = pkgs.zsh; Do *you* have something more?
<wilornel> maybe I got something wrong
<mfiano> something got changed from a list of attrsets to a list of submodules, and i can't figure out what needs to change
<mfiano> Something is not right. `programs.gnupg` is not defined in unstable-small either
<samueldr> I have notes for something similar, with ssh in mind as a secondary goal, but with main goal to be used as a secondary bootloader
<clever> shlevy: the bootloader, is a linux kernel+initrd, that runs something like dropbear, and waits 30-60 seconds, then it will kexec the default option
<dgpratt> yeah, I knew I was doing something stupid, my path to the config.nix file was wrong ("nix-pkgs" vs "nixpkgs")
<dgpratt> I'm obviously doing something stupid in regards to allowing "unfree" packages to be installed through nix-env, maybe someone has a clue what that is? I created a ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix file containing "{ allowUnfree = true; }" and I made a similar addition to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and did "nixos-rebuild switch"; nevertheless, "nix-env -qaP vscode" shows no packages unless I "export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1";
<snajpa> srk: only 32bit, that's why we'll only allocate something like 18bits per user
<clever> srk: oh, something you could improve on a lot, is the backdoor shell


<ottidmes> infinisil: Well, I meant something else, I use config = mkMerge [ ({\n}) ({\n ... block ... \n}) ({\n ... block ... \n}) ]; so I can move those blocks around, so I am guilty of creating unnecessary complex syntax style as well :P
<ottidmes> BlessJah: And here I was thinking you wanted to have it just be the NixOS config file, so you could still include it elsewhere or something, ah well, learned something about shebangs in the process :P
<ottidmes> BlessJah: If you want to be able to run your ./iso.nix and it builds your iso and contains the config, that is easy enough, something like infinisil suggested, but if you do not want that wrapper code (to make it build) available in iso.nix as code, then you are simply out of luck
<ottidmes> BlessJah: But I mean, if you just have #!/usr/bin/env our-nix-build, and have our-nix-build be an executable that calls nix-build args... <file> would not be so bad, right? That would allow you to create files like your iso.nix that you can just execute to build something
<BlessJah> no, I want single file that would be able to pass own path as a configuration (or do something)
<ottidmes> BlessJah: One requirement was that you did not want to use a special binary? Otherwise you could just write something that calls nix-build in turn with the correct arguments
<ottidmes> BlessJah: While I assumed it to be run like: nix-instantiate --eval --expr '{ test = { foo }: foo 5; }' --xml -A test --arg foo ./test.nix, yet then I get the error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at (string):1:19, which is completely true, but I expected that at my ./test.nix run as well, so I am clearly not understanding the workings of shebang
<sphalerite> simpson: depends. If you can just get something to speak filesystem you're done of course, but that's not necessarily the most efficient way
<Soni> why should anyone use something that's not designed to be user-friendly?
<pie_> clacke[m], i feel like they much have just been write cached in ram or something...
<Soni> ok so let me try something hmm...
<Soni> it works ok if you have repos well-separated, e.g. system-critical things in one repo, something else in another repo, etc
<Soni> (also https://gist.github.com/SoniEx2/10bea99cf403c953071fb9d8db715e67 is my WIP project for something like it)
<WilliamHamilton> so I guess the general pattern here is: if I need something fully applied, I should check if it's fully applied somewhere already
<niksnut> so the default for sandbox-paths should be something like /bin/sh=/nix/store/abqplkiy4mm70kg92wn97dgayj99a8m8-busybox-1.27.2/bin/busybox
<viric> avn_: well I can do something more hardcoded. That your thing is for a passwordless key
<clever> youll need to share something then, and put the ssh agent socket there
<ottidmes> clever: Yeah, the nix-prefetch-url or nix-store --add (or something) would be those that I do not consider "user friendly" because the URL is often generated by the package, so I would have to reverse engineer the URL, or let it start download, abort immediately, etc.
<robstr> after installing nix on a different machine i get permission denied of nix.sh . While installation script was running, it told me to do a chmod -m 0755 /nix and a chown is there something wrong ?
<tnks> because I'm doing something out of the box sharing /nix among Docker containers, I've been very careful about having only one nix-daemon up per /nix volume.
<cinimod`> It creates a Makefile using something autoconf
<JonReed> I suspect it has something to do with channels, but I can't figure out how to debug it
<clever> viric: i was actually planning on something today that would happen to solve your issue as well
<lejonet> Mic92: hehe, no worries ^^ I was a bit worried that I had broken something, because that test ran fine and all, and when you said I made a typo I was "oh shit, but how did it run then?"
<Mic92> because also something strange happend there, I noticed last night
<sphalerite> but something something usb-c phone desktop https://puri.sm/shop/librem-5/
<BlessJah> clever: is it better than usb-c? A usb-c capable phone could act as a desktop. Microsoft tried to do something like this once
<clever> it does something with git ls-files and filterSource
<mfiano> What is the difference between installing something with `nix-env -i` and adding it to systemPackages? When would you use one way over the other?
<aardito> so just curious whether I'm doing something wrong or if I should switch to pulling from melpa myself
<ottidmes> clever: Hmm, interesting, something to look at
<ottidmes> clever: Someone asked the question whether it was possible to run ./iso.nix and have that build the iso, I was thinking shouldn't something like #!/usr/bin/env nix-build and then #! nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --no-out-link -A config.system.build.initialRamdisk --arg configuration, work, but does not seem to :(
<ottidmes> Is it possible to add an import to a nixos config when nix-build'ing something of it? I would love to be able to add a custom build attribute (like config.system.build.initialRamdisk) for arbitrary configs
<clever> gchristensen: something ive been wanting to find is a good tier1 support bot, you just give it a tree of questions&answers, with some invisible questions based on past state, and then it can be programmed to solve basic problems
<MichaelRaskin> Although a case-insensitive mac builder would have already broken something…
<samueldr> having trouble finding something is there a way to control the output of curl from a nix download?
<dtz> seem to rem docker having a flag for this or something


<samueldr> eh, I have cobbled something like that for my media consumption on my "nas"
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: In a web-based workflow support UI I have developed, a part of access control was that if you don't know something is there, you'll never find it, even if you were mistakenly assigned permissions (if it was not a mistake, there was an email with a link to a dashboard for that kind of task)
<MichaelRaskin> Normal procedure of cleaning GitHub notifications: 1. Clear all Borg replies, 2. Clear all Borg requests. 3. Clear all «merged» messages. 4. look through the list of threads and mark all of them read unless something catches my eye. 5. Look at GitHub «Participating tab»
<Mic92> LnL: do you have a link or something?
<electrocat> Am i correct that the 'nix' command has no man page yet? Or did I make a mistake building it or something.
<catern> MichaelRaskin: sphalerite: yeah I wrote a full proxy for the nix-daemon in Python; manipulating how builds happen is definitely something you could do with it
<sphalerite> idk, just seems like something that nix could just not care about at all at that point
<hask_bee_3> sphalerite, i was hoping i could just call "nix-build service-template.nix", add "result" to systemctl (under a "custom-name" to make it something other than "result"), and from then on just call "nix-build service-template.nix" and "systemctl restart custom-name" again if my template changed.
<sphalerite> yeah but I mean something like using `nix-env -p /etc/systemd/system/my-service.service --set -f path/to/service.nix` and `systemctl enable my-service`
<BlessJah> I think I once found something like 200 MHz 16 bit cpu on one of dead HDDs
<johnw> RISC-V has a formal foundation, which is something shlevy would like to exploit at some point :)
<cinimod> So I think I need to say something in my shell.nix that forces hmatrix-gsl to use my gsl?
<sphalerite_> clever: this seems like something you might do
<sphalerite_> absolutely, docker showed me the path to the light. I was workign with docker at the job before my last one, and thought all the time I needed something like nix. A few months later I discovered that nix exists
<takeda> Is there an official tutorial how to use nix? I mean something that a person can implement step by step and see it working to get started on using Nix. I mean there's something close to that on the manual page, but it still has some missing pieces.
<chreekat> ottidmes: you're suggesting I shell out then? It's not already something defined?
<arximboldi> manveru: is there a way to specify a nix version itself as a dependency? when I want to use some new builtin like this? I guess there is a problem because this configuration will be evaluated in the nix of the current system or profile, so I really need to make sure the systrem or profile have the right nix version before trying to install something that uses fetchGit...
<ottidmes> robstr: I can recommend xfce4-terminal, if you just want something that works, (zero config needed), great defaults and such, but there are plenty better out there if you are into customizing your terminal
<sphalerite_> srhb: if you don't ask much of your terminal something like st or alacritty is more suitable, if you do want a bunch of features something like gnome-terminal, konsole, lxterminal, idk the list goes on
<robstr> Hey, i have a fresh fresh nixos installation with xmonad - now trying to add vi with solarized colorscheme, but it looks really different, do i need to setup a terminal with more colors or something like this ?
<sphalerite_> something something embrace extend extinguish
<gchristensen> FRidh: do you have a wishlist or something I could buy something off?
<hask_bee_3> How likely would you deem that "bash" will one day refer to something other than Bash 4.4, such as Bash 4.5 or even Bash 5?
<srhb> Tracking down something not evaluating in restricted mode is not easy.
<mfiano> sphalerite_: Hi, actually been trying to figure something out maybe you know the answer to
<null_> Does that happen automatically or need to be triggered, there's a daemon but it's not clear whether it does anything on its own. It's really ambiguous to me (it just uses triggered or something similar as the wording).
<etu> They need to start versioning their apis or something.
<null_> so it's obvious for say nss or xorg stuff, but something like libffmpeg.so
<robstr> first time nixos user, I added xmonad and on the login screen, there is a message: "Session: none + xmonad" did I misconfigure something ?
<thoughtpolice> clever: yeah they announced something for this pretty recently I think (the rpi foundation, that is)
<clever> thoughtpolice: this module allows you to set fileSystems."/".iscsi = { enable = true; host = ""; lun = "something"; };
<thoughtpolice> muzzy_: Nobody here knows "everything" about Linux, of course. Collectively, a lot of us altogether know a lot about Linux. If you're worried about something breaking, you should ask. That's how you'll learn a bunch.
<muzzy_> hmm, I suppose experience has something to do with it. I've never had "official" training on linux, So I never learned how Linux works on a deeper level
<wilornel> nooo that `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set`
<null_> I'm downloading something nonfree which doesn't have any other URL to download from
<wilornel> These are the outputs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MNxXxrJRrk/ (I like to use paste.ubuntu.com for no particular reason, I'm on NixOS). I'll brb I need to take care of something and I'll evaluate what you said better
<duncan^> I'm sure you could work something out
<boomshroom> I decided to take a look at `pkgsi686Linux` and found that it calls `forceSystem`. I tried calling it directly at to my surprise, it actually tried to build something to build an stdenv for a foreign cpu! It imediately failed because the environment I was targeting wasn't in platforms.all, but it's a huge step!
<clever> mfiano: check df -h and youll see something that is nearly full
<mkaito> then I don't know. no experience with KDE, no idea if it does something fancy.