
<kuri0> is there a nixos gnome iso or something ?
<boomshroom> kuri0: Is it a precompiled binary that specifically tries to call something in /usr, or does it try to open a dynamic library in /usr, or is it something else?
<tnks> something about this model feels untenable.
<tnks> I suppose somethings are not idempotent, though.
<day|flip> anyknow why adding xorg config leads to video driver not working at boot? did something change. cuz these two config don't work for me. https://hastebin.com/jekumokome.vbs
<samueldr> [time-appropriate greetings] I think I may need some guidance to integrate something with the nixos-homepage build
<clever> so mine fails the moment it does something bad


<clever> so you must never use readFile on something that refers to store paths
<clever> let me check something...
<kreisys> I'm doing something kinda like that in the derivation buildphase
<Lears> Maybe ghcWithPackages (p: [ p.xmonad ]) should manage this include automatically, since it's what provides ghc with libraries? On Debian something like this gets done when installing xmonad either with apt-get or cabal.
<pierron> infinisil: I mean let extLib = { …; module = import <nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix> extLib; } in extLib or something like that?
<guest> i have added a custom dev environment as overlay, using myEnvFun. however, when using the script load-env-mycustomenv, $PATH is not pure. is is possible to load a pure environement (ie reproducible) using myEnvFun? or should I use something else?
<mightybyte> Turion: I'm wanting something that I can run locally.
<Turion> mightybyte: Do you want to do something like continuous integration and build matrices?
<CornBurglar> Heyy, I'm trying to reinstall Nixos and I'm running into an error. I feel like it's something simple, but I can't seem to solve it. the error yielded by nixos-install is: Failed to create EFI Boot variable entry: No such file or directory
<bhipple[m]> Yeah, I think the sddm start script just backgrounds something waiting for x11 to come up, which means when ssytemd kills it you don't get much in the way of eerror messages
<bhipple[m]> Hmm, let me try something like slim instead of sddm and see if I get different results
<ndrei> I haven't found any examples of something similar in nixpkgs, neither involving "buildFHSUserEnv" in a build context
<infinisil> I have 3 machines and this way i can easily install something on all of them
<infinisil> boxscape: I personally use `nix-shell -p hello` if i need something to try it out, nix-env -i when I want to also install it but am too lazy to add it to configuration.nix and configuraiton.nix when I really think it's useful and i wanna keep it forever
<thoughtpolice> So, you could do something like
<thoughtpolice> You can just have it be any path. On one of my machines I have a few private binaries and my configuration.nix says something like `foo = pkgs.callPackage /home/austin/src/project/default.nix {}` -- that's totally OK.
<ndrei> symphorien: still something I'm confused about: I'm now getting a bunch of "copying path from <...> cache.nixos.org" messages, and the nixpkgs checkout is in sync with the GitHub master. Is this expected?
<Asmadeus> Hi. I'm somewhat new at nix, it took me ages to figure how to build a custom kernel (using zfs unstable + boot.crashDump.enable was a cache miss and takes ages to recompile so I wanted to turn tons of junk off), I think I have something here but I have a couple of questions...
<bbsl> does anyone have syntax checking set up for nix el? Id like to set something up in emacs but all Iv found so far is a configuration.nix word list type thing
<bbsl> mpickering: ty though I still dont understand it but "extend" is a function that take 2 arguements sel and sup are supplied as arguments but what I dont understand is what does the ":" in sel: and sup: mean. (Im guessing it has something to do with how they get values assigned to them but ya.. )
<bbsl> ottidmes: I generated most of it with cabal2nix, I guess some other lib/package Im importing is patching taggy and then Taggy tries to redo the same patch or something, dunnno ... I mannaged to get nix-build working by version locking taggy to the latest version but nix-shell which sources another .nix file containing my dev deps as well as the build deps still does'nt work. Anyhow ty for the help
<bbsl> Alling: no I cant put it in release.nix I want this file to only be the build deps and my development deps I want outside of the file. I tried doing it with a seperate shell.nix file and that worked fine untill something broke in one of the packages Im using in my project and I had to manualy downgrade it. Now everything is a mess :)
<ottidmes> Alling: I mean that something has to be different about starting it via systemd and what you do normally, which most likely has to do with with the environment being different in both cases, so try and figure out what differences might be problematic. You could also try starting it as a systemd user service
<ottidmes> Alling: Another issue might be something missing in the environment. I would just try and see how it is running when started as the service, try and figure out the differences between that and running it as user
<tnks> can any of the fetch* functions unpack something that's curled over?
<thoughtpolice> Well, you already know the rule is wrong, of course. :) More specifically you could try fiddling more with `TAG+="uaccess"` (which doesn't seem very well documented/understood from what I can see?); the original variant adds a group. Maybe try that and see if you get something else, etc.
<thoughtpolice> boomshroom: Hmm. Taking a shot in the dark but maybe it's related to that `uinput` bit... The original version actually bases it on a group. Maybe try `strace`ing and see if you get something like an open(2) permission error...
<thoughtpolice> boomshroom: Ah, that's normally pretty easy with something like 'lsusb' or assorted tools. Check this: https://wiki.debian.org/HowToIdentifyADevice/USB
<thoughtpolice> boomshroom: I've looked over/used this guide before. http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html -- normally you're just gonna do something like match on vendor/product IDs and set a MODE= or group attribute or something. Should be pretty easy; look around under ./nixos and you can also find some udev rules written for the modules that should help I think...
<jackdk> great, it starts. next problem: this laptop has no cd drive. At least I've got something I can push and build on my other machine. Thanks a lot.
<jackdk> ok, got it. now if I try to run result/bin/crip that still fails because it can't find CDDB_get.pm. do I need to load it into a shell or something to test that properly?
<ottidmes> jackdk: I am getting: error: attribute 'CDDB_get' missing, is this something you installed locally?
<rotaerk> ah, echo $buildInputs does display something
<clever> ah right, let me check something
<rotaerk> is there something fundamentally wrong I'm doing with default.nix/shell.nix?
<rotaerk> but I'm trying to find a nix-instantiate -E expression that'll give me something


<achambe> boomshroom: I was a little curious about how to do something like that because I was an openbsd user before nixos, and wondered how difficult it would be to make a hybrid OS.
<abrxs> I tried that as well, actually, and i think the service at startup tries to chmod it or something to that effect. I get a chmod() read only in that case
<achambe> Hi, I'm having a small problem with understanding something. builtins.fetchTarball doesn't seem to return a derivation, but something else. Is that correct?
<ottidmes> keith_analog: I am not completely sure I understand your question, but would something like this work: callPackage "${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub ... your code ...}/foo.nix" {}
<ben> does `go get ./...` in the package's dir followed by `go build ./...` or w/e do something useful?
<ben> is there something special about it?
<cx405> Well, this is not correct. There is a structure, that is from 17.09, which is being worked-around by parsing the stateVersion variable, and I would appreciate if I could get away from this relic. Something like tool in live ISO, that allows to upgrade the core. I don't really need any backward compatibility to 17.09.
<cx405> Hi! So I am learning nix in nix-repl and sometimes doing something stupid, like entering cyrillic letter "ц(enter)", at which point nix-repl locks into waiting for EOF, but does not react to Ctrl+C. How do I break the expression to get the control back?
<MichaelRaskin> nixos-unstable has been bumped 3 days ago to something two weeks olld
<mkaito> which probably means I'm doing something wrong locally
<MichaelRaskin> It depends. I would expect something like single-digit days.
<ikwildrpepper> oh, I assumed you already had something for a PR. indeed, like MichaelRaskin said, you can just create an issue to discuss
<MichaelRaskin> But you are right that with some amount of plugin-loading packages it becomes better to use something like $PACKAGE_PLUGINS/lib/${package.name}
<zybell_> MichaelRaskin:If the infrastructure can't take a change 18.03->18.04 NixOS has no worth. The reason NixOS exists is to make such changes painless dependable. If there is something in NixOS that prohibits that,one should know about it(and fix it).
<kandinski> or do I patch Makefile.in, and Makefile.am is something that should be fixed upstream so we don't need to patch the Makefile.in?
<kandinski> That's something that I like to have.
<elvishjerricco> zarkone: Sounds like you're referencing `networking.hostname` as a variable. Are you trying to set it to something?
<achambe> so if you did an update or something it leaves the old versions until you collect it up
<Ralith> or something
<infinisil> Ahh right, I remember reading recently that Linux has had NVME support since 2.x or something
<Lisanna> ottidmes your might have something slowing down your shell
<clever> so if something in nixpkgs breaks nixos horidly, it also breaks the rescue env
<clever> elvishjerricco: i think dtz is working on something like that
<infinisil> ruhatch: Also happened to me recently, I really think NixOS should have something that prevents you from locking yourself out like that


<tnks> clever: what I mean, is what exact question should I ask myself when deciding when to put something under nativeBuildInputs versus buildInputs?
<elvishjerricco> What's the fastest way to automatically spin up an ubuntu machine of some sort? To spin up a new NixOS, I just do a nixops virtualbox deployment. Obviously nixops can't deploy ubuntu, but I'd like to do something similarly automatic.
<lejonet> it worked fine enough, I just seem to have screwed something else up that made it yell at me, but that is not nix related at all :P
<ottidmes> foldingcookie: I would check which files zsh loads a certain points and check those on your system, probably something breaks your PATH at some point
<ottidmes> infinisil: I have had that one in the past as well, or something similar, very annoying
<ottidmes> ShalokShalom2: Yeah, that is what I have as well, not sure what you mean by reload something, or do you mean sourcing that script that setup Nix correctly in your shell again?
<ShalokShalom2> and now, i have to reload something?
<clever> why are you trying to globally install something with npm?
<ottidmes> ShalokShalom2: Then you should stop making that claim. Like I said, it is probably unrelated. Your environment problably broke at some point, some env var or something was not make persistent, so when you reloaded your terminal or whatever happened, those references were gone. I just remarked that I too had problems with installing global nodejs packages that way, since the globalconfig defaults to a directory
<ShalokShalom2> i heard something good about yarn
<lejonet> I don't have much opinions on the language, but maintaining something written in nodejs is... a handful
<judson> getting errors during build like error: ‘GTK_TYPE_SOCKET’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘ATK_TYPE_SOCKET’? Look familiar? I assume somehow I still haven't threaded something into gtk-traymanager - but I don't know what else to thread in. I see --extra-include-dirs=/nix/store/{...}-gtk+3-3.22.29-dev/include and --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/{...}-gtk+3-3.22.29-dev/lib in the configureFlags...
<judson> Dezgeg, clever: getting errors during build like error: ‘GTK_TYPE_SOCKET’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘ATK_TYPE_SOCKET’? Look familiar? I assume somehow I still haven't threaded something into gtk-traymanager
<benny> what's the right way to package something that has 10+ scripts that use /usr/bin/env in their shebang?
<ogotai> LnL: unless there's something in my zsh that fiddles with PATH constantly, I'm not sure
<ogotai> LnL: yep that works, and I also found the culprit, kind of, of why the PATH is screwed - there's something in my ~/.zshrc that conflicts silently with Nix, maybe oh-my-zsh, maybe something else, when I remove my ~/.zshrc, suddently nix-shell shows up in PATH in a new shell
<LnL> yeah, try something like nix-shell -p hello
<ogotai> is this expected as well? 'error: getting status of '/private/var/root/default.nix': No such file or directory', is default here name of an environment or something? (I'm new to nix, not sure of the naming)
<LnL> ogotai: pretty sure that's not a problem, once you install something in the profile it will be created
<detran> then Probing EDD (something something something can't read because it's not on screen long enough)
<nick_l> infinisil: if you are not a huge Unix nerd, you are never going to end up with something that is even reasonable secure.
<ottidmes> I might be missing something obvious, but what is the reason for shellAliases not running: escapeShellArg on the aliases? Seems a usability bug to me, or is it kept that way to prevent aliases from breaking now that people started escaping single quotes themselves?
<nick_l> goibhniu: I was just sharing something I thought was fairly interesting.
<ottidmes> ToxicFrog: Thanks, definitely gonna need it, getting Samba the way I want has been quite a puzzle so far, i.e. those times where when you Google search for something and you have seen all results already...
<nick_l> Dezgeg: that sounds like something that could be asserted instead.
<ShalokShalom1> i just hint there is something that can get fixed within a few seconds
<goibhniu> something like musnix
<ShalokShalom3> and you still can announce it (Nix) as something for professionals
<phreedom> I can see how you can make a gui installer that might occasionally work, but the moment the user has to tweak something, they're back to cli
<tilpner> True. With something like nixui and a few preset profiles, it could work well without never using Nix or the CLI
<Dezgeg> yeah, I wouldn't create a super-shiny installer myself either, just something that has a partitioner, runs nixos-generate-config and leaves the rest to the user
<nick_l> The documentation for Ruby in the manual could use some work, because it says it has examples, but it doesn't actually have a full example for all the discussed different features. I.e., something like run the following command and you actually see something work.
<nick_l> Just like there is python27.withPackages, is there something similar for Ruby?
<hyper_ch> Mic92: ok, that didn't work.... I got immediately error that something wrong with root and I could press buttons to reboot or interactive shell and stuff... but it didn't accept any button entries
<ertes-w> % nix-channel -p channel --update # something like this
<nick_l> bennofs[m]: it could say something like "Hey, you don't have an index yet, we are now creating one, press Control-c to cancel this process. Your answer will come in a minute or so.".
<ertes-w> is there something like 'cpp -M' and/or 'cpp -MM' for nix?
<nick_l> hyper_ch2: if you are in a mental state where you need to fix something "right now"
<vaibhavsagar> huxx: can you put the whole thing in a gist or an lpaste or something?
<nick_l> hyper_ch2: did it actually break something? Otherwise rebooting a different generation should be enough, right?
<hyper_ch2> Mic92: something in latest zfs is broken.... it won't import pool anymore
<elvishjerricco> judson: Something more like haskellPackages, where each package is a single derivation and it's all composed pretty normally would be really nice
<USERNAME00> How can I make nixos do secure and trusted boot efi? Neither likely do shit but apparently theres a windows shim or something
<elvishjerricco> typically a little easier to put it on pastebin or gist or something.


<ottidmes> Anyone knowledgable about Python in NixOS that can tell me why Samba 4 would now fail on talloc missing as an import, while in 17.09 I had the exact same package description that did not fail? Seems something changed with the Python packages. I am now trying: (python2Packages.python.withPackages (pyPkgs: with pyPkgs; [ talloc ]))
<scribbler> as, somethings seem to install a useful runnable verision, for eg postgres.
<clever> abcrawf: there is a clangStdenv.mkDerivation that may help somethings
<abcrawf> I'm trying to write a derivation for a project which depends on libclang. It tries to find libclang.so using llvm-config. I've added a dep on llvm and llvmPackages.libclang, but llvm-config points to the llvm installation which is at a different store path from libclang. Am I missing something obvious?
<FRidh> ixxie: not really. We sometimes need to specify what version of a package from the main package set is needed. If we would pass in the package set (`pkgs`) to each expression then I think it would be possible. In that case we would likely want something similar to Haskell.
<ixxie> FRidh: if all the non-callPackaged stuff in top-level/python-packages.nix was ported to seperate files, could it be replaced by something that would build the namespace automatically from pkgs/development/python-modules
<hodapp> nick_l: this is not the first time I've had something incredibly simple fail to work in systemd
<xxx_jihad69_xxx> hello, minetest depends on libXxf86vm (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/games/minetest/default.nix), yet the repos don't seem to have it. What can I do to compile it? Am I missing something?
<sphalerite> I've probably just forgotten something stupid, but it's so hard to tell what the problem is when all you have is a white screen
<Dezgeg> yeah something should be figured out to not have them time out
<sphalerite> you might need some firmware for it or something
<qknight> how likely will someone then come back at me and kill me for doing something ... wrong?
<Lears> Anyone know what to do about that? I found a thread from an Arch user with a similar error and it was suggested to boot with "efi_no_storage_paranoia" kernel parameter, but I don't know how I would do something like that with the nixos install media.
<ertes-w> many GTK programs lack icons for me, even after i installed hicolor-icon-theme… do i have to set an environment variable or something?
<sphalerite> maybe there's something relevant in the logs?
<tilpner> Does anyone have experience with something like that? Any logs I should look at? (didn't find anything suspicious)
<fusion809> Hi folks. I tried installing Yakuake as user with nix-env, but it fails to launch with the error https://paste.pound-python.org/show/JSMl2TMrSPysMkmqxscU/. Also tried listing it as a system package in my system config and I got the exact same error. I'm mentioning this here instead of opening a bug report because I'm hoping I forgot something simple to get this working...
<kiloreux> sphalerite, I could be doing something wrong on this gist https://gist.github.com/kiloreux/56cdf9d9ff1c4a0ac977834c55fcfe75
<thblt> sphalerite: no this is in the syslog, primusrun and optirun both complain something along the lines of primus: fatal: Bumblebee daemon reported: error: Could not enable discrete graphics card
<mgttlinger> sphalerite: something between 30 seconds and 5 minutes
<sphalerite> that is, the x backlight protocol. Be it through the xbacklight command-line tool or something higher-level
<fusion809> acowley: just tried a rebuild after specifying them and it's not working so I'm guessing you're doing something different to me. I added `gnome-shell-dash-to-panel chrome-gnome-shell gnome-shell-system-monitor` (that's what they're called in their .nix file) and it said `error: undefined variable 'gnome-shell-dash-to-panel' at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:41:60`. Also tried without the gnome-shell- prefix same error.
<fusion809> Hi folks I have 18.03 installed now. How do I install shell extensions. The ol' fashion method of installing them from Firefox doesn't work, I've looked at nixpkgs and found the one I wanted https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/612e1acb6b964d88b6580e8df1b4519d57cb9a8f/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/extensions/dash-to-panel/default.nix. Running nix-env -i dash-to-panel doesn't work so I'm guessing there's something else I'm meant to
<infinisil> Heh, trying to build something, tries to download http://hackage.haskell.org/package/memory-0.14.14.tar.gz


<rycee> infinisil: I'm not certain why the lib is imported like that. I imagine it might have something to do with avoiding cyclic dependencies or bootstrapping or something. If you find out I'd also like to know :-)
<sphalerite> hm, rocksndiamonds uses 100% of 3 of the cores on my chromebook. Would anyone care to test on their intel machine and tell me if this is because the chromebook's weak or because rocksndiamonds uses as much as it can or something?
<clever> sphalerite: RENAME_EXCHANGE sounds like something setup-etc.pl could use
<Dezgeg> well, for something like python, yes, but generally no
<cript0nauta> i suppose that should be changing something in my configuration.nix but not sure what
<eacameron> tokudan[m]: For reference, I had just updated earlier today and it didn't help. The fix is ver odd though: repairing a package? That doesn't make any sense to me. But it certainly indicates it's deeper than just a new version of something.
<tokudan[m]> i remember something like that as well, but that was months ago? i don't have any issues in my current setup, so i assume it's been fixed now
<eacameron> I recall someone on here saying that terminfo was broken in 17.09 or something...
<fusion809> Is that an incredibly complex process with me having to figure it out? Like not something I can do in like 5 mins?
<deltasquared> "broken concept" /me mutters something about "everything M$ does"
<coconnor> by "APIs" I mean... something not nice
<hodapp> and I had something less train-wrecked in mind but here we are :-/
<deltasquared> hodapp: I think sphalerite had something more programmatic in mind
<deltasquared> something that occured to me today, when you run nixos-rebuild switch (I think? possibly wrong command), it's essentially producing a special derivation using your config.nix as input, correct?
<sphalerite> Criena[m]: ah right it's used by a module. In that case you'll want an overlay, something like nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: {exim = super.exim.override {enableLDAP = true;};})];
<sphalerite> nick_l: I don't have an existing example, but I'd probably do something like runCommand "scriptname" ''mkdir -p $out/bin ; wrapProgram ${./originalScript} $out/bin/programname --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ aws ]}''
<nick_l> Is there something that makes it possible that #!/usr/bin/env bash as a script header does not work on NixOS under any circumstance on x86-64 with a default kernel? For example a systemd execution environment?


<joepie91> RedNifre: (if you have a very rigorous "cleaning up old revisions of the system" policy, then you can run NixOS on something like a 80GB HDD without too many issues)
<zybell_> infinisil:If a test is flaky,you *can not* know if something breaks. That is my point.
<infinisil> zybell_: Well if something does actually break we would like to know that, that's why tests are there in the first place
<michas_> LnL, I am already aware of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/maintainers/scripts/openstack/nova-image.nix, but I was wondering why he is simply doing "nix-build file.nix". Looks like there was a time when something like that simply worked...
<LnL> michas_: you can do something like this to build an iso with custom stuff https://gist.github.com/LnL7/3c2337879313b1b0526ec7da4ab7b2c8
<benley> I don't quite remember the details of why that useDnsmasq mode got things working well for me but it definitely did. Something to do with split-tunnel DNS.
<ottidmes> joepie91: HDD as in regular HDD not SSD? If so, that explains :P I never really experienced an I/O issue when building something with Nix while on a SSD
<zybell_> joepie91:That is the Block Embeddin and Extension Protocol(?) something to crash through firewalls by pretending to be a webbrowser. Of course that has security problems.
<dash> joepie91: yeah, i figured it would be something like that
<WilliamHamilton> (even if the command is doing something and not reporting errors?)
<chisui> the name should have something like test or surefire in the name
<gchristensen> that isn't something I can change here
<clever> tilpner: well, this explains something Turion asked: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ec80c928255b3886aa2268398ccbbe4279004cff
<clever> yeah, if you deprecate a certain value of it, you would need to make something to migrate the state, and then you have the same issue
<Turion> I'd have thought "nix-env -qaP 'helm'", but I can't test, something is weirdly broken
<ryantm> krey: You can make your user env declarative with something like https://github.com/ryantm/dotfiles/blob/master/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix#L13
<Guest57550> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/38364 <- Am I doing something with my grub options that would lead to this hang / inability to boot?
<ryantm> krey: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#synopsis-5 something like `nix-env --set-flag priority 100 sage`


<taohansen> Is this not the kosher way to do it in Nix? Do I need to resort something like vaultenv or consulenv instead?
<LnL> vcunat: ^ is that something we should/want to fix before 18.03?
<lejonet> anyone using spotify and pulseaudio on nixos and can give me pointers why I get no sound, whatsoever from it? It would seem like it tries to use alsa, which gets plugged into PA, which I think could maybe be the problem, but I'm probably missing something lol :P
<infinisil> Something like that
<Turion> Am I the only one who can't type certain capital letters in xterm (+ xmonad) since they seem to be captured as hotkeys for something?
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe a few perfectly customised introductions that various newcomers would prefer given a chance could tell something new about the current situation.
<MichaelRaskin> Turion: I think if you want something to move forward, a better bet could be to note everything useful you read — paragraphs of the manuals, IRC messages, parts of nix-pills
<gchristensen> I've only said it that way a couple times, to people who wanted the project in question to be something it wasn't
<gchristensen> the chrome updater one should probably be rewritten to be python or something, but it is a work of art.
<deltasquared> or something
<foldingcookie> is it possible to use binfmt_misc or something to avoid the extra fork/exec overhead of 'env' shebangs by evaluating them in-kernel?
<tokudan[m]> is there something that's blocking hydra from advancing the release-17.09 channel to include the firefox-bin security updates from 6 days ago? i don't see anything failed there
<deltasquared> welp, something's happenin'
<das_j_> vcunat: do you know anybody or something who/that can help me?
<deltasquared> let's see if I can try it with the /run symlink instead. but still don't know which packages I need (mesa-dri or something?)
<vcunat> So it's not something we can (afford to) provide in a pure way.
<deltasquared> clever: well it's doing something promising so I'll take it :P
<unlmtd> I thought it had crashed or something.
<gchristensen> something is definitely wrong there, which PR and which set of docs?
<infinisil> Turion: Yeah that's a good point, docs are something to improve
<infinisil> That's part of linux, understanding how to set up new programs to do something you want
<Turion> infinisil, something like launching and restarting xmobar when it crashes ;)
<infinisil> Turion: You can just have xmobar start in you ~/.xprofile or something, just needs to be running for this to work
<ShalokShalom> I just suggested to switch from Slack to something like Matrix with a bridge between them
<avn> MichaelRaskin: fyi, we need to have safe offscreen libgl configuration, safe to include to buildInputs, if any package want to render something on build phase
<Turion> Oh no... that's something I don't understand well yet
<Turion> I got a ten year old mac book from a friend, and I want to install something like nixos on it. I don't really understand, what options I have. I can somehow install nix on macOS. I could somehow put a linux kernel on the machine, but I don't know whether it works like on a PC, or I could go with darwin somehow, but I can't find a decent manual for that.
<pstn> Can somebody explain to me, why my service isn't being updated when I change the offlineimap-adapter-script? I'm missing something and I can't find what. https://share.xndr.de/fe6buareipuHooweerueh0quiHi6Qu/offlineimap.nix
<elvishjerricco> no worries. Must be something specifically different between 18.03 and 17.09, so can't be that hard to track down
<lostman> is it possible to use nix to statically link musl? does it guarantee that there isn't something somewhere that is going to get linked against glibc?
<tomberek> what is the right way to test a package that will connect to a port? other ecosystems provide a port via a PORT env variable. Is something like that available?
<rotaerk> hmm I think it's somehow getting that from something called SYSCONFDIR
<clever> Tritlo: nix-env will auto-create that when you install something
<rotaerk> but I don't want to depend on something being installed outside my default.nix


<fpletz> freeman42x]NixOS: have you heard of nix-collect-garbage or are you looking for something else?
<freeman42x]NixOS> are there any Nix/OS speecific programs to free space being used by Nix? something mentioning a package and its non-common dependencies used space
<bkchr[m]> Pascal Bach: I quickly hacked something together, but I did not had any time to test it yet: https://github.com/bkchr/nixpkgs/commit/0dcf55a18677fcac1a6f3433eea64d47f4de8deb
<pstn> I'm trying to set up an offlineimap daemon with nixos for my user. The file doesn't seem to get reevaluated when I change something in the offlineimap-adapter-script. Can somebody tell me why? https://share.xndr.de/aiC8booS1ug3eePheuHaiLaep4iofo/offlineimap.nix
<nwspk> Does anybody knows something about this or is able to build socket6?
<i-am-the-slime> Ah, I was just trying something :D
<ottidmes> Is there something in ZFS or Linux that allows me to have my Samba share not be read/writeable to all users? Due to the way it is configured I cannot get the permissions to be xx0, so I am hoping there is still some way around it via different means.
<cx405> hey! Is there an online REPL for nix language? I am looking for something very basic, for learning.
<lejonet> infinisil: the goons over att gcc screwed something up so that I couldn't compile a kernel that actually booted (due to some changes in relocation related to PIE/PIC iirc, I never found the root cause)
<lejonet> Hmm, what is the easiest way to append something to the kernel cmdline for the systemd-boot bootloader? I can't really find any relevant option that seems to give me the possibility to add boot.shell_on_fail as a default
<MichaelRaskin> I think GoboLinux does something more similar to Nix
<Dezgeg> doesn't gobolinux do something like that?
<c00w1> I'd love something which fixes the indentations.


<krey> clever: how do you deal with this? Is there a packageOverride or something?
<Lisanna> zybell_ my motherboard's boot manager gives me a single "EFI System" (or something like that) entry for booting, and then choosing that takes me to the NixOS generation selection screen
<benny> Lisanna: I also get file not found or something error - I get it when I switch or build with it set to true
<Mateon1> Maybe I can re-add the stable channel for now, but I'm afraid of breaking something
<Dezgeg> apparently hydra web UI is not something one uses on a train wifi, 100 seconds and counting
<srhb> Though I remember last time I tried something like that, it was a bit of a rabbit hole... :-P
<bkchr[m]> Is there maybe something wrong with the Nixos stuff or could the meson script doing something wrong?
<Profpatsch> davidak[m]: Great, then let me mock up something, should take about half an hour if I don’t get distracted again.
<srhb> fusion809: You can try something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/728#issuecomment-344369850
<bkchr[m]> Hi, I want to update a package to use the meson build system. In the fixup phase, something move folder /include and after that wants to move a folder in /include to the installation dir, but the second step fails. Anyone an idea how I could debug this?
<taktoa> I'm going to try copying it into a tempdir or something but if you have any idea what's going on I'd be happy to hear it
<monokrome> Probably immutable or something :}
<monokrome> I did something wrong then
<andrewrk> is this part of the installation instructions or something?
<andrewrk> clever, hmm maybe something else is going on here. when I rebooted, nixos-version got reverted to Hummingbird (older). it was on Jellyfish when I restarted


<infinisil> fnlkj: You can of course create such records, but then you need to write them into a file manually, with a line like e.g. `foo IN CNAME example.com.` for foo.example.com, but NixOS could have an option to enable you something like `domains = [ "foo" "bar" "baz" ];` that would automatically put a CNAME for each
<lostman> cool. how do I import it? just untar? but then could potentially overwrite something
<zybell_> something in /dev/bus/usb
<nick_l> ThatPako: a package is something which evaluates to a derivation.
<ThatPako> btw, how do I know something is a module or a package?
<mbrgm> what is staging meant for? is there something about the connection between staging and master in the dev/contribution docs?
<tilpner> Something like nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/yourusername -e busybox
<vaibhavsagar> but I would like something like nix-serve for s3
<vaibhavsagar> i.e. something I can put once in configuration.nix and then not think about ever again
<gchristensen> maybe you could do something with an indirect store or something
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: I suppose you could expose it using nix-serve or something
<sphalerite> I feel like I want something still less fancy
<srhb> kiloreux: You'll have to pass it around yourself if you didn't use something like overlays to add it to the nixpkgs tree.
<nschoe> Because I thin that when I install something from nixos.software then when I run nix-env -u, it updates with the unstable.software version.
<nschoe> LnL, by the way, this is something I have been wondering for a long time: is it a bad thing to have "17.09" and "unstable" channels like I do. Like "permanently enabled"?
<nschoe> LnL, I've just run nix-channel --update, though. Or are you talking about something else?
<LnL> yes, something that only works was added to nixpkgs


<webchat> how do I install nix into something other than /nix?
<maurer> Did how the user environment gets built change or something?
<maurer> the mumble one might be, but since it ocurred at the same time I'm more suspicious that something else is going on
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: My somewhat working version just parses all nix files and greps for urls there, which works mostly, but not with urls that have something like ${version} in them
<MichaelRaskin> For bots — well, something derived from it
<infinisil> ryantm: I'm glad somebody other than me has something is trying to check whether urls are still valid
<MichaelRaskin> ryantm: have you considered to grab an extra nick for the bot and submit stuff from nix-update as ryantm-nix-update or ryantm-bot or something like that?
<LnL> he wanted something from unstable but linked against everything from stable to reduce the total closure
<LnL> but forcing stuff to use the exact same version for everything is something we usually don't do
<globin> it has something to do with bundler changing how it's looking up gems
<LnL> cx405: hmm, what I was thinking of is something different, don't think there's a nice way except to .override everything or callPackage manually
<Fare> if it's still time, I suggest that you use a different name /nix/store2 or something
<tilpner> Something like that. It imported <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix> on the two laptops I tried
<kreisys> @Profpatsch did your drvSeq code ever make it into nixpkgs? I think I might need it for something unrelated to tests
<nick_l> ThatPako: Are you using something like: (with pkgs;python27.withPackages(ps: with ps; with python27Packages; [ dill docker_compose virtualenv]))
<infinisil> Ah no the first point should work, it was something else that was bugging me
<infinisil> Seems like the most correct thing to do unless I'm missing something
<donbex> TweyII: I see (sort of). I found this, which seems to do something similar to what you're suggesting, but nix-env doesn't seem to see the overridden package https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44778404/xmonad-on-nix-cannot-find-xmonad-contrib#44787766
<jtojnar> patrl: option 3 is something like
<vaibhavsagar> it might match something else, so fetchurl won't fire because it's already in cache
<elvishjerricco> on this note: I'm going to try to add a convenience function to make templating a haskell nix project much simpler. I'd like for it to be named something `haskellPackages.project (...)`, but that's too valuable a namespace. Ideas?
<nick_l> What is a paste client which is part of Nixpkgs and is also packaged in Ubuntu and for which I can just pipe something in it and can be configured to do non-public pastes by default?
<kandinski> I see something called buildDeps in shell.nix, but I can't find where it comes from
<hyper_ch> hmmm, did something change? I do now get out of memory when I try to upgrade unstable small
<semilattice> In nix or something else? I've gotten a good setup working in arch before
<Hackapepper> what if I try to copy /nix into the robot in /home/nix (the full folder) from my Ubuntu 16 32bits (that nix installation works)... and I try to run proot-x86 and execute something from that nix installation?
<tobiasBora> Hackapepper: and also if you have a computer with nix, you can use it to build nix using something like that https://gist.github.com/boomshroom/c9611e2502b83ba3515dbe58f664b6af
<lostman> @elvishjerricco so something like "let haskellPackages = ... in { ... }"
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: I've been distracted by work, so I couldnt give a proper try to proot yet, I've left in the Ubuntu 16.04 32b my script based on Clever's running, see if that ends in something useful for another day (it will take a couple of hours of running)
<Hackapepper> tobiasBora: clever also was helping me the other day, that didn't work with my system unfortunately. I don't even know why it wasnt working. It's the 8th time I try to compile/do something to get this to work with all your help


<Dezgeg> sounds like you want restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."monitrc".source ]; or something
<pbogdan> sorry to nag again, could I get some feedback on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/35881 ? (at least in terms of whether it's something worth having in the first place)
<lostman> did something change?
<ryantm> Is there something in nixpkgs like writeText with an argument for file permissions?
<abcrawf> Does the stack overflow imply that the derivation has the stack overflow or something internal to nix-env?
<infinisil> abcrawf: 1. add --show-trace and hope you can stop something relevant 2. Bisection between what you had previously that didn't give that error and your current state
<jtojnar> is there something like git-shell? I would love to use git shell branch that would just open a shell with the branch checked out
<andi-> I think it is kind of ironic that we have that discussion on a MR that fixes something on an arch that we do not support (CVE_2018-0733 only)
<nick_l> Having different profiles would be useful. Something like a nixHacker module which would do all kinds of stuff like this.
<nick_l> There is probably an option to do something sane.
<tilpner> Nix wouldn't know that you removed something, /nix/var/nix/db would be out of sync
<coconnor> has anyone encountered something similar?


<infinisil> header files are something that belong there
<michas_> clever: the idea is to make use of idle desktop machines. On each of those machines I will run a VM. Those will connect through qemu multicast network and make up a cluster which allows to power something like kubernetes. Singe hosts joining or leaving should be no problem. But management must be done from a central PXE qemu instance in order to be part of the network.
<michas_> Hi, is there an easy way to run diskless nixos systems? (Probably involving PXE, a ramdisk and maybe something like a nfs mount.)
<lejonet> oh well, I'll let nixops ponder its existence in peace and go and do something else in the meantime then
<lejonet> srhb: yeah, we'll see if I go back to my checkout, this was one of the things I was going to see if it was due to something I screwed up with my git repo :P
<srhb> They're all linuxPackages_something iirc
<lejonet> ottidmes: both says 2.0, however the rebuild switch wants to pull in 1.11.16, so I guess I'll go with that and see if I can do a update afterwards or something