
<le0taku> I have noticed that something on NixOS seems to reset my home directory permissions on every reboot. Does anyone here know what could be the cause of this?
<ldlework> Something to do with this maybe...
<shla> rmcgibbo[m], is this something you would be willing to have a look into? cause you seem to familiar with the matter
<cocreature> ajs124: yeah I can find a way to make it work more or less reasonably but a patch file to just patch the actual buildMk seemed clearer here as a short term solution. long-term I’d just like to upstream something into nixpkgs to make that easier
<ajs124> cocreature: ah. hm. you could append something to preConfigure instead of overwriting? that's not significantly less messy, but maybe slightly?
<tad-lispy[m]> So if the scaling would be applied, it would be something like `1920x1080`, right?
<sterni> the issue mentioned something about it only being available in X?!
<tad-lispy[m]> Done. Nothing happened. Do I need to restart something?
<kunrooted[m]> how am I supposed to tweak and patch suckless utilities in nixOS while using home-manager? I've heard I can provide config.h as a patch or something, but, any examples on how to do so?
<sterni> Reventlov: that's not possible without modifiying the derivation, if you want something like that you have to create a similar (if not equal) pythonEnv yourself
<maralorn> I thought sterni was talking about, when you compile the project successfully but a test breaks, and then you do something to fix the test but you always need to recompile because it's in the same derivation …
<aforemny> jimkooch: Note that this is only a rough draft. You'll want to remove unused dependencies from buildInputs, update the configurePhase and meta section to turn it into something usable.
<tomberek> check what is written to the nginx.conf file, the double quotes or string interpolation may be doing something odd
<thoughtpolice> Oh, *that* one I would have no clue about. Interesting idea, though; is this for r13y or something?
<jgart[m]> does nix have something like iota? e.g. iota 12 -> [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]


<jkachmar> that's a good point, thanks gchristensen! I wonder if there might be something weird going on with the nixpkgs versions I've installed in my registry
<gchristensen> cool, well looks like I'm learning something about iscsi next week :P thank you both!
<ajs124> clever: yup, we have something like that as well^^
<drozdziak1> dminuoso Not for this particular case, it's just a pastebin I like, I just pasted a stack output complaining about no ghc8104 in <nixpkgs>. In case I need to post something else, do you have a favorite pastebin?
<sterni> attila_lendvai: if I understand correctly what you need then something like what I tried to demonstrate with this toy thing could help you: https://paste.textboard.org/b3b6c95f
<attila_lendvai> sterni, that would be nice, but that's currently beyond my level of nix expertise, unless i can look at an example where something like that is done
<attila_lendvai> sterni, it's something the user will call
<cole-h> If the workspace is dirty, it won't be set, so anywhere you access it you'll need to have a fallback with `or "dirty"` or something like that
<zn29> My next goal: I am doing a somewhat unusual thing, where I have defined a derivation called "homebase" and that is the single item I install/upgrade with `nix-env -if /path/to/repo`. A bunch of packages I then install, like `tmux` doesn't have man page support. I suspect this has something to do with some derivations defining multiple outputs and a
<zn29> -but that _does_ show the `vi` option. So there is something about my nix file that is selecting a different bash derivation…
<zn29> Hang on... something's not right. I just tried to reproduce the third option minimally/directly with this: `nix-shell -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).bash' --run 'bash -c "set -o"' | grep ^vi`
<tomberek> In case this helps anyone: systemd tries to protect access to devices. So to allow systemd itself to write to /dev/nvidia, you can add something like this: systemd.services."container@".serviceConfig = { DeviceAllow=["/dev/nvidia0" "/dev/nvidiactl" "/dev/nvidia-modeset"]; };
<immae> It’s that variable that holds the "nixos" thing, something somewhere is setting that to this value
<supersandro2000> something references nixos in your config and the other warning is because you have no outlink
<deckweiss> do I need to do something with kdeconnect before it works? The PC can not be seen in kdeconnect by other devices on the network and does not see any other devices itself.
<supersandro2000> Can you open it from the terminal? It may print some error that something is missing
<aforemny> fendor: Last time I was in a situation, I hacked something together using ofono and phonesim services. But I think hsphfpd is the way to go now.
<justan0theruser> but I'd need to do that recursively for child processes, and I'm worried I'd break something
<sdisavona> justan0theruser Yes, but for example, I often have to 'man nix-env' and then '/something' to know how to do something and it's not very comfortable.
<__monty__> -qa is a bit of an exception because you're searching for something so you might not know the attribute name.
<cole-h> unless we do something different to preempt that
<mica[m]> rmcgibbo: yes! thank you. I knew I was missing something stupid, I just couldn't see it.
<gchristensen> in fact I think I've seen something like this before ... but not applied so wide :)


<Mic92> ambroisie: it does not look like libcxx brings something like that to the table.
<noonien> hmm, am i doing something wrong here? http://ix.io/2QK4 nix-build is getting a segmentation fault
<dmvianna> Hi. I just installed NixOS using the nixos-gnome. I didn't include any systemPackages in the configuration.nix file. Now I'm worried that if I put something there that doesn't include Gnome, I'm going to lose it. Where is the current Gnome defined to be installed? Or is it just default in this installation, regardless of what I do in
<notpiika> lordcirth_ I tried setting fetchurl.url to a double quote, and that notice does not appear. am I missing something?
<viric> How can something spend minutes on the manual text?
<stevenroose> Dunno. I'll try that tomorrow anyway. I'm quite patient with this, just want to get something to work that I can understand :D But boot stuff has always been magic for me.
<superbaloo> except if it's disabled in bios or something
<Franciman> of course, something much less powerful
<ehmry> nickel is something like the successor language on nix, and that is gradually typed
<ehmry> defining packages in something like dhall is hard because what packages are available to select dependencies from must be known in advance as a type, more or less
<simonpe^^> I'm cross compiling for several different platforms but when using `buildPackages.<pkg>` the derivation is often different even though it's a tool I only run on my bulid machine. Is there something like buildPackages but just for the host platform disregarding any cross compilation magic?
<bokononist> sterni: there's still something bothering me, but it would take a bit to explain, and i have the feeling it's going to solve itself by me playing around with my config some more
<bokononist> srk: it isn't, there's really not much to show at this point. just a second, gotta find something
<dutchie> it's something of a coincidence that git happens to use the "rebase" command to do that
<drozdziak1> I'm running into a nasty "Arg list too long" problem while building haskell-gi. Have there been efforts for writing a shim to shorten all transitive inputs for a build? I have some rough sketches of how to implement something like this
<unclechu> should i add something to my nixos config in order to make it work?


<Yaniel> yeah there should be *something* there if the system ever got far enough to start journald
<stevenroose> hmm, so update on my adventure :D I tried all over with GPT, EFI partition on /boot etc and the install went all smooth, I disabled GRUB and enabled systemd-boot and the rebooted and the machine doesn't seem up. it's a dedicated server so can't see a screen, but can't SSH into it (I enabled SSH etc). so it seems that something must have gone wrong with booting
<jkachmar> but I'm seeing the channels entry show up regardless; maybe something in home-manager is doing this but that's the only other thing I can think of that would be touching my shell env
<colemickens> I wonder if something else in your shell config might be setting it?
<slby[m]> If I nix search nixpkgs#searchterm with flakes enabled I feel like I am getting much less answers than before, am I doing something wrong?
<spinlock[m]> jschievink: user services are user-specific from the get-go. If that user is you, you can do something like `systemctl --user enable appname.service`. If you prefer to do things via your nixos config, https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager is a convenient way to manage user services
<gchristensen> jess: it isn't common we get someone pasting like that. would freenode staff prefer I come begging for forgiveness when it happens, kick out Sigyn unless we're seeing spam, or something else?
<tomberek> regarding nixos-container from manual "This command will return as soon as the container has booted and has reached multi-user.target. On the host, the container runs within a systemd unit called container@container-name.service. Thus, if something went wrong, you can get status info using systemctl." It looks like multi-user.target is reached, but
<cole-h> Usually happens because they're using argv[0] or something and the binary was `makeWrapper`'d
<codygman__> After doing `nix-env -iA nixos.linuxPackages.rtl8812au` the command seems to be hanging at something I've never seen before: `waiting for the big garbage collector lock...`
<codygman__> Does anyone here have experience or knowledge about downloading a nix expression to one machine and installing on a machine without internet by just copying the nix store via usb drive or something?
<chisui> Hey, I'm having problems with DNS and openVPN. When I'm connected to WiFi the dhcp service writes the routers DNS configuration to `/etc/resolve.conf` but when I'm starting the openVPN service that doesn't change, even if restart dhcp. Am I missing something or am I searching in the wrong place?
<rsynnest> do i need to update my nix installation or something?
<superbaloo> looks like it's a custom builder and well does not work the same or something
<tpw_rules> but then yeah you can say something like thePackage = super.thePackage.overrideAttrs (old: { cmakeFlags = old.cmakeFlags ++ [ "-DCOOL_OPTION=ON" ]; });


<avaq> I want to avoid having to copy-paste a lot of pieces from an ever growing personal nix config repository into a configuration.nix, only to immediately deploy something else to the system with nixops afterwards.
<sterni> chisui: I suppose you could use curlOpts for pkgs.fetchurl and something like agenix to handle credentials?
<zn20> I think I know how to rewrite `configuration.nix` to pin a specific tarball + hash, but then I have to manually manage upgrades. What I was hoping for is something that still plays well with channels (or flakes which I haven't yet learned about) but also ensures I save a copy of the source.
<clever> then look thru it for something that matches you
<bqv> something in my firewall is demonstrably blocking chromecast from working
<chisui> I remember that there was a way to run commands in an environment where certain files are overlayed like in an overlay filesystem but I can't remember the nix expression. Is there something like this or was I only imagining that?
<attila_lendvai> can a nixos module generate something (maybe a wrapper script with makeWrapper?) that will be available in the path when the service is enabled?
<jdelStrother> "${<nixpkgs>}/pkgs/development/ruby-modules/bundler-env" { bundler = foo }`), but I think I must be missing something.  The default pkgs.bundlerEnv is invoked with an empty set, so where do the default values for everything in @defs come from?


<Raito_Bezarius> I can hack something I guess to realize the path in the store
<attila_lendvai> when i try to build the manual, i get "The option `services.bee.settings' is used but not defined.". i indeed reference that across two files (from bee-clef.nix into bee.nix), and it works when i do a nixos-rebuild, but not when i build the manual. is there something i should do to declare the usage explicitly?
<colemickens> @aleph Are you asking for this: " The value of ''${something} is '${something}'. "
<abathur> __monty__: while keep tells resholve that something it normally objects to for ~purity/resolvability reasons (i.e., resholve can't tell if it is okay or not), such as abspath executable names and variables in the executable name, is fine as-is
<Raito_Bezarius> and do something pkgs.nixUnstable.overrideAttrs (old: …);
<supersandro2000> but if something breaks I can just fix it
<maralorn> I have a lot of packages installed on my laptop. I my experience if I follow unstable something breaks about every two weaks.
<dramforever> something
<dramforever> Maybe see where the commits are or something
<Raito_Bezarius> nixUnstable was 3.0 something
<maralorn> tpw_rules: But I need a derivation or something for nix-store --query and I don‘t even come past the eval.
<maralorn> Hm, I will have a look at the commit history to find out if this happened because someone marked the package insecure now or because something introduced a dependency now.


<KarlJoad> sterni: I started doing that. I'm asking because I've written something into my hardware-configuration.nix that I do not want to lose, and is machine-specific. Do I just add it to the imports list in configuration.nix?
<tpw_rules> or use some other flag called like --regenerate or something that updates everything at once
<ryantm> davidak: Yeah, I'm sure something can be done. I'm focusing on improving the nix ecosystem documentation situation right now though. Feel free to open an issue.
<davidak[m]> ryantm: can something be done about that? should i open an issue?
<viric> niksnut: I think that that would make a good model for flakes/nix develop is something like what meson does with the subprojects
<adisbladis> On my old laptop I had slowdowns on the regular until I switched from the crappy bundled nvme drive to something better
<inf> yeah. any nixos-rebuild switch (even without any changes) changes /run/pulse permissions to 0700, unless pulseaudio gets restarted as well... so this seems like something going on in nixos activation script maybe?
<lovesegfault> like, can I write something similar to `src = oldAttrs.src.override { rev = ...; sha256 = ...; };?
<{^_^}> g-w1: If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<{^_^}> sshow: If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.


<sterni> ambroisie: the .package attribute is usually used to allow to change something about how the package used for the given module is built
<clever> configuration.nix can then set options to make the module do something
<clever> attila_lendvai: you must instead do something like `nix repl ~/apps/nixpkgs/nixos --arg configuration ./configuration.nix`
<attila_lendvai> also, i'd be grateful for hints what other services do something like openvpn. i'll need almost completely identical service instances, besides their dataDir and another option
<exarkun> So it noticed that you already have something matching that hash
<attila_lendvai> how come that fetchFromGitHub doesn't fail for me when i change the hash to something wrong? could it be that it's fetching the sources from cache.nixos.org and skips the hash check? if so, can i force it somehow?
<sterni> drozdziak1: you want something like that right? ^
<slby[m]> infinisil: I think thats what I started with, that gets me the escape characters also in the generated yaml. Maybe theres something really simple I am overlooking.
<etu> adisbladis: I know, on some of my systems I've set NIX_PATH to something like this: nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos nixos-config=/etc/nixos/hosts/vps04/configuration.nix
* etu really wanted to change something else without stop using channels in the NIX_PATH :)
<colemickens> I wonder if we can blacklist that for now or something.
<colemickens> aleph-: in that case yeah, you might want to just import directly to your cache machine's store and then use nix-serve or something like that to make that store available to the rest of your internal machines


<dxb[m]> <Guest55499 "dxb: i am BACK, so i am reading "> yeah that's true. you can use `nix-env -iA <package>` to install something using the nix package manager on other distros
<ambroisie> Is there something I can do to fix this? I do not know what is causing the issue
<Guest24283> hello, i was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is something like the command guix system in nix
<srhb> levels: Alright, something else then, hmm.
<levels> Ok, something is definitely broken in nix.  Now I get this error after removing every explicit declaration of the phpPackage option for phpfpm: `error: The option value `services.phpfpm.phpPackage' in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/phpfpm/default.nix' is not of type `package'.`
<levels> Hi all, quick question: when I reference a package dynamically, I get an error that it's not considered a package.  This used to work just fine, has something changed this in 20.09?
<supersandro2000> it could be something else but I imagine one of those two things
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):477:1
<cole-h> something like that
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):477:9
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):477:1


<sterni> matthewcroughan: if you want to build something else which depends on lzma then you'd have to add the override to an overlay for nixpkgs
<Ankhers> I am trying to use virtualbox for something. However, whenever I try to start a VM, I get an error saying that the kernel driver is not accessible. I used https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Virtualbox to install it. I also installed the extensions just because, but it is still not working.
<mcint> the raw.lxc api has changed a bit, but it seems like this is indicative of something missing/misconfigured in the root image I built with nix
<infinisil> If I had more time I'd look into this a bit closer, I think something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/63553 might be needed
<makefu> hyper_ch: you can add a preBuild Phase and run gcc --version or something similar
<zn85> No, it's a microsoft something something, pretty old ergonomic wireless keyboard with a usb dongle.
<zn85> Ah, is that something specified in `hardware-configuration.nix`?
<supersandro2000> if you want to remove a comment or something just open a PR and I'll merge it
<qyliss> I think it would have to be something exceptionally private for anything to be done about it
<tmpo9845> Hi, could I PM an admin/maintainer about something?
<zn85> -or something later in the boot process?


<samueldr> hm... remind me, how would I make `.override` work on something where `.overrideAttrs` already ran?
<jtojnar> rmcgibbo: there is toPythonModule or something
<sterni> or am I reading over something
<viric> ris: I have long experience with cmake and quite dislike it, hoping some day something better will come. And meson hits well the points I hate the most from cmake.
<slabity> Since flakes evaluate things purely, how can I include something impure like a file that isn't part of the repo?
<superbaloo> something like package.override { stdenv = addAttrsToDerivation { NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-fsanitize"; } stdenv;};
<veleiro> i think its downloading and i'm on a slow connection, but shouldnt it show progress at least, something
<dramforever> But honestly, I don't see a reason not to use something new, shorter, and standardized :P
<__monty__> AlpineLlama: I use connman if you want something lighter weight than NM.
<aforemny> Ah!, in urxvt pressing ALT+1 in midnight commander does show help. Maybe that is enough to google something. Thanks! :)


<ivan> adyatlov: maybe still downloading something else
<V> profiles aren't something you deal with at the Nix language level, they're just a way of providing versioned environments - you have an environment for your system, one for each user on the system, and so on
<turion> I would have done something like haskell.compiler.ghc8101 = super.haskell.compiler.ghc8101.overrideAttrs
<Ke> gchristensen: yes, this is why it took me so long to notice something was wrong, I occasionally used 2 versions and now home-manager
<Ke> I guess nix channels are added to /root/.nix-channels, how do people manage these with impermanence or something
<simonpe^^> I often generate a script using runCommand in combination with substituteAll, I wrote a function to do that but I'm thinking there must be something like that in the standard library already
<eyJhb> Something is slurping all my ram atm. Think it is chrome as usual...
<eyJhb> WELL! It was something.
<eyJhb> Oh it does something
<srhb> jawr: Plus there's something neat about `imports = [ wg-peer kube-master kube-kubelet ];` :)
<srhb> jawr: Or something like that. Note that you may want to be careful with set update, as it's not recursive (see recursiveUpdate and friends)
<Gaelan> Is there something in the hardware that cares about the partition table? I thought that was GRUB's job.
<red[evilred]> when you have a NixOS service for something like say, a minecraft server


<|beowulf|> I'm trying to install a more recent version of vim. I would have expected something like this in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to do the trick: https://pastebot.rmdir.de/_dpNtvSW6BAg6ypHLtizwQ but I'm getting this error: https://pastebot.rmdir.de/FQkTgaxMDJTIzNo6dp2Epg
<hexa-> ill grab something to eat and then look into that
<charukiewicz> I installed NixOS 20.09 on an old chromebook but didn't realize that (I think) I had to set networking.wireless.enable = true in order to get wifi to work. Now I can't turn that on since it tries to download something. Is there anything I can do to fix?
<notgne2[m]> you can import specific services with something like `imports = [ "${(fetchTarball xyz)}/nixos/modules/services/xyz.nix" ];`
<UniquelyElite> I had it setup on windows, but I cant remember if I installed something other than emu8086
<UniquelyElite> simpson: I have a text editor, I just need something to compile x86 ASM
<UniquelyElite> How would I get something like emu8086 on nix so I can do some assembly programming?
<gustavderdrache> remexre: could you use something like this to pre-cache your deno deps?
<gustavderdrache> it looks like skypack just rewrites npm packages - so it's more or less "just" something like the unpkg cdn but with a more normalized interface
<simpson> esotericnonsense: It takes special configuration. I am deep in something else and can't pull it up right now, but hopefully somebody will share their configuration.


<aleph-> So am I missing something here? Getting an error when deploying postgresql via nixops and attempting to set the address to listen on? https://paste.rs/o11
<rain1> is it possible there is something I need to do to make it work like normal?
<SomeoneSerge> Fixed my previous errors, but now stuck again. I'm trying to package something that uses cmake's FetchContent. I looked at pkgs/applications/misc/crow-translate/default.nix and tried to add SOURCE_DIR in a similar fashion, except I don't fetchFromGitHub, but add things as non-flake inputs to flake.nix and pass those inputs to substituteAll. I presume they would convert into /nix/store paths and get
<adisbladis> It's past time we converted that perl thing to something where unicode handling is actually semi-sane
<manveru> axelf4: or, if you mean how to get it into the pkgs of the nixosConfiguration, you can use something like `nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { modules = [({nixpkgs.overlays = [(final: prev: { x = 1;})];})];}`
<patagonicus5> Is there an easy way to replace a channel with a different one? I want to try building a system with newer nixpkgs, but something like `nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=<nixpkgs-foo> build` fails saying that '<nixpkgs-foo>' does not exist. I can use the path in /nix/var/nix, but that's a bit annoying.
<remexre> hm, I might be able to do _something_ with the lockfile, but... feels weird
<evanjs> Yeah, probably not perfect if it doesn't have a lockfile or something I'd imagine
<evanjs> aleph-: as long as you don't change the store path to something other than /nix :P
<aleph-> Yeah just wondering if I'll need to reimage this machine or something so I can set /nix on a seperate drive. Looking at setting up a local binary cache for the 20.09 channel


<benley> now something, probably some stray environment variable, is causing a golang app to be INCREDIBLY verbose and print like 25 lines every time it spawns a goroutine
<ij> I tried mach-nix and it tried to download something huge
<rmcgibbo[m]> pyproject.toml is enough if they use flit or something.
<rmcgibbo[m]> @ij: I think it's necessary to have something to make a wheel, and setup.cfg isn't usually enough.
<evanjs> alright, nix-darwin is installed... but waiting on something like https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/pull/286
<evanjs> then I thought I broke something and tried to reinstall
<evanjs> abathur: yeah I'll probably just start with a subset of my main config for now. I probably just need to do the same thing I did with my non-nixos configs and am just doing something dumb right now
<supersandro2000> energizer: I think you can do something like ``exec = "@out@/bin/gomuks"``


<CMistress> Hi again -- thanks so much for being friendly and welcoming when I was here earlier. It makes all the difference. :) I had a question about nix-shell. Perhaps a stupid question, but if I run something like: "nix-shell -p '<nixpkgs>' tmux" -- is that actually downloading a tmux binary to my system if it's not found? Only it seems awfully fast and I'm curious about how it works.
<ronthecookie> it's ok, was just starting to upload something else too so it'll go slower
<voidcontext[m]> maybe it was something else then, the wiki adds `--fast` and the binary cache options too
<praduca> hm wait let me check something here
<praduca> the problem is, i dont use libvirt, and using --show-trace only show python as something recognizable...
<charukiewicz> so unless you're doing something strange in your home-manager, I think it should work
<supersandro2000> iktomi: I can recommend sourcegraph or hound if you want something web based
<azazel> I don't know why I was looking for something in the "networking" namespace
<alexarice[m]> ehmry: That seems like a bit of hack, I'm thinking about how you would include something like `pythonPackages` in a flake
<RPGHank> I found something wrong in the manual
<Rovanion> When looking into "nixos test infrastructure" I'm understanding it as system integration tests done after build is complete rather than something which augments the checkPhase, am I wrong?
<leo60228> hmm maybe i could do something like `unstablePkgs.app.override (args: builtins.intersectAttrs args stablePkgs)`
<leo60228> tpw_rules: how are you doing that? something like `stablePkgs.callPackage "${unstablePkgs}/pkgs/applications/app" {}`?
<RPGHank> Why not use firefox-bin, unless I'm missing something :/
<srhb> It truly is probably something obviously invisible that's blocking you, because I don't remember that that part's hard, but... Details :)
<RPGHank> Since you're going to be self hosting anyway why not use Gitea or something
<zceejkr> is that something I would configure in configuration.nix, or trough the UI?
<patagonicus> rembo10: Sort of. I don't think there's something for arbitrary directories, but you could use system.activationScripts, which are run every time the generation is activated (so nixos-rebuild switch or on boot). You could either use `install -d -m 0755 /foo` or `mkdir -p /foo; chmod 0755 /foo` or something like that depending on what exactly you
<ronthecookie> cole-h: where can I find docs about maintainer stuff? i just assumed its like CODEOWNERS or something
<evils> inheriting from top-level should mean changing the call in top-level/all-packages.nix to something like `package = callPackage .../package { electron = electron_8; };`
<iktomi> I have something similar here https://github.com/xwcl/dap-nix/blob/main/python.nix
<iktomi> https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/index.html#python has something in sub-sub^n-section Overriding Python packages


<tpw_rules> bootstrap-prime: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/cmake/setup-hook.sh this is the script that nix uses to run cmake. something's going wrong because you're not doing all that. fortunately it looks like you can specify cmakeDir in your derivation to specify right directory
<Siyo> I wonder if there's something weird on my end then. I do see some symlinking logic for gc roots, but that's it
<steell> still interested if other folks have done something like this
<steell> hmm upon closer inspection, it seems like that specific commit i pinned was the problem. choosing something more recent appears to be working
<steell> i'm curious if anyone knows how to do something like this
<adisbladis> matthewcroughan: I always run into issues with something
<redcedar[m]> Hi! I'm trying out i3wm (which is great!) but I seem to have lost a way to control power settings on my laptop. I've tried using mate, but it doesn't seem to actually change settings. Is there a best practice for this, or something I'm missing?
<exarkun> something about behavior of 1.0 vs 2.0 commands
<exarkun> I have 500MB of GitLab exports that I gotta do something with :/
<endocrimes> It's a small handful, everything I ran into was in nixpkgs, but something was too new (3.x vs 2.x) - I last tried like 2 weeks ago tho so don't remember what it was off the top of my head
<valya> i think that cabal2nix generates a file that mentions base64, my dependency, but nix interprets base64 as a name of its function or something? how do i make sure it understands it's a package?
<valya> i think that cabal2nix generates a file that mentions base64, my dependency, but nix interprets base64 as a name of its function or something? how do i make sure it understands it's a package?
<danderson> ah well, I need to upgrade for something else, so for now, yeet virtualbox into the sun
<danderson> yeah, "however you persuade flakes to do something" is the question :)
<FireFly> I tried changing the git fetch in checkout_hash in nix-prefetch-git to specifically check out "$hash", and in that case it works as expected... but also, that line has seemingly been like that forever, and the function is documented as "fetch everything and checkout the right sha1", so I'm not sure if changing to 'git fetch origin "$hash"' might break something else..


<colemickens> `nix repl` likely did something even more different
<exarkun> is there something other than `sudo` that makes it choose root's channels?
<exarkun> colemickens: is there something nice for me to read to explain what's happening here?
<elvishjerricco> KarlJoad: Something I do sometimes is `builtins.fetchGit ./.` because not providing a rev causes it to take the current state of the working tree, capturing only tracked files.
<zceejrk> A question, if I ctr+c while running nixos-rebuild switch, is anything broken, do I have to fix something, or is it all okay?
<srhb> crazazy[m]: Or are you looking for something deeper
<b42> crazazy[m]: i see ... maybe something like security.wrappers.su.setuid = mkForce false; ?
<praduca> I wil reinstall the system because i can't get rid of this problem, but i would like to know if this is something to worry
<j2t> __monty__: thanks for your response :). I simple have `dbeaver` in my home.packages in home.nix. How would go about adding it as a dependency? Could you point a similar example or something?
<pie_> clever: can that be passed in an env var or something?
<pie_> clever: ah might be something about sandboxing. apparently it might be fixed on nix master as of at least oct 28 2020 but im not running that
<simonpe^^> I want to put a custom symlink in the pointing to something depending on the buildInputs of the original derivation
<clever> sounds like it should allow something in $PATH
* clever checks something
<zceejrk> Does the service need to have the same name as the pkg or something?
<jybs_> I mean, as soon as something uses a timestamp in something it's not
<KarlJoad> tpw_rules: Those are a bit too complicated for what I need. I got something oing though.
<danderson> well, in my case, it relies on something that python2 stomps all over and breaks things :
<simpson> Yes. Something like 'python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.numpy ])'
<qyliss> they could also netboot or have some other recovery system, which would be more efficient than them plugging something in of course
<veleiro> what's the linode interface i use? glish or lish or something
<qyliss> like, can you get somebody in the datacenter to walk over to your server and plug something in, and then give you access through a KVM (as in keyboard/video/mouse, not kernel virtual machine) console or something
<veleiro> dedicated servers are 100% free to do NixOS installs or do they need to have a correct UART output or something i wonder


<ris> really i'm trying to put together something for colleagues who are the sort that tend to forget about a project and rely on dependabot to keep it updated
<superbaloo> (something like that)
<eyJhb> I was very confused in what you saw infinisil , but I didn't doubt your abilities to see something in the beyound :D
<jgart[m]> I must be doing something silly for it to still be failing
<matthewcroughan> I mean, I did it. I thought that the build tools was solving something it wasnT[
<qyliss> or, well, I suppose you could run Nix inside Docker, and then just copy the image out at the end or something
<novafacing> Is it being replaced by something that provides the same functionality or just going away?
<eyJhb> It downloads then execs something in there
<s1341> siraben i'm using my own custom-patched androidndks because the existsing one didn't work... So it's possible I've done something wrong there...
<lovesegfault> afaict you gain a lot by just using using something with the right hooks and so on
<adisbladis> Something like this (with your added inputs of course)
<adisbladis> Though I still think you're doing something wrong adding compilers system-wide
<lovesegfault> so, why are you trying to install something system wide?
<angerman> clever: hmm somethings broken, nix-darwin just doesn't cerat it :-/
<angerman> clever: hmm guess I busted something, let's retry :D
<jgart[m]> should I be adding something to one of the phases of Luke's fork?
<aleph-> Trying to do something like: `deluge.authFile = builtins.toFile ('bla:foo')
<cole-h> *building an ipxe image something or other
<cole-h> I remember gchristensen doing something with it for ipxe


<aleph-> Okay hmm. Something seems up with my overlays somehow. https://paste.rs/Z48
<aleph-> Interesting while telling me almost nothing. https://paste.rs/dBH seems to imply there's something wrong with my rss-bridge and nginx config https://paste.rs/RdA
<shapr> do I need to point to github or my local filesystem or something?
<adisbladis> I saw something before about it being down
<drozdziak1> pta2002 I think this is something that a DHCP client figures out automatically
<drozdziak1> pta2002: Does Hetzner dashboard give you a KVM interface to get a shell in the browser? Maybe you could validate against their network by trying to access something from the machine itself?
<pta2002> Does ssh have some sort of verbose mode or something
<pta2002> like there seems to be something going on with the dns resolution inside ssh
<eyJhb> Not meant to yes, but there might be some secrets in there, that is hard to get rid of, or something there shouldn't be there is
<s1341> if you do nix-shell --keep-failed and check, you should see it dying on cstddef or something.
<patagonicus> s1341: http://sprunge.us/9vmCKB and I'm on stable 20.09. Could try unstable or something.
<jawr> i think i have broken something by accident
<ldlework> something like that
<zeta_0> hello there, i'm trying to build ghc with the ghc.nix repo, anyways, after moving up one directory, the hadrian.cabal problem was fix with the path, but bash is still throwing this error: `Is a directory`, i'm guessing that this should be something simple? I setup a shell.nix file which imports everything in ghc.nix direcotory in order to get my (direnv+nix-direnv+emacs-direnv) setup working, any tips on how to fix


<ptotter[m]> something weird is going on with my networking setup, how should I restart it? something like /etc/init.d/networking restart in debian years ago
<slabity> Just looking for examples or something
<asymmetric> clever: is that how i'd pass arguments to the module from the caller? shouldn't the caller assign the values of the arguments at the call-site or something?
<evanjs-> Gah. Re python and flask -- is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong? export PATH='/ .... \n SyntaxError: invalid syntax
<viric> hm something is very broken with my bluetooth... even the usb bluetooth radio disconnects when I try the headset profile [39026.555931] usb 2-6: USB disconnect, device number 16
<rmcgibbo[m]> sorry. @superbaloo: yeah -- i think you're on the right track. maybe just make the src only evaluate if it the assertion is true or something.
<superbaloo> they can't be placed anywhere or something?


<colemickens> like gitops but for nixos or something almost
<colemickens> I really want to have a nice end UX for nixos-azure and something like this is necessary, whether I copy some existing pattern from packet/aws images or make a separate service for it.
<colemickens> I'm sort of interested in this problem, if another few people wanted to brainstorm, write some Rust or something.
<colemickens> ah, that's something different, in my view, but I've also pondered that and think it would be exceptionally neat.
<jgart[m]> It'd be cool to have something like this: https://vim-bootstrap.com/
<henri`> matthewcroughan: Generally the systemd docs are also pretty clear. Maybe you can find something there: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.nspawn.html#
<matthewcroughan> but catting something to netcat in an easy to understand cmd that doesn't even require an alias is quite cool
<matthewcroughan> I `cat something | nc termbin.com 9999` and stdout returns a link
<henri`> matthewcroughan: Or something like that
<supersandro2000> or maybe move postPatch to preConfigure or something
<betawaffle> i'm hoping there's something obvious i'm doing wrong
<jakobrs> Here's my attempt at getting something that works: https://github.com/jakobrs/nixpkgs/commit/60ad91e12daa2be2c30b7a40f2f6e547b0254371