
<srhb> MAybe something's weird because it's a symlink into nixops keys..
<srhb> Weird, my postfix is failing to read a file owned by postfix during preStart. Any idea if something odd is going on re. executing user in that phase?
<statusfailed> oh, seems to be something to do with cabal version...hm
<aanderse-work> private or something?
<glenndavy> >: perhaps something else then, sorry
<kai_w> perhaps something else then, sorry :/
<glenndavy> hey all.. just trying to understand something. my attempt to do nix-build -E ‘…’ is failing because private git repos specified in gemset.nix are giving me publickey permission issues. but.. if i do `nix-prefect-git —url.. —out .. etc etc` it pulls the repo just fine.
<yurb> I'm running nix packages on Fedora, and recently something happened to terminal programs where all unicode characters are printed as "?"
<ar1a> any ideas on my cabal issue? This all started when im trying to use an older compiler. `cabal build` returns https://0x0.st/zPny.txt shell.nix is https://0x0.st/zPnt.nix (note the compiler is set to something other than default). ``nix-repl> haskell.packages.ghc863Binary.readline`` returns a derivation, so it exists.
<ar1a> interesting. more errors. i commented quickcheck it out of my .cabal but now running inside nix-shell, something more interesting
<slack1256> you can do something like
<clever> gchristensen: zfs has already been patched to accept a path to something
<clever> gchristensen: of note, linux has to whitelist symbols that can be used by "unfree" software, and sometimes they can simply forget to whitelist something


<rycee> wolfman154: But something along the lines of https://hastebin.com/lilecoyake.rb ought to work.
<glenndavy> if i can successfully, inside nix-shell do `git ls-remote git@github…`, its fair to assume that the same repo as a git source would work. Esp when that same source was working yesterday? - full disclosure.. i had to do some nix-env —rollbacks.. so im conjecturing something necessary for git source to work properly is gone.. any ideas?
<slabity> It's... Not in a channel? Are you using an overlay or something?
<clever> eyjhb: are you building something custom, or something already in nixpkgs?
<clever> xok: youll want to look into something like the ssh keep-alives and tcp keep-alive options
<pie__> is symlinkjoin likely to break if something uses realpath?
<aanderse-work> i thought maybe i'm missing something obvious
<gchristensen> if you're using nix-shell in your service, then I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it did do something funny
<gchristensen> I must be missing something :D
<ajs124> betaboon, that mostly works, yes. Although I would like something like loc, which shows you the different languages etc.
<aanderse-work> anyone notice something obvious i'm doing wrong?
<glenndavy> quick question.. building has been working fine all day, but now I’m getting permission denied errors from github. Yes, I’ve checked my key is in the agent and i can otherwise interact with gh - like git ls-remote… etc.. I tried to fix some problems using nix-env —rollback.. is there something i might have previously had installed that i’ve perhaps removed from the environment?
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<over7head> But something is wrong here... instead xmonad it just startx xterm
<over7head> Do i need to do something for linux-firmware or it comes by default?
<samueldr> using ,locate bin $something will search the whole word


<Ralith> we could really use a writeup of "Nix for Complex Standalone Packaging and Build Environments" or something
<Ralith> just `(import ./.).my-package.overrideAttrs (_: { src = null; })` or something like that
<samueldr> random_user: are you plugging to your screen via an HDMI to DVI solution? if so it might be something you need to tweak within config.txt
<mabel> I wonder... in the future, should I run nix-build inside of a neovim buffer or something for easy hunting?
<wolfman154> rycee: is something wrong with home manager?
<swerlk> srhb: So what does it say after? I was trying something like this but I still need to put everything into place: https://gist.github.com/ryanorendorff/2bbbfd428cd9084c1ef46ce6f8ff33b6
<srhb> swerlk: Something like this injected into the dummy xorg.conf gets the driver loaded at least: https://gist.github.com/srhb/00c74cebec2ecb3aa82e4dbe7bca0ed8#file-gistfile1-txt-L7
<swerlk> srhb: If you use the `--help` on the xpra executable it passes an xorg.conf directly and shows something about how to use it
<swerlk> srhb: It seems you may be able to do something like `xpra start :10 --xvfb='...'
<srhb> swerlk: So, I can do something like.. (bear with me, ... ) /nix/store/1s84kn47fpvhck84b042c5gbg4y60yy2-xpra-2.3.4/bin/xpra_Xdummy :10 -config /nix/store/1s84kn47fpvhck84b042c5gbg4y60yy2-xpra-2.3.4/etc/xpra/xorg.conf -configdir /nix/store/1s84kn47fpvhck84b042c5gbg4y60yy2-xpra-2.3.4/etc/X11 -modulepath /nix/store/fmf0lczh64a9sig0dbv50anyh8spxa9j-xf86-video-dummy-0.3.8
<swerlk> srhb: Uh, maybe? I had found this in which someone seems to have tried something: https://github.com/Nekroze/xpra.nix/blob/master/default.nix
<swerlk> swerlk: I'll try something like that when I get the time. I think I am just going to resign myself to remoting into a Mac at work at the moment (not totally fun)
<sphalerite> eacameron: it may be a setup hook, propagated build inputs, or something like that that takes effect when clang is used as a buildInput
<eacameron> sphalerite: thank you. Where is the mapping that causes nix-shell -p to do something different?
<srhb> wolfman154: It sounds like what you want is something like this: https://gist.github.com/srhb/2d137d5227b7386ad086563277685b8b
<nefix> betaboon: Thanks! That's what I was looking for! And sure, I'm going to let you know if it does finish with something decent and I don't drop it!
<infinisil> aanderse-work: I wish we had something more ergonomic for setting defaults like that
<pie__> I guess I need to make my own overridePlugins then or something
<pie__> which lets me do something like: with import <nixpkgs> {}; let ghidra = callPackage ./default.nix {}; in ghidra.withPlugins (p: with p; [ ghidra-scala-loader ])
<pie__> no it wont :( something is strictly evaluated somewhere, probabyl the recursiveupdate...really the problem is, when i run mkPluginInfrastructure, i get a {plugins = ...; withPlugins = ...}
<Taneb> Is there a way to use something like Hydra's RunCommand, when all the jobs in an evalutation of a jobset finish?
<fendor> maybe fish also has something like that...
<fendor> srhb, isnt there some builtin command for that? sounds a bit like something a bunch of people would like
<manveru> arianvp: updated the paste with something that at least starts compiling
<manveru> aranvp: something like this should do it https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/M9uqBPbk/lorri.nix
<Ariakenom> dminuoso: "_automatically_ handles _manual_ TLS" im sure this means something but I found it funny :)
<dminuoso> elvishjerricco: Simply writing something "multithreaded" is hard actually.
<johnw> I should have looked for this in the first place, I didn't realize you were creating something for which a version already exists
<jackdk> maybe someone should've said something >_>
<glenndavy> so, can i use a packageOverride as a means of achieving something similar?
<colemickens> is there something like this that still works? https://nixos.org/nix-dev/2014-December/015248.html


<DigitalKiwi> in my attempt to package something I had to make 7 new packages and it looks like only one of them worked with fetchPypi
<rycee> wolfman154: You need to do something like `home-manager.users.youruser = import /home/tjg/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix;`
<das_j> wolfman154: add it as channel and do something like: imports = [ <home-manager/nixos> ]; home-manager.users.wolfman154.programs.git.....
<srhb> aanderse-work: What you're doing sounds correct, I'm probably forgetting something.
<aanderse-work> i must be doing something wrong in that case...
<pie__> clever, ok just calling tmux manually is fine, something must be fucked with tmuxinator
<pie__> ah. doh. needs to be added to "common pitfalls ro something :P wish we could do something about this
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):230:12
<srhb> das-g[m]: Yeah but your start is fine. :) I guess you just want to do something more robust with the python script and figure out why it fails?
<johanot> currently trying to find a programmatic way of repro'ing. Don't want "git bisect run selenium" or something :P
<jabranham> hmmm... interesting. I thought since I see this on my desktop (without networkmanger) but not laptop (with networkmanager) that was perhaps to blame. Maybe something else is going on though.
<srhb> monokrome: It looks like you're getting close to something that resembles the module system though. You may want to reuse that instead.
<betawaffle> oh, so is the value of nix.nixPath baked into something then?
<d10n-work> unless something changed in the last year, incremental duplicity backups rely on the most recent full backup, so you can't delete that and keep incremental backups since then
<sb0> aha I found something weird
<Arahael> immae: Im not convinsed the file is used, at all. I mean, if I put in something like `1hjhfoalionr1lon;1rij;kj1r23`, it fails. But if it parses fine, or if I use readFIle, it magically "works".
<elvishjerricco> Arahael: Something like that might work, depending on what that nix file looks like
<elvishjerricco> CMCDragonkai: Is that info not present in those derivations? like cuda.version or something?
<monokrome> jackdk: lol, I thought you were like sitting behind me at Zeitgeist in SF or something and I was like "small world wtf" lol
<Arahael> I think I need to write a custom 'jinja2_2.7.nix' file or something, but then, how do I refer to it from shell.nix?
<manveru> monokrome: Check Out kubenix. Also I think zimbatm wrote something about it
<acham> hmm, appleclusters I can't remember, but last time i had to do something like that, I used grub and could select a run level
<CMCDragonkai> Ok so I forced a a failure with `nix-build -K`. So it produced the reference graph file. It sort of gives me what I want, but I cannot use it properly because I actually need as a nix variable, not as something that is accessible by build scripts.
<mightybyte> Hmmm, I blew away /nix and reinstalled and now it works. I must have messed something up when I installed nix-darwin or home-manager before.


<manveru> something in rubygems must've changed :(
<WilliamHamilton[> manveru: thanks, in the meantime I also found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53658303/fetchfromgithub-filter-down-and-use-as-environment-etc-file-source which says something along the lines of `fetchFromGithub {...} + "/subfolder"`
<rycee> apaul1729: How is the perl module built? Using Build.PL or something like that?
<rycee> apaul1729: Yeah, you might succeed with something like `--set PERL5LIB $out/lib/blah/blah`
<colemickens> Clear Linux uses AutoFDO for profile-based optimizations. Is this something NixOS could do and/or has anyone looked at including the Clear Linux patches in NixOS?
<betawaffle> isn't there a tool which shows why something is installed?
<sgronblo> tilpner: i was trying to find something like nix show-config that would show me where it expects to find the config file on my system
<gchristensen> like bootstrap binaries or something
<jomik> ... I guess I could prefix the names with a number, or something, but is there a better way, so that it would be easy to reorder too.
<thedavidmeister> i've been doing something like this
<infinisil> groodt: Well I'm going to bed now. For the future, if you ask for something regarding a PR, always post a link to it. If I knew which PR I could've started an ofborg build by now.
<groodt> Anybody online with Ofborg build permissions to kick off something for me?
<mog> any word on when 19.03 might drop? are we waiting to get zero hydra failures? or something else?
<rotaerk> I thought I had set something like that up, but I forgot where it was... I didn't see it in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, and forgot ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix existed
<rotaerk> and I have something mapping 'kakoune' to 'kakoune-unstable' in the latter...
<mabel> did I do something wrong? is that not how you're supposed to set cmake settings?


<samueldr> heh, that's something I was going to suggest about how to find more details about that, but also, copyright != license
<infinisil> Or something like that
<infinisil> avn: HIE is a bit new though, so you might run into some trouble, maybe try something like dante or intero instead (I haven't tried those though)
<groodt> If anybody here has the ability to kick off a Hydra build, I'd love it if this was kicked off to test something: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/58557
<InFlames> hmm, node2nix doesn't seem to have installed my dependency, I must be missing something


<elux> what kind of container runtime does it use..? docker? or something else
<Notkea> thanks! otherwise, is it possible to add something to the PATH for all binaries and scripts in a package all at once?
<infinisil> (had to fix something real quick, refresh it)
<smolboye[m]> should i set it to something else?
<ghostyy> so its not xorg thats the problem, its something to do with the user
<Taneb> dashkal: glad you're getting some benefit out of me missing something that should have been obvious
<b1000101> I've tried something like pkgs = import ./.. {config.allowUnfree = true;}; but it seems that was too naive :)
<fresheyeball> but its not working and I am missing something
<infinisil> gchristensen: Is something wrong with ofborg in above PR?
<infinisil> aanderse-work: setuid wrapper needed or something is my initial thought
<infinisil> Taneb: I think you need to use something like .override (old: { packageOverrides = lib.composeExtensions (old.packageOverrides or self: super: {}) packageOverrides; })
<aszlig> kleisli: there is also the case where you can directly use something like NIX_PATH=/foo/bar - (notice, not "NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/foo/bar"), which will look up based on the contents of that directory
<aszlig> bemeurer: something like oh-my-zsh?
<bemeurer> This reminds me I need to write something to automatically update my zsh plugin packages
<adamt> infinisil: It uses the same eval mechanism as our tool (well, we stole eval-machines.nix, so..), and in theory it should be possible, but we managed to introduce something that causes all evals to be seriel. And no idea about what causes it.
<kyren> selfsymmetric-mu: but I also do something similar with my workstation and servers, I don't even put their configuration.nix in /etc/nixos or anything, I've actually kind of built a janky nixops if I'm honest, but the point being that you don't actually *need* channels and they're confusing and there are alternatives and people are looking for better presentations of this
<adamt> selfsymmetric-mu: If you have suggestions, try to hack something together and create a PR to get some discussion going. The nixos community is usually very friendly :-)
<slack1256> denotational semantics is something connal always talk but is so curbersome nobody can do not toy examples


<blackriversoftwa> Searching for derivations by files they contain is something I've done before but I can't recall what utility I used
<Dagger> net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra = 0 <-- well isn't that nice. I do a `nixos-rebuild` and something, somewhere disables IPv6 autoconf, so I lose access to the boxy
<ryantm> You don't patch it as a hard path, you patch it as something like ${pkgs.python}/bin/python
<vaibhavsagar> wondering if it would be easier to get a VM of Ubuntu 8.04 or something like that
<pie_> just exit early or or something?
<gchristensen> oooh did you learn something?
<bgamari_> wolfman154, I'm not sure what copytoram does; I suspect it might copy the installation volume to a tmpfs or something along these lines
<gchristensen> infinisil: indeed, that would be really nice -- and something which is documented in the repo lorri was developed in. those issues will move over soon
<samueldr> to help track whether it is libvirt doing something, or kvm not working, I tried by rmmod-ing kvm_intel, and using `nix-shell -p qemu --run 'qemu-kvm -enable-kvm'`
<sphalerite> idea: patchSource or something like that, in pkgs/build-support, which takes a source and applies a patch/list of patches, copying the result to the output.
<sphalerite> is there a details thing or something?
<srhb> adamt: Anything that will allow you something like a lockfile and where you can generate a list of dependencies/urls for use with fetchurl and friends should suffice.
<blackriversoftwa> > If set to something else than `symlink`, the file is copied instead of symlinked, with the given file mode.
<sphalerite> musicmatze: so something like buildEnv?
<musicmatze> maybe it is a new attribute? Like gitlab19 or something like that?
<mabel> hm, like an overlay or something?
<mjrosenb> I'm getting this when attemptying to build something on macos:
<blackriversoftwa> colemickens: azure does something else instead of cloud-init to configure instances right?
<pie_> unless you have uber slow internet and end up downloading new packages, or you specifically caused something to need to rebuild a bunch of stuff all the time, i dont think that should happen
<judson__> Near the end of mine, I have something like "main = xmonad $ def { terminal = "alactritty" }"


<makefu> iclanzan: what exactly is your device trying to fetch? some sources from the internet or something from the binary cache?
<lejonet> digitalgrease: and its not something redonkeylous like the port not being open in the firewall or so? Because that conf looks just like mine, except that I add a bunch of options for TLS too, but they don't affect where I try to connect
<lejonet> Getting ceph to compile on arm sadly wasn't as easy as I hoped but if it was easy, I wouldn't have something to fiddle with :P
<pie_> infinisil, do you have something for a package shipping an eclipse plugin? do you think should I make a different build output, or give it another attribute? what kind of thing does the eclipse with plugins thing take? this is just a zip file
<pie_> is there something in lib for getting the name of a file in a path?
<srhb> Yeah, I totally expected you to have something weird going on with your filesystems that would make the error plausible, but... :)
<srhb> zookatron: Welp. At this point I am all out of ideas. I can hand-wave "faulty usb drive" or something, but it's a super bizarre error to me...
<christianpoveda_> ok i broke something D:
<zookatron> srhb: Ah yes, oxij said to do something like that in the discourse thread to get the output of nixos-install which I did, but I will also try adding -vvv to the nix build, that sounds like it could shed some light on what it's doing
<srhb> zookatron: I've never seen something like this before, so I'm a bit puzzled, sorry.
<srhb> zookatron: Like, is the partition that will contain /nix an uncommon type or something?
<betawaffle> so afaict, it can be a full-on file path given to loadkeys, or something like us (also given to loadkeys)
<aminechikhaoui> Is there any security tool other than vulnix that can scan packages on NixOS, I'm hoping for something that can scan the store paths of builds products without going through derivations as that's not always available
<adamt> mojjo: Basically lspci (and lsusb &c) just reveal a bunch of hardware details, but yeah, if you paste if maybe we can say something about it
<adamt> srid: you can do something like `locations."${foo}"`
<clever> sb0: the attacker needs to know the hash of the build directions to download something
<adamt> Does anybody have a nifty and bullet-proof way to detect whether a device has a filesystem on it? The best I've come up with is something like "file -sL /dev/sdd" and parse the output (if it's just "data" there's probably no filesystem)
<Taneb> Is there a function or something in nixpkgs which takes a number of Python derivations and outputs an appropriate value for PYTHON_PATH?
<clefru> Is there something like a nix-channels meta-repo or NUR or overlay that provides me with something that looks like this https://gist.github.com/clefru/4fe29e5b880534b77f1775a859e25808 ?
<andi-> Options.foo.default + "something"?
<srhb> I think it's actually something that gets passed to stdenv somehow...
<srhb> gentauro: Yes. Your only concern (usually) is whether it's safe for eg your mutable data. Like, consider if your database migrated or something like that :)
<gentauro> but I'm a FP by heart so NixOS is something that I have should look into long time ago ;)
<musicmatze> gentauro: It really doesn't matter ... a major update from 1809 to 1903 is not more than executing two or three commands in your shell... and if something goes wrong you can always boot to an earlier generation.
<gentauro> I'm new to NixOS and I thought that the `stable` version was 19.03? https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html (am I missing something?)
<CMCDragonkai> jackdk: I'm more looking for something where I plug in the name of a kernel module like `usb_storage` and for it to then tell me about it.
<InFlames> does anyone understand why firefox's and chromium's geolocation api doesn't work on my build? I am thinking I left out something obvious to someone more familiar with nixos
<mog> infinisil, one more question for you. it didnt seem to install man pages when i did it. is there something i should be copying to $out ?
<samueldr> jasongrossman: good, I was wondering if there was something else, which sounds like "no there isn't" :)
<buckley310> slack1256, yeah, security.wrappers.{something}
<romanofski> I'm missing something simple I suppose without knowing
<samueldr> aw, checked something, I had hope stateVersion would still be unused in 19.03, but two packages will rely in it being pre or post 19.03 (syncthing and redmine)
<samueldr> already? then it's possibly something else
<romanofski> I couldn't find something specific to cursor themes
<zgrep> samueldr: S-something changed. Now sudo without -i works...
<buckley310> zgrep, yeah, that should really return something o.o
<zgrep> Running nix-channel --list as root gives... nothing. Something makes me think that this is incorrect for a nixos system... am I mistaken?
<CMCDragonkai> infinisil: Maybe something that derives from a hardware unique ID
<CMCDragonkai> infinisil: Yea something generic...
<samueldr> might help if your nix builds are niced a bit, when doing something like a huge compile
<christianpoveda> infinisil: hahaha ok, I just meant, this is to configure something for a single user
<infinisil> wolfman154: Maybe you're not getting something here. xmonad doesn't make you have to use that terminal, you're free to choose any terminal you want! If you're coming from a traditional DE background, this might be a bit confusing
<infinisil> christianpoveda: I see, so this might look something like this: `let iniFile = pkgs.writeText "dconf.ini" "<the contents>"; in { systemd.user.services.dconf-reload.script = "${pkgs.dconf}/bin/dconf load ${iniFile}"; }`
<infinisil> a systemd user service isn't something big, it's the best way to get a command to run when a file you specify in nixos changes
<christianpoveda> probably I'm overengineering this? i guess i could just mantain everything in an .ini file and run `dconf load` when i need to update something
<romanofskiWork> perhaps I messed something up


<marler8997> I'm also able to post anymore "Something has gone wrong..."
<gchristensen> LnL7: is there something ofborg could do to catch these better?
<samueldr> cocreature: ,locate bin something to find something in bin directories
<ldlework> To be fair, I also have been using NixOS for almost a year now and I still forget how to properly override stuff in packages. This is mostly due to Nix's set-and-forget nature. Long periods go by between times I need to think about Nix, and then suddenly I need to know it all again to get something done.
<ryantm> So something like home.activation.bat-theme = ''bat cache --build''; would always run
<linarcx> tilpner: something like this: `nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-version nixpkgs`
<christianpoveda> sphalerite: but then i should have extra precautions when updating or something?
<samueldr> something must be filling the tmpfs
<andi-> musicmatze: can you trigger 4.19 and something newer then?
<slabity> I'm guessing it's executing something like `plasmashell -p org.kde.plasma.shell.desktop` and want to execute `plasmashell -p org.kde.plasma.shell.phone` instead
<Myrl-saki> How about concatMapAttrs or something
<Irenes> I'm trying to override it using an overlay, and I think I'm failing to understand something basic about overlays. or possibly they just don't work for stdenv :)
<aanderse> another dead simple version bump PR if anyone is twiddling their thumbs looking for something to do :) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/57114
<aanderse> anyone with commit access feel like merging something brain dead simple? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/57490


<samueldr> I'm thinking such an endeavour would be better taken by actively trying to make something like a borfpkgs using stdenv.mkDerivationTwoPointOh
<jomik> I am trying to override neovim to get the nightly build. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/blob/nixos-unstable/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/default.nix#L22 It says that I am trying to call something which is not a function, but a set.. https://gist.github.com/Jomik/3739e8c351595e719db0b1df0e8ef56f
<goibhniu1> lassulus: to be clear, this is for the problem where starting a VPN fails because you're not allowed to create the tun device in an container (just in case you're actually asking about something else)
<NemesisD> infinisil: so say i just want `../test/data`, i would do sourceByRegex ../. ["^test$", "^test/data/.*"] or something?
<infinisil> Or something like that, without the slash
<dejanr> hi anyone here familiar with thinkpad cpu throttling issues, i am looking for something like this for NixOS https://github.com/erpalma/throttled
<neonfuz__> it takes the drv file, and evaluates into a set of source urls or something?
<betawaffle> AlexRice[m]: what's something that's missing, as an example?
<NemesisD> srhb: it works! it turns out i was goofing up the syntax: `cp -r ${frontend} $out/my-dir` i think was like copying the link or something weird. i changed it to `cp -r ${frontend}/* $out/my-dir` and everything looks good :)
<srhb> git reset --hard HEAD~1 && git pull -- fixed the rebuild issue. Go figure. The repository was cleaned, garbage collected, and everything. git must have messed up something?
<srhb> NemesisD: If so, it might be using paths-to-link or something...
<ajs124> srhb, it seems to look like systemd-boot is generating the config correctly, but my generations are not "updating" properly. As in, if I do a switch, list my generations, change something and do another switch and list them again, only the newest generation gets replaced, but the whole list didn't get "shifted".
<srhb> I'll redo it. I must have done _something_ wrong, right?
<monokrome> something did :D
<samueldr> usb PD can ask for more power, but USB itself should always provide the 500mA~ 5V output, the phone might say something like "charging slowly"
<samueldr> probably something like wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd/dhclient
<betawaffle> samueldr: gimme a minute, gotta fix something else
<samueldr> something really recent?
<betawaffle> is there something i can pass on the kernel command line to boot the latter is some kind of safe mode?
<clefru> clever: I worked around my problem by switching the underlying source for something that already contains the compiled dist/cli.js. That is I didn't point to the git repo but to the npmjs.org tgz file which is produced by npm dist
<clefru> clever: that's what I do, but I want something more complex, and additionally play around with the invocation of npm/strace it and so forth. The derivation is pretty heaving and I don't want to have a 20 sec turnaround on each invocation
<jomik> How can I build a package/derivation, only if an attribute has been set to true? I need to do something similar to `allowUnfree`.
<clefru> something seems off there with those references to ./gvfs
<clever> clefru: first, you can skip sourcing env-vars, by running `nix-shell /nix/store/foo.drv`, as for $out, you can just re-export out to something else
<clever> Alling: if you want something installed by nix, then it has to be built by nix, which is where tools like nix-tools and stack2nix come into play
<nomeata> I wonder if I did something (upgrade nix in an unclean way) that invalidated all paths in my profile. And now `nix-env` tried to reinstall everything, and it could not reinstall stuff that I built at some point in the past from source. Once I removed these packages from the profile using nix-env, it was reinstalling the other ones from the cache.
<nomeata> I tought nix-build had the same problem … but not any more. So it is `nix-env` giving this error message, when I ask it to install something. `nix-build` actually works fine.
<immae> and you have to fix "something" (for instance, the git commit where you will find the yarn.lock)
<immae> But then I think you just have to check yarn2nix documentation, I’m almost sure I saw something like that
<ajs124> gchristensen, that's what I though. Sure, something like mount -t overlayfs -o lower=/,upper=/tmpfs / looks weird, but I'd kinda expect it to work.
<ajs124> ah, I'm really not paying enough attention… obviously. just do something like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=$PWD --pure -p package


<rycee> emptyflask: I think something like `export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.gnused pkgs.procps-ng]}${PATH:+:}$PATH` should do it.
<MichaelRaskin> This might be annoying to debug if _something_ goes wrong, as you don't know which part
<dStut> Do I need to build from source or can I just unpack the official ISO or something and edit a config?
<srhb> noonien: There's a tool for doing something like appimage (and possibly even that) via nix..
<noonien> in case you might want to stream to a tv or something, you can just plug a chromecast and give it a http url, assuming the media format is supported
<infinisil> Yeah look it's the tor project that messed something up
<siraben> infinisil: Right, so I'm wondering if something is blocking it for me
<infinisil> inquisitiv3: Something like that yeah, just the name that's returned by nix-env -q
<betawaffle> gchristensen: is there something special i need to do to get the nixos installer to work on a system76 laptop?
<noonien> is there something that facilitates testing with nix?
<noonien> hmm, i remember reading something about testing with nix
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: you want to say this is a tool to convince people to do something about bufferbloat?
<srhb> linarcx: grep wrapProgram -r pkgs/development/python-modules or something like that :)
<clever> infinisil: i use ratpoison when i need something keyboard drive, but i dont think it has much tiling in it


<noonien> clever: something akin to: http://vpaste.net/ieM4y
<illegalprime> tilpner: i'm very dumb, I had --dry-run on on something I hadn't evaluated yet
<scott> manually launch as in `steam steam://<game id>` or something more specific?
<noonien> is there something wrong with them?
<Fare> IIRC, I moved away from gnome-terminal, because its treatment of Ctrl-Space made using Emacs very annoying, or something.
<srhb> So you'll want to either not reuse that installation import, or reintroduce a dependency upon "multi-user.target" or something like that
<andi-> I think there are a ew build-support tests in nixpkgs but there surely must be something for all the module magic?!?
<andi-> I will probably change the source line to something on snapshots.debian.org since that is supposed to never go away..
<andi-> I should make a new test for that specific case. Feel free to push into my branch / comment on the PR if you want to add something
<etu> Can I modify the unit (for the mountpoint) to wait a bit between retries or require it to be after the network is actually up or something?
<haslersn[m]> infinisil: I have multiple hosts and some configuration options per host, particularly something like `<hostname>.extensions.<extensionName><instanceName> = {...}`. Another part of the code must be called once per instance but with all hosts that participate in that instance, so I thought I just strip out the `extensions.<extensionName>` and then flip the remaining two keys (`<hostname>.<instanceName>` to
<samueldr> it apparently doesn't crash on my system, which is weird since I had issues beforehand with gdk things, but I just lately did a huge cleanup of my system and might have removed something that littered a gdk_pixbuf loader
<samueldr> let me look for something
<samueldr> so saying "pipe is >" means nothing most of the time... BUT seeing there is something in systemd for that makes me think there is something behind it
<monokrome> so something is fked


<Cale> Does anyone have handy an equivalent of something like nix-shell -p 'haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ hp2pretty text aeson cabal-install template-haskell constraints lens mtl ])' but which lets me specify which version of GHC it is that I want?
<srhb> Something went wrong then, because I am not in Hydra :P
<srhb> One day, a networking course, or something...
<infinisil> wolfman154: Well do you have a crash log or something?
<srhb> NemesisD: Consider in the simple case where you have something like this in your installPhase: cp -r ${./somedir} $out/
<srhb> NemesisD: Can't you just invert the build and have nix outermost? Does frontend building use the network or something?
<NemesisD> srhb: so on the docker image i'd envision a `/myapp` dir or something with my static assets loaded in it. i use shake to call nix-build to build the docker image so i could guarantee the frontend assets are rebuilt before copying, i just don't know how i'd do it in nix-land
<slack1256> Any package you use that is on full but not on medium (I wanna know if maybe I will miss something obvious that is on full but not on medium).
<pie___> hmm, its probably something wrong with the app
<b1000101> aminechikhaoui: hmmm, something is rotten in the state of Denmark... I've ran the garbage collector and even deleted the project and re-created it but there's still of space being used by a 19.09 (unstable) jobset that I previously tried to fetch and build. Any idea why it might not get deleted by GC ? I'm running the hydra on a 18.09 machine so the dependencies should not be needed anywhere in the system
<manveru> it's just not something you could nix-build
<Twey> Anyone know why OfBorg fails https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/58037 ? It seems like something is not passing the `xlibs` argument the derivation requests
<vaibhavsagar> maybe something like that?
<Twey> xpika: Yes, but you need to identify the version somehow — you can for example say something like `nix-env -f nixos:19.03` or `nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/e85525245c89b5440b62ac667b8dd76c464c16e5.tar.bz2`
<xpika> if something isn't building using nix-env -i <pkg> is there a way to install an earlier revision?
<rycee> Yep, that looks fine. The home-manager script does something similar. 😃
<scott> maybe i was always running inside `nix-shell -p patchelf` or something
<CMCDragonkai> Is there something special that needs to be done to the images that we build via `dockerTools.buildImage` so that it's compatible with NVIDIA docker runtime?
<infinisil> I'm taking it very casually with reviewing, yes I could review lots of PRs every day, but it's not something I get paid for and nobody expects me to do that, also I don't have time for that all the time, and it's also not very interesting work


<samueldr> i386-pc sounds like something grub would say
<samueldr> could some complex stuff accidentally use pkgsi686 or something like that?
<samueldr> though CTRL+4 for me does something, not sure which signal
<samueldr> something like that
<samueldr> wolfman154: I presume you see something like HOSTNAME login: _
<LnL> _something_ changed, but not clear what or why we end up in that codepath now
<betaboon> pseudonom: have you tried strace to check if it is stuck at something ?
<Ralith> sounds like something is very broken
<timor> noonien: Did you already search around for that issue? Seems like something someone else might have had....
<timor> noonien: that does not look like something that is available in nixpkgs....
<slabity> I wonder if something's wrong with grub2_efi
<betaboon> linarcx: but i realy have the feeling, that they misunderstood something about using setup.py ...


<catern> anyone know the correct approach to building an application (not a library) for Perl? is there is something comparable to buildPythonApplication?
<noonien> hmm, is there a way of running something after X has started? i'm trying to run `xrandr --output DP-0 --mode 3440x1440 --rate 120.00` since xorg doesn't seem to set 120hz on my monitor
<noonien> how can i check if adding something into `services.xserver.monitorSection` ha made its way into my xorg config?
<slabity> linarcx: Then something is likely wrong in your config
<slabity> tilpner: It is building something... But it's been building for hours and has maxed out my memory and swap.