
<Unode> ok I may have something else
<Unode> if it needs to download something
<Unode> clever: so something maybe useful, in journalctl, stage-2-init malformed JSON string,... in update-users-groups.pl line 11 followed by 'Activation script snippet users failed'
<etu> Izorkin: Or something like that
<Unode> which is something I wasn't doing when the disk got full
<Unode> so I wonder if that corrupted something
<Unode> I now have a chroot into the main system but I'm clearly missing something since the bash that I'm running mostly complains that it doesn't know any commands
<iddt> symphorien: is this the blessed way to remove a package? perhaps i should be using nix-env or something?
<iddt> and if you remove the symlink to something that another package depends on, does it faceplant?
<iddt> oh trippy, so nixos basically does reference counts on packages or something, and if nothing is symlinked to it, it tosses it?
<hyperfekt> What would be the most idiomatic way to wrap directories around something in Nix? Say I have a package that produces directory a and I want a package that has a directory b that contains directory a.
<iddt> yay, it rebooted. the booted-system symlink is back. didn't get any smaller tho. is there something i should now run to make it tighter?
<samueldr> gentauro: not sure I follow, unless you're running something as root
<dhess> actually it looks like this grub thing is only happening on my EC2 instances. Did something change with the grub support in a recent nixpkgs?
<MmeQuignon> I do something wrong, but I can't figure out what
<clever> infinisil: this is something ive been wanting to get back to
<pie_> apparently path literals dont work if you reference something in the store?
<klaas_> hi all; after an upgrade to 19.03 (from 18.03) it seems that virtualbox shares are broken. I must be doing something wrong, because this is hardly a unique configuration I'd say
<angerman> clever: could be x86_64 -> i686 or something.
<angerman> I should shoot myself, I think. Let me check something.
<drakonis> i don't understand something, i have allowunfree=true set on my local file
<nh2> ___laika: you could also use `callCabal2nix`, which does such generation when nix runs, but that of course needs internet access. I guess checking the cabal2nix output into your code is something you might want to do if you want to make compiling "offline" from just a source checkout easier
<tdeo> what's the right way to make something use the correct library extension per platform?


<colemickens> Is there something concrete I can do to help the mesa/libdrm meson changes in or into staging? I'm not really sure if there's something we're waiting on or who owns that space, or how big things like mesa upgrades are usually handled.
<pie_> qubasa, i wanted to paste you something because i wasnt sure youd seen it yet...
<Ericson2314> i mean maybe some FFI concernes justified something
<blackriversoftwa> Ericson2314: Is that error because something was built with -fPIC and shouldn't have been?
<Ericson2314> _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ could have something to do with -fpic and -fpie
<blackriversoftwa> so you can run your template haskell splices under something like qemu or wine, while ghc runs natively on your build machine
<samrose> is there a way to append something to PATH such that it is seen and used by systemd services?
<cransom> you could totally do something similar and up with a prority system for prePrePrePostSomething
<pie__> i feel like i might get scolded for making something simple complicated but... :D
<ottidmes> (snippet). Code probably helps, so here is something already have: https://gist.github.com/msteen/c06a41699695699c9d22cdd0a0218b2d. Do others have experience with a similar situation? Am I missing some obvious better solution?
<tobiasBora> Baughn: also, I'm thinking about something else
<tobiasBora> this command should do something directly or I need to reboot?
<Baughn> Philonous: Aye. Frankly, we ought to replace it with TypeScript or something.
<Baughn> No obvious tells of a broken HDD. Can't say for sure without running iozone or something, but it seems fine.
<Baughn> No, this is something wrong with the computer.
<Taneb> "Fetching the dependencies took 9s and evaluation took 3020s." I think I might be doing something slightly off


<srhb> Accounting for all cases of certs/no certs, local/remote etc. is really difficult and complex, something I think we should not try to encode in units
<Thra11> matthewbauer: That works, thanks! Can I refer to it in an expression with something like ${buildPackages.gcc.cc.lib}?
<Synthetica> Does something like `buildPlatform.pkgs` exist?
<pie__> or something
<samrose> this guy had a video on jubula testing "getting started" too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3DD_5xGHnI seems like it'd be easier to use something that will let you run it headless if at all possible
<pie__> i mean i probably dont even need a proper test, just something to call the eclipse ui functions i need
<gchristensen> like with kernel patches or something?
<ottidmes> I like to the idea of managing my SSH files through my NixOS configuration as well, I saw this mentioned here on the IRC once, but I cannot quite remember the approach nor find it by googling about it. So what I want to achieve is instead of having my id_rsa and such in ~/.ssh/ per user, to have something like /etc/ssh/per-user/name/
<kozova1> like, is it supposed to have something in it?
<angerman> clever: I'll try something simpler first :-) `cabalProjectToNix { src = ./test/cabal-simple; hackageIndexState = "2019-01-01T12:00:00Z"; }`
<clever> outputHashAlgo is usually sha256, but something like yarn2nix can just copy the hash&algo from yarn.lock, and not even fetch things when translating
<clever> angerman: in general, you prefetch it from something else, and then bake the hash into the nix code
<clever> try -vvvv with something that can fail
<angerman> clever: we have lots of the ast in the .hi files. obsidian system is using something like that for cross TH. It works for most, just breaks at the boundary where you host compiler has different backing types than your target. (e.g. Chars backed by Int or Words)
<angerman> That qemu-arm blows up with Signal (11) on iserv when built with a performance ghc built is something I'm tempted to look into before that :D
<nh2> matthewbauer: if I compile the latest coretuils on Ubuntu, it does show me what the test expects, so probably something is odd with nixpkgs or musl


<tryingtoupgrade> Hey, so I got overconfident in nixos and had a little bit of a problem. I am on 18.09 and I just did a nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade without checking the channels or any of that but because of something to do with virtualbox networking the upgrade failed and broke everything, including internet, so I tried to do a rebuild switch --rollback but again the virtualbox network got in the way.. thankfully I could restart into the o
<pie__> Yaniel, this probably gets asked so often we really should do something about it...
<tilpner> Or something like that
<__monty__> tilpner: Thank you. It seems to be the `haskellPackages = haskell881Packages;`. This has worked fine before. Does "haskellPackages" depend on happy or something?
<cbarrett> does anyone know if it was deleted or something?
<srid> I obviously want something (nixops, here) to create and bootstrap nixos VMs.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, rebuilding my entire confguration can take a day or something in the background


<nh2> matthewbauer: what's your opinion on my suggestion to make pkgsStatic something that has both .so and .a files for libraries (last thing I wrote yesterday)?
<wavewave> i am looking for something similar to ghcWithPackages.
<nh2> angerman: what's your opinion on my suggestion to make pkgsStatic something that has both .so and .a files for libraries (last thing I wrote yesterday)?
<samueldr> (well, something else than echo would be done :))
<python476> I guess I'll need to find something
<ambro718> opencl-info is something but can I test if it actually works?
<arianvp> the example from the docs does compile though. so something else is going wrong here I think
<arianvp> but say if I would also want to configure something at the same time in "environment.etc" i'll have no choice but to mapAttrsToList twice?
<HappyEnt> Is there a easy way to get the store path for a derivation? Something like `nix get-store nixpkgs.firefox` or similar
<rrr> Or maybe there's something else that needs to be done?
<infinisil> Something like that
<jomik> aszlig: So it's just something we don't want to do :P The firestorm packaging xD
<MichaelRaskin> asheshambasta_m: you have an option of installing Nix on Arch (experience of a coworker: works simply enough), getting Nixpkgs and getting things done using Nix. This allows you to use Nix-based sane workflows whenever you are about versions, and defer the migration until you are fluent in Nix and can easily read the implementation code for hardware support modules if something goes wrong
<matthewbauer> nh2: there is a way to do it with package set but i can't remember it, something with . maybe just do `haskell.compiler.ghc864` and see if it builds?
<zeta> lopsided98: thanks for the tip, so did you mean something like this? https://hastebin.com/yasebedazu.pl
<dtz> quick answer: I have no idea what that was about-- if it fixed something, if it was possible so might as well, or what . I can chase down if needed, but if there's a reason this shouldn't be done that's probably better to explore than some forgotten use case :)


<pie__> i keep wanting something approximating [imperative profile] management with nix. guess i should write a library for it
<buckley310> yeah i can live with compiling the small set of personal stuff, but compiling the kernel on my laptop is not something i want to bake into my workflow again xD
<gchristensen> NixOS lets you completely undo changes if you don't like them, so that seems like something
<buckley310> how does nixos-unstable compare to something like Arch in terms of reliability as a desktop?
<pie__> i havent done this myself but it might be something to try
<Synthetica> yorick: Are you still using hnix, or are you rolling something yourself?
<yurb> Shados: okay, nix-build finds the header files. Apparently I did something incorrectly when I was trying to run buildPhase in nix-shell.
<jackdk> matthewbauer: the following command fails to build, am I doing something wrong? nix build -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable '((import <nixpkgs> {}).haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: { reflex = super.callHackage "reflex" "0.6.1" {}; }; }).ghcWithPackages(p: [p.reflex])'
<ryantm> No wait... I think veprbl was on to something.
<ryantm> selfsymmetric-mu: It's weird to me that putting just a list of package names causes something useful to happen. Usually, you have to put some names and some derivations


<selfsymmetric-mu> So is there something I can do or is it hopeless?
<simpson> ...Hm. Well, we *had* boilerplate for this. It started with something like "Sorry. Which PR?"
<jasongrossman> simon_weber: You might find something useful at https://search.tx0.co.
<zeta> so something is wrong with pactl, will switching to an older config fix it?
<matthewbauer> NemesisD: patchelf and install_name_tool are bad hacks, so it's not really something we want to abstract over
<NemesisD> i'm kind of surprised there isn't a function for this or something in nix. it seems like this would come up a lot
<ottidmes> I am writing a script to improve some automation on my NixOS machines, for it I need to know whether a device is mounted or not, say if I pass the script /dev/sda then I want to know whether any partition of /dev/sda might be mounted, whats the best way to do it? I could hack something together, but that would be using output meant for human comsumption (i.e. error prone for scripts), I tried looking at
<Ashy> gchristensen: is this something recent? i have noticed my ryzen machine acting noticably slower the last week or two and it's an encrypted zfs root partition
<sphalerite> BuGless: you could also use something like make-system-tarball to generate the whole thing using nix
<immae> Did I forget something? (I took inspiration from the wiki page https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cross_Compiling )
<samueldr> anyway, something about gnome's default sizes for an open/save dialog
<samueldr> gchristensen: something gconf


<NemesisD> i noticed that nix seems to run patchELF on things. i'm wondering if somehow these executables were not subject to that patching. is there something i can to do my derivation to make sure those executables get patched?
<manveru> so i might call those `ruby_2_5-gems` or something
<catern> or something like that? I don't get the setupHook for pkgconfig run in my nix-shell
<ambro718> Not yet. I do not have enough information. I will spend some more time on it and try to open something useful.
<kuznero[m]> I am first trying to build it :laughing: I was always trying to create packages for something that has already all the dependencies in place. In the upstream stable channel. I just never tried building a package that depends on another package in my our source tree that is not in the upstream. Basically, starting from how to organize it and so on. If I remember different technology stacks (programming languages) are done
<andi-> and by the looks of it you'd the be able to do something like `{ mypkg = builtins.flake https://my-repo/; }` but I only looked briefly a month ago
<Guest61> Basically I've just written something like: text = "auth optional pam_exec.so expose_authtok /home/name/bin/script"
<mwilsoncoding> I can even see in the output for `nix-env -if ./nixpkgs -A beamPackages.plug` (I rewrote the entry for `plug` to point to my updated v1.8.0) that it copies the packages into the `_build/prod/lib` directory prior to building, so I'm thinking I missed something, I just don't know where
<andi-> if it is something that can't be done otherwise my alternative
<etu> ottidmes: because people say "2k" as something that is more pixels than 1080p but not 4k
<gchristensen> I would hope so :) I think I had a TV with something close to 3840x2160 like 15 years ago ;)
<Synthetica> yorick: I'm running sway as my daily driver and not encountering too many bugs, am I doing something wrong? 😅
<BuGless> xorAxAx: Thanks, that got me down from 1.6GB to 1.4GB. But I still have a long way to go from there to 200MB. In Debian I can do "dpkg -l" and then apt-get purge ... packages to get them removed. Is there something equivalent in nixos which allows me to trim all the excess fat?
<TaoHansen[m]> I'm having trouble running a binary from the command-line. Is there something I should be prepending that is NixOS specific?
<bahamas> but yeah, maybe something actually needs that package
<immae> symphorien: something like `builtins.filter (d: elem your_host_platform d.meta.platforms) your_derivations` ?
<immae> bahamas: can you be more precise about your question: You want to download all the nix expressions when you run update? If so, it’s already the case. You want to "upgrade something" (like your installed packages for instance) ? then you need to have a nix expression that builds that "something" and run it after the channel update. You want to download all the existing pre-built binaries corresponding to the
<trh_> For context, if it's useful, I have NixOS installed to the same EFI partition as MacOS uses for booting; I was told that was safe to do, but this leads me to think perhaps MacOS overwrote something.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Maybe this isn't even libzmq...maybe it's trying to load something else...


<pie___> hm would be nice to have something like ncdu
<pie___> mumble mumble something about vpn server getting restarted <Ralith> it is incredibly pleasant how they generally don't fall over when you update them
<pbb> but sudo didn't work because of something with pam
<ottidmes> ambro718: actually having 14G available on my system means its completely clean at the moment ;) its when its stuck at 6G or something that I need to check such GC roots
<fresheyeball> I am struggling with something basic
<sphalerite> so it's something to put in the template configuration.nix (and that is what generate-config currently does), not hardware-configuration.nix
<samueldr> something that could be inferred for defaults is "was the boot UEFI or Legacy" though
<qyliss> no, because that's not something that can be inferred automatically
<zeta> is there a faster way to open: `configuration.nix` and `home.nix`, like a shortcuts or something ?
<tilpner> zeta: What do you expect "install matrix protocol" to do? Protocols aren't something you install
<capnp> it is strange that not all of them disappear, some remain. it means there is something different about them
<Neo---> what would be the best way to override / prepend to the wrapper that a program has? an overlay what would prepend to install phase? or can something be done afterwards? i need to run unset SOME_ENV_VARIABLE before starting the program to make it run
<qyliss^work> capnp: can you try running something for me?
<capnp> but it feels wrong like something broke
<capnp> qyliss^work: here is my overlay http://dpaste.com/3RF6BK9 in case something is wrong with it
<bahamas_> immae: I'm assuming something passes that argument the shell.nix file, since the version specified in nixpkgs.nix is ignored, no?
<betaboon> kaaninho: maybe something in your bashrc ?
<rauno> Found something like https://github.com/grahamc/packet-nixos but seems to be broken and readme quite outdated :)
<johanot> Aw.. I miss an ergonomic (though safe) way of injecting a substituter in a shell.nix for building a shell-env. Obviously users who enter the shell would have to be prompted to accept using the substituter or something like that.
<jackdk> anyone know the python ecosystem? I managed to push #60456 along a bit more but it needs something else to get over the line.
<bbigras> I think it's working but I just realized something. Someone told me to use bash-complete but that's probably only for auto complete while the program I packaged only need to set an alias and the stuff required to record the last visited directory or something like that.
<Guest16> Does something like this already exist?
<Guest16> Hello, I was wondering today about a build tool based on Nix and then wondered if something like this already exists but isn't popular. Just like how nix builds system by having a single nix file and then copying relevant data to standard linux files (and the way home manager operates too), is this concept something that could be extended to a bui
<kyren> hey, I'm wrestling with a really weird problem with borgbackup, I've set up a borg configuration on a remote machine with 'services.borgbackup.jobs."backup".environment' set to something like '{ BORG_RSH = "ssh -i ${./myprivkey}"; }'


<__monty__> Unless you work with buildEnvs or something ofc.
<rycee> zeta_: There is something about the variable here: https://github.com/domenkozar/hie-nix#how-can-i-expose-nixs-hoogle-database-to-hie
<trevthedev> or something i dont know, it says theres thousands of changes to various things i didn't touch
<gchristensen> (no need for the self-denigration when you're not sure how to do something :))
<johanot> someone should implement "transfer-karma". I heard about something called distributed consensus algos and blockchain.. and... I'll just show myself out.
<pie_> gchristensen, no idea but the apache sql database UI thing wanted it. i think there was something i managed to install that made it less unhappy but then something else broke
<srhb> (Something like that)
<gentauro> but something like
<deadloko> I suppose it's something about how i'm fetching clazy source for build, but clang's default.nix does the same thing for clang-tools-extra
<eraserhd> hmm. So this is something that maybe the kakoune derivation should handle, seeing as Kakoune now has a fair amount of plugins?
<gchristensen> this is something Triton forked to do
<bahamas> nevermind. I forgot to update something
<nschoe> I'm reading about theming i3wm, but I think I'm still missing something.
<Ralith> clever: do I need to reboot for the kernel side of those drivers to take effect, or something?


<maurer> Not to mention without selinux or something similar, anything executing on your X already has full permission to act as you
<zeta> something like that ?
<sheenobu> setup nixpkgs and switch my desktop to something nix-based while keeping my fedora base system... or start hacking together some things on top of the fedora base sysstem
<clever> i think its a buildEnv of drivers and something else
<sheenobu> aching to get something a bit more custom than stock fedora+gnome
<sheenobu> haha. my work machine has gotta be something more posix-y but i've had a new surface pro for awhile
<clever> something ive thought of, is that you can pass open file handles over a unix socket
<maurer> If it's just a personal script or something, just call the one from wrappers/bin. If it's packaged, you may want to contrive for yourself to be root, then exec the script
<edcragg> so it's not something to do with adding an extra user to users.users in a module?
<AlexRice[m]> isaac2: it might be that stable with latest kernel works or something
<AlexRice[m]> isaac2: is it giving an error to mount something then fails stage one problem
<ambro718> are these vms supposed to put something to serial?
<flokli> ambro718: not necessarily, it might also do something after that, but dies before being able to spit out the log
<pie_> ok i temporarily fixed something with ld preload.... nix packages need a dev mode that contains checks for dlopens that ultimately dont find a result :P
<pie_> aswanson, i ran into something weird, if I use pyStuff = (python3.override { self = enableDebugging pkgs.python;} ).withPackages (p: with p; [ Keras tensorflow ]); instead of pyStuff = python3.withPackages (p: with p; [ Keras tensorflow ]); i get a different error https://bpaste.net/show/ed6d269724f6
<eliasp> struggling with overlay-based overrides as well... all I'm trying to do, is to use a different version for a pkg, e.g.: http://ix.io/1I62 - the expression is definitely evaluated during `nixos-rebuild build`, but it seems it doesn't result in anything being built. Am I doing something obvious wrong here?
<pie_> writing a simple .nix file or something
<etu> fex42: What are you trying to do? Compiling something or?
<edcragg> ah, this is something i was blissfully unaware of, thanks
<adamantium> do i need both set to true or something?
<yuken> Did you unmount & make sure all data was synced? If so, then something is messed up somewhere, not 100% sure.
<yuken> Because when you copy files to a device, it will finish faster than it actually copies files, caching them in memory in the mean time while it keeps on copying. Or something, that might not be the way Linux does it.
<ivan> gdisk on your /dev/nvme0n1 should show something like
<roconnor> Something that is worth a shot...
<roconnor> something like pkgs.dwarf-fortress-packages.dwarf-fortress-full.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { patches = oldAttrs.patches + [ ./my-init.patch ]; })
<pie_> has anyone looked at separating various stdenv phases into separate derivations to get greater granularity when packaging something incrementally


<illegalprime> something like `builtins.attrValues pkgs.kdeApplications`
<aswanson> Is there a good reason why I might have nix-store locations in my PATH? Or did I screw something up a while ago and just now notice?
<tilpner> So your error must be caused by something else
<infinisil> Or not, something like that
<pie_> wait...LOL I just found that something i started packaging is already packaged :D
<pie_> gdb always says No symbol table info available. if i try to do something like info args
<ajs124> I'm trying to build a static binary of something that requires glib, but trying to build a static version of glib fails like this: https://gist.github.com/ajs124/c322adbb7263818ce5738bba69fb4f49 any ideas how I could fix this?
<steveeJ> samueldr: I'm currently updating https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55531 and I retested the printer (granted I'm not using it very often). I noticed that even when printing the hardcoded paper size (A4) it cuts something off at top of the page. any clues why that could be?
<pmiddend> Indeed, gcc-unwrapped.lib is something I can nix-build and get the path. Nice, thanks!
<aanderse> @GrahamcOfBorg not giving the output i expect in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/60901 so am i missing something obvious?
<immae> How about something like `withFoo` in configuration?
<gchristensen> tilpner: how about a "noDefaultPackages" option or something
<immae> srhb: Yes, I’ll do something like that, thanks :)
<jomik> Yeah. Arch even does something like making a wrapper script that cds to the package directory before executing the shell script that runs the binary...
<aszlig> jomik: so you probably need to either do more wrapping or use something like libredirect to bend some paths
<jchia1> The NixOS manual references services.xserver.enable for enabling X, but I can't find something that looks similar for Wayland here: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#wayland
<pie_> i figured something like that
<pie_> leave the ld_preload for redirecting network requests to disk or something ;D
<pie_> jtojnar, but something something hella obscure things noone ever knows about 'xD
<pie_> jtojnar, libraries get loaded to different parts of the same virtual address space, but the kernel can deduplicate that somehow with memory mapping or something
<maurer> pie_: It's possible sublime is doing something similar (e.g. external data file, needs to look up symbols by string as a result)
<clever> if you try to dlopen something already in scope, it just returns the existing handle
<pie_> something something "weird machines" (*technical term)
<clever> pie_: i saw something a year ago, about somebody writting the spec for a URL, purely by data from fuzzing a URL parser, lol
<pie_> im thinking maybe malware people do something we can use
<dtz> lol I just posted about it the rpath/etc. thing. In short, LD_PRELOAD intercepting dlopen() is difficult to get right and really really is not something you wnt to be responsible for unless your hobby project is literally writing a new dynamic linker or so
<pie_> you can just printf the calls in your code for testing or something right?
<pie_> because it could collide with something else if its something we added?
<pie_> jtojnar, is rewrite a native libc function or is it something we added
<rrr> but there's something else missing
<samueldr> off-topic: ⚠️ hey, peeps, might want to disable firefox sync for now, or not start firefox for now if it's not started, there seems to be something going on with firefox syncing
<pie_> unless sublime has some sort of anti crack protection or something
<pie_> how hard could it be to find something useful in the decompilation view :p
<pie_> clever, the "current annoyance" was at something totally unrelated


<talqu_`> How should i do something like this: I have a haskell binary built on local nixos machine, then nix-copy-closure to remote machine and now i need to kill old running version of that binary and run the new. I saw online a systemd solution but in its config it points to a binary name where in nixos world every version would have a different name. I could write a script which greps the old binary's process, kills it an
<infinisil> talqu_`: Something like `src = lib.sourceByRegex ./. [ "src.*" ".*.cabal" ];` should probably work
<Dema> Thanks! I've found something in CONTRIBUING.md guide. They say I should run nix-shell -p nix-review --run "nix-review pr XXX". Doing it now.
<LnL> eraserhd: I assume you mean eg. buildEnv, you can do something like this as an alternative
<Dema> Yeah, I was thinking that maybe something like glibc was changed. Just wanted to ask for some tools to explore what is going on there :)
<mwilsoncoding> I have it open in a tab and am referencing it- but I'm also trying to cover ground quickly, so there's a high probability I missed something...
<jtojnar> something up with mypaint?
<jtojnar> maybe darwin bash does something differently there
<clever> exarkun: `avahi-browse -at` does something similar
<exarkun> is mdns-scan packaged? I can't find it with any obvious grepping. Or is something similar packaged?
<goibhniu> omnipotententity: I've had something like that from time to time, but restarting firefox or a suspend cycle would sort it out
<lunik1> Have I misunderstood something?
<azazel> Xyliton: for single server I use something like https://github.com/azazel75/giskard-configuration
<nh2[m]> grahamc: can I do something against `qtwebengine-5.12.0.drv' timed out after 3600 seconds` in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54398/checks?check_run_id=117345552 ?
<tilpner> Something is weird about buildRustPackage
<exarkun> my thinkpad model isn't in https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware/tree/master/lenovo/thinkpad, do I just pick something that's kinda close? I see some of these have acpi_call enabled.
<infinisil> That sure is something
<MmeQuignon> so I revert my config in a tty and try something else


<manveru> tbenst_: well, the pattern is basically: `something = fetchurl { ... }; inYourBuildScript = '' cp ${something} to/some/place'';`
<emilsp> err, is there a way to iterate through a path-like variable ($libPath in my case) ? Something like for $p in $libPath; do ...; done ?
<pie_> camsbury-, so if you just need to make the passed parameter something different (even if it gets passed on somewhere else later), .override should work
<camsbury-> since it is trying to just pass something into the args for the package's `default.nix`
<camsbury-> ah yeah seems like I need something like .overrideAttrs
<pie_> if you need to do something else with doStuff, you youre looking for something like stdenv's .overrideAttrs
<pie_> camsbury-, if you need to override somelib for something like {somelib}: doStuff { stuff = [ somelib ];}, then .override is probably fine
<pie_> ah, you did link something with patchelf
<pie_> do you have a script or something
<pie_> emilsp, if youre in a nix shell of that you should already have access to postFixup, but I didn't look carefully. alternatively you you could use something like writeshellscriptbin to write it to a file in the store, and maybe shellhook if you want a shell with it in your path
<linarcx> infinisil: What's wrong with vanilla installation? i follow it and comment use-pacakge section. am i miss something?
<samueldr> dunno about quadro M series, but it you might need to setup something with optimus_prime, or another switching solution if it is a "switchable" gpu
<MmeQuignon> Pff, I can't make nvidia work. It won't show the login page. I added this " services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];" in configuration.nix. Am I missing something ?
<WilliamHamilton> how could I get more informations on why the error is occurring? Could it have something to do with the ` hardware.pulseaudio.support32Bit = true;` option?
<krbtgt> am i doing something wrong here?
<gentauro> so I need to create me some "pains" so I have something to talk about next week :P (Prosa is trying to book the canteen again for us)
<pie_> or something, idk
<Jetien> How can I generate the nixos reference docs (man page "man configuration.nix" or something similar). Is there a build target?
<clever> tbenst: if the hash is for something you already have, nix believes you, and uses that source directly


<MmeQuignon> Actually, I was searching for something about awesome wm
<colemickens> cmacrae ping, yes, I have something that will build chromium+ozone and "works"
<camsbury> Looking for something like an `overrideBuildInputs`, for which I could just put the old version in
<manveru> is that even good for something?
<infinisil> zen_monk: I asked you something
<myme> I thought I'd ask if that's something "familiar" before I start digging some more.
<infinisil> As long as grub and such compile, I don't see what could cause problems. But I'm not a very crossy guy in that sense, so maybe I'm missing something
<pie_> looks like i found some weird file path bug in something
<immae> oups my message did something strange
<immae> if so, you can do something like nix-build -E 'import ./. { nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; }'. If it’s things from nixpkgs (sort of like what you can find in pkgs/ in nixpkgs), you should use instead 'nix-build -E callPackage ./. {}'
<immae> if so, you can do something like nix-build -E 'import ./. { nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; }'
<genesis> something like : script: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; magick2cpc'
<aanderse-work> something very simple
<gchristensen> something strange is going on here, I don't understand.
<emilsp> anyone got a udev rule handy for setting the io scheduler of nvme drives to something other than deadline?
<sphalerite> bifunc2: oh, hm, seems like something went wrong with the formatting there! I'll open a PR to fix it. In the meantime, you can find the modified version at https://github.com/NixOS/nix-pills/blob/master/pills/08/hello-nix-darwin.txt
<jybs> I think it has something to do with . not being valid in container names :(
<iqubic> How do I mute/unmute something from the alsamixer TUI?
<samueldr> arcnmx: anything that has the store path in memory... it's assuming you want it rooted. Most likely something running referencing a library
<arcnmx> presumably the memory of... the daemon? something else?


<arcnmx> there could be! I've mostly just been looking/searching for something that at least confirms this is an expected error or intended/unsupported behaviour, and hadn't found much saying either way.
<pie_> maybe your keyboard has a microphone mute button or something?
<iqubic> So something super bizarre happened.
<samrose> infinisil: yes, this would be something that I had already built and packaged into an iso and channel in hydra, and then want to reference. I think you are right that /etc is a good candidate as what I want to link to is effectively a kind of configuration
<bennofs[m]> would something like that be useful if we don't?
<pie_> if it just leads to ther people reimplementing cargo its stupid, cant they have some abi revision field or something? or require a metafile?
<Twey> pie_: Basically the problem is that Cargo is a combined build system and package manager, and to integrate it with something else you want to be able to invoke the build system without invoking the dependency manager. But they're tightly coupled
<pie_> simpson, where does stuff go wrong with cargo? i think there was something?
<pie_> something thats nix and fhs friendly
<manveru> drakonis: python uses like 15 different build systems or something
<pie_> or uhhh....something like that
<jomik> For some reason this `yarn prepare` fails with `/bin/sh: npm-run-all: not found`, even though `npm-run-all` is a devDependency. I am using nix-npm-buildpackage. Anyone have any idea why it seems to be unable to find something clearly listed as a dependency?
<parsnip> i noticed that was like an open issue or something, but i guess it's just nice to have as much learning curve softened as there is.
<hodapp> err, if I enable the syncthing service, shouldn't I be seeing something on port 8384?


<pie_> gchristensen, why not - actually its a string, i kind of just made up that maybe that will make it get imported or something :p
<pie_> or something like that
<AlexRice[m]> I might be missing something here but what should be the intended behaviour when an item in `buildInputs` is wrapped in a singleton list i.e. `buildInputs = [ [a] b c ]`, I've tried a bit of testing and it sometimes seems to work with the singleton list and sometimes doesn't
<pie_> sphalerite, Im actually trying to run UniExtract2 but youre probably right that I should look for something that will just work on linux native
<pie_> sphalerite, i was actually thinking of screen recording or something
<pie_> this is something im not actually clear on, does disabling the sandbox mean the build process has access to the rest of your system?
<pie_> clever, can I get something to connect to the x server if I dont build it in a sandbox?
<pie_> put me in the "something is wrong with nixpkgs" mode
<samueldr> something relative to ~ in the stack?
<pie_> i need to test something with the sandbox off so i cd to a random temp directory and set my HOME, now im running into stuff like