
<Ralith> because on a reliable filesystem it does not confre a meaningful benefit, and you will almost inevitably find you have allocated too little space for something and be in a world of pain


<bsima> selfsymmetric-mu: oh i see, yeah you'll have to write a nix expression for it. Using something like 'buildPythonPackage'
<cizra> Hello! How can I inject an environment variable to games launched via Steam? I think something unsets $LOCALE_ARCHIVE and so some programs can't find my en_US.UTF-8 locale, falling back to C.
<wildtrees> oh something about priorities
<blackriversoftwa> is there a way to add a gc root for something already built/realised?
<yorick> is there a way I can remove something from environent.systemPackages?
<infinisil> I wonder if allowing something like that, but only allow executing SafeHaskell with a function that can only have limited side effects
<nefix> I've found this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/20274, but I'm not sure if it was deleted or something like this
<mkaito> can I write a nixos test script that verifies that removing an option from the node config removes something from the resulting node?
<teto> domenkozar[m]: keep it up, looks really great, already using cachix (mostly for fun) but Hercule sounds like something I would install as part of the workflow
<das_j> Is it possible to do something like mkBefore for preStart in systemd services?
<gchristensen> I'll play with Xpra or something and get nm-applet in there :)
<day|flip> so something like mpd can be grab from nix and work on mac?
<day|flip> samueldr: something like this. but 2nd options since it downlaod a tar.gz https://functor.tokyo/blog/2018-02-18-install-packages-from-nixos-unstable
<samueldr> it will stay 5.2.2 since it was the version in nixpkgs when 19.03 was cut. now, for using virtualbox from unstable on your system, not sure if it's something that can be as simple as using overlays; I think there were major changes with 6.x
<tA-> sorta noobish question, but with the src = fetchFromGithub stuff, can I do something like, `src = (fetchFromGithub { blah blah })/path/to/subfolder` ?
<exarkun> nefix: it might be something easy like "if start == end then [ ] else lib.range start end"
<tA-> howdy, i have a vim plugin thats not in the repo, is there something i can read about getting it set up with nix?
<exarkun> monokrome: I just closed the lid and nothing happened. So I guess there's something going on there. :)
<exarkun> I wonder if I have to refresh its config or something


<monokrome> hmm... Does anyone know if TLP allows me to execute a script if I detach monitors? or if there is something meant for that
<samueldr> if you are building its configuration with something that ends up passing through nix, you could embed its store path in the configuration
<fresheyeball> something like that should do it for you
<eacameron> Does merging only work when the module is actually imported from a file or something?
<aveltras> aswanson: the config is pretty barebone, do you see something lacking here ?
<sauyon> I think there was old issue saying something like that yeah
<sauyon> hey that's something at least :)
<pie_> hmm something suggests it might be covere dby whatever gutenprint-ppd is
<Netsu> infinisil: maybe it would work, if I do something like: `args@{ newFlag ? true, ... }: pkg.override { inherit (args) ... }`
<infinisil> Netsu: I think maybe something like `self: super: { pkg = { newFlag ? true; }: super.pkg.overrideAttrs (drv: { drv.configureFlags ++ super.lib.optional newFlag "--new-flag"; }); }`


<Netsu> something like that
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Netsu> is there something like builtins.functionArgs but for derivation?
<LnL> eraserhd: yeah, just finishing something else first
<ejpcmac> I had to reboot harshly my computer several times before, in fact, due to ACPI issues on my new laptop (solved since changing something in the BIOS) But the pool seemed OK.
<lordcirth> ejpcmac, did you set sync=disabled or something?
<srhb> nahamu: You can try something like.. nix-store -qR --include-outputs $(nix-instantiate shell.nix)
<kraem> (i'm asking because it seems like it has something to do with nixos not following FHS)
<exarkun> monotux: So that gets you a python environment with everything in it that you need, I expect? now write an expression that imports that and writes a systemd unit with all of the right pieces and when you get to "run the command", you do something like "${name-you-bound-the-import-to}/bin/yourprogram ..."
<monotux> and the python script is one file that can live anywhere. what I don't understand is how to move from here to where I want to be, without having to upload my script to pypi or something
<monotux> the shell.nis is literally "with import <nixpkgs> {}; \n (python37.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ requests feedgen ])).env" and I just want to create something that runs a python script (the script has these dependencies) every hour or so
<abbec> my override also installed something called weechat-bin-env
<das_j> Ah, other topic. Has anyone managed to use variables in <>? Something like <nixpkgs-${version}>
<azazel> is there a way to install a webhook to get notified when nixos channels advance? Maybe using something available on github ?
<zacts> is nix-build an alias for `nix build` or something?


<OmnipotentEntity> clever, I have a somewhat stupid question. It looks like something was pushed back in October specifically to prevent the .so files in this package from being patched using patchelf.
<clever> so you can then use them in something, like buildInputs
<gchristensen> the nixos.wiki might have something this though
<simpson> lpil: Note that CI != CD. There are things like Hydra or Cachix which might form part of a CI solution, but figuring out (continuous) deployment is something else entirely.
<vruh> hello, i need help i just installed nixos with xfce and i'm trying to mount nextcloud webdav and i've enabled davfs services and install davfs2 i can mount davs to local folder via terminal but not in thunar i can't access davs location in it, is there something i'm missing? thanks
<laalf> fhsenv of flatpak or something
<clever> laalf: it was something like the configure hooks creating $out/share or something and adding it to a search path
<immae> If you’re sure it’s only one level (lib/oneSubFolder/foo.h) then you can find something with dirname and such
<ldlework> What is the general strategy in having two versions of something installed? I'd like to have the dotnet 2.2 and dotnet 3.0 previews installed at the sametime but nix complains about collisions
<yorick> m1cr0man: vault does something similar, we made https://github.com/serokell/nix-npm-buildpackage for that
<day|flip> bash is ok for most user that don't care to move or try something different for the heck of it
<switchy> can I make nix-shell find derivations in my local ~/nixpkgs? something like `nix-env -f.'
<infinisil> I thought it was something C++, but not sure
<arcnmx> given a .drvPath is there a builtin or some way to parse that in a nix expression? something kind of like nix-store --query but without needing to call out to a process
<clever> jonreeve[m]: you probably want to store the result of fetchzip in a variable in a let block `let foo = fetchzip {...}; in ..`, then create a systemd service to load the data, `script = ''do-something-with ${foo}'';`
<clever> jonreeve[m]: the default unpackPhase will untar it for you, so just src src= on something and you can then use it
<jonreeve[m]> clever: Hm I must be doing something wrong: https://gist.github.com/JonathanReeve/0a1818713e98a3b63e128ce7b8a0c342
<{^_^}> jonreeve[m]: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`


<clever> ___laika: `nix-shell shell.nix` will give a shell suitable for building something, based on the inputs in shell.nix
<arcnmx> a question about nixops: is there any way to customize deployments, like have custom resource plugins/scripts without needing to fork nixops or something?
<OmnipotentEntity> Might be something from the server console rather than the channel.
<ar> hm. i have a problem with setting mac address of one of the interfaces to a specific value. the configuration.nix looks like this: http://dpaste.com/02CR5A6.txt , interfaces eno1 and eth1 do exist (i'm not sure why's eth1 named "eth1" and not something else conforming to "predictable" interface names but w/e); network-addresses-eth1.service (which would launch a script that would set the mac address) fails
<mog> no im sure im just doing something wrong or the pypi is missing something
<thefloweringash> turbo_MaCk: if you can't rebuild, something like `sudo cp --remove-destination $(readlink -f /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf) /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf` will make the config file editable, and then you can add the `rc-manager = resolvconf` to the `[main]` section with a regular editor
<thefloweringash> if you can rebuild at all, you can set the rc-manager explicitly with something like https://bitbucket.org/thefloweringash/lorne-nix/src/7b2ac7e44af60bfe6f25d1373a4f01ec9ec31428/modules/network.nix#lines-22:24
<ggpeti> hiya, just stumbled upon something


<simon_weber> is it possible to install nixos onto an openvz vps if the provider doesn't explicitly support it? my understanding is that it's not (since the guests are sharing the host kernel), but I wanted to check if I'm missing something
<dmj`> aminechikhaoui: think I found something
<Thra11> nixos, single-user: /etc/nix/nix.conf is a symlink to a read-only file in the nix store. I assume I can change its contents by setting something in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, but I can't find any documentation on what to set...
<gchristensen> iirc there were changes at like, the routing table or something
<DigitalKiwi> has anyone gotten baloo to work? i had to disable it because it'd go to like huge ram/cpu usage and not index anything like it gets stuck or something
<Henson> bgamari: what I've done in the past is something like: "nix-env -qa -P --out-path --description" which generates a list of all the packages, their path in nixpkgs, their attribute name, and their description
<Notkea[m]> I'm not sure whether I missed something… I'm simply setting some keys in my module, setting some other nested keys elsewhere, and the rest of the attribute set seems to be forgotten when serialised using toJSON
<gchristensen> Netsu: I'll say it again, I don't know what you're doing, but I think what you're doing is not a good thing. you're hitting edge case after edge case, which should be a hint that you're using Nix for something it isn't designed.
<CMCDragonkai> cabal2nix generates from a cabal file containing `filesystem-trees`, that dependency has a constraint on `directory >=1.1 && <1.3`, so the generated cabal.nix has `directory`, that itself cannot be fulfilled because `haskellPackages.directory` is null, but if I override it, I can state something like `{ directory = haskellPackages.directory_X_Y_Z_A; }`
<teto> clever: thanks. I had tried something similar in the past, but I retried with a more minimal example and it worked. I will progress from there thanks !
<pie_> well...i made something weird. if i build cran.curl then it works, if i build something that depends on it then it doesnt.
<pie_> i.e. maybe i can see the spawned curl or something
<clever> pie_: is there a captive portal forcing you to login on something?
<pie_> does fetchurl not handle ? parameters or something


<clever> iqubic: the order is right, but zfs is calling sda5 something else
<iqubic> Well, something isn't right here.
<pie_> nix store optimise or something
<manveru> ___laika: the json is useful if you're using it with other tools as well, or generate it via CI or something
<Henson> clever: say I want to do something like buildEnv {name = "test"; paths = [$out foo bar];}
<LnL> yeah, with zfs you'll have to delete something first if you didn't set quota
<clever> Netsu: let me double-check something...
<deech> Hi, is it possible to write scripts in something other than Bash or does that invalidate all existing infrastructure wrt buildInputs etc?
<michaelpj> what's the general approach for packages with optional unfree dependencies? do something like have them nulled out by default so they can be overridden if someone wants the unfree version? gate on `config.allowUnfree`?
<manveru> yeah, in theory cmake should take something like -DPython3_ROOT_DIR but i'm not sure which magic invocation can make this work otherwise
<tdeo> so `environment.etc."...".source="${pkgs.buildEnv {name="something";ignoreCollisions=true;paths=[packages.zfsUser, <write the second file here>]}}/etc/zfs/zed.d";
<allenj12> so if I see something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/desktops/xfce/art/xfwm4-themes.nix how can I figure out how to configure it?


<Thra11> infinisil: what if I've just got something like the linux-hardkernel-4.14.nix in nixpkgs, but I want to add `hello` to its `nativeBuildInputs`?
<Thra11> If I'm writing a simple custom linux kernel derivation, can I refer to the original `nativeBuildInputs` so that I can append something to the list instead of repeating all the members?
<Ankhers> stites: Not quite. I'm thinking about whether or not I should generate one large file like that for Erlang, or if I should just have each project download directly from hex.pm. I'm hoping someone knows the tradeoffs for something like this.
<Ankhers> Does anyone know how frequently hackage2nix gets run, and how it gets run (does someone do it manually, does Nix have some way of running these things automatically, something else)?
<alexarice[m]> matt`: If they are in a seperate file you can do something like ``` let overlay1 = import /path/to/overlay.nix; in { nixpkgs.overlays = [ overlay1 ]; ... rest of config ... }
<matt`> hey all. i'm just getting started using nixos and i'm having trouble figuring out how to use overlays. i've got an overlay defined in a ./overlays subdir (i've split them up by package). how do i get configuration.nix to use overlays when they're available? normally, previusly I've been using something like this: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ... ];. How do I get pkgs to refer to all nixpkgs with overlays applied? thanks!
<growpotkin> clever: we are copying over our SQL database and it needs to be write able. I am sneaking it into the build through a derivation, and trying to copy it out and dump it into a read/write area like `/usr/mydb.sqlite3` or something
<stites> maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't select the NixOS configuration in grub?
<laalf> something like an import or similiar to use git/fetchtarball with nixos install would be neat
<timokau[m]> nix-build hangs for me when I try to build something offline. Is that normal? I think I have done offline builds before, but I'm not entirely sure
<Henson> how can I do something like this: let overlay = import (./overlay.nix) {}; in import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [overlay]; } when I try to do this I get the error "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set". But if instead of importing overlay.nix I assign the contents to the overlay variable, then it works.
<tput> I just setup distributed builds for myself following the wiki. If a distributed build ever fails for any reason I get a "broken pipe" error. Is this the current state of error messages for distributed builds, or is there something off with my configuration?
<minall> Is something else that is missing, or something I have to add?
<Freneticks> I'm looking for something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/myuser/..../ffmpeg
<stites> blackriversoftwa I think you might also be able to do something like "How to keep build-time dependencies around / be able to rebuild while being offline?" from the FAQ
<srhb> Or something like that.
<lordcirth> Yeah, maybe NixOS does something different. Haven't done much with GUI in NixOS yet.
<infinisil> Ah now with --raw, nice, learned something too
<gchristensen> exarkun: to help you argue a stronger case, try tweaking your thinking. they _don't_ want unpredictable behavior across systems. they do want predictability. so, it is something else here at fault
<etu> or something more creative
<gchristensen> in an overlay, something like linux_5_1.overrideAttrs (x: { src = your-custom-source; })
<fanell12> but I have no clue how to install something that is just a library that gets used by something else (kwin)
<oldandwise> just curious, nix has map,filter but i cannot find reduce (fold) function? Am i missing something? Does it exists somewhere?
<allenj12> I did not really ftry tbh, seemed somewhat of a pain... when I ran nixos-rebuild switch it complained about the lack of config file which I thought was silly to for something like nix


<pie__> does nix-hash automatically put something in the store?
<Henson> I just discovered something interesting. I'm trying to use a library from a really old nixpkgs commit, and it depends on the "curl" program. However this derivation is so old that the URL to download the curl source no longer exists. Does that mean it's impossible to use these derivations? You can't fake out a derivation that can no longer be built, and any change to the old curl derivation...
<Henson> hi everyone, I'm trying to run a nix-shell with a the old gcc49 compiler. However when I run nix shell, even with something like "nix-shell --pure -p which" it ends up putting a bunch of things in the environment, include gcc version 7 which I don't want. I thought --pure was supposed to be a clean environment with nothing. How can I get adjust this behaviour?
<samueldr> but I used something like that in the past to get fonts working in a pure shell for a process that needed them
<clever> m1cr0man: you probably want qemu.overrideAttrs (old: { src = something; })
<clever> arianvp: i just confirmed something interesting with oauth2_proxy
<clever> pie__: ive got a few something attrs, but no something.nix!
<LnL> clever: is there something like <<-'EOF' in perl?
<day|flip> i don't think it that big of deal. thanks for journalctl. if i need to see if something going bad.
<adamantium> Hey guys -- did emacs for nix break today or does this just mean that elpa is down or something? http://ix.io/1Ntz
<joehh> also biggest difference between what you have and what I have is you appear to be defining a module (something I have no experience with)


<steve-chavez> symphorien: Is it possible to do something like `locate bin tar` locally?
<steve-chavez> Something like ${pkgs.awscli}/bin/aws does work.
<samueldr> something like "update the bootloader config only once the new generation has been booted", or something like that?
<noonien> i'm trying to debug something that's getting a segfault with gdb in nixos, i run the executable (which is not wrapped), and i get the sigsegv, but in a shell file, more specifically, in https://github.com/chisui/zsh-nix-shell/blob/master/scripts/buildShellShim.zsh#L10
<eraserhd> AFAICT, $NIX_LDFLAGS doesn't contain -F options with paths for Mac frameworks, even when they are build inputs. Is there another variable to use or something?
<ivan> jabranham: maybe needs firmware blob? more volts from motherboard? doing something really odd with your gpu / tainted modules?
<srhb> noonien: I think you want to set NIX_DEBUG to something, but I forget what..
<arcnmx> hm... if a library has a nonstandard include path and requires pkg-config or something, is there some helper or setup hook or something that just does NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE=$(pkg-config --cflags libs) or similar or should a derivation just NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="${dep}/include/dep" or what's the best way to deal with that?
<karetsu> hyper_ch: do you want it to write $xxx into the config file or do you want to get something from the .nix file?
<srhb> dermetfan: Without sandbox, yes. But if all you need to do is fetch something, perhaps you can keep it pure by making it a fixed output derivation.
<srhb> davidtwco: Oh oops, forgot something. You need to specify an arch too or it'll try to build for every system. ❯ nix-build nixos/release.nix -A tests.openssh --arg supportedSystems '[ "x86_64-linux" ]'
<srhb> karetsu: I'm guessing you do something like src = ./. ?
<srhb> Fellowes: Were you going to include a link or something? :)
<Yaniel> is something up with the steam setup?
<nh2> immae: just try it again with setting it to something short and see if it re-fetches :D
<jomik> Trying to package nativescript sidekick for NixOS.. It is saying that it can not find libX11-xcb.so.1, but I did add it to the rpath of the executable. So I am guessing maybe it is a library or something trying to use it. How can I trace the cause of this error? I can't remember the command :
<philipp[m]> nefix: When did you update your channel the last time? The fact alone that nix compiles qt base makes me think that there is something wrong.
<Gopal[m]> something is up with my copy paste lol
<ottidmes> could it be something caused by ZFS?
<ottidmes> I am getting Warning: something's wrong at /nix/store/hc2vlb0vq5b197ycjxw7zjac2410p5xd-setup-etc.pl line 110 (and line 113, 114, and 115) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/842f2c9cb5710c236fa560f8cfea26c65a003b67/nixos/modules/system/etc/setup-etc.pl#L110-L115 for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key (I set services.openssh.hostKeys = []; and explicitly set my own host keys via extraConfig and environment.etc)
<ocharles> Something that still needs dynamcially linked glibc is fine
<teto> also I wonder if the kernel crashed is "normal" (a qemu fault) or something else. The stack trace links it to memory https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DxPyDdr3wg/
<pie_> something that would be nice is if you failed to unmount something it would tell you what still has the filesystem open
<clever> Moredread[m]: i usually unpack the tar, copy the entire dir to something-orig, edit one copy, then `diff -ru something-orig something > foo.patch`
<growpotkin> cbarrett: do you mean to say that we have something on NixOS that does not require some bizarre wrapper and a 5 page Manual entry? lol


<fmsbeekmans> d638c/nixos/modules/services/x11/hardware/libinput.nix#L226. Am I missing a step or am I doing something wrong?
<simukis__> iwlwifi is pretty standard and known working driver. there is something funky going on.
<Thra11> Hmmm. Seem to have got something which works by copying the cpu-cgroup-v2/default.nix and removing bits of it
<Thra11> cpu-cgroup-v2 does something with a directory full of patches, but it'
<alexarice[m]> asymmetric: I'm sure I saw something where someone didn't use channels and manually set their NIX_PATH in their configuration
<benhart> lassulus - I'll install something on the box so I can put something on pastebin
<clever> asymmetric: channels are configured via /root/.nix-channels, and something else, one min
<WilliamHamilton> well, I used `super.pkgs`, and at least it's doing something different
<WilliamHamilton> I was at "nevermind, let me try something"
<yorick> never mind, let me try something
<simukis__> is binutils not overridable? I tried something like https://gist.github.com/nagisa/d968bbef17acd9afd1bf83ab6a683cf5 but it still ends up using the original binutils. If I ask for `pkgs.binutils-unwrapped` only then it builds the new binutils.
<WilliamHamilton> yorick so is something like `~/code/go` good for my GOPATH? Should I set it once I enter the `nix-shell -p go`?
<selfsymmetric-mu> clever: I don't know how to load a custom nixpkgs either. I found something online but it was like twelve pages and complicated.


<noudle> is the hdd to slow to react or something? if so, can i set a waittime somewhere?
<pie_> just got an idea though for something i want to try later
<pie_> and then when you add things to your systemPackages you can do something like [ stable.aprogram ] +++ [ unstable.anotherprogram ]
<pie_> baum, hmph. i cant think of how to find an existing example offhand. you can do something like: stable = import <nixpkgs> {}; unstable = import <unstable> {}; where the things in <> are IIRC channel names
<pie_> baum, no, nixos.wiki, but i wouldnt be totally surprised if the manual had something, i find it unlikely for this though
<alexarice[m]> WilliamHamilton7: I just know that my wifi drops whenever I rebuild, has something to do with resolvconf, the only fix I know is reconnecting like you said
<WilliamHamilton7> alexarice[m] I don't think I am, but that's something to watch for, thanks!
<WilliamHamilton3> mention something about libraries, but nothing nixos specific
<lordcirth_> Do I need to do something special to set the root password, or should setting users.users.root.hashedPassword work?
<kyren> eh, I can just make a placeholder module with type `types.enum [ "DEPRECATED" ]` or something


<aminechikhaoui> So taking the output of something produced by an eval of a machine config and using that in a resource such as security groups won't work as far as I know
<tokudan> hyper_ch, I'm wondering if it exists, before I write something like that myself
<pie_> oh cool i didnt know nix-build will build a {}: { something = whatever; }
<pie_> is there any way to do unsafegetattrpos on something i dont have the parent of?
<ivan> ah maybe something else went wrong then
<turion> infinisil: Those examples use NIX_CC or something like ${pkgsi686Linux.glibc}, which I suppose is replaced by the store path by nix
<infinisil> That will never work however long you use nixos, it's just not something you can expect on nixos
<turion> manveru: Even getting started to write a proper derivation for something like this is still so hard
<makefu> clever: yep, something like this
<clever> makefu: thinking of something like this?
<clever> i could rent a machine from something like packet.net, write some malware to all the pci devices, then cancel the machine
<clever> Miyu-chan: thats something entirely different, and not really in the scope of iommu
<clever> so the pcie device must ask the cpu to fetch something from ram (but it still bypasses the opcode execution system)
<clever> something else interesting i saw in a recent-ish thing about a new cpu, is that the cpu itself had 128 pcie lanes on the socket
<Miyu-chan> Also. I've been meaning to report something, and since we're talking about NVida(why is it always NVidia), I guess this is the time.
<samueldr> last I heard end of september start of october or something around there
<samueldr> (source files are cached, but that's not something that matters here)
<samueldr> could it happen that something writes opcodes for armv7 while tagging the elf armv6?


<clever> overrideScope' and extend both take an overlay, and apply it to something
<pie_> wait that sounds wrong...let cant exactly know ahead of time either if something exists.
<pie_> clever, the error mutation stuff might have been something i complained about at some point. that was probably when i learned let is scoped differently
<pie_> meh. not doing that probably conflicts with something else though
<filedesless> I wanted to try something like offlineimap or similar to sync my mails
<pie_> gchristensen, i forgot to say, maybe one could label said categort or errors with like "store error:" or something, so its not just periodic whack a mole when someone is bothered :p
<vika> aveltras: it will be (builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/kisik21/nixos-config/archives/master.tar.gz") or something like this
<Drakonis> he means something like setting up the configuration files for nginx without configuration.nix?
<infinisil> Yeah something like that sounds good
<infinisil> Dotfiles something
<pie_> obviously im misunderstanding something here
<aanderse> who knows golang, is bored, and looking for something to hack on? any takers?
<gchristensen> the file is a nix expression, which is typically a function. I don't want to call the function, but I want to be certain that if something were to try to call the function , it would at least be syntactically correct
<simpson> kisik21: Yes, yes, no. If you build something that's based largely on nixpkgs, then it largely won't count against your quota.
<Ralith> I'm not an expert, but there must be some shell script or something buildFHSUserEnv spits out that enters the environment
<nh2> something is very wrong with the nixops manual: https://nixos.org/nixops/manual/#idm140737320549360
<ambro718> If I just put it into share/icons/, then something in buildEnv breaks it by making a share/icon/icon-name.png directory which is empty\
<etu> jfmartin: Something I think you can do is to create symlinks in .local/share/applications/ that point at the .desktop symlink for the application in .nix-profile/share/applications/
<asheshambasta> dminuoso: thanks; in the man-page then its a matter of looking for something like ssh-agent (which is absent), right?


<immae> karetsu: what do you mean by "added into your shell"? Are you expecting something in the shell paths? If so, does behave have a bin subdirectory?
<xok> manveru: I got something new: This account is currently not available...
<manveru> something like `sftp -vvvvvv user@host` should give you plenty of info
<{^_^}> noonien: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<noonien> i'm trying to package something, i've got an initial default.nix, what would be the easiest way of building it to see that it works?
<kisik21> First of all, I want to get all this container architecture, I want to see how it works and what it can provide. Maybe I should read something basic first
<eddyb> qyliss: blergh, it would trigger a rebuild. yorick said something about a different PR this could maybe be bundled with
<eddyb> I thought I needed to use the former for something used by the build process itself but now I'm not as sure
<arianvp> but still, this is not something I am touching
<arianvp> oh wait it isn't something with perl-packages ?
<boogiewoogie> hey, I'm trying to create an expression for https://github.com/okonek/tidal-cli-client. I don't know npm so for now my attempt was `npm2nix package.json`. gives me the error `Error during fetch: Error getting registry info for fs-extra: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate` though, so I'm probably doing something wrong. anyone got an idea?


<yurb> It's a bit annoying that nix-env -u is always failing due to a package that won't update (because of #60845). Is it possible to add an exclude pattern to a configuration file or something like that?
<srhb> furrycatherder: ru-oh! Overlaying something?
<simpson> srhb: I wonder about this. If my inputs were in JSON, and my outputs were in JSON, I'd be hard-pressed to prefer Nix or Dhall or similar over something bespoke like jq.
<aveltras> devalot: something like this https://gist.github.com/drmalex07/d006f12914b21198ee43 where the shell scripts run the migrations then, is it so ?
<srhb> I wonder, did we recently do something to sort those
<elux> yea, something like https://github.com/pressly/sup + calling nixos-rebuild
<slabity> I deployed a system with NixOps as an EC2 instance, but it doesn't seem to have the correct information in my `configuration.nix`. It only has `ec2.hvm = true` - Is there something else that needs to be done to get this working?
<elux> is there something wrong with qtbase-5.12.0 ?
<Neo--> i did do a bunch of manipulation with various tools, probably something screwed it up
<sphalerite> or just… something that's not a
<adisbladis> pepegar: If you are running something like gnome-keyring in your session you'll get that
<pepegar> Hi! I'm using gnupg agent in Nixos for handling all my gpg & ssh keys, but I have a question, is there a way to store password for keys in a keyring or something like that? do you have an alternative solution for that?
<gyroninja___> Do I need to do something manually to fix this, or will it be resolved the next time I restart
<mla> is there something i can throw in my configuration.nix to automatically run a command on boot, e.g. i want to change the permissions of a /sys/ filesystem device to be my user; like chown -R myuser /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness


<samueldr> hm, couldn't say if it is because of u-boot failing, or something else, did you have output on screen from u-boot?
<noudle> or something went wrong while flashing
<ris> well that's something... i didn't know about
<monokrome> before I installed Linux, Windows seemed to run both monitors at full resolution fine - but maybe that's just something Windows does
<hyper_ch> I just encrypt everything - that way I won't accidentally forget to encrypt something important
<eraserhd> If I have a PR languishing, and the maintainer of the package isn't reviewing it, can I take on maintaining the package? Is there something else I should do?
<noudle> there is something like alsactl restore 0 failed with exit code 99, then somewhere later pluseaudio: no object for name alsa_output.pci....
<Yaniel> probably something related to alsa, pulseaudio or tor
<Henson> simpson: what path would you take if you wanted to expose Apache or Postfix or something like that to the Internet?
<Henson> simpson: I like apparmor because it supplements Linux's access control mechanisms something more fine-grained, and Apache's mod_apparmor allows them to be applied on a virtualhost basis.
<Henson> has anybody here used NixOS to provide secure services to the internet? I usually use apparmor, but it looks like NixOS's support for apparmor isn't quite there yet. I'm wondering if there are other mechanisms similar to AppArmor or containerization or something that provides similar security but works well in NixOS.


<rfold> It'd be nice to have something like command-not-found but for man pages, to print which package to install
<clever> mog: it might also need something like -std=c++11 to enable c++11
<ottidmes> I do both, set nixos-config in NIX_PATH via nixPath and make /etc/nixos/configuration.nix a symlink to that file as well, unnecessary, but in the case something still assumes /etc/nixos/configuration.nix I am not in for a surprise. Have done this for years now, never had a problem
<sphalerite> asheshambasta: yeah, you can do that. Or put a symlink to something in your home at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<chrisaw> Can I do something like: pkgs.python-with-pkgs = pkgs.python-packages: with pkgs.python-packages; [ pkgs.boto ]; (for example)?


<infinisil> I usually like to use something like `substituteInPlace Makefile --replace /usr/local/bin ${placeholder "out"}/bin`
<zachk> do I need to modify the #! shebang for bash scripts from /bin/bash to something else, or does that work just fine on nixos?
<Guest20> Is it possible to have something like an "inline module" with nixos? So I can set options multiple times in the same file and they get merged by the module system.
<sgflt> on another note: how can i disable suspend completely? i've tried powermanagement.enable = false;, however something still suspends my machine (which causes it to kernel panic and freeze)
<balder11> Is dropbox using firefox-bin or something?
<tokudan> how are you trying to install something?
<chrisaw> Follow-up question - does anyone know why super.fetchPypi isn't working? Is it super.python.fetchPypi or something similar?
<tilpner> Something is wrong about your /nix/store
<lurpahi> Something known to be more reliable/compatible.
<infinisil> day|flip: But you can also add something to PATH with environment.variables.PATH = [ "/foo/bar" ]


<lurpahi> … unless something like that.
<jtojnar> lurpahi: another idea is using something different than cpio
<lurpahi> That doesn't sound like something I have the knowledge to do.
<elvishjerricco> Blessjah: Path literal syntax makes something that will copy the path to the store if ever interpolated into a string. So a string literal instead of a path literal won’t cause it to copy. i.e. “/foo” is different than “${/foo}”
<pbb> is it something that can not be built from source?
<erasmas> I'm probably missing something but I don't see how to use buildEnv or writeText for that
<lassulus> elux: you can try something like this: http://p.krebsco.de/0br2d4d
<elux> like if i run some nix-shell thing, and everything in there uses the same linker or something?
<bbarker> I just added something to my system.activationScripts which doesn't seem to be working, even after rebuilding and rebooting the system; is there a way to inspect the generated script, or force it to be run?
<pie_> maybe can be added to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Storage_optimization or something, couldnt think of any good google searches offhand
<pie_> __monty__, idk off the top of my head but nix-store --query should have something
<infinisil> Well you can just set boot.kernelPackages to something like `(import <unstable> {}).linuxPackages`
<lurpahi> Is that something I'd have to fix in the source?
<lurpahi> Something I'm trying to get to work seems to want to do file permission things Nix doesn't want it to do. It's using an odd format for the source archive—".cpio.7z"—and I'm getting a "cpio: …: Cannot change mode to rwxrwsrwx: Operation not permitted" from a nix-build on it.
<etu> rnhmjoj: I mostly enable Bluetooth to use headphones. Getting 200MiB additional cruft that doesn't do anything with headphones is something I wouldn't see necessary.


<MichaelRaskin> The bots form a queue, and the n-th bot reacts if something is left unhandled in 3n seconds
<jbaum98> clever: so it's probably something wrong with my setup
<romildo> If they were not optional, I would change it to something like ${gnome3.gnome-terminal}/bin/gnome-terminal. But that would mandate a dependency on gnome3.gnome-terminal.
<infinisil> Something like `strace -f -e trace=file -o trace.log cabal ...`
<mpickering> This takes <1 minute locally. Does docker make file system access much more expensive or something?
<adfaure> __monty__: Ok, thank you. So in short, a derivation is a build process for something, could be a package, a set of packages, a file etc
<xok> I've got something like this: 98 enableACME = ${cfg.enableSSL};
<kisik21> Suggestions to replace gradle with something else are accepted too :3
<wucke13> When running a build command in a nix-shell, the compiler fails with "impure path `/home/wucke13/... used in link". I guess, the nix-shell is setting something, which alters the compilers behaviour. What could it be?
<simpson> yili: For what purpose? Usually I need something password-like, so I'd reach for something like apg.
<Shados> clever: ...so slack has a leak? Or something that shouldn't be a leak, but effectively is because chrome doesn't reclaim that memory until something like a page change?
<Shados> ashkitten: compression=lz4, xattr=sa, acltype=posixacl, optionally atime=off (or relatime=on otherwise). Build the pool, then use fio to benchmark various use-cases. Then repeat that for a whole range of ashift and recordsize values, analyse the results, and pick something that fits your workload :p. The reported physical sector size usually corresponds to the best ashift, but not always. Especially on flash devices.
<clever> ashkitten: what i typically do, is something like 1.5gig of swap + 500mb of /boot, on one disk