
<aanderse> well it's something you need to setup before you install the os so part of it is gonna be manual
<kisik21> That would make a good wiki article because it's useful for something like Qubes-like system
<adisbladis> <adisbladis> yip: You could use something like this: let sources = (import <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/kde/srcs.nix> { inherit fetchurl; mirror = "mirror://kde"; }).umbrello; in kdeApplications.callPackage /path/to/drv { }
<yip> slabity: I want to *add* something like kruler.
<___laika> its something with pastel's build
<yip> Deprecating something as a project while it's still in use in the master branch seems weird.
<yip> I'd expect something like a comment there saying what it is doing there and why.
<adisbladis> yip: You could use something like this: let sources = (import <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/kde/srcs.nix> { inherit fetchurl; mirror = "mirror://kde"; }).umbrello; in kdeApplications.callPackage /path/to/drv { }
<yip> andi-: improving something I don't understand, doesn't work.
<maralorn> Perhaps gzip or something?
<maralorn> the command works outside of the systemd-unit. So it’s probably something in the path missing … But what could it be?
<maralorn> Obviously something is missing in my environment. But what? exec is a shell built-in.
<wildtrees> I think it mentioned something a bit about disk during system boot :(
<tilpner> But we don't know that something is eating cycles. User-facing slowness might also be swapping, bad disk, etc.
<kreetx> dear channel, I'm trying to use nixops to deploy a haskell binary dependent on a number of local pacakges. Am on macos and have a nixos build slave inside a dacker and a digital ocean droplet to deploy to. I've figured out how to use the local overlay to have my local packages visible. But something goes wrong in the build process, but the console output gives no meaningful hints, just a "broken pipe" and
<martijnb> When I try to build something (specifically https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler), I get:
<samueldr> marek: the other half of that answer is "unless you execute something from that built derivation after the build and then the world's your oyster"
* infinisil searches for an issue for something like that
<edef> noonien: you can patchelf outside binaries, or run in something like the Steam FHS env
<cinimod> I have something else which works but I can try that in a few moments
<ptotter[m]> gitlab, gitea, or something similar is probably easy to set up, but there's some work to maintain
<rnhmjoj> there could be a fundraising or something if money is the problem. i, for one, would very happily contribute
<Hail_Spacecake> ah so this is just something not supported at the moment


<slabity> Updated my system today and now thunderbird won't start and firefox won't allow uploading files. Libreoffice is failing too. Did something major change in unstable/master?
<exarkun> Should I expect a system crash, network interruption, or other local problems to result in corrupted (eg partially written) /nix/store contents? Or is this something particularly weird to encounter?
<runciter> if something i've installed from the binary caches fails because it can't find a library, does that mean the binary is broken?
<matthuszagh> ajs124: i've got something for vivado but i'm not sure it'll work.. would you mind sending me what you have? shame about hw_server... have you figured any workarounds, or for the time being you can only program the fpga from a different distro?
<clever> matthuszagh: yeah, src = pkgs.requireFile { name = "something"; sha256 = "something"; }
<Orbstheorem> I think one could script something that scans nixpkgs top-level and recursively queries the cache on anything not on top level to calculate its size
<pie_> as opposed to, well, maybe something is broken now
<pie_> or something
<clever> dminuoso: i think the 2nd argument there, is the path to the binary, so that would be something under dist/, and you may need to re-run source repeatedly
<clever> dminuoso: at least when using bash, you can run something like this: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/blob/test-macs/shell.nix#L36-L45
<evanjs> Not sure if related to home-manager (ping @rycee) or what, but does anybody have an idea as to why oh-my-zsh (without any plugins, even), which is currently installed via home-manager, breaks nixos-* command completion? Instead, it just lists the current directory on TAB as if I was using ls or something. My current workaround --
<pie_> elvishjerricco: do you think we could get some sort of warning added to config generation that warns if cryptodisk is enabled for an old luks or something
<pie_> elvishjerricco: alternatively, we arent accidentally using luks2 or something? (did you also rebuild the luks partition?)
<no-n> Not sure if I've found a bug, or done something wrong. setprotoent manpage says
<manveru> so you have to tell them to use NIX_PATH alongside or something
<christiaanb> but yeah... it seems to be something with my env
<manveru> domenkozar[m]: no worries, i signed up with another address again just in case it got lost in spam or something
<srhb> niso: It has the feel of something that was initially intended to be multi tenant somehow. But ultimately, I don't know. :)
<srhb> I do something like place a gc root for each branch, periodically delete everything but the ten latest..


<mightybyte> How can I find why something isn't cached? I'm seeing something get built that I know is in the cache.
<clever> andrewrk: at one point, the rogue came was also on one of the TTY's, so you had something to do while it installed
<pie_> and stick something on several github issue trackers ;_;
<pie_> elvishjerricco: well so there was something to the hunch of external state given that the various nixpkgs versisns didnt change a damn thing
<elvishjerricco> I have a feeling something about a pool made with ZFS 0.8 causes grub to fail to realize the pool is on LUKS, unlike a pool made with 0.7
<pie_> iqubic: cups has a "print test page" button somewhere. or you can just print something.
<elvishjerricco> pie_: FWIW, something weird just happened. I told you I got unstable working. But then I started a brand new VM, did the exact same steps, and got your error again.
<samueldr> you'll have to set it to something, starting soon
<niso> nixnothing: something something rfc
<alienpirate5> * @freenode_clever:matrix.org: What I mean is that it would cross compile for linux when running on a darwin machine or something
<alienpirate5> clever: wjat O ,eman os that it would cross compiule for linux when running on a darwin machine or something
<elvishjerricco> There had to be some change in the grub install script or something
<colemickens> Hum. XCB is no longer an available QT_QPA_PLATFORM for me. Did something change regarding it possibly?
<pie_> there has to be something really stupid behind this...
<adamt> andrewrk: If you already have access to nix somehow, you can build an installer containing a newer kernel, although it would have to be based on something newer than stable, unless you want to overlay the kernel yourself.
<pie_> elvishjerricco: it has to be something related to me though because 18.09 also borked :(
<pie_> elvishjerricco: unless i did something wrong - im using a checkout of 18.09 and its still broken sooo... :O
<pie_> i dont know off the top of my head how to do that though, maybe check the nix-store man page for something like --add-root or somesuch
<pie_> i suppose id be kind of screwed if i had to dig around in grub guts in either case, but now id have to figure out how to hook nixos-install or something :I
<pie_> elvishjerricco: ok yeah either its my current system or current nixpkgs thats breaking this because my old config also appears to be broken. (or im doing something wrong)
<clever> pie_: one min, something came up
<pie_> everyone else's luks isnt broken so i _have_ to be doing something dumb
<pie_> niso: yes. ive gotten it to work before and it was nowhere near this complicated. something seems broken with grub-install or related stuff, i dont know..
<Thra11> infinisil: Well I've got something very similar to linux-hardkernel-4.14.nix. Just using fetchFromGitHub to build linux from a different set of sources. The problem is that the source repo is massive dump of related BSP stuff, with the kernel sources as a subdirectory.
<vaibhavsagar> slabity: you want to declaratively set something that changes?
<pie_> does nixos-install use some kind of chroot? is maybe something weird happening there?
<pie_> elvishjerricco: the last three lines or so of the output should be human readable unless youre config is somehow doing something totally different
<pie_> Thra11: ok its called something else but..
<pie_> unless nixos-install --root some/path is doing something weird, but even then
<tilpner> hyper_ch2: Something like https://tx0.co/2Vo
<Taneb> When I try to run "nix-store --import" of something I've just --exported, I get "error: cannot add path '/nix/store/fg4yq8i8wd08xg3fy58l6q73cjy8hjr2-glibc-2.27' because it lacks a valid signature". What's the correct path here?
<hyper_ch2> anyway, just doing something abstract because you can do something abstract isn't a good argument by it if there's no actual benefit than just having it now abstract
<hyper_ch2> tilpner: now i'm totally confused.. it seems something already does start zfs-zed
<srhb> eyJhb: Minor nit, but please alter the humanfriendly commit message to something along the lines of "humanfriendly: add top level attribute" (such that the package name always comes first, like in "foobar: init at ..."
<porrifolius> Ohhh... hang on... maybe I've solved it. It's a multi-repo git repo and there is nix stuff floating around in the root directory so nix-shell does something but now that I'm in the correct sub-dir things are looking a lot more promising!!


<alienpirate5> hello all, I'm having trouble with cross compiling fontadobe100dpi to ARM. I'm getting an issue where the fontutil package is not getting detected by pkg-config. Here is something I ran to test the issue: https://hb.wrmsr.io/uwuxogahif.shell Here is the relevant log snippet: https://hb.wrmsr.io/iwasotacef.txt
<dejanr> i think i need something like this https://github.com/cruegge/pam-gnupg
<worldofpeace> sounds like something gnome-keyring would do in GNOME
<alienpirate5> hello all, I'm having trouble with cross compiling `fontadobe100dpi` to ARM. I'm getting an issue where the `fontutil` package is not getting detected by pkg-config. Here is something I ran to test the issue: https://hb.wrmsr.io/uwuxogahif.shell Here is the relevant log snippet: https://hb.wrmsr.io/iwasotacef.txt
<emacsomancer> or should I be doing something with my base system's ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf file?
<clever> Thra11: you may also want to double-check that your not depending on something at runtime
<DariusTheMede> I'm not really loving nix-pills - is there something else I can read
<turion> Ok, that's something new I haven't heard about yet...
<Thra11> Is there something like `nixos-rebuild switch --rollback` which will switch to a specific generation instead of the "previous" generation?
<bahamas> why am I getting an error on line 1 in this file https://bpaste.net/show/Tl3s? the error says: "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<bahamas> hello. I'm trying to use the method to pin nixpkgs outlined here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Pinning_Nixpkgs. my nixpkgs.nix is https://bpaste.net/show/Iost. when I run nix-shell -vv, I get to the line that says "Fetching the repo" and then it just sits there. should it take long? am I doing something wrong?
<magnetophon> Seriously? A window manager that crashes doing one of the most basic WM functions? How long has it been doing that? I'd be on the lookout for something else pretty quick! Maybe try i3 as a wm with plasma for the goodies? You can combine the two, I've heard.
<magnetophon> I'm upgrading to the latest unstable, and it's building libre-office. I guess that means the build won't finish, right? otherwise I would've gotten a binary. Or am I missing something?
<ivan> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/61581 how does something that breaks postgresql slip through the review process
<danbst> clever: why isn't overrideAttrs preserving those? I have now another error, like `cc1plus: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory`. I guess I miss something


<clever> selfsymmetric-mu: dont think thats possible, but you can run `nix-store -l /nix/store/foo` to dump the logs for something after the fact
<samueldr> something from xorg
<alienpirate5> i'll make sure to turn that into patches or something
<tilpner> pbb: But if you need to build something to get that list of derivations, you lose a lot of the benefit
<kraem> i ran `find /nix/store -type d | grep emacs` to find something and i found gvac-source which seems to be a clone of the nixpkgs repo - was just curios if that whats get updated when calling `nixos-rebuild --upgrade`
<DariusTheMede> This https://gist.github.com/idontgetoutmuch/af747e1c5551acfbcc1d89a4b82b7ef9 builds I don't think it tries to do anything with ./pkgs/random-fu-multivariate. Indeed if I change the name to something that doesn't exist it still builds
<tilpner> pbb: But admittedly that's not an amazing improvement over the current state, it "only" reduces file sizes. I might be missing something too
<devalot> If you want, you can do something like this in the shell: eval "$buildPhase"
<nilsirl[m]> Isn't there something I can do with nix-build?
<adisbladis> I haven't tried the above for your hardware obviously, but I'm using something similar to remap some hw keys on my "mouse"
<adisbladis> Zer0xp: That would not be NixOS specific. Something with xmodmap probably.
<bahamas> my goal right now is to reduce the probability that something will break in the future when I or someone else run nix-build or nix-shell
<rnhmjoj> is it possible to add new arguments to a package? i'd like to extend a package but the expression is generate by a shell script, so i think i must use .override or something like that
<dminuoso> Mmm, something akin to ⌜>= 0.1 && < 0.2⌝ is not trivially possible with how nix works I guess?
<likivik> also $ lspci -v shows something weird: 0a:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 840M] (rev ff) (prog-if ff) DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GT 840M !!! Unknown header type 7f Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau


<jackdk> maralorn: something like https://git.sr.ht/~jack/misc/tree/master/consengine/default.nix#L17 should work
<jackdk> maralorn: if i find something that works, I usually make a PR like #61536 ; some additional context in #61593 about why things are the way they are
<elux> jq? as in the json tool..? or something else
<Miyu-chan> That's why I want something like ex, because it's simply textual.
<Miyu-chan> I need something like ex mode, but is character-oriented.
<Miyu-chan> I'm thinking NixOS people might know something like this.
<fendor> symphorien, is there something more representative?
<nschoe> I realize it's a broad question which depends on my use-case, but what I mean is: do msot nixOS users have it? Is it "normal" to have it system-wide, or does it mean there's something fishy?
<symphorien> then make sure you have something like gnome-keyring running
<rnhmjoj> freedan42x: also, does "ip link" show you the wireless interface? (it should be called wlan0 or something like wlp3s0)
<cinimod> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /Users/dom/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/default.nix:22:13
<Mateon1> I'm probably doing something stupid, but why is the stuff installed via overlay using the root user's nixos channel, instead of my user's nixos channel (unstable)?
<infinisil> Something like `self: super: { ripgrep = super.ripgrep.override { withPCRE2 = true; }`
<cinimod> I think that just calls something else though
<cinimod> Ah ok - I had been using something like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/Users/dom/nixpkgs -p python37Packages.myScikits-odes -p python37Packages.nose --run "python3" and then my overlays got picked up
<Miyu-chan> Thanks. I learned something lmao
<jackdk> cinimod: if i find something that works, I usually make a PR like #61536
<day|flip> ahh. so for something simple. will openssl or liberssl do the job?
<clever> ivan: once nix discovers that a binary cache has something, it will assume it still has it for up to 30 days
<tA-> i assume ill need to restart x or something for it to take effect?
<tA-> whats the easiest way to go about stopping screen tearing? compton has always been a bit of a pain in the ass to set up, wondering if theres some x setting for it or something
<DigitalKiwi> or figure out why nmap isn't working maybe there's something weird about the network


<infinisil> Something like `if all valid packages then packages else throw "Some are invalid"
<karetsu> its currently disabled, but my screen has just blanked 5 minutes ago whilst I was watching something
<karetsu> clever: xset -dpms lets me toggle DPMS status, the problem is that something is completely ignoring DPMS setting and deciding 'fuck it, turn off'
<karetsu> ok this is driving me batty, I have DPMS disabled and my monitors are still turning off after 10 minutes idle - I have tried switching from gdm to lightdm in case it was kicking off some gnome settings, installing for standalone and as a service xscreensaver and nothing I do will let me control whether my screens go off other than moving something. This is annoying when netflix exists...
<iqubic> I'm going to be buying a new printer today, and I want something that will actually work with NixOS/CUPS
<thoughtpolice> Ah, so just using something like `pkgs = bootstrapPkgs.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.stdenv` should do it?
<NfixEstrada[m]> gchristensen: And how am I supposed to specify the NixOps builder? I can't find any option or command arg or something like that
<deech> Hi, I have a Haskell package that bundles a C++, C, Haskell library and executables that need to be built in that order and I'm trying to write a Nix expression for it. Can anyone point me to something similar in Nixpkgs? It doesn't have to be Haskell, I'm having trouble understanding how to write a Nix expression for a package that has multiple dependent artifacts.
<Miyu-chan> Did I miss something?
<gyroninja__> pamplemo1sse: If you were looking for just a nix-shell command you could use something like `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' --arg crossSystem '(import <nixpkgs> {}).lib.systems.examples.armv7l-hf-multiplatform' -A binutils-unwrapped`
<gyroninja__> also you should not run objdump like `objdump -i` it will be something like `architecture-objdump -i`
<pamplemo1sse> I must be misunderstanding something here...
<pamplemo1sse> I expected that by using `nix-shell -p binutils --arg targetPlatform '{ isAarch32 = true; isLinux = true; }'`, then the `objdump -i` run from the given shell would display something related to arm support...
<Netsu> yes, I know, but if I did install in derivation something to $out/user/bin, it would be at /user/bin in targed image. So could I do have $out/something same way to get /something after installation?
<jasongrossman> IIRC it's something like 180 TB?
<selfsymmetric-mu> But occasionally a step will take a bit too long and something conks out.
<ashkitten> no, i wanted to know if you had tried accessing it another way to test if there's something wrong with your networking
<ashkitten> well if you try to build something separately it'll be put into your nix store
<shandogs> ashkitten: I have something similar but how do I hook it into my configuration.nix?


<jackdk> alienpirate5: check out this thread https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/undefined-reference-to-%60rpl_malloc%27-587256/ looks like rpl_ stuff is autoconf thinking the platform doesn't provide something it actually does
<alienpirate5> there's something
<infinisil> Netsu: You can use `patchShebangs .` to patch all shebangs in the current directory to something valid
<eraserhd> I'm going for something where I can just say `foo.override { configure = ...; };`... this doesn't seem to be getting me there.
<samueldr> though tbf, the modem mfgs should maybe fix something non-standard compliant :/
<gchristensen> the timeout issue is something I think we're able to get some more visibility in to, and possibly even fix
<clever> gchristensen: 2019-07-19 11:56:39 < rmra> clever: complaining is something i have already done, but in Portugal, the normal answer is "this is how it is, and stays"...
<gchristensen> oh man that is not something we can really fix :P
<gchristensen> LnL: are you asking if cloufront had ipv6? or something ese?
<clever> xdxd: is it direct-sqlite or something else that fails to link?
<rmra> clever: complaining is something i have already done, but in Portugal, the normal answer is "this is how it is, and stays"...
<yurb> ah, yes, well... That is certainly an option. I was curios though if there could be something that I can fix in the package (through an override or something)
<fresheyeball> something is very wrong locally
<vaibhavsagar> nh2: have you tried `pkgs.runCommand "dummy" { buildInputs = [pkgs.git]; } ""` or something like that?
<tnks> jackdk: or.. I suppose I can just override the fetchurl for all-cabal-hashes with something more current.
<samueldr> if you make the diffing happen in JS, I think it's possible to somehow get both DOMs and do something, though can't say for sure


<Grauwolf> i just stumbled across https://github.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/CONTAINERS.org --container sounds quite interesting. is there something like this in nix?
<nekopep> whatever i ve tryed so far i still am on a qwerty keyboard. I must miss something...
<infinisil> alexarice[m]: error or warning? There's people reporting something similar: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/61742#issuecomment-493947755
<pie_> i was thining of something else
<pie_> i could probably just dynamically construct a src or something and use that to exfiltrate data
<infinisil> It is kind of a pain to use external nix projects without something like flakes tbh..
<pie_> except maybe call it wrapHook or hookWrap or something
<jakkn> Hello, I have trouble getting bluetooth working on a Lenovo Yoga 710 and I need some help to debug further. bluetoothctl reports "No default controller available". I have followed the wiki page on bluetooth and enabled the modules listed, but something's not right. dmesg | ack 'Blue|Firmware' reports this https://termbin.com/mb2p
<clever> gchristensen: and there was a recent nixpkgs pr that actually helps, something about if mutableUsers = false;, it can pre-generate passwd
<clever> Thra11: you can also just `nix-store -r /nix/store/foo` to download something from the binary cache
<pie_> infinisil, because i get peeved when i want to override something and i cant or have to copy paste a bunch of code
<pie_> if you wanted that to be a thing you would need to use something like fix and self: {...} which is overkill
<pie_> the idea is that rec { passthru = { whatever = ...;}; stuff = dosomething whatever; } lets someone access whatever if they want to do something to `stuff`
<eacameron> I'm trying to splice in ${../.hlint.yaml} in a drv but it says invalid file name... I remember nix paths can't support this or something. Is there a way to rewrite what the store path becomes from a raw path?
<cinimod> My next question: called without required argument 'sundials_3_lapack' - so I want to say something like sundials_3_lapack = mySundials;
<mkaito> yeah I figure it's similar to a user profile, but that one has an etc/profile.d file that's sourced to set things up. if I `nix-env` something into an empty profile, that's obviously not there. so would I just use the "absolute" path in that profile to access things from a unit, for example?
<infinisil> How about something like that
<tilpner> My only idea is something like: let fileChecked = runCommandNoCC "file-checked" { ... } "foo-check ${file}; echo $? > $out";
<infinisil> tilpner: It would look something like this: mkOption { apply = file: pkgs.runCommand "file-checked" { nativeBuildInputs = [ cfg.package ]; } "foo-check ${file}; cp ${file} $out"; }
<eyJhb> Was it something like this you meant regarding writeText and concat? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/security/pam.nix#L471-L474
<eyJhb> Well, I would like it to be a part of Nix in general, but currently I need to make something that can be a part of it first :p
<eyJhb> chaker: I need something like our NixOS options, so that I can define e.g. `services.rotate-backups.<dir?>.{daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,prefer-recent,relaxed}`, which would generate a config file, which I can then run peridocally
<abbiya> something like this
<hedgie> aah. it does seem to be something involving alsa: https://pastebin.com/zhUbZGHg
<hpfr[m]> I think I’m gonna end up using the wiki tweak, home manager just seems too patched-on to me. I guess it’s because it’s for nix, not nixos. It’s too bad something more integrated like that NixUP PR was never finished
<fresheyeball> personally I don't see the value, there is something nice about having everything in a single expression
<fresheyeball> hpfr[m]: does home manager install git by default or something?
<infinisil> Lorri does something similar probably


<Shouou> What's up with the ofborg output here? Is this something I can fix in the PR? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/64704
<Shouou> Is there a way to test a nixpkgs package in nix-shell, something like (the non-functional) 'nix-shell --pure -f . -p package`?
<aanderse> i feel like davidak is trying to do something pretty cool :)
<samueldr> yeah, something like that, or if you print something with the painting, I would hazard a guess
<kraem> chreekat: i don't know the syntax yet but i meant something along the lines of `if x list = common ++ xorg`
<kraem> i'm trying to split up my nix config into modules so i can reuse them between my hosts + get some more structure. i'm wondering if i can define something like `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ]` in two different imports. `nixos-rebuild` does not complain but i've seen people do something with the `++` 'operator' between lists.
<__monty__> How do I check which binaries are available in the standard build environment? Is it just busybox or something?
<nh2> matt`: I'm no expert on the texlive package, but it already seems to have some functionality to combine sub-packages or something like that; check out:
<eyJhb> Would a sed be okay in that case? Then I would have to sed something like.. `sed -i "s/main('coloredlogs'/PATH/g"`
<eyJhb> srhb: I wish it actually printed something out to start with, instead of being a useless dumb machine saying something failed, and not the actual values
<simpson> lordcirth: Sure, but (a) Rust *isn't* memory-safe, even though it's a big improvement on C++; (b) the way that JITs interoperate with OSs is inherently memory-unsafe and something like seccomp is required; (c) the linkage of Firefox with things like libpng or libjpeg means that the entire process needs a rewrite for the safety property to hold.
<srhb> exarkun: as in, something that requires the things you should remember for overrideAttrs, src name and version.
<simpson> exarkun: I think that there might be a bit of a philosophical difference here. IIRC I'm the person that wrote the code that is currently frustrating you, and my strategy was to set versions in a fork of nixpkgs. Clearly these days, with overlays here and flakes on the way, I should have written something more extensible.
<qyliss> anyway, re isolation, watch this space. I'll have something cool to share soon.
<exarkun> srhb: do those exist or are those suggestions for something?
<simpson> inquisitiv3: Firefox has direct rendering access, usually, so it can send any command it likes to your GPU. In today's Linux security model, it's not really possible to sandbox this too much. Like lordcirth says, Qubes or something else quite heavy is required to properly isolate such hardware-accelerated apps.
<srhb> exarkun: srcArg and srcFetcher might be something interesting.
<inquisitiv3> simpson: Isn't Nix sandboxing while building used to prevent accidential dependencies? Or do I confuse it with something else...?
<mkaito> Miyu-chan: I see what you're trying to do. I had to look up indirect expansion, I wasn't even aware of it, so thanks for teaching me something. This looks like it should work, at first glance.
<mkaito> Zer0xp: msmtp is just an smtp proxy. it doesn't compose messages or attach files, it just sends stuff. you'll need to format an email with something else and then hand it to msmtp for delivery.
<Miyu-chan> I just realized something though.
<pie_> well Taneb just had the bot say something and the manual also says it, i vaguely rememebred something about ''\ but havent used it so i forgot
<WilliButz> i didn't find anything that looks exactly like my issue on github and worked around it with an ubuntu live image and a kexec-bundle from nixos-generators. just wanted to check back if there is something that might need fixing
<__monty__> Unless these machines were doing something other than booting?
<Grauwolf> i'm kinda new to nix, but is there something like `guix pack`? https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-pack.html
<dminuoso> It's tons easier to debug if something goes wrong than if docker networking somehow doesnt work.
<sphalerite> bahamas: other than that, not that I know of. It certainly would be nice to have something like nix-shell that can also start up services
<inquisitiv3> simpson: I read the articles you linked yesterday, but I can't find the explaination for "isolation at compilation"? Or did I maybe missunderstand something_
<kiloreux> clever, There's something weird. If I use <nixpkgs> that error goes. However if I use the pinned version it's still there. Even if I use the same commit from the current <nixpkgs> it stays.
<kiloreux> But trying to run something like `aws`
<teto> gchristensen: weird that /etc/ipsec.secrets is not created. I thought I had fixed this. Maybe I've done something silly like adding strongswan as a module and that creates the file


<infinisil> Yeah, it's definitely not something you'd want to do. But I can see people accidentally using ${/usr/bin/xar} and not noticing that they have an impure build
<simpson> inquisitiv3: Reading through http://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/sandbox-permissions.html, it would seem that the main difference between this ideology, and something like nix-bundle or using vanilla Nix on a non-NixOS (Linux) system, is that Nix delegates the fine-grained security policy to the user, while Flatpak requires explicit configuration.
<inquisitiv3> simpson: I can't seem to find information about the security aspects. Aware that's something in the works.
<simpson> inquisitiv3: To compare apples to apples, are you thinking of something like nix-bundle?
<aveltras> is there an easy way to override nixos-config in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-19.03/nixos/modules/services/misc/nix-daemon.nix#L348 without touching two other lines ? (in case something is added there in the future)
<etu> kiloreux: Yeah, something like that can work. Just supply the argument {} after the closing ) after the url for import and try it :)
<kiloreux> Would something like this be possible `import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/195620b77085a4e746db33894526116f9062086b.tar.gz)`
<kiloreux> How can I use something like this https://releases.nixos.org/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-19.09pre185427.eadc8510514 to build my nix binaries ?
<abbiya> something weird happened. i didnt uninstall nix from my ubuntu but `which nix and nix-env` gave nothing. I had to reinstall nix but the previously installed packages are still there
<charukiewicz> Can mv my /nix directory to something like ~/nix and then symlink /nix -> ~/nix without any issues?
<day|flip> if you want something simple. i3 should be easier
<oborot> I do hear something


<alienpirate5> Is there a way to do something like this, but in a way that actually works? http://ix.io/1OC1
<__monty__> clever: Sounds like something I can look into tomorrow. Should I bother PR'ing my current version of the derivation to nixpkgs?
<mkaito> I did something 90% the same earlier today
<mkaito> and I have no idea if I'm doing something wrong ir it's carnix or the rust tooling in nixpkgs that's broken
<tilpner> aveltras: You can just manually put the .profile there for now, to see if this module is something you want in the first place
<clever> __monty__: once electron is packaged, both platforms can run it with something as simple as https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/blob/develop/installers/nix/linux.nix#L19-L28
<baronleonardo> I miss something but I don'
<Taneb> I'm trying to package something and it's distributed as an essentially standalone python script. Are there any examples in nixpkgs I could refer to that people like?
<emily> do you need to include the nixpkgs-overlay directory in `nixpkgs.overlays` or something?


<leex> Hey, does anyone have an idea how I can install flutter on nixOS? There currently is no package and the github issue for it hasn't seen any traction in a while https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/36759 someone tried something here https://github.com/jmackie/flutter-nix but that isn't working either.
<day|flip> does that need something like dmenu or rofi?
<manveru> as gist or something or you'll flood the channel :)
<manveru> atm it seems stuck waiting for something while running tests
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<chreekat> infinisil: yep, this does what I want, at least partially! (Given that teh use of revisions on Hackage means that name/version is not enough to specify something entirely. But that's a different problem, one I don't care about right now). If callHackageDirect passed in a name like "${pkg}-${ver}-source" to fetchzip, it wouldn't be possible to fool Nix by giving the sha256 of a different package.
<infinisil> chreekat: Just use pkgs.fetchzip with some existing hash of something different, and change the name or so
<infinisil> Something that might work is to fetch the hackage url again in the non-fixed-output derivation, and only use that to verify that they're the same
<chreekat> infinisil: Well, parsing the cabal file either means writing a haskell utility that uses the Cabal library, or hoping to get lucky with some string parsing (which I guess would work 99% of the time). I want to make sure there isn't something easier..
<blablablablamax> I have a Nix module that depends on environment.sessionVariables.SSL_CERT_FILE being set to something reasonable. What’s the correct way to do that?
<aveltras> i saw on a github repo that some people put nixops config files directly in the project (by changing an env variable), is it something you'd advice for ?
<Miyu-chan> Something like "etc"."nixpkgs"."..."
<oborot> Ah, looks like something in grub-install failed
<adamantium> Thanks for giving me something to try and a new idea, though
<adamantium> i just need a uefi stanza or something
<achaninja> The reason I ask is because I was just starting something like a buildroot clone but using nix
<aveltras> clever: do you know of any automation of nixos install (except nixops) ? i've been trying to recreate the steps from the nixos manual with the least possible input required from the user (WIP), but there might already by something existing somewhere (https://github.com/aveltras/nixos-install-script/blob/master/install.sh)


<alexarice[m]> right clicking is fine, it's when I click on something in the right click menu
<pie_> nbp, this is what i was talking to you about a month or a few weeks ago or something: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/wip-rfc-a-new-nixpkgs-frontend-for-language-infrastructures/3447
<MmeQuignon> And some other packages weights something like 300MB
<__monty__> qyliss: It's not when it's a computer for granny or something.
<ajs124> clever: so running "something that might fail || true" should be fine?
<qyliss> Something to do with extended attributes maybe?
<DigitalKiwi> jackdk: i have something i used for snap that might help idk i had bad luck with overrides
<jackdk> I asked a few hours back bit didn't get anything, but hopefully there's a different set of people online: I'm hacking on a multi-project haskell repo (these), and this shell.nix doesn't show any of the packages I asked for in `ghc-pkg list`. I'm probably missing something simple, but I can't find it. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/J2OTTTLP/shell.nix
<shandogs> I'm running in virtualbox so may be something to do with that.
<shandogs> Is that something I need to configure? Or is my system doing something weird?
<ashkitten> what's the leader key? am i missing out on something everyone else knows about?
<jackdk> I'm hacking on a multi-project haskell repo, and this shell.nix doesn't show any of the packages I asked for in `ghc-pkg list`. I'm probably missing something simple, but I can't find it. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/J2OTTTLP/shell.nix


<kumikumi> In the ideal world, we would have a "server-version" parameter or something like it here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/games/minecraft-server.nix so that the user can easily declare "I want a minecraft server for the version 1.14.3" (I imagine this is to be an extremely common use case)
<timokau[m]> Is there something I'm missing? Looks good to me
<clever> i have a feeling something is very wrong here...
<timokau[m]> Okay there's something fishy with my nixpkgs checkout. Its on the right revision and reports a clean working tree, yet I get a different result with a fresh checokut
<clever> toppler: you could have one derivation called keeper-unwrapped, that contains just the raw game, then something like keeper-assets or keeper-map, that uses requireFile to download it
<nakkle> hat as long as I don't pin my package to a specific version, a build environment managed by nix is as reproducible as a build environment managed manually by apt. Is my understanding of this issue correct, or did I miss something?
<abbec> something like nix-store -qR --include-outputs $(nix-instantiate shell.nix) to list all derivations then?
<clever> cachix does something similar, and could be used on travis
<hpfr[m]> I’m confused with some of the modules for configuration as well. For example, Compton has a fair number of options available, but there’s plenty more that can only be changed in a config file. Is the split just arbitrary? Seems like it adds needless complexity. Furthermore, if I have something like services.compton.enable set to true, why don’t I need to include Compton in my pkgs? Now half my packages are enabled throug


<clever> spaark: .nix-profile is automatically fixed when you firs tinstall something with nix-env
<Thra11> clever: Well I've managed to build something... Now I need to work out how to test/use it.
<Thra11> I just forgot I was in a nix-shell and tried to nix build something. For ages I couldn't work out why it was trying to unpack the sources into the tiny /run/user/1001 fs instead of the 6G /tmp.
<nbathum> infinisil: is attribute escaping someone in the docs? if not, I'd be willing to write something up, if someone could recommend where
<colemickens> Is there something special I need to do to make EGL available to an application?
<colemickens> how do I prove to myself wrapProgram is doing something?
<clever> sbj: we must both be missing something, because kernelPackages isnt an option here
<sbj> Am I missing something then? :) It seems this file manages to define it? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-pc.nix
<__monty__> There's also a .xprofile or something along those line.
<dminuoso> clever: What do nix maintainers have in their toolbag to make it less painful? I mean if Im working on something as large as qt, it'd be braindamaging to wait an hour every time I make a change.
<clever> dminuoso: thats only possible if the nix-build is running under something like screen
<cizra> Repeating yesterday's question, maybe somebody has bright ideas: How can I inject an environment variable to games launched via Steam? I think something unsets $LOCALE_ARCHIVE and so some programs can't find my en_US.UTF-8 locale, falling back to C. Half-Life: Source is affected but still runs. Torchlight 2 fails to start because of missing locales. < infinisil> It might be the buildFHSUserEnv thing that
<clever> cizra: to see why a given root depends on something
<petersjt014> I haven't been this nervous over something compiling since I tried to do some x-compile stuff with llvm