
<pie_> clever i vaguely remember something
<pie_> bendlas: to clarify: ideally i would want to put something together that doesnt have any preexisting requirements on how things are set up
<ixxie> I have a feeling its corruption of the hard drive or something like that
<pie_> well https://bpaste.net/show/giGk explains why setting --prefix did something
<nh2[m]> dtz: I have a problem with musl: When I `fetchpatch` something (e.g. the libdrm patch I just CC'd you on), it tries to build `curl` and fails with krb5 linker errors. How should we make sure that curl-via-fetchpatch works for musl?
<Guest29> Is there any simpler way to debug a single derivation without cloning the entire nixpkgs? Say something like https://pastebin.com/8E4ajHjP
<simpson> Or something similar. I'm not sure; play with it until it works.
<simpson> ivegotasthma: `patches = if python.isPy3 then [ cool.patch ] else [];` or something like that. There's combinators for making it easier but I don't remember their names.
<pie_> though thats got its own problems, but if you just want something to work
<pie_> that _seems_ like one of them, i think tere was something more languge package manager oriented, but im really not sure
<rumblefrog> petercommand: I'm new to nix, so I'm not sure where to use that. I thought you were referring to something like `builtins.fetchGit { url = https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs; rev = "f93da326abf32eea179ecfabb2e09f36d6ab8ca9"; }` in nix repl
<Ashy> is there something in bcctools that might help? http://www.brendangregg.com/ebpf.html#bcctools
<pie_> elvishjerricco: unless i did something wrong i only have the problem if its my root device


<johnw> if I've booted a NixOS machine using a USB installer, so that my old machine is mounted at /dsk, how do I rollback to the previous OS build? I missed up something in configuration.nix that's preventing it from booting.
<pie_> or something
<elvishjerricco> ^C'ing out of a command waiting on the kernel could take quite some time if the kernel is doing something very slow
<clever> pie_: something something open handles pointing to the wrong fs and things still being written to :P
<pie_> clever: something something inode numbers? (idk)
<alexarice[m]> is there a way to have the home environment variable set to something that can be written to in a derivation?
<clever> karetsu: something involving systemd/logind, but ive never used it
<__monty__> zeta_0: I somewhat get around that by having ghcWithHoogle's in seperate myEnvFun's. That way they don't collide and I can `load-env-somename` to enter something akin to a nix-shell with a specific ghcWithHoogle.
<__monty__> Can you run nixos-install multiple times from the live medium? Or do I have to do a chroot or something the second time around?
<__monty__> DigitalKiwi: I think others achieve something similar to toxvpn but better (because of mesh routing) using tinc but I haven't figured out whether that can do NAT traversal and stuff.
<infinisil> Ah I see, for this I usually do something like `sudo cp hosts hosts2; sudo mv hosts2 hosts; sudoedit hosts`
<infinisil> xwvvvvwx: So ideally you wouldn't have to write the file there at all and can pass something like `--config ${derivation for config file}`
<ajs124> Aleksejs: maybe something with systemd.resolved or nscd?
<infinisil> Hehe glad you can get something out of it
<Aleksejs> there's something really broken with the way nixos uses name servers recently: when I don't specify any nameserver then github, skype and many other things don't work (they work perfectly on other machines in my network). When I specify nameservers, all these things work but when I connect to office VPN I don't resolve names from internal nameserver
<infinisil> petercommand: That's the same for overrideAttrs actually, and it's something that happens due to how nix's scoping works
<clever> something i was toying with a year ago
<pie_> i might be mixing it up with something else
<pie_> sphalerite: dunno if i need to upgrade my dataset or something
<pie_> something sometihng TRIM?
<Ashy> Henson: have you actually used plan9 in anger? it's something i've been meaning to play with for a long time
<nexgen> Would not it be smarter to use something like GO at least?
<simpson> It's not a problem for the precise nature of sandboxing to differ kernel-by-kernel. Just gotta do *something*. Same with root filesystems and /nix, with the available syscalls, with the bootstrapping C compiler.


<selfsymmetric-mu> How cool would that be though? Something like a Nix-wide bazel.
<srhb> zeta_0: In your first gist, none of those `` make sense aside from probably as a visual aid in chat or something along those lines :)
<kellyjac06> zeta_0 I think I saw ages ago someones dotfiles that were something like this where most of their config files had been rewritten as .nix: https://gist.github.com/LnL7/f1266f840871d471256008c70c463fbc IDK if they were using home-manager though, I can't seem to find the repo anymore
<jlv> symphorien: Is it possible to use a different glibc then? Like make a different stdenv or something? I'm trying to add a debian package and am running into a lot of issues with incompatible libraries, which is now at the point where the NixOS glibc appears incompatible.
<aanderse> flutter is something i want to come back to and potentially get working
<aanderse> but something about a persistently self updating executable
<gchristensen> please tune down the hyperbole, it hurts to work hard on something and then have people be hyperbolic about it
<enteee> funny enough my approach worked quite well up until a few days ago where something must have changed in virtualenvwrapper or similar.. that's when things started to go wrong
<colemickens> gchristensen: btw, I was hoping to be able to test the wireguard stuff soon, and ack back with something other than "I'll try soon" but I'm using it as motivation to wrap up my azure/nixos work, and of course I'm running into roadblocks again. Hopefully soon TM.
<gchristensen> yeah, "roots" or something
<emilsp> JonReed: do take care though, this does sound like something that btrfs would do.
<JonReed> Nix keeps occasionally but regularly keeps failing because it runs out of space, despite that I have 30 GB of free space for root left. I suspect that it's because tmpfs (showing 3.2 gb) or devtmpfs (1.6gb) running out of space. Are they supposed to have this little space and constantly run out of space or I did something wrong to configure my syst
<pie_> elvishjerricco: tl;dr: i think things work again but i feel super dirty now and will never know if something is subtly broken
<alexarice[m]> has anyone managed to build something using the rust wayland crates and know how you pass C wayland libraries to them?
<pie_> i wonder if zfs being mounted has something to do with it
<pie_> elvishjerricco: well im not sure thats a valid conclusion, in theory it *could* be updating something on the device, but yeah i dont thing that would be the case
<pie_> yeah i read something like that shoudl work
<elvishjerricco> So it might be that something is offset wrong or something, and slot 4 contains something important
<pie_> this command dumps something that looks like a real key
<pie_> trying to find something on "live resize gpt partition" rn
<colemickens> If something recently needs to be built again "opencl", what do I need to do the derivation to fix it?
<disasm> with a `types.nullOr types.path` how can I do something with that option if it's null? currently I'm getting this error: `"The option `services.byron-proxy.topologyFile' is used but not defined."` I'm trying to do: `lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.topologyFile != null) { inherit (cfg) topologyFile; };`


<vika_nezrimaya> can you drop me a snippet how you've configured it? I seem to be missing something VERY obvious
<vika_nezrimaya> 2x2x2.5GHz AMD something-something
<samueldr> that's because ldd will be named something like armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-ldd
<alienpirate5> is this something that would work in nixpkgs?
<{^_^}> alienpirate5: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<zeta_0> __monty__: i already tried that but it says packages are broken, when i pasted: `nixpkgs.config.allowBroken = true;` into configuration.nix it still did not work, maybe it has something to do with home.nix?
<glittershark> how do I take a directory returned by something like fetchFromGithub and get its subdirectory?
<eraserhd> I have symlinked ~/.nix-defexpr to a git checkout of nixpkgs, and _something_ keeps removing the symlink, making it a directory, and adding channels to it. Does anybody know what?
<growpotkin> exarkun: I was imagining that you were trying to test a package-set or something
<infinisil> exarkun: I doubt there is something like that, but would be cool if there was
<growpotkin> exarkun: Code coverage is not something I conventionally consider in a package manager
<growpotkin> So when I get a DM or something with ZNC I'd like to pop up a notification (similar to those I get when WeeChat or some similar client is up)
<ToxicFrog> I've never used Dunst, but I did something similar with Munin by giving it an alerting path that wrote alerts to a "file" that was actually a fifo managed by ii, which then passed it on to IRC
<ar> i wonder how often after something like this people ask {^_^} their question on query
<thoughtpolice> adamt: Yeah if there's a fixed timeout IDK about that, would be interested in knowing. (Maybe like, nix-cache-info or something?)
<thoughtpolice> fvh: The installer will normally add something to your local .bashrc/profile or whatnot, perhaps that was not added?
<adamt> I usually look in them when I need something. :-)
<gchristensen> maybe you could put together a gist or something with actual example values and query results
<gchristensen> well, nix-serve is well within its right to do something different
<mightybyte> Am I missing something here?
<ajs124> so. gchristensen: The commit that introduced the wireguard restart semantics is 1bff53cb8408f583f4f9a02e487dbe2fa4110271, the motivation seems to be DNS problems. A few commits later (1de35c7f5ecbfe3c5bae252f660068669eb62b7a) we're setting WG_ENDPOINT_RESOLUTION_RETRIES to infinity, which the wg(8) manpage documents as something that should solve the same DNS problems.
<adisbladis> Imho we should have something similar
<drakonis> not as egregious but its something the other distributions do whenever installing new software
<adisbladis> Saying that something just sucks is not nice to all the peeps working hard to maintain the packages
<adisbladis> Gopal[m]: Instead of generally complaining could you make it into something constructive?
<Gopal[m]> adamt: the "not ideal" part is where the transition becomes a pain. it's like trying something new but unable to because I'm too used to the older way
<exarkun> and if lib.tests.runTests is how you do it, where do you put your tests and how do you convince something to evaluate them?
<exarkun> So is there something more like unit testing for Nix? I see https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#function-library-lib.debug.runTests - is that it?
<thoughtpolice> Gonna go ahead and throw this out there: this is not the channel to really be hashing out popularity/design of something like Terraform or whatever hearsay you want to discuss. As noted, NixOS test scripts are currently written in Perl, and that's currently the way life is.
<exarkun> thoughtpolice: I might be physically unable to write something in Perl, yes.
<thoughtpolice> exarkun: I mean, if you are literally, physically unable to write it or something because it's using Perl, then yes, you are basically screwed. But you normally do not need to write much perl at all
<johanot> if you examine the content of an external image and pin that to something static and verifyable (not a tag), it can be safe enough.
<pie_> something about the description?
<pie_> i guess if i wanted to split it into multiple files or import some values from elsewhere or something
<pie_> i might end up doing that later but i jsut want something adhoc right now :(
<pie_> i want to set something like mystuff = {b = 1; c = { d = "a" ; b = 3; }; };
<tewlz> new to nix in general, are there any tools for server orchestration e.g. I'd like to deploy a bunch of clustered services and ideally I'd like to scale up/down based on monitoring data - reading docs nixops seems to be fairly static, would I need to build some tooling around nixops or is anyone else building something like that?
<simpson> alienpirate5: Sure. Embedded devices are often big enough now for GTK+ or Qt, though, and so those libraries aren't as off-limits as they used to be. You can ask Nix why something depends on something else with $(nix why-depends).
<growpotkin> alienpirate5: Maybe it's using a subset of Qemu in a library or something?


<pie_> infinisil: did I do something wrong here? https://bpaste.net/show/j9Nw im enabling the options but none of my traces run...
<pie_> ok actually, guess i should make a repro or something, ugh
<pie_> qyliss: ok 1) i think i messed up something in the overlay override of lib causing the infrec 2) isnt {lib, ...} supposed to be pkgs.lib? dont see why that broke the way it did...
<damesca> I feel like my thinking isn't right and I'm missing something
<aiverson> Is there something I can do to fix that in the future and make a PR against nixos-generate-config? Is that an existing issue with someone working on it?
<aiverson> ...I might have figured it out. Let me test something.
<petercommand> feels like I am doing something wrong. like, building yarn/node packages shouldn't be this hard
<petercommand> clever: I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not
<__monty__> Figures clever has something for this.
<emilsp> eh, nope, still something is very wrong. I'm trying to run an executable from the android ndk-bundle, yet having looked at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/androidndk-pkgs/androidndk-pkgs.nix I still can't deduce what it is that I should be doing to coax this to work.
<exarkun> it gives me ... something
<manveru> so you could do something like `source_env ../.envrc` to merge them
<Mateon1> I literally only want to compile a self-contained binary that prints something to stdout


<alienpirate5> is there an effective way to run something like this: `nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgsCross.armv7l-hf-multiplatform.linuxPackages_rpi.overrideAttrs (o: {nativeBuildInputs=o.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgconfig ncurses ];})'`
<jtojnar> IIRC GtkApplication already does something like that but it only registers apps for presence and running actions
<azazel> that is something
<jsgrant_> keeping on Fedora for the next year "just in case" I can't figure something out real quick devel wise. And as I learn the ecosystem more ... think this is probably a non-issue after first few weeks, but still; The idea of being able to go in NixOS and just call up 'toolbox' to enter a mutable Fedora or something would probably let me free up that Ultrabook (probably).
<jsgrant_> simpson: Oh yeah, absolutely -- not suggesting this should even be a goal of nix in the first place; I just guess wondering out loud if attempting to package something like Fedora-toolbox would be worth it, as an optional path to get people trying out NixOS on bare-metal more. I mean, I now have NixOS on 3 (soon 4, with an offsite machine I'm staging in the next few days) -- but I have this Ultrabook I'm
<jw358> i assume something was supposed to build that but it didn't, thus the generic "no such file"
<hyperfekt> How would I pin NixOS using niv without needing a double rebuild? Putting something in the NIX_PATH that pulls the pinned nixpkgs from sources.nix gives me infinite recursion because Niv thinks t can use nixpkgs for its fetchers instead of having to use the builtins.
<symphorien> something like environment.etc."dnsmasq.d/foo".text = '' the text here '';
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):256:1
<laas> does anyone here use mpv with vulkan? I can't get it to work, wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
<Miyu-chan> I just realized something.
<srhb> asymmetric: iirc nixops takes -I to add something to the NIX_PATH like other nix commands
<srhb> jlv: You could do something slightly horrifying like: https://gist.github.com/f5b304f39f840aebf7cb08349fc7a9c2
<jlv> srhb: Ok, so looks like nixpkgs does have the 2.0 version around. Is it possible to reference it directly, or do I need to add a libevent2 (or something like that) package?
<srhb> fresheyeball: OK, well, your best bet is to start by analyzing the logs from your last boot (the one that crashed.) Hopefully something is there. If not, you'll probably want boot.crashDump.enable and things get somewhat hairier.
<srhb> fresheyeball: ie. on a single user system, set it to something Large Enough™ with little other concerns
<alj[m]> every f**king day i learn something new about nix. and it works so well after i understand. i just love nix
<thoughtpolice> That is why you sometimes see 'nix build' for instance, seemingly "waiting" on something to start downloading for multiple seconds.
<thoughtpolice> Apparently there's something for tarballs.nixos.org but I have no idea if it's actually in production: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/blob/master/terraform/nixpkgs-tarballs.tf
<dminuoso> (And Arduino IDE is something Im trying to avoid desperately)
<clever> thoughtpolice: nix-bundle is also fully nix based, i can just `nix-build -A something` and it spits out the arx bundle
<thoughtpolice> nix-bundle seems closer to Facebook's XAR but without the use of squashfs/fuse. I've wondered if something like that would be a good attempt for bundling Nix applications.
<clever> thoughtpolice: ive done something similar with nix-bundle, i called it the escape hatch
<DariusTheMede> I want to use inline-r which I `fetchgit` but something is overwriting this
<DigitalKiwi> worldofpeace: i got something that works!
<danderson> I was worried it was something more like "because Reasons, turns out /proc/kmem is world-readable in our containers"
<samueldr> DigitalKiwi: oh, I see, are they cut by hand or something like a plotter?
<lambda-11235> Can meson execute external files on build? Would there be something that prevents that?
<gchristensen> I would be inclined to make that a systemd service wanted-by something early


<averell> pkexec is like sudo or something? maybe that user has a different shell configured? or nologin or something?
<kalbasit> gchristensen: am I missing something?
<selfsymmetric-mu> hyperfekt: I don't know, I haven't used it. There's such a wide ecosystem for these things. All I want is to be able to specify a configuration declaratively in nix files. But there's a lot of popularity around tools which use strange global configuration. Like lorri, which can't be installed from nixpkgs and collided with other parts of my system; or, you know, the pervasive use of overlays, which can redefine the meaning of something
<kiwi_49> Hi, did you change something in your infrastructure recently? Now almost anything bigger, mesa, ghc, qemu, gives me decompressing xz file so I cannot update my NixOS at all :/
<WilliamHamilton> thanks srhb! Btw is there a way to see which chain of packages introduced a dependency for something that gets compiled? It's too new to be on the `reverse dependencies` page here https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse
<srhb> But if you want something that doesn't require a lot of relearning how to do development, that might be nicer.
<roconnor> Thra11: I guess I need to do something like this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/362193
<clever> fendor_: just bind-mount something to /nix, that will be far better
<clever> fendor_: something else you could maybe play with
<etu> worldofpeace: When I put my PR in on surf-display yesterday I noticed that something with openjpeg failed on aarch64 but didn't took the time yesterday to look into it :)
<pie_> so i usually have something like that in my default.nix, which calls to my actual code with pkgs.callPackage
<pie_> so, something like this should be possible:
<iqubic> Feel free to change python35 to something that better suits your needs.
<abbe> in fetchFromBitbucket { ... }, what should I enter for sha256 ? the sha256sum of the fetched tarball, or something else ?
<kisik21> GNOME Software can't see my repositories, including GNOME shell extensions site. Says something about SSL handshake errors
<pie_> might get more interesting if you have a common configuration between multiple machines or something, in which case you might want to put common sysadmin tools in the globabl one
<pie_> whether its desired or not is a different question, but that implementation "ensures"/ will mean anything that comes after tha overlay will start with those being the first flags (unless something else overwrites it)
<pie_> if you wanted something that composes you could do .override (old: { commandLineArgs = old.commandLineArgs + "my string"; })
<pie_> well, it doesnt actually make sense to try evaluating something like that, so its a logic error
<pie_> you may commonly see something like self refers to the "fixpoint" - this just means a recursive reference to the "final result" (which is how you might end up - oftentimes through a lot of indirection - with an infinite recursion error somewhere)
<iqubic> samueldr: Everytime I need something from unstable, I pull it in using the name declared in the let binding.
<simpson> The preferred technique is to not think of dependencies as something to be installed in an ambient environment, but as inputs to be provided just when needed.


<infinisil> Keyboard layouts are also something user-specific
<infinisil> lightdm is a display manager, which isn't something home-manager should manage
<infinisil> alj[m]: Something like this in a file you import: `{ lib, ... }: { options.mystrings = mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.str; default = {}; }; config.mystrings = { somethingkey = "hello"; foo = "bar"; }; }`
<alj[m]> * I want to be able to set `service.something.key = options.mystrings.somethingkey` (or something close to this) in the main configuration.nix
<alj[m]> I want to be able to set service.something.key = options.mystrings.somethingkey (or something close to this) in the main configuration.nix
<clever> so something as simple as an unrelated branch getting pushed, can result in a different .git
<sphalerite> Miyu-chan: I suspect the answer is no because the AMI contains the store or something
<sphalerite> Or do you have some power-hungry USB devices attached or something?
<srhb> rawtaz: Yeah. What I was trying to say is that for these people it's the end-goal, not something you can trade off.
<srhb> rawtaz: NixOS is really one nix profile that creates something that sort of looks like a regular FHS system almost. Plus systemd, plus activation scripts.
<joebobjoe> is there something like nix/nixos, that is posix compliant?
<clever> joebobjoe: on darwin, the sandbox is implemented with ACL's, that cause error codes if you look at something you shouldnt
<srhb> iqubic: really 1.12 or something...
<joebobjoe> er, ehm prs or something
<joebobjoe> is there a blog post or article or something that explains the justifications of abandoning FHS on nix?
<srhb> joebobjoe: There's no reason /nix couldn't live in /var/lib/nix or something.
<DigitalKiwi> srhb: this is the test framework for something i'm trying to package https://github.com/tmbdev/hocr-tools/blob/master/test/tsht
<joebobjoe> ok but this was sold to me as something amazing, and I tried it on mac and have hit software quality issues ever since
<pie_> isnt there something more ergonomic
<pie_> do you guys know any good software defined networking "stuff"? im interested in managing network stuff for containers - but unrelated to that, I heard from a prof about _one_ SDN tool that turned out good, flow-somethingorother? or something-flow?
<joebobjoe> if upstream 2 breaks something that's upsteam's fault
<DigitalKiwi> i've spent months trying to get something that worked right ;_;
<joebobjoe> nix-channel --list under root finally returns something: nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
<simpson> iqubic: Sure. Something like (a real shell.nix) https://gist.github.com/217134859b0d8b641f219cd878e4a238 . IMO the issue isn't wanting to use libraries, but not writing Nix expressions.
<simpson> rajivr___: What are you actually trying to build? Are you trying to set up a development environment, or install something not in nixpkgs, or something else?
<ToxicFrog> How do I buildPerlPackage something that depends on a C library (in this case db4)?


<m5n> averell: is there something similar I can do to use clang8 system-wide (in configuration.nix)?
<worldofpeace> DigitalKiwi: Probably should submit the PR for bitwarden and see if we could come up with something. could be a bug in the application. have you tried searching if other applications had that issue?
<catern> fendor_: ignore everyone else, you can use that static-nix thing and --store to build something reproducibly in a store from a random directory
<thoughtpolice> It kind of depends on what you want to do, really. The --store argument lets you bind mount a random directory, as if it was /nix/store. But it doesn't just magically let you use Nix-compiled packages without 'nix' installed itself, since something has to perform the bind mount step
<pie_> but as i said i think a bind mount is a solution to that, i think there might also be something for rewriting stores
<pie_> yeah something like that
<kisik21> do I need to build flask applications as, well, applications or libraries? especially if they are to be deployed with something like uwsgi
<ivegotasthma> hello, any idea why I cannot run a java binary? It's giving me no such file or directory found, when I'm right there with bash. I suspect it's something related to the linker, but file is giving me correct output.
<aminechikhaoui> something like http://ix.io/1QnJ, tried callPackage but I think what I'm doing is wrong
<thoughtpolice> adisbladis: If you're going through singapore, you should see something like `cache-sinXXXXX-SIN` in the `fastly-debug-path` field
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: I also realized something yesterday, which is that I think I can point my debug/custom version of the Fastly Cache configuration to point right to our S3. This means we can actually test the real cache with my own custom changes, with no interference to cache.nixos.org
<niso> gchristensen: temporary patching something in a hacky way. a) i want to start the nix-daemon b) i want to execute a build script
<thoughtpolice> I'll ask around internally but I think if you're not even getting response headers from the cache, something might be screwing you up between you and the POP. Which yeah, is going to be very hard to debug...
<thoughtpolice> I wonder if it's some shithead gateway proxy or something that's trying to like, unzip the .xz files or something. I've had some nightmares with that before.
<thoughtpolice> If you don't even get the headers, then uh, that's something else
<thoughtpolice> Miyu-chan: If we could get a .drv or something to try and reproduce that would be nice, too.
<hyperfekt> Can someone help me understand overlays - I thought if I use super I can't get recursion from something being indirectly dependent on itself? https://pastebin.com/4C55pETb
<averell> you can still make a emacs-pretest version or something if the need is there. we have that for many packages.
<JonReed> I'm browsing `nixpkgs` and documentation, but it looks like everyone knows something very obvious that I'm missing.
<Miyu-chan> So I'm pretty close into getting proxycommand + ssh-copy-closure into something. :D
<CMCDragonkai> clever: is it something to do with gphoto or gvfs?
<clever> CMCDragonkai: you need to use something like gnome or xfce to "mount" it
<clever> CMCDragonkai: modern cameras dont register as a mass-storage device, they use something else, that directly serves files, not blocks with an FS
<manveru> something like that
<manveru> emilsp: other option is to run something like `mkdir .nix-gc-roots; nix-shell . --pure --indirect --add-root .nix-gc-roots/dep`
<emilsp> rawtaz: I want something that I can shell into immediately rather than rebuilding the whole derivation that my shell.nix declares. Usually after the first build, it will be fine, nix-shell my-project/shell.nix will return in less than 30 seconds, but the first build is always very painful. As such, I was hoping to find out a way to have my shell.nix derviation evaluated once and then saved somewhere on disk in
<abbe> yes, so I guess something is inconsistent in my setup, some hidden channel or something ?
<srhb> Well.. There must have been two at some point, or something really broke.
<fgaz> Hmm… is cache.nixos.org dropping slow connections to avoid DOS attacks or something?
<ghasshee> After I upgraded , I installed nixos with bootable usb installation media, which might break something ...
<ghasshee> So, I might set something wrong or , the upgrader did some strange thing .
<pie_> tfw things work and you somehow inadvertently breaks something


<jd823592> Baughn: but it is not as slick visually... that is why I wanted to try something else
<dtz> infinisil: yeah I don't remember what spawns it or why but something was really hard to use until I got libsecret avail to things somehow.
<dtz> will comment on the PR after double-checking I don't have something unusual local lol
<tazjin> infinisil: not yet, let me get from this 0.5 to a 1.0 or something :)
<tazjin> clever: preferably something you could point Nix newbies at, though
<gchristensen> I think the 19.03 release notes mention needing to change a group or something
<tilpner> hyperfekt: Your user-provided overlays don't run last/on top. If later overlays were to use something that indirectly depends on linux-pam, that might explain the inf-rec
<hyperfekt> i figured something like that, but i must've misunderstood overlays, because i thought using super should've prevented that and used the nonoverridden pam :o
<arcnmx> so just, very backlogged..? I guess staging is starving the queue or something?
<Mic92> Izorkin: is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_DEV something cmake provides by default?
<NickHu> the bluez version I have is 5.50, so maybe it got renamed or something
<Miyu-chan> Hm, is there something wrong with the documentation?
<Taneb> I'm trying to do evil and run something as "sudo" from an unsandboxed nix build, I'm getting the error "sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?". Anyone know what that's about?
<iqubic> Something's not right here.
<iqubic> I know there was some package name like texLive and you could give it the attribute latexFull or something like that.
<ToxicFrog> That was my original plan, but I wanted to check if there was something better/easier/more idiomatic I was missing.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Finally I can bind something to a save hook and not worry about formatting any more.
<gchristensen> bsima: perhaps something we could look at tomorrow :)
<gchristensen> it sounds like something went wrong there


<infinisil> Let's see if somebody has something for that..
<tazjin> so I had to get alpine (or something), install the thing in there, upload the image, download the image ... and so on
<andi-> Does the stdenv have something to merge two directory trees? Say I want to move files (recursively) from $out/bar to $out/foo but $out/foo might already have a few directories and additional files?
<colemickens> I had been doing `import "${home_code}/overlays/${name}"` but I'd rather do something like `import ../overlays/${name}` but that doesn't seem to work?
<wpcarro> I'd like to troubleshoot the "drivers". Are drivers the same as kernel modules? Something like `lsmod`?
<averell> journalctl -u container@foo or something like that
<wpcarro> yorick yes until I try to type something. After which point, it breaks
<hr[m]> no, I thought I could find something with google but I couldn't. That sounds like the right option.


<arcnmx> or pulling in something external that pins nixpkgs, dunno, mm do that
<averell> because if for example something is not packaged, that will be a major roadblock
<arcnmx> __monty__: lack of brackets around an override or something? or just something in the list isn't a derivation
<amf> Will Nix interfere with a directory I keep at /? Or should I put that data under something like /var ? As a newcomer, I'd hate to put a bunch of files in /pub to have them wiped out on next rebuild
<wildtrees> mmm my avahi service for hostname.local doesnt seem to work right until I nixos-rebuild test after a reboot, is something wrong? thought nixos didnt work that way :(
<sphalerite> not sure if btrfs has something like that
<gchristensen> send us something juicy!
<inquisitiv3> Restarted my machine, but it still don't want to connect to my VPN provider. I guess I've missed something, but can't find anything on the wiki or in the manual.
<aveltras> __monty__: bookmarked it, seems nice, however i was looking for something akin to nixops but not tied to a nixos target
<pmiddend> Apparently "gcc-wrapper" or something, but I'm not sure what nixpkgs package that is.
<Miyu-chan> Yeah. Pertty much what I'm thinking. Each package adds itself to `NIX_GHC_PATH` and GHC itself will have a setupHook of `ghc register $NIX_GHC_PATH` or something.
<__monty__> Miyu-chan: Correct? GHC simply can't pickup packages that aren't registered or something. So it couldn't do what python does in this case.
<tazjin> Mic92: it's not the requests, it's doing something with the actual image structure after fetching it
<tazjin> Mic92: Thanks! The main thing I need to figure out is what kubernetes' deal is (it does something to downloaded images that breaks with Nixery)
<srhb> hr[m]: You're welcome. Notes for later: Maybe the alacritty module could be changed so that multiple settings automatically merge with recursiveUpdate. Something to consider once you've got your feet more wet I guess :D
<eyJhb> Does NixOS have something like group `staff` like Debian does that can make local changes, like /usr/local/bin ?
<Church-> Question, getting an issue in my makefile like such, *** "Cannot generate ORC metadata for CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y, please install libelf-dev, libelf-devel or elfutils-libelf-devel", do we have something for this in nixpkgs? Already tried libelf and elfutils, but seems there's no devel package.


<Church-> Yeah just an odd feeling I'm missing something. https://paste.rs/j9H
<Church-> STEAM_DEBUG=1 or something?
<NemesisD> itd be cool if nix could prompt for trust of a cache or something then. i guess that's still not okay with multi-user setups though
<niso> manveru: on 2019.05.28 you asked if there is something like environment.systemPackages for arion, by chance you figured out an answer to that question?
<slabity> Taneb: Thanks, that should be good enough to hack something together
<slabity> Taneb: NixOps is more for managing NixOS machines. I'm thinking of something that manages generic VMs
<oleks> How can I delete new versions from the bootloader? I upgraded, and something broke, and the fix is not available yet, but until it becomes available, I want to remove the newer versions from the bootloader..
<etu> Zer0xp: Enabling that enables something called xmr-stak, It probably doesn't enable cuda drivers for you
<aveltras> i can't enter a nix-shell because there's a socket file in my project, what's the usual way to deal with this ? something like filtering source ? (never used this)
<ottidmes> ivan: I indeed did mix it up at some of my tests, still something goes wrong, let me recheck everywhere and reboot, thanks!
<ivan> ottidmes: if you just added yourself to the group, you have to log out and log back in to be able to chown something to that group, I think
<ottidmes> definitely something amiss here with user permissions


<infinisil> Package update PR's are generally not that sensitive to quality though, because even if you mess something up, it almost always won't be a problem
<___laika> just something for me to cheat off of, heh
<pie_> im looking for an example of something that needs x11 for its tests
<clever> aleph-: either something had root at the wrong time and modified something it shouldnt have, or the fs is failing, or an improper shutdown corrupted something
<aleph-> gchristensen: Eh SO. Was looking up ways to force remove a package since something has been subtly broken on my system for a while but I've been too lazy to fix it wrt removing packages
<__monty__> Does adding a path also add parent paths or something?
<pie_> i just want something that works right now for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/64047/files though, even if its hacky :/
<pie_> something that really grinds my gears is hour long builds that fail on tests that im trying to fix
<yorick> das_j: it seems to do something with etc/mdadm.conf
<simpson> daurnimator: Aha. I know that feeling. There might be some slicker trick to it, but I'd use something like the above to ask GCC for its opinion.
<kalbasit> I'm thinking something like `buildManual { root = ...; lib = ...; version = "..." }`


<mkaito> plus the author seems to be MIA busy or something
<noonien> yeah, i just wannted something more global, so i don't have to get the right paths always
<___laika> whats the best route to go about getting something merged to improve build-support for a language? i can work on the PR, but it seems like the ocaml build-support nix expression itself hasn't been touched since 2016. how would i go about finding a good reviewer and making sure it gets merged?
<clever> noonien: or nix-bundle for something heavier
<clever> zeta_0: usually, its because the build fails, and its disabled to stop you from wasting time installing something that wont build
<kiloreux> clever, thank you. So there's now way to cache evaluations or something similar?
<cinimod`> I just tried something that worked for me about a year ago but got lots of error messages - I guess I should have pinned nixpkgs :(
<clever> zeta_0: you want something like haskell.packages.ghc864.ghcWithPackages
<zeta_0> why is this code not installing guys, is there a syntax error or something? https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/c6146b2d3434c178040ea1b339ab336e
<ivan> then looked for something that was green
<kisik21> something like nixpkgs.packageOverrides = let nixpkgs-master = import (builtins.fetchGit { name = "nixpkgs-master"; url = https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs; rev = "master"; }) {}; in { evdion = nixpkgs-master.evdion; };
<KarlJoad> Also, is there a way to specify installation of a newer version of a package? evdion my system only shows 1.5 something. On the nixpkgs git repo, it shows 1.6. 1.5 is failing, and I would like to try 1.6.
<kisik21> dansho2: I think there is something in ~/.config/mimeapps.list


<yip> OK, so now I depend on `kdeApplications`, which does not exist in 19.03. Is there something similar to that in 19.03?