gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos to: The Nix Ecosystem, https://nixos.org | NixOS: https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html | Nix: https://nixos.org/nix/download.html | Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/ | #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat
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<alienpirate5> why does libinput directly depend on python3
<alienpirate5> what the hell
<simpson> Yes.'
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<exarkun> clever: and now it's even compiling stuff, so that seems like good progress. thanks.
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<clever> exarkun: your welcome :)
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<ashkitten> is it okay to just drop file dependencies for executables in the root of the derivation output?
<worldofpeace> anyone remember/know how to test the graphical iso as a vm?
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<infinisil> ashkitten: What kinda file?
<ashkitten> infinisil: disk image and emulator script to start it
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<infinisil> Maybe put it in $out/opt or so
<infinisil> The script might be good for $out/bin or $out/libexec
<infinisil> Putting files in the top-level isn't encouraged
<ashkitten> well the emulator script isn't actually an executable
<ashkitten> it's just a listing of instructions for the emulator to load the disk image
<infinisil> I see, $out/libexec sounds good for that
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<infinisil> And the disk image could go there too
<ashkitten> okay
<infinisil> I don't think there's any convention around libexec, but that's the kind of thing I'd put in it
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e8cea0efd66 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fjQ5W
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<iqubic> adisbladis: etu: can one of you help me with a home-manager and EXWM issue?
<iqubic> I'm running into errors. I just rebuilt my system with my new home manager config, and stuff isn't working.
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<iqubic> It's supposed to be running exwm, but it isn't
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<iqubic> Like I logged in and emacs was launched, but emacs gave me some errors when loading the config file.
<disasm> with a `types.nullOr types.path` how can I do something with that option if it's null? currently I'm getting this error: `"The option `services.byron-proxy.topologyFile' is used but not defined."` I'm trying to do: `lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.topologyFile != null) { inherit (cfg) topologyFile; };`
<iqubic> Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading '/home/iqubic/.emacs':
<iqubic> File is missing: Cannot open load file, no such file or directory, exwm
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<infinisil> disasm: You probably want to set `default = null`
<infinisil> in the mkOption
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{^_^} is now known as Guest77051
<disasm> infinisil: ah! trying!
<disasm> infinisil: you finish your classes?
<growpotkin> Guys maximum priority issue: Spotify and Pulse Audio will not get along and I am forced to listen to spotify in a browser. AND THE BROWSER EXPERIENCE IS SO SUBPAR! lol
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<growpotkin> We need 100 of our best nerds on the case
<aanderse> growpotkin++
<Guest77051> growpotkin's karma got increased to 5
<iqubic> I think my issue is more important. I literally do not have a WM on my laptop.
<aanderse> just because of the entertainment value :)
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<ashkitten> i can't tell if sarcastic or serious
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<infinisil> Guest77051: Is that you {^_^}??? You changed a lot man
<disasm> iqubic: switch to sway or i3, problem solved! :) just kidding!
<gchristensen> infinisil: lol!
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<ashkitten> omg
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<ashkitten> hmm
<iqubic> I have no idea how I could go about fixing this, because I don't know what's causing it.
<gchristensen> {^_^} will be back soon btw
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<iqubic> is {^_^} the same as nix-build?
<iqubic> I.E. the user with the user-name nix-build?
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<gchristensen> did anyone have channels they wanted {^_^} to be in?
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<aanderse> don't forget #nixos-security!
<gchristensen> already got it :)
<aanderse> :D
<aanderse> gchristensen++
<iqubic> adisbladis: etu: Could one of you help me out here?
<iqubic> So, I asked home-manager to run emacs for me, and that didn't really work.
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<iqubic> I set as such: `xsession.windowManager.command = "emacs";` And then I also added this overlay: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./exwm-overlay.nix) ];
<iqubic> exwm-overlay.nix is shown in this gist: https://gist.github.com/IQubic/18f89806a5d6052bc496fbf9d5223008
<colemickens> If something recently needs to be built again "opencl", what do I need to do the derivation to fix it?
<colemickens> (meson + pkg-config, if it matters)
<iqubic> So I'm not sure what I should do here, because my WM is not working.
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<iqubic> I did not know that {^_^} was in nixos-emacs.
<iqubic> Good to know.
<iqubic> Well, I've screwed up my system, and I'm not quite sure how to fix it.
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<gchristensen> woohoo, {^_^} can support many more channels now
<infinisil> What was limiting it before that is not anymore?
<gchristensen> freenode was rate-limiting its JOINs and disconnecting it
<gchristensen> now, it joins a single channel and waits forFreenode to say okay you joined, then it joins the next
<infinisil> I see, neato
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<worldofpeace> anyone remember/know how to test the graphical iso as a vm? trying to add another iso.
<iqubic> Anyone know the best way to get advice on my EXWM issues?
<simpson> iqubic: Work on one piece at a time. It looks like you have a big mass of Emacs configuration entangled with EXWM, and I'm guessing that you're changing multiple things at once and not carefully examining what you're changing.
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<iqubic> That's right.
<simpson> Also, maybe it's time to take a break from the computer. Stretch out, get some water, take a short walk.
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<infinisil> worldofpeace: I think I've just been writing a little configuration.nix which imports the graphical profile and some iso thing, then building the iso with `nix-build nixos --arg configuration ./configuration.nix -A config.system.build.isoImage`
{^_^} is now known as Guest96999
<infinisil> Actually maybe `nix-build nixos --arg configuration nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-kde.nix -A config.system.build.isoImage` would work
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<clever> infinisil: what about the attrs of release.nix?
<clever> one of those should already import that for you
* infinisil checks
<infinisil> Hehe yeah iso_graphical
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<infinisil> Oh but as a vm
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<worldofpeace> yeah I want to build iso_graphical but use the build-vm script
<clever> ah
<infinisil> Hm, I'm not sure it makes sense to want to test iso's in a vm?
<clever> and build-vm boots it very differently
<clever> so its not testing the iso layer things
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{^_^} is now known as gchristensen
<worldofpeace> so what's the best way to test the nixos iso?
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<clever> worldofpeace: qemu -cdrom foo.iso i think
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<worldofpeace> clever: ahh so just regular. it would be nice if there was an interface in nixos. though that's still pretty easy
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<jlv> I'm trying to figure out how buildInputs works, especially with autoPatchelfHook. I made a package and confirmed that it has the required lib in its result, but autoPatchelfHook cannot find the lib when the package is in buildInputs.
<clever> jlv: have you read the source for autoPatchelfHook ?
<jlv> clever: I've glanced at it, but don't find it very easy to understand
<clever> jlv: first, is the fixup phase enabled? did you set phases= ?
<jlv> clever: All of the other libraries are found by autoPatchelfHook, just not the one in the package I made
<clever> jlv: is it named the same as what ldd shows?
<jlv> clever: ldd?
<clever> jlv: run ldd on the binary your trying to patch
<jlv> The llib.so file has the same name as what autoPatchelfHook is looking for, if that is what you mean. It would take a minute for me to grab the binary itself and run ldd on it. Everything is being done is a nix file.
<clever> jlv: what is the output of ldd, what are the contents of the lib dir on the package you made?
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<jlv> The result of the package has "lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4". (I am trying to fix a version mismatch on libcurl for a debian package, hence why I'm not just using the NixOS curl package)
<clever> jlv: the library must be in lib, not lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
<jlv> clever: That fixed it! Thank you :)
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<jlv> Unfortunately, I am now getting "no version information available" on a few of the curl dependencies :/ . I guess I can keep adding debian dependencies until all the errors are gone :/ . I'm still not sure why the NixOS curl package doesn't work on this debian package.
<clever> jlv: try googling the error?
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<jlv> clever: My understanding of the "no version information available" error is that the package was built with a higher version of a library than the installing machine has, but debian has curl version 7.64.0 and NixOS has curl a higher curl version (and I've tried with multiple NixOS curl versions), so I assume there is some other difference between
<jlv> curl built on NixOS and curl built on Debian.
<clever> jlv: there are special version symbols in a library, which you can see with readelf
<clever> and thats likely what its checking for
<jlv> clever: Huh, maybe I can fake that somehow?
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<clever> jlv: or edit the requirements
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<jlv> Although I'm not sure if that is enough. The error is really more of a runtime warning, but trying to run the application itself results in numerous errors with curl, so I don't think faking it is enough. It seems like there is some more fundamental difference between the curl versions.
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<kandinski> Hi, I'm seeing this issue: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62871 How can I pin xorg.server to a lower version to prevent the brokenness?
<{^_^}> #62871 (by eyJhb, 8 weeks ago, open): displaylink: broken on xorg.server > 1.19.6
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/47b551c6a85 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<kandinski> what is a good way to put an arbitrary file on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ via configuration.nix?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alexfmpe opened pull request #66306 → tendermint: init at 0.32.2 → https://git.io/fjQdu
<mdash> kandinski: environment.etc."X11/xorg.conf.d/11-foo.conf" = { source = ./your-source.txt; }
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #66308 → wasm-pack: fix build on darwin → https://git.io/fjQdV
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<kandinski> mdash, thanks!
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<kandinski> mdash: it's mentioned in the nixos manual, but without an example, so that's why I didn't find it when I looked for it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xrelkd opened pull request #66309 → eksctl: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1 → https://git.io/fjQdy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #66310 → ghc: use ld.gold only on Linux → https://git.io/fjQd9
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<DigitalKiwi> huh balooctl isn't installed anymore
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jbaum98 opened pull request #66312 → pythonPackages.jsonschema: 2.6.0 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/fjQFq
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<hpfr[m]> Is there just a plain latest Linux kernel package? I can only find latest-libre, latest_hardened, and a few others but not a simple latest
<hpfr[m]> And why doesn’t the unstable channel use the latest kernel
<DigitalKiwi> yes
<iqubic> hpfr: pkgs.linuxPackages_latest
<hpfr[m]> That was my guess, it’s weird it doesn’t show up in the web nixpkgs search
<iqubic> you can add the line "boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest to your configuration.nix to get the lastest kernel
<DigitalKiwi> doesn't nixpkgs follow a LTS kernel
<DigitalKiwi> by default
<hpfr[m]> Uname-r says 4.19.58 but I just thought unstable would be on the latest kernel
<DigitalKiwi> nixos-unstable is the future stable
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #66313 → Add GNOME3 ISO, Don't run graphical installer ISOs as root → https://git.io/fjQFs
<iqubic> Is there a bleeding edge channel?
<DigitalKiwi> arch linux?
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<DigitalKiwi> but really nixos-unstable is still pretty edgy
<iqubic> LOL.
<DigitalKiwi> you can use the latest kernel easily enough
<hpfr[m]> iqubic: you can tie directly into the nixpkgs repo but you’re just missing out on the automated tests before it goes to unstable
<DigitalKiwi> there's the small channels too
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<hpfr[m]> Getting an error “failed assertions to use flatpak you must enable XDG desktop portals with xdg.portal.enable” I thought services.flatpak.extraPortals = [ pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ]; was all I needed
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<pie_> elvishjerricco: any idea how to expand a luks partition that has our setup?
<pie_> elvishjerricco: especially without rebooting
<elvishjerricco> pie_: no idea, sorry. I'm sure it's possible though
<pie_> elvishjerricco: also does our stuf fhave anything to do with lvm?
<elvishjerricco> Nope. No lvm
<elvishjerricco> A coworker told me one horror story about LVM and I decided never to use it if possible :P
<pie_> ok because everybody only talks about lvm damnit
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<pie_> and gparted doesnt seem to handle this
<pie_> so no easy gui way
<clever> pie_: first, youll need to research how to expand a luks volume
<pie_> clever: thats what im doing, but i think i need to do the underlying partition first?
<clever> pie_: ah yeah, thats the first step
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<pie_> trying to find something on "live resize gpt partition" rn
<clever> pie_: gparted wont let you do it for unsupported things
<pie_> best suggestion so far seems to be that i need to live delete and recreate a partition with sgdisk
<pie_> not sure why i cant just edit a field
<clever> pie_: not many partition editors support resize
<clever> make 100% sure you get the partition offset and index the same
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<pie_> clever: in theory, obvious
<pie_> in practice,
<pie_> murphy?
* pie_ has been watching too much mission impossible the last few days
<pie_> wtf provides sgdisk
<danderson> how can I tell if my nixos machine needs a reboot, e.g. because of a new kernel?
<danderson> On ubuntu and such, the upgrade touches /var/run/reboot-required to signal that. Any equivalent here?
<pie_> oh sweet cgdisk is a thing
<clever> danderson: ls -l /run/{current,booted}-system/kernel
<pie_> probably not in nixpkgs tho...
<clever> ,locate cgdisk
<{^_^}> Found in packages: gptfdisk
<clever> pie_: there is also the aws resize tool
<pie_> clever: hm?
<danderson> clever: nice, thanks!
* danderson goes off to make a cronjob to email about that
<pie_> ok i was able to create a backup of the partition table
<pie_> whoever came up with cfdisk and cgdisk are great, i dont want to deal with that raw cli bs
<pie_> very not ergonomic, very going to break your system (or im just a noob, idk)
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<clever> ,locate growpart
<{^_^}> Found in packages: cloud-utils
<pie_> interesting
<clever> aws machines run that on the rootfs, on every boot
<pie_> looks like exactly what one wants, in theory https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-growpart/
<pie_> clever: im not even sure why i didnt ping you, i should have figured :P
<pie_> i might still try to give it a manual shot the first time around
<pie_> though tbf growpart does sound more reliable, hm
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<pie_> clever: so i just...delete the partition and create it again filling the free space? important stuff wont get wiped?
<clever> pie_: yeah
<pie_> (thats what mkfs and the like is for, but im still asking)
<pie_> ...here goes nothing
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<pie_> cgdisk looks like it might have some smarts in there actually, not 100% sure
<pie_> clever: how do i rewrite the partition guid to match the old one?
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<clever> pie_: some editors have the abilitty to set the part uuid
<pie_> yeah i dont see that here yet
<clever> pie_: but the part uuid is almost never used, efi is about the only thing to use it
<pie_> but it should be fine if i change it afterwards i guess
<pie_> clever: well, and boot
<pie_> but thats boot
<clever> thanks to gpt, every fs has 2 uuid's
<clever> the partition and fs uuid
<clever> linux operates entirely on fs uuid's
<clever> the partition uuid is only used in the efi vars, to tell the bios which ESP to boot from
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<pie_> hm
<pie_> clever: so the "partition unique guid" isnt actually important?
<pie_> i changed it but it doesnt seem to be setting it to my values, i imagine its reading it out properly...
* pie_ pokes around
<clever> for the luks volume, correct
<pie_> clever: i tried sgdisk -u UUIDHERE /dev/sdaPARTNUM but it doesnt seem to have quite worked
<pie_> sgdisk says -u takes partnum:guid
<pie_> hmm maybe i have to do -u3:GUID /dev/sda
<pie_> ok that worked
* pie_ shudders
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<pie_> btw binwalk has a nice hex dump diff
<pie_> ok so 4 dword values have changed
<pie_> (comparing cgdisk part dumps)
<clever> binwalk is great, but i havent found a nix package of it yet
<clever> i remember writing one, and found it in my nix store, but cant find the nix expr!!
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<pie_> clever: python37Packages.binwalk
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<clever> ah, maybe thats why i cant find it in my usual stuff, lol
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<pie_> scratch that, 5 differences
<pie_> i only have 4 partitions
<clever> gpt has a backup copy of the whole table at the end of the partition
<pie_> 4 ??? values + size difference for last one ? (thats probably optimistic)
<clever> and a protective mbr
<pie_> this looks like a single dump
<clever> lookup the specs on how gpt is laid out
<pie_> bit of a hurrt cuz i gotta run off somewhere in a sec
<pie_> (dumb circumstances to redo partitions, i know)
<clever> yeah, lol
<pie_> anyway i checked the position of the root partition and it should still be fine
<clever> does lsblk show the device as bigger?
<pie_> i havent tried ot have it refresh yet
<pie_> no its still old
<clever> most partition editors will refresh automatically when you save&quit
<pie_> i think it told me to use partprobe
<pie_> lol you can run cgdisk on on the raw partition dump save things
<pie_> i have some new weird lookin partitions tho
<pie_> must be chinese backdoors
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<pie_> ok the other partitions seem to check out on a cursory look
<pie_> ok partprobe has updated
<pie_> $ sudo cryptsetup resize root
<pie_> LUKS keyslot 4 is invalid.
<pie_> weird
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #66227 → openscenegraph: drop 3.4.x → https://git.io/fjQR4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQFx
<clever> pie_: and the partition start is the same between the backup and main disk?
<clever> pie_: you did backup the tables to a different disk, right? :P
<pie_> yes, no
<pie_> :D
* pie_ rummages for a usb drive
<pie_> while it can still boot lul
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<pie_> "here, hold my beer^Wpartition table"
<pie_> fuuuc* luks might have gotten corrupted
<clever> pie_: backup everything, asap, dont shutdown
<pie_> yeah not planning to
<pie_> the partition table should definitely have been written properly though so this is weird
<pie_> isnt the partition table at the beginning of the disk
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<clever> pie_: if you blkid the luks partition, what does it say?
<pie_> /dev/sda3: UUID="***" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="***"
<clever> headers survived, weird
<pie_> sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3
<pie_> Device /dev/sda3 is not a valid LUKS device.
<pie_> LUKS keyslot 4 is invalid.
<clever> cryptsetup does have a command to backup the luks header, but its a bit late
<pie_> might just be weirdness due to still being mounted
<clever> luks should be able to dump while mounted
<clever> it sounds liek the master key is at risk, and if you shutdown, the disk is essentially wiped
<pie_> clever: yeah, theres a way to dump it soemwhere, which im looking for
<clever> thats what luksDump does
<pie_> maybe $ dmsetup table --showkey decrypted-disk-name (https://elvishjerricco.github.io/2018/12/06/encrypted-boot-on-zfs-with-nixos.html)
<clever> oh, that might do it
<pie_> i should play with this stuff more sometime but meh
<elvishjerricco> pie_: That's not how to backup the luks header
<elvishjerricco> It exposes the master key, IIRC
<pie_> yeah thats what we want though for starters
<elvishjerricco> That master key is only stored in a password-encrypted form within the luks header
<pie_> oh you mean what that dumps exposes the master key?
<elvishjerricco> Yes, I believe so
<pie_> that doesnt make sense? master key should be the one in ram...
<elvishjerricco> Right
<elvishjerricco> That's what that command dumps, I believe
<clever> pie_: the master key is held in the key slots, encrypted with each passphrase you can unlock with
<elvishjerricco> The key the kernel stores in RAM
<clever> and if you can decrypt a slot, you can load the master key into ram, and open the disk
<pie_> clever: yeah
<clever> but if the slots are corrupt, dumping the master key is your only hope of saving the data on the disk
<pie_> this command dumps something that looks like a real key
<pie_> 0 somesizefield crypt aes-xts-plain64 *keyhere** 0 8:3 4096
<clever> luksOpen --master-key-file foo
<clever> this appears to be a valid command, according to the man page
<elvishjerricco> Though you'll want to test that it works before shutting down :P'
<pie_> elvishjerricco: good idea, any idea how?
<elvishjerricco> pie_: I'd wager you can just luksOpen it a second time.
<pie_> elvishjerricco: hm
<pie_> LUKS keyslot 4 is invalid.
<pie_> Device /dev/sda3 is not a valid LUKS device.
<pie_> sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda3 test
<pie_> not a happy thing
<elvishjerricco> What did you do to break the keyslot?
<clever> elvishjerricco: he expanded the partition
<elvishjerricco> Why would that invalidate the existing luks header?
<clever> no idea
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<pie_> elvishjerricco: thats one of the questions
<elvishjerricco> pie_: You said you backed up the old partition table?
<elvishjerricco> What happens if your restore that?
<pie_> hm
<clever> bbl
<pie_> still seems unhappy
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<pie_> random "You'd need to know the master key (if the luks container is still open, dmsetup table --showkeys) or a valid backup of the LUKS header."
<pie_> elvishjerricco: any idea how to test a dmsetup entry, i could try reloading that in a new entry
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<elvishjerricco> pie_: I think your issue is that cryptsetup doesn't even want to try to do anything with your luks volume as long as its got that invalid keyslot, so I dunno if you can test it at all.
<clever> 2019-08-08 02:32:53 < clever> luksOpen --master-key-file foo
<clever> if i'm reading the man page right, this might let you open a volume and ignore the keyslots
<pie_> clever: ok kind of skipped over that,
<pie_> hm, i see
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<clever> it may also need --type
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<clever> luksAddKey can also take a --master-key-file
<clever> and luksKillSlot may be able to nuke slot 4
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<pie_> clever: any idea what needs to be in master key file
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<clever> i'm guessing the key from dmsetup, possibly in binary form
<clever> pie_: ive also got an idea
<clever> pie_: create a new luks "volume" (in a file), and then play with that
<clever> cryptsetup luksformat /root/fake-volume
<clever> then open it, dmsetup dump the key, close it, kill a keyslot, then try to remake a keyslot
<elvishjerricco> pie_: From the man page: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/uwQ3Ni2Y/
<elvishjerricco> So it looks like `cryptsetup luksDump --dump-master-key --master-key-file ./master.key` will dump the key in the appropriate format to `./master.key`
<clever> elvishjerricco: except all luks commands fail due to the header being corrupt
<elvishjerricco> Oh right
<pie_> (presumably)
<pie_> sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 test --master-key-file msk.bin
<pie_> fails with the same problem
<elvishjerricco> pie_: And wait, if your setup is like mine, you should only have 2 key slots. Why would a 4th come into play?
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<pie_> assuming i didnt get the argument order wrong
<clever> the 2nd answer in stackage shows how to convert the hex key to binary
<clever> pie_: you may need to kill the keyslot first
<pie_> elvishjerricco: noooo idea, ive been wondering that roo
<clever> 2019-08-08 03:00:25 < clever> and luksKillSlot may be able to nuke slot 4
<pie_> clever: can it even _see_ keyslots
<pie_> maybe its just utterly f***ed
<elvishjerricco> clever: That might not be a good idea though
<pie_> backups first
<elvishjerricco> presumably, the header was untouched.
<pie_> and the redundant copy experiment idea
<elvishjerricco> So it might be that something is offset wrong or something, and slot 4 contains something important
<pie_> hm
<elvishjerricco> pie_: You said you don't have a header backup from before the partition table change, right?
<pie_> ok hold on let me paste my offesets
<pie_> elvishjerricco: yeah :/
<pie_> (well ...now you know)
<elvishjerricco> And restoring the original partition table didn't fix anything?
<pie_> didnt seem to
<pie_> hm, not much point pasting the offsets since its just the original again
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<clever> [root@system76:~]# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p2 --debug
<clever> pie_: try this?
<pie_> i get the dumbest problems :D
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<clever> pie_: id say find the luks channel on irc
<pie_> googling that error only yields source code >_>
<pie_> is there even one
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<pie_> working on backups real quick
<pie_> im working on it in #archlinux right now
<pie_> clever: elvishjerricco^
<pie_> 00000000 4c 55 4b 53 ba *censored* |LUKS....aes.....|
<pie_> the header still appears mostly intact so wtf lol
<pie_> (clever: elvishjerricco yall want to do a postmortem on this later? :P)
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<elvishjerricco> pie_: Have you tried supplying a `--type` parameter, maybe?
<clever> pie_: are the censored bytes 01 61 65 73?
<pie_> clever: ya
<clever> pie_: that would be a single byte you censored, plus the encoding of aes :P
<pie_> ya :P
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<clever> and the remaining bytes in that line are all 0's
<pie_> except theres two more bytes
<pie_> not for me
<pie_> i got bytes after luks
<pie_> 2
<elvishjerricco> pie_: Did anything happen between the partition resizing and the first time you got that error? Or did it start happening immediately?
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<clever> elvishjerricco: after expanding the partition, he told luks to expand the luks volume, and it failed
<elvishjerricco> Yeesh
<elvishjerricco> clever: `This project has no wiki pages`
<clever> pie_: page 2 of the pdf explains the header
<clever> oh, i truncated the url
<elvishjerricco> Is that for luks 1 or 2? Or are they even different in the header?
<clever> unknown
<clever> page 5, partition header
<clever> section 3.1, version 1
<clever> LUKS header information for /dev/nvme0n1p2
<clever> Version: 1
<clever> and my laptop is using luks 1
<clever> page 6 lists the types and offsets of every byte
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<clever> pie_: the sensitive stuff doesnt really start until byte 112 (hex 0x70), with the hash of the master key
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6b5647a70db (from 71 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<pie_> clever: everythig looks like its intact
<pie_> on a cursory skim
<clever> pie_: the error is complaining about the stripe count on slot 4
<clever> pie_: slot 1 is at 208, slot 2 is at 256, each slot is 48 bytes
<clever> so slot 4 is at 352 bytes
<clever> and the stripe width is the 44th byte in the slot
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<clever> so 396 bytes in, youll find a 4 byte int32
<pie_> clever: someone else also recommended your trick:P
<pie_> <grawity> 1) back up the current header (first 4096 bytes) to a file; 2) write the master key, unhex'd, to a file; 3) create a new small disk image and luksFormat it with --master-key-file; 4) make sure it uses the same cipher; 5) copy the first 4096 bytes from the image to your partition
<pie_> clever: can you hex that or can i set hexdump to show int column...
* pie_ checks man page
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<clever> pie_: master key must be binary, read the 2nd answer in the stackexchange link you pasted
<clever> xxd i think it was
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<pie_> clever: they said that for backup reasons
<pie_> i presume
<clever> 2nd answer
<clever> `you would use masterKey.bin in your cryptsetup command as the master key file`
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<pie_> btw wxhexeditor is good for this kind of stuff IIRC
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<pie_> uhhhh
<pie_> if key slot 8 starts at 544
<pie_> why does 512 say EFI PART
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<clever> pie_: are you starting 544 from the partition or disk?
<pie_> partition
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<pie_> but i have an idea of at least one thing that happened
<pie_> clever: are you followingin #archlinux
<clever> pie_: what is the starting offset of the partition?
<clever> nope
<pie_> lemme paste then
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<MasseR> Say, if I want to change the vim version, how would I go about it? Overlay? I don't think the version is one of the overrideable fields. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/default.nix
<clever> MasseR: you usually need to override src=
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut closed pull request #46513 → texFunctions: Fix lhs2tex helper derivation → https://git.io/fAwX6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #66289 → hedgewars: 0.9.25 -> 1.0.0-beta1 → https://git.io/fjQST
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #66290 → [backport] hedgewars: 0.9.25 -> 1.0.0-beta1 → https://git.io/fjQS0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #61054 → curaLulzbot: 15.02.1-1.03-5064 -> 3.6.18 → https://git.io/fjQNU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQNT
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut closed pull request #18391 → nixos: Option for disabling individual special fs → https://git.io/viccz
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner opened pull request #66315 → cura: 4.1.0 -> 4.2.1 → https://git.io/fjQNm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed to master « surf-display: fixup typo from PR #65860 »: https://git.io/fjQNn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66304 → pythonPackages.colorcet: fix build on darwin → https://git.io/fjQ5t
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #65696 → pythonPackages.runway-python: init at 0.3.2 → https://git.io/fj9Lo
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<iqubic> Well, this exwm-overlay that I took from adisbladis isn't working. I added this overlay to my nixpkgs-overlays, via home-manager and told home-manager to run "emacs" as the windowManager command. I have not installed Emacs in any other way than this overlay. Emacs is not found when I log in via LightDM. https://github.com/adisbladis/exwm-overlay/bl
<iqubic> ob/33e84fa91cb19adf33731b7b4d02db2518fe08d1/default.nix.
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<iqubic> Sorry, accidentally hit the wrong button
<iqubic> Anyone know what's up here?
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<clever> ,tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
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<manveru> iqubic: how did you use the overlay?
<manveru> iqubic: because it looks like you'll need to add `(emacsWithPackages (epkgs: [ epkgs.exwm ]))` to your systemPackages if you want it globally
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @mgttlinger to master « pgsolver: init at 4.1 »: https://git.io/fjQNb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #66287 → pgsolver: init at 4.1 → https://git.io/fjQyg
<iqubic> emacs isn't found at all
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<iqubic> In fact, dropping into a tty and running "which emacs" reveals that it isn't installed
<iqubic> So, what do I need to do?
<iqubic> And this is as my user, and not root.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #66315 → cura: 4.1.0 -> 4.2.1 → https://git.io/fjQNm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 9 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQAL
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<manveru> iqubic: well, as i said, you'll have to add it to your systemPackages
<iqubic> How so?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #66286 → coq-equations: 1.2-beta2-8.8 -> 1.2-8.8 → https://git.io/fjQDh
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<manveru> iqubic: well, i guess you're not on nixos?
<iqubic> I am actually on NixOS.
<manveru> then you can add `(emacsWithPackages (epkgs: [ epkgs.exwm ]))`
<manveru> either to environment.systemPackages or to home.packages
<iqubic> I sure can.
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f3f040ca05c (from 77 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #65824 → Update jupyter → https://git.io/fj9F1
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<ivan> in case anyone uses Windows VMs and wants better sound output than qemu supports: review on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/66252 appreciated
<{^_^}> #66252 (by ivan, 1 day ago, open): scream-receivers: init at 3.3
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<emilsp> I guess the biggest tragedy of nixos is that nix is the best build system nobody uses.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « pulseaudio-modules-bt: 1.1.99 -> 1.2 »: https://git.io/fjQxe
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<iqubic> We use nix.
<iqubic> Like all the time
<Taneb> iqubic: I imagine this channel has a higher proportion than most communities of people who use nix all the time
<iqubic> I know
<logzet> Is it normal that `$ sudo nix-env --list-generations` shows nothing?
<logzet> (on NixOS)
<Taneb> logzet: what were you expecting it to show?
<iqubic> Shows weird results on my machine
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<logzet> Taneb: A list of the generations (I got 475 if I'm not confusing things)?
<johanot> logzet: perhaps you want "--profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system" ?
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<Taneb> logzet: have you used nix-env as root?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner closed pull request #57121 → [WIP] pivy: 20101207 -> 0.6.5a1pre → https://git.io/fhhzd
<logzet> Ahh, thanks johanot, I somehow thought that sudo nix-env would use the system profile
<logzet> Taneb: No and I see ^^
<clever> `sudo nix-env` operates on roots ~/.nix-profile, not the system profile
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<pie_> elvishjerricco: clever: what would i do without you guys to help me with my filesystem insanities
<pie_> my god..
<pie_> its full of TARs!
<logzet> clever: I may not be smart enough to use NixOS after all … ^^
<pie_> ^totally unrelated joke that just crossed my mind
<elvishjerricco> pie_: I'm sorry for getting you into these file system insanities :P
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<pie_> this is all my fault
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<kraem> gchristensen: i've been searching for what i've done wrong trying to connect to a L2TP vpn for a while. Just found your L2TP github issue. Created /etc/l2tp.secrets as you suggested and it finally works! Thanks!
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<kraem> correction: /etc/ipsec.secrets
<pie_> elvishjerricco: ok lets attempt what i originally wanted xD
<pie_> how do i get these to match
<pie_> └─sda3 8:3 0 937.8G 0 part
<pie_> └─root 254:0 0 216.8G 0 crypt
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<clever> pie_: the cryptsetup resize that originally alerted you to the fubar
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<pie_> clever: doesnt seem to do anythin
<clever> reboot?
<pie_> rebooting is for noobs
<pie_> hm actually
<pie_> does the encryption have any on disk thing that keeps track of its size or is it just a constant set in memory based on the outer partition info
<pie_> i wonder if i can update the dm table
<pie_> the second parameter is size in sectors or somesuch
<elvishjerricco> I *thought* luks had a size record in the header, but I dunno
<pie_> though i suppose that what this is supposed to do
<pie_> elvishjerricco: hm
<clever> [root@system76:~]# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p2 --debug
<clever> # Key length 32, device size 975722511 sectors, header size 2050 sectors.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #66255 → gnome-sharp: mono4 -> mono5 → https://git.io/fjQwI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @jdanekrh to master « gnome-sharp: mono4 -> mono5 »: https://git.io/fjQxG
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<elvishjerricco> pie_: I just tried setting up a LUKS volume on a 4G file
<elvishjerricco> Then expanding the file to 8G
<elvishjerricco> Closing and reopening the LUKS volume (without ever running resize) caused it to show as an 8G device
<ivan> is there some kind of regression in cryptsetup-askpass in master where it only accepts the password 10% of the time now
<elvishjerricco> So the size is just the underlying device's size, I guess
<pie_> yeah i read something like that shoudl work
<elvishjerricco> pie_: So it sounds like resize just resizes without closing and reopening
<pie_> elvishjerricco: well im not sure thats a valid conclusion, in theory it *could* be updating something on the device, but yeah i dont thing that would be the case
<pie_> elvishjerricco: sure but why doesnt it work :P
<elvishjerricco> I just grew my file to 12G and used resize, and it worked fine
<pie_> oh you know what
<pie_> i wonder if zfs being mounted has something to do with it
<pie_> then again im not closing/opening it...
<pie_> >:(
<pie_> [incoherent mumbling]
<clever> pie_: the root device under zfs should still grow, according to lsblk
<elvishjerricco> Yea I wouldn't expect ZFS to have anything to do with it
<pie_> yeah i was grasping at straws
<pie_> the dmsetup table isnt changing so
<pie_> hm
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<iqubic> So, I have a few files being imported in my home.nix that I want to debug. Specifically I want to print out the value of a few of these variables during the execution of "home-manager switch" is that possible?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQx0
<iqubic> In fact, it might be better to just error out, and have the error message print the value of these variables.
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<pie_> clever: dmcrypt settings are stuck, duno why
<averell> Looking for reviewers: #65283
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/65283 (by averelld, 2 weeks ago, open): Add x2goserver module
<pie_> well, im doing dmsetup reload, im assuming thas whats needed
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<pie_> clever: will yanking the cryptsetup from under zfs hang my entire os
<clever> pie_: very
<pie_> i was hoping i could remount doing that but i guess not
<hyper_ch2> clever: ubuntu goes zfs root in 19.10 :)
<pie_> like how sometimes a vpn has better timeout behaviour than normal network, and bridge over it :P
<hyper_ch2> pie_: <3 native zfs encryption :)
<pie_> hyper_ch2: kind of :( native zfs encryption because it leaks some metadata, but i guess its not the kind of thing that really matters for any practical purposes
<pie_> for most people anyway
<averell> it is pretty neat, but the performance is not quite ext4-level IME
<adisbladis> ext4 - do the wrong thing really really fast
<averell> at least i don't have to wait for errors then :)
<adisbladis> ^_^
<hyper_ch2> pie_: what metadata? dataset names? dataset properties?
<clever> hyper_ch2: i believe all dataset names, snapshot names, and properties
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2: Iirc it's things like file count, file sizes etc?
<adisbladis> Or am I wrong?
<clever> hyper_ch2: because you need to be able to delete a dataset you lack the keys for
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #66310 → ghc: use ld.gold only on Linux → https://git.io/fjQd9
<hyper_ch2> it does not leak that to my knowledge
<pie_> clever: also some structure about data can be deduced but i dont quite remember
<clever> and how big the dataset is
<pie_> zfs will not encrypt metadata related to the pool structure, including dataset names, dataset hierarchy, file size, file holes, and dedup tables.
<pie_> ^ quote
<adisbladis> pie_++
<{^_^}> pie_'s karma got increased to 4
<adisbladis> Thanks
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<pie_> nom nom karma
<hyper_ch2> pie_: thx... but I fail to see any sensitive information in that - and dedup is only for really experienced users
<adisbladis> hyper_ch2: Depends on your use case. If I was a chinese dissident I would not use zfs crypto
<pie_> well i was more worked up about it in the beginning but now that i have more of a clue, i guess most people dont even use dedup
<hyper_ch2> maybe one shouldn't name a dataset like "mySecretPr0nCollection"
<pie_> file size and holes might be more interesting though
<elvishjerricco> hyper_ch2: Leaking file sizes and number of files can be major in some cases. Not normally though
<elvishjerricco> The dedup table is a massive leak though; but luckily no one uses it
<adisbladis> pie_: I wonder if we could deduct what packages you have installed by knowing rough file sizes, package layouts etc
<iqubic> So, how does one debug a nix file?
<elvishjerricco> I personally don't like that properties in particular are leaked.
<pie_> adisbladis: project++ lol
<iqubic> \I have a few files being imported in my home.nix that I want to debug. Specifically I want to print out the value of a few of these variables during the execution of "home-manager switch" is that possible?
<adisbladis> pie_: Yeah :)
<adisbladis> iqubic: builtins.trace
<iqubic> Hey adisbladis is here.
<pie_> iqubic: builtins.trace and theres some helpful functions here too https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/debug.nix
* adisbladis is always here
<iqubic> Really?
<elvishjerricco> adisbladis: I think it's very likely you could figure some of the packages on a NixOS system through native ZFS encryption, via only file sizes and dnode number if that's exposed. File sizes alone could leak a lot of that information though
<adisbladis> elvishjerricco: I think so too. If anyone wants a subject for their thesis ^
<pie_> its booothering me that i cant live resize this
<elvishjerricco> I need to rewatch that one talk on how zfs encryption is actually implemented. They say file metadata is encrypted, but I forget to what extent
<pie_> my liffle filesystem, zfs is magic (therefore should be able to do whatever insanity i throw at it, tihs isnt even zfs)
<iqubic> adisbladis: I can't quite get my EXWM stuff running properly.
<hyper_ch2> "ZFS will not encrypt metadata related to the pool structure, including dataset and snapshot names, dataset hierarchy, properties, file size, file holes, and deduplication tables" --> but I wonder, if file size even a problem? as it is cow it will be fragmented quickly.
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<elvishjerricco> hyper_ch: It doesn't leak record sizes, it leaks the size of an entire file. You can map out a table of blocks belonging to files in an encrypted dataset without the key.
<elvishjerricco> As I understand it anyway
<elvishjerricco> It's pretty easy to tell when a file has the exact same size as GHC 8.2.2 that it is in fact GHC 8.2.2
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<elvishjerricco> Also looks like the ZIL can be tampered with without the key
<iqubic> adisbladis: I've sent a few messages in #nixos-emacs detailing my issues
<iqubic> But I supposed you've already seen those
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<hyper_ch2> I wonder how it would leak that.
<kgz> what's the latest on rfc 39 (unprivileged maintainer team)?
<eyJhb> kandinski: yeah you can
<alexarice[m]> is ZFS only really for servers or are people using it on their personal machines as well, keep hearing everyone going on about it but don't know if its worth looking into
<hyper_ch2> clever: to delete a DS you don't need ot have the key loaded: https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/ad50c02e
<elvishjerricco> hyper_ch: I think it basically doesn't encrypt the block pointer hierarchy, so you can follow the pointers from the uberblock all the way down to the user data blocks. Knowing the layout of a ZFS pool, you can identify which blocks are dnodes, which lets you identify which blocks are the parent of a file
<clever> hyper_ch2: but you do need to know the name of the dataset
<hyper_ch2> alexarice[m]: zfs has a few very nice features like snapshotting and cow and moving stuff easily around and backup snapshots etc...
<clever> hyper_ch2: so the dataset names are leaking
<sphalerite> gchristensen: +1 on kgz 's question :)
<hyper_ch2> clever: well, how would you delete a ds without knowing it's name? oO
<hyper_ch2> elvishjerricco: thx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @prusnak opened pull request #66316 → python: runway-python: 0.3.2 -> 0.4.0 → https://git.io/fjQxQ
<iqubic> how does builtins.trace work?
<clever> iqubic: builtins.trace "foo" "bar" will print foo, then return bar
<iqubic> Nice
<iqubic> So it works just like trace in haskell
<clever> yep
<pie_> elvishjerricco: well...i guess ill reboot, if you dont see me, i f***ed up
<elvishjerricco> pie_: Good luck.
<alexarice[m]> has anyone managed to build something using the rust wayland crates and know how you pass C wayland libraries to them?
<hyper_ch2> elvishjerricco: also interesting to know: what filesize is actually displayed when you have compression enabled?
<elvishjerricco> hyper_ch2: I suppose the compressed size. Still, if you're just interested in checking for files that you know are vulnerable, you can run such files through all the compression algorithms they're likely to be using to see what you're looking for.
<eyJhb> *and pie_ was never seen again
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<teto> what's the name of the syntax "assert localServer -> db4 != null;" ? is there any doc on it ?
<hyper_ch2> elvishjerricco: :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar closed pull request #22357 → [WIP] Use openssl 1.1 by default → https://git.io/vDOGw
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<paulandell> dear all, please help, I'm configuring a nixos server and creating my configuration.nix, now, I have some scripts I would like to use but they are not fit for a upstream package, how to handle this? how to create a simpke pkgs dir where I will put my default.nix files and can have them "besides" my normal nixpkgs and including them in the config?
<paulandell> thank you
<Yaniel> easiest is probably to make them overlays
<elvishjerricco> hyper_ch2: https://youtu.be/frnLiXclAMo "We only encrypt level zero data." Yea, so that confirms the entire block pointer hierarchy is unencrypted; level zero means leaf node. So like directory listings and vfs metadata are encrypted; but you have a perfect picture of where everything is.
<elvishjerricco> paulandell: Overlays are good, or you can just do `environment.systemPackages = [(pkgs.callPackage ./mypkg {})];` if you don't want to have to figure out what overlays are :P
<paulandell> Yaniel: soo the overlays will build my packages and installing them when I run nixos-rebuild switch?
<paulandell> elvishjerricco: integresting and in root of my /etc/nixos there will be my mypkg/default.nix?
<elvishjerricco> yea
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @layus opened pull request #66317 → openssl: fix man pages collisions → https://git.io/fjQpB
<sphalerite> paulandell: I don't think you need an overlay for it, you could for instance put (pkgs.writeScriptBin "do-some-stuff" "#!${stdenv.runtimeShell}\necho Hello World!") in your systemPackages directly
<sphalerite> paulandell: depending on the size of the script you may want to put it in a separate file
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Rename file for consistency »: https://git.io/fjQpR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lightbulbjim opened pull request #66318 → qtpass: fix qt wrapping → https://git.io/fjQp0
<ajs124> Where can I find the X11 logs on nixos (with kde/sddm)?
<clever> ajs124: journalctl -u display-manager
<ajs124> clever: right, thanks!
<emilsp> ,locate libstdc++.so.6
<{^_^}> Found in packages: robo3t, gcc-unwrapped.lib
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<kandinski> eyjhb: thanks!
<eyJhb> np :p But, kandinski displaylink generally sucks
<pie_> elvishjerricco: clever: 1) kernel partition info is utterly useless and doesnt update properly
<pie_> 2) i forgot i had backups, which i used to book in my screwed up state 20 minutes ago
<pie_> 3) sgdisk is an evil utility because you I will keep accidentally formatting partitions to gpt isks
<pie_> 4) i used said backup to restore the luks header again
<pie_> but it did boot from our attempts before that, i just had the uuids messed up (i think)
<eyJhb> I only use it because I really really really want three external monitors. But I have just got a eGPU so I can ditch displaylink
<pie_> doing another scrub now
* pie_ generally not impressed
<pie_> except by zfs, zfs is cool and good
<pie_> and the luks spec also seems quite decent though i didnt look very hard
<pie_> i still feel dirty after all that
<pie_> s/used to book/used to boot/
<elvishjerricco> pie_: Lol sounds like quite a mess
<pie_> elvishjerricco: tl;dr: i think things work again but i feel super dirty now and will never know if something is subtly broken
<elvishjerricco> pie_: Time to start from scratch again?? :P
<pie_> noooooo
<pie_> will anything break if i have a uuid and a partuuid that are the same
<pie_> which one does grub use, the former?
<elvishjerricco> No idea
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/83fdb5f7485 (from 69 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<elvishjerricco> Having two things with the same *unique* identifier generally isn't a good idea though :P
<pie_> whew, i need a break from this, though breaking out the hex editor made me feel leet
<pie_> well at least i know i can recover my boot now so if it breaks, wh
<pie_> *eh
<pie_> brb
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm merged pull request #66225 → gitlab-runner: don't bundle prebuilt docker images → https://git.io/fjQB7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm pushed commit from @bachp to master « gitlab-runner: don't bundle prebuilt docker images (#66225) »: https://git.io/fjQpr
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<emilsp> ah, lol, gradle will not use the build tools from $ANDROID_HOME, but rather it'll use the build tools it downloads on it's own. And those most definitely do not work.
<iqubic> etu++
<{^_^}> etu's karma got increased to 7
<iqubic> adisbladis++
<{^_^}> adisbladis's karma got increased to 14
<etu> yay
<adisbladis> Sweet, internet points
<JonReed> Nix keeps occasionally but regularly keeps failing because it runs out of space, despite that I have 30 GB of free space for root left. I suspect that it's because tmpfs (showing 3.2 gb) or devtmpfs (1.6gb) running out of space. Are they supposed to have this little space and constantly run out of space or I did something wrong to configure my syst
<JonReed> em?
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<sphalerite> johanot: or you're running out of inodes, what does df -i say?
<sphalerite> er JonReed ^
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<johanot> I have plenty of inodes, thanks for asking :)
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<JonReed> sphalerite: https://pastebin.com/TtgtKi7X
<sphalerite> JonReed: ah, you're on a hipster filesystem that doesn't use inodes I guess? :p
<niksnut> it's pretty common that /run has a limit like 20% of available RAM
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<JonReed> niksnut: I have 16GB ram on this system. Only 7% is used currently. If I run `sudo nix-channel --update` it will crash my chrome because the system will run out of space.
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat/2019-08-08#2464756; might interest you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @markus1189 opened pull request #66319 → android: add missing arguments to `emulateApp` function → https://git.io/fjQpy
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch2: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat/2019-08-08#2464756; might interest you
<JonReed> sphalerite: I used btrfs.
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<JonReed> So, if I understand correctly, this is likely the filesystem cutting me with its bleeding edge and not Nix?
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<sphalerite> JonReed: no, it's more likely the tmpfs running out of space like you suspected. Running out of inodes is a common problem on ext4, but by using btrfs you've avoided that :)
<sphalerite> JonReed: see if it still happens when you unmount /tmp
<emilsp> JonReed: do take care though, this does sound like something that btrfs would do.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lightbulbjim opened pull request #66320 → golden-cheetah: use qt5's mkDerivation → https://git.io/fjQpN
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<iqubic> I think the version of the emacs package auctex that is in nixpkgs is outdated.
<qyliss> iqubic: update it! :)
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<JonReed> sphalerite: The `/tmp` exists on a device which still has 29G left. I can't unmount it. This is why I don't understand where or how Nix runs out of space. https://pastebin.com/62E7a9wb
<iqubic> qyliss: I don't know how.
<qyliss> iqubic: want to learn? :)
<iqubic> I guess.
<iqubic> auctex is used in only 3 places ever in all of nixpkgs.
<qyliss> (It's much healthier for Nixpkgs if people are empowered to do upgrades and stuff for themselves, rather than relying on a small group of experts)
<qyliss> If it's not used much, should be an easy upgrade :)
<iqubic> And one of those times is in a freaking manual xml file.
<iqubic> So, I'm not sure how I'd go about updating the emacs package auctex.
<sphalerite> JonReed: whoops, misunderstood.
<iqubic> Because it's not a normal package, but a package for emacs.
<sphalerite> JonReed: aah, since you're not on nixos and this looks like a single-user installation — this might be a case of TMPDIR being set to /run/user/$UID and nix trying to use that for builds, which goes horribly wrong because it's generally too small.
<sphalerite> JonReed: see if running it with TMPDIR=/tmp helps
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<iqubic> qyliss: Actually, I don't need to update this right now. From the auctex website, I get this bit of info: "Current AUCTeX version: 12.1 (2017-12-10)"
<iqubic> Seems to imply we're on the latest version.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @angristan opened pull request #66321 → solargraph: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2 → https://git.io/fjQhf
<qyliss> iqubic: oh, cool :)
<iqubic> These errors must just be an emacs configuration issue.
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<qyliss> iqubic: fwiw if you ever did want to update an emacs package, there's documentation here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/emacs-modes/elpa-packages.nix#L3-L11
<iqubic> Nice.
<iqubic> But I think there are some minor changes to the way emacs and nix interact coming down the pipeline soon. So I'll wait for those to be pulled in first.
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<JonReed> sphalerite: I am on NixOS though (i.e. I use `configuration.nix`). Setting TMPDIR didn't solve it. Is there a way to verify somehow which temporary directories Nix uses? I do know that it uses `/tmp` for nix-build because that's where builds end up in if I use `nix-build -K`. Like, when I use nix-channel where does nix unpack those channels in, how
<JonReed> to find that location?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #66321 → solargraph: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2 → https://git.io/fjQhf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQhY
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<vika_nezrimaya> any way to generate a kernel config and put it so my kernel won't take hours to compile? probably nix-shell into the linux package, unpackPhase and do the make menuconfig stuff, right?
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<sphalerite> JonReed: ooooh sorry, missed that
<JonReed> If Nix is saying "/nix/store/xnk229qan97prxmwfsgm65py2qpca109-gnutar-1.32/bin/tar: nixos-19.03.173251.56d94c8c69f/pkgs/build-support: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device". How to find that path of "nixos-19.03.173251.56d94c8c69f/pkgs/build-support"?
<ivan> JonReed: probably a nix-build in your /tmp, maybe --keep-failed if you need to look at it
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<JonReed> ivan: But what if the error is during `sudo nix-channel --update`?
<sphalerite> JonReed: then it's weird… I'm starting to suspect btrfs weirdness as emilsp said
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66122 → python37Packages.qtpy: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0 → https://git.io/fjQUe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQhl
<JonReed> sphalerite: Ok, that makes sense. I'll investigate it then. Thanks.
<emilsp> JonReed: image the drive if at all possible
<emilsp> I've been burnt by btrfs twice now, so take my pessimism with a pinch of salt.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lightbulbjim opened pull request #66322 → rapid-photo-downloader: fix QT wrapping → https://git.io/fjQh8
<alexarice[m]> How can I expose shared libraries which seem to be needed at runtime to an application?
<emilsp> JonReed: are you using docker by any chance? You might want to garbage collect unused layers or cimages/containers you no longer need.
<emilsp> alexarice[m]: depends on the binary in question, where aare you getting it from? I usually coax random binaries with a shell.nix and patchelf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66113 → python37Packages.relatorio: 0.8.1 -> 0.9.0 → https://git.io/fjQfl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQhB
<JonReed> emilsp: I do. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it.
<alexarice[m]> emilsp: I'm trying to package https://github.com/kennylevinsen/wldash , and it seems to expect wayland libraries to be available
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<alexarice[m]> I'll look into patchelf, I'd forgot that was a thing
<emilsp> JonReed: docker will use btrfs subvolumes to store layers if it detects that it's running within btrfs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #66318 → qtpass: use qt5's mkDerivation → https://git.io/fjQp0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQhX
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<nakkle> Hey! Yesterday I set up a machine with NixOS, and today I can't do nixos-rebuild anymore. If I do, I get 6 errors of the form "error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)". The root user does have the 19.03 channel as 'nixos', and it is updated. Anyone know how to fix this?
<clever> nakkle: what does `echo $NIX_PATH` say?
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<nakkle> clever: /root/.nix-defexpr/channels
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<clever> nakkle: thats not what it should be, did you change nix.nixPath or set NIX_PATH in a .bashrc ?
<nakkle> I've copied a configuration for hydra from a working server, which included this line here: ` extraEnv = { "NIX_PATH" = "ssh-config-file=${sshConfigFile}"; };`, but that only affected the hydra user as far as I can see. Besides that, it's a completely fresh system
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# echo $NIX_PATH
<clever> /root/.nix-defexpr/channels:nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<clever> nakkle: thats the value it should have
<clever> you can manually export it as a one-time fix, then nixos-rebuild to experiment with a long-term fix
<nakkle> okay that fixed it for now. root's $NIX_PATH is still what just exported it as. Not sure what happened here
<nakkle> thanks!
<DjDingo> Hello #nixos, I am trying to install NixOS on ZFS, as I am reading the wiki I noticed it mentioning odering issue while mounting. Does it mean that the partitions should be ordered?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmlb opened pull request #66323 → WIP flent: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 → https://git.io/fjQjJ
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<exarkun> DjDingo: maybe link to the docs you're reading
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xaverdh opened pull request #66324 → [WIP] notepadqq: use qt5's mkDerivation → https://git.io/fjQjL
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8febac00c37 (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
<DjDingo> exarkun: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS The second entry in "Known issues" it talked bout the ordering issues. In the single-disk installation part I noticed the partition being numbered. Therefore the question.
<gchristensen> like which ones mount first
<gchristensen> using legacy, NixOS handles the mounting order and does it correctly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66309 → eksctl: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1 → https://git.io/fjQdy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQj4
<DjDingo> So the partions can be numbered diffrently to their actual position on the drive?
<exarkun> if you're installing NixOS _on_ ZFS then you probably just want to pay attention to that section of the page
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<gchristensen> DjDingo: no. the problem is *mount order* not order on disk.
<exarkun> I haven't installed NixOS _on_ ZFS but I see that the instructions for that direct you to use mountpoint=none for the root filesystem, not mountpoint=legacy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66308 → wasm-pack: fix build on darwin → https://git.io/fjQdV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjQjz
<exarkun> DjDingo: The issue that refers to is where you have a filesystem you wanted mounted at "/foo" and another you want mounted at "/foo/bar"
<gchristensen> exarkun: that isn't correct, actually. rpool/root (mountpoint=none) is never mounted. rpool/root/nixos (mountpoint=legacy) is mounted at /
<exarkun> DjDingo: Chances are things won't go well if the system tries to mount "/foo/bar" before it mounts "/foo", that's all.
<exarkun> gchristensen: sorry, the "root" filesystem, then?
<exarkun> Anyway my main point is read the instructions and follow them :)
<gchristensen> rpool/root never gets mounted, it is like a container for many possible root filesystems
<exarkun> gchristensen: Maybe "root" was a bad name for it.
<gchristensen> yeah, "roots" or something
<DjDingo> ahhh I see. so the numbering of the partition doesn't matter. What does is the order of mounting the partitions?
<gchristensen> right, DjDingo
<gchristensen> exarkun: the whole page could stand to be blown up and rewritten from scratch.
<DjDingo> very nice. Thank you for the help exarkun and gchristensen
<exarkun> DjDingo: Just as a point of terminology: filesystems get mounted, filesystems can be *on* partitions. But with ZFS, they filesystems are in a "pool" and the "pool" may be on one or more partitions.
<exarkun> may save you some confusion at some point
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<gchristensen> whooaaa!
<DjDingo> exarkun: Lesson learned. I am so new to all these terms haha. I am a statistician interested in Functional Programming. Systems are a pretty new territory for me lol.
<gchristensen> DjDingo: if I may make a suggestion, ext4 is a perfectly fine filesystem :)
<exarkun> seems like you're on a good path, at least
<exarkun> ext4 has the advantage of being a lot simpler to deal with, yea
<exarkun> so does xfs though, and maybe xfs has fewer of ext4's downsides :)
<exarkun> but zfs definitely has more features ...
<exarkun> features are great right?
<gchristensen> nobody ever has to look anything up when it comes to ext4 questions
<DigitalKiwi> <3 zfs
<DigitalKiwi> gchristensen: how do you do encryption on ext4
<exarkun> (I use xfs on / and zfs on everything else, fwiw)
<exarkun> DigitalKiwi: dmcrypt
<exarkun> is it still called that
<gchristensen> DigitalKiwi: luks
<DjDingo> gchristensen: yeah so I've heard. How NixOS handles the config rollback makes it so safe for simpler usage. I came from FreeBSD tho so think it'll be comfortable to build the system on ZFS
<gchristensen> ahh cool
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #66325 → doc/qt: add note about wrapQtAppsHook ignoring scripts → https://git.io/fjQj9
<DigitalKiwi> zfs makes it easy imo
<exarkun> dmcrypt isn't _that_ bad these days. it's only a couple extra steps compared to zfs.
<exarkun> and zfs makes you do a bunch of extra steps earlier as part of any setup.
<exarkun> so it seems about the same to me
<DigitalKiwi> tbf it's fairly straight forward to enable luks on nixos
<exarkun> I use luks on nixos on rpi and on some removable media. it is fine, indeed.
<DigitalKiwi> (my point was mainly against 'nboody has to look anything up for ext4')
<exarkun> ah, indeed :)
<DigitalKiwi> +spelling and proper quotation
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lionello opened pull request #66326 → pythonPackages.pygments: 2.3.1 -> 2.4.2 → https://git.io/fjQj7
<DigitalKiwi> it's just a different bag of marbles
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<exarkun> But if there is a reason to prefer ext4 over xfs I'm curious what it is
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<DigitalKiwi> for a while and until recently dropbox didn't work on anything except ext4
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<DjDingo> maybe for beginner stictly following video installation guides. they don't tend to touch any fs other than ext4
<DigitalKiwi> (it does again now if you get the latest)
<etu> DigitalKiwi: oh wow, those stickers was pretty
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<DigitalKiwi> thanks
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<gchristensen> DigitalKiwi: what video installation guides?
<gchristensen> DjDingo: ^
<pie_> hey go people how the heck do i build this https://github.com/tsudoko/pullcord
<DjDingo> gchristensen: such as the video install guide on youtube. I used to follow them strictly and tended to not make any change I wasn't familiar with e.g. filesystems haha
<gchristensen> yeah, what video install guides? never heard of these
<DjDingo> oh not for nixos, but other distros. arch, debian, void etc
<hyper_ch2> DjDingo: investing some time into learning how to use zfs is well worth it. Snapshotting, cloning, backup etc. is such a breeze
<hyper_ch2> (and not just for NixOS but in general)
<DigitalKiwi> old but largely still relevant and useful https://pthree.org/2012/12/19/zfs-administration-part-xii-snapshots-and-clones/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut closed pull request #66023 → python37Packages.ase: 3.17.0 -> 3.18.0 → https://git.io/fjHS1
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<hyper_ch2> or youtube "zfs ninja" (part 1 and 2)
<hyper_ch2> the main thing is: remember to use legacy mounts on nixos
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<DjDingo> hyper_ch2: yea it is very handy. The 2 reaons I quitted FreeBSD for NixOS are 1, no official VMWARE client in the repo. 2, I'm delving into Haskell and NixOS seems perfect for a better understanding of FP
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<gchristensen> NixOS taught me my first functional programming language
<DjDingo> gchristensen: haha how long have you been using NixOS
<gchristensen> 3.5y or so
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #66210 → vala_0_40: 0.40.15 -> 0.40.16 → https://git.io/fjQCX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fj7eI
<DjDingo> I myself have only stayed in Windows for longer than that xD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fj7eL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #66196 → gnome3.vala: 0.44.5 -> 0.44.6 → https://git.io/fjQss
<exarkun> gchristensen: The Nix expression language? Ouch :)
<gchristensen> it was the best introduction I could have asked for
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<Taneb> Certainly an easy-to-motivate-learning language, I guess
<worldofpeace> that's cool gchristensen . with nix it's like the better it gets, the better it gets
<gchristensen> it solved the problem I had :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk opened pull request #66327 → nixos-generate-config: enable overriding configuration.nix → https://git.io/fj7eZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66021 → python37Packages.BTrees: 4.5.1 -> 4.6.0 → https://git.io/fjHSi
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<hmemcpy> Hi all. I'm very new to nix, so please bear with me :) I'm trying to use a specific version of a python package, but when I run nix-shell, I still get the old version that's installed on my machine
<hmemcpy> Am I holding it wrong?
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « tests/post-hook.sh: Don't put result link in cwd »: https://git.io/fj7e2
<exarkun> I think you want `buildInputs = [ (python.withPackages (ps: pygments24)) ];` instead
<exarkun> Your expression may have installed pygments24 into your environment but not to anywhere your python interpreter is going to look for it
<hmemcpy> oh!
<hmemcpy> Thank you, let me try :)
<exarkun> you may also want `(python.buildEnv.override { ... }).env` instead of the whole `mkShell ...`
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<hmemcpy> @exarkun that did the trick! Thank you very much :) I guess I should have been following the readme closer :D
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<DigitalKiwi> hi hmemcpy
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<hmemcpy> hello!
* DigitalKiwi was expecting you
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<hmemcpy> Heh I haven't used irc for ... years.. Does this still work?
* hmemcpy slaps DigitalKiwi around a bit with a large trout
<hmemcpy> :D
* DigitalKiwi hasn't seen that in years
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7e9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66009 → ocamlPackages.cmdliner: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 → https://git.io/fjHDO
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<duairc> Does anyone know any workarounds for this issue? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3025
<{^_^}> nix#3025 (by zeecde, 4 days ago, open): HTTP error 200 (curl error: Timeout was reached) - unable to update and install
<duairc> There's one particular large nar that's causing issues for me. I thought I'd be clever and try to nix-prefetch-url it, but that hasn't helped
<MmeQuignon> Hi, I use moc to listen music. This player can be compiled to play streams but the nix version is not compiled that way. I would like to customise the package and eventually make a pr about this. Is there some documentation to do that ? Thank you !
<ivan> duairc: what's your nix version?
<duairc> ivan: 2.2.2
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<ivan> oh damn "Hydra does not seem to support ranged HTTP requests, which is why the retry functionality is not working for me. It keeps trying to download the entire file, and hits the same timeout over and over."
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar opened pull request #66328 → Extract NixOS options documentation generation to a function → https://git.io/fj7ep
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66026 → python37Packages.asgiref: 3.1.4 -> 3.2.1 → https://git.io/fjH9I
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7vO
<duairc> I mean given that I can download the file with wget, is there some I can trick nix into thinking it's downloaded it so that it doesn't try to download it every time?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7v3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mmahut merged pull request #66038 → python3Packages.ase: 3.17.0 -> 3.18.0 → https://git.io/fjHHK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rawkode opened pull request #66329 → wavebox: 4.7.3 -> 4.11.1 → https://git.io/fj7vs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #66330 → chromedriver: 2.46 -> 76.0.3809.68 → https://git.io/fj7vZ
<exarkun> host it on a local server and nix-prefetch-url it?
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<duairc> I've nix-prefetch-url'd it, but it still tried to download it every time
<duairc> *tries
<duairc> Even just running nix-prefetch-url on the same URL twice, it doesn't seem to recognise that it's already downloaded it
<duairc> It seems to be working now. I literally just did `while true; do sudo nixos-rebuild switch; done`, and I guess one of the times it worked
<exarkun> weird
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « oh-my-zsh: 2019-08-06 -> 2019-08-07 »: https://git.io/fj7vR
<duairc> Maybe after a while it had already downloaded most things, so it wasn't trying to download so many things in parallel, which meant it had more bandwidth for the big file that was failing, and it was able to get it over the line before the timeout?
<duairc> But this definitely doesn't feel very declarative :(
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<chris__> Anyone know if we have ApacheBench (ab) in nixpkgs?
<Taneb> chris__: it's in apacheHttpd
<colemickens> gchristensen: btw, I was hoping to be able to test the wireguard stuff soon, and ack back with something other than "I'll try soon" but I'm using it as motivation to wrap up my azure/nixos work, and of course I'm running into roadblocks again. Hopefully soon TM.
<colemickens> gchristensen: thank you very much, pre-emptively, too :)
<gchristensen> cool :)
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8d2008ccc69 (from 52 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<chris__> Taneb: Thanks!
<Taneb> chris__: you can use nix-index/nix-locate to find things like this
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<chris__> Taneb: Oh yes... I forgot about that. Double thanks!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #66331 → [19.03] chromedriver: 2.46 -> 76.0.3809.68 → https://git.io/fj7vP
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @geistesk opened pull request #66332 → pythonPackages.gtimelog: 0.9.1 -> unstable-2019-08-06 → https://git.io/fj7vX
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<Soo_Slow> is problem with unability to use opengl with nix packages on non-nix distros still there?
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<sphalerite> Soo_Slow: yes #62169
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62169 (by matthewbauer, 10 weeks ago, open): Support libGL in non-NixOS Nixpkgs
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<Soo_Slow> sphalerite, eeeh. Hopefully it will be solved someday :c Nix looks way more interesting than flatpak
<sphalerite> yeah, it's a painful issue
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<Soo_Slow> is it the same for vulkan applications?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl closed pull request #37622 → weechat: Add plugin to config only if it is used → https://git.io/vxlvK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #64262 → weechat: prevent impure use of system Python → https://git.io/fj6Yl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed commit from @bdesham to master « weechat: prevent impure use of system Python (#64262) »: https://git.io/fj7fK
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #66333 → ocamlPackages.zarith: enable for OCaml 4.08 → https://git.io/fj7fH
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<chiefgoat> So I installed Ubuntu to another drive
<chiefgoat> And it overwrote the EFI stub that kicks off the rest of my NixOS boot
<chiefgoat> Now I can see a bunch of kernel bzimages and initrds in the nixos folder of my efi partition but none of them will boot. I get a kernel panic every time
<chiefgoat> Is there someone who can provide a little guidance?
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<chiefgoat> Found one that works under systemd/
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<enteee> any python people here? I would need a bit of support setting up a python project with a dependency to the cryptography module.
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<simpson> enteee: Sure. I have to catch a bus in a few minutes, but there are others, too. `pythonPackages.cryptography` is probably your starting point.
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<enteee> simpson: same bus situation here as well :) but thanks..
<enteee> simpson: let me share quickly what i have right now.. 1 sec
<enteee> this is the default.nix that I am using to create my python dev environment, which does include pythonPackages.cryptography
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bdesham opened pull request #66334 → pinboard-notes-backup: init at → https://git.io/fj7Jq
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<enteee> the problem is now that the pip install -r on line 37 does not find the cryptography module and tires to install it again, which fails for obvious reasons (gcc missing)
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<simpson> enteee: I'm not sure about that shellHook. It *does* seem very Pythonic, but not very Nixy. Sadly there's no automatic transformation from requirements.txt to Nix expressions.
<enteee> simpson: ok.
<simpson> Best of luck; I gotta grab a bus.
<enteee> k, thx anyways
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<adisbladis> enteee: Tbh I wouldn't mix nix/python like that. I'd make my nix-shell only provide python/pip.
<adisbladis> (and the required native deps to install whatever python deps I have)
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<enteee> adisbladis: hmm.. I am not quite sure if I do understand you. That's kind of what i tried. where do you see the mistake?
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<enteee> other that me calling pip install -r ... at the end.
<adisbladis> enteee: I mean I wouldn't even bother pulling in cryptography with nix
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<adisbladis> If you're going to use pip, use pip all the way
<enteee> i kind of have to. because pip install cyrptography does not work becuase it requires for example gcc to be present etc..
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<enteee> adisbladis: the main reason for this beeing that cryprography is not a pure python package.
<enteee> that's where I got the idea from.
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<adisbladis> enteee: http://ix.io/1R2W
<adisbladis> Is what I mean
<adisbladis> Imho `In some cases virtualenv fails to install a library because it requires patching on NixOS (example 1, example 2, general issue). In this cases it is better to replace those libraries with ones from Nix. ` is really bad advice
<enteee> adisbladis: good to know that this is bad advice. It's what i tried to follow
<enteee> funny enough my approach worked quite well up until a few days ago where something must have changed in virtualenvwrapper or similar.. that's when things started to go wrong
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<enteee> adisbladis: anyways here comes my bus. thx for your help. I'll try that and do some more digging later.
<emptyflask> I'm having trouble with using rsync with my nixos box as the remote machine -- found this: https://www.lancelotsix.com/posts/2015-12-20-ZSH_and_nixos.html -- I'm not sure if this advice is still accurate though
<emptyflask> especially the `shells = [...]` bit. shouldn't that use `${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh` instead?
<averell> if you have programs.zsh.enable that link will exist, but yeah you could do that too.
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<averell> seems rather outdated, rsync and direct ssh with echo works fine for me with zsh. maybe you can reproduce that (like in a small container) and then narrow it down to the relevant config.
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<averell> #65283 needs more reviewers, only while supplies last!
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/65283 (by averelld, 2 weeks ago, open): Add x2goserver module
<emptyflask> I wonder if it's just that I need to explicitly install rsync in configuration.nix, I'll have to test when I'm back to my other computer
<emptyflask> oh. there's a services.rsync.enable
<emptyflask> that would probably be it
<emptyflask> *rsyncd
<joepie91> emptyflask: rsync can operate in multiple modes
<joepie91> either talking to an rsyncd, or tunneling over another protocol (eg. SSH) to a remote ad-hoc rsync instance
<joepie91> rsyncd.enable should only be necessary when you intend to talk to rsyncd directly
<joepie91> if you just want to do eg. rsync-over-SSH, the remote system only needs to have rsync installed and available in the PATH of whatever shell session SSHing to the box produces
<joepie91> and rsyncd will serve no purpose
<joepie91> (it will essentially SSH in, start `rsync` in receiving mode, and then blast data over the SSH connection)
<emptyflask> ah, I see. so yeah I'll have to figure out the rsync-in-the-path issue then
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<joepie91> emptyflask: right. if the target system is NixOS, adding it to environment.systemPackages should be sufficient.
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<joepie91> emptyflask: I believe it's also possible to give rsync a custom command to execute for starting the remote rsync instance, in which case you could shoehorn in a nix-shell call if you don't want to pollute your system environment with an rsync binary
<joepie91> but I haven't tested this so I don't know how well it actually works
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @averelld opened pull request #66335 → pkgsi686Linux.qt5.qtbase: fix build → https://git.io/fj7JX
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<chiefgoat> So it looks like firefox-wayland is a lie?
<chiefgoat> Running it from Sway without xwayland just fails
<gchristensen> chiefgoat: perhaps you could reframe that question in to a problem description and a question about how to resolve it?
<gchristensen> because I assure you, none of the people who work hard to maintain firefox and wayland in nixpkgs wanted to lie to you
<chiefgoat> gchristensen: it wasn’t intended as insult just a hyperbolic declaration ala the cake is a lie
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<gchristensen> please tune down the hyperbole, it hurts to work hard on something and then have people be hyperbolic about it
<chiefgoat> And there isn’t much in the way of additional detail to furnish since X11 apps will simply halt without further detail when run from s Wayland session
<gchristensen> well, your second message was way more informative :)
<gchristensen> what happens if you start firefox with
<gchristensen> MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @takeda opened pull request #66336 → pgbouncer: use c-ares for name resolution → https://git.io/fj7JH
<chiefgoat> gchristensen: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect
<gchristensen> not sure
<gchristensen> I use regular firefox on wayland with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND
<emptyflask> thanks joepie91 -- I'll try the global install tonight. that sounds like it will work
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<SovereignBleak> gchristensen: also chiefgoat. are you sure it's running as pure wayland? I've gone months now thinking I was running Firefox as Wayland until I ripped xwayland out and verified for myself. Here's a longer paste of the error: http://dpaste.com/2D72TKY
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<gchristensen> not sure, but if I kill xwayland it works fine
<SovereignBleak> Hmmm. Qutebrowser too fails to run for me but I'm not sure if that's because the Qt patch bringing in wayland support still hasn't made it down to us.
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<SovereignBleak> Eh, well I need Emacs so I'll just put xwayland back but it is a mystery.
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<kfound> is there a way to prevent "nix-env -i" doing any local compilation; so only using binary substitutes? "allow-import-from-derivation" and "fallback" don't seem to do what i want
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<corpix[m]> SovereignBleak: this could be https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/65290
<{^_^}> #65290 (by pmiddend, 2 weeks ago, closed): qutebrowser doesn't start
<exarkun> qemu-user-arm coreutils build failed :(
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<damesca> Hi. Looking for help. I'm trying to install a newer version of aws-vault by overriding src/version in the nixpkgs 19.03 version, but getting a ton of build failures (see build config/errors here: https://pastebin.com/Gkh7SVyx ). Can anyone help? This is my first attempt at changing a package, and after reading the manual/googling around I've still
<damesca> not found a good example that works for my slow brain. Would appreciate if anyone can lay it on me. :)
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<simpson> damesca: It would seem that the newer version has different dependencies from the older version. You will have to regenerate the dependencies with go2nix or similar.
<damesca> Hmmmm.... Ok. I'll look into that. Thanks.
<chiefgoat> corpix: this was actually fixed in the latest unstable builds but thank you :-) I meant that it doesn’t run under “pure” Wayland
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<jlv> Can I override glibc in a package buildInput?
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<etu> jlv: overrideAttrs is your friend for that
<etu> or no, override should be enough
<exarkun> What is the difference between override and overrideAttrs?
<etu> (package.override { glibc = myGlibc; })
<etu> exarkun: override overrides the arguments provided to the function, while overrideAttrs overrides the attributes set in a derivation, like buildInputs
<exarkun> Ah. That seems to make sense. Thanks. What's the difference between overrideAttrs and `... // { more stuff }`?
<jlv> What if I want to override glibc while making the package derivation itself? It looks like overrideAttrs is for overriding while you are calling a package. To clarify, it looks like glibc is automatically added to every package, and I need a different glibc for one package.
<etu> > a = { b = 3; }; a.b
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting '.' or '=', at (string):26:21
<etu> > a = { b = 3; }; a.b;
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting '.' or '=', at (string):26:21
<etu> > let a = { b = 3; } in a.b
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected IN, expecting ';', at (string):256:20
<etu> > let a = { b = 3; }; in a.b
<{^_^}> 3
<etu> > let a = { b = 3; } // { c = 4; }; in a.c
<{^_^}> 4
<etu> exarkun: as you see above, I make set a that contains b = 3, but in the last line I merge it with another set that contains c = 4
<exarkun> etu: Yea, I think I understand what // does. It sounds like what it does is a lot like what overrideAttrs does. I guess a difference, though, is that overrideAttrs takes a function and passed the old value as an argument, so the overrides can be based on the original value if you want.
<etu> exarkun: yeah, on overrideAttrs you can kinda mix and match old and new data
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<jlv> I get "called with unexpected argument 'glibc'" when I try to override glibc with overrideAttrs. I assume because the package function does not take glibc as an argument, since it is implicitly added to every package.
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<exarkun> jlv: pastebin exactly what you tried
<jlv> Whoops, looks like I called .override instead of .overrideAttrs
<jlv> Noticed as I was copying :)
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<jlv> Unfortunately, it looks like it doesn't actually override glibc :/
<jlv> The package still has access to the original glibc :(
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<jlv> This is the line with the override `deblibldap.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { glibc = (callPackage ./deblibldap/deblibc {});})`
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace closed pull request #66313 → Add GNOME3 ISO, Don't run graphical installer ISOs as root → https://git.io/fjQFs
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/aaf6f097179 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<duckonomy> Hello everyone, is there a language translation team?
<srhb> duckonomy: I don't think there is.
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<gchristensen> oooh that sounds cool though
<duckonomy> If I were to create translations for things like the manual, where should I put it?
<gchristensen> we are completely not setup for translations right now!
<duckonomy> Oh ok
<gchristensen> what language would you like to translate to?
<duckonomy> I am Korean
<gchristensen> have you done translation stuff before?
<duckonomy> No, but I wanted to introduce NixOS to some Korean communities
<gchristensen> cool
<gchristensen> I am very interested in figuring out how to do this :)
* joepie91 notes that https://weblate.org/en/ exists
<jlv> Why does NixOS have such special treatment for glibc anyway? Why isn't it just added to buildInputs like every other package?
<joepie91> (I have not worked with it beyond casting a quick glance at it, but it's supposed to be pretty good)
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<gchristensen> duckonomy: I've added a to-do to my list for investigating how to do i18n for our docs
<duckonomy> Interesting
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<joepie91> gchristensen: you should definitely give weblate a look then :P
<gchristensen> it is in my todo :)
<linarcx> Guys, anyone here can successfully installed flutter on nixos and start developing apps with it?
<aanderse> linarcx: i have not!
<aanderse> and i tried
<aanderse> and it was horrible
<linarcx> aanderse: hmm..
<aanderse> the difficulty of getting flutter to work was more than my motivation to get it to work
<aanderse> not that i had super high motivation
<aanderse> but something about a persistently self updating executable
<linarcx> aanderse: It was the only reason that i gave up to using nixos.
<aanderse> linarcx: :-O
<symphorien> jlv: it belongs to a so called stdenv
<linarcx> I wish someday nixos developers fix these kinds of issues.
<aanderse> flutter is something i want to come back to and potentially get working
<aanderse> and i'm so sad to hear you are no longer using nixos!
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<linarcx> aanderse: Yeah.. come back to "normal" distros :(
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<aanderse> linarcx: :-'(
<aanderse> linarcx: was it just flutter that made you move, or a few things?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #66241 → pythonPackages.vdf: 3.1 -> 3.2 → https://git.io/fjQzT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7TB
<jlv> symphorien: Is it possible to use a different glibc then? Like make a different stdenv or something? I'm trying to add a debian package and am running into a lot of issues with incompatible libraries, which is now at the point where the NixOS glibc appears incompatible.
<linarcx> aanderse: No, flutter + qt development. Most of my times i'm working with these two things. all of other parts of nixos are awesome.
<symphorien> You mean a stdenv with musl
<symphorien> ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sikmir opened pull request #66337 → qlandkartegt: init at 1.8.1 → https://git.io/fj7T0
<jlv> I would really like to switch to NixOS as my main computer, but really need this one unfree debian package :(
<aanderse> linarcx: it has been too many years since i've done qt development... and i've never done it on nixos, so i'm not sure what to say about that
<jlv> symphorien: I'm not sure what that is. Maybe?
<aanderse> but yeah, flutter was painful
<aanderse> hopefully one day i'll get back at it and try to make it work
<symphorien> Ah you mean an old glibc ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #66237 → cht.sh: unstable-2018-11-02 -> unstable-2019-08-06 → https://git.io/fjQuc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7TE
<symphorien> Your best bet is to use old nixpkgd
<symphorien> ,unstable
<linarcx> aanderse: Yeah.. qt creator has some bad issues on nixos. Also i reported them on github. But.. I hope in future these thinkgs fix.
<jlv> The specific error is "/nix/store/iykxb0bmfjmi7s53kfg6pjbfpd8jmza6-glibc-2.27/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /nix/store/jcjfkl4n1w6bffha01np9aqm0jn16wyv-deblibldap-2.4.2/lib/libldap_r-2.4.so.2)"
<symphorien> ^ do this with an old nixos release instead of unstable
<symphorien> > stdenv.libc.version
<{^_^}> attribute 'libc' missing, at (string):256:1
<symphorien> > glibc.version
<{^_^}> "2.27"
<symphorien> So you need a more recent libc
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<jlv> symphorien: That sounds a little harder on my end
<symphorien> Is your unfree debian package released also for rhel ?
<symphorien> This would lift the "recent libc" requirement
<jlv> symphorien: Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS
<symphorien> Try the centos binaries
<jlv> Ok. Fingers crossed. Been at this for days now and it hasn't been easy...
<symphorien> Binaries are indeed problematic
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #66209 → kube3d: 1.1.0 -> 1.3.1 → https://git.io/fjQCa
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7T2
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<karetsu> suppose I want to release my default sink when I use lightdm's `dm-tool switch-to-greeter` so that when my other users log on that source is also picked up as the default for them - I have pacmd but not what to do to allow my user to release the source so that the other user (who had it as their last source) can have it automatically allocated for them
<jlv> I've also tried Docker, but there appears to be some issues with binding the drive directory. Probably because it is a virtual filesystem.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #66206 → tilt: 0.9.4 -> 0.9.7 → https://git.io/fjQCL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7Tw
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<blackriversoftwa> Is there a NixOS option to fix the name of a NIC with a particular MAC address?
<blackriversoftwa> Or do I need to put a rule in udev extra rules?
<srhb> blackriversoftwa: I don't think such an option exists out of the box.
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<blackriversoftwa> ok it didn't seem to but I just wanted to check
<srhb> Sure :)
<blackriversoftwa> srhb: thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #66338 → installer: Don't run as root → https://git.io/fj7TM
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #66040 → mininet: 2.3.0d4 -> 2.3.0d6 → https://git.io/fjHH7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7T9
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<bdesham> just tell me if this is already covered in the manual, but... if a Python program has "foo[bar]" in its requirements.txt, how would I package that?
<bdesham> the "foo" here is coming from pypi but doesn't exist in nixpkgs yet, afaict
<bdesham> (to be clear, it's the [bar] option I'm not sure how to handle)
<ottidmes> Umm, I am trying to install NixOS on a new NVMe SSD and am getting Buffer I/O error on dev nvme0n1 when e.g. trying to write the partition table after making one with gdisk, does this mean I am screwed and need to get it replaced? Seems like a hardware issue :(
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<simpson> bdesham: Usually by reading the source of `foo` and figuring out what the `[bar]` feature installs.
<joepie91> ottidmes: have a look at your smart data
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<bdesham> simpson: ok, thanks
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<ottidmes> joepie91: smartctl right?
<jlv> It looks like `fetchurl` has issues with the ~ character
<ottidmes> joepie: smartctl -H /dev/nvme0, and smartctl -H /dev/nvme0n1 both give me result: PASSED
<joepie91> ottidmes: yeah, `smartctl --attributes /dev/whatever`
<joepie91> see if anything looks wrong
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau closed pull request #63616 → [WIP] tensorflow: re-enable build from source → https://git.io/fjwkb
<ottidmes> 56 error information log entries, the rest seems OK
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau closed pull request #46836 → adafruit-ampy: Init at 1.0.5 → https://git.io/fAySC
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<zeta_0> hello guys, i am still trying to figure out how to correctly install ihaskell(integrated with it's packages) in home.nix, could you guys help me correct the syntax? here is the let expression to install it and my home.nix file: https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/0c4cebc6d70a9ca6a734e1e0ee413417 https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/3a20b5edd169405c15047207ca596928
<ottidmes> havent even written 25MB to it, but it does have ErrCount 56, just not sure how bad it is
<jlv> How am I supposed to fetchurl a url with a ~? It throws an error that ~ is an invalid character, but if I try to url encode it with %7E, it throws an error that % is an invalid character...
<srhb> jlv: "it" ?
<bdesham> jlv: are you quoting the URL?
<jlv> bdesham: yes
<jlv> srhb: fetchurl
<jlv> Same error with nix-prefetch-url
<srhb> jlv: Hm, yes. builtins.fetchurl does not appear to have that restriction.
<srhb> Oh
<srhb> It's because of the store name of course
<srhb> You just need to rename that.
<schmittlauch[m]> Does the nixpkgs manual also have a top-level name in the pkgs set and thus can be installed/ built with nix build?
<srhb> jlv: So just feed name to pkgs.fetchurl to rename the output.
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<schmittlauch[m]> The manual itself only describes the build process in a nix-shell in a directory
<jlv> Maybe the problem is with the downloaded file. Looks like the file has a ~ in it name.
<srhb> jlv: Yep, that's what I said above :)
<jlv> Got ya :)
<ottidmes> joepie91 : I am going to check my sedutil settings, it might just cause those error to occur due to them, fingers crossed
<joepie91> ottidmes: may also just be an unseated cable :)
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: I'm not sure it is, but it's manual in <nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/release.nix>
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sam-willis opened pull request #66340 → qbittorrent: fixes issue 66339 → https://git.io/fj7kk
<zeta_0> vaibhavsagar: is there cachix for the ihaskell repository, just in case it takes too long to build?
<vaibhavsagar> zeta_0: you can try https://vaibhavsagar.cachix.org
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<zeta_0> vaibhavsagar: thanks
<zeta_0> vaibhavsagar++
<{^_^}> vaibhavsagar's karma got increased to 1
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #66091 → bluejeans-gui: use patchShebangs, add me to maintainers → https://git.io/fjHho
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7kO
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #64584 → bitlbee-mastodon: init at 1.4.2 → https://git.io/fjPcZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7ks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #66341 → WIP prometheus-wireguard-exporter: 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 → https://git.io/fj7kw
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<jlv> Whoo! Looks like I got seadrive-daemon working on NixOS! Thanks for everyone's help :)
<jlv> I'll be testing seadrive-gui next for the full experience, but that is open source at least, and I already got it to build correctly, just need to test
<jlv> seadrive-daemon is a bit of a mess with several libraries pulled in from Debian, but it works!
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<zeta_0> hello guys, i am still trying to figure out how to correctly install ihaskell(integrated with it's packages) in home.nix, could you guys help me correct the syntax? here is the let expression to install it and my home.nix file: https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/0c4cebc6d70a9ca6a734e1e0ee413417 https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/3a20b5edd169405c15047207ca596928
<zeta_0> thanks in advance!!!
<kellyjac06> Is home.nix a home-manager thing?
<zeta_0> kellyjac06: ya
<kellyjac06> I was going to ask, is home-manager is the most common nixos way to deal with dotfiles, configs, and installing programs that would maybe be more user focused rather than system(?)
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #3031 → conf: stalled-download-timeout: make tunable → https://git.io/fjQ9B
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7kQ
<srhb> kellyjac06: It's certainly gaining traction..
<srhb> kellyjac06: It's quite convenient.
<ashkitten> oof, i'm having an issue where i built a binary with gcc but it's not in the nix store, and the interpreter doesn't exist anymore because i've upgraded glibc since and deleted old generations
<ashkitten> how do i deal with that?
<ashkitten> if i rebuild the binary or patch it, the interpreter will get out of date again
<zeta_0> kellyjac06: i don't know about the dotfiles, but the home-manager is user specific, so the local(user) and global(system) packages are seperate
<srhb> zeta_0: Where's the problem in that expression exactly?
<mdash> ashkitten: the preferred solution is to build it with nix instead so it stays up to date
<mdash> ashkitten: what program is it?
<ashkitten> oh hang on
<ashkitten> i'm gonna package the program
<ashkitten> that'll take care of it
<mdash> that's usually easiest in the long run
<mdash> (though often really frustrating in the short term... I have been trying to package pleroma, it's not been fun)
<ashkitten> good luck
<kellyjac06> zeta_0 I think I saw ages ago someones dotfiles that were something like this where most of their config files had been rewritten as .nix: https://gist.github.com/LnL7/f1266f840871d471256008c70c463fbc IDK if they were using home-manager though, I can't seem to find the repo anymore
<vaibhavsagar> zeta_0: this is day 3 of you pestering people
<zeta_0> srhb: well i don't think there is a problem, i am just trying to figure out the correct way to paste it into home.nix, i am not sure where i made the syntax errors
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<zeta_0> kellyjac06: i've never worked with dotfiles before, so i don't know
<zeta_0> kellyjac06: but i am really enjoying home.nix, it has saved me a lot of frustration
<srhb> zeta_0: It looks like you took some quotes that were meant to just highlight code and kept them in your setup.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @markuskowa opened pull request #66342 → gnss-sdr: 0.0.9 -> 0.0.11 → https://git.io/fj7Iv
<zeta_0> srhb: what?
<srhb> zeta_0: In your first gist, none of those `` make sense aside from probably as a visual aid in chat or something along those lines :)
<vaibhavsagar> srhb: pmed you
<zeta_0> srhb: right
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #66340 → qbittorrent: use qt5's mkDerivation → https://git.io/fj7kk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7II
<blackriversoftwa> can someone help me with dnsmasq on nixos a bit?
<blackriversoftwa> I want to set up dnsmasq to provide dhcp on a secondary network interface
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<blackriversoftwa> and have the dhcp clients addressable by hostname from my nixos machine (the one running dnsmasq)
<blackriversoftwa> the idea is to be able to plug in my raspberry pi to a second ethernet port and be able to ssh to it by hostname
<andrewrk> I'm getting `qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""` from obs-studio, anyone know how to fix it? this is 19.09.git.b5f5c97 (Loris)
<blackriversoftwa> but I don't know how to set up dns on my NixOS machine so it uses dnsmasq as a secondary nameserver
<blackriversoftwa> I tried and lost the ability to resolve internetn names
<blackriversoftwa> (I tried putting the address of the interface that dnsmasq was listening on in `networking.networkmanager.appendNameservers`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « pythonPackages.scapy: 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3 »: https://git.io/fj7IO
<vaibhavsagar> andrewrk: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Qt#qt.qpa.plugin:_Could_not_find_the_Qt_platform_plugin_.22xcb.22_in_.22.22
<srhb> blackriversoftwa: with resolveLocalQueries it should be added to the networking.nameservers list.
<samueldr> andrewrk, vaibhavsagar, that wiki page will need to be amended
<andrewrk> vaibhavsagar, thanks!
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<samueldr> andrewrk: update your channel, I think the fix should be in unstable now
* samueldr checks meanwhile
<andrewrk> ok
<samueldr> Details for the now recommended solution to the issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/65399
<{^_^}> #65399 (by ttuegel, 1 week ago, open): Tracking issue for wrapQtAppsHook
<vaibhavsagar> andrewrk: are you using `nix-env` for OBS?
<andrewrk> vaibhavsagar, I was just gonna use `nix-shell -p` but I'm happy to make a env file for it
<vaibhavsagar> I've had a bunch of issues with `nix-env` and Qt, so much so that I avoid `nix-env` and use `environment.systemPackages` wherever possible
<vaibhavsagar> `nix-shell -p` should work fine
<vaibhavsagar> basically Qt shits itself whenever there is a version mismatch
<samueldr> with the new wrapQtAppsHook, this should slowly go away
<adisbladis> For a Qt app to run the stars need to align and you need to make a religious sacrifice :/
<samueldr> derivations not using it still will need to be fixed as they are found
<samueldr> in fact, it should be breaking even more decisively quickly, so the leftovers should be picked up quickly I hope
<blackriversoftwa> srhb ok but I'm already using systemd-resolved for my main local network
<blackriversoftwa> so that's what's listening on
<srhb> blackriversoftwa: So you want the other interface that dnsmasq is listening on in your resolv.conf?
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<blackriversoftwa> I want my resolv.conf to point both to dnsmasq (just for the Raspberry pis on a little subnet) and systemd-resolved (for my main network/internet)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer opened pull request #66343 → ocamlPackages_latest.campl4: init at 4.08+1 → https://git.io/fj7IB
<blackriversoftwa> the only reason I'm using dnsmasq at all is to serve dhcp to the raspberry pis and to let me resolve their hostnames
<blackriversoftwa> srhb: cc
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<srhb> blackriversoftwa: You can manually point networking.nameservers at the address dnsmasq is listening at then.
<Thra11> If I'm writing a package where the buildPhase outputs a bunch of files, should I output the files directly into $out and skip the installPhase, or is there a reason to build the files first and have an install phase which copies them to $out?
<srhb> blackriversoftwa: Or you could add it to resolved. Whichever makes more sense.
<blackriversoftwa> srhb: but then I wouldn't get my dhcp configured nameservers for internet, would I?
<srhb> blackriversoftwa: Depends how they're being configured.
<andrewrk> thanks samueldr after updating my unstable channel it's fixed
<samueldr> if you see others, and can't fix them + send PR, reply on that tracking issue with the package that needs fixing
<andrewrk> I was a bit reluctant to do that because I have this crazy patch against linux-firmware: https://clbin.com/L9ZUI
<andrewrk> ok thanks I will
<samueldr> it'll eventually be sorted out
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar reopened pull request #22357 → [WIP] Use openssl 1.1 by default → https://git.io/vDOGw
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<ashkitten> how can i unset a value from a set?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jlesquembre opened pull request #66344 → clj-kondo: init at 2019.07.31-alpha → https://git.io/fj7I1
<blackriversoftwa> srhb: I figured it out. Turning on dnsmasq defaults resolved to being disabled, so I had to add `services.resolved.enable = true;` to my module for this to work
<blackriversoftwa> I also had to add `bind-interfaces` to my dnsmasq options so it didn't try to bind port 53 on the wildcard address
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<ivegotasthma> hello
<ivegotasthma> is there a place for the most recent discussions of flakes?
<gchristensen> ,flakes
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<ivegotasthma> danke schoen
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #66345 → pythonPackages.spacy: 2.1.7 -> 2.1.8 → https://git.io/fj7Ip
<gchristensen> bitte
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<bdesham> ashkitten: this seems hokey, but maybe filterAttrs (n: v: n != "attrToRemove") { ... } ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #66346 → Remove types.string → https://git.io/fj7LI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tokudan opened pull request #66347 → postgresql: fix CVE-2019-10208, CVE-2019-10209 → https://git.io/fj7L3
<kaliumxyz> so what does that malware even do?
<kaliumxyz> oh wait, wrong chat.
<kaliumxyz> ignore that.
<kaliumxyz> i-its not like it runs on nixos.
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<sugi[m]> i'm kind of wondering what's going on with the postgresql tests on grahamc ofborg in this PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/66347. the tests finished in half a minute? did the tests really run or did someone else make a similar PR and thus no tests needed to be run?
<{^_^}> #66347 (by tokudan, 7 minutes ago, open): postgresql: fix CVE-2019-10208, CVE-2019-10209
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pierothebear opened pull request #66348 → [python3][dask] update dask to 2.2.0 → https://git.io/fj7LW
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<ivegotasthma> I'm packaging a python library and I'm wondering, what should go into the propagated build inputs?
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<ivegotasthma> should all my buildInputs be in the propagatedBuildInputs too?
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<infinisil> ivegotasthma: All python deps should go in there
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<infinisil> If you have dependencies only needed during the build itself, those should go in nativeBuildInputs
<vaibhavsagar> ivegotasthma: if it builds just fine but fails on runtime complaining about a missing dependency, that dependency should go in propagatedBuildInputs
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<ivegotasthma> thanks guys
<kellyjac06> iouhAOUHIW1
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<kellyjac06> iwfKKJWW221
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<ivegotasthma> is this a riddle?
<infinisil> Haha I'm wondering too, it sure feels like one
<averell> someones gonna be changing passwords...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NilsIrl opened pull request #66349 → Remove useless dont_clobber_environment.patch for Godot → https://git.io/fj7L1
<ivegotasthma> averell: lol
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ivegotasthma opened pull request #66350 → pythonPackages.django-anymail: init at 6.1.0 → https://git.io/fj7Lp
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<ivegotasthma> are there special maintainers for python packages that I should cc?
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/63fa75e34c1 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
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<adisbladis> ivegotasthma: fridh (the maintainer of the python infra) is automatically CCed on all python packages
<adisbladis> Other than that CC any listed maintainers
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/63fa75e34c1 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<zeta_0> hello guys, can you guys help me fix this nixos build error: https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/87a02a918a1e06e60d4df27096909501
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<zeta_0> i have to go, i'll be back tomorrow
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer opened pull request #66351 → python3Packages.mpv: 0.1 -> 0.3.9 → https://git.io/fj7tV
<alienpirate5> Hello all
<alienpirate5> I'm getting a build error while trying to compile `pkgsCross.armv7l-hf-multiplatform.xorg.libXres`
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @markuskowa opened pull request #66352 → nixos/beegfs: remove module, packages, and tests → https://git.io/fj7t1
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<AWizzArd> If NixOS wants to compile software it means that no binary version is available, right? But who adds binary versions of software? If I compile it, is it getting uploaded somewhere and stored for all future NixOS users?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #66353 → bazelisk: 0.0.8 -> 1.0 → https://git.io/fj7tS
<infinisil> AWizzArd: Nix uses a hydra <https://hydra.nixos.org/> to do all builds and push them to the trusted cache at cache.nixos.org
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66330 → chromedriver: 2.46 -> 76.0.3809.68 → https://git.io/fj7vZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7t7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66331 → [19.03] chromedriver: 2.46 -> 76.0.3809.68 → https://git.io/fj7vP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to release-19.03: https://git.io/fj7td
<infinisil> AWizzArd: So no, your own builds can't be used by others as a cache (unless this gets explicitly configured)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam closed pull request #63034 → chromedriver: 2.46 -> 75.0.3770.8 → https://git.io/fjgx6
<infinisil> s/as a cache/with the default cache settings
<selfsymmetric-mu> How cool would that be though? Something like a Nix-wide bazel.
<AWizzArd> selfsymmetric-mu: the question is how trustworthy such software would be
<infinisil> How does bazel do that?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66345 → pythonPackages.spacy: 2.1.7 -> 2.1.8 → https://git.io/fj7Ip
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7tF
<infinisil> With Nix it would be rather secure because of its purity, people could still upload bad build results though. So we should only allow it for deterministic builds, such that a build result only gets approved if e.g. 3 different people upload the exact same result
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @rycee opened pull request #295 → Add Greater Copenhagen NixOS User Group meetup → https://git.io/fj7tA
<infinisil> selfsymmetric-mu: I see, I think with nix#2995 this should also become possible with Nix
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2995 (by regnat, 3 weeks ago, merged): Add a post build hook
<infinisil> Oh and it's merged, nice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #66354 → dsvpn: 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3 → https://git.io/fj7tp
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<gchristensen> it is super super super important to pay attention to the caveats in the example
<gyroninja__> I'm trying to manually install a package with wget since it was too big to nix copy
<gyroninja__> so I wget the nar.xz file then what?
<gyroninja__> I'm pretty sure I need to put it into a folder and then run another command to install it
<manveru> gyroninja__: i think you can `nix add-to-store` it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #66306 → tendermint: init at 0.32.2 → https://git.io/fjQdu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fj7qe
<gyroninja__> manveru: No that add it to the store instead of installing it
<manveru> but not sure anymore
<gyroninja__> nix-store --restore seems to be what I want
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<gyroninja__> maybe not
<gyroninja__> I know it's possible because someone told me how to do it before
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<manveru> gyroninja__: in that case, the irc logs are probably your best bet...
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