
<mehlon> you can include other .nix files in nix so you can have something like "include [ ./private.nix ]" which you do not add to git
<Unode> sphalerite: something like: sudo.extraRules = lib.mkBefore [... ? doesn't work, %wheel still gets added after extraRules
<Unode> I'm tempted to open an issue unless someone has an idea and I'm the one doing something wrong...
<Unode> what I'm trying to do is to move the wheel directive to the top but this is not something controlled by me. Additionally this worked (no password prompt) in 19.03 but stopped working (always asks password) in 19.09
<Raito_Bezarius> (I tried to gdb -p and it seems like it's running something, a very long syscall because strace shows no output for some time)


<eoli3n_> sorry, i miss something, what is master ?
<eoli3n_> i'm stuck on something
<ivan> nilsirl[m]: are you using zsh or bash? do you have something replacing all your shell config?
<jonathan5> I must have done something wrong.
<mkaito> probably S3 eventual consistency or something
<jakobrs> I think it might have got something to do with propagated-build-inputs: the packages that don't work have a
<infinisil> Ah well `fetchTarball` or something
<Smith[m]> Can I cross-compile for aarch64 from a NixOS qemu x86 vm ? I'm not sure I understand if cross-compiling is builtin or something I need to setup ...
<jtojnar> or maybe look into if home-manager does not have man-db module or something


<jlv> This is my first time trying zsh, so I can't tell if something is broken, or if this is just what default zsh looks like.
<MichaelRaskin> An alternative backend for faster evaluation of Nix sounds like something more useful…
<Baughn> gchristensen: Is there something like a canonicalization function available?
<Athas> I wonder if those systemd-coredump dumps contain something useful...
<Athas> Firefox has become incredibly crashy recently. Is that something anyone else has experienced?
<deni> I'm running into an issue where I initially deployed it with `services.kubernetes.masterAddress` set to localhost (as per the doc) but then I wanted to change that to the public IP of the server. Now something is broken with the certificate generation... ie. I'm not sure how to remove the old stuff and just let it regenerate everything from scratch
<immae> Hello there, I just discovered by chance that I was wable to run something like "nix-env -i glibc-iconv", but I cannot find this "glibc-iconv" anywhere in any nix expressions (tried with "grep -r" and "find -name"), where does this magic name come from?
<evanjs> nilsirl[m]: sorry, I didn't mean to imply that, I was going to say that, if you have not made any changes, it might be simpler to just specify the git repo in the src override, vs building something you've cloned locally
<evanjs> nilsirl[m]: what do you mean? Is nix-build giving you something like `error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('pkgs')`?
<nilsirl[m]> * Is there a way I can get a result directory just by running a nix-build or something?
<nilsirl[m]> * Is there a way I can get a result directory just by running a nix-build or something?
<nilsirl[m]> Is there a way I can get a result directory just by running a nix-build or something
<disksssssdjfkjds> I fear something might have happened with my recent partition moving/resizing/growing but fsck kept saying everything was okay for that partition.


<chiefgoat> I have a little headless machine that runs NixOS. Sometimes the power goes out. When the power comes back up, the little guy doesn't power on. Is there something I can set to true in my configuration.nix to have it boot when powered?
<notgne2> I would assume there's something you can use to empty things out of environment.systemPackages in here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/modules.nix
<multun> I don't think nix has something similar, does it? it would be soooo useful
<syd> Hi peeps! I have two external harddrives and I'd like to keep them in sync via something raid1 like
<Guest38788> Is networking.vlans not doing what I want (seemingly nothing instead of setting up the vlan dev) something I should ask about on Discours? Or is the Github bug tracker the right place for it?
<infinisil> Maybe it's not NixOS that's mounting the swap but something else
<infinisil> aanderse: What do you mean by opt-in? Do you have to enable something to be able to use it?
<infinisil> aanderse: I'm worrying about it being changed to something else at some place but not at others


<Henson> infinisil: something like this fails: nix-shell -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; (python27.withPackages (ps: with ps; [scikitimage])).env"
<Henson> I noticed that python27Packages.scikitimage for NixOS stable 19.09 isn't able to be installed using nix-shell or nix-env, giving this error: error: dask-2.2.0 not supported for interpreter python2.7. I looked in the NixOS Git issues and didn't come across this issue. Is this something that's known, or should I report it? Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.
<infinisil> Yeah something like the tmpfs approach would be needed imo
<infinisil> Maybe I'm missing something
<infinisil> Hm that doesn't sound like something a deployment tool has something to do with
<tomberek> i'm trying to build something like this now, running into some low-level issues: large-file nix-copy support, speed of builds should rival docker pull, easy integration with docker-based orchestration frameworks
<tomberek> infinisil: i like those tools, but the juggernaut of terraform has made it difficult to convince $WORK to adopt. Another aspect that would be nice is something along the lines of Disnix. Many people deploy services these days. So perhaps something that can leverage the large user base of things like terraform, k8s, cloud-hosted stuff like ECS,
<kamadorueda> nix-shells, nix-store, reproducible-builds, and same-inputs/same-outputs derivations. Man, we just though:Why do we keep creating solutions in top of the problem (Docker)?, let's just not use the problem and try something else! (Nix)So we are rewriting everything on nix now
<kamadorueda> of another projects, which is a total leak!Also, you cannot build something inside a docker container unless that docker containeris privileged, which in this architecture is just a bigger leak.Of course there are workarounds,(like this https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko), but they come withits cost (more problems than solutions, and
<multun> mupf: I actually don't have the same python version as you, maybe something broke recently
<kamadorueda> would be awesome to have those nix-review commands in a README or something
<pie_> genesis: thats what im looking at but maybe I missed something
<Palpares> hi. what is the official way of declarative packaging management for users ? The home-manager project provides something, but is it a lack of the basic nixos ?
<DigitalKiwi> <option>services.xserver.desktopManager.default</option> and <option>services.xserver.windowManager.default</option> options were replaced by a single <xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.displayManager.defaultSession"/> option to improve support for upstream session files. If you used something like:
<tomberek> Is this something that can by bypassed? Talk to Nix store directly? or sandbox=false? Anyone else run into this bottleneck with files of a few GiB?
<DigitalKiwi> most recently it told me a bunch of things were deprecated and now i'm wondering if that broke it or if i didn't set something else up right...
<Thra11> I assume it's trying to evaluate the entirety of nixpkgs or something like that
<alex``> notgne2: something like `networking.extraHosts = builtins.readFile /home/alex/repositories/github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/hosts;`?
<jbetz> infinisil: I just don't want to build something I don't need. removing the binary is probably good enough, but it seems weird that this isn't configurable.
<lovesegfault> jbetz: I've never used cabal2nix, -A is just usually my first try when the problem is "select something from a nix thing" :P
<lovesegfault> ornxka: Yeah, something like this, maybe?
<ornxka> like if i have program x which runs some python code somewhere along the line, which imports eg numpy, is there an easy way to do nix-shell blah blah x blah blah --with-python-modules numpy or something, without having to modify the nix expression for x?


<Taneb> infinisil: ! I have learnt something
<ldlework> you can even have two installs of the same version of something, but different builds, with different dependencies
<johnjay> turns out it was linked against old kde libs or something
<johnjay> like, half the time i get something from github it's like, well you need to run bootstrap not configure
<rycee> luc65r: It should say something like `for path in "/nix/store…"`.
<siers> what if something tries to modify the files?
<__monty__> HM is de facto NixOS' way of managing per-user settings until something better comes along.
<Grauwolf> oh, i though nixops was more something for getting and provisioning new machines
<zeta_0> i posted an issue to ein in github about ihaskell not working, and one of the contributors told me that i need to execute these 2 commands: `M-x ein:byte-compile-ein` and `M-X ein:dev-reload` but i am getting the error: /nix/store/`path-to-ein` is a read only file system? i installed the ein emacs package with nix so i am not sure how to get around this? i am not even sure if it has something to do with ihaskell and
<worldofpeace> notgne2: like I do `tree $(nix-build -A something '<nixpkgs>') | less`


<asymmetric> simpson: is there something specific i should look for after removing "dev"?
<itsu[m]> I don't know where to go from here. Is this because my configuration is wrong or maybe it's something impacting everyone ??
<mpickering> It seems that something quite fundamentally changed at some point and no one updated it
<dansho> arg, is there something broken with firefox audio on nixos?
<guill> @notgne2: That's super cool! Not quite what I was looking for, but I think it's something I may still be able to use. Thanks!


<evils> elvishjerricco: your powersupplies probably report it somewhere, otherwise you can use something like a kill-a-watt
<duairc> If I have a derivation that simply assembles a config file using pkgs.runCommand, but some of the paths in the config file are the outputs of other derivations, do I need to add those derivations to somethings like buildInputs?
<afics> Hi, I'd like to use ip vrf exec which fails because it isn't allowed to load BPF programs. Does anybody know if there's sysctl settings or something else for that?
<samueldr> hm, that's something I didn't know, that a previously scoped variable from a let would be stronger than the scope of a with
<infinisil> samueldr: a and b are defined to something different with a let in
<ashesham`> evils: and in any case, after a while of tinkering with this (months) where I've not been able to find out the real culprit, I'm inclined to just replace the GPU with something older and more supported (hopefully)
<ashesham`> basically, I have 2 choices it seems: dig into this issue and possibly waste the whole day on this when I had set out to do something else on the computer; or rollback to 19.03 completely.
<evils> ashesham`: i think they want as few kernels to support as possible, and expect people that want something else to know how to set that up for themselves
<__monty__> ashesham`: The idea is that either you're sticking to something older that works, LTS. *Or* latest will work for you.
<ashesham`> If I remember now, this was something I had already tried when I had just upgraded to 19.09
<notgne2> something like that should work


<dirkx_> clever: think I found the cause - the console shows me ext4fs errors on ref-counts due to too many inodes or something. And i guess that somehow does not propagate up to a userland non-zero exit code.
<orloge> clever: hmm i did and now it's saying `file 'nixpkgs/nixos' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)` when i do nixos-rebuild. Something seems broken
<duairc> If something is needed at both build and runtime, should it go in both buildInputs and nativeBuildInputs?
<duairc> notgne2: I guess mavenix is the way, I just was hoping for something I could use inside nix rather than a separate command-line tool
<duairc> I'm not usually a Java person, but I'm trying to package something that's built with maven. Does anyone have any experience with it? I've found build-support/release/maven-build and also build-support/build-maven.nix, but none of them seem to quite work, and tellingly they're not used anywhere inside nixpkgs itself it seems
<jakobrs> If I remember correctly, it's called something like qtbase5-dev or qt5-default on Ubuntu
<jakobrs> Do I need to do something special to get configure to recognize those packages?
<notgne2> something like this might work cap_sensitive
<Ericson2314> you can just leave a message or something


<simpson> das_j: What are you trying to craft? If you're running into this constraint, then you're probably either trying to do something like IFD, or something that runs around Nix's isolation model.
<Fare> is it always the + operator, or is it sometimes something else?
<zeta_0> rycee: or is that for something else?
<evils> __monty__: i would kinda expect that to have something pointing to the python binary though
<evanjs> The fights I have with NixOS are much less painful than the fights I had with Gentoo or Arch, even. Once I fix something, it tends to stay fixed.
<clever> evanjs: something with building the derivation, but we are building that outside nixos-enter
<evanjs> mmkay its doing something right now
<notgne2> tpham1: https://gist.github.com/notgne2/41abc14c53bac7426c3633216cc92d25 something like this perhaps
<notgne2> tpham1: I think it's used from the `stdenv.cc` property, so you'll probably want to do something like `(stdenv.override { cc = [stuff]; }).mkDerivation { [stuff] }`
<notgne2> cap_sensitive: https://gist.github.com/notgne2/76046448a6c0df6377f3df4f9a9b8227 are you looking for something like this?


<syd> am I missing something silly?
<sphalerite> maybe there's something in the X logs. Which DM are you using?
<Fare> keithy[m]: I have something like that in configFile, but that was not working.
<keithy[m]> * perhaps pl/1 was on to something, or im thinking of something else... APL
<keithy[m]> * perhaps pl/1 was on to something, or im thinking of something else...
<keithy[m]> perhaps pl/1 was on to something
<duairc> srhb: sphalerite: I regenerated my keys, nix sign-paths'd everything again, verified with nix path-info --sigs that that actually did something, rebuilt the configuration on my local machine with the new public keys... "still substituter 'X' does not have a valid signature for path 'Y'"
<Fare> Can I get something retroactively added to the release notes?
<duairc> Like the only thing I can think of is that it's something stupid like the public key somehow doesn't match the private key
<angerman> If something ends up being merged into master, does that end up in 19.09, 19.03? What would need to happen to have it end up in there?
<thomashoneyman> writeCheckedScript or something
<evanjs> I actually got as far as installing the iSH beta and curl'ing the nix install into sh... but then it complained about missing pthread something haha


<thomashoneyman> but this results in an error (attempted to call something which is not a function but a set)
<srhb> thomashoneyman: You can do something like.. mySource = builtins.path { path = ./nix; }; then use mySource + "/some-specific-file";
<srhb> thomashoneyman: So when it's fully applied you want to mimic its shape. args@{...}: import pinned (args // { overlays = [overlay]; }) -- or something to that extent.
<thomashoneyman> srhb: hmm. with the same deploy-tools and same machine.nix i'm getting the 'attempted to call something which is not a function but a set' from some internal Nix machine builder
<thomashoneyman> currently i'm getting an error in machine.nix "attempted to call something which is not a function but a set"
<thomashoneyman> well, it's certainly something new!
<IRC-Source_64> Weird question. I just found out about Nativefier (https://github.com/jiahaog/Nativefier) which seems like it would be an interesting way to get something like whatsapp working as an app instead of a webpage in my browser. But nativifier isn't packaged for Nixos, nor does it really follow the Nixos philosophy. Is there any way to wrap arbitrary
<sphalerite> bdju: I think something probably broke bitmap fonts
<pie_> is there something like environment.etc that i can pass a file to
<jakobrs> I'll try system, and if it doesn't work I'll try crossSystem, and if that doesn't work I'll try something else
<pie_> im pretty sure the tarball cache gets cleared after like 2 hours or something though
<pie_> just thought of something i havent tried, try grepping the source for references to XDG_ somethingorother
<jwaksbaum[m]> DigitalKiwi: like trying to mount something over the network?
<pie_> but something thats probably better is to add an overlay to nixpkgs when you do the import, which makes it apply to everything
<pie_> so something you could do for a repro is import nixpkgs in a let expression, do the override of the dependency, pass the overridden dependency to the package in the callpackage arguments
<pie_> ptrcmd_: you mean like if youre using fetchtarball or fetchgit or something?
<myme> clever: Thanks for letting me know I wasn't trying something stupid at least.
<pie_> <pie_> im pretty sure im mixing something up here
<pie_> i think i broke something meanwhile]
<elvishjerricco> clever: Then that's what I'm doing wrong :P Any way to use not-the-router as the pxe server? I'm guessing the client needs to be manually configured for that or something?
<fuzen> I had autoUpgrade enabled, so maybe that updated something that I didnt know of in the background?
<lovesegfault> If I want to append something to my CFLAGS in mkDerivation, how do I do it?
<pie_> im pretty sure im mixing something up here
<thomashoneyman> i'll also need to set up a deployment w/ nginx or something like that
<notgne2> something like that might also work


<Henson> grw: something like this might be the answer: nix-env -i -E 'f: (import <nixpkgs> {}).unison.override {enableX11 = false;}'
<Henson> grw: is it possible to do something similar with nix-env?
<Henson> grw: can you tell me how you tried itl, so if I encounter something similar in the future I can check myself?
<Henson> grw: is there a chance Hydra has compiled a binary with "enable X11 = false" already and I can use nix-env or something to install it without having to compile it?
<gustavderdrache> so something like nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf ]; buildInputs = [ libxml2 ] would be the right way to organize things?
<bt`> ah okay, I guess I'll just do something else for a moment then.
<Orbstheorem> Hello, I'm trying to bootstrap a new haskell project using `stack new dodo` (stack is configured to use nix), but I get `error: attribute 'ghc843' missing,...`. Am I doing something wrong?
<siers> I'm getting "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position" for % nix-env -iE '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage (import ./lib/names-lv/names.nix) {}'
<clever> ocharles: pid 22401 and 27319 are doing something with those nix daemons
<ocharles> I doubt it, I have tried to put something with a `/` into the nix store before
<clever> there should be one that looks like a nixos build, with a channel name or something
<pie_> clever: some of your libraries should be in nix-community or something
<pie_> clever: the imprt stuff is of course cleaner, earlier i expected you wanted me to do something other than what i just did
<pie_> oooook now something really weird broke...
<evanjs> ajs124: yeah that's what I was referring to. I have that enabled but was wondering how easy it might be to add something else... looks like it isn't set up to accept extraEntries atm
<pie_> does it daemonize away from bash or something
<pie_> yeah maybe i will do that, i got here through iterating on something and maybe i can simplify it later, just havent noticed thse primitives yet
<clever> the snack project has something similar
<ocharles> niksnut[m]: something like this atm https://gist.github.com/ocharles/a4a2d0da6bfaff266562d4f9796ec549
<clever> only something that nix-build is building can have deps
<ocharles> I was hoping I was onto something because `{ type = "derivation"; }` does something special in nix repl, but I guess it's just that misc data interpretation stuff
<ocharles> Basically I have something like: `{ foo }: ..; stdenv.mkDerivation { ..; buildPhase = ''... ${foo} ''; }`but `foo` is actually a /nix/store output. With a sandboxed build this is obviously impure, but I also know the `.drv` that produces that path, so I just need to add it as an inputDrv to the above
<siers> is base stuff of / called the "root structure" or something?
<ocharles> This is a bit weird (and I'm definitely build a hack atm), but given something produced by `stdenv.mkDerivation`, is there a way to add a given `.drv` path to its `inputDrvs`?
<siers> clever, does wrapProgram literally change something in the executable?
<pie_> like, how does something decide which server to query to begin with
<pie_> apparently something somewhere for containers enables systemd-resolved
<mla> is there a hack to take a sd install image (arm) and enable ssh by just modifying the filesystem manually by hand -- i can't seem to get uart/console, what files would i need to change to the image/fs.. is it just a symlink to make or something?
<samueldr> diamondman: not as a first step, but something to keep around to look at, is not-os, a non-nixos based linux "toy" implementation https://github.com/cleverca22/not-os/


<infinisil> dansho: So yeah, doesn't work, you'll have to use something that can read env vars
<zeta_0> am i going to have to do something like as a workaround to get ghc-mod to work? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24228402/nixos-and-ghc-mod-module-not-found#24228830
<BugeyeD> hi all. i keep seeing references to ~/.nix/config.nix or something similar ... where is that discussed in the documentation?
<eacameron> lordcirth: I could search /nix/store but I'd rather do something like `nix-build <nixpkgs> -A theRightThing` and pass that
<duairc> Is there a way I can query something in the /nix/store to see if it's signed, and if so, by what key?
<zeta_0> error: ghcmod: could not find module Yesod? does this have to do with haskell-ide-engine, or is this something that is nix related?
<pie_> tl;dr ifconfig ve-something up needs to be run after nspawn but before it times out
<pie_> unless youre trying to point something out it still looks to me like everything related to notify still just says it will wait for execstart to finish (or in this case for the notification to get sent) before continuing
<infinisil> Yeah and ExecStartPost mentions something too
<infinisil> If something needs to happen before ExecStart finishes, just put it in ExecStart?
<pie_> hm, i dont know but maybe with that info someone else will be able to say something
<tobiasBora> clever: for weechat-bin-env-2.6, you know that -env is not refering to the actual executable? If yes, can I say something like "any file containing -env- is unlikely to be a real build"?
<pie_> clever: i mean i need something like ExecStartPost, except i need it to start when execstart is running...not when its finished
<tobiasBora> clever: the problem of this command is that I have in the output a huge number of files that are supposed to be compiled, but most of them are not "real compilation", like nixos-version.drv for example I guess... What I mean here by compilation is something that should, in theory, be taken from a cache, but that is not present for some reasons (for example because a built failed on the cache, or because the
<keithy[m]> I only need one function in dnsmasq so its good... just somethings wierd.
<DigitalKiwi> or maybe that's old from when i messed up something during the rebase?
<siers> should I make a script that says PATH=$PATH:$package/bin or something? is there some more standard way of doing so?
<inferencerules> i had a botched nixos-rebuild last night that left me with a bad nix store db; i can't seem to find anything about this on the usual sites. according to nix pill #2, this db stores dependency info between all derivations, so it seems like something i should be able to rebuild easily, if i can only find the correct command. the error i get when i try to complete the nixos rebuild (or anything else
<jbetz> noteworthy is that the dim screen goes through a cycle rather than staying off. it will turn off after however long I configure it for, but then display comes back a few seconds after, so something definitely is going wrong there.
<gchristensen> worldofpeace: ...hrm. something is definitely amiss.
<Ankhers> I have a script that uses /bin/bash as the interpreter. Is there something I can put in my nixos configuration that would make a link for that? Or is there some other appropriate solution?


<Ankhers> Does anyone have experience using android studio on nixos that can point me to a guide or something detailing what I am supposed to be doing to develop applications?
<evanjs> Sooo any thoughts on how I can override attrs on something like libwebsockets? not sure how to override/use e.g. `let generic = { version, sha256 }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec {`
<stites> Pretty counterintuitive. Is this normal behaviour? Is there something I can do to debug this, if not?
<stites> Hey all, I noticed something funny that is happening -- I just rolled back my nix directory via zfs snapshot. This saved me from a corrupted sqlite.db (which I'm very thankful for), but running nix-store --optimize, I'm noticing that my zfs filesystem is slowly growing in size.
<clever> rizary_: its $NIX_BUILD_TOP, which would be something like /tmp/nix-build-name-0/
<DigitalKiwi> pie_: I could, not sure what to grep for...callCabal or something I think (can't remember off hand it's probably in the manual...)
<pie_> i guess i broke something with the nat setup
<pie_> maybe i oopsed something
<pie_> clever: can probably use postunpack or something right
<clever> pie_: the kernel still keeps up with the lie and uses the ip to know if something is for itself or another machine
<cvlad-> Is there a "getting started" guide to nix for a Haskell stack project? I pretty much want to be able to get a shell with ghcid, ghcide and cabal or something. I am trying to follow the docs on https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/user-guide/, but right now I'm stuck figuring out how to use cachix so I don't build ghc.
<gchristensen> maybe a logind inhibitor taking the handle-lid-switch lock and something processing udev events
<nixooosaaaa> Is there an easy way to modify a binary with a sed call or something after it's installed? Maybe use an overlay to append to the end of install phase? Is there a better way?
<Dandellion> Am I just missing something?
<juxiemaotu> sphalerite: i run nixos-generate-config again,and see the option boot.initrd.availableKernelModules.there is no virt* something there. are you sure this command will be work?
<jco> but I'd like to to something like environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.connman-gtk pkgs.openvpn ] when connman is true
<clever> since somebody could just `rm -rf /` by slipping something into code your eval'ing
<clever> CMCDragonkai: think of it as just running something outside nix, and then pasting an expr into the file
<CMCDragonkai> do i need to enable it or something
<clever> CMCDragonkai: its an eval-time backdoor to just run something as whatever user is doing the eval
<Henson> clever: right. But I feel like there are a bunch of things that could be added to the NixOS user guide or Wiki. There are so many things I've wanted to do that I need to come on here and ask about because I can't find them anywhere else. Should I sign up for the NixOS Wiki and add stuff whenever I learn something new?
<duairc> clever: I don't see any RA packets... is there something I can do to trigger one?
<pie_> ok ill try harder to find something
<lovesegfault> clever: ping me so I can test something pls
<duairc> I have that line in my config file, I swear it used to stop this from happening, maybe something has changed


<jared-w> infinisil: true, but if they redacted something and then were fine with making it public it probably wasn't something that was _super_ secret, so I don't think it was that out of line
<cmacrae> Hee people! o/ I'm getting "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" on something I've built out. I'm pretty fresh on modules, so I must be doing something silly. I could really use a hand working it out. I've chucked up an example NixOps structure here: https://git.io/Je79Q
<equivrel> will specifying all of rev, ref, sha256 in builtins.fetchGit help with not redownloading something that has already been fetched?
<Profpatsch> Something like ncdu, but for nix store paths
<duairc> DigitalKiwi: ah, yes, something like that could work, thanks
<Profpatsch> Do I have to do something special so that a systemd service is started when it’s added? I set wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
<duairc> Is there a way of doing something like nixos-rebuild test, but like, automatically reverting after a minute unless instructed otherwise? I'm messing around with networking at the moment and every time I mess up I have to reboot my server because SSH goes down
<DigitalKiwi> less recently i was having it take several minutes to do a shutdown/reboot, and then more recently i get kernel panics for restarting display-manager, and the same for reboot/poweroff, forcing me to hold the power button after yelling something that i should probably take a picture of
<hodapp> raaargh, my last two reboots/shutdowns have been alongside something like "Failed to talk to init daemon" to where halt/shutdown both were failing
<__monty__> duairc: Maybe it "wants" another service that actually does something?
<duairc> Maybe it signals something to the router?
<duairc> But it seems to be doing something in my case, even when I pass it a "null" script, because without it my server never comes up
<clever> Anton43: its possible something is already using the alsa device, so pulse cant use it
<__monty__> DigitalKiwi: Ah, cool. puffnfresh was doing something similar, implementing Sonic 2 (I think) using haskell and nix : )
<CMCDragonkai> Did something change...
<pie_> i think when something ctually fails then the whole system goes down (maybe theres only one thing) - can i do this on the journalctl logs after the fact? <lordcirth_> pie_, systemctl list-units --failed might be useful
<clever> lordcirth_: something else i want to work on some time, that fits your needs, is https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/1189
<pie_> it looks like its dropping to a shell or something??
<pie_> mla: becoming a nix language user / packager / something is kind of inevitable if you use nixos so...welcome to the club 'xD
<pie_> mla: sometimes i run ls in a builder just to make sure im not doing something stupid
<pie_> supermathieu: oh maybe im doing something wrong then??
<pie_> clever: now if only ,ifd referred to why its a footgun or something
<pie_> i would have expected it to complain about name not being set or something
<pie_> somethings screwy with the result probably, this also fails: (import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/9d608a6f592144b5ec0b486c90abb135a4b265eb.tar.gz"; }) {}).libsForQt5.callPackage ./gammaray.nix {}


<cmacrae> Hey people o/ If I have a list of strings, how can I "template" this out in a multiline string to include each element? Something like ''for i in arr { "thing: ${i} "}''
<craige> If anyone has any current, public examples of a NextCloud deployment, I'd be pretty grateful. Mine's currently stuck on postgres permissions and I"m unsure if it's me, a bug or something else :-)
<lordcirth_> infinisil, like, something is looking inside 'foo' for a fixed path './bar/baz', and the stuff in nix store doesn't work that way?
<srhb> So presumably it's doing something silly on my system re. interfaces.
<infinisil> I needed to use this hack for something with nixops: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/deploy/eval/default.nix#L14-L16
<infinisil> arcnmx: Yes something like that :)
<eacameron> Is there a way to configure `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=X` such that `X` is effectively something like `(import some/file.nix {}).attr`or must I put that in a file and point to that
<gchristensen> should probably just make 100 the default, or something
<roberth> jco: usually cachix on nixos-unstable breaks due to untested changes in pkgs.haskellPackages, which is why we recommend pinning or using something like nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install
<grw> something about 'flip hangs'
<asheshambasta> AFAIR; it can no longer acquire a DBus related resource (a name or something)
<pie_> is there something like environment.etc but for putting files anywhere on the filesystem
<pie_> at least i can say i learned something from shooting myself in the foot
<pie_> clever: i figures /lib/firmware is hardcoded into iwlwifi or something. its configurable?
<pie_> im kind of happy i kind of managed to figure something out by myself though
<pie_> so either the firmware isnt added to the config as it should be or something is screwy in stage1, apparently firmwares are loaded by the kernel in stage1 afaict
<MichaelRaskin> You seem to have done something this check does not like
<MichaelRaskin> kolbycrouch: the stdenv code doesn't want to have references to the glibc of the wrong stage or something like that, so it limits what runtime dependencies are allowed.
<{^_^}> lovesegfault: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<jwaksbaum[m]> clever: the kernel itself builds right now, just not something else in the linuxPackages set
<CMCDragonkai> was this the proper way of using fetchgitPrivate, or were you doing something special in addition to fetchgitPrivate
<clever> CMCDragonkai: every time something connects to it, socat will open a socket to $SSH_AUTH_SOCK, and forward the traffic over
<clever> CMCDragonkai: you want pkgs.fetchgitPrivate, which needs some funky stuff with your ssh agent, and then any derivation downloading something can make use of your keys
<jared-w> Of course, that's because tearing down and rebuilding your infrastructure repeatedly to make it "work better" is pretty common... So there's something to be said for "people almost never ever have to configure their hydra multiple times"
<infinisil> Yeah I heard something like this too, but I could never really understand it


<genesis> but there is something here someone need to work on, desktop integration is awfull todays.
<duairc> I knew I remembered there being something like that
<ddima> kazimazi: but you likely want it as a dependency to something, it doesnt seem to have any executables etc. but maybe it helps.
<adamantium> Hi ------------- "nix search" seems to be using less or something for a pager, and i hate it. How can I make it just output plain text
<srhb> jD91mZM2: As infinisil said, that seems like something's wrong with the chroot. Here's the line that should start it all off: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nixos-install.sh#L135
<srhb> --root /mnt or something like that.
<jD91mZM2> infinisil: It was a python panic because /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-2-link/kernel was missing or something, I would post it but I will first try booting regularly
<pie__> jakobrs: you could do something like this https://bpaste.net/show/M3WEY
<thefloweringash> Splitting out the game paks into their own package might make sense. They're not part of the build. Something like "gtkradiant-unwrapped" without data, "gtkradiant-data" for just the resources, and "gtkradiant" that glues them together. I don't know if this can by symlinks, of if you'll have to patch support for external data into the source via an environment variable for the wrapper to set (or equivalent injection
<clever> pie__: if something has changed, yes
<pie__> did something change for the rebuild activation script?
<`_> clever: Of course but this script seems to want to check out the repo every time it needs something from it. So it's not that the files exist, it's that every single time it wants to get something it has to check out the repo again, so I have to dive in a bit deeper to figure out how to make it read from the repo that nix has grabbed
<`_> Ok then this build is going to require a little bit because it seems to want to re-run the script every time it needs something from the svn repo
<pie__> clever: yeah see i was wondering if theres something like that, didnt show up in the option search, or wasnt explained well
<clever> thats because they fail to compile, and marking it as broken stops you from wasting time building something that will fail
<ivan> something to do with NFS
<ivan> something keeps changing the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix symlink to an older target and I can't figure out what/why
<wavirc22> Hi. In nixos add systemd services to the "config.services" dictionary outside of the nixpkgs repository, do I need to use an overlay? What I'm trying to do is something like this: """let cfg = config.services.myapp; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable { ...; users.groups.myapp.gid = config.ids.uids.myapp; } }"""
<EdLin> pie__: KDE works for me, but it launches real slow with the nixos vm creator, maybe it's defaulting to one core or something?
<dansho> clever: is there something different about stdint.h that clangd would be able to find it, but not stdio.h or stdlib.h?
<samueldr> clever: you don't have the logs of your init, I presume, so I'm assuming something in the script is failing
<DigitalKiwi> would be funny if it set it to int_max or something
<lovesegfault> clever: Something is off
<clever> pie__: so if you do `config = mkIf condition { a=1; b=2; };` and something needs to read `config.c`, it will automatically translate into `config = { a = mkIf condition 1; b = mkIf condition 2; }`
<pie__> well, somethings screwy because the output doesnt change even if i add boot.loader.grub.devices = [ "nodev" ];
<pie__> weird. looks like unstable changed something and now you need to set partiiton information or something for a vm?? https://bpaste.net/show/D7HGO
<jwaksbaum[m]> clever: right, that's what I have. I can build the kernel from that set separately, but using the whole thing as boot.kernelPackages gives the missing attributes. I also checked this with linuxPackages_custom_tinyconfig_kernel, where the actual kernel builds, but the whole set won't even evaluate to a derivation. So I think there's something wrong with linuxPackages_custom maybe?


<duairc> clever: You seem to have a lot of experience with Hydra. I'm trying to set up my first hydra build, and I get the error "command `git rev-parse master' failed with exit status 32768". It might have something to do with submodules?
<earldouglas> Recently I'm getting `ERROR ... main: execvp(*argv, argv): No such file or directory` on multiple programs. Could something be wrong with my Nix store, e.g. bad links?
<zeta_0> is there anyone on this channel during this time, i could use some help with something?
<manveru> i'm sure someone wrote something like this before, just too lazy to search :P
<evils> i want to do something like `makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/kicad $out/bin/kicad`
<DigitalKiwi> in arch surely you had to install something to get qt creator
<mehlon> or something like that
<mehlon> then you could quickly install things from the command line and then remove them from the config or something like that