
<LnL> or nix.buildCores in configuration.nix for something more persistent
<LinuxHackerman> slabity: probably something in the mimeApps namespace https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html#opt-xdg.mimeApps.enable
<najtra> maybe that's something set if I want a non pure shell
<clever> dminuoso_: grub may stop printing when it boots something
<noonien> enough to use something similar to build my project using nix, i think ^_^
<infinisil> Also something important: There's no generic action of "evaluating these modules". It's always about *what* option/config value you want to evaluate
<noonien> i'm unsure what the purpose of `options` is. is it just for documentation purposes, or something for validation config values
<hpfr[m]> samueldr: I’d imagine they didn’t contribute it back because they didn’t think they could maintain it. I’m just cobbling together Linux-surface stuff and nix stuff and hoping it works, and every time something breaks I have to wait until I’m on break to try to recobble things together
<arcnmx> as far as I know nvidia drivers have worked that way for years, I just assumed they tightly integrate the kernel ABI with userspace or upload binaries or something
<dongcarl> I woulda thought I need to setup a db or something... but I guess that's automatic?


<johrmungand> So other than editing each individual script (which I don't want to do) is there any way to make /bin/bash actually work? Like a link or something? (I'm just guessing with no prior research)
<erasmas> but since it's almost impossible to create something reproducible I'm going to start by cleaning up what I have
<hpfr[m]> Im updating nixos channel and download of 13MB nixexprs file from releases.nixos.org is chugging along at 20KB/s meaning a 10 minute download time. Is something wrong?
<OmnipotentEntity> and they didn't skip from 3.6.4 to 3.6.6 or something
<Dandellion> philipp: did you manage to get gnunet to do something?
<Twey> I'm trying to use `qemu-bridge-helper`, but I don't know how to make that work on NixOS. Is there a way I can get something in the Nix store to be installed setuid? Obviously I can't just patch it in to the install phase, since the builder doesn't run as root…
<x123_> Am I missing something, or does it seem like linuxPackages_5_3 is gone now?
<infinisil> x123_: Common error when qt isn't installed, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54525 which has something that I think should allow you to fix this in the derivation
<x123_> Does XyGrib actually run for anyone? from nixos-19.09, nixos.xygrib...I get qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" so I think something with the derivation is busted
* dtz uses a 'nix' patched to treat `--tarball-ttl` as okay for untrusted users to set and forwards to nix-daemon .... see https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/3037 and ping me if you want something that applies on nix master, i have that somewhere less easy to find
<evanjs> I wonder if I can fetch without rebuilding or opening the repl and trying to evaluate something, etc. If that makes any more sense lol
<evanjs> It's like it needs to download or something _every_ time I open the repl
<evanjs> wedens[m]: right right. Can’t remember if something set it before in my config. Lemme check again... I just know I’ve looked several times and it’s still not what I want so I figured I couldn’t find it earlier haha
<colemickens> I have something that works, but it's a combination of special sauce in my configuration.nix as well as a change in my nixpkgs branch.
<infinisil> (if you look into /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos you'll see a `nixpkgs -> .` symlink, probably got something to do with that)
<infinisil> Yeah I think so, something about the legacy nixos symlink
<hpfr[m]> It points to a file in my home directory, and I’m working from a live USB. cat didn’t work either so it’s not nixos-install I just don’t understand something here
<evanjs> bdju: Looks like the last comment mentioned something about missing icons. Hrm...
<Ankhers> Is home manager supposed to automatically let my environment know about the .so files in ~/.nix-profile/lib, or am I supposed to add something to my rc file?
<abathur> anyways, more to the point(s); nothing wrong with packaging something that is just a library of shell functions? :)
<selfsymmetric-mu> *ask something different
<selfsymmetric-mu> I guess I should also something different: how do I find a file named "foo" provided by the nix-shell?


<OmnipotentEntity> I'm trying out updating to unstable, and I'm having a bit of trouble with the openshot-audio, it's failing to compile, and I believe it has something to do with the newer compiler. Is there a way I can instruct nix to use an older compiler from nixos-rebuild?
<wiml> Is there documentation on `stdenv.mkDerivation` or `buildEnv` ? I can find some examples of their use in the docs, but nothing that lists all of the attributes they look at and what they do with them. I feel like I'm looking in the wrong docs or something
<chrisaw> cransom: I have indeed, you can just use '#' for the topic too but still nothing. It's very strange. Like it's going through the motions but then just throwing it in /dev/null or something!
<arcnmx> well probably more like pkgs.extend (import <mozilla/rust-overlay.nix>) or something ><
<arcnmx> iirc generally you'll want something like some-rust-package.override { rustPlatform = pkgs.makeRustPlatform { rustc = rust.rust; cargo = rust.rustc; }; }
<jD91mZM2> Yeah hold on, I have something like that somewhere
<jD91mZM2> Hi! nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade just killed my X server, AMA... In all seriousness though, does anybody know if there's something I can do to help debugging this issue?
<clever> nDuff: maybe something else failed while booting, check the journal?
<pie_[bnc]> i mean its not like that starts any more services or something
<jared-w> You can also grab environment variables or files or some other stateful-system-thingy and use that to check stuff right? Might be possible to find something that's already on the system somehow
<pie_[bnc]> or something
<pie_[bnc]> you have to stop the socket service in systemd otherwise something might keep bringing it back up
<pie_[bnc]> like, does it say anything about failing to find the socket or something?
<dalto5> Hmm....so I have a laptop that needs a newer kernel. After a little research, I tried setting boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linux_latest; This yielded the result: error: attribute 'extend' missing, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/system/boot/kernel.nix:40:31 so it looks like I missed something. Can anyone point
<ajs124> yorick: I don't remember and I don't really want to look at the code right now. But I'm sure it broke something. I would have tried to upstream it (at least as a draft/wip) if I didn't believe it's bad and shouldn't be used.
<yorick> das_j: this seems like something to just upstream :D
<colemickens> Can I somehow use nix why-depends or something similar with derivation paths?
<nornagon> npm2nix seems to be deprecated, is node2nix the new hotness? or is there something else?
<kalbasit> pie_[bnc]: was not able to find something, perhaps I did not look deep enough
<pie_[bnc]> kalbasit: i think you can set TMPDIR or something like that
<qyliss> it'll start again as soon as something interacts with the socket
<infinisil> You could probably do something like `{ byte-setting = { _type = "bytes"; _value = "..."; }; }` and then handle this specially in the generator
<day|flip> something up with pulseaudio


<colemickens> (though I think it also needs my nixpkgs change too) But anyway, we can hop on a Jitsi call or something if you want to chat.
<arcnmx> infinisil: I have something like coercedTo types.str (path: { inherit path; }) (submodule { ... }) and it took me hours to figure out what was going on because it happened to have a default.nix inside the path and nothing made any sense x.x
<LnL> depends what it's used for but yeah something like that
<rajivr___> Is there a canonical nixos option prefix reserved for "local" options - something like `options.local.XYZ` ?
<iqubic> I still don't like having this be something that I need to run through a nix-shell
<evanjs> Figures. I have the horrible idea of moving nix.conf but idk if that’s something you should do 🤪


<colemickens> But eventually sway version X will add something that will be leveraged in the wrapper and it seems like they just belong together...
<simpson> gchristensen: Not really. It's been a while, though, so maybe something good has evolved.
<gchristensen> :) something that'll check a musicbrainz-like thing, and also CLI only
<gchristensen> simpson: ... do you know something like abcde but for DVDs? :()
<symphorien> I want to use sslh, and hence change the default ssl port of nginx to something different from 443
<adisbladis> Something like: `NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-I${exiv2.dev}/include" ]`
<kai_w> Is it possible to apply an overlay to an exising package set? Something like `applyOverlay (super: self: {...}) pkgs`
<evanjs> infinisil: How I feel about the docs most of the time. Extremely helpful, but often times there's something siginificant missing, though it's not really anybodys fault. Just off-putting at times
<evanjs> Or is there something built into the nix stdlib or cargo where I can determine the out directory for broot? All I really need is Cargo’s OUTDIR, methinks
<Thra11> nilsirl[m]: Something like that will probably work too.
<dirkx_> When running the tests - in nixos/tests -- is there an easy way to increase the CPU count ? As I have something I'd like to reproduce that needs more than 4 CPUs.
<viric> I had something like that in mind


<m1cr0man> evanjs that makes more sense, and infact I'd really like something like that for one of my deployments
<bhipple> But as far as features: I've noticed that often find-tarballs.nix misses src dependencies in private let bindings, noticed that the builtins fetcher uses base16 encoding instead of base32, noticed that the copy-tarballs only does flat files (no recursive) so I was wondering if we need a NAR mirror support or something
<infinisil> And I'm wondering if there's a way to achieve this other than changing it to something ugly like `(import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub { ... }`
<evanjs> m1cr0man: oh good lord. No I was thinking something more visual haha. Like a playground (ie Swift, Rust) of sorts? Probably way better analogies than those haha
<ambro718> Anyone knows a reliable method to change the MAC address of a network card on boot? I suppose something involving udev?
<the_pumpkin_man[> Or something like that
<evanjs> or rather, IIRC, I need to assign a mkIf to something to use it, right? like `config = mkIf cfg.enable {`
<evanjs> https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS:extend_NixOS#Modular_Configuration is the "naked" mkIf as written here something that works?
<ddima> amf: something like `pkgs.claws-mail.override { enableSpellcheck = true; }` (see https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/nixpkgs-overriding-packages.html for some detail)
<BugeyeD> ddima: i've been through that. i think perhaps it was just initially over my head and i was hoping for something that worked outside of nixos as well. not all of my environments are nixos, but i'm hoping to get nix running there as well. such as my macbook.
<BugeyeD> ddima: direnv is already on my list, perhaps it should get bumped up ... meanwhile, can you provide an example .nix which covers something like python venv?
<stteevveen> Hi! seems like I don't succeed to understand how to use package overriding for virtualbox . In my config I have something like this: let n1903 = import <mychannel1903> {}; in { virtualisation.virtualbox.host.package.override = {virtualbox = n1903.virtualbox;} }; It complains it is not of the type package. I have tried other syntaxes, but I
<symphorien> Thra11: XDG_TMP_DIR or something like that
<jtojnar> it would be nice to have </> operator or something
<mananamenos> hi, my haskell project does not build anymore, stating that HaskellNet package is broken. So i've pulled the haskell-updates branch and tried to see the error while building this package with the --allowBroken flag. However, the error is not something related with tests, in which case i could disable them, and then build my haskell project pointed to my local nixkpkgs. The actual error while building HaskellNet is S
<jackdk> Has something changed in the 19.09 channel recently? my nixos-rebuild switch on two different machines has started failing with error: "cannot connect to daemon at '/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket': Connection refused"
<tbenst[m]> hydra question! Anyone know how to get hydra to copy build outputs to hydra's /nix/store from a build machine? Seems like it doesn't happen by default unless I'm missing something
<evanjs> zeta_0: That sounds more like you have a command bound to something that expects a program, or rather, a single object available in your $PATH
<zeta_0> infinisil: my guess it that it has something to do with home-manager installed in the user account section, months ago i moved home-manager from the systemPackages section to my user account section, maybe that is what's causing the conflict?
<zeta_0> infinisil: months ago another nix user helped me integrate configuration.nix with home.nix, maybe the way home-manager is setup, some names are conflicting or something, i don't know, the corresponding code should be towards the bottom of my configuration.nix file
<zeta_0> this is throwing a weird syntax error in home.nix, could you guys help me out, it is probably something simple that i am missing? https://hastebin.com/vebowidide.bash
<zeta_0> i am trying to install all-hies in home.nix and i am getting this weird error from something in configuration.nix, could you guys take a look? thanks: https://hastebin.com/qumusugawu.cs https://hastebin.com/dokuvazeli.coffeescript https://hastebin.com/buyosevuyu.bash


<pie_[bnc]> \o/ I hope something that doesnt suck can come of it
<infinisil> It's just something you could change in your config, it's not necessary
<o1lo01ol1o> nix copy --to s3:foo --all seems to run in something a fair bit more than constant space. What's the best way to copy a large store to an s3 cache?
<flokli> lordcirth: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/70352 was something similar, as it added gpg to the closure, to verify signatures of container images
<emily> oops, did I break something? :<
<notgne2> jared-w: that'd be if you used something like `builtins.readFile`, lots of modules take an actual path, which doesn't get used until runtime
<brano543> LnL: Thank you for giving me good advice. I have tried to reinstall nix without sandbox false, now all packages are retrieved from Nix cache. Before something needed to be recompiled. Now it was orders of magnitude faster to build it :)
<boogiewoogie> has something changed in the way nix-shell works? I've been using this https://gist.github.com/boogewooge/460e29302e988b9908ed53a735164841 to get into an environment to install something off a script. now the nix-shell run on this expression doesn't know any of the inputs.
<brano543> LnL: btw does this security.pki.certificateFiles inside config actually do something on non-nix OS?
<LnL> adding cacert will set SSL_CERT_FILE to something like /nix/store/p8v4wl2xx9bzr7jj25m8g8dlyqy1h0qj-nss-cacert-3.48/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):273:1
<gchristensen> Ideally, you'll be able to narrow down your question from "Something to do wieth hie, nix-shell, cabal, and emacs with home.nix"
<lovesegfault> Could I write a `test.nix` or something of the kind to `build-vm` on each of them?
<shapr> Is there environment.userPackages or something?


<zeta_0> lovesegfault: did you mean something like this? ^
<evanjs> is `cp completions $out/share/zsh/site-functions` (and bash equivalent, etc) the best way to copy over completion commands? Or is there something a bit more succinct?
<infinisil> evanjs: Ah not entirely, but that's something that could be built into it
<infinisil> Is there something you're missing from other deployment tools in regards to that you'd like to see?
<zeta_0> is it ok to have both a default.nix and shell.nix file when entering a nix-shell? the reason i ask this is because running: `cabal2nix --shell . > default.nix` removed everything in default nix and replaced it with something else, i thought it just adds the small changes you made to your .cabal file?
<kuznero> Hi all! Where is the KUBECONFIG file is located when services.kubernetes is enabled? I would like to kubectl something with my cluster... ;)
<infinisil> That error looks like you're trying to assign some pkgs.* to something that doesn't take a package
<azazel> manveru: ayt? I'm going to release an Elixir/Phoenix app and I'm looking if there's something that will simplify the work
<smolck> I'm not worried about an accidental `mkfs.ext4` on the wrong partition, I just want to make sure I don't presume `nixos-install` cleans out /home or something.
<ryantm> inferencerules_: What clever said, and you change lines like <nixos-hardware/lenovo/thinkpad/x1/6th-gen> to nixos-hardware. You probably need to do something like: (nixos-hardware + "/lenovo/thinkpad/x1/6th-gen")
<rakula> Blindly copying out the instructions for jupyter I did something like this
<ivan> https://ludios.org/tmp/Screenshot_20200109_084058.png I've seen something like this twice now
<infinisil> craige: Ah I see, that's handled through PYTHON_PATH or something like that. However I think the best and most standard way is to wrap the python package itself, such that just running the binary directly will work
<inferencerules> i'm likely missing something quite straightforward, like a self: super: or whatever, to stop evaluating the pkgs list, but haven't found docs about doing specifically this
<clever> DigitalKiwi: recursive nix would let you make something that behaves like distcc+ccache
<smolck> something else I should know?
<thomashoneyman> i *think* i'm doing something quite trivial -- this is the generated nginx.conf with some standard settings elided: https://hastebin.com/qiduriyefe.php


<kuznero> It seems that changing my hardware-configuration.nix to have swapDevices = []; does not make the swap block deactivated even after the restart. Am I missing something? I hope I shouldn't remove the whole swap partition...
<kuznero> Is it possible to override something that is defined in hardware-configuration.nix, but from configuration.nix? Just redefining swapDevices = [];?
<gchristensen> that sort of generated code is not something we'd like to have in Nixpkgs
<simpson> gchristensen: It is no business of mine why anybody would write any code for nixpkgs. Presumably they'd be packaging something.
<__monty__> You're probably thinking of `nix-shell -p something`. That's not nix-shell's primary purpose though.
<__monty__> AmandaC: nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A something (ripgrep for example). Then `echo $out`.
<zyeri> __monty__: I saw something related to that in a GH issue. Is that going to be the best way to install nix then? I don't want to accidentally break something important.
<__monty__> zyeri: Yes, something about synthetic.conf.
<o1lo01ol1o> Hydra is stuck evaluating things forever. I've kicked `hydra-queue-runner`, `hydra-evaluator`, cleared vcs cache, rebooted, bumped nixpkgs to something other than 19.03 (fails for other reasons) and moved it back, but it's still stuck. Is there a local state database I can rm?
<gchristensen> program.something.extraPackages = [ hello ]; puts the hello package in the PATH for "something"
<evanjs> Talking with a coworker on vsphere support (e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/727) anybody have an idea if this is something in nixops' future, or if there's any motivation for such support?
<arcnmx> did I break something o:
<ryantm> kapil_: Maybe something like this: https://gist.github.com/ryantm/ca7f9e74ebb23f7a3b34438ed4f1dd78
<ryantm> There's a command called "nix why-depends" that shows why something is a dependency of something else. You could read about it in the manual https://nixos.org/nix/manual/
<ryantm> kapil_: If something is taking a log time, that might mean you configured something in a way that is not available in the NixOS.org binary cache, so nix tries to build it for you.
<ryantm> There are somethings NixOS can't manage completely for you, like stateful service files.
<clever> evanjs: does the symlink point to something?
<evanjs> It comes up every few times I try to either rebuild, collect garbage, or nix-env -iA something. Not quite sure which :D


<jared-w> bgamari: I forget about that too lol; the extent to which you can just rip something out and say "no do this" is ridiculously impressive
<kqb> I am in favor of most of https://termbin.com/dpj7w . From a newcomers perspective I am still unsure how to naively find the option documentation. Searching for "option" on nixos.org/nixos/manual turns up something in the nav ribbon referring to "Options" and "24.3. Options" where "24. PostreSQL". I am unsure how to communicate better what option documentation is supposed to be.
<kqb> I think I should start using pastebin or something similar.
<notgne2> the current global stateVersion is turned into package versions, it could just as easily be turned into module specific stateVersions, something like `if config.stateVersion == "19.03" then 3 else 5` inside the module itself
<kqb> kapil_: Sadly I have very little experience with running NixOS on something other than my own hardware. I am still planning on trying it on hetzner later. But that will take at least another half a year.
<notgne2> installing something somewhere in NixOS shouldn't affect anything anywhere else
<eoli3n_> it seems fixed but should i do something ? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/75247
<kqb> I just upgraded to 19.09. How do I debug systemd-timesyncd failing with status=238/STATE_DIRECTORY . Searching "timesyncd status=238/STATE_DIRECTORY" only turned up something about Ubuntu 12 and deleting a systemd file so it can be regenerated as a directory. In NixOS /etc/systemd is read only and nixos-rebuild switch does not seem to clean this up by itself. How can I debug this further?
<misuzu> is there a way to set NIX_PATH directly in code so i can do something like 'let somepath = <....>; in { imports = [ <somepath/somestuff> ] }; and then run nix-build on it without passing -I arguments?
<evanjs> eoli3n_: are you trying to get something like lxappearance/qt5ct so you can just change themes whenever you want to?
<Shoubit> Yeah you can do something like `let oldPkgs = ...; in { buildInputs = [ oldPkgs.elmPackages.elm ]; }`
<Ankhers> That is the problem. I want the latest version of Elixir that the current nixpkgs provides, but I want an older version of Elm. I'm not really sure how I am supposed to deal with something like this.
<Ankhers> I am using Elm 0.18.0 in a project but seem unable to actually build it. I have it listed in my package.json file, I run yarn install and everything seems to install properly, but when I try to build it using webpack, I get an ENOENT for elm-make. Does anyone have any experience with something like this?
<evanjs> It gets easier with time/usage. Definitely not something I looked at and thought "Oh well that's easy" at first
<earldouglas> Are you using sbt, scalac, or something else?
<earldouglas> ~/bin seems to be included in PATH by something else -- it's not in any of my own config.
<kqb> clever: I think I phrased my question badly. Is it just that every bit of state that my machine tracks as its job that is not in the Nix store or NixOS modules (configuration.nix, etc.) is something I have to watch out for in general and stateVersion is there for helping me communicate to NixOS where to be careful about things it cannot see?
<Tritlo> clever: so I can just use emacsWithPackages directly in my configuration.nix, or do I have to put it under something else?
<eoli3n> if i install something with nix-env -iA nixos.package then nix-rebuild switch, will it remove nixos.package ?
<ryantm> inferencerules: something like https://gist.github.com/ryantm/4085d94e451d6a5b8b0ce66b165ed644 maybe
<ryantm> inferencerules: I'm still feeling like you are asking something too general without knowing the exact words to say, can we maybe focus on a specific example?
<gchristensen> I think aszlig has something for that


<maurer> I mean, we might even be able to upstream it, I suspect the glibc folks would be fine with something like -rpath but for an explicit "resolve this so to this path always"
<zeta_0> vaibhavsagar: quick question, ihaskell works fine, but for some reason the auto-completion and some other features are not activated by default, do i have to manually activate them or is my installation missing something in home.nix? https://hastebin.com/dusilikuzu.bash
<arcnmx> infinisil: is there a recommended way to use nixos as a submodule? I'm using submoduleWith { modules = import (modulesPath + "/module-list.nix"); } with some tweaks but not sure if there's something more proper?
<lassulus> I have an update script for something like that which puts the new rev and sha256 in a json and nix just imports it from there
<Mark_> Hi, I am planning on buying a System76 Galago Pro and installing Nixos on it. I have been told for that laptop to have working wireless and graphics I need to make sure I am using Linux Kernel 5.3 or higher. Is this what current version of Nixos uses? if not is it something that is easily configurable?
<adisbladis> nixnewbie: That's not something that's useful yet though, still very early days for recursive nix
<__monty__> Maybe you're really looking for a "cloud build system?" A la Bazel or something?
<LnL> last time I checked was probably when something in the binary format changed, resulting in different offsets
<symphorien> but you can't have a makefile downloading something behind your back during the build
<symphorien> nixnewbie: write a file which says "I want foo, bar and baz with source = this directory". Each time you change something, reinstall the file. If something has not changed, nix will reuse it. If something has changed, nix will recompile.
<nixnewbie> hi, why is the /nix path hardcoded? is it part of `--prefix` or something?
<lassulus> I vaguelly remember something with xmonadEnv, but I didn't look really into it when implementing the xmonad.config option, because I mostly didn't care for runtime recompilation
<evanjs> it basically redirects the compilation to nix equivalents, which I assume would end up evaluating to something from xmonadEnv
<lassulus> infinisil: I saw that, I'm not a big fan of docbook (I already broke master twice by having wrong tags) but I'm not sure I would prefer something else
<evanjs> That looked similar to what I was doing. I think it had something to do with what happens after installation. Checking now
<lassulus> ah, alright, what was the problem? something like pkgs.writers.writeHaskell { libraries = [ haskellPackages.taffybar haskellPackages.someotherdep ]; } '' my config bla '' should work
<lassulus> got merged a week ago or something like that
<Ankhers> Does anyone have experience with using godot on nixos? It seems to freeze my desktop whenever I try and open it. If it makes a difference, I am on nixpkgs unstable. Is there something I can do to get a log of what happende on startup?
<infinisil> Maybe it's possible to get it with something like you mentioned
<__monty__> You're most of the way there, the overlay would be something like `self: super: { mypackage = super.callpackage path/to/mypackage/default.nix {}; }`
<Dandellion> FRidh: yeah I was thinking of something similar to the ofBorg maintainer ping. I kinda feel like that should be a thing. It's easy to get lost in the upgrade notes, and having more users with eyes in the process might be good to catch bugs early and whatnot.
<LnL> FRidh: hey, is flit something new or did I just never run into it?
<chrisaw> Guys am I missing something here? Trying to install home-assistant which has pyOpenSSL as a depdency. When it tries to build pyOpenSSL that has cryptography>=2.8 as a dependency. No problem! However, when it tries to install that it comes up with: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cryptography>=2.8 (from pyOpenSSL==19.1.0) (from versions: none)
<pie_[bnc]> so as I'd have guessed you should be able to set it to something like [ "apath" "bpath" ]
<thomashoneyman> maybe there's something not in this file that could be involved
<thomashoneyman> do you have a sec to quickly scan over this snippet of the config and see if something might be missing?
<jlv> Is there any reason not to use `builtins.fetchGit` instead of something like `pkgs.fetchFromGitHub`? It's not nice not having to specify a redundant hash to fetch from git.
<virus_dave> is there a boot option i can use to basically say “just boot enough to give me a basic root shell”? I vaguely recall something like that from my linux days 2 decades ago
<jackdk> infinisil: current plan is to replace the module per https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-replace-modules and maybe PR if we get something ergonomic
<nixtacular> hmm this is probably something wrong with my shell setup...one sec
<gchristensen> I don't think that is something I'm ready to fix


<infinisil> Btw, incorporating the version (or other properties) is done by just setting the name of the derivation to something like "foo-${version}". The solution of not incorporating it meant to set all derivation names to "source"
<infinisil> And that is apparently problematic because sometimes you need to exchange them or prefetch something with one fetcher, but then use another later on
<infinisil> And nix determines whether something is downloaded/built already by the output hash (in fixed-output derivations)
<nixtacular> btw am i missing something...? is this just par for the course when it comes to Nix development? none of this stuff seems to be documented anywhere
<MichaelRaskin> It would be enough to have succinct proofs that something is indeed a result of running the compiler on the inputs
<shapr> then if at any point that user uploads something broken or malicious, don't use builds by that person ever again?
<samueldr> shapr: is there something you need that isn't cached well?
<nixtacular> i've noticed other packages that use builder functions that in turn use `makeOverridable` and that also give the same error. for example, trying to do something like `super.nodejs-10_x.override { version = "10.16.3"; }` gives the same error. i'm forced to use `overrideAttrs`
<nixtacular> i'm trying to override the version for the gem bundler in an overlay, but it's not working. doing something like `bundler = super.bundler.override { version = "2.0.2"; }` gets me the error `called with unexpected argument 'version'`
<mehlon> can I change the directory or something?
<simpson> Perhaps something's been broken recently in unstable?
<syd> I currently tried something like this
<__monty__> If you need a specific version of something you'd pin it.
<ryantm> jD91mZM2: Maybe you could build minimal nixos VM running emacs. Possibly with something like https://github.com/Mic92/nixos-shell
<LnL> readlink /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-42-link will end with something like 19.09.1247.851d5bdfb04
<chagra> LnL: I know nix got updated yesterday for me, something in the update made it so my nix-channel messes up the nix cli
<chagra> I either reserve a namespace for it or something else, depending on the expression
<LnL> then it might be cause by something related to your channels
<LnL> do you have something special in NIX_PATH?
<jackdk> because for a flat hash of a file, that is impossible. you have to hash something with more structure than file contents like a nar
<Guest4429> 'nix search snip' yields 28 results. unless it calls them something else, it should be there
<eoli3n_> something which has builtin templates for each languages
<lovesegfault> I'm trying to run something, and installer for Vivado (proprietary FPGA tooling), and I know it needs an FHS env
<Guest4429> clever: while you're here I wanted to quick ask: is there any way to override gcc and have it ignore warnings when building something?
<Guest4429> I think you could add the ip-address pairs to the hostfile as a temporary measure. Or do something like nix-channel --add Kinda hacky, but it only needs to work once
<wrl> i'm attempting to dig into resolvconf to see if it's logging something somewhere
<Guest4429> something like that
<Guest4429> is there any way to override gcc and have it ignore warnings when building something?
<evanjs> So what do I need for hashcat functionality on an AMD system (CL PLATFORM NOT FOUND”)? `amdgpu` or something in `hardware.opengl.extraPackages`?
<thomashoneyman> something like openssh.hydra.keys = [ ../path/to/key.pub ]
<elux> i will try something else, instead how to do a modprobe at the initrd stage, this might help


<Raito_Bezarius> alright guessed right :D — elux: read some about this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF ; maybe you'll find something you forgot and that's the reason why you don't have the right GPU at boot
<Raito_Bezarius> this is nixos-independent, it is something you can configure at multiple levels
<elux> i notice once it runs `udev.. dm_mod..` then my monitor goes black, then switches to a higher dpi or something
<elux> btw, another basic question.. what is the name of the boot sequence that goes from the loader to once it loads the kernel? specifically the stage when it switches my graphics from what is low resolution and looks like DOS, to something high-resolution
<elux> or something like it.. :/
<Raito_Bezarius> you can see it's taking something like pkgs.kernelPatches.ubuntu_fan_4_4
<elux> lmk if you know of a quick handbook or something, would be nice for some dumbed down reference
<o1lo01ol1o> i'm thinking maybe symlinkJoin will do something I want . . . I guess the contents will be a symlink to each of the files, could I just '' ln -s ${theSymlinkJoined} foo/''?
<manveru> rstudio server is something else
<mankyKitty> Heya, when in a nix-shell, is there something extra required to make cabal acknowledge the provided `hsc2hs` rather demanding it be downloaded and built ? I cannot seem to make it work
<lassulus> it puts the pkgs. in scope, so you can do something like { gcc, hello }: on top of your default.nix
<tilpner> mount -o remount,rw /nix or something like that
<mkaito_> a few questions I have with that: can I safely transition the data on S3 to something like glacier to minimize storage costs, or is that data actively used when spinning up instances? Also, google tells me that "S3 backed AMI" are only billed for the storage taken up on S3, but I'm not sure this correctly describes the process.
<lassulus> you could copy the format, update the clever-tests repo to something more recent and check again If you want to
<lassulus> hmm, not for now, I will check something, the kexec part is a little bit hacky on my site because I just pinned the clever-tests repo inside the format: https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators/blob/master/formats/kexec.nix#L3
<m1cr0man> lassulus: If it is is there something I can send you to confirm it?
<ivan> there is something wrong with master since a few weeks ago, lot of service restarts are followed by `error: cannot connect to daemon at '/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket': Connection refused`
<zeta_0> infinisil: how strange, configuring something like this should't be that difficult
<infinisil> zeta_0: Put something next to the export like `echo hi` to see if the code runs at all
<zeta_0> infinisil: so i need to wrap something in parenthesis, right?
<pie_[bnc]> clever: its pretty annoying that applications need JACK support. I saw stuff about creating an alsa loopback device for every app or something, I didn't look very carefully. I guess I should write some nixos modules at some point and post them
<mla> how can i create a conditional import based on architecture, i tried something like: imports = [ "base.nix" ] ++ (if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == "aarch64-linux" then "./aarchspecific" else [])]; but for some reason nixos-rebuild switch tells me that causes an infinite loop?
<noonien> perhaps this has something to do with the fast that this is run in nix-shell?
<clever> zeta_0: it looks like it should do something
<afics> makefu: can really be something else in my config be the issue, if it deploys okay after commenting the nixpkgs.overlay stuff from my paste?
<zeta_0> direnv allow . is throwing and error, is this default.nix missing something? https://hastebin.com/kosoqebobe.bash https://hastebin.com/quyuhapotu.sql
<pie_[bnc]> clever: because i remember saying something about "when your karma gets to 1337"


<pie_[bnc]> clever: if it was using ld library path is expect there to be something in the unit file or a wrapper, which i havent seen
<pie_[bnc]> systemctl --user restart puleseaudio or something like that
<pie_[bnc]> clever: IIRC you know something about pulseaudio bluetooth stuff?
<Raito_Bezarius> For the Scaleway installation, I cannot use something > 17.03 for the kexec NixOS right?
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: i think it was something like `nix copy /nix/store/hash-foo --from file:///home/clever/dir`
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: you would need something like `wget --continue` to resume every time it fails
<jared-w> (perhaps I was doing something horribly wrong, though, but the continual shoving of the std lib into builtins that we can improve performance smells odd to me)
<DigitalKiwi> __monty__: while we were talking i checked the github and saw that they had released new versions than were in my git checkout and i was about to go to github to see if anyone else had updated it already so i didn't waste my time updating something someone already did (which i've done many times before...) and i had a notification because i'm in the maintainers list :P
<jared-w> adisbladis: if they die, it would probably be to something else that's better, so I'm okay with it as long as what they're replaced with accomplishes all the necessary goals
<noonien> a friend is trying to install nixos, and his wifi card seems to not be shown in lspci on the live cd, is there something to be done?
<nixtacular> i had something similar in mind, using a local copy of the git repo, but i wasn't sure how to integrate it w/ nixos
<nahamu> Otherwise it would make sense to pastebin a redacted version of your configuration somewhere in case you installed something obviously wrong.
<fresheyeball> I am missing something dumb and the docs for jack audio on nixos are out of date
<tbenst[m]> anyone know a cross-platform way to get hostname in a home.nix file? i.e. something like `${nixos.config.networking.hostName}` that works on both NixOS and Ubuntu
<LnL> o1lo01ol1o: there's min-free/max-free but that is synchronous, for something periodic you'll need a launchd service
<infinisil> jlv: I think it might be something like `eval $checkPhase` or so
<letletletlet> infinisil: You helped me learn something, because I got it before I looked back here. Thank you for your help and solutions :) Success: https://github.com/codygman/my-emacs-everywhere/commit/0c06fd99a42b8356e0273428bbd7304204972b05
<gchristensen> no, but something else is going wrong
<syd> so they must know _something_ about it
<jared-w> I just wrote a few lines of ugly JS and crammed it in the hydra "tracker" thing. It checks to see if something in the login button exists and if it does, it programmatically submits the form hardcoded with the admin user/password.
<gchristensen> I thought I already had something like that working


<zeta_0> clever: i would like nix-shell to have this configuration, it basically shortens the path to the current working directory as well as a few other things? is there some setting where i could do this or would it have to be inherited from configuration.nix using something like direnv?
<infinisil> Hm yeah so maybe it's terminator doing something
<Ashy> i think i'm on to something possibly, fired up an xterm and ran htop and PATH envvars in that tree have far less direct nix store references compared to the terminator processes
<gustavderdrache> is there something funky in a .profile or /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc?
<misuzu> i want something strange, maybe someone can help: i need to do this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/backup/restic.nix#L7 but with <nixos> in path
<zeta_0> how would i get nix-shell to inherit from my bash setting in configuration.nix? is there a simple way or do i have to setup something like `direnv` ?'
<gchristensen> but that is something else, sorry
<NoctisLabs> Steam recently started crashing, I think it has something to do with the hardware survey window that's popping up. Here's the log: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/a2c6b966/
<clever> lovesegfault: something.* could be of type submodule, and then you can have many something.*.foo's being set
<thblt> Hello! Is there a process to refresh the list of derivations automatically generated from MELPA/ELPA Emacs packages? Like an auto rebuild every n months or something?
<MmeQuignon> lewo`: ok so it's probably not something I did wrong
<MmeQuignon> should I install something else to make it work ?
<acowley> I have an issue with an update to nixos-rocm that I'm trying to package: OpenCL-using programs link to libOpenCL.so that we provide, but in the latest version, OpenCL-using programs fail when starting up. Using strace, I found that something is trying to open an additional .so that we build as part of a separate package. If I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /nix/store/other-package/lib, then OpenCL programs work. But I haven't been able
<noonien> and, whenever foo executes something, it has jq in $PATH, right?
<dirkx> Where can one see the output of a `build' request to @GrahamcOfBorg -- or see the result of these builds ? Or is that something private ?
<Shoubit> eoli3n_, might not apply to what you're doing but if you're looking for something specific you can use nix-locate (from the nix-index package) e.g. nix-locate '.otf' | grep -i fontawesome
<flokli> eoli3n_: you never ever want to set stateVersion to something else than the one you set on boot
<zeta_0> tomberek: maybe \u@\h:\W\$ is wrong and i need to do something else?
<tomberek> zeta_0: not 100% sure the order things are applied, so seesionVariables may not work, but it would be something like `sessionVariables.PS1 = "\u@\h:\W\$"`
<wucke13> Sweet, that seems to do at least something! Thanks for the detailed investigation so far :D
<ajs124> On a completly unrelated note: can subversion do something like git clone --depth=1 ?
<nixtacular> i have a hunch that it has something to do with the fact that overlays are meant for derivations and `linuxPackages_X_Y` isn't a derivation, it's a set