
<pie_[bnc]> clever: the goal seems to be to get something like this to happen https://bpaste.net/ZD4A
<cole-h> Is it possible to disable `checkPhase` for every package via an env var or something?
<pie_[bnc]> i misunderstood something but yeah
<pie_[bnc]> clever: can we get something built in for this
<pie_[bnc]> clever: im trying to do something like that too
<clever> gchristensen: something else that surprised me early on, is how none and ec2 handle ssh keys in vastly different ways
<abathur> I think maybe a wrapper or something might be messing it up, but it's weird to troubleshoot multiple levels of indirection down
<cole-h> When packaging something for Nixpkgs that doesn't have a version or tags or w/e, does the version become the date the package is created, or the date of the last commit?


<rooke> So while trying to package something for nix I'm running into the error being reported in this issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/80936 . This comment https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/80936#issuecomment-597013713 mentions some impurity with the /run/opengl driver, what are they refering to?
<ajs124> If something is marked a broken, does that mean fixing it is irrelevant to ZHF?
<dtz> gah, my google-fu is weak today. Anyone know how/where to find nixpkgs/nixos (and Nix) manuals for a particular version? Like https://nixos.org/releases/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-0.12/manual/ but for 19.09 or something?
<samueldr> I'm not sure how, but there's something in there about that
<adisbladis> Need to hook this up to emacs to do something cool
<Taneb> Hmm, does home-manager or something similar have stuff for systemd user services?
<greghale> omnipotententity: :) I'd been stuck there for 2 days. Strage how typing a question can provoke you to try something different!
<Ankhers> Okay, so I checked the service, it was running, but last ran December something. So I restarted it, checked the status again, it appears to have run, but I apparently still have the old cert. Should I just give this a few minutes, or should it have been fairly immediate?
<ToxicFrog> `systemctl status acme-$domain.timer` to make sure the timer is firing, `systemctl status acme-$domain.service` to see if something is going wrong with the renew.
<mlatus> I didn't find something like extraRules etc
<petersjt014[m]> But for sure you'd get better performance work something else
<Cadey> i made a nixos vm and whenever i try to install something as a user or update the nix channels, the session gets instantly killed
<bhipple> but I'm not sure if that's something that K8s should really be doing
<bhipple> As a consumer of something like GKE or the Amazon Kubernetes, though, do you think it's OK?
<bhipple> Presumably something like the (now defunct) CoreOS and the RedHat initiatives for K8s are getting paid to make it robust/reliable?
<bhipple> It's *also* possible, depending on the company politics and scale of the deployment, that you might have a better time skipping the OS layer entirely and just deploying application binaries in well-specified Docker containers built by nix and run on something like managed K8s


<bhipple> IMO NixOps is the least production-grade of the nix ecosystem tools. Nix and NixPkgs are great, as is NixOS, and feel very robust/production worthy. NixOps works, but you may want to look into something like morph: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/morph-nix-based-deployment-tool/1276
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):288:1
<ratsclub> I'm a debian user for about 10 years and just switched to NixOS but there's something I can't figure out. Should I put all my programs into the /etc/nixos/configurations.nix file or should I create a file on my home directory?
<zakkor> side note: I'm only trying to edit the derivation because if you install the `j` package and try to install the IDE afterwards, it won't work because it says it's in a read-only directory, or something like that. If anyone knows a workaround for this, that would be great too
<Raito_Bezarius> Meaning, it's something at the nixops level
<LnL> perhaps something with the remote connection and forwarded settings?
<LnL> pikajude: no typo or something? experimental-features doesn't complain about unknown values
<jluttine> hmm.. pushd and popd aren't available in checkPhase anymore. has something changed? i've used them before but now the check phase fails because pushd cannot be found
<evanjs> More surprised there isn’t anything for/wondering if I’m missing something simple in trying to get native SMBus access / non-root access to `/dev/i2c-*` devices.
<quirks> I might be doing something completely stupid though
<srhb> At any rate, it's not something I know how to do off the top of my head, sorry.
<jackdk> I have used node2nix to generate a set of packages for a node project that I need to work with, but attempting to build it gives me the error "The path name '.drv' is invalid: it is illegal to start the name with a period...." --show-trace doesn't give me a useful error; has someone here had a similar problem, and is there something obvious I should check?
<hyper_ch> I just installed lxqt as desktop environment. After reboot I only got black screen, right-mouse clicking on background got me a context menu to set some stuff.. but I think a window manager or something is missing. With Alt-F2 I could open a "search" window like in KDE and tried to start some thing, but nothing appeared
<evanjs> Trying to combine appimageTools.wrapType2 and requireFile (for a tarball with an appimage) and I get something like "Not an appimage." because, well, yeah, it's a tarball...
<fresheyeball> something?
<evanjs> So this is odd; Just now noticed I can't directly evaluate something from my tex module. Here's a link to the line the errors mention: https://github.com/evanjs/nixos_cfg/blob/3d4fcf7a8b34e43d5cbadefc8c51f31d000d0ead/config/new-modules/tex.nix#L43
<waleee-cl> selfsymmetric-mu: check emacsPackages or if it's still emacsNg blah something (I'm not on a nixos system atm)
<pie_[bnc]> how can I add a cachix substituter manually? the tool wants to do something weird to my system


<cole-h> Something that might be helpful for others who want to assist is temporarily pushing your changes to a nixpkgs fork, or uploading a diff somewhere, so we can try to reproduce
<fresheyeball> I want to do something like this
<blibberblob> Hi all, is there a way do instantiate something without printing it? All I want to do is verify that an attribute exists before running subsequent commands
<omnipotententit4> Would something like: `let env = if a then gcc8Stdenv else stdenv; in env.mkDerivation(...)` work?
<Orbstheorem> ottidmes: <doesn't NixOS do something like that automatically>: Yes and no, NixOS (or anything actually) can't do much about your current shell without being overcomplicated, extremely precise and mostly unusable in the general case. The standard linux security model enforces this.
<ottidmes> Orbstheorem: doesn't NixOS do something like that automatically if you change them in your config and nixos-rebuild switch, never really ran into this, but then again I don't add user groups that often to really notice
<ottidmes> Orbstheorem: thought it was something like that or maybe having to restart Docker, will try restarting, thanks
<symphorien> patchShebangs only patches shebangs. To add something to the PATH at runtime, use wrapProgram
<simpson> kitemikaze: It needs to be *incremental*, and that might not mean starting at the bottom, but starting with something light and high-level, or something greenfield.
<maddo> I've never convinced a tech person to use something they're not already accustomed with
<simpson> kitemikaze: https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/index.html ? Not slides, but something more substantial.
<Irenes[m]> or something along those lines


<lovesegfault> I was expecting to see mkMerge imports or something
<sshow> something like `users.extraUsers = { $username = {}; };`
<sshow> slack1256: I saw it right after you told me. I even read it. But obviously, not good enough. I was probably looking for something other than `--arg` ;)
<manveru> jakobrs: something like `lib.concatStrings (lib.imap (i: c: let l = lib.toUpper c; in if i != 1 && l == c then "_${c}" else l) (lib.stringToCharacters s))`
<maddo> do I compile them by hand or is there something in particular to do
<evanjs> infinisil: ah alright. That does help lol. Now if it was something like #73225 that got left behind, I’d most certainly feel that would be good to backport lol
<manveru> now something changed again and i got no clue what that error message means...
<Ashy> pie_[bnc]: there's a free 30 day trial, that gets you 30 days to figure something out
<pie_[bnc]> i need something less guru-y
<lovesegfault> can I set something for all foo's?
<zeta_0> clever: i am having a hard time landing a remote haskell position, that is why i am now putting a lot more effort into javascript(way more jobs), if they don't let me use haskell maybe they'll let my use something like elm
<clever> cole-h: either its random network problems that resolved themself, or something is broken with non-root nix
<{^_^}> zeta_0: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<lovesegfault> something like `imports = [ ./users/* ]`
<clever> ajs124: it tends to get caught when somebody tries to cross-compile something and 30 things break
<zeta_0> omnipotententit4: i deleted everything and started the elm2nix instructions from scratch before installing unstable.elm2nix(replacing elm2nix), so i have no idea why this mismatch is occurring, isn't nix supposed to automatically fix something like this?
<omnipotententit4> So you have an older version of this file that's being called by a newer version of something.


<evanjs> ohhhh it populates some variables with commands using git. So I just need to substituteInPlace them or something
<selfsymmetric-pa> Maybe I should write a comparison doc or something, or a paragraph in https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays
<cole-h> What started out as a sanity check ended up as something useful :D Happy to help
<colemickens> maybe something like `preConfigure = '' sed -i 's/version: '(/d+)'/version: ${rev}/g' ''; `
<sixx> ok I should read up on nixops, and also making a service in nix. the latter seems to be something you do in your configuration.nix, not just an expression in the nix store. I guess nixops is oriented towards setting up services.
<turion> clever: Yeah :/ maybe. I was looking for something simple. Approximately as simple as in any other distro.
<garbas> do you want to package it with nix or it is just something you use for the next 5min?
<evanjs> Hrm. Can't seem to compile something with muslPkgs.callPackage, seemingly due to krb5. Can somebody else confirm?
<selfsymmetric-pa> Is it a dependency of something here?
<ramses_> Hey guys, quick question, if I want to share a type (something like types.strMatching "...") between multiple modules in my nixos config, how can I do that? How can I make like a type available to multiple modules? Should I make my own lib-like module which exports these definitions and that I can then import in my modules?
<Shoubit> Is there a better way to upgrade the single dependency of a package without `.override` or doing something like import <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/wrapper.nix> { inherit (pkgs) lib stdenv makeWrapper vimUtils bundlerEnv ruby nodejs nodePackages pythonPackages; python3Packages = mySikPy3Pkgs; }
<NemesisD> clever: that's cool! is this generally applicable to nix projects or something particular to the nixos system configuration. like could i do this in home-manager?
<clever> mlatus: its a proxying mirror, so if it lacks something, it will just fetch it on the spot, so it can be your only cache
<cole-h> or something
<tomberek> i'm using something like "url = ssh://git@gitlab.com/some/repo.git;"


<jared-w> another approach I've seen is `mkShell (import ./default.nix { shell = true; })` or something to that effect
<jared-w> Make it so that you can write the entire contents of your shell as `mkshell { buildInputs = [ (import ./ci.nix) ]; }` (or something like that)
<benley> it looks like if I use binutils-unwrapped, then I get all the tools linked. But I kinda expect that's going to break something else
<iceypoi> n00b question: what channel does nixos take its packages from? "nixos", "nixpkgs" or something else?
<niksnut> you can certainly do something like 'make installcheck' provided you use a writable prefix
<clever> LnL: i think the nixos installer does something very similar, to bind-mount the host /nix into the guest, and then use the host store as a cache
<Miyu-saki> Seems like there's something wrong with the 'random' package when you use cabal2nix, idk.
<LnL> unless it never succeeded for an eval it should return something
<makefu> for a failed build (nixpkgs.ugarit.x86_64-linux for example) will simply return 404? or am i missing something
<LnL> but there's nothing to check if both eg. both the unstable channel job as well as something else succeeded
<makefu> i try to cobble something together today, it should be pretty straight-forward.
<dhess> oh, too bad, I thought you were going to show me something new :)
<Communi4810> What is the recommended way to debug something that is inside pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix ?
<evils> i'm trying to package something
<evils> i'm less familiar with docker than nix-shell xD, i think atm there's something wrong with my openwrt Makefile
<hoppfull> I'm having a major problem with NixOS and npm. I'm trying to install dev dependencies locally but the binaries don't get set up properly. I read somewhere that NixOS doesn't allow it or something. If that is the case, can I work around this somehow or do I have to uninstall NixOS?
<colemickens> lovesegfault: probably. I find the CLI hard to use consistently and somethings stuck better than others.


<fuzzy_id> how can i uncurry in nix? something like this: `map (x: y: { foo = x; borg = y; }) [ ("bar", "baz") ]'
<cole-h> "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<cole-h> emptyflask: I think you could also make a separate file where you `import ./shell.nix { avr = false; }` or something
<iceypoi> at least you can do something nice with nixos
<immae> probably something in your .ssh/config
<immae> selfsymmetric-mu: then it’s something else that starts the ssh agent
<mehlon> I'm having trouble packaging something. Should I open an issue or submit it as an unfinished pull request?
<mdash> i'm having an i-thought-i-understood-bash morning. where is shellHook invoked when running `nix-shell`? it's doing something weird
<selfsymmetric-mu> I'd expect to see a pop-up box or something.
<adisbladis> That's something you'll very likely want.
<maddo> is it true or am I assuming something wrong?
<worldofpeace> or maybe there's something about qt apps in gtk environments I don't know


<dashkal> In case you're off doing something else by the time this finishes, thank you, infinisil.
<infinisil> That creates a derivation from a shell.nix that you can `nix-build`, resulting in something that has as runtime dependencies all dependencies of the shell
<infinisil> lovesegfault: It's not easily possible (though I'd like to do a PR to nixpkgs to allow for that), but you can hack around it with something like this (adjusted, originally from gchristensen): https://paste.infinisil.com/sY8_0nQd70.nix
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<nwops> I must be doing something wrong then. Is this a standard practice?
<aswanson> aranea: sure, is there an easy way to query against that somehow? I know that you can do `nix edit nixpkgs.hello` if you want to see the default.nix of a package, is there a something similar for a module?
<romildo> adisbladis, I need a string containing the quotes among its characters. Something like the following after evaluation: "good''boy", which has 9 characters.
<atemu12[m]> I let it realise both 19.09 and unstable a month or so ago since it was just sitting around doing nothing but both failed to realise their kernel unfortunately, something about the logitech_hid module IIRC. Has anyone experienced something like that before?
<gchristensen> srk: we have aarch64 already, something different? riscv would be cool :)
<evils> so how does one stop the driver from being loaded (just not setting videoDrivers seems like something that could get "fixed")
<cole-h> I'm curious how you put your system and home config into the same git repo. Do you symlink them in or something? Or do you do the opposite and symlink them out?
<cole-h> Speaking of help... If I want to use `allowUnfree`, can I just do `nixpkgs.allowUnfree = true;`, or is there something else?
<energizer`> i'm trying pypi2nix. it's failing to install setuptools-scm as a dependency for something. how to fix it? https://bpaste.net/3HKA
<cole-h> lovesegfault: Maybe you did something wrong because I added `-DUSE_SYSTEM_TZ_DB=true` to `cmakeFlags` and it built for me
<lovesegfault> Something keeps creating ~/Downloads/tzdata
<gchristensen> or something like that, lol. overrideATtrs. OK it is obviously beyond my bedtime!


<adisbladis> energizer`: Any foo2nix tool is _extremely_ likely to end up having different hashes than something manually packaged in nixpkgs.
<emily> in general hoping that a random derivation you have might match something hydra built just because the underlying source archive is the same is optimistic
<energizer`> maybe my questions aren't making sense because i'm doing something wrong. i'm using one of the lockfile to nix tools, but that means i have to build stuff manually. these are popular packages, with versions in nixpkgs, so i'm surprised if they've never been built by reputable sources before
<adisbladis> fresheyeball: You could do something like
<fresheyeball> I tried something like this
<evanjs> All I'm doing is trying to make a minimal image for something we'd been creating by hand for a while, and figured a nix expression would be a good way to do so :D
<evanjs> Got to cheat and do something publically lately though :P https://github.com/evanjs/mini-system
<evanjs> Idk, all I know is we can move a ton of stuff to proper derivations (re, not src = ./. ...) once something like this is merged
<ottidmes> Build Nix 2.2 on my machine and get consistent behavior, so must be something on my end, nix eval "$(echo -e "(''\n test\n '')")", works as expected in both Nix 2.2.2 and 2.3.3, not sure what goes wrong in my file to make it misbehave, guess I will continue debugging it
<CRTified> disasm: did my irc transport mix something up, or did you answer my old question regarding goklp?
<fendor> maybe starting an interactive shell does not make much sense in the nix context? I would also be fine with a command like `nix run` or something like that?
<fendor> __monty__, starting worked for a postgres database. I used something like this: https://gist.github.com/sebastian-stephan/d2013204e62070e5a56bc4f5415559a2
<Synthetica> __monty__: I was just wondering if something like that already existed in Nixpkgs, but it doesn't seem like that
<Synthetica> Is there a builder to use mkWrapper on a "Nix level", such that I could do something like `mkWrapper "${bash}/bin/bash" {PATH = [ hello ]}` and get a wrapped variant of bash with `hello` available?
<wedens[m]> Netsu: something like `recurseIntoAttrs (mapDerivationAttrset dontCheck overrides)`
<clever> samueldr: it only detects that if your doing something simple like ext4 on luks, and i think ext4 on lvm on luks
<gchristensen> maybe something more clear about the types being incompatible between resources and machines


<evanjs> Re https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/81452 — is using jq like this pretty accepted in installPhases and the like? Looking at adding something like that conf override to #72994 but unsure if there’s a better way to handle the JSON data
<WhatisRT> symphorien: I'm using 'nix-build', should I use something else?
<__monty__> You wouldn't in whatisRT's case of course but if I'm just overriding some of its arguments or something.
<fusion809> arahael: lol, it might not meant to be, but what something is intended to be and is are two very different things.
<iqubic> That's not something I can help you with. I'm sorry.
<cole-h> How would I make an option that could be either an `attrsOf lines` or an `attrsOf (attrsOf lines)`? E.g. either `{ hello = "echo hello" }` or `{ hello = { body = "echo hello"; event = "something"; }; }`
<colemickens> Instead, I've removed the override, the env var and gone back to the i915/965 whatever it is, and things got better. (Or I got a kernel update at the same time, or there was a BIOS update in there for something else, who knows).
<Baughn> I'm tempted to wrap clone() with something that checks load.


<cole-h> To be able to use `<something>` in a Nix file, I just need to have `something=$HOME/something` in my NIX_PATH, right?
<JonReed> How can I debug why NixOS doesn't start a graphical session in QEMU? When the machine starts I'm presented with a login console. If I login as root, I can see via `systemctl status display-manager.service` that display manager is running. Yet, I'm in console. It could be I'm missing something very basic, because I'm used to NixOS logging me into a
<cinimod_> jonreeve[m]: or something like the above
<cinimod_> or something like that - sorry I am in the middle of cooking dinner
<drew__b> 2. run ./support/copy-tools.sh (something like that, just autocomplete)
<infinisil> drew__b: Yeah maybe, I've wanted something similar for a while
<Uniaika> jonreeve[m]: for GH repos that provide it, you can do something along the lines of
<bhipple> Assuming you're just trying to learn about Nix in general. If you're trying to install NixOS, the NixOS manual, or if you're trying to do something specific like "how do I build Rust packages in NixPkgs" (the nixpkgs manual) etc.
<smolck> I saw something about native lisp, but didn't investigate
<bhipple> Once we get something stably working, we could package it up in the https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay
<smolck> Like a derivation or something
<bhipple> gccemacs has some pretty huge performance improvements. I'd be interested in helping get it packaged in something like the NUR emacs-overlay :D
<bhipple> so the fact that it's running suggests to me that it thinks it's missing something it should have, and is trying to fill the gap
<bhipple> Something like: preConfigure = "export HOME=.";
<bhipple> if you toss the HOME into a tmpdir in preConfigure or something you might have better luck
<bhipple> smolck: you probably need to do something like `export HOME=.` or `export HOME=$TMPDIR`
<_phry> I'm suddenly getting attribute 'linuxPackages_5_1' missing when doing a nixos-rebuid. Have I missed some announcment or something?
<__monty__> vaibhavsagar: Sure, caching's something haskell.nix currently kinda lacks. It's the future though : )
<LnL> that way everything rotates nicely but as soon as something fishy happens the cycle breaks
<JonReed> cinimod_: Dunno, then. Nix tends to cache things. It can do it when sha matches something it already fetched. But if that's not it, then it might be something else.
<koleesch_> After the installation do i need to do something based on this message?
<cole-h> clever: That's really cool. Is there a wiki page for that or something I can bookmark?
<mlatus_> like if package A depends on B, which depends on C, instead of nested override, is there any more elegent solution? I'm imaging something like A.overlay(self: super: C = ...;)
<energizer`> is there something to read about using nix on a many-user machine?
<worldofpeace> cole-h: lol, I slipped something on my keyboard
<lovesegfault> I really need to do something about this: https://github.com/lovesegfault/nix-config/blob/master/sync
<clever> the stuff you can transfer, are private keys used for the "something different", but i dont think it lets you export a private
<clever> the other login form, that requires more interaction and JS, does something different


<gustavderdrache> not having used the tool in question, i don't know if you can substitute something else for projectDir, but that's where i'd look to troubleshoot
<samueldr> erictapen: yeah, that was on my radar as something to check
<samueldr> I think in the end I was able to put this aside and use something else that didn't rely on pycryptodome
<samueldr> erictapen: IIRC what is happening is that some part of the setup.py (was it?) was using the right gcc from env, another was just using gcc or something along the line
<cole-h> Then you should have the derivation in a separate nix file and do `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }: { something = pkgs.callPackage ./something.nix { }; }`
<cole-h> `nix-build -A pythonPackages.python38.package` or something similar I believe
<genesis> i need something like elfinfo = (builtins.fromJSON $(rabin2 -jH $curSrc/*.AppImage)
<Boarders> LnL: I have tried running that script you linked and then running the installer and it doesn't appear to work so I guess I need to try something else
<Boarders> I think I am missing something so, is the script being changed or should it already work or?
<karantan> but it's not correct. I think I'm missing something here but I'm nos sure what
<bdju> https://paste.debian.net/plain/1132687 got this build failure trying to install xorg.xrdb to an otherwise-working configuration. something to do with "luv"
<deni> __monty__: the -e files does something different...it's python package specific
<deni> symphorien: yeah I was gonna say that it has something to do with pypi2nix internals
<deni> what's the nixos equivalent for libglib2.0-dev ? I can't seem to find anything. Just the "glib" package doesn't seem to work...but I might be doing something else wrong
<evanjs> and then you can give it something like --all, if needed
<jared-w> (or, something else entirely really, it's not like I have any particularly deep knowledge of how it works...)
<maurer> catern: That might help, I'll have to look at it once I'm home. I was hoping we were approaching something where I could install a GL-using application from nixpkgs, and have it know to use the host GL rather than a nixpkgs one
<catern> I remember seeing something quite recently about a project to improve packaging of scientific/data science libraries in Nixpkgs - anyone know what that was?


<kini> hmm, looks like things are somewhat screwed up with fcitx -- looking at `journalctl -f` while changing settings in the config dialog, it seems to be failing to run something called `fcitx-remote` because it's looking for it in a relative path to the `fcitx-configtool` binary, whereas nixpkgs has it in a different store path
<evanjs> Okay... Codepages are being finicky; is there something specific I need to do to force a specific NLS_ISO* option on?
<emily> pikajude: kind of already signed up for that ;w; (though I'd never try to reimplement Nix-as-it-is since there's a bunch of obvious design issues you can fix if you're going to do something as drastic as adding a type system)
<jared-w> (although I suspect the nix-store import/export issues were really something else that's subsequently been mostly fixed. But still)
<softinio[m]> and assume there is still a need to use something like home manager to customize your environment
<jared-w> https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/master/modules/examples/lnl.nix#L6 this is something you'd do with nix-darwin. It provides the functionality to be able to use a module to declaratively set NSGlobalDomain settings rather than using a hacky setup.sh script
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<fresheyeball> clever: hopefully I forgot {} again or something
<evanjs> anybody know if there's something in nixpkgs/nixos like gentoo's "offensive" flag? :D I miss my potty-mouthed terminal - I think this --- OH
<enamax> (I’d expect version to be 2.2.3 or something
<tilpner> evanjs: override becomes useful when the value is used while constructing something else
<__monty__> I'd usually do `nix-shell . -A aws-mfa`, no need to install something to test it.
<immae> "import foo.nix" merely imports the file, so "import foo.nix {something}" calls the function with {something}. `callPackage foo.nix {something}` will import the file but it will also prefill all the arguments which it can import by itself. In your case, `import ./default.nix {inherit pkgs;}` is equivalent to `callPackage ./default.nix {}` since callPackage will fill the "pkgs" attribute himself
<clever> fresheyeball: you must call it with something like {}
<evils> i'm trying to package something that instead of shipping a big file, downloads it at build time (via a shell script), how can i run this script with network access?
<colemickens> Not that it's super helpful to you, but even stranger that it's not working. Maybe you got nixpkgs-unstable and something is wonky there?


<Raito_Bezarius> Or there is something wrong with the Nix setup which breaks the nix shell in a weird way
<Raito_Bezarius> or something something nixpkgs broken
<ShaRose> mdash sorry, got distracted by something. I was hoping to use it to encrypt private data by using system information that requires root access as the seed for the key.
<colemickens> I don't understand your first question jared-w but I keep reading it thinking it sounds like something I threw together around nix copy once when I was doing some sort of caching "workaround"
<jared-w> it's only defined in the standard environment, so I'd have to use it inside something like mkDerivation right?
<mdash> there is probably something you can do.
<Boarders> fresheyeball: am I allowed to manually override something being marked as broken e.g. can I point directly at hackage or git for a particular package?
<ShaRose> Anyone know a way I could make a nix function or something so that during nixos deployment it can run an executable with arguments and get the results to a variable via stdout?
<gchristensen> can I use something like IdentityFile in my ssh config, but specify a specific key in my SSH auth agent (which is provided by GPG)?
<evanjs> Though I wonder if all that's needed to change that is including "nix" in the initrd-tools :P or something similar
<eyJhb> How can I nix-shell something from unstable.x?
<worldofpeace> lovesegfault: weird, I do recall something about things in [Install] not working when using systemd.packages
<worldofpeace> something in perl, maybe not internal
<lovesegfault> something is florbed
<worldofpeace> lovesegfault: the outRef thing I did, and it isn't something from mkDerivation. I just reused it for the makeFlags
<lovesegfault> So I need something that: a. overrides the module with that from the PR b. overrides the package with that from the pr
<abathur> when there are separate types with a clear purpose, it's easier to tell that something is out-of-scope in one place, or something isn't covered in another
<lovesegfault> 2. Examples - the easiest way to learn is to see it done, and Nix docs usually spend a lot of time telling you what something does instead of just showing it
<samueldr> it could be wise to move that README to share/doc/tlp or something
<samueldr> GrimSleepless: in the body of the PR would have been fine too, e.g. something like "This PR backports #xxxxx"
<colemickens> clodeindustrie: my usual attack plan when something is broken like that is to update. it usually works out.
<jared-w> clever: aww yiis, I've got my dumb sandbox thing working. Hoping to write up something nice about that in the next few weeks


<colemickens> clodeindustrie: I can try my hand at it and see if we can make a wiki page out of it or something like that :)
<DigitalKiwi> 20:16 gchristensen: I'd recommend giving NixOS a go in a VM or something for the full experience
<gchristensen> I'd recommend giving NixOS a go in a VM or something for the full experience
<emily> there's nothing adversarial about asking why we do something that breaks on multiple systems and gratuitously goes against standards, good grief
<simpson> *On Linux, we *have* a preferred userland already: NixOS. And AFAICT OSX is the *only* problematic kernel, which might have something to do with its publisher~ It's hard to rationalize embracing a vendor that actively is hostile towards us, *especially* when that vendor is a luxury fashion brand.
<__monty__> abathur: The reasoning there is about the length of the path. Patchelf can't easily patch paths that are shorter then what it needs to substitute or something.
<simpson> abathur: Oh, sure. Changed to what? Most paths would be longer, and folks asking for this usually want /home/etc or something else non-root; that is, what they're *actually* asking for is Nix installation without root privs.
<simpson> JonReed: Perhaps FHS envs need to do something to the pkgs, so that bringing your own unprepared pkgs would not work.
<JonReed> custom pkgs? Will something go wrong?
<dhess> I tried the localhost trick awhile ago, maybe this is something that's been fixed in more recent versions of Nix?
<dhess> Here's something that's bothered me for awhile, and it seems I must be missing something obvious. Assume you have some remote builders that you want to take advantage of, and they have the same architecture as your personal machine. How can I get nix-build and friends to use my host *as well as* the remote builders? Right now it seems like if I have any remote builders with the same arch as my personal machine in /etc/nix/machines,
<sphalerite> fgaz: there was also something about greppability or something why I found placeholders annoying at one point. But they can certainly be useful when an environment variable is impractical.
<sphalerite> I don't know of an existing way, but maybe you can work something out by looking at how pkgsCross is defined
<__monty__> Maybe they turned the derivation into something that's not quite a derivation?
<chvp> ah great, didn't find it when I looked, but I must have missed something
<worldofpeace> that particular issue had a strange minimal setup, your setup sounds like something I can test in a vm. Will look into it.
<samueldr> last time someone said something similar, ~15 minutes later their system locked-up :)
<energizer`> I'm seeing commands available on PATH in `nix-shell` that aren't available in `lorri shell`. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or misunderstanding lorri.


<AmandaC> If at all possible, I'd suggest doing something like `foo -v`, `foo --version`, `foo version` if the tool has it; for anything you'd share publically.
<jared-w> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/80977 is a prime example of something that looks auto-mergeable.
<evanjs> manveru: yeah it works as root on the jenkins box so likely just something with my build env
<evanjs> I feel like it's something with my build scripts but idk
<clever> arianvp: if something isnt found in the binary cache, nix wont check again for an hour
<Taneb> Good, that's my intent (I am using something that is Hydra)
<clever> Taneb: if your using something like hydra, the fixed-output things wind up in the binary cache, and then it never runs the derivation again, just copies the existing product
<jluttine> is there something i can do to fix this on my (nixos) server?
<Taneb> systemd is already running, something like "[OK] Started inform NFS peers of restart" (the machine's in another room)
<lassulus> c0c0: but you should create a shell.nix file to manage your python environment: something like this here could fit: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python#Emulating_virtualenv_with_nix-shell
<CMCDragonkai1> clever: something to do with fixed point problem?
<CMCDragonkai1> is there something like this in nix?


<noonien> i'm building using `buildCommand = ''do something here to create $out''`
<immae> could you do something like : let your_src = fetchFromGitHub { ... } in { imports = [ "${your_src}/common/pc/laptop" ] } ?
<evanjs> It's like the store path is removed when stuff still references it, or something?
<latiheis> is there like, some certs package or something i need?
<emily> can you do something like __FILE__ in Nix?
<kini> Does nix set a ulimit or something when building an expression? My build seems to have been killed by the OOM killer but I thought I had enough memory to do the build (from experience running the same build outside nix).
<infinisil> Oh do I need to set up reverse DNS or something to get v2 to work?
<tilpner> This happens a lot, fendor_, there seems to be something tempting about the comment telling you to leave it alone
<tilpner> Yes, but who knows if you broke something prior to this
<lirzhv> is there a way to add the unstable channel, but with a lower priority or something like that?
<emily> kini: I think your best bet is to wrap acl2 with something that copies the file to a temporary location and touch(1)s it to the correct time
<gchristensen> but if you zip on past all the nixpkgs stuff and use fundamental derivations, you can do something else. I saw a neat alternative stdenv at a company which used python.


<ShaRose> So, I know there has been discussion on encrypting values in nix files: Has anyone ever looked at something like using hardware serial numbers that require root to use as key material?
<jophish> that's something to go in
<colemickens> rivercat: what do you mean? something has to transform dns requests into responses
<drakonis> you said something about looking for a needle in the haystack?
<bhipple> As soon as you have two different pkgs, something like `diffoscope` is pretty useful
<bhipple> It'll always be something like nixbld@localhost
<emily> is it possible to remove something from environment.systemPackages that a module is adding?


<simukis_> I will consider it if I end up having to run `--repeat 10000` or something
<bhipple> Yeah, you do something like make a change to <low lvl pkg in closure> then do nix-build --option repeat 2 <top pkg in closure> I think
<simukis_> as in "this and all its dependencies 3 levels deep" or something?
<simukis_> I’m trying to narrow down onto a reproducibility problem. Are there any tools in nix that would build derivation multiple times and compare output or something?
<Raito_Bezarius> is there something which prevents options to take arbitrary functions as option parameter?
<Raito_Bezarius> why don't use something modern like deoplete?
<jared-w> eyJhb: speaking from personal experince, switch to something eles. Definitely. Language servers are much better now imo
<Thra11> If a package is broken because a single test is failing, what's the best course of action (I believe the test is invalid): Should I set doCheck = false (overkill IMO), write my own patch to disable the broken test, just be patient and give upstream a chance to fix it (I have reported it), or do something else?
<evanjs> okay so I'm unsure if it's just taffybar or GDK_PIXBUF or something with the desktop files, but is anybody else getting "Failed to load icon from filepath clion" errors? Maybe in the dock or, well, taffybar :P