
<mog> something i think is more difficult to fix across all the random spots i connect to the internet
<bqv> something similar to //, but that errors if attributes are replaced
<turion> And did you try something like nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;?
<aleph-> Hmm I wonder if something is mounted noexec...
<infinisil> pax-12: If you see something like that, it means that nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree is an option, like any other option you set in the file
<pax-12> sorry, not the same ,,, error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:6:1(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
<pinecamp> I'm using something similar... strange that it's not working
<typetetris> dminuoso: hmm have several domains and all the acme-*.service units had been started concurrently, they failed. `systemctl start ...service` one by one succeeded then. That's why I thought of a race condition or something.
<pbogdan> eyJhb: the warning sounds like something to do with https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83171 and https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/91238
<patagonicus> eyJhb: Did you set the hashedPassword for root? Or are you including something that might in your config? It's complaining that the value has an invalid format, not that root doesn't have a password.
<AmandaC> nh2[m]: I'm convinced it's got something to do with being on/off battery, but I've not been able to find any link other than that. I used to get similar issues in PopOS! when I was using a newer mesa than was packaged for it, but the issues went away when I switched back to the s76 packaged ones. It's def. not reliably, sometimes I'd be abel to be on battery for hours without an issues, other times it chokes and dies within 5 min of
<AmandaC> ooc, how much of the universe would I be responsible for compiling if I wanted to swap mesa out with an older version on my laptop? I think something's fucky with my iGPU and newer mesas, where if there's a OpenGL application running while I'm on battery, occasionally the gPU will just hang.THis is espically bad when under wayland.
<delroth> turns out fetchpatch will almost always end up giving a different sha256, but you won't notice it until a GC run since nix-prefetch-url conveniently put something that matches the sha256 in the store
<clever> typetetris: or use -I nixpkgs=something, to affect the first run
<samueldr> what were you importing? the whole home? something else big?
<hazel[m]1> e.g. `if system.currentArchitecture != "aarch64" then [ something ] else []`
<samueldr> I don't know if there is something like that already, good question
<samueldr> something big at least
<samueldr> maybe something like your whole home
<samueldr> matthuszagh: without investigation, my intution tells me the most likely culprit is you're accidentally importing something in the nix store using a nix path
<matthuszagh> i'm a bit surprised simply changing the config file location introduced this issue. Does this seem plausible? It's also certainly possible this is instead the result of something else I inadvertently changed.


<Unode> gchristensen: found buildEnv after going through the manual and it seems to do what I want. I'm still missing some basic understanding of nix/nixpkgs . I often find myself trying to get something to work with nix-build that works with nix-shell or vice-versa, and struggling like if I'm doing it for the first time.
<aleph-> Hmm, is there something off with this service definition? https://paste.rs/Zwm Getting an error of "The option `systemd.services' in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/testing/service-runner.nix' is a prefix of options in `/etc/nixos/teleport.nix'." when I try to compile a new build.
<chreeus> am i missing something about updating nixpkgs?
<chreeus> heyall, i'm messing around using nix-shell as a build system, and i'm not able to get rustc/cargo to build. i assume it has something to do with issue 91314
<energizer> server side journal here https://bpa.st/RFKA Does this look like an ssh auth success or failure or something else?
<mtn> And that config does something with bind which I don't really understand
<tom39291> "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException: No available video device" OK that's something I can work with.
<hazel[m]1> typetetris if you aren't doing something weird you may want to look at https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver
<typetetris> What are you guys using to edit nix expressions? Any kind of IDE? Something with jump to definition for the stuff from `nixpkgs/lib`?
<quinn> you can also do something with nix-shell that will automatically provide the interpreter at run-time, but i assume you want the normal thing
<DigitalKiwi> (most) people that work on/commit to nixpkgs want to be doing it they want bugs fixed they want more people to have access to more working software and a lot of us will gladly help in whatever way we can to either review or get something working at all or test or merge etc.
<quinn> ohh, interesting. so if i have something "niche", it would be okay to contact someone with commit privileges who is somewhat involved
<DigitalKiwi> nixpkgs gets/merges hundreds of PRs a week...if something is a few weeks/months old...it's not likely to get attention
<quinn> kind of woo-woo speak but liberating software users doesn't just end with posting some code on pastebin, i'm sure we've both been in that situation where you spend 3+ hours digging through code because the man page sucks and even if it's something we've done for 100s of hours before it's still hard and unpleasant
<DigitalKiwi> and yeah not every change i make has to be part of my system so i i have one pr-nixpkgs that tends to be whatever i'm currently working on (usually updating or adding a package i maintain or fixing something)
<DigitalKiwi> so but yeah my workflow which might be suboptimal but works well for me and i don't like cherry picking (well, i don't know how...) is mostly use nixos-unstable, unless i'm fixing something, and then i use -I ~/projects/nixpkgs (or...whichever one i'm using, i have multiple nixpkgs folders for different purposes. yes i'm aware of branches...)
<DigitalKiwi> i switch between nixos-unstable and a git nixpkgs a lot (when i'm working on something) and most of the times i have a problem i can either fix it or use an old package
<infinisil> fresheyeball[m]: You can get something like that with systemd runners
<monokrome> mica[m]: That command seems to assume I've cloned the nixos-generators project or something. It doesn't really outline expectations if you've installed nixos-generators via the nixos package.
<monokrome> Anyone know if 'config.system.build.isoImage' has been replaced or something?
<quinn> dongcarl: fair nuff. https://www.kernel.org/category/releases.html looks like we're getting ~yearly longterm releases, but late in the year. i don't think we'll get 5.9 as the stable release unless the release team does something special (but that's just extrapolating, i don't read the discourse very often)


<genevino> btw is there #nixos-social or something?
<genevino> kraem: it totally won't pick up your custom path. there is no "system path" in this context. this is something you have altered by configuring your shell, it doesn't matter to the script you call from sxhkd unless you explicitly tell the script about it.
<genevino> KarlJoad`: that "set mouse=" thing is the very first thing i do when trying to copy/paste something with the default config. whoever came up with this default deserves to be hit by a thunder on the toilet.
<KarlJoad`> genevino: The thing that really got me into Emacs was its interface to GDB. Having an IDE-like interface from GDB, something that doesn't have something like that, really turned me onto it.
<cransom> has anyone done testing with compression settings for nars (ala nix copy /path file:///tmp?compression=something)? i'm surprised at how slow brotli is (however, the default is highest quality)
<AmandaC> Specifically, this is what I'm getting: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a list, at /etc/nixos/modules/linux/desktop/sway.nix:28:17
<AmandaC> If I have something like `let foo = [ "a" "b" "c" ]` and I want to set bar to the first value of `foo` how would I do that? `... bar = foo[0]` doesn't seem to be working
<AmandaC> seems something's angry in hydra lately: https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined -- is somebody on the case? I'd not even know where to start.
<jluttine[m]> I see something like this in some ruby package derivations: `passthru.updateScript = bundlerUpdateScript "pry";` How do I run this update script?
<maralorn> mananamenos: Normally the /nix/store/...-source directory would be created by something like fetchtarball or fetchgit. But if you use src = ./. nix will copy the complete folder ./. into a /nix/store/... path and provide that as input for the derivation you want to build.
<quinn> fresheyeball: stupid but nix-build -A haskell does not work, i feel like i'm missing something silly
<fresheyeball> quinn: normally I would agree, but sometimes I know it's just a function or something I am missing, and so it's just not worth it to do a paste
<AmandaC_> but nice, I'll try and get something like that setup tomorrow, then. Maybe have it built in my hydra server as well.
<quinn> AmandaC_: yup. i do something similar. with an iso image at least, i haven't got a pxe setup going
<AmandaC_> so, if I take one of the nixos installer nixos configs, and throw in some extra stuff like a ssh server w/ my keys pre-loaded, I can do something like a remote headless install, right/


<quinn> fresheyeball: if you had a working version and then you changed something and it broke please post that too
<whatisRT> tokudan: well, the issue is that it's not building in the first place, and I'd like to figure out if that that channel breaks something or if it was broken all along
<tokudan> whatisRT, I've got no experience with macos, sorry. what you can do is just rebuild something and see what you get
<pie_> inb4 shell doesnt work properly or something
<pie_> im probably rushing through and did something dumb
<pie_> adisbladis: is it in scope for poetry2nix to have something that gives you the environment with a debuggable python and gdb with python extensions?
<pie_> adisbladis: iirc you were doing something that might replace it?
<bbigras> I wonder if it's using the wrong python version or something.
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at (string):317:11
<quinn> does anyone have experience with netboot images? i'm trying to set up something like config.system.build.isoImage but for makeNetboot
<duairc> Basically I'm importing something else which imports <nixpkgs>, but I want the nixpkgs it imports to be a specific nixpkgs that's known to the other file, rather than the system nixpkgs
<bbigras> yeah there's something in the faq about that nabataeus https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Why_not_use_nix-env_-i_foo%3F
<bbigras> sephii: maybe just use `nix-env`. "power users" will do something else if needed.
<sephii> (I'm asking because I'd like to add installation instructions to an app, inviting people to use Nix to install it, but I'm not sure what's the best way of explaining how to install it. I was thinking about `nix-channel --add` and then `nix-env -i`, but I was wondering if I should advise something else since people are advocating against `nix-env`)
<fresheyeball> so I found something that says the nix daemon needs to be restarted
<evanjs> something like that
<evanjs> fresheyeball: I remember seeing something like adding a command + key to authorized_keys
<evanjs> Might be missing something, but I'm confused by a snippet in the nixos manual
<clever> excelsiora: youll need to manually delete something non-nix on the same FS
<regnat> stepcut: Apparently there's a deps attribute that you can add to the activationScripts, maybe you can do something very dirty to make it depend on every other activationScript. But that would start to get nasty
<regnat> stepcut: You can do something like system.activationScripts.sendEmail = "semdmail …"
<radvendii> Like it would be rolling release if we just used master or something
<energizer> bahamas: config.services.my-service.enable=false or something
<Dagger> because it's rarely IPv6, but rather some breakage in something which should be fixed rather than throwing an entire protocol out


<radvendii> do i have to add it to the system's authorized certificates or something?
<radvendii> I wound up using acme certificates, which wasn't obvious to set up. Is it worth saying something on the wiki and/or setting up a nix option that will enable acme for znc? (also, is it necessary to set up a website in order to use acme certificates?)
<qyliss> blisszs: I recommend trying to use nix-shell if you need something as a one-off, and home-manager otherwise. If you still have desktop problems with home-manager you're probably more likely to get help, because it's probably more widely used than nix-env -i, especially among more experienced users.
<qyliss> It's also pretty easy to add packages if you find something that isn't already available.
<blisszs> That works but I would want something that works on userland
<TheSirC[m]> infinisil: I am pretty sure I broke something; I am pretty good at that
<infinisil> Oh nix-shell is something different, it's an isolated environment, totally separate from nix-env
<nolash> infinisil: of course, but I would imagine it would know about SOMETHING and NOTHING was returned
<mtn> Also interested and think I might've seen something but can't remember, I'll look later too
<tokudan[m]> numkem: depends on what exactly you want to build. basically you always get a closure when something is built. but what exactly do you need?
<pie_> otoh maybe im mixing it with something else
<pie_> i havent used ufw but i remember it being something maybe worth looking into
<Arahael> pingiun: They announced that they'll "work on it, maybe in the next... 3 or 6 months" or something like that, I believe.
<KarlJoad> Double check the shebang at the top. You /bin/sh doesn't really exist. Try to use ${pkgs.sh} or something like that. That might be causing some issues too.
<pingiun> itshaydendev: does bspwm have some config validation? maybe your config is invalid and it defaults to something
<pingiun> itshaydendev: you can always look at the source of the module to see if there's something weird
<KarlJoad> With ZFS, it might be something to do with snapshots, and the way those are handled.
<pingiun> Arahael: I believe it's just cheap or something
<symphorien> Like in postPatch or something like that
<patagonicus> I.e. ping acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org should work. To test if you can download that file, use curl or wget or something (wget will save it as a file by default).
<mtn> mica[m]: Do I need to like switch DNS servers or something?
<gustavderdrache> hoverbear: something kinda like this: https://gist.github.com/gustavderdrache/cb123a35b07f8152b41d0ca8323a2c3e
<elux> does something change in latest nixos? my track pad settings no longer seem to take any effect. track pad feels very slow


<qyliss> Have some zfs rmr command or something to do it
<miguel_clean> I have declared a simple gitolite/nginx/gitweb setup, but it seems that each time I push something to a branch, this branch becoms invisible in gitweb until I force the restart of the gitweb cgi script. I am completely new to nixos and wonder if I might be missing something obvious?
<hoverbear> chipb: I think if you were using something like naersk it could build them into your store and override cargo with a vendort location
<simpson> But, again, that's a long-term plan, and it's not necessary to be ready for that today. Just something to look forward to in the future.
<cole-h> Spritzgebaeck: You'll need to add ruby to its PATH. Typically done by `systemd.user.services.<service>.path = [ pkgs.ruby ];` or something similar.
<simpson> seven-eleven: However, you might find something like https://github.com/ktosiek/ansible-nix more useful; I think that this is an Ansible role for installing Nix declaratively.
<glittershark> is installing nix on alpine (eg in a docker image) as simple as `apk add nix` or do I need to do something more?
<arianvp> yeh i think something is wrong with my environment; im sure it is pebkac
<patagonicus> On the topic of home-manager: is there something built into it for automatic updates? For NixOS itself I can use system.autoUpgrade.
<adisbladis> I was also using this approach before but there was something I didn't like about it...
<vika_nezrimaya> they're gonna exploit something and then gain root rights via that
<evils> TheSirC[m]: did something break?
<{^_^}> If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<{^_^}> callpackage redefined, was defined as If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in
<qyliss> ,callPackage = If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<{^_^}> If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in
<{^_^}> callpackage redefined, was defined as If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<qyliss> ,callPackage = If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in
<{^_^}> boxscape: If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<vika_nezrimaya> boxscape: I'd use something like `nix build -E "with import <nixpkgs>; callPackage ./default.nix { inherit (xorg) xlib; };"`
<erik-4levels> I'm hoping for something like lib.md5sum or builtins.md5 or something similar.
<mudri> Got that running. Meanwhile, `nix-store --gc --print-roots` prints out hundreds of lines, so there must be something up with that.
<vika_nezrimaya> it's very useful to me when I want to look something up or check if a service has a NixOS config module
<dminuoso> Also, Ansible can easily be used ontop of existing systems, instead of building up something well principled from the beginning.
<kiwiirc> i guess maybe if you use something else for the same purpose already like if you used ansible for auto cm?
<bahamas> I think I'm messing something up on the deployment
<srhb> I'm not sure that makes sense. Perhaps you need to provide something reproducible :)


<cole-h> Why not use mkDerivation, then? Is there something specific buildRustPackage offers?
<cole-h> hoverbear: Unfortunately not 😬 When I was building a project for musl, I just used rustup to impurely install that target, and then did `cargo build --target <musl triple>` or something like taht
<dminuoso> Am I missing something?
<jkachmar> clever: I was thinking about something like that, but part of the utility of packaging up the administrative scripts is in the fact that a user can just get some info or temporarily modify/disable things from the CLI
<seven-eleven> oh thats clever, i read something like that in the cheatsheet, thanks!
<clever> seven-eleven: if you want to install something system-wide on ubuntu, you just run nix-env -i as root
<omneh`s_ghost> I jumped back down to beta, and the package works, I just assume it's something with today's nightly.
<cole-h> hoverbear: Ah, it was `--print-build-logs` that is the special sauce. Thanks, I learned something new :)
<jakobrs> So I'd presumably try to figure out how that works and then do ... something
<sphalerite> magnetophon: you could use a €3/mo hetzner cloud server or something though if you do want to build your own, which also has the advantage of being able to use nixos on it ;)
<sphalerite> magnetophon: but probably something like zerotier or tailscale is better there.
<magnetophon> sphalerite: thanks. SSH is a partial solution, I often want to show them how do do something.
<elkowar> any help would be appreciated here,... is the installer broken? or am i messing something up. I had installed nix using the AUR before (for a few seconds xD)
<meh`> I feel like I'm doing something very stupid, it doesn't make sense with this code that it would still run install checks
<meh`> still runs, I must be doing something dumb
<meh`> well, that's doing something
<srk> meh`: the nuke might be harder - I have something similar for Haskell - basically the idea is to override mkDerivation like so https://github.com/HaskellEmbedded/ivory-tower-nix/blob/master/nix/env.nix#L6
<samueldr> it's something to run to make a configuration bootable
<samueldr> or else... something's to be fixed
<jwaksbaum[m]> I've like accepted that if you run out of space you're screwed, but I want it to be able to clean `/boot` assuming there already is some available space, right, by setting `configurationLimit` or something.
<samueldr> where you need to erase something before you can rebuild into it
<pjt_mpt> In that case you can afford sizing boot to like 256M or something for extra cushioning--or more if you want.
<jwaksbaum[m]> But what's the end game in terms of boot. Right now I have something like `boot.loader.raspberryPi.enable = true` `boot.loader.raspberryPi.version = 4`
<lc_> I think I'm just going to begrudgingly install a debian docker container for my python stuff. Or use an online ide or something
<Graypup_> hi! I've been setting up nix to manage haskell development environments and it is unclear what the difference is between the channels. I am doing something which I acknowledge is slightly evil: I **for now** want to install tools globally while I learn the Nix language and do better. ghcjs is broken on nixpkgs-unstable, so I want to use nix packages from nixos 20.03 where it works properly


<energizer> maybe i'm missing a kernel module or something and it can't read from the drive
<jtojnar> happyfishes unless something changed, nixos-generate-config just uses a simple template, no GUI
<happyfishes> jtojnar let's assume that you have GUI program that generates a config for you based on list of checkboxes or something for "mere" users
<happyfishes> like `wifi-menu` on Arch or something
<mtn> A few more poetry2nix questions -- is there a good way to inspect the derivations generated by poetry2nix? I'm having trouble integrating it with uwsgi and have a minimal example that seems to suggest something isn't working right with the application it's generating
<jtojnar> or something like that
<LambdaDuck> Maybe I'll just have to install something before running nix-channel --update
<jD91mZM2> LambdaDuck: Seems like something is wrong with your nix profile? What's the output of `ls -la /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user`?
<chiiba> jwaksbaum[m]: What are the requirements for packages to work in nix-shell and systemPackages. I tried adding my package to buildInputs in shell.nix, but after entering the shell my package is not available in the environment. My derivation results in a folder with two shell scripts. Should the output be just one output file or something?
<boxscape> Is there something else I have to do to make sure it gets added to all font databases?
<dejvo> just something I want to include
<veleiro> i'm trying to create an overlay with a newer version of mesa, but i need to swap out one of its patches in the `patches` array, i was thinking i could do something like 'builtins.replaceStrings' but for array values?
<chiiba> Am I missing something?
<sunova> Perfect! And I wonder how the kernel stuff works? Is it something like LXD containers? I mean when you build a VM by nix and launch it.
<Hayden[m]> Is that something you can do?
<DigitalKiwi> afaict the only mention on nixos.org is in a release note saying it replaced something else that was deprecated
<KarlJoad> What I found was the key thing in Haskell, at least for me, was understanding the smallest amount of work possible to achieve something. For example, don't write 1 big function to achieve 5 things. Write 10 small functions that do 1 thing and put them together in creative ways.
<kiwiirc> if something doesn't run, is it impossible or just requires config?
<Athas> kiwiirc: yes, *if* something runs it's just as fast and stable as it would be on Ubuntu.
<dminuoso> DigitalKiwi: I think its actually about something else.
<kiwiirc> that's saying something!
<Athas> RHEL/CentOS is supported for something like a decade.
<Athas> For the Eventual NixOS Successor, I think the most important improvement would be replacing the Nix language with something that has types. Guix replaces the Nix language with a better language (Scheme), but that improvement on its own is not enough for me to move away from NixOS.
<kiwiirc> i'd normally overlook something like nixos because ansible made me hate using config files for complex stuff, i just wanna use code for ops now
<mtn> (assuming this is a nix error, not from a package or something)
<pjt_tmp> is there any difference in stability or something?
<pie_> i usually have something like this in a file;
<energizer> mtn: it's called ignoreCollisions=true or something like that
<numkem> is there a way to get the build ID or something similar inside a hydra build? like from an environment variable? I'd need something unique to be able to tag docker container
<mtn> I'm trying to figure out where `libcuda.so` is on my filesystem -- can I find it with something analogous to `${pkgs.cudatoolkit_10_1}`?
<mtn> I remember there was something about firefox being like that, maybe?
<mtn> When I try to import a `pip`-installed tensorflow, I run into the following error: ImportError: `libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`. Is this an example of a binary I _have_ to get from nixpkgs so it can have its runtime dependencies patched, or something?
<mtn> infinisil: Do you know if `$TMPDIR` has a size limit enforced by nix or something? Assuming there's a system default for it


<cole-h> MtotheM: Yeah, I agree. When I see that happen, I usually throw -v at it until it shows me it's doing something lol
<MtotheM> I always get worried when things 'hang' in nix. a message saying it is building the cache or something similar would be nice.
<pjt_tmp> I have packaged something for Python, I could show it if that helps
<dramaturg> when packaging something that has no versions upstream what should I use instead? the shorteed git hash? a date tag?
<meh`> lovesegfault, would that be the entire overlay? seems like extend is not a thing, or I'm doing something dumb
<lovesegfault> meh`: I do something like self: super: { pythonPackages = super.pythonPackages.extend (self: super: { myPythonPackage = super.myPythonPackage.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { doCheck = false; }); }) }
<another_wanderer> Well, I hope it'll appear in the future. Gotta use something else for now. Anyway, thanks for answering!
<Thra11> clever: Yes, but supposing I need to set a flag along the lines of "something=${somepackage}/bin/whatever"?
<craftyguy> I'm trying to run something out of a python venv, but it fails because it cannot find libstdc++ (likely needs some patching to find it in nixos?). I have read this wiki page on using a venv in nixos: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python#Python_virtual_environment
<veleiro> looks like it was something to do with fetching from the ftp address because https worked
<veleiro> clever: --unpack for me says it doesnt look like a tar archive, might it have something to do with this nixos on arm?
<hazel> *something's* up here*, but it's not impairing *everything*
<avn> clever: actual reason -- kid want something like kde or xfce, and I prefer to build system on 6x core machine, instead 2x core ;)
<timokau[m]> symphorien: At some point I'll probably add back some sort of "I didn't understand you" message when something looks like a command but couldn't be parsed. For now I'm trying to be as conservative as possible. Posting comments is a bit scary because of the potential for feedback loops
<pjt_tmp> I found what I think is it and manually invoked it with ./nix/store/AAAAAAAA[...]/bin/share/thing.sh (or something) and seemed to get...nothing.
<pjt_tmp> something something that one set minus the flag?
<energizer> when i shut down, the systemd messages cascade down at an angle like they don't know how wide the screen is or something
<ornxka_> what is the easiest way to uninstall something from the nix store?


<cole-h> Yeah, I was going to suggest that eventually, as well. timokau[m]: ofborg takes into account message edits (so you don't need to spam a thread if you need to test/build some other package) -- maybe something you'd want to watch for as well
<glittershark> I'm trying to package something that hardcodes gcc
<hazel> how do I run something after buildGoModule?
<mtn> A few people here have mentioned poetry and poetry2nix as ways of managing python dependencies here. If I want to set up a python program to run as a service, would I be able to specify the dependencies for that using something like poetry2nix, if I get the app working with poetry and poetry2nix?
<tobi_> hello, lets say I have a network link called eth0. by running "ip link add link eth0 name eth0.100 type vlan id 100" I can create a second link which uses the same interface as eth0 but attaches a vlan tag to all traffic, while the original link is still usable. how can I duplicate something like this in the declarative nixos configuration?
<kenran> sphalerite: ahh good to know how that works in principle! Unfortunately the haskellPackages.shellFor doesn't emit a "src", but something is being watched. Do you have a hint how I could find out, what?
<kenran> mtn: not sure I understand all of it yet, but maybe you could just pull those external repos as-is with your stuff into the store by doing something like ${../../my-repo} in your derivation. Then at least you're not writing somewhere else
<mtn> (my understanding is mainly tutorial-level) right, so I think the first thing I need to do is use something like uwsgi to serve it without the flask dev server
<ashkitten> the reason i say to note it for nixpkgs is because big rebuilds tend to get staged together to do in a batch, and it's probably easier to prioritize a rebuild if it fixes something important
<simpson> yasu: There is Matrix, and you can connect to Freenode from Matrix. There is also Discourse, linked in the /topic, for forum posting. Unfortunately, decentralized chat is quite hard, so you'll have to connect somewhere to something.
<cole-h> I like h-m a lot more than using something like GNU Stow


<DigitalKiwi> yeah adapt to your needs it might be something different but that's how you do it
<cjpbirkbeck> okay, it seems like ssh-agent isn't working despite being enabled and running. it never saves my keys, so i always have retype my passphrase. i feel like i'm missing something obvious but i don't what it is.
<cole-h> This is something somebody recently ran into (though they may have been going about it wrong...)
<cole-h> flokli: One use case where a string-path is useful (re: ^) is when, for whatever reason, something needs sudo in its path. If you add the package, it won't have suid, so you'd want to add /run/wrappers/bin
<srid> LambdaDuck: I was told that `enableSeparateDataOutput` would ditch those dependencies, but it caused Nix to complain of cyclic dependency between the binary and the data derivation. There was something like propagated-build-inputs or something that unnecessary referred the cabal library package.
<infinisil> And -j0 fails because it tries to build something, this ^ (as seen by the "building ..." lines in your log)
<thequux[m]> I think that Windows does something stupid where if the serial number is different, it needs to reinstall the driver
<thequux[m]> One second while I look at my config to be sure; I do seem to recall that there was something necessary to get it to fully work
<boxscape> am I missing something
<jwaksbaum[m]> boxscape: this reminds me of an issue with prompts getting mangled in nix-shell when started from zsh, but now I can't remember what that was about... I know I don't have that issue any more. Might have had something to do with locales for some reason, but could be wrong.
<takataka> Hi, what to overwrite to modify nvidia package pulled in by services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; ? I have tried nvidia_x11 from linuxPackages_latest and kernelPackages but it must be something else. Any ideas?
<eyJhb> Thinking of setting the default group to the username, is there something I should be aware of?
<infinisil> I usually do it with something like `.overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ haskellPackages.cabal-install ]; })`
<chipb> of course, it was good enough for the upstream author as-is. there's something to the simplicity of not having to pull in another dependency...though it's already using SDL, and anybody running the program almost certainly already has fontconfig installed...
<chipb> immae: ick. it's almost certainly easier to use than manually implementing a scan for an appropriately matching font based on something other than static file name.
<glittershark> that and open an issue upstream asking them to do something less silly
<Ericson2314> angerman: thanks. Can you file an issue? I think I saw something similar recently fwiw
<numkem> ok, must be something else then because that's what I did already
<jakobrs> Might have got something to do with #87818
<Raito_Bezarius> Is there a rationale or something I'm missing?
<LambdaDuck> Oh, I was unclear. I meant I just want the executable of an existing haskell package and not the library and all its dependencies. For example, something corresponding to the hypothetical: `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA haskellPackages.executableOnly.pandoc`. The goal is to reduce the closure size.
<LambdaDuck> infinisil: I want to do something corresponding to: `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA haskellPackages.executableOnly.pandoc`
<srhb> o1lo01ol1o: No, there are more lets than ins, so something is wrong there :)
<cole-h> I mean, at that point, why not just point it to a master tarball or something? :P
<cole-h> If you run it on one host, you'll still need to rebuild your system every time you change something, so that wouldn't change whether you use nixops or nixos-rebuild
<msirabella> Ah, that's probably something to look in to
<sheeldotme> Makes sense to me cole-h, how do you currently handle secrets do you just have them in another git repo? Thinking about setting up something with vault.
<gustavderdrache> iqubic: is this a binary you grabbed from, e.g., github releases or something?


<DigitalKiwi> might have something that works...
<eacameron> cole-h: I did get materialize built btw :D I had to disable tests though since it was having trouble setting up tests that could connect to localhost ports or something. But it appears to work.
<cole-h> sed 's/download the file//' or something
<kenran> background: I've created a shell.nix for a Haskell project which uses "pkgs.haskellPackages.shellFor", and it seems to me that something like "gitignoreSource" is not working (I see that because lorri rebuilds on changes to files that are git-ignored).
<betaboon> DigitalKiwi: yeah thanks. i ended up doing something like that :D
<jakobrs> I've seen people have multiple "Copyright" lines at the top of the file; might do something like that
<jakobrs> Should I just write something like "derives from the file nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nixos-rebuild.sh Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Eelco Dolstra and the Nixpkgs/NixOS contributors, under the terms of the MIT license"
<DigitalKiwi> etu betaboon something like the commands here? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Creating_a_NixOS_live_CD
<pjt_014> rename nixos to something like nixos-normal, and nixos-unstable to just nixos
<fps> or something in that vein. i just glanced at the man pange
<cap_sensitive> Hi. How to make 'stdenv' avaliable in an overlay? I'd like to have something like this: pkg_x = if stdenv.isDarwin then callPackage stuff1 {} else callPackage stuff2 {};
<eacameron> cole-h: I've never built Rust with nix so I'm very green here. Maybe there's something obvious that would make `buildRustPackage` work.


<manveru> maybe something like https://github.com/cornelinux/yubikey-luks might be more secure :)
<ingenieroariel> I'll try something like that - I want end users of this to be able to git clone and nix-shell
<ingenieroariel> unless I edit .config/nix/nix.conf - I am looking for an env var or something I could set on default.nix
<clever> __monty__: i have something similar
<cab404[m]> * Now for something completely different: anyone knows any libre chemistry licenses?
<cab404[m]> Now for something completely different: anyone knows any open chemistry licenses?
<clever> typetetris: i think that can happen when callCabal2nix is using pkgs.cabal2nix or something like that
<gmr> is there a trick, something like $(which foo), for finding a .drv file from either its closure, or the command in $PATH ?
<munksgaard> clever: So this is what I have now: http://paste.debian.net/1152344/ but when it doesn't seem like it's picking up the new version of the package? I've even pointed the overlay to my own fork where I've written stupid stuff in the `--version` output of sway, but it seems like I'm still using the old version of sway. Am I doing something wrong?
<ivegotasthma> I suspect it's something to do with nixos but I'm not sure where to start diagnosing
<karetsu> something is very wrong with my dbus (e.g. playerctl -l doesn't list spotify) but dbus is active so its a user issue, where would I start looking for problems with this on nixos?
<hodapp> ugh. anyone familiar with this "javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException: RSA premaster secret error"? I'm reading at ibm.com that due to export policy on crypto you have to put some US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar into the JRE directory, or something. This is the first time I've ever dealt with anything like this though
<ldlework> I was doing something like this and getting infinite recursion
<euank> there might be something cleaner than that mess above though
<euank> MtotheM: you could presumably do something like mapAttrs + checking if a list of attr keys exist and only mapping those


<hodapp> anyone have a guess at what might affect SSL certs in something running on Oracle JDK? I am running Processing and it is failing to add libraries that I discovered were all hosted at github and with an HTTPS URL so this is my first guess
<pingiun> boot.loader.grub.device needs to be something like /dev/sda right, or can it use uuids?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a list, at (string):316:1
<energizer> it'll have to look like `networking.networkmanager.extraConfig = ''[keyfile] path = ${secrets.wifiKeyPath}'' ` but then how do i put something into that path?
<ivegotasthma> I had something where firefox would open pdfs with libreoffice, it was a problem with mimetypes
<eyJhb> But would that even be possible? Because I can't bind mount something into the store. Then I should make.. Wait! I should be able to do this :)
<eyJhb> But it might be easier cooking something up
<eyJhb> Specifed by the packages. Basically something I can point my jails at (nsjail or firejail) that they can use as a chroot
<cole-h> energizer: You'd probably want to do `nixpkgs.pkgs = import ./nixpkgs {};` (or something, I think)
<AmandaC> so I feel like either I'm missing something with the process here, or the process was side-lined?
<euank> AmandaC: yeah, usually something should land on master before it's cherry-picked to a release branch. Looks like I'm off the mark
<numkem> I'm trying to install emacs-libvterm and I found that you are supposed to do something like this in your systemPackages: ((emacsPackagesFor numpkgs.emacsUnstable).emacsWithPackages (epkgs: [ epkgs.vterm ])). Yet when I do I get an error saying `error: attribute 'platforms' missing, at
<edcragg> yes, i think it's a bug with platformio's pulled tools, is it a failure of patching, or something else though
<michaelpj> is there a way to make a derivation depend on something without using it? afaict if you don't actually use the dependency then Nix is smart enough to not consider it a dependency when building the derivation... In this case I just want the thing to have been built in case the user wants it later
<marius851000[m]> I've made custom stdenv for cross-compiling to the nintendo 3ds, and I have a custom pkgs derivation (a general arm cross compilation pkgs made with crosspkgs). I want to know if it is possible to make this custom pkgs derivation have the custom stdenv on the pkgs (so I can use something like cross3dspkgs.stdenv = cross3dsstdenv).
<MtotheM> Is there a glob in nix, so you could do something like `profiles.dev.*.enable`?
<cole-h> Which means, when things change, the docs will need to be revised. No matter how miniscule the effort to write and rewrite the docs, it just seems like a waste to write docs for something that is *still* experimental.
<clever> tnks_: something i often say, "luke, use the source" and "the docs can lie"
<clever> tnks_: store-api.cc will put both options into a single list, nix-daemon.cc is doing something related to trusted users
<tnks_> I might have a look later at the source... but for now, I feel unblocked on something that was super confusing me.
<tnks_> This must have been something leftover from when I was playing around with the cachix CLI.
<tnks_> Man, so I feel like Hydra garbage collected something that only built 5 days ago: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/121663938#tabs-details


<euank> energizer: if you query for info about that derivation, it might be more clear. I'd guess it somehow depends on the hostId or something, not sure.