
<ToxicFrog> I must have gotten interrupted by toddler or something
<ToxicFrog> It says something about how long this has been an issue that I had already referenced the corresponding bugs in nixos-homepage and then completely forgot about them
<Gravious> i sympathise though, it can be really difficult to work on hard on something and see it go unnoticed
<chominist[m]> *something else besides store
<chominist[m]> (Or mb I missed something)
<chominist[m]> Is this default behavior, or am I missing something?
<LnL> yes something like that
<LnL> clever: yeah, I thought there was something that would use the local store to build but write the output in a different path
<LnL> domenkozar: I think you need do do something similar to hydra's store_url = file:///tmp/nix-cache and cache that
<domenkozar> something is fishy with this staging merge
<domenkozar> not a full quiet mode, but just something as it was before, max 20 lines
<roberth> ertes-w, you could always override it in your shell. I suppose the default NIX_PATH could be more configurable, or even be a bit dynamic, but that might cause some surprises... .profile is the user's entrypoint, so it makes sense to keep it simple and just maintain all user configuration from there using the user's favorite tools (manual editing, or something like what adisbladis incidentally just posted :)
<tilpner> ixxie - If you put that into the imports list in your configuration.nix, you can then write something like https://gist.github.com/fb10a052ee5a1ddac77ab33ec5d32ec1
<ertes-w> i have to wonder what the rationale is behind using something like gconf
<ertes-w> there was a wiki entry on how to fix that, which had something to do with dbus, i think
<ertes-w> slack1256: it doesn't actually save any configuration, and it reports problems about missing *.service files or something like that
<avn> joepie91: will you use something like nix-in-place, or just plain reinstall?
<disasm> sphalerite[m]: I mean if I wrote something called is-binary-path, I would expect it to take a string binary and return true/false if that command is in your current path.
<Infinisil> What was that 10 line package named again that everyone used but then the world ended as it disappeared or something? Right aling something
<dash> Infinisil: so, something else could be used (over top of any of these) that doesn't use port numbers
<Infinisil> Hmm, nope, it's all 261 for ipfs, am definitely in group, maybe the lock file is taken by something else
<bhipple> You'll also need to put yourself on the IPFS group and add something like environment.variables = { IPFS_PATH = "/var/lib/ipfs/.ipfs"; };
<dalaing> that's what lead to the question - I'm wondering if I'm reading something drastically wrong
<dalaing> I thought I was missing something more crucial
<greglearns___> well, we did, BUT now I know that it's not going to work to fight that tide... before, I felt like I was missing something. NOW, I'm feeling like something between NixOS and Rust's implementation is just broken and so it's not worth fighting it for now... so, I can peacefully move on to using stable Rust on Nix and sleep well tonight.


<catern> oh yeah! I was thinking about something similar
<copumpkin> catern: oh, I have some ideas, but am still working it out at my organization. Might try to write something up in time for nixcon
<mpcsh> symphorien: that's what I thought, but I ran sha256sum on that tarball and got something different
<greglearns__> but, I think I'm onto something...
<Sonarpulse> it's certainly a good idea to do something :)
<manveru> does `keybase service -h` tell your something?
<Sonarpulse> but if you like I can open all the chained PRs simultaneously for review, and then you/others can "+1 pending successful test" or something
<dtzWill> without having to specify a bajillion --with-openssl-include=${openssl.dev}/include arguments or something xD
<dtzWill> it's how Nix can have include directories all over the place and programs still work (programs that don't use pkgconfig or cmake or something)
<slabity> So if I want to compile something I need to generate a .nix file?
<copumpkin> yeah, but if you ran something malicious it can just overwrite what you kept
<copumpkin> they want to be able to grab something, sha256 check it, and then run it
<ixxie> isn't there something that automatically swaps out the shebang line normally?
<copumpkin> i.e., if I do something that makes it unhappy, will I notice easily?
<LnL> maybe it's something specific to the store_uri option, don't think I have that enabled


<joepie91> but something is screwy somewhere so it's not updating live as it should
<pstn> nh2: sudo nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair could help, but if your nix-store is suddenly changed without you doing anything forcefull there might be something wrong with your storage medium.
<simpson> And this is assuming that an app is written to demand Ubuntu or something like that. If it's just writing a single directory path, again, I'd much rather just go patch it than anything else.
<nh2> bachp: I can try to quickly rip something out of my setup; I've planned to opensource it for a while but not done it yet
<bachp> nh2: Something I create with tlsCert = pkgs.writeText "glusterfs.pem" "";
<copumpkin> but I don't know if GHC is doing something odd
<Sonarpulse> is is the issue something like RUNPATH or DT_NEEDED?
<copumpkin> at some point we're gonna kill it though, right? seems worth discussing at what point that'll happen. There's always gonna be someone running NixOS on an ancient laptop and it doesn't make sense to build everything for i686 just for that. Perhaps just major NixOS releases on the stable channel or something
<sphalerite> or glibc, or something
<joepie91> or am I missing something here?
<joepie91> clever: where/why specifically is it breaking, though? this seems like something that /should/ be supported in some manner in something that allows abstractions :)
<clever> joepie91: maybe something like this in pastebin-steam.nix, { pkgs, ... }@args: import ./node-application.nix (args // { tarball ... })
<clever> joepie91: you could get the same effect by doing something like nodejs.services.pastebin-stream = { tarball = ... ; }; i think
<joepie91> but it's *something* that covers *most* cases
<joepie91> gchristensen: domenkozar: also, mind that that gist is something I've been working on for a while, off-and-on, so some things may have actually gone outdated by now :)
<gchristensen> maybe we'd have something to learn from how Perl and PHP have their docs
<joepie91> "how do I get from problem to solution" can be something as simple as a sensible categorization of available features so that somebody can look in the right category at least and cut down on the search space
<domenkozar> if we had something that preserves comments and can parse/print
<joepie91> gchristensen: I'm developing a habit of parsing Nix output and reformatting it with custom tools, heh. this is something I'd like to eventually see in Nix itself, but I don't know a lick of C++ and can't justify learning it for this either :P
<joepie91> so it went "wut" on inherit-something
<gilligan_> if I execute some make-test.nix based VM via run-nixos-vm, how do I access a service (in my case a web service) running in the vm? What's the ip? Do I have to pass some networking options on the command line or something like that?
<clever> something in nixpkgs will auto-detect if psql is i the cflags, to determine if it needs to run pkg-config or not
<bennofs> yeah, it avoids some characters that could lead to unwanted words (i,e,a and something else iirc)
<sphalerite> adisbladis[m]: but if the value needs to depend on the output path, you'll need to use bash for it in current versions of nix. In unstable, we have a nice new builtin called placeholder which would allow you to just say PREFIX = placeholder "out"; but in this case you'll need to do something like preConfigure = ''export PREFIX="$out"'';


<bennofs> mpcsh: so you could try something like: fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.mplus-outline-fonts ];
<bennofs> am i pushing something wrong? a git diff HEAD origin/master looked OK
<sudoreboot[m]> When you have a function which takes a bunch of parameters which is then called with just a pair of empty brackets, what's going on there? Does it magically take all it needs from the scope or something?
<niksnut> copumpkin: I recently added something to *remove* the immutable bit on macOS
<LnL> ah thought maybe something osx specific
<clever> LnL: some filesystems have extended attributes,and the immutable bit makes something read-only, even to root
<__Sander__> the only solution is that I invent something myself that gives me control over the cache
<__Sander__> it only caches something if it is a remote file :(
<warbo> ij: a derivation is something which can be built; it may be a package, or it might be something else (e.g. a config file, a backup, whatever)
<chpatrick> especially when it pulls in something huge like ghc or cudatoolkit
<chpatrick> any idea why something could end up as a runtime dependency when it's only in nativeBuildInputs?
<Hinidu> I've tried to change path to something non-existent or break some code in nixpkgs and nixos-rebuild still works(
<joepie91> domenkozar: looks like something is trying to use a non-monospace font in a monospace layout
<joepie91> clever: think "it just evaluates something that returns a number"
<joepie91> is there something I'm missing, or is the stacktrace output by --trace not actually a complete stacktrace, but rather length-limited?
<kuznero> I see, maybe there is something wrong with relative paths to files I am adding and applying `patchShebang` to...
<spinus> vaibhavsagar: if I remember correctly there was something in the nix manual, you could generate build directory and then execute "stdenv" to jump into it
<Infinisil> spinus: Something like "#!/bin/sh \n exec bash --norc" in a file, then NIX_BUILD_SHELL="./file" nix-shell ...
<yegortimoshenko> i want something like cons


<simpson> spinus: Consider: At some point in the future, the Nix store may be something that *cannot be written* in that sense.
<Sonarpulse> hmm yeah I guess it was cleaned or something
<Hinidu> Hello! I have a question about Unity3D: it is packaged and working but I can't build a game to run it on NixOS because Unity generates executable and so-files with default linker and RPATH. Should we have something like buildUnity3DProject function to assist with it? I was trying to use ldd and patchelf to modify binaries myself but I didn't manage to run the game. I'm not sure whether it fits as an issue on nixpkgs repo or not. Thank
<sphalerite[m]> Oh right but if you need libjack to be available for the build you'll need to use overrideAttrs in addition to add it to buildInputs or something like that (I don't know enough about the Haskell stuff to tell you how exactly, should hopefully be quite straightforward though)
<manveru> do you have a repo or something?
<joepie91> one of the applications for my Nix parser is to do something like annotating the snippets with references to the call sites and arguments passed in etc.
<joepie91> takes in Nix output, parses out the stacktrace, and turns it into something more usable
<joepie91> unless I overlooked something in my travels
<joepie91> that is, something it didn't support
<disasm> if you want a nixos module to just touch a file somewhere in /etc would you just do environment.etc."foo/bar.lock" = file (where file == something generated by writeText)?
<hodapp> how do I force a rebuild of something in the nix store whose build appears to have been borked?
<MoreTea> the buildCargoPackage (or something like that), that I used before, works pretty good
<LnL> dunno, I thought the same for modules but that broke something :|
<MoreTea> Please do send PR's if you think something should be better ;)
<srhb> So I thought I needed something like this.
<spinus> something like NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=path/to/repo/with/old/version nix-build your-stuff.nix
<spinus> cheshircat: are you running same nixpkgs? maybe something changed in infra
<cheshircat> I have a strange problem -- when I compile something with "cabal build" it takes a really long time, and in top it shows bash taking 100% CPU. Has anyone encountered something like this before?


<Infinisil> I guess I'll keep this in mind, for when I feel like something needs to be aded
<simpson> LinArcX: If you want to write something down forever in the official docs, then send in a PR. It's not hard.
<erlandsona> simpson: I mean when I first learned about it, it was just some arbitrary thing that programs told me to run... or something I needed to work with directories outside of /home/user. I mean I guess having priviledges makes some sense. I deal with authentication / authorization in web apps all the time, but for a PC the concept is a bit more abstract.
<erlandsona> radvendii: Things aren't supposed to be installed by root right? systemPackages makes me feel like I'll get burned by something trying to rm -rf a file with whitespace or something?
<radvendii> what am I supposed to do if I need an old version of a package for something?
<radvendii> I think I did it right? (I'm always terrified of forgetting something when I make a pull request)
<radvendii> What happens if you bump the version of something in nixpkgs, but that breaks some other package?
<spinus> radvendii: hmm, I'm not sure if exporting would help. Basically when you put something like that in mkDerivation, variable is set in the build environment.
<aristid> radvendii: because that's something completely different
<spinus> but I don't know if that overrides something or not
<spinus> radvendii: you could do something like "export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS --more --flags""
<spinus> I think interpreter is printing something on the screen when it starts
<joepie91> LnL: any idea on my error? perhaps I'm overlooking something, but the code seems valid to me...
<joepie91> iirc I've done something with that before
<viric> something like "nixos-rebuild --man" would be nice
<gchristensen> if something is cached can only be known after it has been evaluated
<catern> LnL: gchristensen: so yeah my question is, if I load a nix expression from a fixed output derivation A, and then that nix expression evaluates to a derivation B (which is a build of something, or whatever), will derivation B be cached?
<joepie91> gchristensen: is there something I'm missing, or would this be a valid "useless stacktrace" bug?
<joepie91> unless I'm overlooking something, it doesn't even include any frames in my own code...
<nox_> LnL: That's why I wanted to directly do something like extend linuxPackagesFor function in all-packages.nix to make my package work for every kernel version and to only specify the kernel version in boot.kernelPackages and boot.extraKernelModules options. But at least I have a working solution and use inherit now, which is cleaner :))
<LnL> you can use something like callPackage ./foo.nix { inherit (linuxPackages) kernel; } to add it to the callPackage scope
<sphalerite> aristid: something something wayland something nvidia sucks
<pie_> either that or i did something wrong xD
<clever> then you can just do something like this
<clever> "#!/usr/bin/env bash" is usualy more portable, but $PATH wont be set when the kernel runs something directly
<erlandsona> Could I just change the shebangs in the script to something like #!/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash ?
<Lisanna_> Hey guys, I'm trying to do something relatively simple but I need help with the syntax ): I'm installing packages with the declarative format in configuration.nix, and for one of them I would like to apply a patch on top of it (i.e., I need to set patches = mypatch), but I'm not sure how to set the variable for just the package I want to. Any advice?


<cwre> I'm doing something similar.
<imalsogreg> gchristensen: Something may have broken on the second install. http://lpaste.net/356807
<joachifm> can't really think of any other reason why it wouldn't work for pcre specifically (unless you're using a custom stdenv setup or something)
<Gravious> Infinisil, i guess i must have screwed something at some point and forgotten about it
<Gravious> more likely i screwed something up i guess
<srhb> Infinisil: Are you using fail2ban or something?
<Infinisil> I feel like I'm missing something, also I remember it working last time I did this..
<srhb> jeaye: Something like: nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/path/to/your/nixpkgs-checkout" ];
<ison111> Infinisil: Well you said ncmpcpp was working for you but maybe that's because you've already done the "mpc add" since you use mpc. What if you try making a change to a song, say renaming it or something and see if you can get ncmpcpp to update it in its list
<Infinisil> ison111: Have you added songs to the current playlist with something like `mpc ls | mpc add`
<ison111> Infinisil: There isn't one, that's why it's so frustrating. Mpc connects just fine, it just immediately quits because there's no songs (and ncmpcpp also displays a blank list, even though it says it connects). If I run mpd as a normal user (with the same config options in "~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf") with --no-daemon mode it even prints out a message when something connects. The log file actually lists every song
<LnL> ndrei: doesn't something like nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ../nixpkgs-mozilla) ]; work?
<sphalerite> Maybe you could also just use w3m or links or something
<sphalerite> for root or something
<srhb> ndrei: You want something like nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs : { youNewPackage = ... };
<Infinisil> srhb: I used something like this at first, but eventually decided against it because it's stateful
<Infinisil> jophish: I assumed it was something like this, nobody's gonna run `sudo rm -rf /` just like that :P
<erlandsona> shrb: honestly I don't really understand it very well either but it's something to do with having to patch the kernel at build time, so if there's an update it has to rebuild the kernel to make the patches. But then for whatever reason if other packages get updated I have to rebuild the kernel too? I'm not really solid in my understanding of Nix'ing all-the-things so :shrug:
<srhb> A lot of us are anxiously awaiting something like configuration.nix for user profiles (and several approaches are being worked on by different people)
<erlandsona> Hey all, is NixUP something anyone is using yet? If not, how are people doing declarative "user-level" package configs? I'd prefer to use a *.nix file in my home directory instead of a shell script with a bunch of calls to `nix-env -whatever`.
* dtzWill hopes that's due to network-manager restart or something xD
<ioajewf> Wow... Thank you irc friends. gchristensen I'll do so - I suppose this means nis-shell won't work in non-login shells by default. Is this something on your machines as well?
<sphalerite> something like that
<sphalerite> srhb: You could write a patch for it and put it in patches, or just copy the parts of the script you want straight into the nix expression, or modify it using sed or something in prePatch/postPatch, depending on how much there actually is, how much it's likely to vary across upstream releases, etc
<srhb> Something is certainly installed (for you) if you do nix-env -iA :)
<cwre> I'm not sure if this is just me being stupid and tired, or if the developer needs to fix something.
<cwre> It's not detecting that it has access to the library and tries installing something else to compensate and fails.
<cwre> how is lib sodium installed on nixos? I'm trying to build something depending on it and I'm not sure how it's expecting the library to be available.
<aanderse> not noticing unrar program on nixos... am i just missing something extremely obvious?
<chominist[m]> What's something you changed about your workflow that is as close to/better than nixos? As in something of similar caliber


<lvernschrock> sphalerite[m]: huh. I hadn't noticed until you said something...
<simpson> Infinisil: Well, nixops only calls Nix tools at runtime, via subprocessing. It's not something detectable during the build.
<Infinisil> celph-alt: Try putting something like
<cwre> Any of you have a preferred hypervisor on windows? I'm looking for something under the "not VB but also still Open Source" category
<LnL> yeah hard to tell from those lines, I'm suspecting you added something to systemPackages that's not a package
<disasm> cwre: if your like most of us here, you'll never go back to another distribution... I cringe everytime I have to do something on a non-nix system nowadays.
<disasm> cwre: if you want to contribute, clone nixpkgs and add it there. Otherwise, you can use the same derivations in your own config if it's not something you want to contribute.
<srhb> danl1240: You'll want to fill in the src bit with the sources you want. Find something similar from mercurials definition in nixpkgs (grep for mercurial)
<srhb> danl1240: You'll want something like that in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/oldmercurial.nix
<cwre> Mmm, okay. I'm an Arch users looking for something that I can try and force on my employer instead of Ubuntu.
<gchristensen> b/c it'd put the jre too close to stdenv or something
<tokudan> maybe it's onyl required to build something?
<ambro718> I need to do something like this: http://ideone.com/HZNE2n
<gchristensen> changing it will only either: do nothing to help you, or: hurt you by breaking something.
<tokudan> then either something's wrong with your config or your nix store caught a cold or something
<srhb> tosmi: But the fact that it's occurring on both machines makes it sound like we need to check if something odd is happening in your configuration
<tokudan> tosmi, it could be something completely different, though. i have little experience there
<tokudan> hmm... you could try something like nix-store --realise /nix/store/b43ww9wkpwjxha7ql7mizxpa2vb6yk5r-gcc-wrapper-5.4.0
<tokudan> I'm not really sure what that message means, but it's probably something along the line of "this nix store path should exist, but I cannot find it. HELP me!"
<disasm> nvd: I don't know if this helps, but applications/networking/syncthing/default.nix does something similar I think to what you want to do.
<kuznero> How do I do something like `COPY` or `ADD` in Dockerfile with `dockerTools.buildImage`?
<srhb> NickHu: You seemed to disappear, but you want to use something like this if you're doing it via overlays: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/F6Fa_SqC?nix
<srhb> gchristensen: iirc you lift something into a context, or hoist something out of. The former is a lot more common.
<dalaing> Probably something with session types when that tech matures
<ebopp> it depends on numpy, thus i added this to its propagatedBuildInputs field, but when building pip (presumably?) complains that it can't find a version that satisfies the requirement… i am fairly new to Nix, so might do something completely wrong.
<gchristensen> from time to time I feel something similar, too. but it isn't nix wins I lose, nix loses and I lose, because the program I'm trying to use is untamable
<impredicative> If the tests are failing, you can do something like `numhask = dontCheck self.CallPackage`...
<MoreTea> Isorkin, something like that yes.
<not_enough_chara> surely im doing something wrong or someone else has run into this
<not_enough_chara> but i've run into something weird
<Infinisil> Ohh, your config clever reminds me of something I might wanna do, which is to instead of `ninja`, to use `${pkgs.ninja}/bin/ninja`
<catern> I want something I can deploy :)


<celph> I definitely messed something up in config, but it boots fine
<celph> I'll look in configuration.nix and see if I missed something obvious
<celph> It's also Elementary, not nix. I have no idea how they do their thing, I just put something I wouldn't have to support on it for a relative.
<Infinisil> Btw I did something like this as a test with my ssh config: https://gist.github.com/f9e06b147f35007f7c611632bea31930
<sphalerite> If you want to set stuff up outside that you need to use something else in addition to nix. One example of such a tool is https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
<yegortimoshenko> sphalerite: what i'm trying to understand is if stuff.nix would be a complete description of my environment or just a recipe to install some new stuff (something that would be possible even using shell)
<sphalerite> but yes it might be trying to resolve something which takes a while. ltrace might be able to help with that but I don't really know
<Infinisil> One thing that's really annoying with my NixOS right now is how Firefox is so slow to start, it surely takes 15 seconds. Running firefox <url> also takes that amount, I suspect it's something with the wrapper
<sphalerite> clever: the battery controller or something in my laptop also sounds like HDD seeks when the battery's full
<Sonarpulse> to paste into preConfigure or something
<LnL> johnw: found something suspicious
<clever> sphalerite: i also remember something else having a related bug, where if psql is found in a certain env variable, it wouldnt try to add psql config flags, because you already have them
<Sonarpulse> as long as I didn't break something else :)
<jophish> I cherry-picked something poorly
<jophish> ah, so something did change between April 3 and April 24
<jophish> perhaps it's something impure
<exarkun> my random guess is that this is creating something more like a development environment than a deployment environment
<LnL> unless I'm missing something
<niksnut> one alternative is to ditch mailing lists entirely and switch to something 21st century like discourse
<cinimod> Something seems to be compiling Rts.h
<srhb> cinimod: Though if that's truly pulling in two versions of Chart, something's probably wrong in the cabal file instead, I guess.
<srhb> pietranera: I also tried overriding all attributes, but I got something wrong. Perhaps someone else in the channel can fix my mistake for you, I don't have time to figure it out right now :) http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/vydWmwr3?nix
<piecesofquiet> dash: i was using xmonad for about a year, wmutils before that. Wanted to try something different, stumpwm is cool because of live interaction through SLIME.
<piecesofquiet> just think it's weird that even for the minimal version of git something like that's included
<hyper_ch> MoreTea: well, who said something about a boot cd?
<sphalerite[m]> My guess is that the + confuses parseDrvName or something, but I don't really know


<sphalerite[m]> I don't fully understand how it works, but I think it's something like that yes
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: I've played around with something like this too, how did you do it?
<slabity> How do you decide whether to install something with `environment.systemPackages` or as just `nix-env -i`
<Gravious_> sphalerite[m], no worries, i expect i'm doing something stupid, it'll become obvious soon :)
<Sonarpulse> we were doing some -static -ghc-opt-c-fpic or something
<gchristensen> is there a way to test doing an import, and return something else if it fails?
<Unode> Am I missing something else?
<srhb> cinimod: Nix pills are nice (but not Haskell specific) - ocharles has a wiki with useful nix things too, perhaps try to package up something simple, use cabal2nix on one of your own projects :)
<disasm> ij: I could be wrong, but I don't think you can without installing the package. A package is just a recipe for how to install something, so it doesn't contain a file list of what's installed. Once it's installed though, you could do a find /nix/store/<hash>-<package>.
<qknight> LnL: hm. i've played with your commands now i can't just start that script because there is something named similar...
<qknight> LnL: the https://github.com/LnL7/nix-docker#building-an-image section implies i have to do something?!
<Eisfreak7> Is there something special I have to do when updating to a newer NixOs version?
<LnL> don't think something like that exists
<ixxie> something like nix-store -q bash (or "bash") doesn't work
<dalaing> man, doing something with the NixOps statefile and doing something for managing per-user config in NixOS were on the top of my list for things to do to get my hands dirty / dirtier with Nix contributions


<nh2> but the LD_LIBRARY_PATH approach is a good start when you don't know what precise files your driver needs (for example, the nvidia proprietary driver looks for something called nvidia-fatbinaryloader.so, who in the world would have guessed that name)
<catern> but it then falls back to something else
<nh2> schoppenhauer: `/path/to/postgres -D mydatadir` (In nix, that would likely be something like "${pkgs.postgres96}/bin -D mydatadir"
<schoppenhauer> clever: meh. ok. so the "proper" way to do it is to have options to define a database connection, if the user uses an external service or something, and otherwise create an own one.
<hodapp> nh2: yes, with the constraint that I've seen people half-ass a Hindley-Milner implementation in their spare time and still end up with something more functional than a lot of "practical" languages that are statically typed
<clever> schoppenhauer: the mysql service already has something similiar, but its a lot more imperative
<schoppenhauer> (I plan to write a nixos service for something, but it uses mysql. is there something like dbconfig-common from debian for nixos? like, some way I can, inside this package, define a schema and credentials?)
<nh2> hodapp: I disagree, for example to write functions that at the same time work on boxed and unboxed vectors, type-level constructs are clearly used to re-gain something that more basic forms of typing don't permit
<clever> Infinisil: as long as the haskell code creates something at $out, and returns non-zero for failure, your set
<hodapp> nh2: that looks like something you can do in the static typing systems I'm aware of, in some cases at either compile-time or at run-time
<nh2> hodapp: you will certainly find many here that think that lack of static types is always a bad idea. The only trouble that appears is once you decide to do something, you have to decide which way to do it
<hodapp> I was looking around a bit last year at repurposing something like Hugs as an easily-embeddable Haskell form as a scripting and configuration language, but didn't end up doing much with this.
<nh2> But if you care that you can write something once and you literally have to never touch it, a language that promises to never change any things in scope or any semantics or typechecking rules can be beneficial
<Infinisil> I'd love to use something else
<sphalerite> Nobabs27: if you want to install it systemwide you can put something like (xfce.thunar.override {thunarPlugins = [xfce.thunar-archive-plugin xfce.thunar_volman]}) in systemPackages
<sphalerite> So you'll want to do something like nix-env -iE 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; xfce.thunar.override {thunarPlugins = [xfce.thunar-archive-plugin xfce.thunar_volman]}' for instance
<Nobabs27> I figured something like that, alright thanks again! now for question 2
<catern> NixOS manages systems at level-1, NixOps manages systems at level-2, but what we really need is something which can manage systems at level-n
<clever> self would continue to work if something else applies more overrides somehow
<spinus> Guest398274: I think something can be wrong as you have grub and partition in the same place /dev/sda, usually in that setup you have grub on /dev/sda and partition on /dev/sda1
<Guest398274> so I must still be doing something wrong.. I'll see if I can post my config and hw config from the fm
<lassulus> I also need something like boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ { name = "luksroot"; device = "/dev/sda3"; } ];
<Guest3246783> and boot.loader.grub.device = "something???"
<ison111> gchristensen: Just trying to learn. I guess it just automatically knows when running itself is pointless then? Because something like "nix-shell --run bash" doesn't run, but providing it a blank list of packages will: "nix-shell -p --run bash"
<ToxicFrog> Looks like something has gone wrong with the rust nightly package, it installs 1.16.0 here
<ertes-w> FRidh: thanks, i'm actually doing something like that, but it isn't fixing my hashbang
<Gravious> 15:31 < ertes-w> is there a function to turn a standalone python module into an executable? something like nixpkgs.python3Packages.buildPythonApplication
<FRidh> ertes-w: something like http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/nkOawVtZ?nix
<garbas> exarkun: probably something to do with propagatedNativeBuildInputs
<ertes-w> is there a function to turn a standalone python module into an executable? something like nixpkgs.python3Packages.buildPythonApplication
<gchristensen> Google Is Evil or something
<domenkozar> I remember someone saying in the github comments he managed to get something running
<srhb> bkchr: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; ? Or something like that
<joepie91> I'll finish the rest of the parser tomorrow or something :P
<clever> joepie91: this is something new users can get wrong easily
<gchristensen> something seems really weird, most of your questions leave me asking "but ...why?" :/
<catern> or something
<catern> I guess that running nixos-install from Arch just works right? that is so cool because I doubt any other distro can really handle something like that - other distro installers would just get super confused running on a foreign distro, outside the installer environment
<hodapp> simpson: unrelated: are you working on Monte or something?


<joepie91> hodapp: ie. if somebody claims there to be 'practical benefits' in something, I'd just as much expect them to provide a rationale as to what those benefits are and why they are beneficial over the other options, all things taken into account
<joepie91> hodapp: calling something "practical" doesn't somehow remove the requirement to provide a rationale supporting the claim :)
<joepie91> (and it's extremely difficult to discuss a topic when every argument about a softer factor is met with something along the lines of "yeah well, but the numbers/theory say...")
<joepie91> on. sure, theoretical aspects and quantifiable metrics are an important part when considering something, but they are not the *only* part.
<joepie91> simpson: btw, to clear something up: I'm not using "academic" as a curse word -- in fact, that's why I explicitly said "*overly* academic". the problem is that when you only focus on the theoretical design and quantifiable metrics, you're going to miss things, and I often find that people and projects with a strictly academic view fail hard on the 'softer' factors, such as (driving/analyzing) human behaviour, documentation, economic tradeoffs, and so
<simpson> I'm thinking of JSX, right? Or was it something else that was JS+HTML mashed into JS comments?
<simpson> joepie91: Okay. Can we iterate on JS and maybe produce something better?
<joepie91> simpson: human behaviour and the spread of concepts, habits and opinions isn't something that's as trivially quantifiable and generalizable as you are demanding, nor is it always clear how to measure things without a very well-defined idea of what you're looking to learn. most of the time, it's an iterative process of trial and error.
<DavidEGrayson> So then something like Typescript could probably catch errors like that.
<joepie91> simpson: right, but that comes back to what I said earlier - it's optimizing for mediocrity. my goal is to not just keep improving my own competence, but also that of others, and to end up with more reliable systems in the end. to that end, it makes sense to invest effort into something that has a high optimistic ceiling of what a competent developer could accomplish, both for my own purposes and that of other people.
<joepie91> but that is something very different from "terrible for readability"
<sphalerite> joepie91: I don't know enough to really know much about what other people hate/criticise about npm, if you have an article or something that explains and/or dispels them I'd definitely be interested
<clever> sphalerite: start by finding the top-level derivation (before it became a .img), and run something like this on it
<Infinisil> noffle: It's a recipe to build something, it's located in the nix store, something like /nix/store/<hash>.drv
<sphalerite> probably evaluates to [] or something though
<clever> nh2: my idea with the cachecache project, is that you point it to many caches (you would have to nix-push to a normal http server), and then it would multiplex for you, and manage choosing which cache to get something from
<Infinisil> joepie91: You said something about the reference implementaiton being different
<nh2> clever: I suspect it's something with cache priorities, cache.nixos.org has 40, my cache has 50 apparently. Do you know what those priorities are?
<joepie91> I'm not sure if this has something to do with it being inherently impossible to combine boolean and numeric operators in a single sequence, but this precedence seems difficult to implement
<nh2> clever: bummer, something stopped working. For some reason `nix-store -r` suddenly started preferring cache.nixos.org again, instead of my binary cache URL. Both are in `binary-caches`. strace shows that it reads nix.conf with those in `binary-caches`, but it chooses cache.nixos.org for some reason even though it is second in the list
<schmits> Thank you clever, this seems to work! I don't know what I am exactly doing there but I guess this is something I could imagine if I only knew functional langs like haskell?
<sorcus> ij, i don't know. You can use something like this - https://gist.github.com/MrSorcus/3561e382bc410652e2eb5088773733cd and wait for answer from nixos developers.
<_habnabit> is there something like https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html but shows the contents of files? i'm not sure if something other than the 'zlib' package has libz.so.1
<joepie91> am I just overlooking something?
<clever> nh2: something ive been thinking of, is a custom daemon, that can query several binary caches, then cache them all in one spot, and serve them up
<nh2> clever: the setup for that is already in the gist but it doesn't seem to work. Fetching the file with curl certainly does, but not with `nix-store -r`. I wonder if I have to do something special with that beyond putting the output of `nix-push` into that directory?