
<infinisil> colemickens: probably something could be done by querying the database directly
<la-jesystani> is there a quick way to tell the store path of something, like `which` but for the nix store?
<neonfuz2> so maybe this is something to do with a recent change I made to my nixos config and not to do with plasma at all
<neonfuz2> okay, something is definitely messed up here...
<lovesegfault> Something else might be enabling it
<neonfuz2> so it's implicitly enabled by something
<thibm> next time I see something wrong/feel like adding valuable knowledge somewhere.
<eadwu[m]> Or did you forget to configure something
<risson> Yeah, but nix build gives something like `sha256-uei4Wt0B9Bm/V5ykZ2KP9rwMjmpxy4dFEkeieVmKZpk=`, which I can't just opy and paste
<jbox> aasg: oh man, I was afraid I missed something simple like that. Thank you!
<red[evilred]> gchristensen (IRC): his source AS is different on each of his machines. If he doesn't have a VPN on either of those machines - I'm guessing AV with web proxy or something?
<xacktm> also 50+ on my tablet, so I'm guessing something wrong with the nixos wifi drivers now...


<Piece_Maker> hey everyone, im trying to setup nextcloud + acme for certs, but not sure if im doing it right... i cant get a https connection to my server (http works but obviously it complains about it being non-SSL)... can anyone peek at my configuration and tell me if im doing something stupid? XD
<colemickens> elemAt or something like that
<cole-h> No longer need to wonder whether something is stuck
<D_> oh, I guess I can do `nix-env --query --installed --meta --json` and run it through jq or something like that, too
<D_> hmm, I guess I could load manifest.nix in the repl, bind the list in it to something, and do whatever I want that way
<samueldr> yes, definitely something like that
<Orbstheorem> Has anybody tried something of the sort?
<andi-> With vanilla nix I can do that but with flakes it would have to be a part of the flake.nix or it must be reentrant or something
<genevino> lordcirth: i was confused by the name indeed, especially i wouldn't have thought something under systemd. is responsible for doing something like this.
<genevino> can i easily use something like environment.etc."clamav/helper.sh" = for stuff that is not in /etc ? e.g. to control permissions on /var/www/something ?
<Boomerang> I would assume changing the commit would work. Make sure you set the sha to something that doesn't exist
<AWizzArd> But I have to write something into that job description, so the preference went in there.
<za1b1tsu> Hey, so I want to experiment with NixOS and nix. I download the nix package manager to learn about it. Something weird, when I do "nix-env -qa pythton" all I get is python 2.7.18. But when I search online here: https://search.nixos.org/packages . I find a lot more versions. So something is wrong with the repo I have?
<DigitalKiwi> aanderse: i am ashamed. i just used your steam-run approach to get something working :)


<nh2[m]> can somebody remind me how I can `nix-instantiate` something for darwin on Linux?
<ToxicFrog> My guess would be: wpa_supplicant depends on something else but hasn't declared that dependency. At boot time, it sometimes tries to start up before the dependency is available, and fails.
<duairc> How do I generate something like this https://search.nixos.org/options but including custom modules that I've written?
<domenkozar[m]> so something works :D
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @garbas pushed to update-gh-actions « forgot something »: https://git.io/JkW8g
<colemickens> it's probably a sign to take a break though, unless something jumps out at you or someone. thanks either way


<numkem> ajs124: or something like what hydra shows in the `Build Dependancies` tab
<numkem> ajs124: closeInfo doesn't return what I'm looking for. What I'd like is something like `nix-store -q --requisites`
<srhb> pushqrdx: You'd have to look up udev rules syntax for that. However, it's something like: The == _matches_ things, and the right hand side = sets things
<pushqrdx> :)) i thought it's something in nix i didn't know about
<srhb> pushqrdx: I don't remember the name of the package though.. dd something?
<pushqrdx> i asked before and someone told me to do something with udev but i forgot what or how :D
<jophish> When I run nixos-run-vms (from a nixos test) should I get a qemu window or something?
<enteee> hmm, if I do set setuid manually on spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper it works just fine. Wondering now if something changed in security.wrappers that would explain this. Digging deeper.
<jophish> it's not already built or something XD
<jdnixx[m]> maybe it's bc of your starship or something like that
<srhb> fwiw pushqrdx, I agree that unless you have good reason, you probably don't _need_ something as heavy as erase your darlings, I'm only trying to emphasize that it is possible, if you really want it, but it's not free.
<simpson> Like, what kind of stuff? Trying out different desktop software is not going to leave much around; there will be stuff in /home, I guess, but that's not something we can help much with. (That's up to XDG and others.)
<srhb> Are you sure there's that much? If that's the case, it sounds like you want something like grahams erase your system-thing.
<srhb> Di4na: Is it something that should be backported, or something you want to pull in locally only?
<otavio> simpson: also, when working on something we'd like to upstream, what is the best workflow? fork nixpkgs? and how I make it use it here in our local install?
<Netsu> So I got "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at (string):1:6"
<sephii> Is there a way to include a Python package in the environment of another package? Something like `python3Packages.python-language-server.withPackages(ps: [ ps.pyls-black ])`?
<jbal[m]> Gave it a look and it's not marked broken on master, nixos-unstable, nixos-20.09 on GitHub but I could be missing something
<matthewcroughan_> so why can't I just nix build github:colemickens/nixpkgs-wayland/pkgs/obs.nix or something?
<matthewcroughan_> When I `gcc` something, I get files output in a bin/ dir, what happens when I `nix build` I `nixos-rebuild`
<matthewcroughan_> Doing something that DOESN'T require switching/activating, I don't understand that bit yet.
<ajs124> gives me something that seems to not run x86 binaries
<ajs124> Graypup_: do you want binfmt or just the qemu-system-user to run something manually?
<bqv> but it's getting frustrating to iterate on configs to change something in my home-manager profile, because i have to build my whole network of systems


<colemickens> I think you will indeed need to, for the most part. Did you have something in mind?
<joepie91> I'm confused. 20.09 is out, but nixpkgs-channels does not have a nixos-20.09 branch? did something change in how channels are made available/
<srhb> You could build your own nixos-rebuild wrapper that does it with eg. niv or something like it. That would be pretty clean.
<pushqrdx> picked the one from 5 days ago, at least if it worked i will have a range to look for what broke everything and hopefully find something and file a bug report
<bqv> Hey whats something that uses nix but not nixpkgs?
<Reiser> something's weird here


<fzakaria> `nix search` does not work at all until Nix installs something.
<eyJhb> This is something that I reuse for 20-30 challenges. And I am mostly in doubt of the build step, with the extraCmds. The config part I am fine with
<lassulus> roti_343: ah yes, with something; puts everything from something in scope so you can skip writing something.
<lassulus> pumpy: well name is undefined in this context. You need to either define it somewhere else (in a let) and do something like xdg.dataFile.${name} = "${name}/.keep" .... or write bash twice
<typetetris> I meant on my system. If I use flakes there, what is nix-env and nix-shell using or do I have to switch to something different?
<Unode> abathur: that makes sense. But then something might have changed with regards to the commits being "stable".
<abathur> IIRC it was something along the lines of the separate channel repo having been a logistical convenience at one time that was no longer needed as such


<akavel> maybe there's some shorthand like `.out` or something, dunno
<catern> the -dev suffix just indicates that the packages have multiple outputs (-dev containing headers and -lib or something containing libraries, presumably, for gtk) and the pkg-config files are in the -dev output
<catern> akavel: make sure the pkg-config files are in the right place? try adding a dep on something you know has pkg-config files
<catern> akavel: you mean a wrapper to automatically create a pkg-config file from a cmake build? or something to make pkg-config files visible to a cmake build? the latter, if you include pkg-config as a dep, it just happens automatically through setup hooks
<akavel> next question: if I built something with cmake, how to make sure the artifacts are visible via pkg-config for another flake?
<srk> like you can do something like systemd.services.eternal-terminal.serviceConfig.OOMScoreAdjust = "-999";
<georgyo[m]> Something like `scp -3`
<srenatus> :D thanks a bunch. that's something to work with. I hadn't thought about the sha being correct for some other version!
<srenatus> like I'm missing something basic about how the shasums with fetchFromGithub work...
<DigitalKiwi> anyway i use alacritty almost exclusively, i like it, and it's nice that it can actually be configured to make a noise now...but it was really dissappointing that it was missing something as important (to me at least) as a bell and the dev was just like nahhh
<jtojnar> etu: I tried this but it is not enough, the old libxml2 is still is pulled in by something https://github.com/jtojnar/graby-double-images/blob/26b5fc9457d705936ba7d825178406a73d8ac5c4/flake.nix#L46-L56
<Jezhehim[m]> that seems like maybe something that {^_^} should be able to do, but i don't know how
<dminuoso> So you can just do something simple as
<dminuoso> something along the lines of `let bi = { amd64 = { ... }; aarch64 = { ... }; }; arch = ...; in bi.${arch}`
<sulami> Hey, I've got a noob question: when packaging something that fetches platform-specific binaries, what's idiomatic pattern to vary the url & sha depending on currentSystem?
<typetetris> Something xorg related, really?
<jonreeve[m]> @energizer, looks like my UUIDs are all correct, unless I'm missing something. They're the same as I get with `ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/`. I regenerated the hardware config with nixos-generate-config, but it's the same as the old one.
<colemickens> Is this a "known" idiosyncracy of nix or am I getting something wrong?
<growpotkin> The example flake posted on the home-manager repo seems like it's rolling the user's config into the system config, which isn't how I've got my files organized now. I had kept home-manager's config file separate because I didn't want to have to rebuild my whole system any time I wanted to change my emacs config or something. Does is make sense to keep them separated still?


<drangon> it must be something wrong with cargo
<dutchie> in an overlay, is there a way to refer to the unmodified package? I want to use a different callPackage to build something
<simpson> smajdo: The precise combination of Docker and systemd is not at all something we support, AIUI. Why must it be Docker and not a VM?
<ivan> I had to add [ bison flex perl ] to buildInputs but not sure whether that would break something at that point
<clever> deni: when using something like `nixops modify -I nixpkgs=URL`, that gets baked into the nixops state
<jonge> clever: thank you, that sounds helpful. is the change in config.txt something that i do manually or does this happen via /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ?
<Wulfsta> I am also looking for feedback on if this is the right way to expose something like this - I did something similar with gmsh but that has not been looked at either
<jophish> energizer: --unpack or something?


<axx> colemickens: ironically, while my normal user now has a channel (thanks), i'm getting the exact same error trying to install something from it
<axx> what's going on? i'm seeing something about how nixpkgs does not exist in the top-level namespace, still trying to wrap my head around that :)
<axx> * any package i try to install using `nix-env -iA` leads to something like:
<tpw_rules> maybe i'm using it wrong? i want a flake where i can type something and get a shell with all my python packages so i can run some scripts
<vika_nezrimaya> Not use that stdenv for something
<dutchie> i think you could do `mkForce {}` or something. i'm not 100% sure on customising the merging logic
<dutchie> i guess that isn't up to date or isn't scraping the default properly or something
<dminuoso> oh no, wait, that was about something different
<neiluj> did something fancy in nix: https://tpaste.us/OQQX
<typetetris> Should `docker` find `docker-credential-pass` through the PATH automatically in nixos or do I need to configure something ?
<notgne2[m]> I really like weechat, but something feels weird about the state of it as a whole
<jdnixx[m]> or something like that
<jdnixx[m]> just have everyone pay microtransactions or something when going between servers
<jdnixx[m]> talking about like storage of old chat messages or something?
<kalbasit> gchristensen: it doesn't :( So I guess I need something that works on eval time


<pumpy> the nixos bash is inserted a blank line after each command. seems like something going on with PS1=? anyone know how to turn that off?
<manveru> neiluj: i do something similar there: https://github.com/input-output-hk/mantis-ops/blob/master/overlay.nix#L288-L295 maybe that helps
<eyJhb> WELL! That is something, I wold expect lager
<eyJhb> But something is using all my space
<neiluj> ideally something like this config = { program.bar = { config = rec { ... } // foo; }; };
<Ke> maybe there is something even simpler than that, maybe at least ""
<fgaz> oh well, now I can at least grep the output or something
<Ke> so do you still need something?
<yurb> Or you can specify it in configuration.nix, something like this: https://dpaste.org/FqMr
<infinisil> gchristensen: Maybe we should have a sudo wrapper that defers to /run/wrappers in case of NixOS, otherwise does something else
<bk1603[m]> I mean I would have said no compositor, but something must have been managing the transitions before this happened.
<bk1603[m]> I just updated nixos and now the screen only updates when I move the mouse. (As in if I type something or scroll a page, I see nothing happening, the screen is just stuck, but then as soon as I move the mouse the screen updates and then is stuck again until I move the mouse again.) I don't know how do I search for this particular issue though. Any advices? I am on nixos unstable.
<angerman> domenkozar[m]: something really odd, I've tried to use alp's ghc.nix on aarch64, but I needed to revert https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b930b2df8aa208e90e999751a4a2cc2980925e5f.patch, otherwise I'll end up with a dud compiler. Are you certain that stripping on aarch64 was safe?
<catern> yes, I understand why myself but wondering if there's something I can link to
<catern> is there a good bug/issue/document anywhere documenting why NixOS/Nix packages on foreign distros need nscd? (I understand why myself but wondering if there's something I can link to)


<neonfuz2> I see other distros have a patch called "gmic-unstrip.diff", not sure if that is needed to enable it or something
<lordcirth> pumpy, programs.* is only if something needs to be done besides making the package available
<srhb> Otherwise you're looking at having umounted something you probably didn't inten.
<iqubic> Something very strange is going on with my system. I just logged out of my graphical session, and started a new one via LightDM. Now, when I open a terminal and try to run "which nix-env" I get the following error:
<srhb> All I remember is something like different devNodes for zpool discovery behaving.. weird. But if you get the prompt I am a bit confussled for sure. stage1 log is probably useful
<Taneb> I'm confused by something on the ZFS on Linux wiki page
<jordandoyle> user channel list is empty & user nixpkgs/config.nix only has `allowUnfree = true` unfortunately - could the allow unfree be modifying something that's a dependency of _everything_? :thinking:
<dminuoso> something like
<pta2002> I'm trying to install something which depends on libv8 and mini_racer
<castingmalloc> colemickens: could not figure it out, I get an error `attribute 'currentSystem' missing` and when I have system as parameter like this `(import "${neovim-nightly}/default.nix" { inherit system; })`, I get `attempt to call something which is not a function but a set`
<colemickens> castingmalloc: do you still need help with the last question? You'd just add it something like this: `nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import "${inputs.yourOverlayInput}/default.nix") ];`
<bk1603[m]> Oh I see, I might try that sometime later :) I just wanted to check if I was missing something for now. I think I'll look for alternatives.
<Ke> I guess you need to package it yourself or something
<colemickens> don't you have a gdoc or something longer too with more detail? or am I making that up
<danderson> That does resolve something that was eating at me, how to bootstrap a machine for the first time into this nixUnstable world
<colemickens> (I am wondering if it's worth extracting this into a little go app or something? but also might be overkill for what this is.)
<danderson> eval of drvPath produces something of use. Presumably I can then nix-copy-closure that, and then nix-build it
<danderson> so I want something that doesn't do crazy things if I forget nixos-rebuild flags
<danderson> I think I might try something like that but with a reference to a fetchTarball derivation
<gchristensen> I do something you might be in to ...
<danderson> anyone done declarative nix-channel management before? I'm picturing adding stuff to my nixos config to manage ~/.nix-defexpr/channels, so that the channels match what the system was build with. Anyone done something like that before?


<energizer> fileSystems."/" = something
<mpickering> Has something changed with neovim derivation as on my latest rebuild there is no "vim" alias anymore, I have `vimAlias = true`
<__red__> Note to self: Before you pour time into porting something to nixpkgs, make sure that there isn't a pull request for the package's addition already
<MichaelRaskin> I thought you wanted just to default to something
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a boolean, at (string):345:4
<eyJhb> Or, I am quite sure I am doing this in a stupid way. Basically I take in some json, and want to see if a var in the attrset exists, so I can use it, or default to something else otherwise
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a boolean, at (string):345:4
<energizer> is there something else i can do?
<matthewcroughan_> Yeah, that is something, hmm
<notgne2> jneto: `nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem` can take an attribute set called `specialArgs` which will be given as an argument to all NixOS modules, so for instance you can do `specialArgs = { inherit inputs; };` and in your module: `{ pkgs, inputs }: { something = inputs.packages.xyz; }`


<srhb> Though this is rarely something I need.
<bqv> gah. i just realised i spent peti's stream thinking "i'm sure there was something i wanted to ask him but i can't remember"
<Ke> also are you positive that something is not building in the background without producing noise on the screen?
<Ke> is someone else building something on that system?
<chrisaw> The configure script doesn't get run with "--with-mingw" as I would expect. I'm obviously missing something here. I know the compile would fail with just that because mingw wont be there but it doesn't even use that flag at all.
<pushqrdx> so the default.nix can be something like ` with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./app.nix {}`
<{^_^}> If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<MmeQuignon> devhell: It does not compile yet, but it should look like something like this. https://0bin.net/paste/DvWPNTVz#qpf1vh8DE7Y86BQomWNV8fwJK5KnqGUtobtd4ZzacC-
<devhell> MmeQuignon: MmeQuignon: yeah, that's what I thought too. I must be doing something wrong though.
<typetetris> I installed `qtpass` but the `Generate` button to generate a new password isn't working. Do I need to do something special to make it work?
<tobiasBora> I like sometimes to create funny names to search all words that start with something
<psy3497> Do I have to install it through nix? Or is it something I can manage independently like `rustup`?
<kini> right, I'm just saying it's ironic that in order to support enterprise systems I need to be compiling things locally, which is something one usually tries to avoid doing in enterprise systems
<hexa-> something like systemd.timers.mysql-backup = null;?


<kini> normally I'd just use python3WithPackages which works fine and points to 3.8, but I'm working on something that needs to be deployed to RHEL8 which still only has python 3.6, so I switched to python36WithPackages in my shell.nix and was surprised to find that suddenly I was compiling fortran code, lol (building scipy)
<eyJhb> notgne2: seems like I will just define it as "something_var", so far :p
<supersandro2000> simpson: I want to see them but if a real person writes something there is a good chance to miss it
<thibm> "--option extra-substituters" is cool to use an extra cache on command line and avoid shadowing cache.nixos.org, but there's no "extra-trusted-public-keys" option, so it becomes kind of useless if we still need to put cache.nixos.org's public key on the command line. Or am I missing something?
<clever> now check if one of them is busy doing something
<clever> bqv: it sounds like you have something very wrong with the fileSystems. setup in it
<clever> fkv: so you must run something like `nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set -i /nix/store/foo` to update the profile first
<roberth> inquisitiv3: services are not a Nix feature, but rather NixOS. It's possible to reuse information from NixOS to generate systemd unit files, but that's not something many people do afaik
<eyJhb> Basically something like this - https://termbin.com/y0dc
<typetetris> for example. To have the postgresql binaries available do the scripts inside `nix-shell -p postgresql_12` or something.
<bqv> something's very wrong
<malorie> something here?
<bqv> updated nixpkgs, and as usual, something has broken
<bqv> has something in nixpkgs happened recently to remove "stringLength" in any context?
<veleiro> but i do need something like it at some point
<bqv> if you're looking for something nixopsy, consider 'nixus'
<jybs> Could it be trying to dlopen something?
<__red__> can you give me something to recreate and I'll take a look
<__red__> So - I'm actually writing a lot of security PRs for 20.03. Since it's freezing on the 27th am I just wasting my time or is this something that is actually useful?


<expelledboy> does anyone know how to get the rev for the currently installed nixpkgs? but be something like `nix-env --eval nixpkgs.version`or something right?
<expelledboy> basically I will be using `nix-shell` with `use nix` in direnv most the time, but incase something breaks in the future I want to use what I pinned to
<pushqrdx54> there's something missing i guess
<jonringer> generally i just load up a repl and poke around to see how something get's evaluated
<jmercouris> I see something in nix search
<jonringer> you can pass allowAliases = false; to your config when evaluating something
<jophish> which would explain something
<clever> Jamaikos: instead of setting the hostname and having it magically do something, you should instead have a hostname.nix file, which does the right thing (including setting the hostname)
<Jamaikos> but I think I might be doing something really stupid with my code https://paste.centos.org/view/6c063895
<jophish> something like: builtins.trace (builtins.typeOf arg) ...
<colemickens> pushqrdx33: yes, very true, it is hard to remember what it's like to not know all the hairy details, that's why its good to hear the details from you. The fact that "Channels" isn't an explicit section that's easy to find, seems like something targeted that can be addressed somewhat-easily.
<pushqrdx33> lots of the talks on youtube, For instance, are hours of just "nix is awesome because it's pure, functional, immutable".. not because you can create all the mind blowing stuff with nix-shell, and the practicality of using nixos and the ease of rolling back after breaking something, the containment of builds
<pushqrdx33> that's the missing chapter i am talking about something with the title, "Tour of Nix/OS" or "Nix/OS Post Installation Tourist Guide" something like that, where glimpses over all the stuff and the gotchas, clears out some confusion around the system
<pushqrdx33> wonder if you have one perhaps we can make a canonical nix "Post Installation" guide or something
<colemickens> (btw, it's also helpful to remember that `nix-env -iA` and `sudo nixos-rebuild` see different channels since they're per-user, so if you're ever confused why something isn't updating or installing the version you expect....)


<pushqrdx> colemickens :D that's a happy coincidence then, just when i was trying to do something with the wayland overlay lol, so the problem is i have a simple shell.nix with the `with (import <nixpkgs> {});` at the top
<Guest32744> if you use home-manager or similar you can use that, and I'm sure there's something similar in nixos proper
<ToxicFrog> (I have done something similar to this with calibre)
<ToxicFrog> You can then import it in configuration.nix with something like: let pinned = (import /path/to/your/pinned/channel { config.allowUnfree = false }) in { ... }
<ToxicFrog> Are you running nixos, or something else with nix installed
<humancalico[m]> I'm not able to view/switch generations while booting since the past few days but `nix-env --list-generations` shows it just fine. Was there a recent update or something regarding this?
<betaboon> clever: for the steam-issue: i dont think the root-cause is the steam-version but something with the kernel, weird issue
<betaboon> when i delete particular generations using nix-env and run nix-collect-garbage afterwards, i would have expected the kernel and initrds of those old generations to be deleted on /boot but it seems like that is not the case. am i misunderstanding something ?
<clever> inquisitiv3: you would want to instead do something like `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A jdk -o jdk
<leonardp> am i missing something? or might this be a bug?
<arianvp> Izorkin: I dont think there really is something to fix here
<worldofpeace> erm, I don't think I know how or if it's exactly possible m1ndstr0rm I'd have to pick through code on github to find something
<Yaniel> I pull in the (host) gcc to build something that has to run as a build step, but looks like *that* gets loaded by something that is linked against an older glibc


<larou> there is a gap in my understanding, i know nix must somehow arrange something with the CPU
<larou> damjan: distributed processes that can be called with something like machine instructions
<larou> dminuoso: not really sure how it works, but something happens when you start the machine, and the OS gets to see all the hardware. i guess my mistake of thinking everything at this stage was the bootloader
<numkem> I'm looking at doing tests for something I'm working from the `consul.nix` test example. Where is the source for the python library that is being used?
<porphyrogenetos> its failing now at the meson configure stage because the build dir is non-empty. I assume nix and ninja might fail if I just pass a flag to meson to change to $src/bld or something like that. So hoping nix has a helper to set that portion, and if not I assume I'll need to do some magic with setting output dirs etc in all three
<porphyrogenetos> How do you change the build directory of a derivation for a meson/ninja project? Trying to write a package for a project that uses $src/build for something, which is the default location for meson builds before the install phase
<tobiasBora> Hello, I'd like to know, I'm doing something like that in my configuration: {pkgs, ...}: let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {}; { imports = [./myfile.nix]; }, and in myfile.nix I need to refer to unstable... How can I pass values through imports?
<simpson> infinisil is another person who has built something, IIRC.
<pinpox> or are linux users already with something like ubuntu and would like to try nix
<pinpox> manveru: Wouldn't this be something that would benefit nixOS in terms of popularity?
<siraben> What happens if a user accidentally deletes something in the Nix store?
<typetetris> Is there still something special one has to configure for luks + lvm + ssd?
<jdnixx[m]> think I fked something up
<jdnixx[m]> What gives? I thought `nix` was supposed to replace whatever legacy functions but it looks like it’s not even going off the same cache or something as nix-env?
<typetetris> If I use flakes for my nixos machine, can I replace channels with it? So '<nixos>' refers to some flake or something?
<pushqrdx> over all, almost unusable here so i wonder is this just the drivers on linux being bad or am i missing something


<pumpy> hm that's a good idea. is the systemPackage home-manager something ppl shouldn't use then? maybe remove it from the repo?
<pumpy> i'm missing something obviously
<jmercouris> did you mean something different than what I did?
<lassulus> hmm they are also missing on 20.03, so I'm missing something
<pushqrdx> so back on my note if someone can help, i couldn't build the first project i tried to build in a nix-shell because of this weird glib error `“/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/”: No such file or directory`, nix doesn't have /usr/share so obviously glib is reaching for something that isn't there
<srhb> v0|d: You probably want something like `nix-shell -p 'python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ wxPython ])'`
<halfbit> there's a lot of open nixpkgs issues, is that something I should be concerned by?
<halfbit> could it be as easy as creating a nix record in something like deps.nix then using those in shell/default/my-customized.nix type expressions?
<regnat> ptman: Coming back to you: What you want is an overlay to define the overriden weechat, something like adding https://pastebin.com/eFjzYx0v to ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/myweechat.nix
<Taneb> gchristensen: trying to migrate a machine that until very recently was running on NixOS 18.09 to something more recent, and clear out the cruft the configuration's built up while I'm at it
<eyJhb> Is it possible to run something in `runInLinuxVM` which has networking as well?
<matthewcroughan_> Or maybe I'm misunderstanding something lol.
<manveru> something like that i think?
<typetetris> bqv: I had panics with ghc 8.10.2 and polysemy-plugin. Removed the plugin from the project, panic went away. (If I understood things correctly, the plugin doesn't ensure good performance anyway and if you care about performance you probably should use something else then polysemy, I guess. Or wait for hasura eff )
<bqv> but i can't be sure it's not due to something sketchy that nixpkgs does
<dsal> My "main computer" here is a tiny Orange Pi with some kind of ARM64 something or other and built-in flash. Runs my mqttd server and a few other things.
<dsal> Oh awesome. I mainly just want my haskell stuff to build for ARM9. I end up doing that with AWS or something.
<colemickens> I can't get a 20.03 or 20.09 aarch64 ami to be reachable after booting in aws, but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I guess I should try wiht an x86_64 ami+machine type. :/
<dsal> ylsdfh27[m]: I'm sure something's missing, but it's got all the weird stuff I use. I also use it on macos (where I am now).
<ylsdfh27[m]> <dsal "I don't know what aur is."> arch user repository. if something isnt in the official repositories, the users sort of create the packages themselves
<ylsdfh27[m]> also, does nixos have something like the aur?
<siraben> It could do something like, step in powers of 2 to find the first good commit, then bisect again. Overall process is still log
<matthewcroughan_> The problem, I am going to assume, unless told otherwise, is flakes. I am doing something inconsistent with the doc that I am not intelligent enough to see, because of flakes.
<matthewcroughan_> bqv: It's not a very good sign if I can't even install the manual though. I'm doing something wrong if I don't have the manual on my shell.
<matthewcroughan_> I can say that rawtaz is right. And it's hard not to feel: 1. Demotivated, 2. Targeted, 3. Belittled when someone comments like that on something you didn't think was a big deal :P
<clever> bqv: something like that already exists


<pushqrdx> because i don't have /dev/i2c or something like that
<bqv> I'm building something vaguely similar, but based closer on nixos
<MichaelRaskin> I assume passwd from under user does expect something as an opld password?
<cole-h> There's a high likelihood that it's not your config repo that is having issues, but something else you're referring to
<typetetris> Ah, maybe I need something different in `inputs.nixpkgs.url`?
<MichaelRaskin> Basically you selecting the quotes that were most helpful to you from the log — that's something you can do now and review/discuss later. Afterwards the state of mind will be lost
<sphalerite> something something myEnvFun
<srhb> pushqrdx: And I would add: home-manager is not something to be avoided.
<pushqrdx> so just to make sure i got the idea, if i really want something persistent like ripgrep or neovim but for all users => systemPackage. If i want it for a specific user => user packages. but if it's a per project tool perhaps cmake for the lack of better example then it's probably nix-shell is what i need
<srhb> That said, my nix-env -q almost always has something that I haven't decided whether I really need yet.
<tsujp69> Something something infinite something
<etu> tsujp69: I haven't evaled this, but maybe something like that: http://ix.io/2CHL/nix
<simpson> But perhaps you had something more intricate in mind?
<pta2002> it's been slow, nix-env -i takes over 20 minutes (!!!) and nix-shell -p [something] takes a few minutes to run too
<tsujp69> So currently in nixpkgs there is zig 0.6.0 but recently zig had an issue with llvm or something I am not sure and the long story short is the creator of the language Andrew Kelly is very sorry and this will be fixed in Zig 0.7.0 but until then for all not-old Zig stuff we should be using the HEAD of the master branch of zig. So I have a
<Henson> I booted back into 20.03 to try something and now 20.09 isn't working anymore. Does anybody have any suggestions?
<tsujp69> NixOS is something I feel I can sink my teeth into
<srhb> tsujp69: There's also something to be said for the integrity of the monorepo; one commit hash gives you a bunch of confidence of interoperability because everything from packages to tests are encompassed in just that one string
<jophish> __monty__: sorry, not quite. Say for example I have a file, nixpkgs.nix. with something like: import myNixPkgsSource {};
<matthewcroughan_> it won't be pam exactly, it'll be security.pam or something
<tsujp69> it unfriendly on the website unless im missing something
<matthewcroughan_> Tmate exists in nixpkgs. Do I have to do something special to be able to write its config file in home-manager?
<colemickens> so if you want to write your own systemd service, you would do something like that ^
<colemickens> matthewcroughan_: like, nothing about my directory structure has any relationship to whether something is installed/configured with nixos or home-manager
<tsujp69> im really new to nix is there a wiki or something for that process colemickens?
<colemickens> tsujp69: is this something you plan to upstream to nixpkgs?
<typetetris> So with flakes, nixpkgs doesn't declare all its sources as inputs. For the evaluation of the nixexprs I assume, nix with flakes activated, should fail on something like `fetchUrl` without a `sha256` argument? Otherwise, whats the point?
<colemickens> bqv's flake does it somewhere or something
<colemickens> something somewhere imports ./modules/
<siraben> it would be misleading to call it `zig-overlay-2` btw, call the file `zig-updated.nix` or something
<tsujp69> coreutils is read as undefined, as is wget etc so I have borked something there. I am unsure of the exact syntax, I have done it this way instead of seperate files because I have quite a few git specific packages to install so just want them all there instead of as 500 files all being imported
<etu> tsujp69: if you want something temporary and not in your config, you can use nix-shell
<tsujp69> how would I easily use something without having to rebuild if I just wanted to install and try something out then etu?
<cole-h> matthewcroughan_: Would be great if you could work this out with them in DMs or something, to keep this channel relatively on-topic ^^;
<cole-h> How does this help you not "reimplement nixpkgs" though? (I'm looking for something concrete)
<matthewcroughan_> one requires sudo, or something?
<bqv> nicolas[m]: can you read through what i explained and translate it into something he can understand, i need to go be comatose somewhere
<bqv> if you want something new, build it on it's own and use it, otherwise, update your system every week or something like a sensible person
<{^_^}> Dotz0cat: If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<matthewcroughan_> If you have named it something different, what is it?