
<clever> ToxicFrog: nix-shell -p patchelf
<clever> ToxicFrog: patchelf has a tool to print the dynamic linker
<clever> griff_: what is nixpkgs set to? in the inputs?


<clever> ToxicFrog: 99% of the time, you dont want to install binutils and similar packages, you want to use nix-shell
<clever> JonReed: you can also run nix-env -i /nix/store/foo-bar/ on things already built
<clever> JonReed: nix-build only creates a symlink called result in the current dir
<clever> JonReed: nix-env may also accept -E and -i together
<clever> JonReed: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs>{}; callPackage ./default.nix {}'
<clever> griff_: double check the resulting /etc/nix/nix.conf after you rebuild to confirm what it has generated
<clever> simpson: ah
<clever> simpson: not sure what your problem is yet, but another example probably cant hurt
<clever> simpson: which allows the .name option to default to the KEY in services.tgtd.targets.KEY = { .... };
<clever> simpson: for each entry in the set of sub-options, config (line 19-21) acts like a set of defaults, but it can compute on a per-entry basis
<clever> simpson: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/db7be5bfadd47a10de9b45a229ad25a0 a serice i wrote a few months ago
<clever> griff_: and the option your setting appends, so cache.nixos.org is probably in there twice, check the resulting /etc/nix/nix.conf file
<clever> griff_: https://hydra.nixos.org is no longer a binary cache, so that wont work, and cache.nixos.org is already in the cache list by default
<clever> griff_: so it just grabs stuff from there
<clever> griff_: in my case, the host is normal nixos, and cache.nixos.org was already in /etc/nix/nix.conf
<clever> griff_: sure
<clever> athan: so you can boot the cloud system into not-nixos, and then install nixos to the box
<clever> athan: this is a guide on how to get (and use) nixos-install inside the rescue shell of a cloud hoster
<clever> athan: and have you done a nixos install before on other hardware?
<clever> athan: to start with, do you have nix on the rpi yet?
<clever> its more about having to delete the partitions, and you cant do that when they are mounted
<clever> then you are free to partition it correctly
<clever> athan: if you have a 2nd uSD card in a usb reader on the pi, it would go much smoother
<clever> athan: but it had some minor boot issues that i solved with rm -rf /etc, which is harder to do without grub
<clever> athan: i have used nix-build to convert 2 of my gentoo machines directly to nixos, without any repartitioning or formating
<clever> rardiol: if 2 build inputs both provide foo in /bin, then the order will start to matter
<clever> rardiol: so it basicaly turns into "foo bar" vs "bar foo" and nix doesnt know they are similar (and the order can still affect the build)
<clever> rardiol: it doesnt apply any sorting to the buildInputs, and it casts the list down to a string
<clever> and more major stuff
<clever> rardiol: or changing the order of elements in a list
<clever> rardiol: nope, only spaces inside strings cause a rebuild
<clever> Dezgeg: bingo, i checked out the next branch of firmware, and now i have even more entries for program_ being found within "strings start.elf"
<clever> Dezgeg: but i dont see the usb stuff the docs mentioned, and they do say to switch to the next branch
<clever> Dezgeg: i just found a rather scary option in start.elf, program_bootrom
<clever> stepcut: could be power saving, can you plug in a keyboard and hit the any key?
<clever> and i do have a 3 i can mess with
<clever> they should clearly document when that was added
<clever> Dezgeg: if i'm reading this right, the boot rom in the die can dhcp and fetch bootcode.bin, without any sd card.....
<clever> Dezgeg: do you happen to know if start.elf has any serial debug?
<clever> yeah
<clever> Dezgeg: even if i use the kernel.img from the rpi github
<clever> Dezgeg: i'm starting small, with just bootcode.bin, start.elf, fixup.dat, and kernel.img, and it doesnt get past the rainbow screen
<clever> Dezgeg: how recently have you played with an rpi, i'm having trouble getting it to boot now
<clever> bennofs1: this will add a driver that was already in nixpkgs to my system, and always use the whatever the current kernel is
<clever> bennofs1: this is something i used a few weeks ago, boot.extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.v4l2loopback ];
<clever> sphalerite: and also "nixos-help" (it opens a web-browser on a local file)
<clever> zimbatm: the keys can contain . and /, but then the key has to be quoted, foo."bar.baz/your.going.to.hate.me" = ":P";
<clever> george_: $sourceRoot i believe
<clever> Fare: paste the ubuntu bootloader config into configuration.nix like this: http://pastebin.com/wjiDZxVN
<clever> *doh*


<clever> sphalerite: at least for what you have selected
<clever> sphalerite: the only thing it directly affects, is if dbus uses x or not
<clever> sphalerite: anything that depends on dbus, plus dbus itself
<clever> mw: one option is to put a background image at this location: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/default.nix#L49
<clever> sphalerite: and the end-user builds a buildEnv to bundle all the plugins into 1 dir
<clever> sphalerite: in that case, the browser is built without plugins by hydra, then the end-user builds a shell script, that sets an env variable saying where to find plugins
<clever> sphalerite: plugins in browsers are that sort of thing
<clever> and if runtime detection is on, it can fallback sanely
<clever> sphalerite: it also has c implementations, which will probably perform slower
<clever> sphalerite: so it has to select the correct codepath, for the current processor
<clever> sphalerite: in mplayer, there are large chunks of hand-optimized assembly
<clever> the runtime detection results in the best performance, and compatibility
<clever> MichaelRaskin: by default, mplayer builds everything into it, and auto-detects stuff at runtime, but this results in a bigger binary
<clever> MichaelRaskin: thats an option gentoo had enabled, because they are ricers :P
<clever> and if you now run it on an older processor, it will just hard fail
<clever> and compile those into the binary
<clever> one random example, by default, mplayer builds on gentoo will auto-detect what cpu features you have
<clever> you have to trust that the hydra build slave didnt bend the purity rules and inject malware into every single result
<clever> mostly compatibility
<clever> and hydra does 90% of what you will ever want
<clever> primarily source based, but because of the purity, it is safe to reuse builds other people have made
<clever> so forcing it on, and forcing it off, always causes a large number of recompiles
<clever> ah yeah, and options like pulseaudio have different defaults for every package
<clever> now you have to double the entire cluster once more
<clever> it still doesnt scale very well, add one more option and thats 16 builds
<clever> x, pulse, gnome, 2*2*2, now it has to build everything ~8 times
<clever> except, for every similar option, the number of packages doubles
<clever> and its going to cause rebuilds
<clever> so x is going to come in anyways, enless some major work is done
<clever> yeah, that option only turns x off in dbus, it doesnt touch anything else
<clever> and all of the testing we did ignores configuration.nix
<clever> jeaye: this recompiles dbus without x, which triggers an openjdk recompile
<clever> jeaye: found the cause
<clever> jeaye: let me check something
<clever> jeaye: oh, the tests are are doing dont handle the nixpkgs.config overrides from configuration.nix
<clever> the cache is there, i cant think of anything else
<clever> jeaye: can you pastebin /etc/nix/nix.conf?
<clever> and i also confirmed that the drv path in one of your pastes is in the cache
<clever> jeaye: the 2 nix-instantiates i gave at first confirmed that its not an override
<clever> and it is present in the cache
<clever> git checkout ee52e98 ; nix-instantiate -A openjdk perfectly recreates the .drv hash from the pastebin
<clever> yeah
<clever> kmicu: the hash in that pastebin was the drv hash, not the output hash, so it will differ some because of fetchurl's
<clever> 32bit or 64bit?, and what kmicu said
<clever> then its not an override
<clever> jeaye: can you compare the output of these 2 commands, "nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A openjdk" and "nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A openjdk --arg config '{}'"
<clever> sphalerite: put either gnome or gnome3 into the list of arguments on line 1, then put either gnome.gtksourceview or gnome3.gtksourceview into the buildInputs
<clever> Fare: services.xserver.synaptics.enable = true;
<clever> Fare: the journal might say why, "journalctl -u display-manager"
<clever> Fare: ive gotten it to fit into 1gig before, but you may want more
<clever> Fare: the iso, or a minimal install?
<clever> sphalerite: nox is one util for searching that kind of thing
<clever> only problem then, is that the far right is my primary, and it shifts all of my xfce panels out of view then
<clever> steveeJ: aha, its perfectly fine, as long as i disable that output before unplugging
<clever> its been a while since i updated
<clever> its back up, and since everything has been brutaly murdered, i'm doing a rebuild
<clever> and while ssh works, it cant shutdown!
<clever> the instant i try to change hdmi inputs, it breaks everything again
<clever> steveeJ: ok, and it seems getting the extra hdmi cords and the hdmi switch box was pointless as well
<clever> and nope, the GPU is just totally fried, its going to need a power cycle
<clever> thats going to be fun, chrome isnt responding, so when i resume it, i'm going to get at least 5 different youtube videos playing at once
<clever> guess xorg needs a kick in the reset button
<clever> steveeJ: heh, i have full control of the monitor layout now, via the xfce dialog, but the screens are still black
<clever> and i have control again!
<clever> [nix-shell:~]$ x0vncserver passwordfile=.vnc/passwd
<clever> but nothing actualy gets an image out of any
<clever> it seems i can turn the signal on/off, if i --off an output, the monitor goes into power saving mode
<clever> and $DISPLAY is already in the env
<clever> --output DVI-1 --off also has no effect
<clever> no effect from xrandr --auto
<clever> but it doesnt give a tty
<clever> running "chvt 1" over ssh causes the monitors to loose signal and re-obtain it
<clever> amd, and i have no easy way to control it when blind
<clever> i unplugged the 3rd monitor to shuffle the wires around, and the other 2 monitors went dead
<clever> and now ive lost video on the main system
<clever> that would also be possible
<clever> steveeJ: yeah, to cover the missing features, you would almost need to do that, it would become a thin wrapper between the host init system, and the service, that translates kill -int to ExecStop
<clever> steveeJ: and then just have other init systems run the wrapper, when unsupported features are detected
<clever> steveeJ: in theory, that could be rewritten in c++, then have mount and user namespaces added to it, to cover all of the other systemd features
<clever> i think its meant for testing the service on nixos, but it can also be abused to run the service on another distro
<clever> yep
<clever> though it probably doesnt cover the special cases i initialy mentioned
<clever> steveeJ: if you run nix-build on this, you get an executable that starts postgresql, and obeys all of the service config setup in nixos, including the pre/post start/stop
<clever> steveeJ: wait, wrong gist, lol
<clever> steveeJ: one sec
<clever> steveeJ: also, have you seen the perl script thats used for testing?
<clever> steveeJ: not all init systems have those, and the security of some services depends on them, so now you need to re-implement sections of systemd, and use custom wrappers to launch things
<clever> steveeJ: part of the problem, what do you do with options like ReadWriteDirectories or PrivateTmp and PrivateNetwork
<clever> steveeJ: i have thought about it as well, currently i need to re-implement any service i want: https://github.com/cleverca22/not-os/blob/master/runit.nix#L30-L58
<clever> JonReed: there is also nix-repl
<clever> and systemd will fill in %i with foo
<clever> arjen-jonathan: looks like you make a "worker@foo" that only has things like wants on it, then another "worker@" service, that has the start scripts
<clever> arjen-jonathan: and the area starting at line 464
<clever> lonokhov: i have heard about cabal hell
<clever> lonokhov: i'm still a bit new at haskell, and have been avoiding cabal like the plague, lol: https://github.com/taktoa/arcane-chat/blob/master/chat-shaker/default.nix
<clever> lonokhov: yeah, thats pretty tiny compared to what i currently have
<clever> lonokhov: the only fix i can see here, is to split lib, doc, and share into multiple outputs on js-jquery, and patch the share path it returns to the runtime
<clever> lonokhov: and the lib folder (which is never referenced by chat-shaker) references ghc itself, so thats another 1gig of overhead
<clever> so thats 161mb of overhead right there
<clever> and the js-jquery docs depend on the ghc docs
<clever> the only reference to js-jquery in chat-shaker is the path to a 85kb file, but the docs are in the same output
<clever> updating the gist with more detailed info
<clever> lonokhov: oh ooops, thats the library, not my binary
<clever> lonokhov: ghc is currently in the RPATH of my program
<clever> lonokhov: hmmm, something has changed on master since i last looked: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/11be2dc59d23f6f80038764c6ebdf3aa
<clever> not sure how that effects the above issue, are your fixed on master yet?
<clever> what does ekg do?
<clever> so it only needs a single <500kb js file, but depends on the entirety of ghc
<clever> lonokhov: that jquery.js path, is in the same output as the .so files(which depend on ghc), but the .so files got staticly linked and arent needed
<clever> lonokhov: for example, the jquery package (a haskell library that just returns the path to jquery.js on-disk)
<clever> lonokhov: one area i ran into, which may not be fixed yet, is with multiple outputs
<clever> lonokhov: sweet
<clever> mbrgm: boot.kernelParams = [ "serial=ttyS0" ];
<clever> loskutov: there is also a NIX_DEBUG=true; you can add to a derivation, which will tell you when stuff like overflow protection is being enabled
<clever> loskutov: pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper/add-hardening.sh
<clever> loskutov: its a new option in nixpkgs, disableHardening
<clever> its already first?
<clever> LnL: i'm guessing just put it first in nix.conf, what is the current contents?
<clever> but nix-copy-closure does work on drv files
<clever> so it wouldnt be easy to fire up a job on the wrong host
<clever> and those are made by the evaluator
<clever> another tricky part, the queue-runner needs the .drv files to exist to start a job
<clever> or the schema updated to allow a queue-runner you cant contact to claim a job
<clever> the queue-runners would need to contact eachother and co-operate
<clever> at one point, it claimed 4 jobs have been running for over 12 hours, when they had long since died
<clever> i have seen hydra glitch pretty weirdly when it ran out of disk space and cant update postgresql


<clever> reactormonk: ah, here it is: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1038
<clever> yeah, there was a link in one of these bookmarks about the linux subsystem
<clever> reactormonk: i heard that it was missing a key syscall
<clever> been a while since ive done it
<clever> i think i also had to run qtcreator under that nix-shell
<clever> and it will auto-detect the paths for everything
<clever> yep, and within qtcreator you should be able to add a new version of qt, and give it the path to that qmake
<clever> thats what generates the qmake
<clever> qt56.qmakeHook has to also be in the -p flag
<clever> so the setup hooks have to generate a modified qmake, based on what you put into buildInputs
<clever> but with nix, that would lead to qmake depending on every single module you can possibly enable, and now you cant cut out un-needed things
<clever> normally, qmake has the paths of all of the libs built into it, and qtcreator will just query qmake to find them all
<clever> so you have to reconfigure qtcreator every time you reboot
<clever> goibhniu: but the problem, is that the tmp folder gets wiped after a shutdown, and that qmake is generated by the setup hooks when you enter nix-shell
<clever> goibhniu: last time i messed with qtcreator, i had to run "type qmake" to find a qmake binary in a tmp folder, then added that to qtcreator as a qt kit
<clever> it will now eval this chunk of bash script, before it runs ./configure, so $out is a normal env variable at this stage
<clever> tmobile: preConfigure = ''configureFlags="$configureFlags --some-opt=$out/some/path"'';
<clever> oops
<clever> tmobile: preConfigure = 'configureFlags=
<clever> tmobile: once the version of nix is bumped, you can use builtins.placeholder for that, until then, you need to append to it at the bash level
<clever> asymmetric: i think i would just put it under pythonPacakges to give people a choice if they want to use a different python for whatever reason
<clever> asymmetric: youtube-dl isnt a library, but it is under pythonPackages
<clever> klros: cant really name one source, ive sort of read every page of the docs, and a decent chunk of the source in nixpkgs
<clever> klros: just download that file to kubernetes.nix and make an override that does kubernetes = pkgs.callPackage ./kubernetes.nix {};
<clever> depends on what you alter and if you break it or not
<clever> klros: yeah, if you change how its built, it will automaticaly fetch the source, and build it acording to the new directions
<clever> nix-env -u will only sync it to what is currently in nixpkgs, you need to also update nixpkgs first, which is nix-channel's job
<clever> just latency and packet loss to deal with
<clever> entire thing stays within my house, but my download speed is fast enough that it could potentialy keep up
<clever> to the NAS in the other room
<clever> so when grub tries to use the legacy bios API's, it winds up going over the LAN
<clever> ipxe is configured to hijack bios device #0, and re-route it to an iscsi server
<clever> rly: my laptop is doing that, lol
<clever> rly: also keep in mind, it affects disk usage in /boot, most of the people ive given that to had to turn it down because /boot was full
<clever> rly: boot.loader.grub.configurationLimit
<clever> rly: yeah, one sec
<clever> rly: there is a "powertop" util ive used to track that down on laptops
<clever> earldouglas: part of your problem, is that fetchgit doesnt keep the .git dir, so your previous hash was likely including that
<clever> earldouglas: nix-prefetch-git
<clever> and --rollback just undoes whatever the last operation was
<clever> if you -i something you already have, it will upgrade
<clever> no need to --upgrade, and --rollback doesnt take -A
<clever> or remove it if it wasnt present in the last version
<clever> simendsjo: the entire mystuff package is one atomic unit, so a rollback will downgrade the whole thing at once
<clever> simendsjo: manage that in git, and you have less to remember when you want to upgrade or reinstall
<clever> simendsjo: so i can just nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff, and everything from line 15-38 gets installed
<clever> simendsjo: http://pastebin.com/HFaB43Hb this creates a custom package called "mystuff"
<clever> simendsjo: also, have you seen how to use buildEnv in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<clever> griff__: and here is another thing i did, to limit what hydra can see: http://pastebin.com/abfEc5Dn
<clever> simendsjo: yeah, thats one option, i'm a bit torn between configuration.nix being enough to rebuild the entire thing, and being able to select what rebuilds each time
<clever> simendsjo: so you can do it less often
<clever> simendsjo: if you put chromium only in nix-env, and put enableWideVine into ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, then it will only have to build chromium when you tell nix-env to update
<clever> simendsjo: yep
<clever> griff__: or its going to try to download ~80gig of packages, every single thing under the sun
<clever> griff__: you generaly want to make a derivation and tell it what you want to build from nixpkgs
<clever> it was doing that on my end recently
<clever> simendsjo: i think enableWideVine causes a rebuild of chromium
<clever> simendsjo: nothing chromium related?
<clever> it updates once a day, at 2:15 am
<clever> and nixpkgs.config is an entry in configuration.nix
<clever> updatedb cant be ran manualy, it needs a service setup in configuration.nix
<clever> also, nix-env stuff isnt updated by nixos-rebuild, so it will just not update, which might be what you want
<clever> then one in nix-env will use ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> the one in systemPackages will use nixpkgs.config
<clever> simendsjo: depends, is chromium in nix-env -q or systemPackages?
<clever> simendsjo: what do you have in nixpkgs.config ?
<clever> its because nix has no real way to figure out the old state, the purity of the system stops it
<clever> simendsjo: are you on 32bit or 64bit?
<clever> simendsjo: nix has no way of doing that, it either updates everything, or it updates nothing
<clever> and why i try to always use absolute paths in things i build on nix
<clever> thats why i avoid having certain tools installed globally
<clever> but then it should be fixed
<clever> and it will eventualy break when somebody doesnt have it
<clever> yeah, if something happens to already be in $PATH on the devs system, they may not notice it depends on that
<clever> you can only find something you have been explicitely given thru the expression
<clever> and because everything is in nearly random paths under /nix/store, you cant find something your not supposed to be using
<clever> nix solves that by just clearing $PATH at the start of a build
<clever> benzrf: its just a perl script that looks at each input, and dynamicaly creates the correct symlinks
<clever> benzrf: buildEnv will create a group of symlinks to merge some paths, and that itself is another derivation
<clever> heh :D
<clever> or just export PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/
<clever> Havvy: absolute path, /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/ls
<clever> just use absolute paths to find ln
<clever> yoou can create that symlink inside the chroot
<clever> cd /media/sda4 ; chroot . ./nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/bash
<clever> it also helps sometimes to use relative paths with chroot
<clever> Havvy: and double-check the symlinks youve made to ensure they will remain valid inside the chroot (they must lack /media/sda4)
<clever> Havvy: you may need to symlink /nix on the host to /media/sda4/nix
<clever> Havvy: yep
<clever> Havvy: it should be at /media/sda4/boot/ before you chroot
<clever> Havvy: and if you have a boot partition, mount that as well
<clever> Havvy: and make sure to only use "nixos-rebuild boot", switch wont like the chroot
<clever> Havvy: then i think you can chroot /media/sda4 /media/sda4//nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/bash and export PATH=/run/current-system/sw/bin
<clever> Havvy: that should get the bulk of the mounts, then you want to symlink /media/sda4/run/current-system to /nix/var/nix/profiles/system (the symlink will only be valid after the chroot)
<clever> Havvy: mount --bind /dev /media/sda4/dev ; mount --bind /proc /media/sda4/proc ; mount --bind /sys /media/sda4/sys ; mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /media/sda4/run
<clever> Havvy: have you used chroot before to do this to another distro?
<clever> Havvy: is the host also nixos?
<clever> signal4: and i think it only happens if you are building the same version of glibc that you are currently running
<clever> signal4: the /bin/sh impurity would have to be fixed first
<clever> -Q and -j 8 can speed things up, some
<clever> normally, the binary cache fills the gap in, so nobody ever notices
<clever> and then sh isnt valid, so the rebuild fails
<clever> and when rebuilding it, that key part of sh gets omited from the sandbox
<clever> there is a key part of the sh closure, that can be deleted by garbage collection, but is needed to do the rebuild
<clever> there is also a weird problem if you ever garbage collect