
<clever> MtotheM: one sec...
<clever> and those use build and check phase
<clever> the only packages ive really delt with that have tests, are haskell based
<clever> i dont really use the checkPhase much
<clever> not sure
<clever> so you need another phase to set it to 1, or just `buildPhase = "export foundMakefile=1"`
<clever> so its not that it sets it to 0, but rather, it doesnt set it to 1
<clever> asymmetric: yeah, line 1015
<clever> asymmetric: and lines 1261-1264 is the default phase list
<clever> asymmetric: it will just skip running buildPhase
<clever> asymmetric: that just means it wont run the buildPhase, and skip right to the next phase in the list
<clever> and it runs plex in tv mode, so the UI expects you to only have ~6 buttons
<clever> this file for example, will pull in plex, set plex to run on login, and sets sddm to auto-login
<clever> multiple starting points (hostnames), one ending point (core.nix) and many dead-end leaves (large features)
<clever> and its sort of 2 trees weaved together
<clever> all hostnames eventually lead to core.nix
<clever> thats why my config forms a tree, with hostname.nix at one end, and core.nix at the other end
<clever> yeah
<clever> MtotheM: also, bootloader stuff isnt in the auto-generated file
<clever> MtotheM: but you must reference that generated file, in the main configuration.nix
<clever> and this lets me have 2 identical installs, without the different UUID's causing a conflict in git
<clever> if the disk is lost and i have to re-install, the boot and fs stuff will be different anyways
<clever> i prefer to have configuration.nix outside of revision control, it only does boot and fs related stuff, and imports = [ /path/to/repo/configuration.nix ];
<clever> chiiba: line 910 will chmod things
<clever> chiiba: the default unpackPhase will unpack $src to . for you, and cd into the directory it produced, which is writeable
<clever> chiiba: the working directory and $out are both writable
<clever> cant think of any thers
<clever> numkem: i think i had to set some mime stuff in aws, cant remember


<clever> numkem: and things like ci-ops then pulls all of the otherlays together i believe
<clever> numkem: each repo has its own default.nix, for loading a per-repo overlay, that defines the packages
<clever> numkem: theres now one repo for each type of cluster, which may pull things from a shared repo, and also pull overlays from the repo that holds for src for each program
<clever> numkem: and i think that gets the nixpkgs rev from niv, for most repos
<clever> numkem: we are now using direnv to set $NIX_PATH when you cd into the right dir
<clever> cole-h: exactly
<clever> numkem: different repo, its now in things like ci-ops and cardano-ops
<clever> cole-h: those arent derivations
<clever> energizer: a: use mkForce to change the value to "", b: lookup disabledModules in the nixos manual
<clever> yeah
<clever> trusted users can also change it
<clever> AmandaC: if your root, yes
<clever> AmandaC: --option can override any nix.conf field
<clever> > builtins.attrNames (pkgsCross.raspberryPi.callPackage ({ hello }: hello) {}).__spliced
<clever> Thra11: "${hello.__spliced.buildBuild}/bin/hello"
<clever> Thra11: nativeBuildInputs vs buildInputs
<clever> yeah, i have had 3 crashes in the last week, but why is one memtest hard crashing the machine, while another claims all green?
<clever> which resulted in it claiming faults when none existed
<clever> the first fault, was nixos building memtest with gcc hardening flags
<clever> Baughn: this is the second time nixos memtest has claimed problems, yet other memtest binaries claim all good
<clever> Baughn: this is making me loose faith in the nixos memtest binaries.....
<clever> jumper149: its over here
<clever> nixpkgs/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/make-package-set.nix: callCabal2nix = name: src: args: self.callCabal2nixWithOptions name src "" args;
<clever> jumper149: grep nixpkgs for callCabal2nix
<clever> Baughn: ok, this is fishy, i grabbed a fresh memtest from memtest86.com, its EFI based, looks totally different, and it gets to test 4 without problems
<clever> test0 can pass many times in a row
<clever> test1 is fatal
<clever> Baughn: memtest86+ 5.01
<clever> coreboot 002
<clever> it uses a more cpu intensive algo to decide which blocks to write to
<clever> its rather full, why not upgrade?
<clever> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
<clever> nas:/nas 6.6T 6.6T 17G 100% /nas
<clever> i could just replace the failing 4tb with another 4tb, but
<clever> Yaniel: i currently have 3x4tb, but one of the disks is begining to have write errors under zfs
<clever> veleiro: it tries each url, until one works
<clever> ,tofu veleiro
<clever> but now i need a sas controller
<clever> $100 cheaper per disk
<clever> Baughn: then discovered i had grabbed SAS disks by accident
<clever> Baughn: i recently got 3x16tb drives to upgrade my nas
<clever> Baughn: i want to test it a bit more first, let me try shuffling the ram around some more...
<clever> veleiro: if you run wget on the url, and then file on the result, what does it say?
<clever> 2 hard lockups (journal just goes silent) and one general protection fault within zfs
<clever> the system has begun having major stability problems
<clever> yeah, and i believe i still am
<clever> Baughn: and memtest has worked on this system in the past
<clever> veleiro: --unpack
<clever> 6 year old system, with a mobo from 2012
<clever> the nixos build
<clever> Baughn: my desktop cant even run memtest now, it hard reboots itself!
<clever> you need to run --update yourself
<clever> so it wont fetch nixos-19.03, only nixos
<clever> `nixos-rebuild --upgrade` only runs `nix-channel --update nixos`
<clever> did you --update again?
<clever> and root only uses root's list
<clever> yeah, each user has its own channel list
<clever> what about `nix-channel --list` without root
<clever> then you didnt add 19.03
<clever> jco: and `sudo nix-channel --list` ?
<clever> jco: and what is within /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels ?
<clever> jco: what does `echo $NIX_PATH` say?
<clever> jco: did you nix-channel --update?
<clever> gchristensen: ive been having ssh-agent trouble again lately, its disabled yet still starts, and hijacks SSH_AUTH_SOCK from gpg-agent!
<clever> avn: but there is also some new experimental state-less stuff in nixops, which likely wont make such keys, or state
<clever> avn: if you ignore the nixops state, then it may create new keypairs to let itself in, and change the keys when the state is lost
<clever> but the hdd in those was too tiny to even hold 2 generations, so i retired them
<clever> avn: the config that you deploy can still use everything nixos has, i was deploying full xfce to a pair of netbooks at one point
<clever> when using the none backend, nixops creates its own private keypairs, and lets itself in as root
<clever> it will ssh into the 2 IP's listed, and take deploy the config
<clever> avn: as an example, just `nixops create -d house house.nix` and then `nixops deploy -d house` to deploy everything
<clever> why do i have that memorized??
<clever> > xorg.lndir
<clever> avn: nixops should be pretty simple to setup for that
<clever> agsdheidjd: `eval $installPhase` will eat all of the newlines, you must quote the var to keep them intact


<clever> yeah
<clever> numkem: the main thread on the PR i linked shows how i setup that auth
<clever> numkem: the aws secrets just sit in ~/.aws/ and the aws libraries just read them as normal
<clever> numkem: that secret is a nix keypair, from `nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key`
<clever> glittershark: you can also clangStdenv.mkDerivation to force it to use clang on linux
<clever> as long as `nix copy --to s3://` works with minio, it should be fine
<clever> yeah
<clever> numkem: finding it...
<clever> numkem: set a store URI in hydra.conf
<clever> cole-h: if you treat test as a string, THEN it copies it, but if you `test + "/foo"` then you get a new path, that would only copy the foo subdir
<clever> cole-h: test contains a path (a special type)
<clever> cole-h: not exactly
<clever> mtn: you often dont even need the ${, just foo = ./path;
<clever> energizer: what does `config.services.jack.jackd.enable` say in nvm
<clever> energizer: which rev of nixpkgs are you on?
<clever> energizer: i can see the option when i do it
<clever> nix-repl> config.systemd.services.jack.environment
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --arg configuration '{ services.jack.jackd.enable = true; }'
<clever> energizer: but you can also set the configuration arg, to either a file or a set
<clever> so it automates the chroot effects on the remote end, and can populate a freshly formatted disk
<clever> makefu: this will copy it from /nix/store on local, to /mnt/nix/store on remote
<clever> makefu: and then there is: nix copy --to ssh://root@target?remote-store=local?root=/mnt /nix/store/hash-nixos
<clever> energizer: by default, it loads <nixos-config> from $NIX_PATH
<clever> makefu: yep, and thats pretty much what nixops does
<clever> energizer: `nix repl` can also tell you what is setting a given option
<clever> energizer: run `nixos-option` or use `nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'`
<clever> same, my memory is just wonky
<clever> makefu: `-p /run/current-system` may not work right, since it points to a storepath, not a the profile
<clever> makefu: nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system
<clever> makefu: you dont even need the nix-build
<clever> you can also undo it by rebooting, and selecting an older generation from grub
<clever> mtre: an invalid nix file wound up in nix.conf, and isnt used until after the switch-over is done
<clever> mtre: rebuild will undo that and restore the declarative config
<clever> mtre: you can also go into /etc/nix, `cat nix.conf > temp ; rm nix.conf ; mv temp nix.conf` and then edit the file freely
<clever> mtre: you can just use --option extra-builtins-file "" to override that entry
<clever> mtre: aha, the problematic file is in your /etc/nix/nix.conf
<clever> extra-builtins-file = ${./lib/default.nix}
<clever> mtre: can you pastebin the entire configuration.nix file?
<clever> what does `--show-trace` add to the error?
<clever> what pointed nix in the direction of that file?
<clever> mtre: and if you just edit lib/default.nix to fix the problem, does it begin working?
<clever> mtre: where is the original version of that file (the one not in the store)?
<clever> mtre: how did that default.nix get loaded and copied to /nix/store/ ?
<clever> mtre: what is that file supposed to be doing?
<clever> mtre: you should be able to just edit the original file nix was copying


<clever> ramses_: you can also use systemd.services.foo.path = [ "/run/wrappers/bin" ];
<clever> ah, you probably dont want to change owner then, or it wont become root
<clever> ramses_: you can change who has +x, and who the owner is, to restrict who can run it
<clever> ramses_: this allows anybody in the wireshark group to run dumpcap as root
<clever> ramses_: sounds like you want to just put that command directly into security.wrappers
<clever> ramses_: why does a service need to use sudo?
<clever> ramses_: rely on sudo being in $PATH already?


<clever> jakobrs: its part of builtins.derivation in nix
<clever> or writeScriptBin if you only want the script
<clever> adamse: `foo = ''......''; passAsFile = [ "foo" ]; installPhase = "cp $fooPath $out/bin/foo";` if you want to have many files in $out
<clever> adamse: if the string contains the raw script, then you probably want passAsFile
<clever> gustavderdrache: the `-A vm` script uses virtualisation.diskImage, and you can override it with $NIX_DISK_IMAGE when being launched
<clever> cole-h: the file on the host is sparse and tiny, but the size reported within the guest will remain the same
<clever> gustavderdrache: you can still access that, nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A vm -I nixos-config=configuration.nix
<clever> __monty__: i have something similar
<clever> gustavderdrache: and you cant use the existing `nixos-rebuild build-vm` stuff?
<clever> gustavderdrache: search the scripts for qemu-img, and see where it gets the number from
<clever> > 536870912/1024/1024
<clever> if you read the script in result, what does it do?
<clever> gustavderdrache: did you delete the old qcow file before booting it?
<clever> typetetris: you can sometimes work around it by doing `cabal2nix = super.cabal2nix.override { cookie = super.cookie; };` to force it to use the old one
<clever> typetetris: i think that can happen when callCabal2nix is using pkgs.cabal2nix or something like that
<clever> munksgaard: the .override here might be undoing .overrideAttrs
<clever> munksgaard: anywhere within the main { ... } set
<clever> munksgaard: that will mutate what pkgs.sway contains, so it impacts all services automatically
<clever> munksgaard: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { sway = super.sway.overrideAttrs (...); }) ];
<clever> though i am also made out of human cells, lol
<clever> munksgaard: yeah
<clever> gmr: it also spams hard every time it goes down, lol
<clever> gmr: i dont like the bridge, it leads to confusion when a user is showing as jtojnar to some, and Jan Tojnar to others, and its not always obvious the 2 are the same person
<clever> munksgaard: just use .overrideAttrs to change the version= and src=
<clever> jtojnar: not seeing any trace of that name on the irc end
<clever> energizer: yeah, thats the bit that was missing, but startAt feels cleaner
<clever> the iso will be more readonly, so you cant easily add secrets
<clever> yep
<clever> wedens[m]: nixos-generate-config --root /mnt will auto-detect the luks
<clever> wedens[m]: use cryptsetup to format and open the root, then mkfs.ext4 the block device cryptsetup created (check lsblk), and then mount everything under /mnt/ as normal
<clever> wedens[m]: if you want legacy+gpt (best compatability), make gpt with 3 partitions, 1mb bios boot partition, 512mb fat32 efi system, rest for root
<clever> energizer: try setting startAt on the service instead, and it will auto-generate a timer for you
<clever> energizer: i think the thing missing is a wantedBy, but there is another option as well
<clever> energizer: one sec
<clever> luks on the usb is more for when you loose it, with all the secrets it contains
<clever> it also lets you have a more customized rescue env, and a portable nixos stick, to hijack anybodies computer
<clever> wedens[m]: then you can clone private things while booted from usb, and nixos-install to more machines
<clever> wedens[m]: install nixos to a usb stick normally (with nixos-install), and fully configure that with your secrets (and luks)
<clever> lol
<clever> wedens[m]: all of my config is in a public github repo, and secrets are in a secrets.nix that isnt in the repo
<clever> wedens[m]: you cant keep the .git with private repos
<clever> environment.etc can also automate that


<clever> so its harder to forget one
<clever> energizer: it just sort of grew, it was just 2 strings, but this style also forces you to fill in every secret when you start to supply them
<clever> that is one way to do what i said
<clever> ogkloo: you can run wpa_passphrase to generate a config file, and then manually start wpa_supplicant, and point it to that config file
<clever> and others can try the config out, without a dozen errors
<clever> so the config can still build on hydra, when the secrets.nix is missing
<clever> energizer: load-secrets.nix ?
<clever> marius851000[m]: i used the above PR to add vc4 cross to nixpkgs, and then my own repo uses that to cross compile code to both arm and vc4
<clever> marius851000[m]: that might be a bit more difficult, and is a bit of the reverse of what ive been doing
<clever> marius851000[m]: and then i can just pkgsCross.vc4.callPackage or use things like `pkgsCross.vc4.extend overlay` or just import nixpkgs with overlays, and `pkgsCross.vc4.customStuff`
<clever> marius851000[m]: this PR adds proper cross-compile support for VC4 to nixpkgs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/72657
<clever> xavierm02: and the history files in https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-20.03 give you a history of past revisions the channel has been on, which are also going to be cached
<clever> tnks_: something i often say, "luke, use the source" and "the docs can lie"
<clever> tnks_: store-api.cc will put both options into a single list, nix-daemon.cc is doing something related to trusted users
<clever> /home/clever/apps/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc: for (auto uri : settings.extraSubstituters.get())
<clever> /home/clever/apps/nix/src/nix-daemon/nix-daemon.cc: else if (setSubstituters(settings.extraSubstituters))
<clever> tnks_: thats probably what extra-substituters is for
<clever> tnks_: yep
<clever> tnks_: `nix show-config` shows the result of parsing all config files and merging them as normal
<clever> energizer: then you can check /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and /dev/sd*
<clever> energizer: add boot.shell_on_fail to the kernel params, then you can get a shell when it does fail
<clever> cole-h: its no longer waiting for a whole jobset or job
<clever> cole-h: out of date, hydra now uploads everything to cache.nixos.org immediately upon the build finishing


<clever> LambdaDuck: environment.systemPackages = [ (import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://cachix.org/api/v1/install")).cachix ];
<clever> LambdaDuck: so you should be able to just shove cachix into systemPackages, like any other package
<clever> LambdaDuck: the url in -f is just a 302 redirect to a nixpkgs revision from github
<clever> > pkgs.cachix
<clever> etu: builtins.toFile "blah" "1+1" does the same thing, but cant depend on anything
<clever> hexo: thats your problem, update the config to not depend on it
<clever> hexo: does enp0s20u1u4 exist?
<clever> hexo: i would expect `systemctl list-jobs` to show something, not sure where the hang there is
<clever> hexo: what about `ps -eH x`?, what are the children of rebuild-switch?
<clever> hexo: and that was ran while it was hung?
<clever> sphalerite: basically, callPackage will add some extra attrs to every package, to let you get the host or target version
<clever> and that was just the last thing printed, and is wrongly blamed
<clever> its possible that its restarting instantly for hexo as well
<clever> hexo: what does `systemctl list-jobs` say, when ran in another window, while its hung?
<clever> currently busy trying to make sense of ansi escape codes
<clever> 1gig might be cutting it close for a kexec
<clever> eyJhb: and how much ram on the machine?
<clever> eyJhb: what does `uname -a` report?
<clever> eyJhb: can you paste the full output?
<clever> eyJhb: what happened?
<clever> eyJhb: yeah, extract the whole tar directly to /, and the symlink will be valid
<clever> chloekek: environment.sessionVariables.VARNAME = "value"; done
<clever> chloekek: thats 1 line in configuration.nix
<clever> chloekek: does it just need to set an env var?
<clever> chloekek: what are you trying to do?
<clever> chloekek: you can also do things in a declarative way: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/media-center.nix#L22-L25
<clever> chloekek: and if ~/.xsession is missing, line 99-106 will run the desktop-manager you selected at the login screen
<clever> chloekek: if either file is missing, it will skip that step
<clever> chloekek: nixos will first run the services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands, then source ~/.xprofile, then exec ~/.xsession
<clever> chloekek: that will probably make things worse
<clever> chloekek: one minute
<clever> eyJhb: and then you need to ensure you import the patchedNixpkgs instead of the original nixpkgs or <nixpkgs>
<clever> eyJhb: sorta
<clever> there is also just `nixos-option`
<clever> eyJhb: does that help?
<clever> eyJhb: the rest is either support code to allow the above, or misc features like shutdown/terminate
<clever> eyJhb: get_physical_spec() on line 236, will then generate a fragment of configuration.nix, that describes how to build this machine
<clever> eyJhb: and if it has already been provisioned, the create() function will instead just modify things (such as iam instance profiles, and security groups, or cpu/ram selection)
<clever> eyJhb: line 1213 will detect that the machine hasnt been provisioned yet (the state lacks a vm_id), and then use the aws API to provision new hw
<clever> eyJhb: when you `nixops deploy`, it will run the create() function (line 1102) on every machine in the cluster
<clever> eyJhb: if you try to read or write one of those params, it automatically goes to a field in the sqlite state, specific to this machine in the cluster
<clever> eyJhb: the nixops.util.attr_property's you see on lines 109-151 are a bit confusing, those generate special objects with a getter/setter on them
<clever> eyJhb: sub-classes of MachineState then take a MachineDefinition, and manage the actual state
<clever> eyJhb: the sub-classes of MachineDefinition then take a subtree of that xml, and convert it into a subclass of MachineDefinition
<clever> eyJhb: nixops will first use `nix-instantiate --eval --xml` to convert your deployment file into xml
<clever> eyJhb: i think it was called terranix? it creates machines with terraform, but then uses the nixops "none" backend to update the nixos
<clever> correct
<clever> boot the iso on baremetal, set a pw, enable ssh, then tell nixops "do the rest for me"
<clever> thats also part of the plan in my ticket
<clever> eyJhb: partitioning and installing nixos from scratch
<clever> but thats part of the plans in my ticket
<clever> that feature doesnt exist yet
<clever> yeah
<clever> eyJhb: nixops should also automate that install step
<clever> eyJhb: yeah, once you kexec, just wipe the partition table, and treat it like a fresh install, according to the manual
<clever> eyJhb: pre-kexec, its only 3 commands, scp, ssh tar -x, ssh /kexec_nixos
<clever> eyJhb: and most of the complex commands have to be ran after you kexec
<clever> typetetris: in ghc, profiling changes the size of every single object on the heap, so everything has to be rebuilt to handle the larger objects
<clever> eyJhb: but can cloud-init function when the hdd is still blank? or does it need an OS already installed?
<clever> typetetris: you need to ensure nix builds all of the libraries with profiling also
<clever> eyJhb: but the basic idea in my ticket, is to just partition, format, mount, then use `nix copy` to shove an entire closure into `/mnt`, and fixup the bootloader
<clever> eyJhb: i'm not that familiar with cloud-init, to know what it can do
<clever> typetetris: it can both staticly and dynamically link the haskell libs, and will usually link system libs dynamicly
<clever> AmandaC_: i think nixos-unstable will update when these 4 jobs finish: https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1593364#tabs-unfinished
<clever> AmandaC_: https://status.nixos.org/ this links to the hydra job for each channel, when everything in the job is green, the channel updates