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<lb5tr> hey, i have this problem with repl where imports are not reloaded. For example if if have file deafult.nix then i import it using "import ./default.nix", then change the file and import again, nix doesn't reload the file (i.e. whatever changes i've made to deafault.nix are not reflected)
<lb5tr> is nix lang _this_ lazy :)?
<lb5tr> s/this/that
<infinisil> lb5tr: You need to :l
<clever> lb5tr: nix uses the path to a filename to cache the result of parsing things, you need :r to clear that cache
<infinisil> Oh :r right
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<lb5tr> ack, thanks!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aszlig pushed to master « Unmaintain packages I don't use anymore »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aszlig opened pull request #94041 → synergy: Add patch to fix CVE-2020-15117 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MetaDark opened pull request #94042 → newsflash: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 →
<pie_> adisbladis: if i have something already build by mkPythonApplication, can I add that to mkPoetryApplication in a way that I get access to the library that is the application?
<pie_> actually mkpoetryenv, but probably doesnt really matter
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse opened pull request #94043 → nixos/zabbix*: replace extraConfig option with settings option →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94044 → spotify-tui: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @KAction opened pull request #94045 → datefudge: work correctly even if GNU date is not in PATH →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj opened pull request #94046 → qutebrowser: fixup of 322d13e →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kmicklas opened pull request #94047 → gplates: 2.0.0 -> 2.2.0, unbreak →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse opened pull request #94048 → nixos/mysql: add statements option to replace initialDatabases, ensureDatabases, and ensureUsers options →
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<DigitalKiwi> can't launch Discord anymore :(
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos pushed commit from @orivej to master « sooperlooper: 2019-09-30 -> 1.7.4 »:
<nij> Q: I learn that `nix-env -iA <pkg>` is a dirty way to do things in nixos. Is there always a better way in general? Or there are some cases when one indeed needs to do that?
<clever> nij: add things to environment.systemPackages in configuration.nix
<nij> clever: one can get everything from doing that as one can get from `nix-env -iA`?
<nij> If that's the case, then `nix-env -iA` seems to be a way to quickly testing out something.. and it seems that the downloaded stuff should be removed eventually for the system to be clean :D?
<clever> nij: if you just want to test something, use nix-shell or `nix run`
<nij> clever: ah! And even 'comma'! As I recalled from a tutorial vid.
<clever> nix-env requires you to uninstall it with -e and then delete generations, before it can be GC'd
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<nij> clever: what then would be valuable with `nix-env`?
<nij> `nix-env -iA`*?
<clever> even if you remove something with `nix-env -e foo`, the generations and rollbacks keep it around
<clever> so you can undo the removal
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @CajuM opened pull request #94049 → Update Vulkan, SPIR-V, glslang and shaderc →
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<DigitalKiwi> frequently i use nix-env for things i want to evaluate/use longer than a nix-shell is convenient but don't want to nixos-rebuild switch at that time for reasons
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<mica[m]> I would be thrilled if someone could merge
<{^_^}> #89782 (by paperdigits, 7 weeks ago, open): displaycal: 3.5 ->
<DigitalKiwi> so often it's added to my configuration.nix at the same time as a nix-env -i and then i remove it later
<cole-h> jtojnar: FYI, the gnome3 test failed again -- relevant snippet here:
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<nij> DigitalKiwi: I see. So `nix-env -iA` is something in between..
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #94050 → dict: look for config in /etc →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed to f/dict « dict: look for config in /etc »:
<colemickens> Is there a world where Nix would evolve differently if it didn't support Darwin? I wonder if Guix will especially with some of their community's focus on rootless building.
<colemickens> (I was thinking of userns-like stuff?)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej opened pull request #94051 → xxHash: 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0 →
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<buffet> hey, is there any way to trigger some sort of script or anything when a hydra job finishes (successfully)?
<DigitalKiwi> found this about the Discord not opening added nixos-20.03 channel and using that now for it...
<{^_^}> #93955 (by Elyhaka, 20 hours ago, open): Some apps are not connecting anymore
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<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr merged pull request #189 → Updates for the boot GUI →
<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr pushed 9 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq opened pull request #94052 → hugo: 0.73.0 -> 0.74.3 →
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<{^_^}> hydra#242 (by copumpkin, 4 years ago, open): A system of post-processing "side effects" for Hydra jobs
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<buffet> found this which seems to be pretty much what i want
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94053 → caf: 0.17.5 -> 0.17.6 →
<benley> oof, I have got to figure out what makes emacs incapable of opening all-packages.nix without grinding to a halt
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* DigitalKiwi uses vim for large files like that
<benley> yeah that's a reasonable workaround
<benley> that said, emacs -q all-packages.nix is plenty fast
<DigitalKiwi> what does -q do
<benley> tells it to ignore your init.el and start up empty
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<benley> so whatever it is, it's coming from my config. Maybe nix-mode is slow, or maybe it's just font-lock in general for a file that large
<DigitalKiwi> not just your config it does it for me too
<ryantm> all-packages.nix opens fine with my config:
<benley> I'll try disabling some stuff to narrow it down; maybe it's flycheck, or ispell-minor-mode, or company, or who knows
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-20.03-darwin advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
<qyliss> all-packages.nix is fine for me
<qyliss> (in emacs)
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<DigitalKiwi> i use doom-emacs, it takes a while (10-20+ seconds) but then it's fine
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<benley> if I wait 60+ seconds for it to calm down it seems to become usable
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<DigitalKiwi> just be careful not to have a hook that nixfmt it on save...
<benley> haha I know better than to enable that
<DigitalKiwi> i used to have that. used to
<benley> I don't like using hooks that reformat on save in general
<DigitalKiwi> i think the only one i use is one that removes white space
<benley> ah yeah, that one I do use.
<benley> though I've been meaning to switch to the one that only removes whitespace on lines I've touched
<DigitalKiwi> and i've never had a problem with that as it's always been what i wanted
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<benley> yeah that's exactly what I've been meaning to switch to
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<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr merged pull request #162 → Allow passing device definitions by path →
<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr pushed 4 commits to master:
<Church-> Oh there's a nixfmt?
<Church-> Now that's something I can use
<DigitalKiwi> there's also nixpkgs-fmt
<Church-> Nifty
<DigitalKiwi> i use both, depending on what i am working on
<Graypup_> huh, interesting, my statically linked haskell program is pulling in ghc-8.6.5-doc
<DigitalKiwi> more precisely; nixpkgs-fmt if it's going into nixpkgs and nixfmt for most other things
<Graypup_> due to NIX_GHC_DOCDIR getting stuffed into the executable somewhere
<Graypup_> it was also pulling in every library package that had binaries and their respective dependencies (not staticly linking those)
<jtojnar> cole-h: yeah "GNOME session X11 services is not active" again
<jtojnar> so it failed to start earlier
<dxb[m]> anyone using pywal for system colors? i'm not too sure how to set that up with home-manager
<benley> hm. If I use conf-mode for .nix files instead of nix-mode, emacs is lightning quick with all-packages.nix
<DigitalKiwi> jtojnar: i hit this *a lot* it's basically made the not useful, anything i can do to help?
<{^_^}> nix#3799 (by jtojnar, 2 weeks ago, open): hash '' has wrong length for hash type 'md5'
<benley> as soon as I tell it to use nix-mode it slows waayyyyyyyy down again
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<DigitalKiwi> benley: i guess just open it once and never close it again ;D
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<Graypup_> hmmm really weird: I put in my nix file `executableSystemDepends = [ self.diagrams-builder ];` ie not the haskell-packages one, and it is not in the nix-store -q --requisites list??
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<jtojnar> DigitalKiwi: you could try figuring out what prints that error, setting up a gdb breakpoint…
<jtojnar> if it comes from the box itself, it will be much harder
<DigitalKiwi> i think we should git bisect the box
<DigitalKiwi> gchristensen: :D
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<DigitalKiwi> i don't know gdb but i know grep
<Graypup_> here's the affected line (but realistically I am going to have to write a minimal repro of a broken diagrams-builder haskell program and package it)
<jtojnar> gotta run, be back on Sunday
<DigitalKiwi> lol the git blame has a lot of "Fix and cleanup hash parser" a month ago ... i wonder if it did not fix it quite enough or if it's not in nixUnstable yet... (not sure what nixUnstable tracks??)
<DigitalKiwi> Ericson2314: ohhi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cript0nauta opened pull request #94054 → Add nplusone and pytest-pythonpath Python packages →
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<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr merged pull request #130 → google-walleye: kernel 4.4.208 -> 4.4.230 →
<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.03 advanced to (from 6 hours ago, history:
<Church-> Oh fun, already a module for loki. Well that's half the work done, now to revamp it.
<Church-> WilliButz: See you did most the work for me. :) Stupid options page wasn't showing it, thought I'd have to do it from scratch.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #94055 → [wip] packagekit: update to flakes branch →
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<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @github-actions[bot] pushed commit from GitHub Actions to master « Update flake.lock and blogs.xml [ci skip] »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #94056 → ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_11.ocaml: 4.11.0+β2 → 4.11.0+β3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #93963 → treewide: fix typo on word environment →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lf- opened pull request #94057 → ncdns: fix patch extension →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #94042 → newsflash: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 2 commits to master:
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<Graypup_> hehe fixing my own software by submitting changes to nixpkgs
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<Graypup_> instead of making it ignore the aberrant stuff in nixpkgs
<dminuoso> Graypup_: At times that seems like an uphill battle.
<dminuoso> At least in the haskellPackages domain
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<Graypup_> dminuoso, well, I found an instance of a .nix file that didn't contain nix source so that was pretty egregious and I wanted to fix it lol
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<Graypup_> and yeah hard agree on the haskell packages being broken
<Graypup_> i think the only hope is pinning nixpkgs and having a bunch of overrides
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir merged pull request #91814 → arc-menu: 43 -> 47 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #94053 → caf: 0.17.5 -> 0.17.6 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94058 → cmake-format: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj merged pull request #94057 → ncdns: fix patch extension →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #94010 → clojure: 1.10.547 -> 1.10.590 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 merged pull request #180 → dell/xps/13-9360: conflicting font fix →
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix opened pull request #94059 → gettext: 0.20.1 -> 0.21 →
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<sebass[m]> thanks immae, adding name = "something" worked. I didn't find that attribute in the docs...
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<Graypup_> well I guess I got nixpkgs fixed faster than I could have fixed my software
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94060 → conky: 1.11.5 -> 1.11.6 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @DieGoldeneEnte opened pull request #94061 → llvmPackages_{8..10}: comment out broken manpages →
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<bpye> Hey, is there any example of how to override the src input for a package? I want to try the latest git commit to see if it fixes a bug I see. I’ve tried an overlay with overrideAttrs but it seems to have no effect, I can change the input but even when the fetchFromGitHub is clearly bogus it doesn’t error
<srhb> bpye: overrideAttrs is usually right, what did you try specifically?
<Church-> Overlays always work
<Church-> What I do when testing new versions out.
<bpye> One sec
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<bpye> I later reference pkgs.brlaserGit, I get a renamed package but I do not seem to be trying to pull down the source from GitHub because that would certainly fail
<graf_blutwurst> Good Morning. Anyone else got issue with the newest slack package saying it has no connection?
<srhb> graf_blutwurst: Yes, I have an upgrade ready, but haven't had time to PR it yet.. One moment..
<srhb> bpye: You're using the brlaser attribute in your nixos config?
<graf_blutwurst> srhb: ah excellent, thanks!
<bpye> <srhb "Ben Pye: You're using the brlase"> I’m using pkgs.brlaserGit as a parameter of services.printing.drivers
<graf_blutwurst> srhb: what was the issue out of curiosity?
<srhb> graf_blutwurst: I actually didn't investigate, just did a naive "stuff is broken, let's try updating and fix any dependencies missing" :)
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<graf_blutwurst> heh. good enough for me
<srhb> bpye: I can't see why that wouldn't work. Maybe you can paste a self-contained config?
<bpye> is the entire relevant section
<srhb> bpye: Just to check, did you touch the sha256?
<srhb> As in, invalidate it.
<bpye> Oh... hm no I didn’t
<srhb> bpye: That'll do it.
<srhb> bpye: Nix will never go checking upstream if the path is already present locally, and that's determined by its hash.
<bpye> I changed the owner and repo to be nonsense though
<srhb> bpye: That doesn't matter. Only the hash does.
<bpye> Oh I see, just the hash
<srhb> (well, and the name, technically)
<typetetris> Does that mean I can't use `cabal` with preinstalled haskell packages in nixos any more, when cabal lands?
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<tobiasBora> Hello, I'm trying to use a script (python) that uses "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n import libevdev"
<tobiasBora> I tried to run nix-shell -p libinput -p libevdev -p 'python36.withPackages(ps : with ps; [ libevdev evdev libinput ])'
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @filalex77 merged pull request #94052 → hugo: 0.73.0 -> 0.74.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @filalex77 pushed 2 commits to master:
<tobiasBora> and then ./, but I get an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'libevdev'
<tobiasBora> but I don't understand why it fails, shouldn't libevdev take care of that module?
<Mic92> tobiasBora: I don't see any python modules in libevdev.
<tobiasBora> Mic92: well, I guess I'm interested in this python package
<tobiasBora> I tried to call it with "with ps; [libevdev ...]"
<tobiasBora> also tried nix-shell -p python3 -p python3Packages.evdev
<Mic92> tobiasBora: nix-shell -p python3.pkgs.libevdev --run 'python -c "import libevdev"'
<Mic92> I think we need to patch libevdev to fix its library path:
<Mic92> I does not find atm
<typetetris> I think is just not packaged. python3Packages.evdev seems unrelated.
<Mic92> typetetris: there is nixpkgs/pkgs/development/python-modules/libevdev/default.nix
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<typetetris> Was just looking in 20.03 with `nix repl '<nixos>'`
<tobiasBora> Mic92: just, you meant something like python3Packages.libevdev (which does not exist either) instead of python3.pkgs.libevdev?
<Mic92> tobiasBora: it's the same
<qyliss> > python3Packages.libevdev
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/0z7n5vkx78gxh6ywvgnqknmpqic9nmaz-python3.8-libevdev-0.9.drv>"
<qyliss> > python3.pkgs.libevdev
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/0z7n5vkx78gxh6ywvgnqknmpqic9nmaz-python3.8-libevdev-0.9.drv>"
<tobiasBora> good to know. But in my case none of them seem to exist (on 20.03)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94062 → elfinfo: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 →
<tobiasBora> nix-shell -p python3.pkgs.libevdev --run 'python -c "import libevdev"' ==> error: attribute 'libevdev' missing, at (string):1:94
<qyliss> In that case, the easiest solution will be to run your script with packages from unstable
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #94046 → qutebrowser: fixup of 322d13e →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @rnhmjoj to master « qutebrowser: fixup of 322d13e (#94046) »:
<qyliss> Do you have unstable added as a channel?
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<qyliss> If not, get yourself an unstable channel
<tobiasBora> ok, will try thanks
<qyliss> And then you can get nix-shell to use the unstable channel, although I don't remember how to do that
<qyliss> nix-shell -I 'nixpkgs=<unstable>' maybe?
<qyliss> but somebody in here will know
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<tobiasBora> just tried nix-shell -I 'nixpkgs=<nixos-unstable/pkgs>' -p python3.pkgs.libevdev --run 'python -c "import libevdev"' but it fails
<tobiasBora> (error: attribute 'libevdev' missing, at (string):1:94
<tobiasBora> also tried nix-shell '<nixos-unstable>' -p python3.pkgs.libevdev --run 'python -c "import libevdev"'
<tobiasBora> but I get error: file 'nixos-unstable' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:94
<tobiasBora> and I tried with "<nixos-unstable/pkgs>", similar error
<qyliss> try -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable ?
<tobiasBora> oh, seems better, now it's downloading thousands of stuff ^^
<tobiasBora> yep, it works, thanks a lot!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94063 → disk-filltest: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2 →
<tobiasBora> if I do "sudo", I lose my shell environment?
<qyliss> It's complicated and depends how sudo is configured
<qyliss> You mean your nix-shell environment? In that case, probably.
<tobiasBora> qyliss: the following fails: nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable -p python3.pkgs.libevdev --run "sudo python -c 'import libevdev'"
<tobiasBora> (and works if we remove sudo)
<qyliss> Yeah, you probably want the sudo before the nix-shell
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #94064 → tlp: use structured config to fix cpu governor →
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 closed pull request #157 → Add a shared HiDPI Configuration, use it. →
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 closed pull request #48 → Initial support for GPD Pocket →
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 closed pull request #93 → add raspberry-pi 0 and 3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 opened pull request #181 → document fetchgit →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #92423 → flake.nix: add armv6l/armv7l systems →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<xps> I'm trying to use an overlay to add rav1e support to ffmpeg-full - the build fails claiming that rav1e could not be found using pkg-config. I don't know where to go from here, any ideas? ttps://
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #93581 → add github action to wait for ofborg →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<Mic92> tobiasBora: you an use sudo -E
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 merged pull request #181 → document fetchgit →
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 closed pull request #65 → Add readme section on using fetchgit →
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix merged pull request #94058 → cmake-format: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lsix pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #93969 → go-ethereum: 1.9.17 -> 1.9.18 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94065 → enlightenment.enlightenment: 0.24.1 -> 0.24.2 →
<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra pushed to no-nar-accessors « Keep the SHA-1 column in existing installations »:
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<typetetris> I am really confused with a nixos module test I made. When I do `nix-build -A driver test.nix` and execute `result/bin/nixos-test-driver` the machine looks like the test already did run, but it shouldn't have, as there is no systemd-unit defined in it for it. Just the `testScript` thing.
<typetetris> Does it impurely get the disk from somewhere else?
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<lejonet> How does nix handle having nix-like syntax inside of a multiline string and how can I tell it to leave it be? I have this conf: where I'm trying to write a rsyslog config, which includes the very nix-like if () then {} construct, which is making nixos-rebuild erroring out on me with "error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting ';', at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:60:43" where
<lejonet> line 60 is the row with the if () then {} in it
<lejonet> is it because its enclosed in a {} that makes the parser think its a nix construct, even tho its neither prepended with $ nor is the {} anywhere near the if
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<lejonet> if I remove the three lines that compose the if () then {}, it doesn't whine at all
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<typetetris> Okay. it definitely stored the machine somewhere, in systemd logs are multiple reboots ...
<siraben> Hi all, I've been trying to get this to build but it fails to find imagemagick
<siraben> I have nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake imagemagick ];
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<srk> typetetris: yes $TMPDIR/vm-state-..
<typetetris> srk: Thank you. I would have searched forever ....
<typetetris> srk: How can I tweak that behaviour?
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<srk> typetetris: not sure, even why it's the default case. best to test without -A driver
<typetetris> srk: I want to peak around in the machine.
<typetetris> srk: Hmm $TMPDIR is unset for me and there seems not to be files names `vm-stat*` in /tmp
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<lejonet> siraben: it was a while since I dealt with cmake, but iirc cmake relies on pkgconfig to find stuff
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<lejonet> so if you add pkgconfig to the derivation, cmake should be able to find that it does indeed have imagemagick in scope
<typetetris> srk: /run/user/<pid>/vm-state-machine ?
<siraben> lejonet: That helped, thanks.
<lejonet> siraben: Awesome, no problem
<srk> typetetris: possibly, trying it out
<siraben> lejonet: It builds, but installing fails. How do I tell cmake where the output directory is?
<srk> typetetris: you can always check command line from 'ps' to find out
<srk> typetetris: poking inside vm should be doable without interactive as well if you enable ssh and pw/key I think
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<lejonet> siraben: can you paste the entire derivation perhaps?
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<siraben> lejonet:
<srk> typetetris: for me it's in /tmp/vm-state-machine/machine.qcow2
<lejonet> siraben: it would seem like it cannot find a program called a2x " a2x: command not found", the tenth row from the bottom
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<siraben> lejonet: ah, that's asciidoc, now I have
<siraben> Looks like it's caused by that `a2x` program
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<lejonet> siraben: it would seem like the a2x call went bad, it being an error 127 suggest that a2x can't find xsltproc in the path, would my guess be
<typetetris> srk: Okay, deleting `/run/users/<pid>/vm-state-machine` did it. Thank you very much again.
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 51 minutes ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #94066 → chromium: 84.0.4147.89 -> 84.0.4147.105 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yurkobb opened pull request #94067 → obs: gstreamer plugin →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mexisme opened pull request #94068 → Bump swagger-codegen version to 3.0.20 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @groodt opened pull request #94069 → argo: 2.9.3 -> 2.9.4 →
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<Guest79073> trying to wrap my head around OBS finding its plugins and them finding gstreamer:
<{^_^}> #94067 (by yurkobb, 6 minutes ago, open): obs: gstreamer plugin
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<siraben> lejonet: would it be possible to use an older version of a2x?
<siraben> how would I do that in the default.nix file?
<siraben> I have, buildInputs = [ cmake pkgconfig imagemagick asciidoc-8.6.9 ];
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed commit from @leo60228 to staging « git: 2.27.0 -> 2.28.0 (#94026) »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos closed pull request #94026 → git: 2.27.0 -> 2.28.0 →
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<chiiba> Is there an IDE or a manual technique which allows for "jump to definition" in Nix?
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<Ashy> chiiba: i use ripgrep in the nixpkgs repo a lot
<Ashy> rg "someidentified =" can be useful
<ar> /34
<bqv> chiiba: if there's a function nearby, printing it in the repl tells you it's place
<bqv> Otherwise theres __unsafeGetAttrPos
<bqv> Or whatever its called
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #93680 → kube3d 1.7.0 -> 3.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed 4 commits to master:
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<chiiba> Ashy & bqv, thanks! :)
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<srk> also nix edit
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<lejonet> siraben: sorry for the absence, but you'd have to send in an older version to the package, perhaps with packageOverrides
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Bump version to 3.0 »:
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<lejonet> However if you're making the derivation yourself, then "all" you need to do is modify the callPackage call to also include an older version in the call, i.e. callPackage /path/to/package { asciidoc = asciidoc-older; } instead of just simply callPackage /path/to/package { }
<lejonet> However, you'd have to create the asciidoc-older package yourself, to my memory we don't have any versioning of it in nixpkgs, like we do with like boost and similar
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos merged pull request #94051 → xxHash: 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej-nixos pushed commit from @orivej to master « xxHash: 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0 (#94051) »:
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Remove putBytes »:
<fergie> I am trying to use rstan, an R package. Part of what it does is turn a model specification into C++ which (I think) is then compiled. On first use, it does some checks and I get the following error:
<fergie> Running /nix/store/1dv1hi5sc3kqgyb52dlik8s7czfmls9b-R-3.6.1/lib/R/bin/R CMD \ SHLIB foo.c*** buffer overflow detected ***:
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<fergie> I think this is from the code at which looks like it is just checking if a C file can be compiled
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<xps> I'm trying to create an overlay to add a library to ffmpeg-full - but I get an error saying pkg-config can't find it - anyone have an idea how to debug this further?
<fergie> Running "R CMD SHLIB foo.c" with foo.c being as it is in that document works fine. So it must be something with the way the call happens inside `rcmd_safe` on line 30
<fergie> But I can't figure out what the problem might be beyond that
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dmrauh opened pull request #94070 → pythonPackages.webdavclient3: init at 3.14.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #94071 → nixos/snapserver: update module to work with snapcast 0.20 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94072 → pantheon.elementary-files: 4.4.3 -> 4.4.4 →
<sdisavona> *note* I'm using just nix and not nixos. Programs installed via nix have huge .desktop files, like 250 lines, because the repeat many lines for each language.
<sdisavona> Is there any way to change this behaviour and have .desktop in English only?
<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra pushed to no-nar-accessors « Copy paths in the right order »:
<simpson> sdisavona: Currently looking at how they're generated. Is this a serious space problem?
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<infinisil> I doubt that's specific to nixpkgs
<sdisavona> It's not about space in my case, it's about making a script to search through .desktop
<sdisavona> Does it depend on the source?
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<infinisil> Yeah I think these desktop files are usually just copied from the source
<simpson> I think so. We don't have our own l10n structure for building those files.
<infinisil> Sometimes they're generated with Nix, but then they only include the very basic stuff
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<srxl> Got some software that I'm not quite sure how to make a derivation for. It's comprised of mostly binaries, but also has some python scripts that expect to be in a virtualenv. Any tips?
<srxl> the software in question is the SDK for Pebble smartwatches (
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jshholland opened pull request #94074 → As tree →
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<srxl> Looks like there was a previous nixpkgs PR that was never merged, that should be a good enough starting point
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<cab404[m]> is there an easy way to add nixpkgs into nixos-container?
<cab404[m]> it's really not cool to not be able to nix-shell -p nmap
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94075 → girara: 0.3.4 -> 0.3.5 →
<siraben> lejonet: Ok, I'll look into packageOverrides, thanks.
<lejonet> siraben: no problem :)
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @ehmry pushed to reform « mnt-reform: initialize /var/lib/alsa/asound.state »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed 4 commits to master:
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<Guest79073> What is the general approach in nixos to setting environment variables like these, that define paths to plugins common to many packages (some of which can be installed system-wide, some to user profiles)?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #94034 → pythonPackages.urwid: 2.1.0 -> 2.1.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed commit from @veehaitch to master « pythonPackages.urwid: 2.1.0 -> 2.1.1 »:
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<karantan> anyone know if there exists a .nix file parser? like e.g. json or yaml? so that I can load the definition and manipulate it via e.g. python
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<bqv> rnix, hnix
<manveru> karantan: json is best for that case...
<infinisil> builtins.fromJSON / builtins.fromTOML can parse JSON/TOML files into a Nix value
<manveru> there's no builtins.toTOML though
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<manveru> while there is builtins.toJSON :)
<karantan> I want to parse nix (e.g. to json
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<manveru> yeah, you can do that using nix eval
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<karantan> aha cool. (solution: `nix eval --file ./nixfile.nix "" --json`
<manveru> `nix-instantiate --strict --json --eval -E '(import ./foo.nix)'`
<karantan> tanx
<manveru> for old CLI
<manveru> `nix eval --raw --impure --expr 'import ./foo.nix'`
<manveru> for new CLI
<manveru> ah, or --file :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « linux: 5.8-rc6 -> 5.8-rc7 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed 2 commits to release-20.03:
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<inquisitiv3> I've installed an application on my Fedora machine using Home Manager by adding the application to the `home.packages` list. If I would like to report a bug, should I do that against Home Manager xor Nixpkgs?
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<makefu> inquisitiv3: depends on the issue you encounter, if it is related to the package then nixpkgs would be correct
<nbp> infinisil: Who needs builtins.fromTOML, really?
<makefu> if it is related to the location of certain files, maybe home-manager
<infinisil> nbp: poetry2nix for one, I think the mozilla-nixpkgs rust overlay too
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<infinisil> Oh and probably all other <rust>2nix tools
<nbp> infinisil: hum … I wonder who made the mozilla-nixpkgs rust overlay :P
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<infinisil> nbp: Oh it was you all along!
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<infinisil> Oh yeah I remember that, oof!
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<inquisitiv3> <makefu "inquisitiv3: depends on the issu"> Thanks!
<inquisitiv3> @makef
<aml> Hi! I've just started using NixOS and there are some cases where I don't want to start services automatically but rather run systemctl start service. How is that usually handled? My specific use cases are for docker and wireguard.
<nbp> aml: use `<name>.enable`, IIRC
<nbp> ^ apparently no
<Taneb> Is there a way to query what signatures a path has been signed with?
<infinisil> aml: I think `<name>.wantedBy = lib.mkForce []` (this removes the standard wantedBy)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #94076 → wayvnc: 0.1.2 -> 0.2.0, neatvnc: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0, aml: init at 0.1.0 →
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<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra merged pull request #795 → Stream NARs from the remote to the destination store →
<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra pushed 10 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra pushed 0 commits to no-nar-accessors:
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<Taneb> Is there a way to query when a NixOS system switched config?
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<bqv> journalctl, right?
<bqv> just check when the system daemon last got reloaded, or the switch message last got emitted
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<bqv> it's pretty verbose
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #94077 → tor: passthru tests →
<bqv> brb, switching to ssd
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<srhb> Taneb: timestamp on the system symlink maybe?
<srhb> Only works for the last one though.
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<immae> Taneb: `sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations` could give an approximation (although I think it gives build time, not switch time)
<immae> if you never do "only build" it might be accurate
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #93162 → tor: -> →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt pushed 2 commits to master:
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<immae> oh wait the generation is added only during switch and boot, so it is accurate actually
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<nij> Q: How to start a local server on nixos? \n
<jlv> If I want to add an ssh key for root, do I just add it to `users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys`?
<nij> On archlinux, one simply gets openssh by `sudo pacman -S openssh`, and start listening by `sudo systemctl sshd`.
<nij> I tried on `nixos`: `nix-env -iA openssh` (worked!), but `sudo systemctl sshd` still gives error "Unknown operation sshd".
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<lassulus> nij: services.openssh.enable = true;
<lassulus> in configuration.nix
<lassulus> and then nixos-rebuild switch (either via sudo or as root)
<nij> lassulus: I don't even need to `nix-env -iA openssh`?
<lassulus> no
<lassulus> I actually never use nix-env -iA
<srhb> lassulus: In fact you should probably avoid it (for now at least) :)
<immae> nij: in any case you miss something (proabbly "enable" or "start") between systemctl and sshd, even in archlinux
<srhb> oops, wrong person
<chiiba> What is the prettiest way to write a comment in nix's ''-syntaxed strings?
<bqv> not at all
<chiiba> Fair enough :D
<nij> immae: Ah.. you are right. That's why it didn't work :( Sorry for this basic mistake. Now it's listening.
<nij> lassulus: I will also try your method, which seems better (more nix) :D.
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<Taneb> immae: thanks, that gave me the clue (ls -lt /nix/var/nix/profiles)
<immae> nij: yes lassulus suggestion is the way to go definitely. I was just pointing an error in your command ;)
<nij> immae: I just noticed that I had sshd enabled in configuration.nix already.
<nij> So even without `nix-env -iA` it already could have worked.
<immae> ok
<nij> I'm going to find out the difference between sshd and openssh
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<nij> Ok.. seems that sshd is just a daemon for openssh
<nij> :D Thanks for helping!! immae, lassulus, srhb :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed to master « github-actions: increase timeout to wait for ofborg »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #94070 → pythonPackages.webdavclient3: init at 3.14.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #94076 → wayvnc: 0.1.2 -> 0.2.0, neatvnc: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0, aml: init at 0.1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed 4 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #94079 → github-action/ofborg: only run in main repo →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed commit from @corngood to staging « mesa: add patch to link radv with build-id »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #94033 → pcm: 202005 -> 202007 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master:
<antifuchs> (not sure if my previous message made it here, my client let me send it but I wasn't joined? I'll resend, sorry for the dup if it did)
<antifuchs> I'm getting started with nixos/pkgs/home-manager, and am wondering if anyone has produced a Dash/zealdocs docset of nix projects' documentation yet - it's how I access most of my docs, and would love to do the same for nix (:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #94063 → disk-filltest: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #94044 → spotify-tui: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master:
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<ScottHDev> Hello, I'm trying to build a docker image with nix, I tried with this expression based on alpine linux : But I get line 5: apk: command not found.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ehmry pushed to master « acme: build for aarch64 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #94079 → github-action/ofborg: only run in main repo →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master:
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<joesventek> Hi there. Is there any way to install NixOS from an environment that features Linux 5.5? Any experimental live cd or something like that?
<joesventek> 5.4 seems to have issues with the hardware I'm trying to install on.
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<Taneb> joesventek: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_5_7
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<Taneb> That'll get you on the latest stable
<joesventek> Taneb, thank you. I guess this is a boot option I can supply in the bootloader?
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<Taneb> joesventek: it's something you add to your NixOS configuration
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit merged pull request #94069 → argo: 2.9.3 -> 2.9.4 →
<joesventek> I see. But I don't have any since I've not been able to install NixOS so far.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit pushed commit from @groodt to master « argo: 2.9.3 -> 2.9.4 (#94069) »:
<Taneb> So you haven't been able to boot the installer?
<joesventek> I'm able to boot it. But the provided kernel doesn't see my harddisk.
<joesventek> So I'm not able to install NixOS.
<Taneb> Unstable installers are available here: but I don't know what kernel version they use
<joesventek> I figured I need at least linux 5.5 to access my disk.
<Taneb> Otherwise you could get someone to make you an installer with a newer kernel, but I don't know how to do that
<joesventek> I tried those already. Unfortunately they come with 5.4 as well.
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<pbogdan> that's the minimal ISO with a 5.7 (so unfortunately no GUI)
<joesventek> pbogdan, I'll try that. Thank you. No GUI shouldn't be a problem.
<pbogdan> AFAIK there's no official build of graphical ISO with newer kernels unfortunately
<Taneb> Hmm, how hard would it be to build one using one of the other installers?
<ScottHDev> Do you know if it's possible to configure internet access in a derivation build env?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm merged pull request #93778 → rnix-hashes: init at 0.1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zimbatm pushed commit from @Rizary to master « rnix-hashes: init at 0.2.0 (#93778) »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sternenseemann opened pull request #94081 → ocamlPackages.hacl_x25519: 0.1.1 → 0.2.0 →
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<weelknym> Hello! According to the manual, `boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable` must be set to `true` for UEFI systems. Why so? And is that really so?
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<weelknym> I was tinkering with NixOS in a VM, so I just went with GRUB. Can I use GRUB for my UEFI system?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ruuda opened pull request #94082 → pythonPackages.sentry-sdk: fix trytond dependency →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @walseb opened pull request #94083 → next: Added more gstreamer plugins →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mgttlinger opened pull request #94084 → aliza: 1.48.10 -> 1.98.31 →
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<infinisil> weelknym: Oh grub is totally fine, that manual is probably just really outdated
<infinisil> Grub is supporting UEFI for a long time now
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<infinisil> weelknym: You'll want `boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev"` for an EFI-only installation
<weelknym> infinisil, that's really helpful, thanks!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xaverh opened pull request #94085 → clipmenu: 6.0.1 -> 6.1.0 →
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<infinisil> :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94086 → gitAndTools.git-filter-repo: 2.27.1 -> 2.28.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #90681 → flutter stable (1.12.13+hotfix.9 -> 1.17.3), beta (1.15.17 -> 1.19.0-4.1.pre) and dev (1.17.0-dev.5.0 -> 1.20.0-0.0.pre)… →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 7 commits to master:
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<srk> nice
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thorstenweber83 opened pull request #94087 → libredwg: 0.10.1 -> →
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<infinisil> domenkozar[m]: Nice! (there's a typo there btw, "pf" -> "of")
<domenkozar[m]> thanks!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @DavidTruby opened pull request #94088 → llvm*: remove symlinks to llvm-diff, llvm-as and LLVM IR utilities →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #93961 → you-get: 0.4.1432 -> 0.4.1456 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #93941 → datefudge: 1.23 -> 1.24 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cixel opened pull request #94089 → tmuxPlugins.cpu: 885805 -> 20120a →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94086 → gitAndTools.git-filter-repo: 2.27.1 -> 2.28.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #94082 → pythonPackages.sentry-sdk: fix trytond dependency →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @ruuda to master « python3Packages.sentry-sdk: fix trytond dependency »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto merged pull request #94050 → dict: look for config in /etc →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto pushed commit from @peterhoeg to master « dict: look for config in /etc (#94050) »:
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<neonfuz2> Hey just wanted to ask if this is a bug or intended behaviour: I'm cloning a repo with nix-prefetch-git, and it outputs fetchSubmodules: false, but looking in the output directory the submodules were fetched
<neonfuz2> and if I don't set fetchSubmodules to true manually, the hash is different
<neonfuz2> so nix-prefetch-git is fetching submodules but returning fetchSubmodules: false
<neonfuz2> if anyone wants to try themselves, try
<neonfuz2> nix-prefetch-git
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.03-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<infinisil> neonfuz2: The submodule dirs are empty for me (meaning they weren't checked out)
<infinisil> Or fetched
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<neonfuz2> infinisil: what was the output dir hash for you?
<neonfuz2> idk if it will be the same on our systems, I think it should be?\
<neonfuz2> oh yeah maybe theyre not checked out
<infinisil> neonfuz2: /nix/store/mwlf8plimqcj9k7p8l9qy8266jb9d7im-citra
<neonfuz2> same okay
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sikmir opened pull request #94090 → cmake: fix CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK →
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<mattlevan> Greetings!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94091 → hmmer: 3.3 -> 3.3.1 →
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<neonfuz2> infinisil:
<neonfuz2> when I actually override the version and then try to build it, I get a hash mismatch
<infinisil> Is the version master?
<avn> Folks, if I have two flakes, (second is depoendecny of first's), each of them have nixpkgs input, how I can ensure that they use same nixpkgs?
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<neonfuz2> infinisil: the git branch is master if that's what you're asking
<neonfuz2> the hash it says I should use is the one I get with nix-prefetch-git --fetch-submodules <url>
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<yorick> clever: did you manage to do the raspberry pi mac address stuff?
<infinisil> neonfuz2: Can you show code and error
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<clever> yorick: yeah
<yorick> clever: I have a /proc/device-tree/soc/usb@7e980000/usb1@1/usbether@1/local-mac-address, why is it not applied? :/
<neonfuz2> infinisil do you know where I can find the arguments for fetchgit?
<infinisil> pkgs/build-support/fetchgit
<clever> yorick: is it giving a random mac on every boot? what are the contents of local-mac-address?
<yorick> clever: local-mac-address is a proper r-pi mac address (b8:27:eb:c8:18)
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<yorick> clever: the actual mac address is a locally administered one, and the same for every device at that
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<yorick> (92:a5:98:0e:9e:02)
<clever> yorick: that doesnt sound right
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<yorick> I agree
<neonfuz2> infinisil:
<neonfuz2> oops sorry keep on pressing enter instead of tab
<yorick> clever: I did get systemd-udevd[494]: Could not set Alias=, MACAddress= or MTU= on ip6tnl0: Invalid argument
<neonfuz2> I think the problem is fetchSubmodules defaults to true, which I did not expect
<clever> yorick: can you pastebin the `ip addr` ?
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<clever> yorick: ip6tnl0 is an unrelated interface
<yorick> maybe kernel 4.9.220 is too old for rpi3
<clever> yorick: what is the vid/pid under usbether@1?, what does lsusb report?
<evanjs> matthiaskrgr: sorry about the lack of updates. I've been having issues building with offline_tests and I'm going to see if #93128 changes things
<clever> you can also use `hexdump -C` to dump any binary files
<evanjs> I didn'
<{^_^}> (by Ma27, 2 weeks ago, merged): rust: Fix build flags
<yorick> clever: where do I find vid/pid?
<evanjs> Didn't want to update my comments 1000x if I was totally unsure of what was going on :D
<clever> yorick: they should be in /proc/device-tree/soc/usb@7e980000/usb1@1/usbether@1/
<evanjs> but I'd rather handle as we can (within reason) in the nix expression before we start adding OS checks into the code (yuck lol)
<infinisil> neonfuz2: Oh damn, didn't know or expect that either
<infinisil> fetchFromGitHub doesn't fetch submodules by default (in which case it doesn't use fetchgit but fetchzip)
<clever> yorick: ah, i want compatible, not vid/pid
<yorick> clever: usb424,ec00
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<evanjs> speaking of which... I realized that fetchGit is still not used like anywhere
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<clever> yorick: yeah, everything looks normal, all i can guess is that the kernel/drivers arent right
<evanjs> is there a point at which it will be preferred over fetchgit? Maybe after recurse submodules is available in a stable release?
<evanjs> wasn't sure how it would compare usage-wise, at least in terms of best practices and etc
<yorick> clever: I also have a Revision: 0000 in my /proc/cpuinfo
<clever> yorick: is the ethernet driver built into the kernel or a module in `lsmod` ?
<clever> revision shouldnt be 0
<yorick> builtin, I think
<infinisil> evanjs: I think it maybe shouldn't be used in nixpkgs, because it slows down (I think) evaluation
<clever> yorick: can you add `lsmod` to the gist?
<yorick> clever: done
<clever> yorick: and also `hexdump -C /proc/device-tree/system/linux,revision` ?
<yorick> clever: there's no /proc/device-tree/system
<evanjs> infinisil: to clarify, do you mean fetchGit, or the recursion? I vaguely remember dolstra maybe bringing that up, and that it's defaulted to false or something, idk
<clever> yorick: poke around , is system in another dir?
<infinisil> evanjs: builtins.fetchGit
<yorick> no
<clever> yorick: thats not right, that implies something isnt right with device-tree
<infinisil> evanjs: What recursion?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kolaente opened pull request #94092 → flutter beta (1.19.0-4.3.pre -> 1.20.0-7.2.pre), dev (1.20.0-3.0.pre -> 1.21.0-1.0.pre) update →
<yorick> clever: I did need to add bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb to make this work at all
<evanjs> infinisil: sorry, fetchSubmodules. the branch name is fetchgit-recursive so idk lol
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @github-actions[bot] pushed commit from GitHub Actions to master « Update flake.lock and blogs.xml [ci skip] »:
<clever> yorick: sounds like the firmware in /boot/ is mixed up some
<yorick> (I think, it was in the repo already)
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<infinisil> evanjs: Ah. I think even just fetchGit without submodules slows down eval, since the git fetch is done at eval time. pkgs.fetchgit in comparison happens at build time
<infinisil> Also, it's a bit impure, since it relies on your git in PATH
<yorick> clever: ah yes, the firmware
<evanjs> infinisil: great, thank you! that's what I was wonderingggg
<evanjs> but yeah, would be super helpful for closed-source stuff at work and any private instances in general
<yorick> yeah, there's only bootcode.bin
<clever> yorick: start.elf and fixup.dat are a matched pair and must always be together, the rest is fairly flexible
<evanjs> I remember trying to fight with fetchgit and, well... bleh
<clever> yorick: a pi3 cant boot without start.elf, are you maybe looking in the wrong directory?
<yorick> clever: okay, I have start.elf, u-boot-rpi3.bin, fixup.dat, config.txt, bootcode.bin
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94093 → ibm-sw-tpm2: 1628 -> 1637 →
<yorick> clever: I don't know why we don't just use the dtb from raspberrypifw
<clever> yorick: and i'm not familiar with how uboot interacts with everything on the pi+nixos
<clever> yorick: all of my experience is just bare firmware+linux
<yorick> clever: I don't know why this uboots except the vague possibility of rollbacks if you have a serial
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<yorick> I'll redo it without uboot
<yorick> thanks for the assistance!
<clever> yep
<infinisil> evanjs: That reminds me, edef recommended git subtrees before, but now I'm realizing that I couldn't use this for my private git submodule
<infinisil> but then again, a private git submodule isn't great anyways, I should rather encrypt secrets somehow (maybe sops/gitcrypt)
<edef> infinisil: submodules make sense for data with different privacy properties
<edef> infinisil: they have a *significant* cost but git doesn't really have any other tools that fit
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<edef> infinisil: i dislike "just encrypt it and check it in publicly", since that means you need to nervously guard that key for the rest of your life, which probably means it should be on an HSM of some kind
<chiiba> Is it possible to overlay nginx service configuration from another package? Not in upstream, but for personal use. I want to add a global location declaration.
<edef> infinisil: (because otherwise you can never prove key destruction with any certainty)
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<infinisil> edef: Hm good points
<evanjs> infinisil: that reminds me, I need to check out
<evanjs> Was thinking "oh but how can I use that with nix?"-- and then I remembered Mic92 did a thing lol
<edef> infinisil: i dream of a world where good hardware-backed crypto and trustworthy computing is widespread, and VCSes that can make use of that
<neonfuz2> <infinisil "fetchFromGitHub doesn't fetch su"> oh interesting...
<Mic92> Yeah. I needed something for flakes
<infinisil> edef: Oh, what if you flip it around: You keep the main git repo private, and the public part is a git subtree
<Mic92> Because my pass-based secrets no longer worked
<edef> infinisil: that strategy works, yes
<evanjs> edef: *scary flashbacks to when my stuff died with a TPM installed*...
<edef> infinisil: i feel it's easy to make mistakes with, though
<bqv> Mic92: see #nixos-chat
<Mic92> bqv: I am not in this one yet.
<edef> evanjs: i think "good" kind of requires having a solid reliablity story
<edef> evanjs: so we're extremely far away from that all working
<bqv> Mic92: ah, then, check out sops-nix. was just suggested to me
<Mic92> bqv: I built sops-nix ?
<infinisil> Lol
<edef> infinisil: like, the inflexibility of submodules in terms of moving stuff between a submodule and the main repo becomes an advantage
<edef> infinisil: Piper (GOOG's internal VCS) has subtree ACLs but i think those only really work because it also has ways of redacting history
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<infinisil> edef: Hm yeah I can see that. With my private submodule I never had any problems with this
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #93928 → ddgr: 1.8.1 -> 1.9 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
<edef> infinisil: (and the ACLs are not part of the version-controlled history there, and rotating secret material within GOOG is generally quite easy)
<infinisil> edef: I haven't played around with git subtrees, how do you commit and push changes to subtrees? (can you even do that or do you need a separate checkout?)
<edef> infinisil: you just commit
<Guest10762> NixOS was name dropped in the current #hope2020 talk
<edef> infinisil: like, it's not anything special, it's just git merges that happen to rename all the files to have a common prefix
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<porphyrogenetos> I recently switched from a single user to a multi-user install of nix (on a non-nixos distro) and now I cant build docker/podman images with nix. Its failing at the point that it tries to boot into the image with KVM to run the runAsRoot section, with the error "qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize kvm: Permission denied"
<edef> infinisil: so you can just behave as if it's one big repository
<edef> infinisil: (because it is)
<porphyrogenetos> Im guessing its because the nixbuilders dont have the right group membership but im trying to figure out the nixy way to fix that
<infinisil> edef: So if you have some changes in the main tree and some in the subtree and you `git add -A && git commit`, would it do two separate commits for the subtree and the main tree?
<infinisil> I should really just play around with it shouldn't I
<edef> infinisil: no
<edef> infinisil: it's one commit
<edef> infinisil: imagine you just copied the other repository over and committed
<edef> infinisil: you have one git tree now, right?
<infinisil> Yeah
<edef> infinisil: now imagine that, but you give that commit another parent — namely the commit whose contents you just merged
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<edef> infinisil: restarting and approaching from the other direction — imagine you went to your nixpkgs tree and did `git mv * nixpkgs/`
<edef> infinisil: and committed that
<edef> infinisil: and then kept working
<infinisil> Hm I get that I think. But then my question is: Can you push the changes you did to the subtree to the original remote you imported from?
<edef> infinisil: and you can still merge upstream because, well, the only divergence is the path prefix
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<edef> infinisil: re: upstreaming patches, i just `git format-patch --relative`
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<edef> infinisil: and that generates patches i can apply to upstream
<edef> infinisil: (with git am)
<infinisil> Hm I see. So there's nothing builtin for `git push` ing subtrees. It's pull & merge only for subtree remotes
<edef> infinisil: which is effectively a cherry-pick (cherry-pick is just format-patch + am)
<edef> infinisil: yes, correct
<infinisil> Got it
<edef> infinisil: both cherry-pick and merge work in the other direction
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<infinisil> So if my main tree is private and the subtree is public, this might be pretty annoying to push public updates without some good git wrappers
<edef> infinisil: actually, i *think* cherry-pick actually works both ways
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<edef> infinisil: my git alternate setup just doesn't *quite* work with it
<infinisil> And the subtree repo would have to be checked out separately somewhere else for me to apply and push the patches
<edef> yes
<edef> although if you're emailing patches you don't really need to
<infinisil> I see
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<yorick> clever: ... oh
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<edef> i have a perl script that lets me go "hey gimme upstream, except with this mailable patch"
<yorick> clever: raspberryPi.macAddress = mkDefault ...
<edef> and that's how i push to nixpkgs
<yorick> sorry
<edef> it means i have to touch github as little as possible
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<infinisil> edef: I conclude that git subtrees could be pretty nice if most changes you do are in the main tree
<edef> (i consider github's UI at best a creative form of torture)
<clever> yorick: (facepalm)
<edef> infinisil: most changes i do marinate in my tree for a while anyway
<dtz> Lmao edef
<infinisil> edef: Hehe "marinate", very fitting
<infinisil> Some of my nixpkgs changes do too
<edef> infinisil: generally they see a few revisions before i upstream them
<infinisil> (though I mostly forget about them really)
<dtz> *nods*
<edef> infinisil: although, conversely, sometimes i pick something off one of my trees and decide it needs to be a touch cleaner to be acceptable for upstream
<edef> infinisil: and then i do a revert+cherry-pick to fix up my tree
<edef> infinisil: i have two or three trees worth caring about (work, personal, and an infrastructure project with friends)
<infinisil> I see
<edef> infinisil: personal tree uses full nixpkgs history, the others use squashed history, with git replaces used to graft full history in locally and transparently
<edef> infinisil: flokli and i upstream stuff from the work tree with some regularity
<kalbasit> Profpatsch: have you been able to look into
<{^_^}> #93787 (by kalbasit, 3 days ago, open): Bazel is currently broken on Darwin
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<kalbasit> Ericson2314: ditto regarding the same issue. It's currently blocking me at work, and I'm not sure how to fix it.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94025 → linuxkit: 0.7 -> 0.8 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joefiorini opened pull request #94094 → Add teip package →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @neonfuz opened pull request #94095 → xmenu: added xmenu 2020-07-23 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #94096 → docker-slim: 1.29.0 -> 1.30.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nix] @meditans opened pull request #3875 → Offer a safer interface for path and pathOpt. Contains #3830 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #94072 → pantheon.elementary-files: 4.4.3 -> 4.4.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 2 commits to master:
<yorick> clever: still I learned a lot about device trees
<Ke> in the configuration,nix
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<Ke> or whatever you build your system with, you can't change it at runtime, at least if you don't even have it installed
<Ke> I guess there might be some integration to grub menus for previous generations that have not been purged
<ScottHDev> Hello, I'm running a jekyll server in a docker container. From the logs I know that the server is running accessible on so I just remapped the port with -p 8080:4000 and I tried to connect to but can't reach the server. So I tried opening port 8080 with the firewall (networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts)
<ScottHDev> but still not working. Do you have any ideas what's going on?
<sshow> any thoughts on nixops vs morph vs krops?
<numkem> I'm getting crazy high memory usage trying to run nix-index on unstable-small
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<lassulus> sshow: krops is when you deploy from multiple computers or want to be able to debug the target system manually with nixos-rebuild switch. haven't used the other ones though
<ScottHDev> nix-index is huge
<ScottHDev> But you just have to run it once
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<numkem> 42GB of ram almost
<infinisil> sshow: I wasn't enticed by any of them, so I started making my own :P (very experimental though, not recommended for production, also not much docs for now)
<Profpatsch> kalbasit: I’m not a darwin user, so I did not notice.
<evanjs> missed opportunity
<Profpatsch> There was a test failing when we updated, but the build itself worked.
<evanjs> just saw bqv's comment on sops-nix lol
<Profpatsch> I think it was the protobuf test
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @svend opened pull request #94097 → dual-function-keys: init at 1.1.0 →
<evanjs> like "Hey, I know that guy" :P
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<evanjs> I also need to check to make sure I'm not scrolled back before replying lol
<kalbasit> Profpatsch: The Bazel 3 commit works, it's the latest master that's broken.
<Profpatsch> kalbasit: Ah, ok
<Profpatsch> Then it’s not my fault :P
<kalbasit> Profpatsch: I believe it's related to all the C stack changes that went in the repo recently
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<kalbasit> Profpatsch: I did not say it was :)
<Profpatsch> We unfortunately don’t have reverse dependency tests for everything in ofborg, because wow that would be expensive.
<Profpatsch> But maybe bazel is complex enough to be tested on changes like that.
<Profpatsch> I don’t know how we could make it so.
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: maybe ^
<Profpatsch> (revdep test for bazel on stdenv changes)
<Profpatsch> (on Linux and Darwin)
<kalbasit> That would be great, for sure!
<Profpatsch> kalbasit: also, Ericson is in #nixos-dev iirc
<Profpatsch> yes, he is
<Profpatsch> So maybe we can ask him directly
<kalbasit> sure I'll try over there
<Profpatsch> He might have a clue on what is going on, after all it looks like he changed the toolchain a bit
<kalbasit> Yea he did, and I think it's related because clang is not finding libstdc++ anymore. I'm trying a few things myself, but it's pretty much a change/try without much knowledge on it
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<Profpatsch> Who is the person that did much of the darwin work? Maybe they can help.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #94098 → pythonPackages.jpylyzer: 1.18.0 -> 2.0.0 →
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<kuznero> Hi All! Who can help merging ?
<{^_^}> #92894 (by kuznero, 2 weeks ago, open): vscode, vscodium: 1.46.1 -> 1.47.3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #93709 → nsjail: 2.9 -> 3.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 3 commits to master:
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<infinisil> kuznero: The commit messages aren't correct, but if that's fixed I can merge it
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 41 minutes ago, history:
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-20.03-darwin advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<infinisil> The "1.46.1 -> 1.47.2" commit should be "1.46.0 -> 1.47.2" and the "1.46.1 -> 1.47.3" one should be "1.46.2 -> 1.47.3"
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<kuznero> infinisil: according to the previous commits to vscode, vscodium it was the same. Do you mean that I should make it 2 separate PRs instead for vscode and vscodium separately?
<kuznero> I see now.
<kuznero> I can squash commits, should that fix it?
<infinisil> Yeah squashing the commits would work too
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<kuznero> :+1: I will push it in a moment!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Lassulus merged pull request #89331 → make-disk-image: add hybrid and dynamic sized images →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Lassulus pushed 2 commits to master:
<kuznero> infinisil: done, please merge if possible. Btw, was that the reason it was not merged before?
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<kuznero> infinisil: please do NOT merge yet!
<kuznero> Slight mistake in the rebase -i ;(
<infinisil> kuznero: The ratio of (open PRs) to (people who have merge rights and are actively reviewing PRs) is just too high at the moment, meaning everything is rather slow
<lassulus> it was probably just not seen. reaching out is helpful as there a lot of PRs and we are just a couple of humans :D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #91758 → Bloop: 1.3.4 -> 1.4.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed 4 commits to master:
<infinisil> kuznero: We should wait until ofborg is happy anyways :)
<kuznero> infinisil: yes, sure. Now it is one single commit.
<infinisil> Looking good
<evanjs> when one computer hands on a derivation that another builds just fine >_>
<evanjs> hangs*
<kuznero> lassulus: :+1: I see, I was wondering if it is an option to get merge right for a subtree in git somehow (just to be able to merge in this particular package(s))?
<infinisil> kuznero: If I forget about it, feel free to ping me again when ofborg is ready, I'll merge it then
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<kuznero> infinisil: thanks, will do
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<lassulus> not yet sadly. there was a RFC or something for that if I remember correctly
<kuznero> that would have solved the issue with active reviewers with merge right. I can imagine that there will be way more people who's a lot more comfortable with specific packages (like me, e.g.)
<infinisil> rcfs#50 proposed that
<kuznero> :+1:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94096 → docker-slim: 1.29.0 -> 1.30.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 3 commits to master:
<kuznero> infinisil: can you please share direct link?
<gchristensen> ,botsnack
<{^_^}> Oh thanks, have a cookie yourself
<gchristensen> hrm
<infinisil> Since the bot doesn't want to link it:
<{^_^}> rfcs#50 (by FRidh, 49 weeks ago, closed): [RFC 0050] Merge bot for maintainers
<kuznero> Super, thanks!
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<infinisil> gchristensen: ... github gave me a 404 ..
<gchristensen> huh
<infinisil> rfcs#50
<{^_^}> (by FRidh, 49 weeks ago, closed): [RFC 0050] Merge bot for maintainers
<infinisil> Nice job github
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<infinisil> Do I need to implement retry for API requests now when they return 404
<infinisil> (i run the {^_^} code that should link PR references for context)
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<duairc> Is it possible for a closure to include a .drv file, but not the result of building that drv file?
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<pbogdan> anyone else having trouble with `nix-index` not being able to find / index packages?
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<pbogdan> just reran it (am on unstable) a lot of stuff that's definitely listed in the cache is missing
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<infinisil> duairc: I doubt it, what do you intend to use this for?
<numkem> pbogdan: won't work with me either. It's taking 42GB of ram
<pbogdan> it doesn't seem to have a memory issue for me, it's just not finding stuff when querying the cache
<pbogdan> like for example it doesn't have ffmpeg in the database..
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<duairc> infinisil: I'm trying to find a way to write a derivation describing how to build a large VM image (basically download and then run through qemu-img convert), but to have it build on the machine I'm deploying to (with NixOps)
<duairc> infinisil: I was trying to be clever and only copy a script that contains the drvPath but not the outPath, and then nix-store --realize is called at runtime when the VM starts up
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<duairc> But it seems to want to build the derivation anyway
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94066 → chromium: 84.0.4147.89 -> 84.0.4147.105 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
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<infinisil> duairc: Have you considered using the nixops machine as a remote builder?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed commit from @primeos to release-20.03 « chromium: 84.0.4147.89 -> 84.0.4147.105 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #94099 → pythonPackages.django_silk: 3.0.4 -> 4.0.1 →
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<duairc> infinisil: I could do something like that but that isn't really what I'm looking for right now
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @q3k opened pull request #94100 → nixos/evdevremapkeys: init →
<mrosenbe> I'm writing a nixexpr for a project that I'm working on, and I'd like to use callPackages passing in a path into the nix tree. Is this something I can do?
<mrosenbe> for reference, I'm trying to install idea-ultimate on darwin, and I can't because all-packages.nix always forces it to use the jetbrains-jdk, which doesn't work on darwin.
<mrosenbe> and I'd like to just create a jetbrains object that *doesn't* override jdk.
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<duairc> Is there even some way to reconstruct a derivation from the contents of a drv file? Or to run nix-store --realize on a drv file that isn't in /nix/store?
<evanjs> mrosenbe: IIRC it's something like `callPackage (<nixpkgs/path/to/thing/expression.nix>)`
<infinisil> duairc: The .drv file *is* a derivation really
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<infinisil> But not in the Nix expression way I guess
<mrosenbe> ahh, that looks like an extension of syntax that I have seen before.
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<evanjs> shouldn't need the parenthesis IIRC
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94091 → hmmer: 3.3 -> 3.3.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 4 commits to master:
<sshow> infinisil: nice. good luck. I'll try it out some time :)
<infinisil> duairc: I don't know of a way to do this unfortunately
<evanjs> example from the manual:
<slabity> Does anyone know if NixOps can deploy machines that are configured as flakes?
<evanjs> <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles/profile-name.nix>
<duairc> infinisil: I guess what I mean is, I can call readFile on the .drv path, and then it doesn't get added to the closure (which is what I want). So I have the text of the .drv file. I just need a way to be able to "realise" that then on the remote machine
<slabity> I deploy all my machines using NixOps and would like to begin switching their configuration over to using flakes
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<duairc> infinisil: Cool, well thanks anyway, I feel like I'm getting pretty close, hopefully I'll find something that works
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.03-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
<infinisil> duairc: Well one problem is that the .drvPath attribute references the derivation no differently than any other reference
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<infinisil> > :p builtins.getContext pkgs.hello.outPath
<{^_^}> { "/nix/store/iylhv1jiapks1396jz2fv8wq85q68y6y-hello-2.10.drv" = { outputs = [ "out" ]; }; }
<infinisil> > :p builtins.getContext pkgs.hello.drvPath
<{^_^}> { "/nix/store/iylhv1jiapks1396jz2fv8wq85q68y6y-hello-2.10.drv" = { allOutputs = true; }; }
<energizer> i've been delaying switching to flakes until "In the next blog post, we’ll talk about typical uses of flakes, such as managing NixOS system configurations, distributing Nixpkgs overlays and NixOS modules, and CI integration." but the next post came out and it isn't about any of those things
<infinisil> I guess it is a little differently, but I think that's essentially the same
<infinisil> duairc: You could use builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext to get rid of that reference:
<infinisil> > builtins.getContext (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext pkgs.hello.drvPath)
<{^_^}> { }
<theduke> mhm, weird issue with Python: I'm using `python3.withPacakges [ scipy pandas opencv ...]`
<mrosenbe> right. next question: how do I access callPackages?
<duairc> infinisil: Oh wow, I have no idea what the hell that is, but that seems like exactly the kind of undocumented evilness I'm looking for
<theduke> most dependencies work, excpet pandas
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<infinisil> But even if you manage to copy the .drv file itself over (which I don't think is possible), you'd still have to get the whole closure of it too. Because .drv files depend on a whole lot of other .drv files for them to work
<theduke> pandas always give me a `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'` error
<duairc> infinisil: I have managed to copy the *contents* of the drv file over at least
<mrosenbe> let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; foo = pkgs.lib.callPackages blah; does not work
<infinisil> duairc: I guess maybe you could run `nix-store --export $(nix-store -qR ${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext pkgs.hello.drvPath}) > $out` in a nix-build, then `nix-store --import` and `nix-store -r` that in a separate derivations $out/bin/realise
<evanjs> I'm still not 100% on when to actually use callPackage vs callPackages
<mrosenbe> ahh, no lib, it is just pkgs.callPackages
<evanjs> mrosenbe: oh right, also that :P
<mrosenbe> evanjs: I'm overriding `jetbrains = (recurseIntoAttrs (callPackages ../applications/editors/jetbrains {`, so I assume I want to use callPackages
<evanjs> just like callPackage I guess lol
<infinisil> callPackage <file> for when <file> is of the form `<args>: <derivation>`
<evanjs> mrosenbe: curious, what are you overriding there?
<infinisil> callPackages <file> for when <file> is of the form `<args>: { foo = <derivation>; bar = <derivation>; ... }`
<evanjs> so basically call packag... ah lol
<evanjs> on an attrset of packages
<infinisil> Yee
<clever> callPackage will basically // { override = ...; } to the result
<clever> but if you inherit (callPackage ./many.nix {}) a b c; you loose the override
<clever> you would need to `many = callPackage ./many.nix {}; (many.override ...).a`
<clever> callPackage instead adds override to each attr, so it works more normally
<mrosenbe> evanjs: I'm actually un-overriding something.
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<mrosenbe> evanjs: the rest of the expr that I pasted the first line of overrode jdk for the packages inside jetbrains
<mrosenbe> but it overrides jdk with jetbrains-jdk, which doesn't work on darwin
<mrosenbe> so I'm removing the override, and letting it use the system jdk
<evanjs> can you not just pass in the system jdk via the jdk attr?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #94099 → pythonPackages.django_silk: 3.0.4 -> 4.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @risicle to master « pythonPackages.django_silk: 3.0.4 -> 4.0.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #92894 → vscode, vscodium: 1.46.1 -> 1.47.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master:
<mrosenbe> evanjs: no clue. I am suuuper new to nix
<mrosenbe> jetbrains = (recurseIntoAttrs (callPackages ../applications/editors/jetbrains { jdk = jetbrains.jdk; }) // { jdk = callPackage ../development/compilers/jetbrains-jdk { }; });
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<mrosenbe> that is the expression defining jetbrains. my shell.nix used to override the system jdk with adoptopenjdk and depend on pkgs.jetbrains.idea-ultimate, but that started failing, so now it has jetbrains = pkgs.callPackages <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/jetbrains> {}; and depends on jebrains.idea-ultimate
<duairc> infinisil: Your suggestions seem promising; however, when I get this mysterious error when I try to build the derivation that buils the .nar file: error: creating directory '/nix/var': Permission denied
<mrosenbe> although something is still fishy with this install.
<mrosenbe> [nix-shell:~/src/seurat-nix]$ file /nix/store/nk1bq9ifz5nhjb5hxlqvqml009ik563g-idea-ultimate-2020.1.3/idea-ultimate-2020.1.3/bin/fsnotifier
<mrosenbe> /nix/store/nk1bq9ifz5nhjb5hxlqvqml009ik563g-idea-ultimate-2020.1.3/idea-ultimate-2020.1.3/bin/fsnotifier: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=cd2f36e5efe59106ad7c0198d02eb7ae8207927d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
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<duairc> Ah, apparently this is because Recursive Nix isn't supported
<colemickens> bqv: so does a flake-built sys config contain the flake sources?
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<colemickens> bqv: You mentioned something about a flake system containing the system config, I'm assuming it must stuff slurp up all the inputs to the flake repo including itself?
<manveru> colemickens: you can basically get `self.outPath`, which is the source of the flake itself
<manveru> which in turn has all required references to all inputs, thereby giving you everything you need :)
<colemickens> hm, I'm trying to image a flake-built VM image and how it would be able to use that to rebuild-switch with a user-provided snippet of nix.
<colemickens> That sounds like it might work.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @emmanuelrosa opened pull request #94101 → qt5: Add the ability to optionally use NSS 3.44 →
<manveru> yep
<kuznero> infinisil: thanks!
<mrosenbe> interesting, I remember looking into this a while back and determining that it actually grabbed the .dmg when installing idea on darwin
<bqy> It puts it in the store, at least
<mrosenbe> looks like it just always installs the linux .targz now.
<bqy> It's not a dependency though
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<mrosenbe> edwtjo: If I were to do some of the legwork to get idea-ultimate to use the mac build on darwin, would you help get it into the repository?
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<bqv> colemickens: you might want to do the trick i do
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<bqv> as part of the activation script, link "inputs.self" to /run/current-system/flake
<bqv> then you can access your system's source via there
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<colemickens> Interesting. Thanks, definitely relevant to my pursuit.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @q3k opened pull request #94102 → xbattbar: init at 1.4.9 →
<{^_^}> [nix-mode] @matthewbauer merged pull request #103 → Add autoloads for eshell functions →
<{^_^}> [nix-mode] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
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<slabity> Can NixOps deploy NixOS flakes remotely?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #91682 → clang_{5..10}: add RTTI →
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<slabity> Or is there an alternative way to deploy a NixOS machine remotely as a flake?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to staging:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #93959 → wla-dx: 9.8 -> 9.11 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #94088 → llvm*: remove symlinks to llvm-diff, llvm-as and LLVM IR utilities →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
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<hexagoxel> is there a reliable way to find the "source" of a derivation? something like "this .drv is the product of a runCommand invocation in foo/bar.nix"
<hexagoxel> of course foo/bar.nix might no longer exist, or not exist on your system etc.
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<hexagoxel> or maybe the more general question:
<hexagoxel> suppose you encounter an error, and discover that one .drv does not build on your system, and you figure out a way to fix the contained buildCommand.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #94061 → llvmPackages_{8..10}: comment out broken manpages →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
<hexagoxel> but now I am stuck, because I don't know where in the whole build graph this .drv came to be
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #88248 → llvmPackages_10: 10.0.0 -> 10.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master:
<hexagoxel> and "build graph" is not even the right category, is it? because I don't want to know deps and reverse deps, but which .nix needs modifying to fix it.
<slabity> Am I correct in assuming that NixOps does not support deploying NixOS flakes?
<immae> hexagoxel: builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "fetchurl" pkgs should lead you to a place where you’d be able to follow the track from there
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<immae> it won’t give directly the runCommand position, but you should be able to follow the path
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<crimsonalucard> really new to nix. Installed it on osx and not sure where nix.conf is located? Can anyone help?
<hexagoxel> immae: ah, interesting. I guess `pkgs` can be replaced by whatever expression triggers the error?
<immae> hexagoxel: not exactly, it’s builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "fetchurl" pkgs if you want the position of pkgs.fetchurl
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<hexagoxel> I don't understand. I do `nix-build something.nix` and somewhere during that it errors while building fail.drv
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<hexagoxel> so should I put `unsafeGetAttrPos` into something.nix? I doubt this would get my further..
<immae> hmm no
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<immae> I misunderstood your problem sorry
<hexagoxel> no worries, thanks for the hint
<hexagoxel> still good to know about unsafeGetAttrPos, I think I have an idea where that would become useful.
<immae> (the example I gave is a typical one, if you want to get the position where fetchurl is defined for instance)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « llvm: setup some symlinks for compatibility with binutils »:
<immae> hexagoxel: However in your case the name of the failing drv should give a hint as to where it happened no?
<lordcirth> Trying to make a custom package and add it to configuration.nix. I get "error: The option value `environment.systemPackages.[definition 2-entry 14]' in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' is not of type `package'."
<lordcirth> (uncommented on the actual server, of course)
<lordcirth> I copied the format from the ipfs package and it seems correct to me?
<clever> lordcirth: parens
<clever> oops, no
* clever looks closer
<clever> lordcirth: you want pkgs.callPackage
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<lordcirth> clever, as opposed to import?
<immae> and a {}
<clever> lordcirth: the import is just shoving the raw function from line 1 into the list
<dminuoso> lordcirth: Yes.
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<clever> lordcirth: you likely dont need that unpackPhase either
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<lordcirth> I see, so mkDerivation returns a derivation, but you need callPackage to take that and return a package?
<dminuoso> No you dont.
<dminuoso> But callPackage is certainly less of a hassle
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<clever> lordcirth: callPackage deals with the arguments on line 1 of foundry-vtt.nix
<dminuoso> Check the nix pill I linked above
<lordcirth> It seems to be working.. Thanks guys!
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<hexagoxel> immae: for one .drv it helped, yes. For another the name is a bit generic and I am still confused.
<hexagoxel> no need to look closer at this specific problem however. I was just curious if there was a better approach to random guessing this in general.
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<lordcirth> clever, is unzipping automatic? I thought that was only .tar
<hexagoxel> (I also wonder if it might be "good practice" to put a "echo MY_RANDOM_STRING" into buildCommands :D)
<clever> lordcirth: if you add unzip to the buildInputs, unzip becomes automatic
<lordcirth> Ah, neat!
<immae> hexagoxel: ok, then not that I know of, apart from going through all the dependencies of something.nix and recursively
<immae> (usually if a dependency fails then you can just find it by dichotomy
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<lordcirth> What does it take for an executable file in a package to be in $PATH? Just copy it to ./bin?
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<clever> lordcirth: yep
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<lordcirth> clever, removing the unpackPhase made it throw: "unpacker produced multiple directories"
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<clever> lordcirth: the zip file should contain a single directory with all of the src, not multiple directories
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<lordcirth> Seems like it has everything at the top level
<clever> then youll need the unpackPhase to keep the mess contained
<lordcirth> Yeah. Whatever, it's 3 lines of simple boilerplate
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<clever> can even be 1 line, doesnt need newlines
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<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr opened pull request #190 → initrd: Fix for lvm2 multiple output →
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<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr merged pull request #190 → initrd: Fix for lvm2 multiple output →
<{^_^}> [mobile-nixos] @samueldr pushed 2 commits to master:
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.03-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog merged pull request #94087 → libredwg: 0.10.1 -> →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog pushed commit from @thorstenweber83 to master « libredwg: 0.10.1 -> (#94087) »:
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<duairc> Has anybody got recursive nix working? I've set nix.package on my system to nixUnstable but I still don't seem to be able to run this example:
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<gchristensen> oops
<gchristensen> duairc: I think you need to add "recursive-nix" to your nix.conf's system-features
<duairc> gchristensen: I've done that too
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<gchristensen> and you restarted nix-daemon? do you have any remote builders?
<duairc> gchristensen: Is restarting nix-daemon just systemctl restart nix-daemon? Because if so, yes. I don't have remote builders
<gchristensen> what happens when you run the example?
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<duairc> error: creating directory '/nix/var': Permission denied
<duairc> Which is the same as what I was getting before
<duairc> But I know it's a new nix because there are more colours in the output :D
<gchristensen> h:D
<infinisil> duairc: Try adding `requiredSystemFeatures = [ "recursive-nix" ]` to your derivaiton
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<gchristensen> oh and experimental-features = recursive-nix in your nix.conf
<duairc> infinisil: That seems to be doing something at least!
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<duairc> infinisil: Cool, I can at least test your idea from earlier now. It seems recursive nix doesn't allow this kind of thing
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<infinisil> Kind of expected that
<duairc> I've come up with a much simpler solution though in the mean time: instead of giving a derivation that makes the VM image, I'm just going to give a file containing a nix expression that contains a derivation that makes the VM image, and then I'll just nix-build that on the server when initialising the VM
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<infinisil> Yeah that's probably the best workaround
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ddelabru opened pull request #94105 → inform6: init at 6.34-6.12.2 →
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<duairc> I do appreciate you humouring me though :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam closed pull request #91201 → python3Packages.tornado: 5.1 -> 6.0.4 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93936 → python27Packages.yamllint: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python27Packages.yamllint: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.2 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93918 → python27Packages.pymysql: 0.9.3 -> 0.10.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python27Packages.pymysql: 0.9.3 -> 0.10.0 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93920 → python37Packages.nest-asyncio: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.nest-asyncio: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #94106 → undmg: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93881 → 0.6.0 -> 0.7.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93879 → python37Packages.astroquery: 0.4 -> 0.4.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.astroquery: 0.4 -> 0.4.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93913 → python37Packages.poetry: 1.0.9 -> 1.0.10 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python37Packages.poetry: 1.0.9 -> 1.0.10 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94062 → elfinfo: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #94107 → python3Packages.nvchecker: 1.6.post1 -> 1.7 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #94077 → tor: passthru tests →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master:
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<duairc> Does anyone have a nice one-liner for nix-building a file that needs to 'pkgs.callPackage'd to get a nix derivation out of it/
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<clever> duairc: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./foo.nix {}'
<duairc> clever: Cool, thanks! The -E bit was what I was missing
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #94075 → girara: 0.3.4 -> 0.3.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lopsided98 opened pull request #94108 → python3Packages.wxPython_4_0: remove unused dependencies →
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<makefu> the one-line should be persisted `somewhere` because i also use this extensively
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Artturin opened pull request #94109 → maintainers: add artturin →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #94110 → lorri: 1.1 -> 1.1.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @i077 closed pull request #89257 → everdo: init at 1.3.6 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq opened pull request #94111 → 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq opened pull request #94112 → conmon: 2.0.19 -> 2.0.20 →
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Cleanup »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil closed pull request #71529 → Add SGX packages →
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 52 minutes ago, history:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer opened pull request #94113 → python3Packages.sunpy: fix →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq merged pull request #93972 → gobetween: update vendored lxd →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq pushed to master « gobetween: update vendored lxd »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq merged pull request #94111 → 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zowoq pushed to master « 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 »:
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to nix-copy-latency « Fix RemoteStore::addToStore() latency »:
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra opened pull request #3876 → Fix RemoteStore::addToStore() latency →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #93878 → python27Packages.dropbox: 10.2.0 -> 10.3.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « python27Packages.dropbox: 10.2.0 -> 10.3.0 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #94110 → lorri: 1.1 -> 1.1.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed to master « lorri: 1.1 -> 1.1.1 »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee opened pull request #94114 → sd-switch: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 →
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<MarcWeber> I'd like to use rust and librealsense. However cargo build says that it cannot find the librealense header files. They are at /run/current*/sw/include. NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE didn't help. cc of rustc is failing. Is there a simple way to pass the -I flags to cc ?
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<clever> ,libraries MarcWeber
<{^_^}> MarcWeber: Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages, use nix-shell instead. See for details.
<clever> MarcWeber: only `nix-shell -p library` will setup -I properly
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @syberant opened pull request #94115 → dwm: add conf option →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed to master « sd-switch: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 »:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee closed pull request #94114 → sd-switch: 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #94116 → linuxptp: 2.0 -> 3.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #91974 → stdenv: make -nostdinc work as intended →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to staging:
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