sphalerite changed the topic of #nixos to: NixOS stable: 19.03 \o/ https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-19-03-release/2652 || https://nixos.org || Latest NixOS: https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html || Latest Nix: https://nixos.org/nix/download.html || Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/ || #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-chat, #nixcon ... nixcon videos: https://tinyurl.com/nixcon2018
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<growpotkin> Is there any Nix specific patterns for `Setup.hs` project build scripts?
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<thePirateKing> Hi everyone not so much an issue, but wondering, why does my nixos boot (which I currently have starting over 50 services) start legitimately 3 times faster than my old arch installation, which only starts 28 services?
<gchristensen> arch is systemd right?
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<thePirateKing> yeah
<slabity> I think Arch has a giant raminitfs/initcpio
<thePirateKing> it feels like nixos systemd is just faster
<thePirateKing> ah that could be it too
<gchristensen> it might be just a different set of dependency relationship which are set up, arch's might be more conservative
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8ea36d73256 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
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<gchristensen> systemd can analyze the boot process, and what takes time, if you want to actually dig in to what is different :)
<thePirateKing> Oh i did that
<thePirateKing> every aspect of boot process was 3x as slow
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<gchristensen> wow
<gchristensen> can't explain that
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<thePirateKing> just typical nix magic I guess, I did each boot 10 times and recorded results lol and it was a massive difference
<slabity> The only thing I can think of is that Arch typically builds software with many options enabled by default.
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<slabity> Software might just be a bit more bloated?
<thePirateKing> the more interesting aspect is with arch I am booting into a tty, and on nix I am booting into the default display manager, which i had thought would slow things down
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<thePirateKing> it might be that to play nice with grub arch requires lvm, which takes a long time to start on boot
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<thePirateKing> but i was just very impressed with nix because I used to be so proud about how fast i could boot
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<jasongrossman> thePirateKing: Interesting.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fjOG2
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<thePirateKing> I think the next time I am very bored I will get some more boots in and test out different things to try and figure out why/do some dumb t tests
<DigitalKiwi> there are people that boot arch in <5 seconds
<infinisil> DigitalKiwi: Still systemd?
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<slabity> I'm trying to install a package using nix-env and a branch that I have locally. However, `nix-env -I /my/nixpkgs -iA nixos.package` still uses what's in my nix-channel. What's wrong here?
<samueldr> infinisil: just checking my assumption is right, there's no ways to refer to a elsewhere set (lower priority) configuration within the nixos modules system, and use that to set it to a higher priority, right?
<nh2> slabity: try `-I nixpkgs=/my/nixpkgs` instead
<samueldr> (looking into ways to reduce duplicating a configuration)
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<infinisil> samueldr: Hmm, checking..
<nh2> I'd use `systemd-analyze plot` to compare what each OS is spending time on booting
<nh2> growpotkin: what kind of stuff are you thinking of for your `Setup.hs`?
<infinisil> samueldr: Pretty sure the answer is no
<infinisil> samueldr: While you could use `options.foo.definitions` and `options.foo.declarations` to get where the option is defined and to what value, any attempt to set the option itself to something depending on that will lead to infinite recursion (most likely)
<slabity> nh2: Does not seem to work.
<slabity> If I go into the directory and run `nix-build -A package` it builds fine.
<nh2> slabity: I usually use `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs nix-something ...` instead of `-I` but I think it _should_ do the same
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<samueldr> infinisil: thanks, that's what I thought (but didn't know about the internals)
<DigitalKiwi> infinisil: yeah
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<aanderse_> hi samueldr i was wondering if you might get a chance to review https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/59215 for 19.03 backport consideration this weekend?
<DigitalKiwi> anyway i was annoyed because they were talking about it and i'm like my computer usually takes more like minutes :(
<{^_^}> #59215 (by volth, 1 week ago, merged): perl: add .withPackages
<slabity> nh2: Strangely that doesn't seem to work either
<DigitalKiwi> point is there's more to it than just the difference being 'nixos' or 'arch'
<samueldr> aanderse_: most likely yes, main issue is my complete lack of knowledge about the perl infra, so it'll be looking and understanding what it means for differences
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @JohnAZoidberg opened pull request #59859 → siji: Also package bdf font → https://git.io/fjOGi
<aanderse_> samueldr: thank you so much! i really appreciate it!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #59389 → replace deprecated usage of PermissionsStartOnly (part 1) → https://git.io/fjmG4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 32 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOGP
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<DigitalKiwi> also i'm confused by the comment about arch grub needs lvm because that's not generally true
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<gchristensen> systemd is designed around booting fast, I'm not sure where the idea that it is slow comes from -- unless it is from improperly configured dependency trees
<clever> nh2: aha, thats weird!
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<gchristensen> I have a nixos config here which boots in I think it was 4s?
<DigitalKiwi> anyway what do you even have a computer for if all you do is reboot it all day ;p
<gchristensen> aye, this one is for transient VMs :P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #59521 → gnucash: 3.4 -> 3.5 → https://git.io/fjmXl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOGd
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<slabity> So I have a local copy of a nixpkgs repo that contains a fix for a package. Going into the directory and running `nix-build -A package` seems to work. But for some reason `nix-env -iA nixos.package -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs` does not. Anyone have an idea on the reason for this? Does nix-env not support the `-I` flag?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #59860 → pythonPackages.pyramid_chameleon: fix build by patching tests → https://git.io/fjOGF
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse opened pull request #59861 → perlPackages.libapreq2: install the perl & apache modules → https://git.io/fjOGA
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<worldofpeace> romildo: hey :)
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<DigitalKiwi> slabity: I think you can use `nix-env -f . -iA nixos.package` from that directory
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<thePirateKing> gchristensen, I figured it out, on arch there was some issue with 'man-db.service' which i resolved, now arch (If i ever boot in again lol) is booting in 8 seconds and nix in 4-6:)
<thePirateKing> very interesting though I am learning a lot
<jasongrossman> thePirateKing: Interesting.
<DigitalKiwi> it might be without the nixos. tho idk
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<thePirateKing> I am still confused how nix is so fast because for school I am booting neo4j, mysql, and mongo services
<gchristensen> nice
<wolfman154> Any know how to setup xinitrc in nixos?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed to staging « python3.pkgs.xarray: add isPy3k »: https://git.io/fjOZf
<wolfman154> I see xinit in nixos packages?
<wolfman154> I’m trying to change the settings so my laptop screen doesn’t turn off when I’m watching a video or something like that?
<wolfman154> gchristensen: how do I do this the nix way ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @JohnAZoidberg opened pull request #59862 → Fix pythonPackages.moviepy → https://git.io/fjOZq
<gchristensen> I really like ^ theirname
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<romildo> worldofpeace, what do you think about the following structure for a single module deepin.nix? https://gist.github.com/romildo/7631b739f1a742757ba84e21b0ddc97f
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<worldofpeace> romildo: I see, so appossed to before we'd have a lot of `(lib.mkIf config.services.deepin.foobar ...` enclosed configurations
<worldofpeace> * opposed
<slabity> DigitalKiwi: That seems to have worked. Thanks!
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<romildo> worldofpeace, are you opposing just to the parenthesized long expressions starting with `(lib.mkIf ...)`? If so, giving a name to them with a let expression and using the name would help, right?
<worldofpeace> romildo: Though doing a thing like `deepin.core` implies that there's that abstraction in deepin itself
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<romildo> worldofpeace, would it be better to put what is going as `services.desktop.deepin.core` directly into `services.xserver.desktopManager.deepin`?
<romildo> worldofpeace, and leave only the ones needed by applications runnable outside of deepin in this file?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samueldr opened pull request #59863 → Removes zfs from only the "new_kernel" installer variants → https://git.io/fjOZE
<wolfman154> 20:08 wolfman154: Sorry this is off topic but i want to add a script to xinitrc, I found xnit package in nixos, so how do I set this up?(when I install xinit does a xinitrc file get created automatically?
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<slabity> wolfman154: I'm not sure how xinit works, but you could probably call the script in your xsession
<slabity> For example, I have some scripts called in `services.xserver.desktopManager.session`
<worldofpeace> romildo: I'm thinking that the only thing that was really requested to change was to have all the `services` be in one place instead of copy pasta all does the same thing modules
<wolfman154> slabity: I’m trying to do this: https://superuser.com/questions/590225/disable-screen-turn-off#590226
<slabity> wolfman154: I believe that script would disable it fully, even outside of watching movies.
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<wolfman154> slabity: that’s fine, I’ll just suspend laptop when I leave the room
<slabity> Your video player should be telling dbus to disable the screensaver. What program is this?
<romildo> worldofpeace, it is not too clear to me what it means putting all the services in one place. Can you explain it further, please?
<slabity> wolfman154: Anyways, here is how I put things in my xsession: https://gitlab.com/slabity/nixos-config/blob/master/modules/i3/default.nix
<wolfman154> slabity: well I completely removed my desktop environment and am only using xmonad, I may have to do this manually?
<slabity> About 2/3 down you'll see the desktopManager.xsession variable
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<thePirateKing> wait are we trying to disable the screen from going dark?
<wolfman154> thePirateKing: exactly
<thePirateKing> lol
<thePirateKing> xset s off -dpms
<thePirateKing> put that in whatever you call on startup
<thePirateKing> at least in a non nix method
<wolfman154> thePirateKing: how do I put that in a nix file? https://superuser.com/questions/590225/disable-screen-turn-off#590226
<worldofpeace> romildo: the gist you've sent is exactly the correct reaction to that. You've declared all the service options in the same file `services/desktops/deepin/deepin.nix` instead of how in gnome it's all scattered.
<thePirateKing> oh idk my window manager is configured in shell commands so i just put it there
<thePirateKing> ill try and figure out a nix way to do it too
<clever> if you dont have an exec in sessionCommands, then it will continue and run whatever you selected as your desktop-env
<worldofpeace> romildo: Though I must mention that in the timezone I'm in, my ability to discuss nixos modules depreciates as time passes
<clever> in my case, i'm choosing to ignore the desktop-env stuff, and just forcibly taking over the session
<worldofpeace> romildo: Though I can tell you need my feedback and I'd like to give it to you when I can be most helpful.
<wolfman154> clever: I have no desktop environment, only xmonad, so pasting that should work?
<slabity> I'm confused. What's wrong with using desktopManager.session?
<clever> wolfman154: possibly
<worldofpeace> romildo: Are you free on saturday? I should be able to discuss and write some of it with you then.
<thePirateKing> wolfman154, I am using only herbstluftwm so same thing
<day|flip> wolfman154: services.xserver.config = "dump xorg config ";
<thePirateKing> but someone is sending me a way
<thePirateKing> wait
<wolfman154> I’m very confused right now
<wolfman154> :(
<thePirateKing> try services.xscreenserver.enable =false maybe?
<thePirateKing> services.xservices.xscreensaver*
<thePirateKing> it is a thing in home-manager
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<thePirateKing> no that isnt enabled hmm
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<thePirateKing> but definitely a more nix way is preferable
<romildo> worldofpeace, yes, I think I may have some free time on saturday morning.
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<wolfman154> infinisil: do you know how to do this? https://superuser.com/questions/590225/disable-screen-turn-off#590226
<wolfman154> infinisil: the nix way?
<slabity> Again... `desktopManager.session` will work... Is there something I'm missing?
<wolfman154> slabity: ok I’ll try your solution out, could you paste bin the link one more time
<thePirateKing> we are using window managers slabity
<thePirateKing> right?
<slabity> thePirateKing: So am I
<thePirateKing> oh cool
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<slabity> 2/3 down the page is my session script
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<slabity> Hell, you could probably copy most of that config and replace i3 with xmonad
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<wolfman154> slabity: the xssproxy?
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<slabity> Sure. Anything in nixpkgs you can put in there. `${pkgs.xssproxy}/bin/xssproxy [options]` would call that command
<wolfman154> slabity: cool, thanks
<wolfman154> slabity++
<{^_^}> slabity's karma got increased to 4
<slabity> Just make sure to run it in the background if it doesn't return, otherwise your session won't start
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<wolfman154> Ok
<thePirateKing> slabity++
<{^_^}> slabity's karma got increased to 5
<thePirateKing> it works!
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<worldofpeace> romildo: I'm assuming that would be in BRT?
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<slabity> Awesome, good to hear. Not sure if you need the displayManager settings in there.
<wolfman154> slabity: do I paste it in configuration.nix or home.nix?
<slabity> configuration.nix
<wolfman154> Ok
<slabity> Just the services.xserver part. The wrapper around it is just so I can make it a config option
<wolfman154> Oh so I place it in the xserver section?
<slabity> Yep
<wolfman154> Cool
<slabity> Just make sure to check what each of those settings do with `man configuration.nix`
<slabity> Don't want to use the modesetting driver if you've got an Nvidia card :P
<wolfman154> Ok
<wolfman154> I have no nvidia just something intel graphics card that came with my laptop
<romildo> worldofpeace, yes, Brasilia Time Zone - BRT, with a UTC offset of -3:00
<wolfman154> Well thanks guys I’m going to pass, can’t stay awake any longer
<wolfman154> Later
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<thePirateKing> slabity, I had no idea you could man configuration.nix
<thePirateKing> ty
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @AmineChikhaoui opened pull request #59864 → ec2-amis.nix: add 19.03 amis → https://git.io/fjOZj
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<worldofpeace> romildo: sounds good 👍
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<infinisil> > BRT = UTCShift "BRT" (-3)
<{^_^}> BRT defined
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<infinisil> > BRT
<{^_^}> "The time in BRT is currently 0:55:4 (UTC -3)"
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<infinisil> Ah darn, needs more 0's
<infinisil> > BRT
<{^_^}> "The time in BRT is currently 00:57:24 (UTC -3)"
<infinisil> There it is
<clever> > ADT
<{^_^}> "The time in ADT is currently 01:02:34 (UTC -3)"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tmcl opened pull request #59865 → llvm for windows cross compiler → https://git.io/fjOnC
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<DigitalKiwi> > GADT
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'GADT' at (string):252:1
<DigitalKiwi> that was funny and you laughed/smiled just admit it
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<thePirateKing> DigitalKiwi I laughed
<DigitalKiwi> thanks i'll be here all week
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nh2 opened pull request #59866 → trivial-builders: Fix runCommand examples → https://git.io/fjOng
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<justanotheruser> how can I add a channel for my local nixpkgs repo? Also, what is the canonical path for nixpkgs?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #58439 → apitrace: 363 -> 572 (2017-04-21 -> 2019-03-26) → https://git.io/fjU5P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOnP
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<MichaelRaskin> Re: config to boot in 4s: can we add it to all NixOS tests by default?
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @phildenhoff opened pull request #59870 → insomnia: Fix .desktop to link to Nix bin → https://git.io/fjOnF
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<justanotheruser> oh I guess nix-channel --add file://pathhere works
<justanotheruser> so what is the canonical path? Right now I just have ~/nixpkgs
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<Izorkin> etu: please check PR #59852 and #59853
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/59852 (by Izorkin, 11 hours ago, open): Memcached: update packages
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/59853 (by Izorkin, 10 hours ago, open): phpPackages.xdebug: 2.6.1 -> 2.7.1
<Izorkin> infinisil: please check PR #56255
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/56255 (by Izorkin, 7 weeks ago, open): nginx: do not run anything as root
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<etu> Izorkin: Chill out man, I got emails about it. I'll get back to you soon. It's Easter weekend here and I got stuff to do :)
<Izorkin> ok)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b merged pull request #59737 → joker: 0.10.1 -> 0.12.2 → https://git.io/fjY0n
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @c0bw3b pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOcJ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 merged pull request #59866 → trivial-builders: Fix runCommand examples → https://git.io/fjOng
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOcL
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<parsnip> hmm, shouldn't a user alice have a group alice?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 merged pull request #59701 → rambox: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.6 → https://git.io/fjYGv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOcZ
<parsnip> i'm looking at `chown -R username:username ~username/.weechat/ssl/`
<parsnip> should i add something to `users.users.alice = {` block or a users.group.alice variable?
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<parsnip> so far, `id alice` ==> `uid=1000(alice) gid=100(users) groups=1(wheel),100(users)`
<Izorkin> parsnip: users = { users.alice = { group = "alice"; }; groups.alice = { }; };
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 pushed commit from @Mic92 to release-19.03 « rambox: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.6 »: https://git.io/fjOcB
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<parsnip> ah, thank you. i think i understand the `group = "alice";` line, based on the nixos repo... researching the groups.alice line
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<parsnip> ah, "warning: user ‘alice’ has unknown group ‘alice’"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to update-calibre « calibre: 3.40.1 -> 3.41.0 »: https://git.io/fjOc0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub opened pull request #59871 → calibre: 3.40.1 -> 3.41.0 → https://git.io/fjOcE
<parsnip> thanks again!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to update-calibre « calibre: 3.40.1 -> 3.41.0 »: https://git.io/fjOc6
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<jomik> I get this error on nixos rebuild, I guess due to docker? `Failed to start Address configuration of vboxnet0.` Is that normal?
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<jomik> Wait, vboxnet may be virtualbox :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Izorkin opened pull request #59872 → Datadog: update packages → https://git.io/fjOcA
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<diamondb> hello, and hello tdeo
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<thePirateKing> hello diamondb!
<thePirateKing> hello diamonb*
<diamondb> great, someone answered me, I can finally ask away
<thePirateKing> is dave
<thePirateKing> so probably no luck
<diamondb> anybody knows which package provides x-terminal-emulator?
<thePirateKing> lol
<diamondb> lmao that's fine
<thePirateKing> this one?
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure NixOS provides the x-terminal-emulator alieas
<symphorien> I think x-terminal-emulator is debian specific.
<MichaelRaskin> You can always just create a symlink somewhere in PATH
<diamondb> well, I'm more of writing an app and I need to find a way to run the default terminal emulator
<diamondb> but i'm also on nix
<eeva> slabity: yeah :( looks like the current solution for building the chroot env is broken too now (because of a change upstream)
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<jomik> I am so confused. I have just run an upgrade, NixOS 19.03 and home-manager. Now my keyboard layout does not stick after I login.
<jomik> That is, I have colemak in SDDM, just not after logging in.
<jomik> Any ideas why, and how to fix?
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<andi-> jomik: how did you configure that layout? I used `home.keyboard.layout = "eu";` without issues so far.
<jomik> I never had any keyboard configuration in home-manager.
<andi-> mhm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #59794 → go-ethereum: 1.8.26 -> 1.8.27 → https://git.io/fjYdB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOCc
<jomik> I use xkbOptions and xkbVariant in my NixOS configuration.
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<andi-> home-manager defaults to `us` if I see that correct. Maybe that is new? I've always explicitly stated my layout there.
<jomik> Well, I don't even have home.keyboard
<jomik> And I had overriden the setxkbmap service that home-manager creates, to not actually do anything.
<jomik> Rebooting
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<jomik> Seems like when I log in, it saves my options, ctrl:nocaps, but it loses the variant.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed commit from @xrelkd to release-19.03 « go-ethereum: 1.8.26 -> 1.8.27 »: https://git.io/fjOC4
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<diamondb> how do you add a package in nix-shell?
<thePirateKing> nix-shell -p package
<diamondb> thanks
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<thePirateKing> np
<pbb> I am having a really strange issue
<pbb> I was trying to test my new server configuration in a VM, but it can not read its binaries from the nix store with error 24: too many open files
<pbb> but the number of open files in the VM is well below the limit
<pbb> is there a limit from the 9p mount maybe?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edude03 opened pull request #59873 → Add @dingxiangfei2009 to maintainers → https://git.io/fjOCz
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/87efa1fb5d7 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<pbb> blob:https://imgur.com/de7194e7-0837-4f89-b26d-6d2f01c5122e
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<pbb> this is what I meant
<pbb> really strange right?
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<jomik> :D home.keyboard is optional, but it still has defaults. I thought it was just made optional with null as default. So I need to set `home.keyboard = null`, feels odd to me..
<jomik> Maybe I should just set my layout there as well. I just dislike having the configuration two places.. :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #59874 → vimPlugins: update → https://git.io/fjOCK
<MichaelRaskin> OK, Home Manager has now officially reached the too much magic stage!
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<ar> how does home manager integrate with home assistant? ;)
<ar> (not a serious question, but i couldn't help myself)
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<rycee> jomik: Yeah, unfortunately I had to give the systemd unit option a more reasonable type but it breaks some configurations: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/9c0536deda9f72ed736cbb35b4ab806ab192035f/modules/misc/news.nix#L1025-L1053
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<rycee> And I'm thinking to change the default of home.keyboard to null for state version 19.09.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hedning merged pull request #59829 → More gnome 3.32.1 → https://git.io/fjOfN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hedning pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOCQ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra merged pull request #59864 → ec2-amis.nix: add 19.03 amis → https://git.io/fjOZj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOC7
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MazeChaZer opened pull request #59875 → matrix-synpase: Fix default identity server → https://git.io/fjOC5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #59874 → vimPlugins: update → https://git.io/fjOCK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed to master « vimPlugins: update (#59874) »: https://git.io/fjOCd
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/fe334ad075f (from 66 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-19.03-darwin)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Zimmi48 opened pull request #59876 → ocamlPackages.re: seq is not needed when OCaml >= 4.07 → https://git.io/fjOWG
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lheckemann pushed commit from @jD91mZM2 to release-19.03 « xidlehook: v0.6.1 -> v0.6.2 (#57599) »: https://git.io/fjOW8
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @PsyanticY opened pull request #1133 → EC2: Fix warning message of reattaching nvme volumes → https://git.io/fjOWz
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<jomik> clear
<jomik> Woops XD
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<jomik> Is there a pretty way to expose my packages in my nur-repo to the other packages in it? Can I do something like `callPackage p { pkgs = pkgs // pkgs';}` where pkgs' is an attrs of my nur packages?
<jomik> Oh, I guess I can not do that :P
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<sphalerite> jomik: you can use newScope, hang on…
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<sphalerite> jomik: hm, can't seem to find my use of newScope, but I think your toplevel nur expression could look something like `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: let callPackage = pkgs.newScope self; self = { foo = callPackage ./foo.nix {}; bar = callPackage ./bar.nix {}; }; in self`
<sphalerite> err, pkgs.newScope (pkgs // self)
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<sphalerite> jomik: then you can use `{ stdenv, lib, foo }: stdenv.mkDerivation …` in bar.nix
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<risson> Hi! Does anyone have any good leads on how to add a list of docker containers to be run inside the NixOS config ?
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<jomik> sphalerite: I'll try that! Thanks :P
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<jomik> sphalerite: When doing that it seems like my yarn2nix is not being overridden by the one I have in my nur repo.
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<jomik> ` callPackage = pkgs.newScope (pkgs // pkgs'); pkgs' = listDirectory (p: callPackage p {}) ./pkgs;`
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<jomik> There is also some `makeScope` thing
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<InFlames> where can I read about updating packages with nix?
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/fe334ad075f (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #59878 → wallutils: init at 5.7.2 → https://git.io/fjOlT
<jomik> InFlames: Depends on how you mean update - are your local packages outdated and you want to update to the newest in nixpkgs, or do you want to update the expression in nixpkgs because the package we have is outdated?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar merged pull request #59860 → pythonPackages.pyramid_chameleon: fix build by patching tests → https://git.io/fjOGF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOlt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #59879 → fix evaluation with `config.allowAliases = false` → https://git.io/fjOlq
<InFlames> thanks jomik, I just found the cheatsheet wiki, I was looking for a similar command to apt-get upgrade
<InFlames> it's nice to know every time I've typed sudo nixos-rebuild switch it's updated my packages, haha
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<rprije> I'm getting errors about needing to accept the Android SDK License Agreement by setting android_sdk.accept_license = true. I've done this both in nixos' configuration.nix and ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix but I'm still getting the error. Where should I be configuring it? Also, the error seems "sticky". I removed the dependency that triggered the error and i'm still getting the error.
<chrisaw> This is probably really simple but how do I define a libPath for patchelf to use in an overlay package?
<ajs124> rprije, what are you executing to get that error?
<chrisaw> Ah, disregard. Think I've figured it out.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #58960 → crumbs: init at version 0.0.3 → https://git.io/fjLUQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOl8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @florianjacob opened pull request #59880 → nixos/matrix-synapse: correct trusted_third_party_id_servers default → https://git.io/fjOl4
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<rprije> ajs124, I'm building an app x-compiling to android
<jomik> InFlames: It only updates your packages if you give it the `upgrade` flag. `sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`
<rprije> Actually, disregard the thing about stickiness; this time I got the error from a clean repo clone so I'm not sure what was happening before.
<rprije> The error is: "error: You must accept the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement at https://developer.android.com/studio/terms by setting nixpkgs config option 'android_sdk.accept_license = true;'
<ajs124> rprije, maybe your expression has an "import <nixpkgs> {}" somwhere, which wouldn't have that setting, as far as I remember.
<jomik> It is on your top-level config. So `android_sdk.accept_license = true;` in your `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` should do it.
<jomik> Or yeah if you import, you need to set it like ajs124 says.
<jomik> Also, IIRC, accepting licenses don't actually accept the licenses?
<jomik> I never got the nixpkgs android environment to work, so I made my own...
<rprije> I see. So you're saying something is failing to pass the config correctly during a nixpkgs import. Maybe you're right, I'll see if I can find that.
<rprije> jomik, How do you mean accepting the license doesn't accept the license? As in, not in a legal way or it doesn't get rid of the error?
<jomik> As in, you still need to manually accept the licenses afterwards using sdkmanager.
<jomik> Which is what I never got to work.
<jomik> So, the expression "works" and installs everything.
<rprije> Oh. That's a nuisance.
<jomik> But android tools still complain about not having accepted licenses.
<rprije> Thanks for the heads up
<jomik> I fixed that in my nur.
<ajs124> At least for compiling AOSP it works fine
<jomik> But, I don't think nixpkgs wants that solution.
<aanderse_> ajs124 <3
<jomik> ajs124: Oh? Can I see your setup? :O
<jomik> I spent a day trying to get it to work before I just gave up and wrote my own..
<aanderse_> you're my hero of the day yesterday :)
<jomik> Now I can do this : https://git.io/fjOlE
<aanderse_> submitting a change to not only add a nixos test for a module but then making the service not require root
<aanderse_> ps. i found why the bot won't run your test... you have a typo in all-tests.nix
<ajs124> jomik, https://github.com/ajs124/NixDroidIt's kind of intricate, but it can declaratively configure a hydra for you to build LineageOS. It only requires a roomservice.xml for your device.
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<ajs124> aanderse_, it's my first test. You could probably tell.
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<ajs124> And I'm in CEST, so I commited and pushed stuff when I should have been asleep
<aanderse> ha
<aanderse> it looks great, i'm a big fan of the PR :)
<jomik> ajs124: Where do you actually use the nixpkgs android environment?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 3 commits to release-19.03: https://git.io/fjOlg
<jomik> Oh, in buildenv, github's search is really terrible..
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<jomik> Stuff has changed since I tried using it tho \/
<jomik> really curious where it actually accepts the license for us.
<ajs124> jomik, yeah it's in buildenv. It's kind of hacky, because AOSP needs an FHSenv to build.
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<jomik> Ahah :P Yeah, that's annoying.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #59547 → base16-shell-preview: init at 0.3.0 → https://git.io/fjmDg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOlK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #59882 → goxel: re-enable aarch64 → https://git.io/fjOl6
<drager> Hi, so I just upgraded my OS as described here: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-upgrading and my configuration.nix says 18.09. Should I change that to 19.03 now?
<jomik> I didn't notice that there was an update to the android env last december. I guess I may end up removing my version on nur then :D
<jomik> drager: No.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « dav1d: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2 »: https://git.io/fjOli
<drager> Okey, why not?
<jomik> Pretty certain that there is a comment next to where it says 18.09, that says only to change it if the release notes say to, they don't say to.
<jomik> :D
<drager> Yeah okey
<drager> :D
<drager> Why is that?
<jomik> Dunno ~ Lol, I did ask the exact same thing yesterday. I couldn't find anything about it in the release notes.
<jomik> I think it is just there to enable some compatibility stuff.
<drager> Oh okey
<drager> Thanks
<chrisaw> When you're writing a standard nix pkg definition you can use refs like { qt4, xorg, ... } in your first line to reference those packages. What's the equivalent of that in an overlay package (i.e. starts with self: super:) ?
<chrisaw> nativeBuildInputs ?
<drager> btw, if I want a package, let's say `yarn` and I have version 1.1 and the latest at nixpkgs is 1.5. How do I get the latest version that's present in nixpkgs? Will I just get the latest version for a nixos upgrade? I mean, the `yarn` package will be updated pretty frequently
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<drager> I have noticed the latest version is present in nixpkgs but when I add it to my systemPackages in my configuration I get an old version.
<drager> (when I had 18.09 at least)
<jomik> drager: you need to update your nix channel (I assume you use channels) to be able to upgrade packages.
<jomik> `sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade` does that automatically.
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<sphalerite> InFlames: only if you pass --upgrade
<sphalerite> oops
<sphalerite> blargh
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<drager> jomik: I have done that to get 19.03 but I wont get the packages that are in nixpkgs master
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<pereira_alex> anyone using kde plasma ? i am getting crashes and some weird qt themes on some windows
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<ajs124> drager: if you want them in a shell, you can use nix-run -f channel:nixos-unstable
<ajs124> pereira_alex: do you have some qt apps installed in your userenv?
<pereira_alex> ajs124: no
<pereira_alex> ajs124: installed through configuration.nix , enabling plasma
<ajs124> *nix run, not nix-run
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<drager> ajs124: Oh ok, so master will be unstable and stable will have old packages then?
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<ajs124> Did you search github? Maybe there's something on there, about your specific apps. I used to have some problems with qt programs installed in userenv, but since you're not doing that, no idea.
<pereira_alex> ajs124: yes, i also found some issues about that. but didn't found issues about these kinds of problems. kde plasma seems completly broken here, and issues on github are kinda like one time thing, usually reported as fixed on unstable
<pereira_alex> ajs124: for example, i cannot even change the desktop from normal desktop or folder/icons desktop
<ajs124> Did you restart your X session since your last nixos-rebuild?
<pereira_alex> yes of course
<pereira_alex> it always did this, since installation. actually as soon as a package compile ends, i can test the live cd of 19.03 kde plasma
<ajs124> Huh. Works for me™️. Maybe driver issues? Does your journal say anything? Maybe there are some other kind of logs you could check.
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: not sure, it is a supremely minimal kernel that does most of it
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<pereira_alex> ajs124: not driver issues, never had these issues with other distros. will try to get more info at whats happening. good to know that it should be working
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #59884 → pythonPackages.serversyncstorage: disable if cornice.version != 0.17 → https://git.io/fjO88
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<pie_> ...nix uses 1-based indexing?
<pie_> or why is imap 1-based
<pie_> ok concatImapStringsSep uses imap1
<gchristensen> try imap0 pie_
<pie_> maybe it should be concatImap1StringsSep :p
<gchristensen> you could n-1
<pie_> its not that i cant figure out how to do it
<pie_> im not sure why im annoyed by such a trivial thing, i guess i dont like how its named. i can see how you would want the position into a string
<pie_> i just feel like im bikeshedding
<infinisil> ,stateVersion drager1
<{^_^}> drager1: Setting stateVersion to the latest release doesn't upgrade anything and can only break your setup at best. To actually upgrade NixOS see https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-upgrading. If you want to update the stateVersion option regardless, Ctrl-F for "stateVersion" in https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/release-notes.html to see things that need to be manually migrated with the new value.
<infinisil> You mean this thing in out config drager1 ?
<pie_> i made the assumption that it would be zero indexed and was surprised when my check if the index is zero didnt trigger
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @AmineChikhaoui opened pull request #59885 → cherry-pick ec2-amis.nix: add 19.03 amis → https://git.io/fjO8K
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<pereira_alex> just tested, same plasma problems happen on nixos 19.03 live cd
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<nyanloutre[m]> hello, there is a problem with the Steam update python script
<nyanloutre[m]> is someone already working on it ?
<ajs124> pereira_alex: I might have some time to test the CD later. Are you using the upstream iso?
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<pereira_alex> yes, normal download of nixos image, on the website and dd'ed to usb
<pereira_alex> this i think its not normal: WARNING: Cannot find style "org.kde.desktop" - fallback: "/nix/store/wchw4gjcjlgj08m7w489v520ila68893-system-path/lib/qt-5.12/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Desktop"
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<shatsky> Hi! I'm trying to debug an issue in nixpkgs.OVMF pkg. How can I use path from nixpkgs tree in a local nix expression, something like "OVMF = callPackage ../applications/virtualization/OVMF { seabios = null; openssl = null; };" which can be seen in all-packages.nix ? I want to see how what store path will it produce with altered args
<shatsky> If I copypaste it and run nix-build it fails of course, "error: syntax error, unexpected PATH, expecting '.' or '='"
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<infinisil> shatsky: Just `OVMF.override { openssl = null; }` will do
<infinisil> That's exactly what the .override function is for, changing these arguments
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<rnhmjoj> is there something like perl.withPackages to use in a nix-shell?
<gchristensen> you can use perl.withPackages in a nix shell
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<rnhmjoj> it doesn't look it. is it something new?
<gchristensen> no, how are you trying to do it?
<Izorkin> infinisil: please check PR #56255
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/56255 (by Izorkin, 7 weeks ago, open): nginx: do not run anything as root
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<rnhmjoj> gchristensen: `nix-shell -p 'perl.withPackages (p: [ p.AnyEvent ])'`
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<infinisil> rnhmjoj: Yeah it's very new, see #59215
<gchristensen> oh i see there is no perl.withPackages ...
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/59215 (by volth, 1 week ago, merged): perl: add .withPackages
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1fa9a0819e8 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
<gchristensen> sorry rnhmjoj I misunderstood your question!
<rnhmjoj> infinisil: thank you
<rnhmjoj> gchristensen: no problem
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<infinisil> gchristensen knowing about things he didn't even know he knew!
<gchristensen> haha
<exarkun> anyone have any opinions on https://github.com/jeaye/nixos-in-place ? is it totally crazy to expect this to work instead of trashing my drive?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tfc opened pull request #59887 → Add vim-emodeline plugin (Emacs style filetype detection) → https://git.io/fjO4c
<gchristensen> say more about "trashing" your drive? :P
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<infinisil> ,wololo exarkun
<gchristensen> :o
<gchristensen> what does "wololo" mean, infinisil?
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<exarkun> meh if I have to back everything up anyway then why bother with somethink janky like nixos-in-place/nixos-infect instead of just doing a fresh install
<infinisil> gchristensen: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wololo
<infinisil> (Horrible website but it was the first best explanation i could find)
<aminechikhaoui> ,trololo
<{^_^}> aminechikhaoui: Did you mean wololo?
<aminechikhaoui> eh didn't work :p
<aminechikhaoui> that bot is smart !
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<gchristensen> haha
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<pereira_alex> indeed ... from now on, every time i write a converter, i will call it wololo
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<pie_> is there a way to do a non-recursive let? debug = ghidra.noDebug // debug;
<pie_> im trying to shadow a variable name
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace merged pull request #59753 → Qsynth backport → https://git.io/fjYVS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace pushed 3 commits to release-19.03: https://git.io/fjO4y
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « oh-my-zsh: 2019-04-04 -> 2019-04-18 »: https://git.io/fjO49
<pie_> or maybe the problem is that this isnt evaluated strictly
<pie_> not sure how to do tat
<pereira_alex> more info: this might be the case for the missing kde style: https://phabricator.kde.org/D7257
<pereira_alex> seems to make it go away
<pereira_alex> but i still have this problem, for example: org.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin "kcm_fonts" "The shared library was not found
<pereira_alex> although ... it is , in the QT_PLUGINS_PATH
<sphalerite> pie_: `let foo = "hello": in let foo = "override"; in foo` ?
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #1133 → EC2: Fix warning message of reattaching nvme volumes → https://git.io/fjOWz
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjO47
<pie_> well....i got it to work with this but i dont really like it:
<pie_> debug' = debug;
<pie_> debug = ghidra.noDebug // debug';
<sphalerite> pie_: oh right, if you want to use the same variable name you need to rebind via a temporary name
<sphalerite> yeah like that.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #59879 → fix evaluation with `config.allowAliases = false` → https://git.io/fjOlq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fjO4d
<pie_> sphalerite, ah.
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<pie_> i would like it more if it didnt pollute the inner namespace
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<pie_> i guess this is why lisp has letrec and ...other things_
<pie_> ?
<pie_> well, lisp is strict though so thats probably different
<sphalerite> yeah
<sphalerite> oh yeah, what you can do (although it does have different semantics besides not being recursive) is `with { debug = ghidra.noDebug // debug };`
<pie_> isnt this a question of whether the the name on the left is in scope on the right though?
<pie_> hm
<sphalerite> wait no, that doesn't help
<sphalerite> since with doesn't shadow let-bound names
<pie_> it doesnt?
<sphalerite> unless the original debug came from a with too
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<sphalerite> > let a = 5; in with { a = 6; }; a
<{^_^}> 5
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<sphalerite> > let a = 5; in let a = 6; in a
<{^_^}> 6
<pie_> ok that seems kind of messed up :D
<pie_> theres probably a good reason for it but i did NOT know that
<sphalerite> > with { a = 5; }; with { a = 6;}; a
<{^_^}> 10
<sphalerite> WHOA
<sphalerite> WHAT
<sphalerite> > a
<{^_^}> 10
<pie_> uhhh
<sphalerite> oh okay.
<pie_> > b
<{^_^}> 10
<pie_> suuuuure
<sphalerite> > with { foobarbaz = 5; }; with { foobarbaz = 6; }; foobarbaz
<{^_^}> 6
<sphalerite> > a =
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ';', at (string):26:6
<sphalerite> > :u a
<{^_^}> Unknown command: u
<sphalerite> > :?
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ':', at (string):252:1
<pie_> > [ a b c ]
<sphalerite> > :v a
<{^_^}> [ 10 10 <CODE> ]
<{^_^}> a = 10
<sindrip> very deterministic
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<infinisil> Can't undefine stuff xD
<infinisil> I have plans to improve this repl though
<sphalerite> pie_: anyway, yes, there is a good reason — to be (more) consistent about where a name comes from. `with` is dynamic scoping, and if that overrides static scoping it can (arguably) be even more confusing than if it doesn't.
<sphalerite> > a = null;
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ';', at (string):26:11
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<pie_> sphalerite, oh, because the attributed in with somethingorother; can change
<sphalerite> pie_: yep.
<pie_> this all makes sense im just bothered by the fact that ive never seen this mentioned anywhere :D , which is probably my problem but people shooting themselves in the foot scares me
<sphalerite> of course, you can also use builtins.scopedImport to make the whole world full of lies
<pie_> which is of course undocumented
<pie_> how the hell do you find this stuff :P
<infinisil> scopedImport can even change what +, - and such do..
<pie_> yay overloading :D
<pie_> infinisil, how do YOU find this stuff ÖP
<pie_> :P
<infinisil> ;)
<infinisil> I should write a blog about "stuff you might not know about the nix language"
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<gchristensen> lol
<pie_> infinisil, pls
<pie_> infinisil, i should write a blog about how to debug nix stuff
<gchristensen> everybody, please write blog posts about Nix! :)
<pie_> here i am not having a clue trying to write documentation, all the people that actually have a clue are doing other stuff D:
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<Netsu> symphorien Can you help with simple package derivation? That one https://github.com/dbuenzli/hmap/blob/master/opam, here wip: https://gist.github.com/Pitometsu/1d12a5406cdaf4991937a00bdd211a91
<Netsu> symphorien: ^^
<pie_> sphalerite, man now i have to pay attention to whether im trying to override something in a let with a with :/
<Netsu> cannot understand what supposed to be in install phase for such dummy package.
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<pie_> sphalerite, uhh i thought it worked but it actually didnt
<pie_> im still getting infinite recursion
<pie_> unless i inadvertently messed up something else
<pie_> > let debug = {}; in (let debug' = debug; debug = { wat = 2; } // debug' ) in debug
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting ';', at (string):252:72
<pie_> > let debug = {}; in (let debug' = debug; debug = { wat = 2; } // debug' ); in debug
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting ';', at (string):252:72
<pie_> oh i botched that bad heh
<pie_> > let debug = {}; in (let debug' = debug; debug = { wat = 2; } // debug'; in debug )
<{^_^}> infinite recursion encountered, at (string):252:65
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2f0eda84b62 (from 33 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-19.03-darwin)
<siraben> I seem to have multiple versions of GHC in /nix/store , each taking up around 1.4G of space, how can I see what packages need the different versions?
<siraben> They don't disappear when I run sudo nix-collect-garbage -d
<pie_> siraben, there was a way to query the nix store for dependents of specific things...
<siraben> pie_: no longer?
<pie_> nix-store --query --referrers <store path here>
<pie_> (had to search the man page)
<pie_> you can try that
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<pie_> there might be a better way though
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm opened pull request #59888 → [release-19.03] Backport aws-sams-cli → https://git.io/fjOBW
<pie_> might also look at https://github.com/symphorien/nix-du
<siraben> pie_: Thanks. Looks like pandoc's the culprit
<Unode> hi all, which package provides (...)gcc-7.3.0-lib/lib/../lib64/libstdc++.a ?
<siraben> It's weird because some of these GHC versions look the same https://paste.debian.net/1078452/
<siraben> but the hashes differ
<pie_> siraben, well maybe they're compiled with different dependencies or something
<siraben> Right
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<siraben> I guess I have to use more space to get the benefits of a declarative system
<pie_> yeah :/
<pie_> thats one of the disadvantages with the nix model
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<siraben> On one of my machines it's quite limited for space, I have to run nix-collect-garbage quite often
<simpson> siraben: Declare fewer packages, isolate stuff with nix-shell and direnv/etc.
<infinisil> ,locate libstdc++.a
<{^_^}> Found in packages: gcc-unwrapped, gcc-arm-embedded, gcc-arm-embedded-5, gcc-arm-embedded-6, gcc-arm-embedded-7, gcc-arm-embedded-4_7, gcc-arm-embedded-4_8, gcc-arm-embedded-4_9
<infinisil> Unode: ^^
<siraben> simpson: I see.
<Unode> infinisil: awesome, thanks
<infinisil> Unode: (gcc also, not only -unwrapped ones)
<siraben> simpson: how do I know what should be declared or not?
<Unode> trying to compile a static binary and it complains that it can't find that lib
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<simpson> siraben: Depends. I personally use the rule that I want as few systemPackages as possible.
<Unode> and that seems to have solved it
<infinisil> Unode: what did?
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<Unode> infinisil: ,locate is that a custom nix-shell command?
<infinisil> ,locate
<{^_^}> Use ,locate <filename> to find packages containing such a file. Powered by nix-index (local installation recommended)
<Unode> infinisil: adding gcc-unwrapped to nix-shell packages
<infinisil> Unode: adding gcc doesn't work?
<Unode> infinisil: ah, yeah I'm not on nixos so don't have that tooling on the system
<Unode> infinisil: no gcc alone wasn't cutting it
<Unode> nix-shell -p zlibStatic zlib.static glibc.static binutils automake autoconf libtool gcc-unwrapped --pure
<Unode> ^^ this did
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<infinisil> Unode: nix-index doesn't need NixOS
<pie_> symphorien, just checked out nix-du a bit, seems neat
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<pie_> \o/
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<Unode> infinisil: yeah, just saying that I don't have it here. I often miss something like nix-index in a https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html like form
<Unode> kinda like what debian,ubuntu & friends have
<siraben> simpson: so things like cabal, etc should be handled through nix-shell instead?
<simpson> siraben: Oh, definitely, I would try to avoid installing a GHC into systemPackages. But, then again, I almost never use GHC.
<siraben> but then what if I just want to open a shell and run GHCi
<siraben> I'd have to run nix-shell before all the time, right?
<siraben> Whenever I do nix-shell it changes my shell to bash instead of zsh, not sure if I can make it stay zsh
<infinisil> Unode: That sure would be nice yeah
<infinisil> Unode: nix-index also takes a huge amount of memory to build an index, so you can't even do this locally on a lot of machines
<Unode> infinisil: yup I ran into that issue on my 4GB laptop
<exarkun> simpson: I think I'm confused.. it sounds like you're saying using software with nix-shell/direnv/etc uses less disk space than installing it with systemPackages?
<lassulus> siraben: you can use nix-shell --command zsh
<infinisil> In fact, the server that's running ,locate can't build the index itself, I have to copy it over from my own machine
<Unode> memory management is tricky with nix I guess...
<lassulus> but you wil lose some features like shellInit hooks in the shell.nix
<simpson> exarkun: I'm saying that a lifestyle of keeping lots of stuff in systemPackages and calling nixos-rebuild often is going to chew space, yes. It sounds like siraben has several rebuilds of GHC in their old system profiles.
<siraben> lassulus: ah that works, thanks.
<Unode> infinisil: so seems like something still failed, the final binaries aren't static. More digging required. Now trying a clean build just in case
<infinisil> Unode: You might want to write a shell.nix file so you can switch out the stdenv or so
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<infinisil> nix-shell -p ... is just a shorthand for `pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { buildInputs = [ ... ]; }`, which means you can't change the stdenv
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<Unode> ok seems like the gcc-unwrapped wasn't sufficient. Now with a clean build I get the same error as before
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<Unode> (custom root, ...)store/38jjghhz5ylbg4igmhvhb04p9sffz6hs-gcc-7.3.0-lib/lib/../lib64/libstdc++.a: No such file or directory
<infinisil> Unode: There *is* pkgsStatic, but I'm not sure if that's needed (and it would mean recompiling a lot)
<siraben> simpson: so direnv would help resolve that problem how?
<siraben> Using direnv + nix-shell?
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<Unode> infinisil: I was trying nix-shell for a quick and dirty. Plan B is to write a nix recipe and build dynamic with nix.
<exarkun> simpson: cool, thanks for explaining
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<siraben> I'm trying to reduce space usage in general, but while still being able to do stuff like use GHC etc.
<siraben> Maybe they're contradictory goals
<exarkun> "using less while using more does sound contradictory" but it sounds like simpson's suggestion would help you use *one* GHC (at a time) instead of several, which would be a space savings
<exarkun> at the cost of time, it sounds like? since you have to set up the GHC you want to use approximately each time?
<Unode> and plan B it is, can't tell if the missing lib is a local issue or something else
<Unode> infinisil: thanks for the help
<siraben> exarkun: right, because at the moment I just open up a shell and type ghci and it "just works"
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<siraben> I'm not sure why the older builds of GHC are being held onto though
<siraben> across rebuilds and so on
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<samrose> under what conditions are `system.activationScripts` run?
<siraben> Similar issues with the Rust toolchain, whether to use nix-shell or keep it in configuration.nix
<siraben> rustc, rustfmt, cargo etc.
<siraben> I suppose I could just launch Emacs from within a nix-shell with the appropriate packages enabled, so that the different modes and so on work fine
<siraben> And the global system wouldn't be "polluted"
<samrose> ok I see this "A set of shell script fragments that are executed when a NixOS system configuration is activated. Examples are updating /etc, creating accounts, and so on. Since these are executed every time you boot the system or run nixos-rebuild, it's important that they are idempotent and fast."
<samrose> from https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#system.activationscripts
<gchristensen> samrose: they run every time the system is "activated". a system is activated at boot time, when booting the generation, and with `nixos-rebuild test/switch`
<gchristensen> activation scripts **must not fail**
<samrose> LOL
<samrose> I have broken that cardinal rule
<samrose> this activation script deal is really cool
<gchristensen> a failed activation script will fail boot. activation scripts can often (and almost always should) be a systemd unit
<exarkun> siraben: I think someone suggested it's because you still have old profiles (which allow you to revert your rebuild).
<samrose> gchristensen: hmm thanks for that. I will move this to a systemd unit that makes much more sense
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<gchristensen> a good choice :)
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<gchristensen> samrose: look at /run/current-system/activate for a taste of the type of things which typically go in activation scripts -- I think you'll find almost all of them really can't be a systemd unit
<infinisil> I really wish we could get rid of the stateful /run/wrappers/bin for setuid binaries
<gchristensen> what would you do instead?
<gchristensen> (/run isn't maximally stateful, since it is a tmpfs, but avoiding state is definitely +1)
<infinisil> gchristensen: Change Nix to allow setuid binaries in the store, or something along those lines
<gchristensen> yikes
<infinisil> Well, yes there's problems with it
<gchristensen> I'll take /run/wrappers/bin any day ;a)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #57557 → nixos/virtualbox: add swap file → https://git.io/fhjA0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOBj
<samrose> gchristensen: yeah I was peeking in there, and the idea that you can't boot if these things fail means I should rarely if ever want to write things into there unless it's super clear I need to so thank you for that
<gchristensen> yep! glad to help :)
<infinisil> gchristensen: So the problem is that anybody could just build a setuid binary via nix, put it in the store and execute it to gain privileges, right?
<gchristensen> iirc, clever has tales of people doing network access in the activation script and finding a surprise on next boot, where there is no network yet
<gchristensen> infinisil: that is one of the problems, sure
<samrose> ugh, no thank you
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<infinisil> gchristensen: What are other problems?
<siraben> exarkun: How do I delete those old profiles?
<exarkun> someone else can probably answer that better than I can.
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<exarkun> my nixos knowledge is mostly theoretical :)
<infinisil> siraben: I've been using `sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --delete-generations {493..498}` to delete system generations
<infinisil> siraben: Which I think is equivalent to just rm'ing those files and then doing a garbage collection
<infinisil> gchristensen: Nice document, good to see this fixed
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> allowing any form of setuid makes the nix store significantly more challenging to preserve security invariants
<infinisil> Some form of authentification as to who can run which binaries in the store would be needed
<infinisil> gchristensen: Oh, what's the problem with just saying "Only nix builds from the root user can create setuid binaries"?
<gchristensen> sorry, I can't enter in to this hypothetical right now -- it is too much and too complicated. the access control required simply doesn't exist in nix
<sphalerite> infinisil: say there's a security bug in sudo which is fixed by a new version. What do you do?
<Netsu> symphorien: ping?
<sphalerite> infinisil: just upgrading isn't enough.
<sphalerite> (if hypothetically suid is allowed in the store)
<infinisil> sphalerite: The sudo used for `sudo nix-build` or?
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<sphalerite> infinisil: the sudo which lives in the store and is setuid.
<infinisil> Well, update as normal, I don't see the problem
<infinisil> Ah
<infinisil> Yeah no i see the problem
<sphalerite> infinisil: you still have the old insecure setuid sudo lying around
<sphalerite> yeah
<infinisil> That's indeed a problem..
<gchristensen> not to mention unknowably compromised store paths
<sphalerite> hotter take: we shouldn't have setuid at all B)
<gchristensen> now you're talking my language, sphalerite!
<sphalerite> who needs sudo when you have ssh?
<gchristensen> O.o
<gchristensen> you are no longer talking my langaugae, sphalerite!
<pie_> lol
<sphalerite> haha
<infinisil> sphalerite: But we need setuid, or can we somehow else use all the binaries in /run/wrappers/bin/
<infinisil> ?
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<gchristensen> maybe a better approach to this conversation is: what is the problem you would like to solve with /run/wrappers/bin ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MazeChaZer closed pull request #59875 → matrix-synpase: Fix default identity server → https://git.io/fjOC5
<ar> sphalerite: "Match Address,::1\nPermitRootLogin yes"? ;)
<infinisil> Hmm..
<sphalerite> infinisil: well, by making them not require setuid.
<sphalerite> ar: yes! and `alias sudo="ssh root@localhost" :D
<gchristensen> help
<infinisil> My original idea was to avoid it because it's stateful and not reproducible. But that's not entirely true, because you can put a binary into the /nix/store that *builds* /run/wrappers/bin, which is what we're doing
<pie_> sphalerite, oh thats a great idea
<sphalerite> ar: or, better, only allow pubkey auth and auth using a yubikey or similar.
<gchristensen> ah, yeah! it is just an unexecuted thunk!
<ar> yeah
<sphalerite> pie_: not my idea, I have to admit :p
<sphalerite> I think it was one of my colleagues I got the idea from
<gchristensen> I'd like to see the Nix community move away from sshing as root
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cpages merged pull request #59838 → steamrt 1.1 -> 1.2 → https://git.io/fjOIO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cpages pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjORm
<sphalerite> gchristensen: what makes sudo better than ssh?
<gchristensen> sudo isn't a networked service for one
<sphalerite> you can have ssh only listen on loopback
<pie_> why use sudo when you can use doas
<gchristensen> infinisil: it might be interesting for you to know that our security wrappers don't build anything at all
<gchristensen> the security wrapper is created by nix and then granted setuid at activation time
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cpages pushed commit from @jethrokuan to release-19.03 « steamrt 1.1 -> 1.2 »: https://git.io/fjORs
<infinisil> Yeah I thought so
<gchristensen> sphalerite: you can't have sudo listen at all :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sondr3 opened pull request #59889 → git-ignore: 0.2.0 -> 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fjORG
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: I'm interested though, what would you envision as a replacement for setuid stuff?
<gchristensen> an interesting thing is you can grant namespaces fine-grained capabilities
<gchristensen> for example, `ping` doesn't need to be root, it just needs CAP_NET_RAW
<sphalerite> lol "fine-grained"
<gchristensen> let's try "finer-grained"
<sphalerite> :D
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<sphalerite> but most of what you need sudo for is stuff that's thrown into CAP_SYS_ADMIN
<gchristensen> yae
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<gchristensen> at any rate, I'm not sure
<gchristensen> but also while I don't really mind setuid, I would love to see less privilege being granted in any case possible
<sphalerite> what do you think of daemon-mediated privileged access in general?
<gchristensen> I'm definitely interested
<gchristensen> (I follow this model already, by using Vault to manage and maintain secrets)
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #1130 → nixos-infect: update channel to 18.09 → https://git.io/fjYY5
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjORW
<infinisil> One thing I put on my todo list now is to add a package to build setuid setup binaries
<infinisil> Because right now this is deep embedded into NixOS when it doesn't need to be
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<infinisil> Which also means you can't set up setuid binaries for projects right now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #59540 → hylafaxplus: 5.6.1 -> 7.0.0 → https://git.io/fjmMx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOR8
<sphalerite> infinisil: sure you can. `sudo chmod u+s ./build-product` :D
<infinisil> By providing a package for this you could do `shellHook = "sudo ${pkgs.setupWrappers { ping = "${pkgs.ping}/bin/ping"; }}/bin/setup-wrappers"`
<infinisil> sphalerite: I mean like this ^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm merged pull request #59464 → cimg: 2.5.5 -> 2.5.6 → https://git.io/fjmaB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjORB
<infinisil> For binarise you need for development
<sphalerite> yeah that would be neat
<infinisil> (I needed this for a recent project, I had to add the projects binaries to NixOS to get it working..)
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<gchristensen> awkward
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #59834 → Prodigal: init at 2.6.3 → https://git.io/fjOUW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOR0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #59890 → mako: 1.2 -> 1.3 → https://git.io/fjORg
<infinisil> Although, where would I set up those wrappers
<infinisil> Because they should get removed again after I'm done developing
<infinisil> Ah, tmpfs
<infinisil> Right
<infinisil> Well, they at least won't persist forever with a tmpfs
<infinisil> And I could even set up a mount space such that only that projects nix-shell could even access these binaries
<infinisil> I think
<gchristensen> you could make them not even exist
<gchristensen> just make them aliases
<sphalerite> I'm not sure the mount namespace stuff would work
<sphalerite> since you need to be root in the current user namespace to create a mount namespace
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Yarny0 opened pull request #59891 → Barco clickshare → https://git.io/fjORw
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<edef> my hotter take is that we shouldn't have a root user
<edef> linux's capability model has a "legacy mode" for the root user, but nothing obliges one to use that
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<edef> everything one might want to do is perfectly achievable with just capabilities, however
<edef> i don't think i know of any distros that actually do this, but we're fairly uniquely positioned to make that kind of change
<gchristensen> edef: tell me more?
<gchristensen> I'll give it a go, what is the worst that can happen
<sphalerite> CAP_SYS_ADMIN: The new root :D
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: the worst that can happen if you give it a go compared to if you didn't give it a go? Disregarding butterfly effect, you waste some time :p
<gchristensen> hehe
<sondr3> how do you list the available licenses in Nix again?
<gchristensen> sondr3: look in lib/licenses.nix
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2f0eda84b62 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03-small)
<yorick> garbas: thoughts on #55976 ?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: yeah, but more thinking that since the only dirs I have persist are /boot /home and /nix, it is pretty ultra-low commitment for me :P
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55976 (by colemickens, 8 weeks ago, open): vaapi-intel: v2.3.0 -> v20190211
<sondr3> figured as much, it feels like someone did some IRC magic last time and had the bot show them
<sondr3> thanks
<gchristensen> experiments like "turning on maximum security options on every service" are not scary
<sphalerite> gchristensen: yep
<gchristensen> oh, sphalerite
<gchristensen> oh, sondr3
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<gchristensen> > :p builtins.attrNames pkgs.lib.licenses
<{^_^}> [ "abstyles" "afl21" "afl3" "agpl3" "agpl3Plus" "amazonsl" "amd" "apsl20" "arphicpl" "artistic1" "artistic2" "asl20" "beerware" "boost" "bsd0" "bsd2" "bsd3" "bsdOriginal" "bsl11" "cc-by-30" "cc-by-40"...
<gchristensen> too many apparently :)
<sondr3> gchristensen: there it is!
<yorick> gchristensen: what's :p?
<sondr3> yeah, but the one I'm looking for is there 8)
<sondr3> thanks again
<yorick> oh, evaulate and print recursively, thanks
<gchristensen> :p means print, otherwise Nix might be lazy and just say {CODE} or whatever
<sphalerite> > builtins.attrNames lib.licenses
<{^_^}> [ "abstyles" "afl21" "afl3" "agpl3" "agpl3Plus" "amazonsl" "amd" "apsl20" "arphicpl" "artistic1" "artistic2" "asl20" "beerware" "boost" "bsd0" "bsd2" "bsd3" "bsdOriginal" "bsl11" "cc-by-30" "cc-by-40"...
<sphalerite> oh, not in this case?
<gchristensen> I guess not
<infinisil> sphalerite: mount space would work because we already need root to create the setuid binaries in the first place
<sphalerite> oh yeah because attrset keys need to be evaluated strictly? I think?
<edef> gchristensen: i'll have to dig a bit, i'm relatively sleepy rn >_<
<gchristensen> no worries
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<sondr3> followup question, I'm adding a cargo utility to nixpkgs, should I put it in all-package.nix or somewhere else? I see cargo-edit is there for example
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #59892 → ocamlPackages.tyxml: 4.2.0 -> 4.3.0 and related updates → https://git.io/fjORM
<sphalerite> infinisil: right, I guess if you hijack the nix-shell process you can do that. But it won't be a normal nix-shell anymore :p
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<sphalerite> sondr3: yeah all-packages should be fine
<sondr3> sphalerite: thanks
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<sondr3> dang, can't compile the package due to the old version of cargo-vendor in nixpkgs
<{^_^}> #57017 (by akru, 6 weeks ago, open): cargo-vendor: 0.1.13 -> 0.1.23
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/02bb5e35eae (from 8 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sondr3 opened pull request #59893 → [WIP] cargo-outdated: init at 0.8.0 → https://git.io/fjORF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Yarny0 opened pull request #59894 → HylaFAX: fix ModemGroup, also minor metadata updates (backport to release-19.03) → https://git.io/fjORN
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<symphorien> Netsu: I commented on you gist.
<chrisaw> Is there a simple way to escape characters on the substituteInPlace function?
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<chrisaw> Trying to substitute a string containing "-" characters so sIP is treating them as arguments to it instead of literal strings.
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<infinisil> chrisaw: Not sure what you mean, an example would help
<symphorien> chrisaw: did you try adding -- as first argument ?
<chrisaw> infinisil: substituteInPlace example.txt '/usr/bin/env -S bash -e' '/usr/bin/env bash'
<infinisil> chrisaw: Um, you need --replace
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<infinisil> sIP <file> --replace <what-to-replace> <what-to-replace-it-with>
<chrisaw> infinisil: Do you err... have any bullets I could borrow? I only need one! :D
<infinisil> xD
<gchristensen> yikes :)
<chrisaw> infinisil: In seriousness though - thanks a lot! That's exactly what I needed. :)
<gchristensen> a cool thing about Nix is your mistakes are contained, so you can feel pretty good that it didn't leak anywhere
<gchristensen> you should see the horribly bad mistakes I make almost constantly
<chrisaw> gchristensen: Well wait just a second here. The cool thing about Nix is *almost* everything!
<gchristensen> haha yes yes true my mistake ;)
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<chrisaw> I do have one (well many actually but one for now!) issues I'm fighting with though. It does look like the substituteInPlace issue now solved (woo!) but the issue I'm trying to fix with it isn't
<chrisaw> I'm trying to fix an issue causing the automatic shebang patching to fail before it actually fails but my fix seems to be being ignored. Do I have to run it in a certain phrase to ensure it's run before shebang patches are applied?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed commit from @jansol to master « pycdio: fix build »: https://git.io/fjO0O
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<chrisaw> Trying to fix this: /nix/store/9dk86gfhkqd884wqm7pb36br85k5lwp3-rambox-pro-1.1.2/opt/RamboxPro/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/ad-block/vendor/depot_tools/create-chromium-git-src: unsupported interpreter directive "/usr/bin/env -S bash -e" (set dontPatchShebangs=1 and handle shebang patching yourself)
<chrisaw> One of about 10,000 issues packaging up this app so far! :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee closed pull request #59649 → pycdio: fix build → https://git.io/fjYI6
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<samrose> I see how to pin users in nix expression, but what is a good way to pin gids?
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<symphorien> chrisaw: patch the script so that the first two lines are #!/usr/bin/env bash\nset -e
<infinisil> samrose: Just assing `users.groups.<name>.gid = <the id you want>`
<infinisil> s/assing/assigning !
<infinisil> samrose: Assuming you don't delete /var/lib/nixos/gid-map though, you'll get the same gid's for the same users on the same machine
<hartmann> I was given some great advice on here recently to move a lot of my packages from the global `configuration.nix` file into my specific user (Thanks!). In addition to letting me rebuild my system without running out of disk space it also had a couple of unexpected side effects: I can suddenly run certain applications (slack, spotify, alacritty) without `optirun` and I didn't need to restart the display manager after waking from
<hartmann> hibernation. Both great wins. However, in exchange I got screen tearing (mitigated by Compton) and some weird monitor issues where sometimes the graphics are seemingly stopping randomly and turning to black somewhere on screen (though the cursor is happy to dance over it). I'm thinking the latter two may be related to xfce somehow, though the configuration hasn't changed other than Compton, so that's probably the culprit somehow. Does
<hartmann> this sound familiar to anyone at all?
<sondr3> nope :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fjO0l
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu merged pull request #59852 → Memcached: update packages → https://git.io/fjOmu
<hartmann> Haha, fair enough.
<chrisaw> symphorien: That's a good call - just added a quick patch for that which does look to be applied and guess what? Shebang patching still fails with the same file. :|
<chrisaw> Just ran garbage collection so hopefully it was just a cached build dir or something.
<symphorien> what is the new error message ?
<chrisaw> Same: /nix/store/7jid9fvfw6airlh2mc4fy5c4qn2hrjsz-rambox-pro-1.1.2/opt/RamboxPro/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/ad-block/node_modules/bloom-filter-cpp/vendor/depot_tools/create-chromium-git-src: unsupported interpreter directive "/usr/bin/env -S bash -e" (set dontPatchShebangs=1 and handle shebang patching yourself)
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<symphorien> you patch does not seem to be applied
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sondr3 opened pull request #59895 → hugo: 0.55.0 -> 0.55.2 → https://git.io/fjO0B
<chrisaw> patching file resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/ad-block/vendor/depot_tools/create-chromium-git-src
<chrisaw> applying patch /nix/store/5shjxr1r38mcrzq3wr7yv45z78c1nphw-create-chromium-git-src.patch
<pie_> omg nix-shell -p has tab completion now??
<pie_> :O
<symphorien> chrisaw: it's not the same fiel
<symphorien> *file
<chrisaw> Hah, just noticed that :|
<chrisaw> Cheers for the help symphorien :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu merged pull request #59853 → phpPackages.xdebug: 2.6.1 -> 2.7.1 → https://git.io/fjOmj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjO0r
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-19.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2cef8127e04 (from 81 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-19.03-darwin)
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<sphalerite> pie_: it's been around for quite a while…
<sphalerite> (but isn't it great??)
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<Netsu> symphorien: Oh, thanks, I trying to ${ocaml}/bin/ocaml -I ${findlib}/lib/ocaml/${ocaml.version}/site-lib/ pkg/pkg.ml and ${opaline}/bin/opaline -prefix $out -libdir $OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR ${name}.install
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<Netsu> would try your solution as it looks nicer
<symphorien> basically, I went to https://github.com/dbuenzli/hmap/blob/master/pkg/pkg.ml, saw it uses topkg, and grepped for topkgs in nixpkgs
<symphorien> then I copy pasted the cleanest looking solution
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj opened pull request #59896 → rxvt_unicode: allow to specify dependencies for plugins → https://git.io/fjO0M
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<Netsu> symphorien: thanks, I missed that for some reasol. Works like a charm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #59897 → Miscellaneous cross compilation fixes → https://git.io/fjO05
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kierdavis opened pull request #59898 → modd: init at 0.8 → https://git.io/fjO0b
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<justanotheruser> how can I set nixpkgs to a local path? when I do `sudo nix-channel --add file://path nixos` it gives me error: unable to download 'file://path': URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL (3)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nyanloutre opened pull request #59899 → steamrt: fix update script → https://git.io/fjOEe
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<Myrl-saki> justanotheruser: file:///, triple slash.
<Myrl-saki> justanotheruser: Also, I use /etc/nixos/nixpkgs.
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<justanotheruser> Myrl-saki: thanks!
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<IRC-Source_64> Hi all
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<IRC-Source_64> Anyone happen to know what the current best practice is for overriding a package version off github. I've used overlays and overrides in the past, but I've never really known what the "correct" way to do it is
<infinisil> IRC-Source_64: foo.overrideAttrs (old: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { ... }; })
<IRC-Source_64> Thanks infinisil
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<IRC-Source_64> What is the purpose of an overlay? And has overrideDerivation been deprecated?
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f84a7b3828a (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<nh2> IRC-Source_64: overlays are the current "structured" way to override package sets in nixpkgs. On overrideAttrs being better than overrideDerivation, the nixpkgs manual has a section on that
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<IRC-Source_64> thanks nh2
<IRC-Source_64> I've gotta say this channel has been really helpful in general
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<infinisil> Glad to hear :D
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<boomshroom> Hello!
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<elux> hi
<boomshroom> Since my Nix installation on my Mac was initially installed as single-user and hacked to be multi-user, I'm reinstalling it.
<elux> im trying to figure out how to do a nix mkDerivation to install a binary + use patchelf but, I can't figure out how to make the derivation use patchelfUnstable
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<boomshroom> That said, I'd like to share the store between Mac and NixOS. It wasn't easy before and I'm wondering if it's worth doing now.
<elux> https://gist.github.com/pkieltyka/69e62efd7058e67a43afc8f6e12b7541 -- is what i have, and it should work if i could get it to use patchelf 0.10 (which is the patchelfUnstable nixpkg)
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<boomshroom> Should I just leave them on separate partitions?
<sphalerite> boomshroom: yeah I'd say leave them on separate partitions. How did you handle gc when you were sharing it previously?
<boomshroom> They shared profiles and I just didn
<boomshroom> didn't worry about Nix-build
<sphalerite> ah and only ever GCd from nixos?
<sphalerite> oh wait no the system profile would have been a gc root on osx too if you shared /nix
<sphalerite> neat!
<boomshroom> The profiles themselves were the roots
<boomshroom> I might be losing internet soon. So this was a terrible time to ask this.
<boomshroom> It might still be valuable putting them in the same zpool
<symphorien> boomshroom: there is an url in the topic for logs
<boomshroom> Right. Thanks!
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<wolfman154> I just installed the nix package xssproxy (to have my screen saver paused when I watch videos etc), anyways after installing it does it automatically work, or do I need to set some things up for it to work?
<makefu> wolfman154: how exactly have you installed it? when you just put it into systemPackages then nothing will happen. you will probably have to define a systemd service which starts the package at the correct time
<elux> how can i install https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf from master using just nix? there is a release.nix file there
<wolfman154> makefu: I installed it in home.nix
<makefu> via home-manager?
<wolfman154> makefu: yes
<makefu> can you pastebin your config?
<wolfman154> makefu: ok, one second
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<romildo> Is there a guide on how to package a software which provides a pam service installed at /etc/pam.d/ ?
<wolfman154> makefu: I’m guessing I must use the systemd option in home-manager?
<samueldr> hmmm, appending "zfs" to supportedFilesystems conditionally on boot.kernelPackages is causing an infinite recursion, which I think is due to how the zfs task itself refers to boot.kernelPackages and supportedFilesystem... wondering if there's a way :/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse merged pull request #58377 → exonerate: init at 2.4.0 → https://git.io/fjUuq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aanderse pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOuI
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<AluisioASG> Trying to run a game using steam-run and hitting an error about PangoFc not finding any modules. All characters are squares. Has anyone gone through something similar?
<elux> i ran, nix-build release.nix, and everything seems to build, but, im not sure where the pkg is to install now?
<samueldr> elux: it likely created a symlink in PWD named result
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<samueldr> you're likely able to use it as result/bin/patchelf for one-off uses
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<elux> yea, i see result, result-2, result-3 .. strangely not anywhere those folders in the patchelf bin
* samueldr checks
<elux> thank you :)
<nh2> how can I see the kernel CONFIG_ options for a given built NixOS kernel that I'm not currently running
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<samueldr> elux: nix-build ./release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux
<NemesisD> does anyone know of a binary-safe alternative to `substituteInPlace`. i'm trying to patch a shell script with binary data embedded in it and substituteInPlace is mangling the rest of the file
<samueldr> elux: if you desired to install it to your environment, `nix-env -if ./release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux`
<aanderse> oh gosh people do horrible things with cmake files sometimes
<aanderse> how do i deal with that in a derivation? -_-
<samueldr> aanderse: that one seems easy, pre-download it
<samueldr> (and from a specific revision instead of off master)
<aanderse> i'm trying to think how to put that into the CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR
<samueldr> they don't seem to unconditionally download it, only if not present
<samueldr> maybe a patch to the cmakefile to copy instead of download
<samueldr> if it's not obvious as a pre* step
<elux> samueldr: thanks for the help. what does -A build.x86_64-linux do -- why is it necesary? also, i prefer to use home-manager instead of nix-env, is there anyway to make it work to install it via fetchFromGithub and use the release.nix as import, etc.?
<aanderse> yeah patch was the only thing i can think of... gross :\
<samueldr> elux: the `-A` is short for `--attr`, from the given expression (in release.nix) use the attribute path `build.x86_64-linux` and do well... something; nix-build will simply build, nix-env will ensure it is built and then install it imperatively
<makefu> wolfman154: exactly
<samueldr> elux: the reason it wouldn't be only `.build` is that it'd try to also build the different platrofms, and it's likely you don't want to build aarch64-linux :)
<samueldr> or can't!
<Izorkin> etu: https://pastebin.com/9kyzwPjd - this is correct variant?
<elux> thanks for explaining all that, very helpful
<samueldr> elux: as far as using it from home-manager or configuration.nix (both should be the same) I'm not sure entirely how to, but it should be possible
<elux> makes sense, need to pass attr of build target
<elux> and yeay.. finally successfully patched a go binary with the master of patchelf, now can use it / move forward. thanks a lot
<samueldr> elux: I'm pretty confident it'll require IFD, something like `(import "${fetchFromGitHub{...}}/release.nix").build.x86_64-linux` or It's possible there are better ways
<elux> samueldr: what if i wanted to use a nix-shell with the release.nix ? would be cool if i could do like .. nix-shell -p https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/archive/0.10.tar.gz -A build.x86_64-linux
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<elux> or i guess better is to make a patchelf.nix and in there have the right derivation and just run nix-shell -p patchelf.nix or something
<samueldr> that would indeed be nice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @garbas merged pull request #55976 → vaapi-intel: v2.3.0 -> v20190211 → https://git.io/fh5QI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @garbas pushed commit from @colemickens to master « vaapi-intel: v2.3.0 -> v20190211 »: https://git.io/fjOua
<garbas> yorick: +1 on #55976
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55976 (by colemickens, 8 weeks ago, merged): vaapi-intel: v2.3.0 -> v20190211
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to update-calibre « calibre: 3.40.1 -> 3.41.2 »: https://git.io/fjOuw
<elux> actualy looks like there is https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix -- i can probably overlay this somehow, as 0.10 did make it to https://nixos.org/releases/patchelf/patchelf-0.10/
<yorick> garbas: thanks!
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<etu> Izorkin: We kinda move to using pname
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<etu> Izorkin: So no :)
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<Izorkin> etu: need all replace to pname?
<samueldr> elux: it almost is possible, https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#description-12
<samueldr> >> If an element of paths starts with http:// or https://, it is interpreted as the URL of a tarball that will be downloaded and unpacked to a temporary location. The tarball must include a single top-level directory containing at least a file named default.nix.
<samueldr> patchelf uses release.nix :(
<etu> Izorkin: Not need, but you should not change back from it
<etu> Izorkin: We usually change it bit by bit whenever upgrading packages etc
<elux> i think would be easy to just overlay https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/tools/misc/patchelf/default.nix with version 0.10 and it would work..
<elux> but im not to overlays too :| we need more nix cookbooks / simple examples
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<samueldr> elux: using https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/compare/master...samueldr:feature/default.nix `nix-shell -A build.x86_64-linux https://github.com/samueldr/patchelf/archive/feature/default.nix.tar.gz` becomes possible, but don't use this as a recommendation to use it, just as a "look that shiny thing!"
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<nh2> when I try to follow https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Linux_Kernel#Adding_extraConfig I get lots of `Error in reading or end of file.` and the kernel build fails
<nh2> what can I do about that? I want to enable extra kernel CONFIG_* options.
<chrisaw> I'm trying to package a binary package up for NixOS and having a nightmare of a time with it.
<chrisaw> Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 86: unknown element "blank"
<chrisaw> I've created the nix spec and an associated patch file but when I run the produced binary I get:
<chrisaw> Trace/breakpoint trap
<chrisaw> It looks like the trace/breakpoint error is the one causing the app to stop at that point.
<chrisaw> Anyone got any ideas?
<elux> samueldr: hehe, nice and simple
<chrisaw> Package file and patch: https://pastebin.com/raw/zfY3LCwt
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<elux> samueldr: any suggestions how to just do an overlay?
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<wolfman154> infinisil: I just installed the nix package xssproxy (to have my screen saver off when I watch videos etc), anyways after installing xssproxy, does it automatically work, or do I need to set some things up for it to work(in home-manager that is)?(maybe in systemd)?
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<clr_> Is anyone here a discourse mod?
<infinisil> wolfman154: Why are you asking me?
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<clr_> chrisaw: does your binary depend on fontsconfig? What is /etc/fonts/fonts.conf:86?
<wolfman154> infinisil: :(
<chrisaw> clr_: It doesn't but that shouldn't matter simply because it's a warning - not a failure that I can see anyway.
<SidharthArya> Hi, I am having a hard time trying to get python to work well on nixos. I am new and need to make it work urgently. Python cannot find setuptools to install packages .
<chrisaw> clr_: Just for your interest though - the actual line is <blank> prefixed by a bunch of spaces.
<clr_> Ah - can you run your binary in gdb and get a stacktrace that way?
<clr_> strace may work if it's somehow crashing inside a kernel call.
<SidharthArya> I cannot use pip install for most of the packages. and i cannot install miniconda by the conventional way.
<simpson> SidharthArya: Yeah. In a lot of ways, Nix and nixpkgs are going to *replace* Conda and similar tools in your workflow.
<SidharthArya> simpson: but how do i make it work. I cannot install jupyter :(
<simpson> > jupyter
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/j3fbq3h8y2vz939m5z2dx3bks3yghwjm-python3.7-notebook-5.7.4.drv>"
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<simpson> SidharthArya: ^^ does this derivation work for you?
<infinisil> wolfman154: Don't ping people just because they helped you with something previously, unless it's in some way relevant to them specifically
<darylabo> D
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<darylabo> delta
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<chrisaw> clr_: Good call - seems like it's quitting out due to Chrome_IOThread receieving a SITRAP signal.
<wolfman154> infinisil: ok, :)
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<SidharthArya> simpson: yes yes yes. thank you so much. You are a life saver. :P
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<nh2> wolfman154: here's how you can figure out questions like this yourself:
<nh2> First, read the project's manual, and check how it is to be used. For example, https://github.com/timakro/xssproxy#usage (found via Google) explains that xssproxy is a program that needs to be running.
<nh2> Second, let's check whether there's anything that does that running in nixpkgs. Git-clone the nixpkgs git repository, and `git grep xssproxy`. What do you see?
<mwilsoncoding> is there a way to proxy binary caching?
<mwilsoncoding> I have some VMs I want to provision in GCE, but when I deploy them with only private IP addresses, they get stuck waiting for curl to be able to reach the public binary cache =[
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: yes, for example https://github.com/nh2/nix-binary-cache-proxy. I run this to cache cache.nixos.org in my data center
<coconnor> howdy all! finally got gnome 3.32 built... fairly nice so far! anyone else running gnome 3.32?
<nh2> I also run this publicly and put CloudFlare in front of it to get CloudFlare's CDN caching (which I found better than the previous CloudFront that cache.nixos.org used)
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: many many thanks! Azure takes care of the reverse routing /for/ you if you're using a private cloud VM to reach the net, but it seems GCE is not the same
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: In short, all that's needed to make a cache-cache is a bit of nginx options. You could do that on any OS, or use my config I show there, or use the entire file and amend it to use nixops to deploy it ot GCE
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: ooh, nifty
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: ehehe... heuhuehuahahaa.. MWAAAHAAAHAAHAAAA <- thanks, yo
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<nh2> mwilsoncoding: that part I don't quite understand, but I take it you're happy :D
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: lol yep- I'm trying to convince my consultancy to drink the nix kool-aid and having solutions to these common enterprise issues is key. Eventually I plan to take over the world, obviously =]
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: yes, setting up a local cache-cache was important for my org too, one of the first things I did, as it made deploy times acceptable
<clr_> chrisaw: Glad to help
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: we can make a nixos-enterprise interest group :D
<chrisaw> clr_: Thanks! It does point me in a new direction but I'm not really sure where to go from here. :(
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<samueldr> elux: https://gist.github.com/dc04c87a3bebd73958ee362629b0dec3 <- using an overlay here is a bit overkill, the patchelf.overrideAttrs expression could be directly used in buildInputs instead
<SidharthArya> i cannot install numpy. installed python3.7-numpy, but on repl it cannot be imported
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: I'm game! I'm actually starting a small effort in my consultancy (it's me and two other devs =P) to re-do the usage of the Azure SDK and bring it up to snuff, so I've got some additional interested parties on hand
<jabranham> ,libraries
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages, use nix-shell instead. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<sondr3> SidharthArya: so you can install it just not import it? :D
<sondr3> but yeah ^
<SidharthArya> Yes exactly :P ({
<clr_> chrisaw: I'
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: also, aminechikhaoui and gchristensen <- those guys have been vital to my tinkering =]
<clr_> m guessing that something compiled badly and crashed
<jabranham> SidharthArya: but if you insist, there's an example how to do it here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Python
<clr_> SIGTRAP is used to detect exceptions
<clr_> Is there another process that crashed when you ran the command?
<samueldr> elux: not 100% confident of the reason I wrote that replacing the patchelf attribute fails in the overlay, but like 99% sure
<chrisaw> clr_: That's just the thing - nothing has been compiled by my package because it's a prebuilt binary :|
<clr_> I think strace has an option that will show child processed again.
<clr_> processes*
<clr_> chrisaw: What's the prebuilt binary? In general prebuilt binaries can lose their minds because nixos looks nothing like a normal linux system (by design).
<gchristensen> -f
<chrisaw> clr_: https://pastebin.com/raw/zfY3LCwt - pulled from there. Actual URL though is: https://github.com/ramboxapp/download/releases/download/v1.1.2/RamboxPro-1.1.2-linux-x64.tar.gz and the binary is ramboxpro in that archive
<jabranham> SidharthArya: perhaps a better example here: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#using-python
<chrisaw> The binary packaging docs have been very helpful and I've been poking around the nixpkgs repo trying to find similar packages (the actual rambox package isn't pro and they don't share codebases sadly so that's not much help)
<clr_> Ah - yeah I probably don't have the time do dig deeply and help you - if you know the language you may have luck building it from source.
<clr_> I'd definitely reccomend running strace in child mode - it might tell you which process threw the TRAP signal, and the fix might be trivially obvious (i.e. a missing folder).
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<chrisaw> clr_: No worries, I did have a few of those and fixed them already. Not seeing anything obvious at this point sadly. :(
<clr_> Ah
<elux> samueldr: nice, this overlay is helpful! nice
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<asymmetric> can anyone help me debug why this isn't building: https://gist.github.com/asymmetric/8e9c933bbc72dfb1434504ddba509aa5
<asymmetric> is this the right way to override a package in an overlay?
<asymmetric> a python package that does some callPackage magic, to be precise
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<asymmetric> (nixops)
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<wolfman154> nh2: thanks
<wolfman154> nh2++
<{^_^}> nh2's karma got increased to 7
<nh2> wolfman154: but you didn't answer my question, what do you see as the output of `git grep`?
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<nh2> mwilsoncoding: when nixops provisions a new machine, it will boot up a machine image of NixOS, and once that has started will connect to it via SSH and do stuff with it, like applying your conifg and installing the declared packages
<nh2> when it does that, for the first fetch, it will always use cache.nixos.org
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<nh2> e.g. when you have in your nixos config that the declared machine should use a different `nix.binaryCaches`, that will naturally only come into effect once your first `nixops deploy` has successfully finished
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<nh2> so the first deploy will not use that setting, only the second
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: AHA!
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: to get around that, I've hacked the nixops source code a bit:
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: I think therein lies the issue
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<mwilsoncoding> nh2: if it shines light on the situation my 'on-prem datacenter' is a nixos machine I manually built out in Azure. Then I VPN'd that network to one I manually built out in GCE (then same for EC2), so everything I'm deploying /should/ have the ability to operate in private IP space only
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: I /also/ have hacked some nixops to be able to do that
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: problem is: the first deploy
<LnL> asymmetric: looks fine to me but nixops isn't in scope, use pkgs.nixops
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<mwilsoncoding> nh2: I have to do that with public IPs
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: once it reaches out to the public cache, I can release the public IPs and pick up like nothing happened
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: but that first deploy is a nuisance... If I can change it to use even one of the public IP'd devices in my deployment as a cache (letting the public IP'd device pick up its binaries from the official cache), then my issue there should also be solved
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: otherwise, my privateIPspace fix for GCE only works if you deploy twice: once publicly, then once again to release public IPs for the devices you want to be private
<nh2> (only the last block is relevant, the rest is other nixops fixes I made)
<asymmetric_> LnL: where do you mean, in buildInputs?
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: this hack should be upstreamed in my opinion
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<asymmetric> LnL: have you tried nix-shell'ing it? i get a python wheel error
<nh2> mwilsoncoding: right now it's a giant perl string-replace :(
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<asymmetric> raise WheelError("Bad wheel filename {!r}".format(basename))
<LnL> oh, a build error
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<mwilsoncoding> nh2: I was just trying to logic through that. lol
<LnL> asymmetric: could be the version, might need to match with the actual python package version
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<nh2> mwilsoncoding: expand it on multiple lines for yourself for sure
<aminechikhaoui> nh2 I guess replacing cache.nixos.org isn't that much of a common use case for it to be upstreamed ? although I agree that it seems an overkill to generate a different image just for that
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<aminechikhaoui> perhaps a better solution is to pass the binary cache through the metadata service, then nixops can have an option to propagate that
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: seems to be a pretty reasonable file creation->small string replace->move into place (any reason the file is created/written to, /then/ copied into /tmp and edited with perl, /then/ copied back into /etc; other than just editing the file you created in /etc directly?)
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<asymmetric> LnL: version of what? python?
<LnL> nixops itself
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<nh2> mwilsoncoding: I think I did it to a temp file to more easily be able to comment out the last `mv` so I can diff what my changes do for debugging
<mwilsoncoding> nh2: :+1:
<nh2> aminechikhaoui: what's the metadata service?
<aminechikhaoui> oh wait, are we talking about EC2/GCE images ?
<mwilsoncoding> yep
<aminechikhaoui> because it makes sense in those backends
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<nh2> aminechikhaoui: I use that "hack" for both EC2 and Hetzner servers
<aminechikhaoui> yeah
<aminechikhaoui> most clouds do that I guess
<mwilsoncoding> sweeeeeet
<aminechikhaoui> nh2 so for Hetzner, aren't we generating the physical expression in place
<nh2> aminechikhaoui: I think the cleanest solution would be to add an option that, when set to `true`, will pick up what's configured for `nix.binaryCaches` in nixops and place that on the instance's config via SSH
<nh2> (and do that once at initial-creation time, as opposed to every `deploy`, which is what I do now and that creates some extra roundtrips latency)
<mwilsoncoding> I'm inclined to agree
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<mwilsoncoding> I imagine [other parties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee8k97Rx3DA) will have a significant interest in this option as well
<aminechikhaoui> nh2 I only disagree with the "through ssh" part, as it seems to me more clean to do it through user-data (see nixos/modules/virtualisation/ec2-data.nix nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-init.nix), but it's just my opinion. I might be wrong :-)
<aminechikhaoui> that would also guarantee the on creation only part
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjpbakker opened pull request #59902 → factorio: alpha 0.17.16 -> 0.17.32 → https://git.io/fjOzj
<mwilsoncoding> 0.o
<mwilsoncoding> aminechikhaoui: I _like_ this solution. Optionally putting the substitute binary caches in the user data and then whether found or not, write the appropriate config to the machine (does that sound like a rough high-level summary?)
<etu> Izorkin: The point of pname is that it doesn't contain ${version}
<aminechikhaoui> yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking of
<etu> Izorkin: Because name is built by "${pname}-${version}"
<mwilsoncoding> aminechikhaoui: yep- I'm _very_ on-board with that
<etu> Izorkin: Then pname can be used inside of urls or for fetchFromGitHub repos etc
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<aminechikhaoui> justanotheruser should point to the same commit
<justanotheruser> hmm, very strange, I get an error with the channel, but not when I do -I nixpkgs=thatbranch
<aminechikhaoui> What does -I nixpkgs=thatbranch mean ? -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-19.03 ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #59903 → unigine-valley: fix → https://git.io/fjOgu
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<Izorkin> etu: thanks, update
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Izorkin opened pull request #59904 → Update php packages → https://git.io/fjOg1
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-19.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8ea36d73256 (from 22 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-19.03)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #59878 → wallutils: init at 5.7.2 → https://git.io/fjOlT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « wallutils: init at 5.7.2 (#59878) »: https://git.io/fjOgS
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<justanotheruser> aminechikhaoui: thatbranch refers to the path of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/tree/nixos-19.03
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<nh2> aminechikhaoui: I had a lot of trouble making the user-data stuff do what I want in all situations, but perhaps I missed something
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<justanotheruser> I have cloned it and checked out that branch
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<aminechikhaoui> justanotheruser oh you're using the http link, that doesn't work yeah
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<aminechikhaoui> you can use a tarball link tho' of the commit afaik
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<qyliss> Nice!
<pie_> cool, wish we did that
<pie_> i saw discussions about the general topic on the issue tracker and tried to raise it myself, but not much noise
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<aminechikhaoui> nh2 I didn't try doing it tbh, so there might be issues that I'll discover if we ever try it, the main issue I can think about now is that the user-data part isn't refactored to be used for all images that support a metadata service
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<aminechikhaoui> justanotheruser just saw your message, cloning should also work right, once you checkout the branch
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<justanotheruser> yes, I cloned it and checked out the branch, for some reason it builds successfully
<justanotheruser> I would expect it to fail in the same way as when I just use the specified channel, which concerns me
<aminechikhaoui> justanotheruser how do you use the channel
<aminechikhaoui> through `nix-channel` ?
<aminechikhaoui> maybe you didn't run a nix-channel --update
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<justanotheruser> aminechikhaoui: that'd be it
<justanotheruser> thanks!
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<Izorkin> etu: need change /nix/store/hash-composer-1.8.5 to /nix/store/hash-php-composer-1.8.5, /nix/store/hash-php-phpcs-3.4.2 and etc?
<mwilsoncoding> aminechikhaoui: "images that support a metadata service" <- do you mean vendors? Or does metadata support vary even among instances of the same vendor?
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<aminechikhaoui> mwilsoncoding yeah sorry I meant vendors/cloud providers ..
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<mwilsoncoding> Awesome 👍
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<asymmetric> LnL: how would you pass a custom version?
<asymmetric> i see that nixops' release.nix has revCount and shortRev
<asymmetric> but i'm not sure how i should override those from a nixpkgs overlay
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c793258a88a (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #59799 → janet: 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1 → https://git.io/fjYbX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl pushed commit from @andrewchambers to master « janet: 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1 (#59799) »: https://git.io/fjO2Z
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<pie_> ok im back,
<pie_> so i had a problem earlier i wasnt able to fix; I want to shadow a variable named "debug" from an outer scope into an inner scope with an extended value: debug = ghidra.noDebug // debug
<pie_> this results in infinite recursion, i tried let debug' = debug; debug = ghidra.noDebug // debug'; in ... , but that also results in infinite recursion
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tomahna opened pull request #59905 → mopidy-iris: 3.33.0 -> 3.35.1 → https://git.io/fjO24
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<pie_> unrelated problem: w-...what...
<pie_> ^nevermind, badly minimized /me goes back to try to minimize the problem again
<iammemo> Hello! Can someone help me with figuring out where the source tarballs gets downloaded to and where they are built in? I have a read optimized disk that I was planning to use as nix-store assuming nix-store is only used as a build output store. But if tarballs gets downloaded and built in /nix/store this will not be a good idea.
<johnw> tarballs are downloaded into the nix store
<johnw> builds happen in /tmp
<johnw> with the output tree being constructed there before getting copied into the store
<johnw> so if you have a RAM backed tmpfs, the store can be a write-once read-many medium
<johnw> (per entry, that is)
<pie_> apparently this can be confusing: let a = ...; in with { inherit (pkgs) a; }
<johnw> haha
<pie_> obviously pkgs might not have an "a" attribute, but even if it does, its not the intended a
<iammemo> ah ok thanks a lot johnw
<johnw> which one did you intend?
<pie_> still not even sure what i confused myself with but at least i can fix it
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<johnw> the outer 'a' is ignored in what you pasted
<pie_> well, yeah
<pie_> but either it succeeds and is misleading or fails with a missing attribute error
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<johnw> but why is it misleading?
<pie_> except i wasn getting an error about a variable not being in scope
<johnw> why would you think the let binding would be used?
<pie_> * except i wasnt getting an error about a missing attribute, i was getting an error about something i used from myLib not being in scope
<pie_> now, of course, it cant know that the missing thing should have come from mylib
<johnw> because it was forcing the evaluation of 'pkgs'?
<pie_> but i think the reason its giving the "wrong" error is because lazines means the with didnt even get touched???
<pie_> im not sure if that makes sense thought.
<johnw> right
<johnw> with is a "last ditch" sort of things
<pie_> it has to figure out whats in scope and to do that it should be touching the with
<johnw> if there is *no* 'a' in scope anywhere, then the 'with' is consulted
<pie_> and so it should be erroring
<pie_> so...maybe it *is* erroring but then the out of scope error takes precedence?
<johnw> so: let a = 10; in with { inherit (pkgs) a } a
<johnw> will ignore pkgs.a
<johnw> the answer is always 10
<johnw> with scopes are "weak" in that they trigger if otherwise the lookup in the current scope would fail
<johnw> and until they trigger, their argument is not evaluated
<pie_> i _see_ *why* its wrong, im hung up why it errors the way it does, because currently it seems misleading to me
<johnw> let a = 10; in with (builtins.throw "oops") a
<johnw> that's fine
<johnw> ah, misleading errors are outside my purview :)
<johnw> I might suggest you try hnix and see what error it gives you
<pie_> well, you could say whether my POV sounds reasonable given the above :p
<johnw> since that the main error where we try to distinguish ourselves from C++ Nix
<johnw> pie_: can you re-summarize? I've lost the sense of your exact POV here
<pie_> i didnt get it before i started rubber ducking on you
<johnw> I'm should hire out my rubber ducking services
<pie_> ÖP
<pie_> * :P
<pie_> my current understanding is that an out of scope error will get fired instead of a missing attribute error, when you try to look something up in a badly coded with statement
<pie_> which is not unreasonable
<pie_> but it yields an error orthogonal to the underlying problem
<pie_> confusion ensues
<pie_> orthogonal-ish
<johnw> the out of scope error will trigger the evaluation of the argument to with, which, if it yields an error, will print that error to you, not the out of scope issue. Is this what you mean?
<pie_> you have it exactly backwards
<johnw> really, errors in with argument evaluation should print out a stack of the error that led to that argument being consulted
<pie_> i dont know if it triggers the with or not, but it yields the out of scope error
<johnw> interesting
<pie_> and doesnt yield the missing attribute error
<johnw> do you have a reproducible case?
<pie_> its a big complicated file but ill try to whip something up, give me a minute :3
<pie_> (thats a good idea)
<johnw> k, I'd love to add this as a test case to hnix
<pie_> i think i was having a bit of trouble reducing the case a few minutes ago
<pie_> > let a = {}; in with { inherit (a) b; }; b
<{^_^}> 10
<pie_> i think thats what i described but it gives the corect error for me :/
* pie_ tries to get it to break
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<johnw> break it, pie_!
<pie_> im probably just missing something but i think i got it, sort of
<pie_> > let myLib = { argMap = ""; }; in with { inherit (pkgs) myLib; }; let isolrunner = wat: ''${argMap}''; in isolrunner ""
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'argMap' at (string):252:92
<pie_> johnw, ^
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<pie_> > let myLib = { argMap = "a"; }; in with { inherit (pkgs); } // myLib; let isolrunner = wat: ''${argMap}''; in isolrunner ""
<{^_^}> "a"
<pie_> fixed version ^
<johnw> ok, one sec...
<pie_> ok this still breaks
<pie_> > > let myLib = { argMap = ""; }; in with { inherit (pkgs) myLib; }; argMap
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected '>', at (string):252:1
<pie_> oops,
<pie_> > let myLib = { argMap = ""; }; in with { inherit (pkgs) myLib; }; argMap
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'argMap' at (string):252:66
<johnw> your working case still fails for me
<Alling> Hi channel! I'm looking at sorki's and Gabriel439's Haskell examples. I'm used to cabal build, cabal test etc, but is the intention that I should use nix-build to build?
<johnw> for the first example I get error: undefined variable 'pkgs' at /Users/johnw/src/hnix/bad.nix:2:17
<johnw> for the second I get: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /Users/johnw/src/hnix/good.nix:2:6
<johnw> ahh, I was missing the //
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<pie_> ok here it is fully minimized i think:
<pie_> let a = {}; b = {}; in with { inherit (b) a; }; c
<Alling> It would be nice to be able to use GHCi with my project's modules, but I don't understand how to do that.
<johnw> ok, cool
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<pie_> obviously c has nothing to do with any of the other code, so this kind of falls into the "finding more problems than just one at a time" category?
<johnw> why would that last example ever work?
<johnw> 'c' isn't defined anywhere
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<pie_> right, but "maybe" its defined in a
<pie_> this is probably more useful:
<pie_> > let a = { c= ""; }; b = {}; in with { inherit (b); } // a; c
<johnw> but it's not
<{^_^}> { _type = "option"; declarations = <CODE>; default = <CODE>; definitions = <CODE>; description = "Attribute set of certificates to get signed and renewed.\n"; example = <CODE>; files = <CODE>; highest...
<pie_> > let a = { c= ""; }; b = {}; in with { inherit (b) a; }; c
<{^_^}> { _type = "option"; declarations = <CODE>; default = <CODE>; definitions = <CODE>; description = "Attribute set of certificates to get signed and renewed.\n"; example = <CODE>; files = <CODE>; highest...
<pie_> uhh
<pie_> d-did i break something
<pie_> > 10
<{^_^}> 10
<pie_> ok its probably c from some stateful bot scope
<pie_> so...one more try
<pie_> > let a = { cdef = ""; }; b = {}; in with { inherit (b) a; }; cdef
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'cdef' at (string):252:61
<pie_> > let a = { cdef = ""; }; b = {}; in with { inherit (b); } // a; cdef
<{^_^}> ""
<pie_> johnw, ^
<johnw> so... what did you want to have happen?
<johnw> these errors make perfect sense from the code I'm seeing
<pie_> have it complain about b.a not existing
<johnw> with { inherit (b); } == with {}
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<johnw> with {} c, with no c in scope, is undefined
<johnw> with {} c = c
<infinisil> Alling: For developing you still want to use cabal build/test/etc
<pie_> i think youre lookng at the wrong one
<johnw> ah, I see
<infinisil> Alling: And `cabal [new-]repl` gives you a ghci
<johnw> you want the inherit to give an error
<pie_> well, i think its not completely unreasonable to want it to
<pie_> though i can tentatively see why it wouldnt
<johnw> wait
<infinisil> pie_: johnw: What are you talking about if I may ask? The backlog is a bit long
<johnw> with { inherit (b) a; } cdef
<johnw> is never going to evaluate b.a
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<johnw> because that's not b.cdef
<johnw> let's expand:
<pie_> johnw, hence the tangent on laziness
<johnw> with { a = b.a; } cdef
<johnw> infinisil: scoping and evaulation of 'with'
<pie_> infinisil, tl;dr: error message different than actual problem
<johnw> but the actual problem isn't a real problem
<johnw> it's ok that b doesn't contain a
<johnw> because cdef isn't a
<johnw> so that attr value is never forced
<johnw> if you wrote: with { cdef = b.a; } cdef
<Alling> infinisil: OK. But when I enter a nix-shell, cabal is still not on the path. I know I can install it globally, but I usually have it in shell.nix. How should I do that now?
<johnw> *then* you'd get the error you want
<pie_> uh, its inheriting a
<{^_^}> [nix] @LnL7 opened pull request #2779 → build: add exit code for hash and check mismatches → https://git.io/fjOae
<johnw> the inherit is not a special thing
<pie_> wait did i accidentally the nesting
<johnw> you can desugar it
<johnw> { inherit (x) y z; } == { y = x.y; z = x.z }
* pie_ screams internally
<pie_> i was assuming for some reason that with { inherit (b) a; } would end up inheriting the children of a
<pie_> and I have no idea why i thought that
<johnw> interesting
<pie_> tl;dr user error ;~;
<pie_> thank you for your patience
<johnw> to be honest, it's only after implementing an evaluator for this stuff that it makes any sense
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<johnw> 'with' is too spooky
<johnw> also, the dual to with could exist, but doesn't
<infinisil> I wish we could get rid of it
<pie_> i think it makes sense, though i learned earlier today that let takes precedence over with
<pie_> and that was like "uhhhh...well ok I did not know that."
<johnw> the dual would be: x = let a = builtins.captureScope; in with a x
<pie_> yeah i dont know how people find out about all those crazy builtins
<pie_> i have no idea what that does
<johnw> yes, I didn't realize the distinction between weak and strong scopes for a while either
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<johnw> ryantrinkle pointed it out to me
<infinisil> johnw: FWIW, `inherit x;` can't always be desuraged
<johnw> builtins.captureScope doesn't exist
<johnw> but it easily could
<johnw> it would mean "turn the current lexical scope into an attrset"
<pie_> ah
<johnw> it would be dual of 'with'
<pie_> i bet that would be hell to type check ;D
<pie_> (or not, idk)
<johnw> you just have to exclude the global namespace is all
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<johnw> but once you capture the scope, you could restore it later using 'with'
<pie_> man im really embarrassed about my inherit misstep
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<johnw> note that this is internally how closures are implemented in hnix!
<johnw> capture the current lexical scope, the create a lambda abstract wrapped in a with that refers to that scope
<johnw> (but strongly, not weakly, to add to the confusion)
<johnw> hmm.. we should have strongWith
<johnw> it would just need to be strict in the spine of its argument
* pie_ hands johnw a pen to put it on the list ;p
<johnw> I actually don't think we need any further fuel for this fire
<pie_> :D
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<pie_> we can rebuild the camel, we have the technology
<infinisil> Btw, we'd have a channel for discussions around nix as a languguage: #nix-lang
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<infinisil> Alling: What do you mean by "how would I do that now"?
<pie_> johnw, anyway thanks again for the guidance, back to trying to clean up my code..
<infinisil> Alling: You still need cabal in your nix-shell so you can call cabal build and such (or you could use `runhaskell Setup.hs` as cabal which would be more correct, but eh)
<Alling> infinisil: I've copied the nix files from sorki's example. https://github.com/sorki/haskell-project-template
<Alling> infinisil: But how can I "add" cabal to my shell.nix file so it exists in the nix-shell?
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<infinisil> Alling: Ah, you can override the .env in shell.nix with `...env.overrideAttrs (old: { nativeBuildInputs = old.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ cabal-install ]; })`
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #1128 → EC2[EBS] Allow assigning existing volume to the resource → https://git.io/fjmvi
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fjOaL
<Alling> infinisil: PogChamp! Exactly what I was looking for.
<infinisil> :)
<Alling> infinisil: Why is it that I should have both default.nix and shell.nix?
<infinisil> Well, default.nix should define a build that you can nix-build
<johnw> you don't need both
<johnw> a single default.nix can suffice for both nix-build and nix-shell
<infinisil> nix-shell can also use default.nix files, but not with Haskell packages, because they're special
<johnw> it can use them with Haskell packages too
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed to master « ebs-volume: fix volumeId option description »: https://git.io/fjOam
<infinisil> johnw: With all dependencies and such set up?
<johnw> yeah
<johnw> this file works for both nix-build and nix-shell, and is what my Travis builder uses
<infinisil> Ah yeah, with developPackage, which uses isInNixShell to conditionally switch what it returns
<johnw> yep
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<infinisil> Last time i tried developPackage it wasn't as flexible as I needed, so I switched to just callCabal2nix
<johnw> I've been in that sitution too, but rarely
<johnw> we ended up writing our own C2N wrapper at work too
<infinisil> And to not clobber my default.nix with nix-shell logic, I created a shell.nix file instead
<infinisil> johnw: There is callCabal2nixWithOptions in nixpkgs now at least
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<johnw> ooh
<infinisil> (I was stumped by something else though, not callCabal2nix related I think)
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<Alling> I have yet two questions. :) 1. Is it possible to have cabal2nix run automatically whenever I change foo.cabal, so project.nix gets updated automatically?
<johnw> callCabal2nix will auto-run cabal2nix
<infinisil> ^^
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<Alling> 2. { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc844" }: (first line in default.nix) It seems to me like "ghc844" is just a default. Could I use another GHC version, and how?
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<Alling> johnw: Is there a manual entry for callCabal2nix? I have no idea how to use it.
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<johnw> buildInputs = [ (pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "foo" ./path/to/foo {}) ]
<infinisil> Man, these haskell utility functions sure could use more docs
<johnw> where path can obviously be a fetchgit, etc.
<johnw> there is also callHackage
<johnw> haskellPackages.callHackage "foo" "1.0.0" {}
<johnw> but beware, it requires that nixpkgs knows that that version exists
<johnw> it's not solely based on what's available on Hackage
<infinisil> Alling: But don't put that in buildInputs in your current shell.nix, I think johnw thinks of developPackage's buildInputs
<infinisil> But if you use developPackage then you don't need to use callCabal2nix manually because it does it automatically..
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<Alling> infinisil: johnw: I've never used developPackage, but it sounds like it could be useful for developing a package.
<johnw> imagine that!
<infinisil> xD
<johnw> it's quite helpful for simpler projects
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<infinisil> As another reference point, this is how I structure my haskell projects, more or less: https://github.com/infinisil/soph
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<day|flip> can any1 help me. im trying to mount bcachefs. i tried: mount -t bcachefs /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt
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<day|flip> but keep saying unknow fs type
<pie_> day|flip, do you have the package for that filesystem type installed
<pie_> or in your environment
<day|flip> bcachefs-tools using nix-env -iA nixos.bcachefs-tools
<NemesisD> is there documentation of sourceByRegex anywhere" i've cargo culted regexes like "^\\src.*$" and i just realized i have no idea what the \\ means
<day|flip> pie_: on live os. i had to used a very old vesion. but keep updating nix package. till i can used package from 19.03.
<Alling> Hm. So how can I use developPackage? I found one example in the manual, but I get "error: infinite recursion encountered" on this line: compiler = pkgs.haskell.packages."${compiler}";
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<infinisil> day|flip: boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "bcachefs" ]
<day|flip> infinisil: but how do i does this from live iso. i had to used 17.03 to boot my laptop.
<Alling> Oh ... damnit ... just realized. -.-
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<infinisil> day|flip: You should be able to edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, add that line, then rebuild
<infinisil> day|flip: But that version is ancient, better upgrade first
<day|flip> i'll see what after happen with: nixos-rebuild switch.
<day|flip> infinisil: it the only version i can boot into this laptop. all the other version you not get pass grub
<day|flip> will not get pass grub
<infinisil> Well that's not good
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<infinisil> I don't have the time to help with debugging, but consider filing an issue in the issue tracker, we don't want 19.03's live cd to fail: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues
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<day|flip> tell me about it. i don't understand why intel cpu will not let me boot. unless the newer vesion don't have microcode enable for intel
<samueldr> bcachefs requires a specific kernel IIRC within NixOS
<day|flip> then how will i boot into live iso with intel microcode?
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<infinisil> day|flip: If you want anybody to help you, you need to provide as much information as possible. Saying "intel cpu will not let me boot" is worthless for debugging a problem
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau merged pull request #59472 → i3easyfocus: 20180622 -> 20190411 → https://git.io/fjmVX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau pushed commit from @teto to master « i3easyfocus: 20180622 -> 20190411 (#59472) »: https://git.io/fjOaC
<infinisil> This is also important if you open an issue
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<day|flip> infinisil: will. after enter at grub. nothing load. idk what to
<day|flip> this been a issue starting with kernel 9.14
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<day|flip> mmm. does minimal install have support with wifi?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @leenaars opened pull request #59908 → pythonPackages.pikepdf: init at 1.2.0 → https://git.io/fjOaQ
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<pie_> anyone know a relatively small java app in nixpkgs i could use to test some stuff
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<tomberek> aminechikhaoui: howdy
<aminechikhaoui> hey o/
<pie_> ill just use this jedit thing i guess
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<wolfman154> I searched: git in nixos packages and it’s not there?
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<parsnip> how did you search?
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<wolfman154> parsnip: I searched: ‘git’
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<parsnip> "git" is not a search tool?
<tomberek> aminechikhaoui: thanks for taking a look at the nixops output resource PR. I'm concerned that it's a bit of a hack. My intention is to prove out that the concept is viable, eventually implement it in a better way, including the remote resource concept. This may need a much larger change, so I started with something smaller. Is this approach viable? Or any other recomendation? NixOps is a great tools, but
<tomberek> is in danger of some bitrot at the moment.
<wolfman154> Does the git package go by a d
<wolfman154> Ifferent name?
<pie_> i keep forgetting that if someone sets installPhase i probably wont be able to use postInstall
<wolfman154> Sorry about the typo, I’m using my phone
<parsnip> wolfman154: i really don't understand how you searched. there are multiple search tools
<parsnip> and for different search tools, there are different tools
<parsnip> wolfman154: fyi, the nix wiki links to some web search tools
<parsnip> *and for different search tools, there are different options
<wolfman154> parsnip: well I’m just looking for a git package, I plan on using it with gitlab and github if I have to?
<parsnip> wolfman154: 16:42 <wolfman154> I searched: git in nixos packages and it’s not there?
<parsnip> 16:43 <parsnip> how did you search?
<wolfman154> parsnip: I just typed in: git
<parsnip> wolfman154: what was the exact response?
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<parsnip> wolfman154: here's a web search https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html#git
<parsnip> wolfman154: maybe `nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull`
<aminechikhaoui> tomberek yeah I think it should be a viable approach, we're just looking if there are some small improvements that can be made on top of the currently implemented stuff.
<parsnip> i could have sworn i just have a line `git` in my configuration.nix. not sure why it didn't need the full namej
<parsnip> *name
<wolfman154> parsnip: so I think just putting git in home.packages should work
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<pie_> clever, is it possible to pass some kind of reference of a derivation? i want run nix-build inside a nix-shell but i want everything i need to be specified in the outer shell's file
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<tomberek> aminechikhaoui: okay... i'm available to build and improve this over the weekend. My biggest hurdle at the moment is the "executable" options so the scripts are reproducible (could use nix-shell?) and the 3-phase concern.
<pie_> clever, id like jedit' to be built in failBuild https://bpaste.net/show/3493dd72e758