The answer to "How do I convert X to Y" is always pandoc isn't it haha. Not sure why I didn't think of that
i moved the markdown-flavored github wiki with pandoc and git-wordpress, that is why i remembered :D
makefu meant: i moved the markdown-flavored github wiki with pandoc and git-mediawiki, that is why i remembered :D
Um, what's the target format?
it worked surprisingly well
Oh, was just confused, because apparently pandoc's -f isn't the target format, but the source one..
Yeah now that I'm using -t mediawiki it works pretty well
[[Keyboard Layout Customization]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=2481&rcid=2508 * Infinisil * (+2305) Created page with "= Keyboard Layout Customization = == Simple == The easiest way to customize your keyboard layout on NixOS is with these options: * <code>services.xserver.layout</code>: Key..."
according to my ctrl-r the move somehow looked like this: for i in *.md; do echo ================ ;echo $i; echo ====================; pandoc -w mediawiki $i; read; done
but it seems you already got something running
need to get some sleep, see you
Yeah, see ya :)
The article could be written better, but I don't feel like doing that right now :P