<flokli> so, there's still that weird cross-output cycle in systemd, on aarch64 only
<flokli> :-/
<flokli> cycle detected in the references of '/nix/store/9484d1rx4pffgr5hdprwp2racllrh1sd-systemd-245.3-lib' from '/nix/store/ygyjxxrgjbxlnhyaf08lx9z1mhfanxr1-systemd-245.3'
<flokli> (if I remove the postFixup)
<arianvp> flokli:
<flokli> arianvp:
<arianvp> your patch for 245 still seems to have some quirks
<flokli> Hm. Maybe.
<arianvp> e.g. the systemd-initctl.service's ExecStart doesnt point to a binary but to a directory
<arianvp> not sure why
<arianvp> it points to ExecStart=/nix/store/r59a9dwcwbbg10day7mwmfv94cff16i0-systemd-243.7/lib/systemd/
<arianvp> but should be
<arianvp> ExecStart=/nix/store/r59a9dwcwbbg10day7mwmfv94cff16i0-systemd-243.7/lib/systemd/
<arianvp> ExecStart=/nix/store/r59a9dwcwbbg10day7mwmfv94cff16i0-systemd-243.7/lib/systemd/initctl
<arianvp> (Not that we use initctl; but maybe other units are affected too
<arianvp> it's just the first I noticed
<arianvp> hmm wait wut
<arianvp> only shows up like that in `systemctl cat` but not with `cat`
<arianvp> weird
<arianvp> nvm i am an idiot
<arianvp> columnwidth in qemu is 80
<arianvp> you can slap me with a trout now
* flokli slaps arianvp with a large smelly trout
<flokli> Wow, /rslap was golden here
<flokli> 10/10, would slap again