gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-security to: Vulnerability Roundup Issues: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+Vulnerability+roundup + https://broken.sh
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<ris> I think we need to prioritize bumping libvirt through #61011 given CVE-2019-10161 and CVE-2019-10167
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/61011 (by volth, 7 weeks ago, open): libvirt: 4.10.0 -> 5.3.0
<ris> i'll create a 4.10.1 PR for 19.03
<gchristensen> ris: shall I merge that, then?
<ris> i think it needs to be updated, see my last comment
<ris> 5.4.1 has the fix
<gchristensen> yeah, but do you want to build on top of that PR?
<gchristensen> like I'll merge that ,you open a new bump PR
<gchristensen> or?
<ris> oh... could yeah
<gchristensen> up to you
<ris> yeah good idea
<gchristensen> which? :)
<ris> merge it
<ris> it will give least confusing history
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<ris> gchristensen: turns out the fixed versions haven't actually been released yet - but the patches for the fixes are in the repo - e.g. the last 7 commits on https://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/v4.10-maint are all CVE fixes... rather than add each patch separately it feels more sensible to just point at that top commit ...?
<gchristensen> I think nicer to start with the release and apply patches from there, but not sure that is a rule
<ris> ok, we're getting 7 patches then...
<ris> have people ever considered adding a version postfix for patched packages (like debian do -debXuY) to allow people to have some reassurance they're not running vulnerable versions?
<ris> i imagine people using naive vulnerability scanners get all kinds of warnings for things we've patched because it only goes on versions
<gchristensen> yeah that is an interesting question
<samueldr> +1 for the idea
<qyliss> How would that help?
<qyliss> How do you know -nixpkgs2 has the fix but -nixpkgs1 doesn't?
<qyliss> (Not necessarily against the idea, just trying to understand)
<samueldr> it would help knowing it _changed_
<samueldr> in advisories we could say "fixed in hello-1.0.2~nixpkgs+2" or whatever scheme
<qyliss> Do we even issue any sort of advisory currently?
<samueldr> work for the future
<samueldr> I think it's not a bad idea to prepare for this, at least for the major publicised issues
<qyliss> yeah...
<qyliss> makes sense I guess
<pie_> is anyone taking notes
<qyliss> {`-`} is :P
<pie_> ;D
<ris> samueldr: in my mind, at least you know it's not the same
<qyliss> assuming you memorised your old versions?
<ris> it gives vuln scanning tools at least the _ability_ to have an idea from the version numbers
<qyliss> also, with Debian, there's a clear meaning to a revision -- it's a build of a package
<qyliss> suppose the vulnerability exists in some other build-time dependency
<ris> and it possibly gives "us" the ability to say at some point in the future "it's fixed in version x"
<ris> i agree that the analogy isn't 1:1 with debian/nix
<ris> because in nix the packages are far more ... flexible
<ris> fluid
<samueldr> it's not only a security thing
<samueldr> my use case in the past would have been grub
<qyliss> so then we might get into a situation where we have to bump a huge number of packages to communicate something, even though there's otherwise no need
<samueldr> grub direly needs a bunch of patches to be actually working right
<samueldr> does debian change the verison of software dependent on something having bumped?
<samueldr> (I don't know)
<qyliss> I know we did in Homebrew
<qyliss> because that was the only way to trigger a rebuild
<samueldr> hm
<ris> hmm yeah it's interesting - if you make a fix that only affects one platform, nix will only cause rebuilds on that platform ... unless you also bump the sub-version number, in which case it's rebuilds all round
<ris> whether they have any effect or not
<samueldr> (uselessly) rebuilds all around
<samueldr> :)
<qyliss> I think I'm soft-opposed to this idea as things stand
<qyliss> But something that actually communicates "includes patches for CVE-XXXX-XXXXX" would be cool
<ris> yeah ... idunno, some meta attribute
<qyliss> I think this might have been discussed before?
<qyliss> But maybe the other way around
<qyliss> As in, known vulnerabilities
<qyliss> which is of course doomed to failure
<ris> ah
<samueldr> meta.vulnerabilities = [ "*" ];
<ris> i suppose there could be some magic file in nix-support
<ris> but wait, then you can't tell whether a package has a fix until you build it
<ekleog> actually having some ~nixpkgs* to show that we applied patches (even ~nixpkgs0 for when we apply a patch even if the patch was already there before) would make sense to me: it'd make it easier to see which packages are running “vanilla”
<samueldr> ekleog: yeah, my point previously "not only a security thing" :)
<ekleog> yup, just wanted to make that explicit :)
<qyliss> It introduces weird semantics with patches vs substituteInPlace though
<qyliss> does one count as a patch and the other doesn't?
<samueldr> right, was thinking about that
<qyliss> I think it should be assumed that no packages are "vanilla"
<ris> but i can see how it could cause weirdness for many of our packages that are more ... polymorphic/obtuse/etc
<ekleog> both would count as (which is also why ~nixpkgs${builtins.len self.patches} can't work)
<samueldr> I think the difference could be "is it a fixup for /nix/* intricacies or is it a feature/bug fix?"
<samueldr> where imo fixing missing support for PREFIX is a bugfix :)
<qyliss> mmm
<ekleog> to me ~nixpkgs0 is “all the fixups for /nix/*”, and ~nixpkgsI is for more stuff
<qyliss> I don't like how shakey this is
<qyliss> Also, what does it mean to have nixpkgs2 vs nixpkgs3?
<qyliss> What does that tell you?
<samueldr> (thinking) version numbers already are shakey
<ekleog> it means some patch changed
<qyliss> What if the fixups for /nix change?
<qyliss> samueldr: agree, but at least they're static and come from upstream
<samueldr> yeah
<ekleog> well, they shouldn't need to? if they do then it's likely a bugfix and it gets a ++
<ekleog> not 100% sure it'd be great (eg. it'd more or less break nix-diff in its current state, I think), but it'd be some piece of additional information
<ekleog> (and upstream would more easily know it's a nix-patched thing if it receives a ~nix3 version number)
<ekleog> now… well, in nix in some way all the version numbers are fixed by nixpkgs hash, so…
<ris> gchristensen: a good reason for doing them as separate patches after all - turns out one of the patches breaks the darwin build so at least this way i can conditionally disable it
<qyliss> ekleog: for upstream to be informed of such, we'd have to patch --version output and stuff
<qyliss> /please/ let's not become debian!
<ekleog> qyliss: I was thinking of showing the full /nix/store path, but it's true it reduces interest
<ekleog> (also, we already do patch --version and stuff in some cases, eg. before https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48421/files#diff-3f80555b27d7cb249ab01d104b052e6eL17 it was required for global-platform-pro)
<ris> #63909
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/63909 (by risicle, 45 seconds ago, open): [r19.03] libvirt: add patches for CVE-2019-10132, CVE-2019-10161, CVE-2019-10166, CVE-2019-10167 & CVE-2019-10168
<pie_> someone was talking about doing tis<ris> i suppose there could be some magic file in nix-support
<ris> yeah, don't think it's a great idea
<ris> you could of course _also_ put information there
<ris> but ideally you'd want something that is calculable pre-build
<pie_> the cve patches you have _are_ (?)