we should hammer the reddit thread with if you used nixos, you could patch your system with one command without worrying of breakage :)
it has been a while since the last "y'all suck for using systemd" troll in #nixos, not sure I want to tempt fait :P
my biggest problem with the first one was figuring out how to get a bunch of code that hadn't been updated in a year working on 18.09
and I could have just cherry-picked the patch to 18.03, but I kinda wanted an excuse to update to 18.09.
i complain about those too :P <gchristensen> meanwhile there have been dozens to hundreds of CVEs which were issued against not-systemd.
those aren't helping either lol
it just feels crappy
i know xP
and I've not been actively patching for a while, but security patching is really risk for burnout, and panic over them makes it worse
honesly most of the time its "for fucks sake guys we need to find automated ays to not run into this shit, how long have we been doing this now?"
^for m
^for me
(ok i was mostly joking about the sky falling for me evey time, im still young)
Foxboron: IMO, people yell at systemd because they know the world before systemd. Linux is too much anchored in the “well you've got no choice, just use it” mindset that people no longer even care about it
just give a few decades to systemd and it'll come there
I'm from a different camp so I'm not going to continue that debate :)