ckauhaus: I have someone who can spend today day patching vulns -- is there a easy way for them to get started? should I have them, say, go back to the oldest and triage remainin bugs?
would be a feasible approach
Most of the issues with the 'security' label should be actionable
I've deleted some that looked obsolete yesterday
some are of course easier than others, e.g. updating pkgs vs. solving hairy details
so it depends on the skills of that nice person
not sure :)
I suppose that most of the easy stuff has already been done
so the new security process is working out to an extent ;-)
big kudos to periklis btw
so I'd suggest the same I'm suggesting to everyone: go through the list of 'security' GH issues and pick something that looks doable
and reach out to other devs via IRC or so
ckauhaus is now known as ckauhaus[afk]
ckauhaus[afk] is now known as ckauhaus
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hey guaraqe
guaraqe works with zimbatm and I :) we're seeing how it goes having him do some patch work
libtiff has been updated on master, but I'm not sure what the status of the backport is
ckauhaus: iirc I merged the backport like a few hours ago :p
guaraqe: typically, find the commit applying it to master, and `git cherry-pick -x the-commit` to a branch off of release-18.09, and test that the package builds.
though it'd need checking that all the CVEs listed there are actually solved by 4.1.0
erhm, 4.0.10*
Even if that consists of upgrading the version? I'm not sure what are the constraints for fixed-version NixOS updates
if upstream maintainers release a security point release, it is usually ok to include that new version
guaraqe: basically, minor or patch-level releases should be OK (with careful changelog for minor-level releases), other than that it may become interesting to port the patch if possible (and if not… well, it's a hard problem)
though I think I'd have preferred the ~dozen patches approach
oh well
yeah.. makes it harder to verify now :/
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(reading past exchanges today regarding ncurses)
yes it was not an easy decision, applying upstream patches on top of earch other is basically equivalent to fetching the last "devel" release so..
but next time I'll try to notify someone from the sec team to have more feedback
there are many hard choices to make
I don't think you made a bad one
thank you for doing what you did
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