<andi-> Yet another GitLab day :/ I started browsing through the last year or so and the history isn't very nice for us... There seems to be interest in having gitlab in nixpkgs but just looking at what is known right now (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ddc806ff6518f88689a17824d30909fa1dc639ea) make me sleep badly. I fear that NextCloud will be the new GitLab once it is merged and people move on. How
<andi-> can we improve things?
<ivan> maybe nixos users should report which things they're using so that the testing burden can be shifted to them, kind of like TestFlight on iOS
<ivan> (I made assumptions about what was holding up a version bump)
<ekleog> (just in case, we already have an apache-owncloud module, and the nginx-nextcloud module has been merged)
<ekleog> for gitlab, my seeing-from-afar feeling of the issue is that it's mostly issues with our ruby ecosystem: gitlab basically breaks at each rubygems bump
<ekleog> which could be solved by having the equivalent of a carnix / buildRustCrate, which don't use a central repository of packages
<ekleog> now, I haven't looked at either gitlab or ruby packaging in practice, so this may be completely false
<ekleog> if people are interested, I think we've started the motion of discussing how to properly handle signatures on git commits at https://github.com/git-wotr/spec :)
<andi-> Nice. I'll try to have a read there but I fear I will not be contributing much :/
<andi-> Is anyone here familiar with our tor-browser-bundle build?
<ekleog> well, actually doing things is more important than talking about how to do things, so… :°
armu has joined #nixos-security
<armu> can someone message me to help me exploit my own buffer overflow for educational purposes i am paying in bitcoin
<andi-> I guess you are wrong here..
<ekleog> armu: we're doing only defensive security for NixOS here, not offensive security, sorry :)