tassosM[discord]: I was also unable to build nokogiri while setting up a ruby on rails development environment. Adding the gemConfig fixed that issue. Thanks.
tassosM[discord]: Although, I now have another issue when creating the rails project:
tassosM[discord]: ` run bundle binstubs bundler
tassosM[discord]: There was an error accessing "/nix/store/4bbr3a68m5bsy0z34y7zyviim5p3xna1-gemfile-and-lockfile/bin"
tassosM[discord]: The underlying system error is Errno::EROFS: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir -
jaen[discord]: Hmm, what is the correct way to intstall a gem from a directory? As far as I understand `bundlerEnv` installs gems from a `Gemfile` and provides you an env in which they are in scope, while `bundleApp` uses the above to provide some binaries from a gem. But that requires the application to be there in the RubyGems. What if I want to package a gem I have locally as a source directory, without publishing it on RubyGems, instead? W
I think that you can override just the gem and specify `./path/to/local/src` as the source path. That's a general nixpkgs trick though, and maybe it doesn't work on gems.