IPv6 has never really worked in my setup. It however should work on my router
So your computer is trying v6 and that times out..
That is likely the reason why you are seeing slow DNS
That worked a lot better. Running this directly on my router btw.
can you do ping -6 google.com on there?
Nope, I think they screwed up IPv6 configuration in their new setup. Because I have been able to do IPv6 pings before on my router (but not behind router), but now I can't. Or it might be a NixOS update recently?
whats the uptime on the device? Maybe you have some old v6 addresses on there that they didn't retain when switching
It was restarted 6 days ago, when the issue started appearing
` 12:42:42 up 6 days 20:39, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00`
And it has been 10 days since they did the change in their switches (not sure what)
Is there a way of forcing a new IPv6 ?
how does your setup work? Networkd? scripted networking? DHCP? static config? PPPoE?
Just noticed that they had a 15 min window on the 01-02-2021. 2 sec with config