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<NinjaTrappeur> great
<andi-> eyJhb: maybe try running something like dnstracer to see if that shows some unreachable root servers
<eyJhb> andi-:
<eyJhb> [nix-shell:~]$ dnstracer godoc.org
<eyJhb> Tracing to godoc.org[a] via, maximum of 3 retries
<eyJhb> (
<eyJhb> Not sure how I should run it
<andi-> eyJhb: dnstracer -s a.root-servers.net godoc.org
<eyJhb> Well, that did not work. As I get the following (hope it is OK not using pastebin for three lines)
<eyJhb> [nix-shell:~]$ dnstracer -s a.root-servers.net godoc.org
<eyJhb> Tracing to godoc.org[a] via a.root-servers.net, maximum of 3 retries
<eyJhb> a.root-servers.net (2001:0503:ba3e:0000:0000:0000:0002:0030) * * *
<andi-> Is your v6 busted?
<andi-> try passing -4 and run it again
<eyJhb> IPv6 has never really worked in my setup. It however should work on my router
<andi-> So your computer is trying v6 and that times out..
<andi-> That is likely the reason why you are seeing slow DNS
<eyJhb> That worked a lot better. Running this directly on my router btw.
<andi-> can you do ping -6 google.com on there?
<eyJhb> Nope, I think they screwed up IPv6 configuration in their new setup. Because I have been able to do IPv6 pings before on my router (but not behind router), but now I can't. Or it might be a NixOS update recently?
<andi-> whats the uptime on the device? Maybe you have some old v6 addresses on there that they didn't retain when switching
<eyJhb> It was restarted 6 days ago, when the issue started appearing
<eyJhb> ` 12:42:42 up 6 days 20:39, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00`
<eyJhb> And it has been 10 days since they did the change in their switches (not sure what)
<eyJhb> Is there a way of forcing a new IPv6 ?
<andi-> how does your setup work? Networkd? scripted networking? DHCP? static config? PPPoE?
<eyJhb> Just noticed that they had a 15 min window on the 01-02-2021. 2 sec with config
<eyJhb> andi-: https://pastebin.com/qUtNL4CQ (ignore syntax highlight)
<eyJhb> So basically I just get an IP with DHCP from them, as far as I understand. And then I set some internal stuff
<eyJhb> At some point I should also switch to dnsmasq (I think??) to get IPv6 to my internal network.
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<andi-> why dnsmasq?
<andi-> You are usually receiving a prefix via DHCPv6 and then you can sub-assign a prefix for each of your LAN segments
<hexa-> you should never switch to dnsmasq, it's a bad choice
<hexa-> it tries to be everything, which is … okay … in an embedded system
<hexa-> but for it's functionalities there are other services that are far superior
<hexa-> dhcp -> isc dhcpd, kea
<hexa-> radv -> radvd, bird, corerad
<hexa-> dns -> unbound, kresd, pdns-resolver
<eyJhb> Just heard that it should be go and simple to go with, since all I need is a simple setup. I only use this at home
<cransom> it's an unpopular opinion, but i still use it. it sits in the corner and works and i don't ask much of it.
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