pxe booting requires dhcp, I'm not sure I want another machine with a dhcp server at my home besides my router :)
you pxe boot from your other router :P
because HA is king
One word... "backups". Long live clonezilla!!
it's a router, not a dhcper.
Meh, if a CF disk is good enough for a cisco 7200 it's good enough for my linux frankenrouter. Lol
Still super annoying that thing died after two days of basically no use
Really curious what part failed on it
name54: npe-g1? :D
i think when we upgraded our 7206s very long ago, we mounted the npe-200 (maybe 100?) to a wall in honor of it's service.
as it should be
oh, no, it was an npe-200 and we replaced it with a freebsd router.
good times.
well. 2 of them. a lot of bgp with a fully redundant a/b network was excellent for maintenance.
I guess you could pxe boot if you really want. I'm just saying.. that can't be done "all the way down", right?
that would be my point :)
turtles all the way down: yes
pxe all the way down: no
Lol. I may write chickenscratch, true... but I still want it written down somewhere.
* hexa-
There's probably some hack to do it all the way down. :p
Duh! Ok... I should have just been doing 'nix-build ucarp.nix' instead of 'nix-shell ucarp.nix'. That seems to be why I needed to do some some things manually the first time :O
It seems a little obvious now, after letting the 8th pill some.
Hmmm... I wonder which nix pill summarizes the service wrapping piece =L
Interestingly, there is no systemctl entry for ucarp in debian. The settings go right into '/etc/network/interfaces'. Ooops, sorry ... thinking out loud again.
Nah, s'fine. I'll work up a service module for you tomorrow if you want.
Lol, any and all help is appreciated. Apparently this has just become a kind of "fun" missing puzzle piece to getting my frankenrouter ported over.
It's not a life/death situation.
Part of me really "gets" the need for something like nix. Especially after skimming:
But I'm not exactly sure why all of /etc needs to be assimilated into the philosophy. Maybe I'm just thinking from a practical perspective, it'd be nice to port thing piecemeal.. kind of like what's provided by "networking.wireless.userControlled"
My "/etc/network/interfaces" isn't exactly complex, but it's not just a few lines either. What a louse work ethic, huh?
*lousy* lol
Hmmm... maybe I'm a better candidate for the package manager than the OS itself; thinking out loud again.
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